feeding through knowledge
Practical broiler management manual
Responsible publisher: István Szekeres Responsible editor: Dr. Péter Zoltán Editorial staff: Hungary 9022 Győr, Dunakapu tér 10. Printing preparation, typography: www.arttitude.hu Made in 2018 in Győr in Illés Press, 300 copies
Introduction �����������������������������5 Building, environment �����������6 Flock density ���������������������������7 Ventilation, air quality �������7 Litter, litter management �� �9
Broiler fattening �����������������23 •• Homogeneity �������������������������23 •• Flock body weight control ���24 •• Lighting programs �����������������25 Tasks before processing ���27 •• Loading ���������������������������������28
•• Litter materials �����������������������9 Health and Hygiene ���������������29 Drinking systems �������������������11
•• Chick Quality �������������������������30
•• Nipple drinkers ��������������������� 11
•• Biosecurity ���������������������������30
•• Water quality �������������������������12
•• Hygiene ���������������������������������32
•• Notes �������������������������������������13 Feeding equipment �����������������14 •• Pan Feeders ���������������������������14 Day-old chick rearing ���������15 •• Housing of day old flocks �����16 •• Ventilation �����������������������������19 •• Lighting program �����������������21
Agrofeed Kft. always considers the professional support of our partners, as well as assistance beyond the direct feeding services, and advisory services for solving operational, veterinary or technical problems. This is basically done with the help of our experts specialized in these topics. In order to provide the widest possible professional knowledge transfer, we try to review as many as possible the topic of interest to practitioners and to make them useful in professional presentations, solutions. With these publications, we would like to contribute to solve the everyday tasks and problems that arise in broiler management. We trust that the publication of the available international and domestic technical experiences will help you to navigate through the vast array of information and to find useful solutions. The continuous development of the poultry industry and the innovative results and tools that are available require both the revision and the updating of the knowledge and professional experience from time to time. Based on these facts our colleague, Zsolt Hankovszky, who is the broiler specialist within Agrofeed team, has collected in this manual the most important practical broiler management tasks, with the emphasis on the most important professional aspects, to contribute to the successful broiler growing of our partners. The practical experience of the past years and the need for continuous improvement mentioned above are the reason for providing fresh, up-to-date information and knowledge to all broiler growers in management, feeding and disease control. I hope that with our practical broiler manual we can provide knowledge and solutions that can be utilized in practice, and we can provide solutions to our partners!
Dr. PĂŠter ZoltĂĄn Export Business Director July 2018
Building, environment
Building, environment An indispensable condition of upto-date broiler management is the farm closeness and strict biosecurity regulation. When designing and building a new broiler house and ventilation system, consider the territorial conditions, the disease control, the environment and the „adaptable management� requirements. The North-South lying buildings are ideal for design, but also take into consideration the local prevailing wind direction. Build up broiler houses as closely as possible and connect them together with a closed corridor which supports epidemiological control and named as hygiene corridor (Hygiene corridor)
Proper designing and accurate building of broiler farm are preliminary requirements for efficient broiler management practice, which is the key for profitable
broiler growing. Insulation of the broiler house shall support efficient temperature control. At places, where the daily average temperature permanently stays above 2025 °C, application of evaporative cooling system is recommended. When preparing the design, we shall calculate the maximum discharge of the wells with increasing water consumption. If there is central water cleaning system, water supply for evaporative cooling system has to be separated from drinking water system.
We shall provide complete isolation of the houses; maximizing the air flow through the sidewall or roof air inlets, to ensure constant air velocity in the whole house. By providing an adequate microclimate, we can prevent stress and reduced performance.
Flock density ¡ Ventilation, air quality
Flock density Adjust the flock density by taking the fattening time and final weight into account. Reduce flock density if the optimal in-house temperature is not achievable as a result of the actual hot season. Increase ventilation capacity, feeding and drinking space in line with increasing flock density. If flock housing exceeds the density of 18 pcs/m2, reduce the density removing birds between 34-36 days. After reducing the density is ideal between 13-16 pcs/m2,
but temperature changes of the season and the average flock processing weight also shall be taken into account.
Ventilation, air quality Ventilation should ensure continuous and uniform air supply at stock level; our goal is to achieve optimal weight gain by keeping healthy birds. The minimum ventilation requirement is the smallest amount of air which shall be changed to ensure proper air quality in the flock.
The maximum ventilation requirement is the quantity of air needed to remove an exact amount of heat, so that the internal temperature of the house would not exceed the outside temperature by more than 3 °C.
Evaporative cooling systems should also be able to cool the air on the level of maximum ventilation capacity.
The ventilation system should be designed to allow unlimited control of air change between minimum and maximum ventilation demand. The minimum ventilation demand can be provided by con7
Ventilation, air quality
trolling the fan revolutions per minute or with intermittent ventilation. During its growth, broiler is using oxygen and producing harmful gases. Operation of soe heating equipment also contributes to the production of harmful gases.
These gases must be removed from the house by ventilation, while at the same time fresh, oxygen-rich air should be provided to the broilers. The oxygen in the air should exceed 19.6%. The main pollutants of the house air are ammonia, carbon-dioxide, carbon-monoxide, dust and excessive vapor. At high concentrations, these gases are damaging the respiratory system, reducing the effectiveness of breathing, thus the performance of broilers. Persistently polluted air can cause Ascites and chronic respiratory disease. High humidity can make it difficult to control the temperature and may lead to a deterioration of litter quality.
Ammonia (NH3) can be detected by smelling above 20 ppm concentration, but 10 ppm damages the respiratory surface of lungs and 20 ppm increases susceptibility to respiratory diseases. Over 50 ppm growth rate is decreasing. Carbon dioxide (CO2) above 3.000 ppm results decreased activity, damage of the right heart ventricle, and causing Ascites later on which higher level leads to mortality . Carbon monoxide (CO) over 50 ppm reduces the oxygen delivery capacity of the blood, and its high-level causes mortality. The level of inhaled dust should not exceed 3.4 mg/m3. Effect of vapor varies depending on the temperature; temperature above 29 °C, with relative humidity above 70% may influence growth. Use a ventilation system which provides proper air quality (minimum ventilation requirement) and the right temperature (maximum ventilation requirement) - (see Advanced Ventilation System 1 picture).
Continuously observe the air quality, so that we can adjust the ventilation efficiency if needed. In wintertime it is advisable to consider carbon-dioxide levels in the minimum ventilation setting, which can be up to 3.500 ppm right before ventilation, thus, the high heating costs can be reduced. 8
Litter, litter management
Litter, litter management Several materials can be used as litter if it meets the requirements: it has good absorption capacity, biodegradable, not inclined to dust formation, free from pollutants and originating from a safety place from biosecurity aspect.
to maintain a good litter condition to minimize slaughterhouse downgrading and condemnation.
It is important to keep the litter dry and loose during the fattening period. If the litter is sticking or too wet (humidity more than 60% after day 14), the incidence of footpad lesion and breast blisters is significantly increasing. We should do everything
Litter materials Straw: Avoid to use in this form if possible, as longer fibers can easily stick together, and the birds cannot move it, to crack it up. In addition, handling is very difficult, because it generates a shelled, interlocking surface. Its moisture absorbing capability is inadequate, since it is surrounded by a cellulose layer, which increases the risk of footpad lesion. Recommended quantity: 1.8-2.1 kg/m2 depending on season.
process greatly improves the moisture absorption capacity of the litter. Purchasing a chopping machine requires only a single investment, but we can provide the proper litter quality for long run. Straw must be always dry, mold and preferably dust free. Recommended quantity: depending on the season of 1.7-2 kg/m2.
0 2
Straw chaff: In order to chaff the straw, we need a chopping machine to cut the fibers into 3-5 cm pieces, lengthwise as well, and then blow it to the house. This
Wood Shaving: It is useful litter material, the birds can easily move it, and its moisture absorption is good. Studies have shown, however, that the softwood shavings, especially the pine tree once, providing an optimal environment for sal9
Litter, litter management
monella propagation. If possible, use hardwood shavings. Recommended quantity: 1.4-1.7 kg/m2, depending on season.
Rice shaft: Depending on local conditions, it is recommended to use it. If a processing plant is located nearby, it is a good idea to use it as litter, because the small shafts can easily be moved by the bird and have a good moisture absorption ability. We should be careful, however, for the cleaning process to be adequate, because if there are rice particles in it, it can be picked up by chicks and this reduces feed intake. In the case of high humidity, if the heating, ventilation and litter treatment are not correct, the shaft is prone for compaction. Recommended quantity: depending on the season of 1.7-2 kg/m2.
Straw pellet: Most likely, the best litter material, but it is not easy to obtain and produce it, and if there is no pelleting facility nearby, transport costs may be significant too. In any case, the pellet must be crackled to allow chicks to move comfortably. It is great advantage of it that during pelleting, due to the high temperature all pathogens disappear. Its spreading is pretty simple, fast and dust free, and last but not least, it has excellent hygroscopic capacity, thus lessen developing footpad and breast ulceration. For its use, the concrete floor must be insulated properly and should have a minimum temperature of 29 °C. Its spreading should be applied thinly, since after the breakup (between 10 and 14 days) the litter will reach a sufficient thickness. Recommended quantity: 1.5-1.8 kg/m2, depending on season.
Drinking systems
Drinking systems The basic requirement of broiler fattening is that the chickens constantly, during 24 hours a day receive sufficient quality drinking water. Inadequate water supply either in water quantity or in the number of drinker space - may result reduced growth rate. We should check the ratio of water to feed daily in order to be sure of sufficient water consumption of the flock. Broiler’s water consumption is adequate when the ratio of water (ml or l) to feed (g or kg) remains close to 1.8:1 (for nipple drinkers 1.6:1). Install water meters in every house and note the water consumption every day.
. Chicks consume more water at high ambient temperatures. The water demand increases above 21 °C by approximately 6.5% per one degree Celsius.
Nipple drinkers For nipple drinker systems, we should count a nipple for 10-20 chicks, depending on type. Using nipple drinkers, may decrease the bacterial contamination of the water compared to conventional open drinking systems. The advantage of the nipple drinking system is higher water quality, which improves production results.
At the initial stage of growing, set the drinking line to a height that the chick’s back should close a 35-45 °angle with the litter level while drinking (Figure 19).
The height of the nipple drinking line should be checked daily with appropriate diligence.
Increase the height of drinking line in accordance with the growth rate of birds, so that the back of broilers is closing approx. 75-85° angle with the litter level while slightly stretching to get the water. Where there is drop collector cup (tray) is under the nipples, set it the drinker line at lower level.
Drinking systems
Poor drinking water quality can be proved with quality tests; bacterial infection can be reduced by chlorination and UV lamps.
Studies have proved that high germ levels in the young chick’s drinking water may increase foot problems, especially thighbone-head necrosis and Staphylococcus aureus infection linked to this.
Water quality Depending on the location of water supply, the water provided to broilers may contain excessive amounts of minerals or may be contaminated with bacteria. Water suitable for human consumption is also sufficient for broilers, but water originating from driven wells, open water reservoirs or poor quality public utilities may cause problems. The water from driven wells often contain high levels of nitrate and bacteria as a result of flushing from the agricultural lands. Find out the origin of high germ number and eliminate the failure. Chlorination at 1 to 3 ppm concentration (at the drinkers) effectively reduces the total number of germs, especially with open drinker systems. UV irradiation also effectively reduces germ number in drinking water. High-level water hardness (calcium salts) or iron content (above 3 mg/l) may cause the obstruction of nipples and 12
pipes. Sediments can also block the water pipes, which can be prevented by using a 40-50-micron filter.
Drinking systems
Too cold or hot water reduces water intake and growth rate of the broilers. A well-established practice in hot season is to rinse the drinking lines at regular intervals, so the water in the pipeline stays cool. Acceptable level of minerals / bacteria Hardness Chloride1 PH 2 Nitrates Sulphates 3 Iron Calcium Copper 4 Magnesium 3 Manganese Zinc Lead Coliform
concentration 300-500 ppm 200 mg/l 6-8 45 ppm 200 ppm 1 mg/l 75 mg/l 0,05 mg/l 30 mg/l 0,05 mg/l 5 mg/l 0,05 mg/l 0
Notes 1. 1. 14 mg / l Chloride will already impair performance if sodium level is relatively high (50 mg / l) 2. 2. Acidic (pH6) water degrades digestion, can also corrode the drinking equipment and is incompatible with medicines and vaccines. 3. 3. High levels of sulphate cause vet excrement; the effect is getting worse when sodium or magnesium levels are above 50mg /l 4. 4. High copper content can give bitter taste to water and may lead to liver damage.
Feeding equipment
Feeding equipment During the first 3-5 days, finely crumbled or micro granulated feed shall be spread on chick paper.
feeder space for optimum broiler growth. In bodyweight control programs especially important to ensure appropriate feeder space to achieve good bodyweight growth and homogeneity.
Afterwards, accustom the chicks gradually to the feeders. Ensure the proper
Pan Feeders Adjust feeders that broilers would have a good access to the feed. Pan feeders shall be seated into the litter. Pan feeders must be filled up with feed, whilst care should be taken to feed spilling. As far as possible, leave the feed level at the maximum until day 10, and after starter feed change, lower the mantles. The height of the pan feeder can be adjusted centrally with winching system. Improper adjustment of the feeder line may increase feed spilling, which contributes to reduced feed utilization, FCR. Intake of spilled feed can increase the frequency of bacterial infections. At pan feeders (33 cm diameter), count 65 chicks per pan.
Day-old chick rearing
Day-old chick rearing The goal is the healthy growing of dayold chicks. To ensure the best possible start of growing, it is essential to provide a clean, disinfected environment, adequate litter quality, temperature and humidity to suit the chick’s needs. During the first 10 days of their life, the chicks’ environment is constantly changing from the incubator to the broiler house and chicks have to adapt successfully. We need to establish a healthy appetite, nutrition and water consumption habit to achieve growth and performance in accordance with genetic potential. Deficiencies in the growing circumstances may have an impact on the production parameters. The result and profitability of the broiler growing depends on whether we pay close attention to the details of the entire production process. This refers to the careful management of healthy breeders, the attentive hatchery work, and the impeccable delivery of high-quality, homogenous day-old chicks. All these circumstances are affecting the chick quality. Broiler flocks shall be housed by the following criteria
• •
There should be a minimal difference in the age and immune status of the parent flock; whole broiler flock on the farm from only one parent flock is ideal, Due to the proper vaccination of parent stock, the maternal antibody level of broilers is high, which protects broilers against certain diseases (e.g.: chicken anemia virus, reovirus), Hatching of the eggs is determined by the
age of the parents’ stock, thus reducing the time between hatching and delivery. In order to ensure excellent chick quality, during hatching and transport, we should provide the following conditions
• • •
• •
The temperature and humidity of the chick store should be checked regularly, Chicks should be delivered in disinfected and air-conditioned trucks, The biosecurity regulations and flock’s health preventive program must be consistently followed in order to prevent cross contamination and yolk sac infections, Appropriate vaccines shall be used at the appropriate dose and correct manner, and all broiler chicks should be equally vaccinated. Optimal conditions (chick storage and delivery) .
Optimal conditions (chick storage and delivery) Day-old chick stor- Ambient temperature 22-24 °C ing and transport Conditions
60% relative humidity (RH)
In both case
0,71 m3/min/1000 chicks exchanged air
Day-old chick rearing
Housing of day old flocks Install only same age broilers as possible (all in – all out system). The vaccination and cleaning program is difficult to implement if there are several age groups on the farm. The recurrence of certain diseases due to the „Infection circulation” of the pathogens is always possible in several age groups. The broiler houses, the surrounding areas and all equipment must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before next flock arrive. During the brooding, house equipment (feeders, drinkers, heaters and fans) should be set to ensure the body temperature of the chicks without dehydration and easy access to feed and drinking water.
24 hours before chick arrival. Ventilation equipment is usually suitable to ensure draft-free, optimum air quality at animal level and to remove the harmful gases emitted by the birds and the heating system. Appropriate quality and temperature, clean water shell be provided for the chicks. All chicks should be able to drink and eat immediately after housing. First, feed powder-free crumbled or micro granulated starter feed on chick paper, which occupy 80% of the brooding area. Before the chicks arrive, check once again whether the feed and the water supply are appropriate. Refresh the water in the drinking system.
The applied broiler technology (brooders or air heaters) depends on the equipment available. During chicken brooding (3-5 days) chicks do not have to go more than one meter to find feed or water. Place the chick paper next to the drinking line.
Heat the houses continuously up and adjust the desired housing temperature, the relative humidity values should be at least 16
The delivery time of the chicks should be arranged in time that uploading and housing can be completed as quickly as possible.
Day-old chick rearing
The longer the chicks stay in the chick boxes, the greater the possibility of dehydration, which can result high mortality and growth failure.
When using air heaters, in optimal case there is no temperature difference in the house at chick level. The chicks must be swiftly, gently and evenly poured onto chick paper in dark or blue light. Allow chicks to settle for 1-2 hours to get used to their new environment. Then check that all chicks have easy access to feed and water. Temperature and relative humidity should be checked regularly, at least twice a day during the first 5 days and then once daily. Temperature and humidity measurements are performed at the chick level. The accuracy of electronic sensors controlling automated systems is checked by conventional thermometers. We usually apply two basic heating systems for broiler brooding and rearing: brooders and air heaters. In the case of brooders, the temperature distribution of the stables is not uniform and gradually decreasing from the brooders to the chick level.
General broiler brooding and rearing temperatures Air heating Gas Brooder Age °C °C (Day) Edge of Edge of brooder 2m house 0 31 32 29 27 3 30 30 27 26 6 27 28 25 23 9 26 27 25 23 12 25 26 25 22 15 24 25 24 22 18 23 24 24 22 21 22 23 23 22 24 21 22 22 21 27 20 21 21 21 *Temperature at 60-70% relative humidity. 17
Day-old chick rearing
Behavior of the chick may indicate the correct temperature setting. In brooding the correct temperature is shown when the chicks are evenly distributed in the rearing area, forming smaller groups of 20 to 30, there is movement between the groups, and chicks with feed or drinking water can be seen continuously. The use of internal mixing fans in the houses improves air quality, as well as the temperature inside the house and relative humidity will be more even.
which increase humidity) the relative humidity is much higher, usually above 50%. In order to increase the adaptability of chicks after hatching, keep the relative humidity level around 60-70% during the first week. Relative humidity should be monitored daily in broiler houses, because if it falls below 50% the first week of life and is not followed by changing the temperature, the chicks will start to cling together, do not eat and drink adequate amounts, may dry out, which has a negative effect on their performance. If the houses are equipped with humidifier nozzle suitable for cooling, they can be used to increase the relative humidity during the initial period of rearing.
In the first few days, the light intensity (minimum 20 Lux) can control the movement and location of the chicks. For both types of rearing the goal is to develop the eating and drinking habits at an early stage. The activity and the appetite are stimulated by keeping the temperature at the lower edge of the comfort zone of the chicks. At the end of the hatching process, the relative humidity in the hatchers is high (about 80%), so it is also important to set the humidity in the poultry house. In houses made of sandwich panels and having a closed heating system, with nipple drinking system, the relative humidity level may be low, down to 20-25%. In houses with conventional heating systems (gas brooder and gas air heaters
Chickens with right humidity tend to be less prone to dehydration and are usually better and more homogenous in the first period of rearing. High humidity from day 10-14 decreases the quality of the litter and therefore the probability of the breast and footpad lesion is getting higher. By increasing the live weight of broilers, the humidity level can be reduced and controlled by using ventilation and heating systems.
Day-old chick rearing
Interaction of temperature and humidity: Each animal gives its environment heat air from the respiratory system or through the skin by evaporating water. At higher relative humidity, less evaporative heat loss can increase the bird’s temperature sensation (it gives a warmer temperature feeling). The temperature experienced by the birds depends on the dry temperature and the relative humidity. At a given dry temp, high humidity increases, whilst the low humidity decreasing the heat feeling. If the rel-
ative humidity is outside the optimal range, adjust the house temperature (at chick level). For example, a 9-day old flock requires a relative humidity of 65 to 70% and 26 °C for a proper temperature sensation. If the relative humidity cannot be increased above 50% in any case, a temperature of 30 °C must be provided for proper temperature sensation. By observing the behavior of chicks, make sure that the chick feels comfortable. If their behavior indicates that they feel cold or warm, adjust the required temperature.
Ventilation The most important investment in a broiler house is the ventilation system. Depending on the size and interior design of the buildings, the technical recommendations may vary.
(minimum ventilation transition, minimum ventilation roof chimney 2 images),
We can apply cross ventilation with air inlets on one sidewall, exhausting fans on the other side or air inlets on one side, exhausting fans on the other side plus air inlets (cross ventilation 1 picture),
Combined tunnel ventilation, which includes the winter minimum (cross or roof chimney) and the transition ventilation
Roof-mounted ventilation, which can be a side-wall air inlet and a roof hood exhausting or air blower with a blast furnace 19
Day-old chick rearing
blower and roof hood exhausting (air blower mixing fan, roof hood ventilation 2 pictures).
Minimum ventilation should be provided with the required level of oxygen, preferably at chick’s level without any air movement (up to 0.2 m / second in the first two weeks). In case of first-stage minimum ventilation, the fan capacity must be sufficient to remove all air from the house in eight minutes.
Proper air quality is always a determining factor in rearing throughout the whole period. Ventilation is always needed to maintain the temperature and relative humidity properly and to provide adequate ventilation to prevent the accumulation of harmful gases – carbon-monoxide, carbon-dioxide, and ammonia. Whichever system we choose, the minimum ventilation is an indispensable part of each. Most common ventilation system is the combined tunnel ventilation. Minimum ventilation system: All broiler flock needs a minimum ventilation system. It’s a good practice to apply minimum ventilation from one day to provide fresh air at frequent intervals. 20
In the second stage of minimum ventilation, the fan capacity must be enough to remove all air from the house within five minutes. Minimum ventilation should always work regardless of the set temperature values. In one single sentence, the minimum ventilation is responsible for the air quality of the rearing house and supplying the necessary level of oxygen. Transition Ventilation system: This ventilation system is intended to provide temperature up to 25 days and until the outside temperature is above 25 °C. The goal is large air exchange, but minimal air movement at chicken’s level (feather is still developing).
Day-old chick rearing
The used fans are some of the tunnel ventilation fans (intermittent operation) and have the capability to replace the total house air within two minutes. The air inlets of these fans should be evenly distributed along the side walls at full length and operated with vacuum control. Tunnel ventilation system: In hot weather, the only effective method is the tunnel ventilation, combined with evaporative cooling system. Tunnel ventilation is carried out with high-performance fans (48 inches, 1.2 m in diameter) on the rear wall of the house and rear wall end of side wall (rear-wall fans 1 image).
Using internal mixing fans, homogenous air quality can be maintained at chick level. Evaporative cooling System: Only start the cooling panel (with water) when all tunnel fans are run. In the absence of this, the increase in humidity increases the temperature. Let’s run it intermittently at the very beginning (Cooling panel 1 image).
All 0.5 °C cooling increases the humidity of the house by 2.3%.
The tunnel vent inlets and the cooling panels are installed in the opposite end of the side walls against tunnel vents. The fan capacity should be capable of replacing the total air of the house within one minute.
Do not set the cooling thermostat down to 28-29 °C (continuous operation, high humidity, stucked and wet litter, birds get cold). In addition to the evaporative cooling, proper air velocity essentially determines the temperature of the broiler. Excessive air velocity “sits down” the flock.
Lighting program The traditional lighting program used by broiler farmers is continuous lighting. This method is used to maximize daily weight gain. The program consists of a long, continuous lighting stage followed by a short dark section (approx. half-one hour), ac-
customing the birds to darkness in the event of blackout. Breed-specific lighting programs have also been developed that are used in addition to stimulating growth to improve feed intake or reduce mortality (foot problems). 21
Day-old chick rearing
Almost all lighting programs should be provided with a long lighting period (approx. 23 hours of light - 1hour dark) in the early stages of brooding to develop the eating and drinking habits of chickens. Reduce light intensity gradually, adjusting to the weight of the chicks. The minimum light should be around 8 to 10 Lux, this should be reduced only in justified cases, for ex. extra-large weight, leg problems. The light intensity should be uniform throughout the house.
Broiler fattening
Broiler fattening Control of growth can be achieved by direct regulation of feed intake, by reducing the lighting time (indirect limitation of feed intake) or by reducing the nutrient content of the feed.
ic potential on the first three weeks, mainly applicable for the Cobb hybrids. But lately, the Ross also has a serious problem with leg disorders, so it’s crucial not to have extra weight gain in the first three weeks.
These methods are particularly useful for high-weight broilers (> 2.5kg), where the slower early growth rate (Cobb foot problem) is beneficial for life performance. Growth shall be controlled, so that the stock can perform slightly under the genet-
Growth control programs can only be successfully applied in homogenous broiler flocks with good development, which, thanks to good management technology, has reached the target live weight of the first week.
Homogeneity Like in any other biological system, the live weight of the broiler flock also shows a normal distribution. The variability of the population can be determined by the variation coefficient (CV%), which is the percentage expression of the average body weight deviation (SD) of the flock. Scattered flocks have a high variation coefficient, whilst the uniform flock has lower.
Each sex has a normal live weight, while the standard deviation of mixed sex is larger. From the percent of the standard deviation is foreseeable how much is the average or closed to bodyweight broiler number, consequently, a significant improvement in homogeneity can only be achieved by fattening sex-separated flocks. The smaller the standard deviation is, that is, the uniform the flock, the more broilers will reach the predicted body
Broiler fattening
weight. At the same time, only 58% of the broilers can reach the sufficient live weight for the narrowest live weight group (18002000 g), even at 8% standard deviation. Understanding the effects of biological variability is the bases for effective design of processing plants. Sex-separated growing is the most effective when we grow the males and females in a separate house to ensure the most ef-
fective technology of feeding, lighting and flock density. An additional advantage of sex-separate fattening is that we can satisfy the different nutritional requirements of the sexes. Males are growing faster, have better feed conversion and become less fatty than females. The increased protein energy ratio has a greater effect on their growth rates compared to females.
Flock body weight control Precise information on the live weight and homogeneity of the flock is indispensable for designing the age of processing so that as many broilers become the desired weight categories after processing.
the flock on a weekly basis. There are companies where five-day weighing is applied. Occasionally, we shall measure at least 1% of the flock at 3-4 places in each house.
Due to an increase in the rate of development and a decrease in fattening time, predictions of weight gain over 4 to 5 days are inaccurate. For more accurate estimation and prediction of live weight before processing, weigh a large number of broilers (more than 100 birds) several times in the flock within 2 days before processing. When regulating feed and nutrient intake, or lighting programs are used to plan the final product weight, the broiler’s responses should be monitored for any changes in the management technology and weight should also be checked. The flock can be measured with mechanical (conventional handheld) and automatic weighing scales. Examine any unexpected changes in weight. When using a handheld scale, weigh 24
Automatic weighing systems (instruments) are also available for precise and continuous weighing. These scales are placed where birds gather in large numbers and stay long enough to fix their weights.
Broiler fattening
Older and heavier males are less likely to use automatic weighing scales, which can modify the average weight of the flock down.
Automatic balance scales and recorded data are checked regularly and reviewed at least once a week by manual weighing.
Lighting programs Broilers had traditionally been grown up to 23-24 hours lighting a day. In the last 10 years, the introduction of shorter lighting programs of less than 23 hours has been widespread. Modified lighting programs are divided in two main categories: a short day-lighting program and alternating lighting program. Short day-lighting program is usually suggested from day 4 and is sustainable throughout the life of the flock. The alternating lighting programs can be divided into called „time blocks�, which are composed of light and dark periods and repeat several times a day, through 24 hours. When introducing lighting programs, make sure the flock is growing properly. If birds are significantly underweight at day 4, limited feed intake due to reduced lighting can permanently reduce their growth rate. The short day-lighting program was thought to have more advantage to broilers than alternating programs, but genetic advances - shorter fattening times, increasing weekly weight gain, rising performance indicators, and related developmental disorders – has changed this view. Shortened lighting programs are usually considered more effective, but both programs have the advantages.
Flock activity is increasing. This usually results in significant improvement in leg strength, thereby reducing mortality. The slower early development rate improves blood circulation function, reducing the possibility of Ascites and Sudden Death Syndrome. Feed conversion is improved due to lower feed loss and improved viability. Total mortality decreases. The specific cycles of light and dark periods allow the birds to follow the natural ratio of growth. Shorter than 16 hours lighting time significantly reduces feed intake and weight gain compared to continuous or 23-hour programs. Shortened lighting in controlling body weight gain is particularly effective at 7 to 14 days of age. The bone, the circulation and the immune system develop before the maximum need for muscle tissue growth occurs. The automatic light intensity control switches installed in the lighting control allow simulation of dawn and nightfall. The dusk teaches, warning the birds for the approach of darkness. The dawn avoids jostling at the feeders and drinkers. From a light to a dark (and vice-versa) transition, it should take over a 40-50 minutes period, at least in 5 steps. 25
Broiler fattening
When developing the appropriate lighting program, the following aspects should be considered.
• • • • • •
The extent and nature of the systematic and returning mortality problems of the flock, Planned processing weight, Processing program (including preliminary processing, spacing), The sexes are grown together or separately, Nutrition and feeding program, Effectiveness of the house blackout.
To design an appropriate program, it must be an „adaptive process”. Local experience determines the most suitable program and continuous flock monitoring allows further refinement. The ideal lighting program for each fattening system is shaped during gradual changes that meet the desired performance gains.
Age 0-6 days *7-34 days 35-39 days 40- till transport to slaughterhouse Age 0-6 days *7-34 days 35-39 days 40-till transport to slaughterhouse
Light/ Dark 6 hours cycles 23 + 1 4+2 5+1 23 + 1 Light/ Dark 8 hours cycles 23 + 1 6+2 7+1 23 + 1
Weighing life weight at least once a week to ensure that desired live weight can be achieved by later setting of day length. Progressively growing short day-light program is needed at 2,5 kg / weight average as hatched flocks. Age Light (hours) Dark (hours) 0-4 days 23 1 5-7* days 20 4 8-14 days 19 5 15-35 days 18 6 36 - till transport 23 1 to slaughterhouse *Developmental regimens can only be started before 7 days age when broilers reached their targeted weight.
Alternating lighting programs are used in situations where foot problems have occurred. The programs are designed to eliminate foot problems without decreasing weight gain. Several variations of the alternating lighting programs proved to be successful. Alternating lighting program suitable for as hatched flocks with average 2.50 kg bodyweight. Light/ Dark 6 hours cycles 4+2 5+1 Light/ Dark 8 hours cycles 6+2 7+1 -
Light/ Dark 6 hours cycles 4+2 5+1 Light/ Dark 8 hours cycles 6+2 7+1 -
Light/ Dark 6 hours cycles 4+2 5+1 -
*Lighting programs controlling bodyweight can only be started before 7 days age, if the birds achieved required bodyweight. 26
Tasks before processing
Alternating lighting programs can have great importance in moderating the performance-reducing effects of heat stress. Age Light (hours) 0-6 days 24 7-21 days 23 22 - till 2 transport to slaughter1 house (two versions)
Dark (hours) 1 2 3 (recurring 3 times a day)
In extreme hot summer days (from
age 22 days, from about 10 o’clock to 16 o’clock), along with enough sunlight filtering in, lighting can be switched off (siesta) and at night when it is cooler, switch the light on to allow the flock to compensate the lack of daytime feed intake. During the application of lighting programs, consider the breed (Cobb, Ross, Hubbard), because the programs are different, even within the breed. Always consider the technological recommendations for that breed.
Tasks before processing At the end of the growing period, broilers should be transported to the processing plant in optimal condition without injury. In order to preserve the quality of broilers during loading and transport, particular attention must be paid to optimizing management conditions and gentle bird handling. By providing a rational planning and efficient organization of workflows, we guarantee the conditions of gentle loading and transport. When using growth control lighting programs, gradually return to the 23-hour lighting at least 2 to 3 days before starting processing. Before transport, make sure to provide finisher feed for a long time, to allow the meat to be free of coccidiostats residues. Consider the instructions can be find in the User’s Manual of the coccidiostats for the withdrawal period.
cessing time. Do not feed broilers 8 to 10 hours before starting processing. This period also includes loading and transport time.
Provide unlimited water supply until the start of loading. Drinkers shall be lifted only 15 minutes prior to loading up.
If the flock is not processed at the same time (pre-processing, spacing), the beginning of feeding of the finisher feed is determined on the basis of the first pro27
Tasks before processing
Due to the feed withdrawal, some weight loss is unavoidable due to the empty intestinal tract, which however has little effect on the processed weight (processing yield is improving). Excessive feed withdrawal increases the possibility of dehydration, which reduc-
es the yield and worsens the comfort of the broilers. Short fasting does not result in complete feed excretion, weight deduction is applied in the slaughterhouse due to the content in craw, but the biggest problem is the meat contamination during processing.
Loading Catching and loading the broilers has a significant stress effect that can be reduced by organizing the workflow properly. The most of slaughterhouse downgrading can be traced back to problems occurred 24 hours prior to processing, so loading and unloading should be carefully planned and strictly checked.
Use of blue light is recommended during loading. The best result is achieved by allowing the broilers to settle after light intensity reduction and loading without excessive disturbance of the flock. If the loading takes place during the daytime, the curtains placed at the end doors of the house can reduce the brightness.
Before loading, lifting the feeding lines above head height to prevent obstruction of loading crew.
Opening the doors and moving broilers will affect the automatic ventilation control based on temperature sensing.
In larger houses, compartmentalize the broilers in several units, preventing unnecessary crowding and asphyxia.
During loading, we also carefully monitor and control the ventilation system (by manual control).
Reduce light intensity to a minimum level where loading can be safely accomplished.
When loading, the broilers should only be caught with body catch. Place the broilers carefully in the cages.
Health and Hygiene
Protect the flock from extreme weather effects during loading and transport.
In case of high outdoor temperatures, reduce the density of birds in cages, apply cooling fans to trucks.
Use transport vehicles that protect broilers from severe weather conditions. Transport stress can be reduced if the transport vehicle construction ensures the free air flow between the cages.
Health and Hygiene Exploiting the entire genetic potential for growth and efficiency is only possible in those flocks that are free of any disease and infection. Broiler chicks originate from broiler breeder flocks with excellent health status. Broiler breeder flocks should pass a high and unified maternal antibody level to dayold chicks against diseases that can reduce their performance. Broiler day-old chicks kept in a clean environment, free from pathogens. Technological equipment must be installed, so that broilers can eat and drink unimpeded. The feed should be nutrition balanced and free from pathogens or any other factors that are likely to cause a decrease in
performance (e.g. mycotoxins). Through advanced broiler management methods, performance can be increased, damage to the body’s physiological processes can be reduced (e.g. Ascites). Consumers want meat to be free from bacterial infections (e.g. salmonella, campylobacter, etc.) or any residues (e.g. coccidiostats or antibiotics). Fulfilling the increasing quality demands of authorities and consumers, the number of authorized medicines for poultry production is continuously reduced. This necessitates the development and application of new disease prevention programs.
Health and Hygiene
Chick Quality The quality of the hatched day-old chicks can be judged mainly by the rate of their first week mortality.
highlighting the analysis of management technology after housing.
High first-week mortality (over 1%) refers to hatching problems or transport (from hatching to unloading farm) or may be reception and housing on farm. Where such problems arise, every step of hatching and transport needs to be monitored and
Biosecurity The most important element of biosecurity is to keep the broilers separate from all other poultry species and livestock. In order to prevent infections effectively, we must regulate all movements of the crew, feed, equipment and animals on broiler farms.
pragmatically built into the fence line in the front of the farm. Supply workers and visitors with proper and clean protective clothing.
We can only keep one age group at one farm, preventing re-infection with pathogen - “all in all out system�. Farms have to be fenced and the gate must be kept locked in order to prevent unauthorized persons from entering.
Provide dressing facility for workers and visitors away from the broiler houses,
Wash your hands, disinfect and immerse your shoes/boots into disinfectant fluid between visits of different houses.
Health and Hygiene
The most hygienic way of feed transport is the bulk one, when the compound feed is ingested via pipeline to the silo from vehicles parked outside the fence. When feed is delivered in bags (loader worker from outside is risk factor too), recycling the bags again is risky from bio-security point of view. If we have to visit more than one farm a day, we have to visit first the youngest group. During the life of the flock, it is always risky from bio-security point of view, when people enter the house, bringing food, material or equipment to the farm. Employees’ bio-security training, followed by consistent compliance with the rules is indispensable for effective operation. If the vehicles enter the farm, wash them thoroughly and disinfect the wheels separately .
Defense against animal pests is also an essential element of the bio-security. If this work is outsourced to subcontractors, it is advisable to carry out the work under a specific exemption program. Litter transport and storage. The litter must be protected during storage and transport from the quality deterioration caused by the weather and harmful animals . 31
Health and Hygiene
Hygiene A well-constructed broiler house should have solid and washable floor, side walls and ceiling, easy access to ventilation inlets and fan housing and preferably no internal pillars and hinges. Around the house 1-3 meters in width solid or pebble surface can prevent the entry of rodents and provide space for washing and storing movable equipment.
cleaning process and perform accordingly.
The efficiency of the cleaning can be verified by checking the tampon samples immediately after disinfection at the specified places of the house (total number of germs) (hygienic tampon patterning 1 picture).
After the slaughter of each house’ flock, clean all houses up. Carefully plan the 32
Regular testing of the total germ number after disinfection, will allow continuous improvement of the hygiene of the house
Health and Hygiene
and the effectiveness can be compared of the individual disinfectants. (tampon samples 1 picture).
Spreading of the infection to the next day-old flock can be prevented if the efficiency of the cleaning is adequate and there is sufficient time between the slaughter of previous flock and the day-old housing. In practice, we can reduce the number of surviving pathogens by increasing the time between slaughter and day-old housing, but this period has to be optimized in favor of economic broiler meat production. Below is a description of the essential elements of a broiler farm’ serviced period program. We should install the technology and structural equipment of the houses, so that their cleaning can be carried out easily. Main technical repairs should be done during the service period. Drain the water from the drinking system and water tanks. Soak the interior of the house with a detergent solution (foaming 1, foaming 2, 2 pictures).
With the soaking the surface powder should be washed and the thicker, sticky dirt should be loosened well. Transport the manure at least 2 to 3 kilometers away from the farm. Observe the environmental regulations regarding placement and disposal of manure carefully. Wash the entire interior of the house with a high-pressure washer, use a detergent solution. Make sure that all the dirt is removed from the air inlets, outlets, fan housings, flanges, and internal wiring .
Health and Hygiene
Clean the drinking lines and rinse and clean all the flexible hoses, the tube filters. Refill the drinking lines at a suitable concentration with a water-disinfectant formulation.
The use of insecticides requires careful planning. Immediate application after flock is moved to processing plant kill the insects before they hide, but this method requires an increased amount of insecticide.
Prior to arrival of day-old chicks, this solution should be lowered, rinse the complete system and re-fill with clean water.
We can better protect the farm if we reuse long-lasting insecticides after washing again (litter beetle, spraying 1 picture).
When the house is fully clean, complete the disinfection of the interior surface with the appropriate concentration of solution. Wash and disinfect the outer surface of the house. If a disease had been diagnosed in the previous flock, it is essential to disinfect the house with multiple formaldehyde gas. Formaldehyde gasification must be first performed when the house is still damp (the relative humidity is 65%) and the ambient temperature is 20-25 °C. Then once again, when the equipment has been installed, but the feed is not yet delivered to the feeding system (gasification 1 picture).
Adapt to health and safety regulations when using disinfectants and gasifying agents. 34
More detailed technical material related to broiler management
• • • • • • • • • • •
Complete workflow of the service period, Cleaning and disinfection program, Hygienic sampling guide, Tasks before day-old reception, Features of quality day-old chick, Pre-processing, spacing of the flocks, Lighting program, Trouble shooting, Causes of mechanical injuries, Litter materials, Feeding standards, physical appearance of feeds.
feeding through knowledge
Agrofeed Ltd. H-9022 Győr, Dunakapu tér 10. · Mailing address: 9007 Győr, Pf.: 1007 phone.: +36 96 999 438 · export agrofeed.hu
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