META-MAGICK : Applications of Jungian Magick
Active Imagination and Maieutics as a framework for the exploration and analysis of the Subjective Universe in Altered States of Consciousness. by Ancient Priest-Architect, Joe Willrich Lutalo Occult Research, NuChwezi. June 27, 2014. Revised 28th Dec, 2017 (Nu 1)
Abstract: One of the premises of modern magick is the discovery of, understanding of and transformation of the mind (or lesser, it's universe). The current focus of most of modern Science is on doing the same with the hopefully objective universe, but a minority have actually long embraced the subjectivity of ultimate reality as inferred from the faculties of our only certainty - the mind. The methods of magick as studied and practiced by the NuChwezi school are here explained, in particular, their use of
psychoanalytic tools, mathematical paradigms and practical exploitation of altered states of consciousness; how they can make possible not only the observation of, but measurement of and and subsequently, the transformation of the Mind - Magick. Keywords ​: abstract theory, jung, chaos magick, chwezi, altered states, state-specific knowledge.
Let’s start with a famous remark directly related to this work as well: that altered states of consciousness are the key to unlocking magickal abilities; and that these abilities can be developed without any symbolic system except reality itself (Carroll, 1978). We shall also heavily build our system based on Zalta’s system of Abstract Objects, of special interest in our work, the following results are of particular importance: With Zalta’s notation and definitions, Properties Encoded by Abstract Objects:
founded on the two theorems: The Uniqueness of Abstract Objects:
And Well-Defined Descriptions :
(Zalta, 1999).
We acknowledge the potency of these two fundamental models, and choose to build a system
of pragmatic magick based on them because in these two models we realize the plausibility and support for the following propositions: 1. That in certain altered states of consciousness, the mind is capable of accessing specific knowledge (abstract objects - elements of the subjective universe) that are otherwise inaccessible in ordinary or baseline states (e.g our waking lives). This special knowledge has been classified as state specific knowledge (Talt, 2008). 2. Deep down, nature is inherently uncertain that is ultimate absolute reality is unknowable, from our finite, subjective point of reference - the mind, but that this uncertainty, doesn’t necessarily exclude the ability of the mind to be influenced by or influence this reality, actually, this uncertainty is what underlies the quantum entanglement(Linden, 2009), which makes possible (or explains) the many classical results of mystical and occult work. 3. The mind in contact with ultimate reality, is influenced by it, in which process models or impressions of ultimate reality are synthesized and reinforced in the mind’s universe - the subjective universe,
naturally, as ideas, feelings, thoughts, etc. These elements of the subjective universe are actually abstractions of ultimate reality, relative correspondences of what ultimately exists absolutely, but which don’t necessarily specify or determine that ultimate reality. 4. It’s possible to construct a body of fundamental knowledge about what ultimate reality is, from a relative perspective, by generalizing (or ever converging towards the most generic) subjective knowledge possible and accessible to the mind, and to then consistently and deductively arrive at a knowledge of all possible relative knowledge of the object of one’s mind. This is the only reason why foundational physics and mathematics will ever be of value to the enterprise of man. So, using this foundational knowledge, it becomes possible (or easier), in a systematic way, to understand, predict and alter our subjective universe - which to the modern school of magick, is sufficient in effecting any end.
We have been doing active research in the original field of chaos magick, particularly at the intersection with the ideas of a new school of magick - NuChwezi. While demonstrating and experimentally exploring some of the ideas driving this new school of occult science, we have built a technology that applies a jungian basis for the synthesis of a new magick, that uses maieutics to allow the ultimate psychic singularity​ - a marriage of the subjective and objective universe using only abstract objects - in particular, using an abstract interface between the two universes. This is not necessarily entirely novel, other researchers and workers present and past have used methods such as automatic writing, embolalia and other methods common with schools of spiritualism to elicit state-specific knowledge during altered states of consciousness, but our methods add something not previously given emphasis in these methods - the ability to exploit / establish a two-way communication channel during the process, that is, we seek to tap into the same (or similar) potential as that which lucid dreaming (and especially dream magick employing ritual) allows - ability to influence and also be influenced by the objects of the mind and by extension - ultimate reality.
One particular work demonstrating these concepts is our tool, the AIDiviner (short for “Active Imagination Diviner”) which is presented later in this paper. It currently offers a means to record, currently only in writing, the sequence of events that occur when the mind of a worker assumes concurrently both it’s identity and that of a possibly distinct ultimate objective reality. This is not entirely an alien phenomenon, as classical spiritual possession, for example as depicted by Koen (2006) when analyzing spiritual possession amongst the Chwezi of East Africa, is found to exhibit elements of a superposition of two or more consciousnesses during the phenomena, and which is believed to lead to the expansion of the consciousness or awareness of the host. Our distinctive method is the application of active imagination during altered states of consciousness - states which classically might be considered spirit possession. We then hope to be able to exploit whatever knowledge is curated from these experiences, mine it for patterns or general principles, and then use these to seed or inform our magickal pursuits in a systematic, falsifiable way.
Based on the linguistic metaphysics of Derrida, we now acknowledge that Kant's theory of the construction of mathematical concepts in “The Discipline of Pure Reason in Dogmatic Use”, still applies in a subjective-only realm, and then, using a Jungian framework like active imagination, it becomes possible for the mind to not only introspect, but also analyze (and perhaps mine) it’s own absolute reality, using applied reason, in the Derrida sense.
The above introductions layout the gist of what we are calling Meta-Magick, a NuChwezi School derivative of chaos magick, that picks off where the alchemist, Plato, left the Philosopher’s Stone. By building a tool that allows one to explore their own mind and it’s abstract objects, using active imagination in a preferably altered state of consciousness, it becomes possible, for the worker at the same time, to be the subjective and objective universe (or a best inferential approximation of this). Whatever the mind possesses as its object, subjective or not, it has inferred in a bayesian way from original impressions emanating from
ultimate objective reality, into subjective reality or the properties of the abstract objects thus formed subsequently. Derrida’s wisdom being true, we allow the proposition that: take no notice of the idea and the project of science, of the idea, that is, of truth as a theoretically infinite transmissibility; this has an historical possibility only with writing. Faced with the Husserlian analyses (Krisis and The Origin of Geometry) which remind us of this evidence, LÊvi-Strauss’s proposal can be sustained only by denying all specificity to the scientific project and to the value of truth in general. This last position does not lack force, but it cannot show the worth and coherence of that force except by relinquishing its claim to be a scientific discourse. A well-known pattern. It is in fact what seems to be happening here. At first, it would seem that the instability of symbolic knowledge, such as that via written forms, as demonstrated by deconstruction principles would leave us with an unbearable ambiguity from which to attempt to extract any utility, but just like language has enabled unfathomable feats to be achieved by man as a
by-product of man-to-man expression, even with this inherent ambiguity, the value wouldn’t be lost to the magician in the proposed use. Actually, as with many forms of spiritual or psychic communication, it’s possible that the element of multiple possibilities, multiple meaning, a need for context, etc are what would make this mode of divination really true to the form. The potency of abstract knowledge in written form, when it is accepted that it limits us to knowledge of subjective truth nevertheless, not only has the power to infer more power upon the knower, but those who would come in contact with her. Access to otherwise inaccessible knowledge, possible via written forms as developed in our new system of magick, would allow the same or more power over other forms of magick, as would writing to individuals capable of it when contrasted to those without it (see Derrida’s first proposition). The mind can assume the quantum state Q0, in which, though it be bound purely by it’s subjective universe, but with entanglement to normally inaccessible realms of that same universe or the objective one, would elicit impressions, through writing alone, from which it
would then be able to deduce the most likely foundational structure of the mind’s subconscious paradigm of the absolute object of which the abstract is a formula, axiom or property.
Maieutics : Applying Active Imagination in the platonic method.
Here's a tool, aiDiviner, that I've built, with the capability of leveraging active imagination, to aid in divination, self-exploration, talking to dream-entities, consulting God, praying, maieutics and anamnesis, etc especially when systematically employed in altered states of consciousness. It’s one of the practical experiments taking place at the NuChwezi school.
An approach to a practical session, in which an altered state is induced psychoactively, goes something like this: You shall do what thou will, invoke a deity or evoke the subconscious into a human-computer interface. There from, shall you be able to lift the veil, and behold the nature of your subjective reality on an instinctual impulse from your pineal gland (in esoteric literature preferably called “The Third Eye”), at the request of a cannabinoid molecule
activating the will.
Future Direction: Statistical Analysis as a tool of divination & the further exploration of altered states of consciousness in practical magick. We have come to believe or trust the ability that statistical methods might possess when applied to the work of inferring from or extracting knowledge from subjective reality as leveraged by divination systems. A suitable statistical framework, if applied to the knowledge accessed, extracted from or abstracted from divinatory and mystical experiences, might allow the magician to approach his work with the same level of rigor currently enjoyed by the physicist exploring the arcane properties of ultimate reality as made possible with statistical models of objective reality and quantum mechanics. Needless to say, we are in a bayesian era like never before, and the rest of occult science had better wake up to this fact like has been done by Chaos magick, testified in Carroll’s work with probabilistic models of magick (Carroll, 2009). And interesting to note, in this same work, Carroll does hint on the potency of such methods as that being developed in this paper (an employment of altered states, for example those induced psychoactively) when he is quoted saying: “Drugs have a long history of use in magic in various cultures, and usually in the context of
either ecstatic communal rituals or in personal vision quests. However compared to people in simple pastoral tribal situations most people in developed countries now live in a perpetual state of mental hyperactivity with overactive imaginations anyway, so throwing drugs in on top of this usually just leads to confusion and a further loss of focus. Plus as the real Shamans say, if you really do succeed in opening a door with a drug it will thereafter open at will and most such substances give all they will ever give on the first attempt.� This work is partly indebted to such fringe ideas, and further research and exploration of these concepts is part of our mission at the NuChwezi school.
Bibliography 1. Peter J. Carroll, 1978, Liber Null, IOT Publication. 2. Rosen, Gideon, "Abstract Objects", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = < ntries/abstract-objects/>. 3. Charles T. Tart, 2008, Accessing State-Specific Transpersonal Knowledge: Inducing Altered States, The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2008, Vol. 40, No. 2. 4. Linden, Noah and Popescu, et al, 2009, Quantum mechanical evolution towards thermal equilibrium, Phys. Rev. E, 2009, Vol. 79, Issue 6. 5. Koen Stroeken, 2006, ‘Stalking the stalker’: a Chwezi initiation into spirit possession and experiential structure, University of Leuven. 6. Derrida, Jacques [1997 (1967)], Of Grammatology. 7. Tetrahydrocannabinol. (2014, June 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 09:42, June 27, 2014, from rahydrocannabinol&oldid=614012056
8. Joe Willrich Lutalo, 2014, Active Imagination Diviner, Occult Research, NuChwezi. 9. Peter J. Carroll, 2009, The Octavo: A Sorcerer-Scientist's Grimoire, Mandrake.
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