Nelson Weekly There’s never been a better time...
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Jennian Homes Nelson is celebrating 20 years in business.
Wednesday 20 May 2020
During the past two decades we’ve built over 1000 homes, as well as proudly giving back to our local community with a range of initiatives. There’s never been a better time to invest and we have land available right now for you to design and build your dream home. Get started by visiting our stunning, bespoke Show Homes, built to our usual high standard and on display in their show home village in the Richmond West Development (50 and 52 Berryfield Drive).
House and Land Packages nd Sections Available Now. Call us today!
Rethink on recycling
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Jennian Homes Neslon Bays 8 Champion Road (The Livibrook Complex), Richmond P 03 544 4390 E
Conor raring to go
House and Land Packages and Sections Available Now. Call us today!
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Nelson tops benefit payments
Sara Hollyman
The Nelson region has seen requests for benefit payments skyrocket over the Covid-19 lockdown period with an almost 500 percent increase on the same time last year. The jump in “Job Seeker – Work Ready” grants represents the biggest of its kind in the country.
This time last year only 267 people claimed assistance, however, during the lockdown period 1586 claimed it – an increase of 496 percent. The new report from the Ministry of Social Development shows that Top of the South workers, who have never had to claim any assistance before, made up the highest proportion of
those receiving a benefit during lockdown. These were more likely to be first time beneficiaries, higher earners, recently returned from overseas, and Pakeha. “These changes may reflect that this downturn is impacting a broader group of people than usual, with a greater cross section of society impacted,” the report
Alexia Bowers has been recognised for her work saving animals at her rescue farm in Ruby Bay. Photo: Jonty Dine.
reads. “Nelson and Southern regions have historically had strong labour markets with relatively low benefit numbers. These are also regions that have significant tourism sectors,” the report says. Reasons recorded for the grants was especially pronounced for those returning to New Zealand but job loss was the main reason
Alexia Bowers says she always clickedbetter with animals than she has with people. So perhaps it’s no surprise that the 15-year-old turned her energy into running her own non-profit animal rescue at her Rugby Bay home. And now her work has seen her receive the inaugural Te Tohu Maimoa award, from Companion Animals New Zealand, which recognises the work in helping such animals throughout the country. The Little Animal Rescue officially opened in 2018, but Alexia had been saving animals since she was young. “Even if you can help one
Resuming all services Show Room Sales, Rentals and Technical Support Hours – 9am -5pm Monday to Friday, 10am – 2pm Saturday We have a huge range of products to maintain your independence
Additional copies $1
Saving creatures great and small Jonty Dine
Cnr McGlashen Ave & Croucher St, Richmond
recorded in 45 per cent of grants. The payment supports those who are currently unemployed but seeking work or working part time but looking for more work. More than 184,000 New Zealanders received the main unemployment benefit payment; jobseeker support, in April.
Ph: 03 544 7717
animal it might not change the world, but it changes the world for that animal.” She soon became known in her hometown as the girl who would take any injured animal into her care. From chickens to hedgehogs, birds, rabbits, sheep, pigs and fish, all wildlife was welcome. “I have always struggled socially and so having an animal with me has always helped, they are very therapeutic for me, they have rescued me instead of the other way around.” Alexia was only eight-years-old when she started her crusade for animal rights.
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