Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated
Wednesday 6 November 2019
Day of Dead livens up
Boxing a family affair
Page 8
From rescue pet to ‘dear companion’
Page 20
Apartment projects changing housing landscape Charles Anderson
When Sandra Smith picked up Nala from the Nelson SPCA, the puppy was unconfident and frightened of everyday things. But now the pair are peas in a pod thanks to patience and love. Sandra is showing her support for the SPCA this Saturday as part of its Great NZ Paws Walk. Read Sandra and Nala’s full story on page 4. Photo: Kate Russell.
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Proponents of new multimillion-dollar apartment projects in Nelson say they are helping spur a change in perception about inner city living and how it might solve some of the region’s housing issues. Betts Apartments on Nile St have just opened, creating a model that Nelson City Council says could form the basis of more developments like it. The three-and-a-half-year project saw a councilowned carpark sold and turned into a 17-apartment complex ranging from $800,000 to $1.8 million. “It also opens up scope to use other models which enable council to leverage different housing choices in the city centre, without council actually being the developer,” says council city development team leader Lisa Gibellini. She says the project, which was fast tracked under the previous government’s Special Housing Area scheme, is seen as an essential part of enabling greater inner-city living of different types, price points and title options. “Council is therefore keen to further explore models such as these where we add value to the process,” Lisa says. However, chair of the company behind the Betts Apartments, Craig Dennis, says the issue is finding
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