NEMCC President's Annual Report 2017

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skills family jobs team T I G E R S diversity cooperation scholarships arts humanities success

student academics workforce training athletics integrity teach ethics


From the President

Northeast just completed one of the most successful years in its history. In January of 2017, Northeast kicked off the Grow Northeast campaign. The intention of this endeavor was not only to increase our enrollment, but to establish, as is the case with any organization, company, or educational institution, a foundation for excellence.

As you will see from the list of “goals to grow” shown here, student success is our first priority. We must constantly be searching and exploring new ways and means to embrace learning and classroom instruction. The success of our students is at the forefront of our desire to grow.

Workforce development continues to be a priority for Northeast. We must continue to be a partner and key player in economic development. As we form partnerships with all members of our communities, we continue to be committed to assisting the enhancement of the quality of life to all citizens of Northeast Mississippi. Toward this end, Northeast now has centers located in each of our five supporting counties. These centers will provide the citizens of each county easy access to all services available. One of our goals is to provide an Associate of Arts degree for local citizens without being required to travel a long distance.

Northeast desires to provide the complete college experience to all our students. In order to continue toward that end, we must constantly strive to expand and excel. We must have a vision. Through our Grow Northeast initiative, we have developed just that. We covet your support as we constantly monitor and measure our progress in each one of our Grow Northeast foundation areas. We could not be effective with everything

we do if not for the support of the Board of Supervisors in each county. Northeast Mississippi Community College belongs to the citizens of Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Union Counties. We must therefore devote our time and energies to assist all of these citizens.

In recent days, Northeast has certainly been challenged financially. State appropriations are gradually decreasing and we must now maintain a level of excellence with less dollars from the State of Mississippi. We are currently responsible for securing more than sixty percent of our yearly budget from locally created funds. We have now become a state assisted institution rather than a state supported institution.

Northeast is fortunate to have a tremendous Board of Trustees. This group is very supportive of our work and the Grow Northeast vision. With their guidance and leadership, I can only envision Northeast becoming a greater and greater asset to Northeast Mississippi.

Northeast has been very successful in past years primarily due to the passion, devotion, and energy of all the employees of Northeast.

We have a workforce that is second to none. They are the strength of this institution.

I invite you to investigate all the possibilities that are available at Northeast. Please come anytime. Join us as we Grow Northeast!



2016-2017 Student enrollment and trends

Tippah Tishomingo

Fiscal year 2017 Expenditures and Revenues

Fiscal Year 2017 expenditures

Fiscal Year 2017 Revenues


NFormula for excellence

ortheast’s Division of Mathematics and Sciences consists of 23 faculty members who teach mathematics, natural sciences, computer science and agriculture courses. Members of the division seek to continually use updated information, techniques and resources in their respective areas to provide the best possible preparation of students for careers in current and future disciplines.

During the past academic year, five of the faculty in this division sponsored/co-sponsored five on-campus clubs/organizations in addition to their normal teaching and student advising responsibilities. To keep abreast of their respective disciplines, faculty held active memberships in 45 professional organizations and took part in various related conferences at the local, state and regional levels. As well as holding memberships in these organizations, members of this division also made presentations, held offices, and/or served on committees/boards in 20 of these organizations. Faculty members collectively participated in over 600 hours of professional development courses, workshops and in-service training sessions during this academic year. Two biology instructors continued working on a project, Healthy Schools, in conjunction with the Mississippi Department of Education and local K-12 schools in our district.

Sponsoring the yearly Junior High Mathematics Tournament and the High School Mathematics and Science Competition were two major projects for the year. These competitions involve students from the local schools in our five-county service district. In addition, faculty members assisted with other competitions held by other divisions on our campus.

With the recent increases in enrollment, the division continued to offer online and hybrid courses as staff allowed. Equipment and software were purchased as budget allowed to keep the division up-todate in its teaching practices and delivery methods.

In addition, funds were secured through the work of division members in conjunction with publishers. These funds were used to purchase additional equipment and supplies needed to maintain and enhance current innovative teaching methods used within the division.

As can be evidenced by the dedicated work and

participation in a broad spectrum of professional activities, the entire Division of Mathematics and Sciences continued to strive for and achieved excellence in teaching methods, techniques and in the areas of professional and personal growth. They are not only great contributors to their respective teaching fields and division, but also to their communities.

Division Realignment is a Success for All

Created in 2014 as part of a division realignment at Northeast, the Division of Social, Behavioral and Applied includes 18 university parallel programs in the following disciplines: economics, geography, history, political science, sociology (social), educational psychology and psychology (behavioral) and accounting, business administration, criminal justice, family and consumer science, health, physical education and recreation lecture courses (HPR) and social work (applied).

Over 7,000 students took classes in the division this past year, which includes 14 full-time faculty members and an academic division head. The division also used approximately 20 adjuncts each semester. All instructors have a minimum of a master’s degree with at least 18 hours in each teaching field, and four of the full-time instructors have doctorate degrees. Each full-time division member provided academic advising to students.

Excellence in the classroom is the division’s primary goal. Within the past five years, each discipline in the division participated in a state curriculum review which includes articulation with senior institutions and other community colleges to update course descriptions, syllabi and programs of study. The division itself underwent a curriculum review in the fall of 2015, leading to the implementation of several curriculum changes and course updates.

Many classes are characterized by innovative and interactive pedagogy, including field trips, instructor-created podcasts and videos, a computer-based research course, guest speakers and raising a virtual child. After receiving a University of Mississippi grant, the economics instructor implemented Open Source course material for ECO 2113--Macroeconomics for Fall 2016. The history and psychology departments adopted Open Source textbooks for 2016-17. A sociology instructor was recognized as a Mississippi Online Teacher of the Year Finalist at Creating Futures.

Division instructors took advantage of many professional development opportunities. Three attended Mobile Learning. Others participated in professional development specific to their fields, such as an accounting and tax workshop, an economics conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board and Law Enforcement Training. Three faculty members participated in Quality Matters courses on improving online instruction, including ADA compliance. Five instructors participated in a University of Mississippi workshop on the “upside down classroom.” One instructor participated in Southwest by Southwest teaching workshops. A history instructor, who also serves as an advisor for Phi Theta Kappa, attended that organization’s Leadership Development Program which focuses on using the humanities to teach leadership skills.

The Social, Behavioral and Applied Sciences Division is housed in Patterson and Gordon Halls. Patterson includes a computer lab that is used both for teaching courses and for providing students a location to complete assignments. Classrooms are equipped with appropriate audio-visual equipment, including AppleTV’s. Updates to technological equipment continue on an as-needed basis.

The faculty members’ commitment to quality education and advising for Northeast students is apparent by their continually updating teaching methods and participation in professional development. By offering a number of courses that are a part of the core curriculum, the division impacts the lives and academic development of most Northeast students.


Firsthand Knowledge for Real-World Careers

Northeast’s Division of Business and Engineering Technology includes programs of study that are designed to provide trade and technical skills essential for regional industries and business. Curricula are under constant review and evaluation by local advisory committees and by state mandated program standards and measures.

Twenty-six highly trained instructors teach in the fields of Automotive Mechanics and Service Technology, Civil Engineering Technology, Collision Repair Technology, Construction Engineering Technology, Drafting, Design and 3D Modeling Technology, Diesel Power Technology, Electrical Technology, Heating and Air Conditioning Technology, Industrial Maintenance Technology, Precision Manufacturing and Machining Technology, Accounting Technology, Business and Marketing Management Technology, Culinary Arts Technology, Early Childhood Education Technology, Medical Office Technology, Hospitality Management Technology, Information Systems Technology, Microcomputer Technology, Administrative Office Technology, and Paralegal Technology within the Business and Engineering Technology Division.

Each instructor holds an associate’s degree or higher in his /her field, but more importantly, each instructor has many years of experience working in their particular area of expertise. This allows students to learn not only theory but to gain first-hand knowledge of real world situations encountered in the workplace. Furthermore, during the 2016-17 year, many faculty members earned specialized certifications in their fields of expertise.

Last year Business and Engineering Technology Division partnered with several district secondary vocational centers to pilot career and technical dual enrollment/dual credit classes. Additionally, due to high demand within the field, Northeast offered evening Industrial Maintenance Technology classes for the first time ever. The division saw a multitude

of program upgrades through equipment purchases that allowed instructors to train with some of the latest and most cutting edge technology. The annual Spring Job Fair participation increased to include 65 guest employers and over 400 in attendance. The division hosted area high school vocational-technical program students who toured CTE division programs, as well as the Northeast campus. Students enrolled in Business and Engineering Technology programs received certifications in

a variety of fields including NCCER, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, OSHA 30, Competent Person – Trenching, Underground Safety Equipment, ACI Grade 1 concrete testing, Storm Water Permit, Mobile Crane Operator, OPAC, and Comp TIA A+.

Preparing for a Healthy Future

Northeast’s Division of Health Sciences offers seven programs that prepare graduates for careers in health science.

Graduates of six programs: Associate Degree Nursing; Dental Hygiene Technology, Medical Assisting Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology, Radiologic Technology and Respiratory Care Technology earn associate of applied science degrees. A certificate is earned by graduates of the Practical Nursing Education Program. The Medical Assisting Technology program offers a certificate option. Each program in the division is accredited by national and/or state accrediting commissions or boards.

One academic head, who serves as administrator and faculty member guides the division. All programs in the Health Sciences Division have a program director who also serves as a faculty member. There are currently 31 full- time faculty who provide classroom instruction, serve as academic advisors and sponsor many different student organizations.

Founded in 1957, the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program, celebrated its sixtieth year of existence this year and graduated its fifty-eighth class of nurses in May 2017. ADN graduates currently report a 99 percent job placement rate as a registered nurse.

Respiratory Care Technology program instructors served as officers for the Mississippi State Society of Respiratory Care. Mr. Shelburne served as the Junior Delegate and Mrs. Prince served as treasurer.

Students in the Dental Hygiene Technology and the ADN programs participated in the community service project entitled, “Sealant and Health Screening Day.” The Dental Hygiene Technology instructors attended the Mid-South Dental Hygiene Educator’s Conference in Greenwood, Mississippi.

Medical Laboratory Technology program instructors attended the Clinical Lab Educators Conference (CLEC) in Boston Massachusetts in February, 2017. Shannon Goolsby, program director, and Rosalyn Singleton participated in the curriculum

revision writing for Medical Laboratory Technology in Jackson in April, 2017. The Medical Laboratory graduates currently report a 100 percent job placement rate.

Medical Assisting Technology continues to offer both the certification option as well as the Associate of Applied Sciences degree option. Vickie Hopkins was the recipient of the Teaching Outstanding Performance (TOP) award for our Health Science Division.

Practical Nursing Education (PNE) underwent

accreditation review in September 2016 and received full accreditation for eight years. Students in the PNE program continue to complete at three different times each year in May, August and December.

Radiologic Technology program instructors, Jennifer Davis and Amber Nelms completed accreditation site visits for the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) in both Oklahoma and Arizona. They are planning for accreditation review in June, 2017.


NROARing into the Future

ortheast’s Continuing Education program boasts several highlights from the 2016-17 academic year.

A Commercial Truck Driving-Class A program was added to the training opportunities in March.

Morgan Van Lanes and Big M Trucking provided two tractors and ACCO donated two 53’ trailers to the program the program is completed in six weeks. Two classes were completed in this fiscal year.

Newly added was a hybrid Phlebotomy program was added in the spring semester. The classroom training is done online and skills are taught on campus one day a week.

Multiple continuous improvements were made to the Region IV 2017 Science Fair. The fair competition originally had 10 categories that projects were judged. This year the categories were updated and expanded to 13 categories. Seventy project winners from grades seven through 12 were eligible to compete at the state fair at Mississippi State University. Region IV had 23 winners at the 2017 MSEF Fair that was held on April 6, 2017.

The Northeast Law Enforcement Training Academy completed the eleventh class in December 2016. Eight students completed the 200-hour, 16-week academy.

The second annual ROAR Health Camp for Kids was held in June. Campers took a trip to the farmer’s market and a local grocery store to gain knowledge of how fruits and vegetables are grown, harvested and sold. An annual health assessment was provided for each participant, along with exercise routines in the Burgess Fitness Center. The Department of Wildlife and Safety provided information on water safety. Other sessions included Healthy Eating, Sun Protection, a fitness obstacle course and ended with a super cool water slide activity.

“Culture of Learning” was the theme for the eighth annual Mobile Learning Conference was held June

13-15, 2016 at Northeast at Corinth. On the second day of the conference, the participants were taken to the Tishomingo State Park to participate in EdTech Meets Nature. The event included a three-level Photo Safari, Digital Story Telling, and Gone Squatching. For the very first time a 2-day Tiger Tech camp for children was held simultaneously.

The Corinth Certified Nurse Aide course was changed to a Saturday only training session. This change was made to accommodate students with children and other work schedule issues to be able the complete training and obtain employment.

Committed to Serve

Northeast Libraries are committed to supporting the college’s instructional programs, to meeting the leisure reading needs of students, faculty, and community members and to growing the role of librarians in the library, on the campus and in the college’s communities. Librarians at Booneville, New Albany and Corinth continued their efforts in 2016-17 to achieve those goals.

With the continual improvements necessary in the area of technology, the library created a Library Resources Class with help guides, videos and tutorials, to provide better orientation support for online students and to assist them with awareness of available library resources as well as how to use those resources. Professional development sessions for faculty in the use of the new Films on Demand database insured faculty could incorporate these excellent resources into their courses. Lastly, in the realm of technology, librarians at Corinth and New Albany continued as proctors for online students, administering over 4,500 exams.

In efforts to promote the library profession and further encourage students in their use of library resources, the Booneville campus library celebrated National Library Week with an author visit by a Tupelo author. In addition, a Banned Books Week celebration featured interactive opportunities for faculty and students.

As a part of the Library’s commitment to serve the college’s five-county area, the Eula Dees Library hosted the fortieth Annual Librarians’ Workshop. In attendance were 49 school, public and academic librarians, along with five presenters. Attendees were from 10 different Mississippi counties.

Librarians continued their efforts to grow professionally and to be of service to the larger college family. Booneville librarians participated in AED training to upgrade their Red Cross certification. One librarian attended the American Library Association’s mid-winter conference in Atlanta, having

the opportunity to interact with various authors and to listen to educational presentations. Librarians participated in Northeast Now, judged science fairs, judged for FBLA, participated in Faculty Association activities, including a dinner with Mississippi legislators and one librarian served on the President’s new Faculty Advisory Board. All librarians, who are elementary education academic advisors, met with students throughout the year to help them plan their careers at Northeast and prepare to transfer to senior colleges.



NThe Creative Flow

ortheast music, theatre and art students and faculty were busy with many creative activities during the 2016-17 school year.

Over 1,000 (1,102) visitors viewed exhibits in the Anderson Hall Art Gallery during the 2016-17 academic year. Artwork by Northeast art instructor, Jenna Fincher, local artists, Robbie Boyd, and Nathan Baldwin, M.D., as well as the annual High School and Northeast Student Art Competitions were displayed. Two art students placed in the 2016-2017 state community college competition hosted at East Mississippi Community College. Additionally, art faculty member Terry Anderson was voted Northeast’s HEADWAE honoree.

Fincher had a two-person art exhibit titled “Of This Place” with Mississippi native Jaime Johnson at Hinds Community College in Raymond.

Northeast theater director, Christopher Schager led productions of One-Act Plays during the fall semester and the play, Current Economic Conditions by Don Zolidis in February. The spring production utilized the new control booth and LED stage lighting for the first time.

In the vocal area the Northeast choirs, directed by Kathy Anderson, presented Fall and Spring concerts at First Baptist Church, Booneville. The choir also performed with the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra at its annual Christmas concert in December. The Chamber Choir participated in the Community College State Choral Festival in Meridian in February and presented a program in April for the Corinth Music Club. Members of the choir also performed the Star Spangled Banner at both graduation ceremonies.

The Northeast Tiger Band performed at all home football games and in numerous Christmas parades in the district in the fall of 2016. They also hosted the annual Northeast Regional Marching Contest which featured 17 bands. Additionally, the band performed exhibitions at the Tupelo

Regional Marching Evaluations and the Crossroads Marching Band Competition in Corinth. In March, the Tiger Band hosted the sixth Annual Northeast Mississippi Indoor Championships and presented a “Showcase” in April highlighting the band and all of the auxiliary groups. Dr. Amy Langley led the Northeast Winter Guard to a third state championship in their division after competing in several state competitions. Led by Jason Beghtol, the Northeast Jazz Band hosted Jeff

Coffin & Rashawn Ross of the Dave Matthews and also performed at the Tallahatchie River Jazz Fest. Instructor Chris Dunn led Northeast Campus Country in four regular Showtime performances on campus and numerous other performances both on and off campus during the school year. Some of the appearances included, the Booneville Fall Festival and Northeast NOW.

Successful Season for Tiger Athletics

Northeast’s athletic department had one of its most successful seasons during the institution’s 68th year of intercollegiate competition.

Four teams earned national rankings while six squads participated in the postseason during the 2016-17 academic year.

Men’s basketball once again headlined the group of programs at Northeast after capturing the 16th Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges (MACJC) North Division championship in its illustrious history.

Cord Wright’s Tigers opened the campaign at No. 25 in The Sporting News magazine’s preseason rankings and backed that figure by finishing as the runner-up in the MACJC State Tournament and Region 23 Tournament.

Leroy Buchanan became the third Northeast representative to compete in the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) All-Star Game and was selected as the 17th NJCAA All-American in program history.

Buchanan along with his fellow teammates Shunn Buchanan and Kendall Stafford received MACJC All-State honors as well. The trio averaged double figures (points) for the Tigers, who won over 20 games for the first time in 17 years.

Brenda Mayes and the Lady Tigers had a solid campaign on the court themselves after winning 16 games, including 10 in conference play to finish as the MACJC North Division runner-up, and returning to the playoffs after a three-year hiatus.

Sophomore tandem LaKeiya Lane, Timaya Stewart and Shelby Wilbanks guided Northeast to the semifinals of the NJCAA Region 23 Tournament. All three received postseason awards and signed scholarships with four-year institutions.

Led by head man Greg Davis, the football program took a major step forward by holding a top 10 ranking in the final NJCAA poll for the first

time in school history. The Tigers were ranked as highly as No. 7 during the regular season.

Northeast crowned its year by defeating rival Itawamba Community College with a 30-12 decision in front of a capacity crowd inside Tiger Stadium.

Veteran coach Jody Long led the softball team to the MACJC State Playoffs for the 15th time in its 17 seasons of fast-pitch competition. The Tigers were also ranked upwards of No. 17 by the NJCAA throughout the campaign.

Jessica Boyd etched her name into the record books by accumulating 296 strikeouts during her career, which places third all-time in program history. She along with Tia Davis and Molly Walden collected MACJC All-State honors.

Richie Harrelson directed the baseball squad to its second consecutive 20-plus win campaign against one of the toughest schedules in the entire country.

Bailey Walker finished sixth in the NJCAA and second in the Magnolia State with a .465 batting average. He and Tucker Childers, who topped Northeast with 10 home runs, secured MACJC

All-State distinction.

Both the men’s and women’s tennis teams plus the golf program competed in the MACJC State Tournament. Denver Russell represented the linksters in the NJCAA District D Tournament as well.

Chasity Moore completed her second season as coach of the cheerleading squad, which continued to provide constant support for the Northeast football and basketball teams.

A school-record 40 Northeast athletes accumulated MACJC Academic All-State status while 18 young men and women garnered NJCAA Academic Student-Athlete Awards.

Workforce Training Really WORKS


Workforce Training and Economic Development encompasses workforce training, Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA)/WIN job centers, continuing education and Adult Education (AE) /High School Equivalency (HSE).

Northeast serves as the “One Stop Operator” for two WIN Job centers in Corinth and New Albany. The WIN Job Centers are designed to provide job seekers, employers, and students a way to access a variety of services in one location. Our Corinth One Stop is categorized as a Comprehensive Center and the New Albany location in now staffed 5 days a week. The Corinth WIN Job Center served as a training/testing location for various industries, state agencies and hosted the 2017 Mobile Learning Conference and the TIGER Workforce Conference for kids ages 10-16.

Workforce Training

The Division of Workforce Training and Economic Development provides training and funding assistance to offset the training cost incurred by area businesses/industries. The funding for the training is provided annually through the Mississippi Workforce and Education Act of 1994. The Division of Workforce Training and Economic Development managed 56 workforce projects (grants) during FY 2017, 10,622 individuals received 257,950 contact hours of training. The total budget for training in the five-county area reached over $1,025,407. The division was also awarded a grant through the Rural Development Partnership for approximately $250,000 to provide skills training for local unemployed and underemployed residents. The division has had success with the implementation of a new Furniture Manufacturing Academy where 54 individuals completed the program this year.

Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA)/ WIN Job Centers

The Northeast WIOA staff provided services for over 400 participants and administered approximately $80,000 for student training programs. WIOA administered On-The-Job training dollars for Prentiss, Tippah, Alcorn & Union counties providing over $300,000 in assistance

to eight employers to offset the cost of training. WIOA provided access to services for over 100,000 clients and students through the Northeast at Corinth One-Stop Center. The additional programs which were added last year Smart Start/Mi-Best and C2C, as well as the existing Industrial Maintenance, Medical and Business Office Assisting, and Information Systems Technology programs were fully utilized this year. The WIOA staff also help coordinate the Governor’s Job Fair, provide multiple training classes designed to improve participant job readiness skills and hosted workshops to help students improve skills, such as resume writing and job interview skills.

WIOA Youth Program: NEMCC was awarded a grant through Three Rivers Planning and Development District and the Mississippi Partnership to serve 105 individuals ages 16-24 in the five county service area. Sixty-one students of 95 who lacked a high school diploma earned their HSE. Seventy-eight of 83 students received the Work Keys (CRC) certificate. Sixty-five students of 71 received an EFL gain. One hundred and three out of 105 students completed work ethics and received a certificate. Forty-five students out of 99 received the Skills USA employability certificate and 50 out of 98 students received the Skills USA customer service certificate. Eighty-nine students out of 105 received the Smart Start credential. Employment and post-secondary training numbers will not be available until students exit the program and performance are measured three months after the exit date. These numbers will increase when final surveys are conducted.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education program: Commercial Truck Driving-Class (6-wk program) started in March which was made possible through our partnership with Morgan Van Lines, Big M Trucking, ACCO Brands and the MCCB. A new hybrid Phlebotomy program was added with 10 students completing. The 2017 MSEF held at Mississippi State University had 23 winners from the Region IV Science Fair. Certifications earned through Continuing Education programs were: 45 Certified Nurse Aides, 34 EMT-Basic,

20 Dental Assistants, 8 CDL-Class A, and 8 Part-Time Law Enforcement Officers.

Adult Education (AE) /High School Equivalency

The Adult Ed Career Pathways program had 458 students enrolled in 27 pathways classes during the 20162017 year. Classes included Applied Business Math, Business Communication, Fundamentals of Data Communication, IT Foundations, Computer Applications, Word Processing, Medical Terminology, and Medical Business Practices. Classes were available at all three Northeast campuses. Classes were offered during the day and night to better fit the schedules of the workforce. Students were allowed to take these pathways for free and were given the opportunity to take national certification exams and/or Northeast challenge exams for college credit. The following is a list of credentials, certificates, and/or college credits earned by these students.

Faculty and Staff Accomplishments

Michelle Baragona

•Participated in the 2016-17 class of the Mississippi Community College Leadership Academy

•Presented at Mississippi Science Teachers Association conference

Jason Beghtol

•Played in the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra during the 2016-17 season.

Carlena Benjamin

•Received grants to create an Open Educational Resource textbook for Survey of A&P

•Presented at Mississippi Science Teachers Association conference

Beth Benson

•Selected to participate in the 2017-18 class of the Mississippi Community College Leadership Academy

Will Bowlin

•Communication Director for state faculty association

•Appointed to Board of Directors, MSU Alumni Association (beginning July) and Board of Directors, MS Historical Society (beginning July)

•Open resource grant recipient

Amy Burks

•Presented at Mississippi Science Teachers Association conference

Janet Cox

•Appointed to the University of Mississippi Paralegal Studies Advisory Board.

Jenna Fincher

•Had a solo art exhibit titled Submerge/Emerge. This exhibit was held at Northeast Mississippi Community College in the Anderson Hall Art Gallery.

•Had a two person art exhibit titled “Of This Place” with Mississippi native Jaime Johnson at Hinds Community College in Raymond.

Christy Grissom

•Earned Bachelor of General Studies from the University of Mississippi

•Awarded the Taylor Medal (The university’s highest academic honor. Awarded annually to no more than 1 percent of the study body)

Dr. Deborah Kehoe

•Appointed co-editor of The Merton Annual, the premier publication for Thomas Merton scholarship in North America.

•Was a presenter and moderator at the College English Association Annual Conference.

Chassie Kelly

•Participated in the 2016-17 class of the Mississippi Community College Leadership Academy

Dr. Amy Langley

•Played in the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra during the 2016-17 season.

Natasha Lewis

•Earned Apple Teacher Certified – 2/17

•Receives Education Specialist – pending July 2017

Dr. Amanda Mattox

•Played in the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra during the 2016-17 season.

Jeff Melson

•Awarded Master in Educational Leadership, Administration, and Supervision from Delta State University

John Messer

•Presented at Mississippi Science Teachers Association conference

Michael H. Miller

•Served as the state judge for the Mississippi Scholastic Press Association

Angela Mott

•Became a Microsoft Certified Educator

•Received her certification in IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification) Global Standard 5 and Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Dr. George Nock

•Presented at Mississippi Science Teachers Association conference

Emily Pollard

•Selected to participate in the 2017-18 class of the Mississippi Community College Leadership Academy

Jeffrey Powell

•Select to attend ADE Institute in Berlin Germany

•Presented with the Dr. Olan Ray Leadership and Innovation Award

Louis Sacran

•Completed a certification in biblical counseling through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.

•Served as President of the Mississippi Counseling Association’s Northeast Region.

Matthew Sandlin

•Received his Mississippi Master Electrician License

Wendy Scott

•Selected as an MSVCC Instructor of the Year Finalist

Shawna Smith

•Received grants to create an Open Educational Resource textbook for Survey of A&P

Joey Williford

•Completed the Community College Fellows Program which is a partnership between Mississippi State University, the University of Alabama, and the state community college systems of Alabama and Mississippi.

•Served as Treasurer of the Mississippi Counseling Association’s Northeast Region.

2016 T.I.P/T.O.P. Awardees

Patrick Eaton, executive director of the Northeast Development Foundation, and the Foundation Board of Directors awarded the 2016 T.I.P/T.O.P. Awards. Because of the continued dedication and commitment to Northeast, the Northeast Development Foundation created the T.I.P/T.O.P. (“Tremendous Individual Performance” and “Teaching Outstanding Performance”) Awards. The T.I.P. Awards program is designed to recognize “Tremendous Individual Performance” for non-administrative staff members of Northeast Mississippi Community College. The T.O.P. award is given to one outstanding faculty member from each of the academic divisions who show innovative teaching methods.

Pictured at the presentation was

(back row l-r) President Ricky Ford, James Hill, Janet Cox, Vickie Hopkins, Stephanie Freese, LaShay Blansett, and

Foundation Executive Director Patrick Eaton; (front row l-r) Carrie Cobb, Amy Langley, and Beth Benson.

NEMCC Employees

Receive Foundation Grant

Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation Board of Directors allocated $15,000 for Employee Enhancement grants during 2016. These funds are fully funded through the contributions of the Northeast employees. Pictured from left to right are EEF Steering Committee Members Melody Shinn (committee member), Beth Byrd (committee chairperson), Glenice Stone (committee member), Will Bowlin (committee member), Justin Treloar (committee member), and not pictured is Bonnie Bell (committee member).


T. Jack Ramsey Chairman Tenure of Service:1983
Tishomingo County Banker
John O. Cunningham Secretary Tenure of Service: 1995 Prentiss County Businessman
Vance Witt Vice-Chairman Tenure of Service:2001 Union County Businessman
Ken Basil Tenure of Service: 2007 Union County Superintendent of Edu.
Randle Downs Tenure of Service: 2012
Prentiss County Superintendent of Edu.
John Anderson Tenure of Service: 2016 Alcorn County Educator
Christie Holly Tenure of Service: 2014 Tishomingo County Superintendent of Edu.
Kathy Shappley Tenure of Service: 2016 Tippah County Retired Educator
Douglas Jackson Tenure of Service:1995 Tippah County Retired Educator
Tracie Langston Tenure of Service: 2004 Prentiss County Businesswoman
Sam McCoy Tenure of Service: 1988
Prentiss County Businessman
Larry Mitchell Tenure of Service: 2016 Alcorn County Superintendent of Edu.
Craig Pharr Tenure of Service: 2015
Prentiss County Businessman
Luzene Triplett Tenure of Service: 2002
Prentiss County Retired Educator
Rodney McBryde Tenure of Service: 2016 Tippah County Businessman

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