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10 points of the successful start of lactation 1.

Start the lactation with successful dry period

– Research results of the last 15 years definitely demonstrated that the nutrition and the management in the dry period have significant impact on the post partum health status and productivity. If we are unsatisfied with the production of our lactating cows, we have to check the protocol of the dry period. Critical factors: maintenance of the DMI (Dry Matter Intake) (13-16 kg/head/day); avoid energy overdosing in the diet; avoid enhancing the body condition (check BCS); good cow comforts (available space); advanced hoof management.


Avoid Subclinical Hypocalcaemia

– in the first week of lactation. The low calcium level (<2.2 mmol/L) in blood is more likely to cause ketosis, increased Somatic Cell Count (SCC), elongated involution, development of metritis, decreased feed intake and decreased milk production.


Optimization of the feed intake right after calving

– Provide to the cows fresh drench mixed in 20-30 litres of warm water, TMR, 2.5-5 kg of alfalfa or grass hay and take care about bunk management (clear bunks, fresh TMR).


Improved cow comfort

– In the fresh group – if it is possible – limit the number of cows to 80-85% of the available places; maintain the fresh group until 14-21 days after calving; optimal bunk lenght should be about 90-100 cm/cow which is feasable in case of decreased headcount; minimize the social stress (particularly in case of the first calved cows) in order to prevent the necessary separation of the cows from each other; invest in barn cooling also in the dry cow barn. In the long term it would be advisable to group the cows according to the lactation number and keep the cows in these groups without any changes.


Identify and mark the cows which previously had metabolic or any other diseases

– Cows previously having milk fever, ketosis or mastitis are more likely to get these diseases again. Taking special care of the cows susceptible to diseases can be the best prevention. For example, cows pregnant with twins or pregnant heifers should be isolated in the far off/close up group 7-10 days earlier than it would be advisable based on the estimated calving date.


Body Condition Scoring (BCS)

– Based on the latest on-farm results, the goal to be achieved is 3.0 BCS instead of the previously recommended 3.5 BCS. The basic concept of this recommendation is to avoid cows with 4.0+ BCS. The lower BCS at calving will support the difference-interval between 0.5-1.0 BCS in the whole herd and will prevent the overweight of cows which involves higher risk of ketosis or fatty-liver syndrom and makes more difficult the impregnation.


Use of feed additives

– Feed additives have the highest ROI in the fresh group. Based on the results of several independent researches the following feed additives are recommended: Choline (protection of the liver, improvement of liver functions); protected (by-pass) aminoacids (satisfaction of the aminoacid needs without protein overfeeding); by-pass fat addition (enhancement of energy intake) and yeast (enhancement of rumen fermentation).


Avoid anti-nutritive factors

– like mouldy feeds, raw yeasts and forages with aerobic fermentation. Continously check the raw materials with lab analysis. 100.000+ CFU/g mold in the diet can already decrease the Dry Matter Intake (DMI) and the digestibility.


Maintenance of rumen health, prevention of rumen acidosis

– provide additionally alfalfa or grass hay in the first 5 days after calving; the diet of the fresh cows has to contain high quality, highly digestible fiber (31-35% NDF); support the fiber mattress in the rumen with continously feed intake; avoid empty bunks; ensure buffers unlimited in the end of the bunks and systematically check the quantity taken by the cows; take care of the right mixing of the TMR and minimize the separation as it can cause rumen acidosis.


Feeding right amount of antioxidants

– Antioxidants (Vitamin E, Selenium) help to reduce the effects of oxidative stress (such as excessive fat mobilization, bad air, sickness and injuries/lameness) reducing the efficiency of the immune system.

Agrofeed Kft. H-9022 Győr, Dunakapu tér 10.| tel.: +36 96 999 438 | export agrofeed.hu | www.agrofeed.hu

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