Scientific Illuminism: a highlight of technologies developed at NES, for use in Magick

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SCIENTIFIC ILLUMINISM: SCIENCE, SERVING MAGICK A brief by Fra. Nemesis Fixx @ NuChwezi Esoteric School, Entebbe, Uganda.

INTRODUCTION In this brief are highlighted a couple of technologies that have been built to aid in or augment the Occult (Great) Work. These technologies have all been built at The NuChwezi Esoteric School (NES), in Uganda, East Africa, and are actively used in our practice. The purpose of this brief is to highlight their key aspects, the motivation behind each of them, and how they might be of use to other practitioners out there – some might even be able to evolve these tools or suggest feature improvements – that’s most desired.

All magick is mental phenomena (as can be argued of all of reality actually). In its most sublime form, magick requires nothing but the mind alone to manifest results, but, not every mind is well advanced and even those advanced, sometimes will not be performing at peak all the time, so, tradition has given us various tools that seem to be external to the worker, but which are in fact mere aids to the mind of the magician. Whether it be wands, chalices, daggers, pentacles, bones, rocks, blood, sigils, names of power, etc. All these are mere extensions of the mind of the practitioner.

Some very conservative workers would argue that there’s one or only a couple ways in which a magician can acquire and use their tools. But, as many modern pragmatists in the craft will know, not only is this not right, but it is also unrealistic. There will always be scenarios in which convention can’t serve the worker, and where improvisation or innovation has to set in. This is truer in the age of technology and the cyberspace especially. With the coming of such alternate realities as Virtual and Augmented Reality, it will soon be clear that magick needs to evolve to be able to support workers operating not in the physical world, but in simulated or virtual realities.

The following technologies are mostly aimed at offering parallels to, or additions to what other tools a magician working in today’s world might use, to be able to work magick or related art, while on the move, or with nothing but their phone or computer.

A NOTE ON DIVINATION Before we dive into the technologies and principles leveraging science to aid magick, it is important to note that a good number of our innovations are machines for aiding in or performing divination. Why is divination such an important thing, or why have we focused much energy and resources in developing divination systems? 

Besides the obvious reasons for using divination, most adepts recommend that divination be used by the ritual magician to gather necessary "intelligence" prior to delving in a serious magick ritual. 1. Such intelligence, like the necessary reconnaissance gathered by the military prior to launching a strike on a target, can help plan and better design the operation, and will also help in assessing whether there's actually a need to do the operation in the first place or not - sometimes, one might waste resources and even risk inducing undesired effects, when they undertake an operation without having first taken the time to assess its necessity, feasibility and nature. 2. And definitely, it makes sense not to limit the gathering of such intelligence to just divination, but actually, to use all available, conventional methods of studying the target, and then only using divination to fill-in the gaps where existing information is either insufficient, missing or difficult to come by. In esoteric work, divination will often serve a purpose where no other conventional methods of information gathering would even work.

3. This is an aspect of magick that many neophytes (and some experienced) magicians will take for granted or entirely leave out of their work-flow, but one which can greatly improve the efficacy of magick and also help improve efficiency. Also, we like to joke, “divination is the act of consciously or deliberately reading God’s mind”, and perhaps, it’s for this reason that many draconian cultures and authorities outlaw it – as knowledge is power, the ones that can leverage divination, arguably hold the most power, as they can tap into a stream of information and knowledge of the most potent form.

In this brief, we outline 3 methods/systems of divination that we have developed around technologies that make their use simpler or more accessible. The systems are: the scrying orb, bibliomancy and active imagination. But it’s not just divination we cover herein, there’s also 2 other sections, dedicated to the different, but arguably related arts of secrecy – cryptography, and then steganography. Obviously, some might joke how, in this same paper, we first present methods of discovering secret information (de-occulting nature), and then demonstrating how to make information secret (occulting nature). Perhaps these two things are so fundamental to occult work, that we deemed it necessary to develop advanced tools for their application. But, there’s more to this than just the occult, welcome to the esoteric technologies of the NuChwezi…

Those who look behind the veil, must not forget to close the door behind them, after they enter or leave – Annonymous.


Much of what there is to see, cannot be readily seen. You sometimes will need an instrument to focus and magnify your vision – whether it be outer or inner vision. Scrying, is one of those ancient techniques for aiding in focusing and magnifying inner vision, especially for purposes of communion, divination, channeling, clairvoyance, etc. One proven technique of scrying is the orb. Scrying orbs come in many forms – some colored, some opaque, some hollow with charged fluid, some contain gas, and this one is digital. The form of this online scrying orb isn’t much different from the typical, traditional kind – spherical, translucent, and mostly glass-like. It also has the advantage of not being wholly static – it contains an ever morphing “virtual ether” that would make it akin to such scrying methods as cloud-gazing, smoke/fog-gazing, or even water gazing. But, it also taps into an archaic form of scrying – moon-gazing, and indeed, it will remind many of the moon, which is one of the best, most natural tools for potent scrying, as it not only symbolizes the subconscious, but is also symbolic of many magical potencies in our inner self. Gazing into this virtual scrying orb should yield results for those who take care to study how traditional scrying worked, and then port the essential preparatory and operational mindset to this virtual orb. The results are guaranteed to be very close, if not similar. The other key advantage of this scrying tool is definitely its ubiquitous nature – being online, you can take it with you anywhere, or can readily access it anywhere. In fact, you can save the scrying page for offline use if you will. It should work on any device with a browser, even your phone. So, you could pull out your phone when walking

through that cemetery in the night, and tap into the inner vision faculty, to see what you wouldn’t otherwise easily see.

Getting Technical: 

Principles:  o



The Spirit Orb emulates a traditional gazing crystal or orb, though, it also incorporates elements of scrying with smoke or clouds. Unlike typical scrying surfaces, this one doesn't attempt to use reflection as an aid (though, because the orb is presented on a screen, this element might be exploited by some) The synthesis of random stimuli (cloudy formations in this case), within the orb, is meant to occupy or "trick" the conscious mind into passive mode, while the content from the subconscious emerges into the awareness. o 

Usage?  o

Because the actual nature of the randomness employed is not very critical here, this technology uses a possibly unreliable/quasi random source - the browser's native Math.random API (though on some computers, this might be a reliable source of randomness, but this is not very important in this case).

making necessary preliminary preparations, of which the following are key: o 

know the basic principles of how scrying works (there's lots of literature on the subject that's readily accessible via the Internet) have a clear idea of what sort of information you wish to obtain - basically, have a question or an earnest, unambiguous desire for some information have faith in yourself and the ability of the tool chosen to actually deliver to your mind the desired information unlike some other forms of divination, faith plays a key

o o



role in scrying, as the conscious mind (and its noise and doubt of stimuli not originating from conventional sources) can easily disrupt and suppress any information the subconscious might try to convey into your awareness. So, suspend doubt, and wholly trust the method and yourself for the duration of the session. gaze into the orb (literally, and with eyes open) project into the orb your desire (you might speak it out, but whatever you do, try to mentally "push" the desire/question into the orb) tune-in and watch as the information becomes available to you scrying, though literally visual, doesn't only generate visual information, but the act of scrying can lead to the synthesis of information in your awareness, which information might be of a visual, auditory or conceptual kind. You might even smell some things... depending on how well refined your impressionable and receptive faculties are when scrying. either during, or preferably after the session or after a query has obtained an answer, take notes of both the query, and what answers you obtained - write everything, as you might not immediately know which are the "tricks" or noise of your conscious mind, and which are the real meat of the answer, and sometimes, like with dreams, it might not be possible to immediately make sense of generated information, until when a suitable analysis is done or patterns are gleaned from the responses on multiple sessions.


It can be easily argued, that the very first time a human ever wrote something, anything, with intent, was one of the most magical moments in our evolution – possibly, only second to the first intentional utterance. Why? Because, unlike anything else we ever can do, writing is the process of manifesting into corporeal reality, that which only had existed in the mind. In this regard, all acts of physical expression – drawing, sculpting, architecture, music, etc. are forms of writing. But, of all these forms, the expression of intent or meaning via a composition of symbols (such as letters or some visual alphabet), is one of the most sublime artifacts of our evolution. Many other species can make music, produce crude architecture or even express themselves in dance, but arguably, only humans can persist their thoughts and intent in symbols, in a manner that can transcend space and time – as written information. It should be no wonder that in ancient times, writing was considered one of the most divine forms of art and science, and was something only the initiated and priestly caste were taught or allowed to do. In even our present times, there are forms of writing – such as esoteric construction and reading of sigils and other occult writing that the mundane have no direct access to. Such is the power of writing.

Now, writing and written material have held such an important position in the culture and history of humanity, that even up to this day, the most important artifacts we have with us from the past, are mostly in the form of written information – scriptures, grimoires, science manuscripts, philosophy treatises, hieroglyphics, etc. But, it’s not

just the typical use of books as sources of literal sources of information that is of importance, there has always been esoteric dimensions to the use of written material. For example, the Kabbalists infer so much power and profoundness onto the written word, that for them, the entire cosmos can be unraveled using nothing but a special alphabet and a system of mapping any phenomena to compositions using that alphabet. On the other hand, there are esotericists who know of the “occult” side of writing, so that they not only revere certain books and manuscripts as timeless imprints of psychic phenomena that once dwelt in the minds of the authors, but also as windows into higher sources that the original authors tapped into themselves – such is very true of revealed/channeled works and grimoires.

Yet another esoteric use of the written form is as a means of preserving what would otherwise be readily corrupted if transmitted any other way – like what would happen when nuggets of wisdom are only passed down via the oral tradition as has been very common in Africa over the ages. Writing is one of the few forms of expression that can best preserve the original intent, through time and space – except where misinterpretation and corruption are introduced by later scribes and transcribers of the original material – this has happened with many popular ancient manuscripts. But also, not all scribes put their writing in literal form, and so, some esotericists would read a manuscript or passage with more than their conscious mind – such is typical of scripture and revealed/channeled writing.

Now, what really is reading? It is the act of perceiving one or more symbols organized in some manner with intent or not (where there’s no apparent intent, esoteric principles still don’t exclude the possibility of there being some occult intent unknown to the reader, as is typical of all seemingly random events in the manifest universe), and then interpreting them in light of one’s faculties of understanding (conscious or not), and then reaching a state of awareness of what the symbol(s) implied. In its esoteric form, reading isn’t necessary limited to written materials only – one can read clouds, rocks, tea-leaves, bones, crowds of people, sounds, etc. But, one of the most potent forms of reading, is that of reading the written form – regardless of the origin of the writing, or what symbol forms are employed in the writing, and this is one of the arts that has occupied both the mundane and the initiated for thousands of years since the ability to express the intangible in symbols first occurred to us.

As with all forms of reading, the reading of books is a form of divination if done in certain ways. It is divination in the sense that, it can enable the reader to glean from what is written, things that may not even be apparent or directly imbued in the written form itself. How does this work? As with all forms of divination, it’s possible, when using ones subconscious or higher faculties, to make order out of chaos – or vice versa, chaos out of order. In one of the very ancient forms of divination, called bibliomancy, written material is read, often in untypical ways, with the purpose of obtaining answers and insights into things that sort of transcend the literal symbols themselves. One could say this of almost all forms of reading – even the mundane reading of a novel or a mathematical equation or proof for that matter, but in bibliomancy, the aim is often more esoteric or divine than not – one is trying to obtain information from a source not readily accessible to the physical or conscious senses.

Now, comes our divination tool – Chwezi Bibliomancy Divination (CBD). This tool, which can also be accessed and used online, is an aid to a technique of bibliomancy that utilizes a system revealed to us by the Chwezi, during a series of workings in July of 2015.

In brief, this tool uses pure randomness (sourced from which sources directly from atmospheric phenomena), or pseudo-randomness (where the tool is used offline), to seed the esoteric reading of some written material (typically a book or a book among books), so as to arrive at some revealed answer to a question one might not have been able to readily answer using ordinary, conventional or conscious methods.

The whole system, interpreted from a purely psychological perspective, is a systematic way of leveraging the powers of the subconscious, in making sense out of chaos. But on the esoteric side, this can also be interpreted as a means of allowing higher faculties or intellects – including those that influenced the written material used in the divination, to guide one’s awareness to some information, composed in a rather chaotic manner out of orderly writing, using the formula I’ll reveal below.

As with other divination systems, or any magical tools for that matter, those not initiated into these occult arts and mysteries might see all this as gibberish or as

fantastical thinking. But, this is the essential nature of the arcana – only those that must know can know. Below is a verbatim reproduction of the formula as originally written.

Requirements: 1. One or more books, placed in stacks you can easily count 2. A source of true (and that means natural) random numbers of one digit each (a die is okay if it's unbiased) 3. Pen and paper, or somewhere to write 4. A spiritual link to your source of answers (mild gnosis is not necessarily required, but will greatly enhance the link.) Method: Basically, you present your question to your spiritual oracle, and then receive an answer, in words, which answer is specified by the following formula, which consists of exactly how to locate the words from which your answer is phrased. You might need to read between the lines, alter the final answer or might just get a very cryptic answer, so that a further request for clarification might be necessary. But if your link is okay, you will always get an answer, no matter what the nature of your question is. The Formula: 1. Form the link to your spiritual oracle. 2. Ask the question in the spiritual realm and also write it down physically. 3. Pause awhile, in silence, to receive the answer. 4. Start building the answer thus: 1. 1-BSI (1 digit Book Stack Index): this number is obtained by taking 1 digit from the oracle, modulo the number of book stacks, and taking it as the index (counting from 1, left to right), of the book stack from which the book for the readings is to be picked. 1. Example: if we have 3 stacks of books, and get the revealed number 7, then our 1-BSI is 7 mod 3 -> 1. So, we shall be picking our book from the 1st stack of books. 2. 1-d-BSI (1 digit direction of choosing BSI): a 1 digit number is obtained from the oracle, and it's used to determine from which

direction to count the book stacks in order to apply the 1-BSI. For this step, the convention is to consider an even number as indicating a LR (left to right) counting direction, while an odd number reading indicates a RL (right to left) counting direction. 1. Example: if we obtain the reading 4, we'll then consider the leftmost book stack as having index 1. If the number was 3, we'd consider the rightmost stack as having index 1. 3. 2-BI (2 digit Book Index): this number is determined by reading 2 digits from the oracle, one at a time, which digits are concatenated to form a 2 digit number, which is then taken modulo the number of books in the specified book stack (1-BSI), so as to indicate the index of the book (in the stack), to select for the readings. But, to determine which book this is, we have to also know in which direction to count off the indices on the stack (see next step). 1. Example: if the specified book stack contains 13 books, and a reading for the 2-BI gives the 2 digits: 3 and 7, then we get the 2-BI as 37, from which we get the actual book index by calculating 37 mod 13 -> 11. So, the book we'll be choosing has index 12 in the stack. 4. 1-d-BI (1 digit direction of Book Index): a 1 digit number is obtained from the oracle, and it's used to determine from which direction to count the books within the stack in order to apply the 2-BI. For this step, the convention is to consider an even number as indicating a TB (top to bottom) counting direction, while an odd number reading indicates a BT (bottom to top) counting direction. 1. Example: if we obtain the reading 2, we'll then consider the topmost book in the stack as having index 1. If the number was 9, we'd consider the lowest book in the stack as having index 1. 5. 1-FP (1 digit First Page): this number is obtained by taking 1 digit from the oracle, and taking it as the page number in the specified book, modulo the number of pages, on which to take the very first reading. BUT, we can't just count the pages in the "ordinary" way, instead we need another specifier to determine from which end of the book to start counting the pages (see next step). 1. Example: if we have our book of 100 pages, and get the revealed number 8, then our 1-FP is 8 mod 100 -> 8. So, we shall be picking our first reading on the 8th page in the specified book.

6. 1-d-FP (1 digit direction to the First Page): a 1 digit number is obtained from the oracle, and it's used to determine from which direction (book cover) to count the pages within the book in order to apply the 1-FP. For this step, the convention is to consider an even number as indicating a FB (front to back) counting direction, while an odd number reading indicates a BF (back to front) counting direction. 1. Example: if we obtain the reading 2, we'll then consider the first, non-cover page in the book as having index/page-number 1. If the number was 9, we'd consider the last, non-cover page in the book as having index 1. 7. 2*-WI (1 or 2 digit Word Index): this number is obtained by taking 1 digit from the oracle, and taking it as the index of the word to select on each page being specified within the book. BUT if this digit is odd, then a second digit must likewise be obtained from the oracle, and then concatenated to the first in order to obtain a 2 digit index number to use to locate the specified word on the page. But, before locating these words, we need to know the direction in which to count off the words on each specified page (see next step). 1. Example: if we get the reading 6, it means we'll read off the 6th word on each specified page in the book. If the reading was 7, we'd need to get a second reading as well. Assuming this second reading is 2, then the WI would be 72, meaning we'd have to pick the 72th word on each specified page. 8. 1-v-WI (1 digit vertical direction to the Word Index): a 1 digit number is obtained from the oracle, and it's used to determine from which direction to count the words on the specified page, in order to apply the 2*-WI. For this step, the convention is to consider an even number as indicating a TB (top to bottom) counting direction, while an odd number reading indicates a BT (bottom to top) counting direction. BUT we also need to know whether to count the words on each line from the left to right or vice-versa (see next step). 9. 1-h-WI (1 digit horizontal direction to the Word Index): a 1 digit number is obtained from the oracle, and it's used to determine from which direction to count the words across the page, in order to apply the 2*-WI. For this step, the convention is to consider an even number as indicating a LR (left to right) counting direction, while an odd number reading indicates a RL (right to left) counting direction.

5. 6.



10. 2*-WC (1 or 2 digit Word Count): this number is obtained by taking 1 digit from the oracle, and taking it as the total number of words to expect as formulating the entire answer to be read from the book. BUT if this digit is odd, then a second digit must likewise be obtained from the oracle, and then concatenated to the first in order to obtain a 2 digit word count to expect instead. One might coerce the oracle to limit the answer to no more than a specified number of words. If such a limit is specified, then the value of WC is taken mod this limit. But, before locating these words, we need to know the number of pages to skip between word readings direction, so as to count off the words making up the answer (see next step). 11. 2*-PS (1 or 2 digit Page Skip): this number is obtained by taking 1 digit from the oracle, and taking it as the total number of page to skip after reading each word on a specified page, while formulating the entire answer to be read from the book. BUT if this digit is odd, then a second digit must likewise be obtained from the oracle, and then concatenated to the first in order to obtain a 2 digit number specifying the number of pages to skip instead. 1. Example: if the reading returns a 5, it means if we are currently reading a word on page 10, the next page to read would be on page 15 (relative to the direction specified by 1-d-FP above). After having obtained all the above specifier numbers, you then apply them to the book stacks, book stack, book, pages and words, so as to construct the specified answer strictly following the algorithm above. Once the answer has been constructed, you then have to apply your understanding, knowledge and or intuition to discern what it is the answer means (or doesn't mean). 1. As indicated earlier, if the answer obtained doesn't make sense, don't hesitate to seek clarification - not necessarily a different answer, using the same method above. It's advisable to keep notes and records of all the consultations / divinations done using this method, in a clean, analyzable and referenceable manner, so as to aid you in making contrasts, analysis and drawing references in future circumstances and to keep tabs on the reliability of your sources/oracle. If this method works for you, do consider teaching it to a select few, that might also benefit from applying its power, and don't forget to give credit to the Nu Chwezi, who have revealed this esoteric knowledge to me in the first place.

A SHORT-HAND for the 11 divining numbers in the above algorithm: (Note: N or NN denotes the obtained readings corresponding to each value in the step) Name



1 digit Book Stack Index


{:N (mod W)

1 digit direction of choosing BSI



2 digit Book Index


}:NN (mod x)

1 digit direction of Book Index



1 digit First Page


$:N (mod Y)

1 digit direction to the First Page



1 or 2 digit Word Index


@*:NN (mod Z

1 digit vertical direction to the Word Index



1 digit horizontal direction to the Word Index



1 or 2 digit Word Count


#*:NN (mod L)

1 or 2 digit Page Skip



NOTE: The above system of divination can be utilized without any further aid but a source of randomness (dice, stones, bones, etc.) and some written material (a book or voluminous, rich text is recommended, to diversify the pool from which material can be sourced).

Now, because we are hell-bent on making science and technology serve magick, we went ahead and built a tool to help utilize this system of divination with little or no need of memorizing or fully understanding the underlying mechanics of how this divination system works – a lot of magick is of this sort – it has underlying mechanisms that are inherently natural, but typically, the practitioner need not wholly understand why magick works, but how it works, in order to reap fruits from it. So, this tool, like many, tries to simplify and abstract away the inner mechanics, so as to help one quickly and readily tap into this esoteric tool with ease and less error.

The Online CBD Tool & Getting Technical: 

All you need is a browser that can run the CBD interface at

Have a book handy, and then follow the following…


Principles:  This method of divination mainly operates as a kind of sortilege, in which the contents of a book (or some other literary medium so arranged or as you'll notice in the mechanics of CBD, virtually any piece of written material), are used as the pool of random symbols from which meaningful sentences and thus useful information can be synthesized.  The very important element in all sortilege methods is the source of randomness and the rules of how information is "read" from the outputs of a "reading". In the case of bibliomancy, especially as encouraged in CBD, the following apply:  

we prefer pure natural randomness, and thus chose, which sources randomness from atmospheric phenomena (that might not be local to where the divination is performed actually both in space and time)  

the choice is motivated by the following:  A desire to limit the possibility of conscious interference during the divination itself - it can be argued that the output of exhibits this more than typical sources of randomness used in traditional bibliomancy.  BUT this might not be easy, as there's the hypothesis that even though seemingly separated in space and time, events happening during the divination session might be correlated or synchronized with others in

another space and time - quantum entanglement might be a plausible explanation, but also the idea that all manifest reality is connected in one way or another or even the possibility that all "objective reality" is possibly a mere extension of subjective reality - in which case the diviner is influencing seemingly "external", random phenomena nevertheless.  But, as has already been made clear in the principles on divination, the aim is not to entirely eliminate interference of the mind, but instead to encourage such interference, if it is originated in the subconscious and less of the kind from the conscious mind. This is the BIG difference between thinking/reasoning and divination - both aim to synthesize or discover information, but where reasoning and thinking use the conscious mind, divination seeks to leverage and use the subconscious mind predominantly, and how to do this, informs the principles and methods of these arts and sciences.  For lack of an affordable, easily deployable and scalable source of pure, natural randomness, this became a preference.  The API is clean and sufficient for our technical needs.  In off-line mode, bibliomancy might leverage unbiased dice, the tossing of coins or other random sources, though preference of methods where conscious interference is minimal are key. NOTE: though is the default choice, the CBD engine includes a fallback to the browser's (and thus the computer's) random source - via the Math.random API in JavaScript. what book or source of words one uses to feed into the divination session might not matter much, though it's encouraged to use sources that are both semantically and linguistically rich - lexicons might be good, as they are inherently rich in vocabulary, but they suffer from bias, as the distribution of words is more consciously known than if one were to pick a huge and obscure novel, the bible or some huge, general knowledge encyclopedia.  The important element when choosing a book, is to use one that is semantically rich (the vocabulary is wide, and concepts occur in as many forms as possible), and where the possibility of consciously determining the location of a word before opening the book is very minimal.

BUT, and this some might realize with practice, there might be certain books that one finds to be more reliable as sources of material in their bibliomancy, even though such books might seem limited in content or heavily biased in semantics and structure - this is the point where bibliomancy ceases being just a mechanical system, and also morphs into a sort of art. Inspiration and experience might play a big role in successful divination with this method.  Operating "Algorithm”: it is a bit involved, and is already clearly discussed in the notes on the CBD formula.  This method, unlike scrying, tends to be more impersonal and seemingly "mechanical", so that it can easily be dismissed as a materialistic and less of a spiritual means of divining. But the adepts know where the limits lie, and you will learn the same with experience. Usage?  Have a clear question or desire for some information in mind.  find a suitable book or literary material to use as a source for your divining vocabulary or symbols ("suitable" is more subjective here, though we offer some guidelines in the above principles)  Visit and follow the prompts - the workflow built into the tool makes it possible to use it like a sort of typical wizard - it prompts for some info from you, and then uses that to guide you on what to do next.  Write down both your query and response for later analysis and or crossvalidation (it is encouraged to attempt to collect multiple responses for the same query over time - especially for the neophytes, though, as might become clear over time, the "setting” - subjective and objective, does alter results, though overall, the answer should stay the same - for a particular query, by a particular person, at a particular time and space) - this is less of a conventional, mechanical science. 


ILLUSTRATION: To put things into perspective, and to inspire you to try this divination method, here’s an example reading I once made using this tool, in response to some phenomena whose source I needed to understand. I’ll quote the original divination log verbatim:

I asked the question: Question: Who are you, that is revealing this wisdom to me?

Answer (broken down into phases of interpretation, starting with how the formula works): {:N (mod W) , {!:N, }:NN (mod X), }!:N, $:N (mod Y), $!:N, @*:NN (mod Z), @^!:N, @>!:N, #*:NN, +*:NN as {:6 (mod 3) , {!:4, }:94 (mod 25), }!:1, $:1 (mod 624), $!:8, @*:99 (mod 64), @^!:4, @>!:8, #*:14, +*:31 as {:3 , {!:4, }:19, }!:1, $:1, $!:8, @*:99 (mod 64), @^!:4, @>!:8, #*:14, +*:31 as {:3 , {!:4, }:19, }!:1, $:1, $!:8, @*:35-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-9999-99, @^!:4, @>!:8, #*:14, +*:31 as He The of singularity the incendiaries I to Penta! the gruesome her cataloging him

As sourced from the book "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown.

The interpretation of this reading has been removed for obvious reasons.


“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world…” – Albert Einstein. That imagination is the Holy Grail of what we are as humans, is not to be disputed, especially not by anyone that’s walked on the path of the Great Work. What we can do, what we can glimpse, what we can create, what we can harness and leverage, when using the imagination alone, entirely dwarfs all of our other faculties and resources combined. But, not all imagination comes equal, just like, not all forms of thinking yield the same fruits on average. For example, a persona trained in mathematical or computational thinking, as it much sought after in these modern times, is “better” equipped in dealing with the modern landscape than those who aren’t. Likewise, those who have developed the faculties of creative thinking, make better problem solvers in general, and produce more contributions to the advancement of society, than those who can’t utilize this form of thinking. In the domain of the imagination, as with thinking – and yes, imagination is a form of thinking in many ways than not, there are certain ways of developing phenomena in the mind, that yield some very amazing results than the typical, conventional imagination. Well known to many esotericists, some of these unconventional forms of

imagination underlie almost all of serious magical work, including, but not limited to; clairvoyance, telepathy, astral projection, astral rituals, shamanic journeying (when not utilizing entheogens), channeling, automatic-writing, evocation, spell-casting, and definitely, automatic-writing and divination (these last two being very closely related, and which we are most concerned with in this method of divination). Active Imagination, a term made popular or perhaps heavily utilized by the honorable psychologist and father of psychoanalysis, Carl Gustav Jung, is a form of imagination where one utilizes the faculties of their mind accessible in a normal, conscious state (as opposed to trance or hypnosis), to directly evoke from their subconscious, information and things that they normally wouldn’t. It typically uses some form of reflective, introspective thinking or similar forms of self-expression. To give a fuller account of this phenomena, let me quote directly from the Jung Lexicon by the Jungian psychoanalyst, Daryl Sharp:

Active imagination: A method of assimilating unconscious contents (dreams, fantasies, etc.) through some form of self-expression. (See also transcendent function.)

The object of active imagination is to give a voice to sides of the personality (particularly the anima/animus and the shadow) that are normally not heard, thereby establishing a line of communication between consciousness and the unconscious. Even when the end products-drawing, painting, writing, sculpture, dance, music, etc.-are not interpreted, something goes on between creator and creation that contributes to a transformation of consciousness. The first stage of active imagination is like dreaming with open eyes. It can take place spontaneously or be artificially induced. In the latter case you choose a dream, or some other fantasy-image, and concentrate on it by simply catching hold of it and looking at it. You can also use a bad mood as a startingpoint, and then try to find out what sort of fantasy-image it will produce, or what image expresses this mood. You then fix this image in the mind by concentrating your attention. Usually it will alter, as the mere fact of contemplating it animates it. The alterations must be carefully noted down all the time, for they reflect the psychic processes in the unconscious background, which appear in the form of images consisting of conscious memory material. In this way conscious and unconscious are united, just as a waterfall connects above and below.[The Conjunction," CW 14, par. 706.] The second stage, beyond simply observing the images, involves a conscious participation in them, the honest evaluation of what they mean about oneself, and a morally and intellectually binding commitment to act on the insights. This is a transition from a merely perceptive or aesthetic attitude to one of judgment. Although, to a certain extent, he looks on from outside, impartially, he is also an acting and suffering figure in the drama of the psyche. This recognition is absolutely necessary and marks an important advance. So long as he simply looks at the pictures he is like the

foolish Parsifal, who forgot to ask the vital question because he was not aware of his own participation in the action.[An allusion to the medieval Grail legend. The question Parsifal failed to ask was, "Whom does the Grail serve?" ]. . . But if you recognize your own involvement you yourself must enter into the process with your personal reactions, just as if you were one of the fantasy figures, or rather, as if the drama being enacted before your eyes were real.["The Conjunction," CW 14, par. 753.] The judging attitude implies a voluntary involvement in those fantasy-processes which compensate the individual and-in particular-the collective situation of consciousness. The avowed purpose of this involvement is to integrate the statements of the unconscious, to assimilate their compensatory content, and thereby produce a whole meaning which alone makes life worth living and, for not a few people, possible at all. [ Ibid., par. 756.]

It might seem like active imagination is a technique mostly utilized by modern-day fringe psychologists such as Jungians, but no, this method of tapping into psychic powers has existed in one form or another, for thousands of years – definitely, under many names. One such ancient, and obvious application of this method of imagination is self-talk! Yes, how many times have you stumbled upon priceless nuggets of information or insights, while talking to yourself in the bathroom, on the road, on the bus, or when angry and confronting your reflection in the mirror? See how potent, yet simple this technique is?

The ancient sages knew of this method so well, they heavily utilized it even in formal work. One such example is the concept in ancient philosophy known as maieutics, which the Greek philosophers utilized as far back as 2500 years! The Wikipedia entry on this concept defined maieutics as: a pedagogical method based on the idea that truth is latent in the mind of every human being due to innate reason but has to be "given birth" by answering intelligently proposed questions (or problems). So, in the Socratic method for example, instead of teaching a student what “Truth is” by elaborating principles and facts to them, instead, the teacher would evoke this wisdom directly out of the student’s mind, by posing strategic questions to them, in such a manner and sequence, that with time, their ignorance and misconceptions fade away, and true wisdom and knowledge emanates from their own lips, without being put there by the teacher or any other person for that matter. This, is arguably, a more refined way of teaching and learning, than the typical regurgitation of facts, and the adoption of alien principles and knowledge. I think, it is the true method of obtaining the Knowledge of Self, and realizing what is called “Truth that comes from within.”

To further support or illustrate how ancients have used active imagination and similar techniques, there’s yet another concept that was utilized and related by Plato, called anamnesis. To again quote from Wikipedia, we learn that:

Anamnesis is a concept in Plato's epistemological and psychological theory that he

develops in his dialogues Meno and Phaedo, and alludes to in his Phaedrus. It is the idea that humans possess knowledge from past incarnations and that learning consists of rediscovering that knowledge within us.

And that‌

Socrates' response is to develop his theory of anamnesis. He suggests that the soul is immortal, and repeatedly incarnated; knowledge is actually in the soul from eternity (86b), but each time the soul is incarnated its knowledge is forgotten in the shock of birth. What one perceives to be learning, then, is actually the recovery of what one has forgotten. (Once it has been brought back it is true belief, to be turned into genuine knowledge by understanding.) And thus Socrates (and Plato) sees himself, not as a teacher, but as a midwife, aiding with the birth of knowledge that was already there in the student.

Here, we definitely see that anamnesis and maieutics were and are related, if not referring to the same thing. And a further interesting excerpt concerning this subject‌

Anamnesis is the closest that human minds can come to experiencing the freedom of the soul prior to its being encumbered by matter. The process of incarnation is described in Neoplatonism as a shock that causes the soul to forget its experiences (and often its divine origins as well).

And then, quoting from an insightful article on self-talk, which is deemed to not just be a sign of high intelligence, but also an aid to it:

Two things. First, in giving words to (or writing onto paper) an issue and adding the clarity and clarifications required to make something understandable to someone else has the same impact on your other-than-conscious. You may think that you’re being clear about an issue in your head, but you rarely are. You’re more likely to be half articulating the issue and then immediately looping into the same consciously derived result you keep on getting which is failing to remove the problem or blocker. And this is the second point. By talking to yourself (again, words or paper is good – words may be better because of how unusual you may experience the sensation), your conscious brain gives a clear set of instructions to your other-than-conscious brain. You ask yourself the question and often answer it very quickly yourself because the totality of your resources (conscious and unconscious) are now engaged to a common endeavor (and in most cases, you knew the answer to the problem: it just needed unlocking by you being clear with yourself) Brain scientist Jill Bolte Taylor takes the essence of this a big step further in her book, My Stroke of Insight , when she says ‘From my perspective, the focused human mind is the most powerful instrument in the universe, and through the use of language, our left brain is capable of directing (or impeding) our physical healing and recovery

In summary, it is upon these powerful insights and principles, that our system of divination is founded, and it utilizes a personal, self-questioning method, where you, in one aspect, assume the role of an entity from whom you desire to obtain answers or information, and then in another, act as your inquisitive, seeking self. The form of exchange is writing, not just because it yields better results, but also because it helps to automatically document your divination sessions – the technology we’ve developed uses these logs to preserve your experiments and workings for future reference, and to allow you to proceed from where you stopped – for serial divinations. In developing our system of divination that taps into active imagination, and especially its potential use in esoteric work, we sought to make the use and fine-tuning of this form of imagination even much more simpler – requiring no prior training, and allowing for unattended sessions (without the need for a guiding psychoanalyst for example). This tool is what we call the Active Imagination Diviner (or AI-Diviner in short), and at the moment, it’s only a self-contained executable program that would work on modern Windows Operating Systems (it basically requires .NET 4.5+)

Usage & Technical Info

You can definitely use this method of divination without software or a tool, but we’ve deemed it useful to build one, so as to not just simplify, but enhance the use of this powerful method of divination. To get started, you definitely will need to download and run the tool –


1. Double-Click on the Session name and change the session name to something suitable 2. The "Entity" is whatever other being/force you wish to interact with. To give it a useful name (other than the default "Entity"), double-click its label and follow instructions to set an alternative name. 3. Initially (when a session has just started), YOU (identified by the label "Me") are the one who talks first - by typing anything in the provided input box, and pressing ENTER on the keyboard to submit your talk. 4. After YOU talk, the "Entity" is given the chance to talk next, after which YOU get back the prompt, and so on... 5. It's possible to interact with more than 1 entity in the same session, but to properly keep records, update the entity name (see 2 above) whenever a new entity comes in. 6. You can SAVE the current session at any time, by using Session > Save... to store the contents of the current session into a special file (*.div) which the program knows how to load a session from next time. 7. You can OPEN an existing (or previously saved) session by locating it's file using Session > Open... and once loaded, you can proceed to interact with the last entity (or change to a new one) in that session. You can later save a modified session too.


1. Because you might end up creating so many sessions, and because this tool is best used in a systematic manner, it's recommended to keep all you session files related in some way, in the same directory/folder on the system. Such a directory containing session files is what we call a "WorkSpace" 2. By Default, the program assumes that your Documents Home is the default Workspace, and thus, by default, whenever you try saving or opening a session, that directory is shown first. 3. You can set an alternative workspace by using the Workspace > Set menu command, so that subsequent save/open prompts will default to that location on you file system.


Before even looking at cryptography for magick, it would serve us right to first understand some essential things about secrecy in general, and why it seems relevant to the esotericist and occultist, from various perspectives. We shall begin with the following interesting quote, from an article published on the website Wired, upon the event of cracking one of the enigmatic codes left since the Middle Ages by the secret order of the Occulists:

“As a Mason you are not allowed to write down—let alone publish—your rituals,” Snoek said. So how do you spread your ideas? You publish esoteric rites as if they are exposures—public outings of Masonry. Except you publish in code, so only an elite cadre of fellow Masons can read the dangerous things you have to say. And when your mission is over, you stuff all the evidence into a box that doesn’t get opened for nearly 150 years. The Oculists guarded and transmitted the Masons’ deepest secrets, Snoek believes, using a mixture of ritual, misdirection, and cryptography.

Why secrecy? There might be a simple answer for the mundane, but for anyone on the esoteric paths, another way to answer this, is with a relevant question: Why the “occult” in magick? To anyone worth their salt in the esoteric, the answer must be on their fingertips already – all true initiation guarantees this, but to put it simply; silence is not just a virtue, there are certain things that only make sense to be kept secret – there’s a very fundamental, ancient reason these sciences and arts are considered “occult”.

So, to begin with, what’s more important to you? The material possessions and accidents you’ve amassed in your external, corporeal life, or the inscrutable, often personal, inner treasures and fiascoes that you might never even disclose to yourself in private dialogue? Where lies a man’s true self, if not in the things withheld even from himself? What gives God the power, if not dominion over, and direct insight into the innermost dwellings of a man’s heart? Therein lies the key to the power of the hidden key. Secrecy is potent, and anyone with power knows and leverages this, or sooner than later, their power is lost to someone with better secrecy.

For more reasons that just fear of exposure, malice or competition, humans have used secret ciphers to exchange or preserve knowledge in ways that would keep out anyone but their intended audience, for ages. The politicians do it, the medical doctors do it, lawyers do it, mathematicians do it, teenage lovers and their gangs do it, mafia do it, heck, everyone but the fool does it! Somewhere, somehow, a group of people develop a play on language or develop their own “esoteric” language, and use this to clearly communicate with peers, where those not-in-the-know, would see mere gibberish or totally miss the point. It’s the power of communication – both to make clear what was intended (to those who can read), but also to be able to hide from those not initiated, what was intended.

In a meditation one time, I once reached the conclusion that all of manifest reality – more so, what we can perceive, is but a symbol. Everything; stars, my hands, your house, the river, the moon, the goat, the light, every damn thing in and out there, is a symbol of some sort – all of it, conspiring to hide behind the veil, a sublime truth that can’t be immediately gleaned without seeking and luring it out into the open. One famous mystic scholar once said “The world is an open book…” I would instead revert by saying, “The world is an open book, written in a deliberately closed language, so that only those who can read, get the message.” Some mystics even seem to believe that secrecy serves a divine purpose, so that the Nazarene mystic and teacher, when asked why he spoke in an occult language, even among his own disciples, once made it “clear”; therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And he spoke further, of those who would not get the hidden, encrypted message; you will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. The use of secrecy in spirituality and the esoteric might seem unfair to the uninitiated, but talking of why the Nazarene had to resort to parable and metaphor, basically, symbolic teaching, one commentary states:

He taught in parables. Thereby the things of God were made more plain and easy to those willing to be taught, and at the same time more difficult and obscure to those who were willingly ignorant.

Herein lies part of the answer – to those who are willingly ignorant – those who’ve been shown where the treasure lies, but who still insist on someone digging it up and presenting it at their door, all needs to be hidden or taken away! Furthermore, there’s a dimension to the use of secrecy in esotericism that requires a delicate balance between what needs to be shared or put in the open, and what needs to be withheld or kept secret. A good illustration of this point, though somewhat controversial, would be a quote from Machiavelli, even though I doubt it doesn’t deal with secrecy directly (emphasis mine):

It is as difficult and dangerous to try to free [or educate] a people that wants to remain servile [or ignorant], as it is to enslave [withhold knowledge from] a people that wants to remain [or become] free [enlightened].

In the above, we have mostly touched on the exoteric aspects of secrecy mostly. But what of things that need to be kept secret even unto oneself? Yes, there are applications of secrecy, even where the information concerned is only meant to be used by oneself! This is not a strange concept to the pragmatic occultist, as for those who know why such magick techniques as sigils and barbaric words of power work, or why certain rituals, when performed in foreign or alien languages, evoke more emotion or effect more power than not, already employ some techniques of hiding certain things from oneself – consciously so.

When dealing with information in magick, the biggest threat is not the evil, rival sorcerer next door, or the catholic inquisitor as such, but actually, the biggest threat in practical magick is one’s own conscious mind! Our faculties of reason and judgement are such a big threat to successful ritual work, that over the ages, adepts have had to teach their students using not just parables and symbols or metaphors, but entire rituals have often had to be performed without disclosing their underlying mechanisms to the student. Why? Because, as you might already know, the fabric of most magick lies on faith and mesmerism. Oftentimes, to know of the mechanism behind a ritual, is to make the ritual fail – especially if this knowledge is kept at the forefront during the working. It’s kind of paradoxical, but true.

Reason does, and can support the imagination, but experience does indicate that unless one suspends reason and critical thinking for a while, the juiciest fruits of these creative faculties can’t manifest their best when there’s constant interference from doubt, skepticism and critical judgement. Trance, which is a beautiful prerequisite to most serious psychic work, serves exactly this purpose – to at least, momentarily, suspend the critical faculties, and having left the mind in a mostly passive state, allow for the more creative, more magical aspects of the mind – of which the imagination, fascination, desire, active memory and others, are examples, to execute the will of the worker the best.

For those who have encountered, and worked with such modern streams of magick as Chaos Magick, you will have learnt or heard of the principle that desire negates results. It is not very different from what we’ve just explored above, but to put it into perspective of magick, the point is; when you wish to effect something, then encode your spell or working in such a manner that your conscious mind can’t interfere with you true

desire, once you’ve cast or performed the work (or even during the working itself). Such methods of “desiring by not desiring”, are hinged on principles of psychology such as how the mind manifests into our lives things that we have either directly or indirectly relegated to the deeper, subconscious realms of our mind – technically called complexes or shadows of the psyche.

Technical aids in ritual magick that can aid in utilizing these principles to improve the efficacy of magick include the use of sigils as I’ve already said, but also the conscious encoding of certain parts of ritual – especially the spoken parts of it, into languages that are not directly transparent to the conscious mind. We at NES have greatly explored and utilized this method of enhancing ritual magick, and when we built the tool CRYPTO, one of the modules in it was aimed at just this – taking seemingly plain, innocent enchantments, and encoding them in pronounceable, but clearly barbaric forms, for the purpose of using these in ritual. The results have always attested to the effectiveness of this technique.

But definitely, not just to hide from ourselves things, but also to hide certain things from those who shouldn’t know, and also to help educate more occultists on the relevance of ciphering and crypto work, we decided to make the tool publicly accessible, though definitely withholding certain ciphers and modules that would not be safe to share without exposing our own occult work.

Finally, note that, besides the use of cryptography in the forms that are purely personal and for purely ritual work – such as in encoding desire using sigils or barbaric words, when cryptography is meant to be an aid to private communication with someone else (or the self at a later time), there must be in the method of the cipher, a means to decipher the encrypted message – otherwise, the message risks being lost to the intended audience for all eternity!

Thus, though meant to be done in such a manner as to not compromise the cipher and the messages it carries, the one encoding the message should ensure the one meant to receive it, has knowledge of how to decode the message. For very sensitive messages, definitely the very idea of using a tool such as ours is out of the question, as anyone

with access to the encoded message, and the tool can readily decipher the payload. But, there are many more practical scenarios where esotericists could use ciphering without being discovered easily – especially when communicating among the mundane and the sleeping. In such cases, this online tool becomes very handy – especially when you use its more cryptic modules such as the cuneiform, hieroglyphic or lumtauto being just examples. If used well, you could even create billboards using this tool, that could contain potent messages that only the careful observer might suspect to be enciphered.

Ultimately, if one plans to use such technology for any serious work, it might be useful to either develop their own ciphering system, or contact us to develop safer, more private ciphers than what is publicly shared. And definitely, without doubt, there are, in the public domain, mathematically proven, military-grade cryptographic algorithms that allow for very secure encryption (meaning, reversible: the encoded data can be decoded where the necessary requirements are met) – such powerful, readily available algorithms include AES, RSA, TDES and others. But, in real-life, unless you are already tech-savvy, or when you can afford to consult a crypto expert, it is recommended to leverage some existing, open tools that offer off-the-shelf, community-proven security. Such systems as can be readily used for secure email exchange include GNU PGP (which you can easily integrate in your standalone email clients such as Thunderbird, on your mobile phone or other systems).

In modern times, there are some emerging alternate tools of cryptography that are deemed to be even more secure, yet simpler to use than many of their predecessors. Of the ones we’ve tested ourselves, BitMessage seems to show lots of promise, and we’d recommend it over many other tools, as it even goes a step further than tools like GNU PGP, by not requiring you to disclose any identifying information even in the addresses to which peers need to send messages to – your address is just some unintelligible, machine-generated, random string that you can share anonymously, but whose messages can only be received and deciphered by you (anything else moving about during the exchange is mostly mathematically opaque, even to the system itself.)

How to use

1. Ensure what you intend to encode is not really something that requires military-grade encryption. If that’s the case, get in touch, or find something alternative and proven. 2. Get you message written out well – or compose it directly on the tool interface itself (we never get to read or see what you write, as the tool is entirely clientside only, and requires nothing to be saved, nor does it require accounts or login.) 3. Try to encode it using any of the available modules – check the tool interface, it’s kind of very intuitive. Pick what seems most suitable to your intended purpose of using crypto (see the earlier section on principles.) E.g., using visual ciphers might be ideal for encoding desire or spells, and thus for sigillic work, but might not be ideal for encoding words of power or ritual formulae that needs to be spoken – in this case, modules such as lumtauto might be the best bet. Definitely, you could take advantage of the widely used masonic cipher module, as most occultists and initiates in the modern times would be capable of reading messages encoded in this cipher even without using a tool such as this. 4. You can copy the encoded text and paste it where you wish to send the message from (makes sense only for some modules), or cast the encoded message to an image (supported for all modules), and then use the image where you wish. 5. When someone sends you a message encoded using this technique, you can write it out in the output panel, and then decode it directly on the tool interface (you might need some practice with this though).

Otherwise, this is more a tool for demonstrating what ciphering is, and for mostly recreational and education purposes. Any serious occult order or circle ought develop their own ciphers or use mathematically proven, hardcore cryptography. But, don’t fret, there’s yet another, much more simpler, yet potent method of cryptography that we have developed, that might even make it hard for the brightest of machines to break basic ciphers developed using brain and hand… read on.


Sometimes, it’s not enough to read between the lines; you must read behind the lines – Annonymous.

We have already given a sufficient introduction to the topic of secrecy and cryptography in general and in esotericism, in the previous section, thus, in this one, we shall go straight to why this particular technology is different or special than what we’ve already discussed in the previous section.

First, steganography, unlike most forms of cryptography, consists in being able to hide secrets in plain sight, without anyone knowing the better except those to whom the secret has been shared, or who are too curious and have much time on their hands to

toy painfully at deciphering what might not hold anything but futility. You see, when other forms of cryptography are used, such as we’ve seen in the previous section, the problem is, anyone looking at the encoded message, unless they be a fool, will immediately know that something has been hidden from them.

To illustrate the difference between other forms of cryptography and steganography, consider this example: what if you were walking along the street, and stumbled upon a metallic briefcase whose contents are not only concealed from you by a cryptic, myriad combination of digital and analog locks and combinations, but which has been made further inscrutable, by building it out of some material that is solid and heavy like tons of lead. You would immediately suspect, and rightly so, that something must be hidden inside. Because you can even readily suspect that there’s something being hidden, this immediately exposes one of the fundamental problems of most cryptographic systems – they give themselves away, just like the would-be-thief, that walks about donning an Uzi and wearing a velvet mask. Sooner or later, someone would pick interest, and try to solve the puzzle.

But, on the other hand, what if, while walking along the street, you stumbled upon a stray sheet of paper, upon which was written entirely nothing. Perhaps, this paper even had jagged edges, looked worn out, and just plain random and disinteresting. Or, what if you were browsing the internet or looking about in the library, and stumbled upon terrible romance comic, with nothing but poorly drawn illustrations and an opening caption that read: “She leaves her home every other day. She knows about him. Thinks she's cool, but never took interest in her, but they talk. Oh. He's still virgin, yet he's a grown-ass man; believes, he's too good for her, or that it's kinda sinful to exploit her.”

The power of steganography is something easy to take for granted, until when you stumble upon some real-world applications of it – perhaps even with the very things you are accustomed to – newspaper headlines, images shared on the internet, sound files you download, poetry, verses in scripture, etc. The contexts in which this stealth method of cryptography can be used, are so vast, it’s impossible to enumerate all possible ways in which secrets can be hidden in the open, without being part of the communication circle. And the interesting thing about steganography is, the same enciphered text, image or sound, could contain more than a single message – where each is only gleaned when a particular deciphering formula is used. So, multiple

people could look at the same payload, and some see entirely nothing suspicious, whereas those trying to decipher the message could end up with different, equally possible and maybe even valid results!

The applications of steganography are very clear, when you realize that sometimes you might be communicating to one or more people, in a manner where you either don’t know them upfront (meaning you can’t directly share a key with them), or where you intend to leverage publicly accessible mediums of communication, such as newspapers, TV, billboards, church sermons, etc. to communicate something secret, but which doesn’t raise the eyebrows of any but those who are overtly curious or those who are in the know.

I will not discuss more about this method, but will instead conclude this set of briefs, with the following simple poem, which is a kind of puzzle and illustration of what steganography is, and what it can make possible to those who know how to use it.

Two rabbits, walking on a sunny day met somewhere in the meadow and one of them had a big carrot the other wanted badly.

But, something wasn't right; The carrot was blue, And had spots.

Things can be strange Rabbits have rage.


I had never seen anything like it before, not with such seemingly innocent creatures at least. Beauty isn't purity, and neither is strength power from what I now understandangels fall, devils bless and things just aren't obvious at all.

Yes, they fought furiously. One of them, the one with the carrot had teeth. Strange teeth actually, That could not only cut through flesh, but which left the other kind of paralyzed where the teeth cut, but more agitated elsewhere, strange.

The carrot fell, the protagonist lost. But, it would be no epic to talk about, If that's how the tale would end! Instead, having freed the carrot, the furious brawl was abandoned, and a race begun. The two rabbits were at it; Racing down the slippery hill.

Damn. Tell more.

Watching the new episode was both hilarious and unsettling; the slope terminated in a steep cliff that vertically fell for miles.

Was it greed, ambition or both?

Unsure. But, there was something else tooapproaching from behind. A fox, not one but two, had spotted the rabbit mob in time, and were closing in.


Yep, that's the tragedy. Soon, not just two rabbits, but two aggressive canines as well, would meet their untimely, though fair death, in the rocks below.

If any of you manage to solve this puzzle, definitely we’d be interested to learn what it is you found, and how you did it – drop us a mail at Otherwise, go on, enjoy and explore magick, and try as much as possible, to leverage and exploit science and technology, in empowering and advancing your craft. I trust, nothing is likely to inspire more sublime works, than if, like the ancient civilizations, we attempt to use reason and technology, to advance or serve higher, spiritual ends. If you don’t see ready examples in today’s attempts for mankind to attain divine status using science, then look to ancient Egypt, for true inspiration. The method is the same, only the times have changed. Only in Chaos, and the Divine in us, do we trust. -

Fra. Nemesis Fixx.

OUTRO If there’s any readers of this paper that would be interested in partnering on the development of any tools to aid in occult or magick work, or who need some sort of esoteric technology built that is meant to aid in such work, please get in touch. We’d love to hear of ideas and things others wish to see developed, and definitely, once built, we’d readily share not just the technology, but the principles upon which we built it – just as in this paper. We are passionate about science and technology, but even more so about magick and the esoteric – that’s the spirit of our Chwezi ancestors at work.

To reach out to us, drop an email at: , and no, don’t try to spam us, we might retaliate in ways that are not immediately obvious. Okay, maybe that’s a joke ;-|

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