Printernet sketch

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The Printernet is a global network of independent self supporting Transmedia Publishing Centers working together in the service of social justice.

The Printernet is a global network of Transmedia Publishing Centers (TPC) Each TPC is an independent social enterprise, earning money by doing good for their communities.

Printernet TPC New York

As of December, 2018 there are Printernet Transmedia Publishing Centers in New York City, Florida, Malawi, and 2 in Burundi. and 4 Publishing Centers in formation. What is a TPC - Transmedia Publishing Center? Transmedia means that a PubCenter uses print and the Internet to make stories public. Menya Foundation uses Facebook to spread the stories around the world and print to spread the stories in Burundi. The first nano project is to spread the stories in the village. The micro project is to have a printed magazine distributed in all of Burundi. At the same time other Printernet Transmedia Publishing Centers will spread those stories in Print around the world.

Printernet TPC - Mubaga

Systems of Success By Dasartha Rama, Florida, USA The Growing Systems of Success (GSS) approach views systems of success in terms of the Six Cs (Connections, Conversations, Clarity, Choice, Competence and Coordination).

Micro-projects are of shorter duration (less than 3 months). All required resources and capacities may not be currently available for doing the micro-project. However, these resources can be generated by doing a series of nano-projects. 3. Nano-projects Nano-projects are projects that are doable with the resources at hand. Nano-projects are the unit of doing since they can be done with current resources and capacities. 4. Workflow A series of nano-projects required to complete a micro-project. Since nano-projects are the unit of doing, the workflow involves a sequence of nano-projects. As nano-projects are done, resources and capacities for future projects are generated.

The Language of Getting it Done 1. Macro-project A long-term project (more than 3 months) for which all required resources and capacities may not be currently available. Further, it may not be possible to set specific, measurable, and time-framed goals. 2.Micro-project A macro-project is broken down into micro-projects with Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-framed (SMART) goals.

Micro-projects are completed as a set of nano-projects are completed, resulting in more significant growth in resources and capacities. 1.Nano-projects grow Connections 2.Nano-projects grow Conversations 3.Nano-projects Clarify goals & projects 4.Nano-projects inform Choice 5.Nano-projects develop Competence 6.Nano-projects Coordination

The origin of Menya Foundation This is the story telling how I, the Founder of Menya Foundation have struggled in the journey, from thought to real thing. It is a story in which many people have played a vital role. In 2012, I was called to implant an association whose members were unemployed guys. At the beginning, every thing went good. A time came, the association collapsed. Its failure discouraged me. At a given moment, I started with an other one, for which I was the founder. The journey of entrepreneur started like that. Facebook - the six components Since 2007, I started to use Gmail. I used it to give some reports. It was in 2012 when I definitely decided to use social networks. I created a Facebook account. I didn’t know how I would make something great from there. I started to send friend request. That was my connections. In the first days, my occupation was to update my profile photo. Later in 2015, I saw a shared

"The Printernet is a global network of Transmedia Publishing Centers. Each Publishing Center is an independent social enterprise. A social enterprise earns money by delivering services to increase capacity in a community."

post of Yaga Burundi. I read it and took my pen and notebook to write a text.It was really my first text. This opportunity brought me to be a blogger. Starting that time, the hunt of opportunities begun. In 2016, I joined World Merit through Facebook application. A conversation with the headquarter led me to know their representative in my country. In 2017, I was chosen as a coach in Social Initiatives Support Project organized by the US embassy, the Alumni association, Innova Group, World Merit,‌. . This project helped me to see my focus : the entrepreneurs Empowerment. I continued to struggle till when in April 2018 I got an unforgettable cell phone call. The message was about Printernet Project to be implemented in a rural village.

Inspiration of Printernet New York. That time, I didn’t realize what was going on in Printernet Facebook groups. The first thing I did was to follow everything with interest. I learned many thing from these groups whose posts are very invaluable. It is from the inspiration of Printernet name that Menya Foundation was born. As I continued to interact with my Very Important People on Facebook, I continued to learn from them. The Menya Magazine was born when I read that in New York they have a plan of publishing a newsletter.

Printernet and the English teachings With Printernet Project Mubuga, things went very quick. Menya Magazine took the role of writing what was going on. I decided to teach English lessons. Till now, these teachings are going on. This class has 100+pupils divided into two groups. In six months, we will be certifying they that will be eligible.

Menya Foundation registered.

Printernet in Print New York

This foundation is now registered. It has allowance of working in the whole country. Entrepreneurs will be empowered. Menya Magazine, with the partnership with Printernet New York has already printed two newsletters. Printernet New York has played a great role in the existence of both Menya Foundation and its magazine. We recognize these invaluable support of Printernet New York. We still in need of supporters. The Printernet is new on the ground. Our goal is to fight poverty and hunger, starting by unemployment in order to rescue young graduates who cross their arms at their homes.

Printernet in Print Mubaga

Can Printernet change life

The growth of the project

of its partners? The Nyarushanje cafe in Uganda started This question can be asked

with Wi-Fi powered by solar power, two

by anyone. Young people

computers and two months of telecom

use this social media for a variety of

billing. Today, it has seven computers, a

purposes. The reality is that there are all

TV connected to the Internet and a small

kinds of people using it. When you’re

printer in a comfortable environment and

connected to your Facebook friend, the

in a rented space. He is now making a

conversation lets you know who you’re

profit per hour billed for cyber-time, a

talking to. This led you to make a choice.

three-week course on computers, cafe

This choice will lead you to success.

making and printing copies.

This story is about Joseph Atwongyeire. It’s a Ugandan. Through Facebook, he had the opportunity to connect to Printernet New York, an initiative of the Global Study of Social Enterprise, 501c3. Menya Magazine interviewed him to ask how things started. He told Menya, « I was connected to Facebook, I used this account to publish what I’m doing, and at the beginning I was involved in tree planting, which I still do. One Facebook friend of mine told me about the Printernet cofe and the internet connection, he told me that we can change our community with the internet. The first time i never accepted because i was totally interested in planting trees, but

Printernet Cafe combines the power of the

not cafe. At a given time, I realized it can

Internet with the power of print to create a

help. He started guiding me, telling me

friendly editing and learning center. The

how it works.

first step was to install a wifi village and

He sent the funds. I used it to buy two

two computers.

computers, a router and other things.

Printernet’s income in tree planting The revenues we got went to tree planting. I manage both Printernet Cafe and Greening Uganda (environmental protection).

Micro Loans Cafe profits are used to finance a micro-credit, a program run by Printernet cafe. In August 2018, six micro loans were granted to a bricklaying company, a furniture manufacturer and a chicken producer, among others. Soon Joseph start a Village Bank to expand the micro finance program. Facebook Many people think that Facebook is a fake social media. What I can say is that Facebook is a place of interesting innovation that can make things happen. If it was not Facebook, I would not have met Michael or any other person. We can connect the world to be a good place to live.

The Printernet is a global network of Publishing Centers. Each Publishing Center is an independent social enterprise.

“Help The Needy Initiative “

Thuchila Youth Empowerment Programme and Development Network introduced “Help The Needy Initiative “with an aim to approach and help vulnerable groups including orphans, vulnerable children, eldery widows, HIV/AIDS infected and affected, chronically ills,un privileged youths and many more with basic needs and other wellbeing and psycho-socio help.

Our team, from left is Esther, Second Susan, then Martha, then Lawrence, then Ruth, then Me Jonas and the one in front Evance

Our member Evance distributing seeds to one of our beneficiary the seeds helps poor farmers to grow their community and school gardens this helps for nutritional supplement then commercial and family use.

The initiative established in view of high level of orphans and vulnerable children, elderies, widows and widowers due to HIV/AIDS pandemic, unemployed youths, school dropout rates. As charity work we confess that charity is theological virtue by which we love God for His sake and love our friends and relatives who are in need in form of comfort and promotion matters.

Women’s drama group is a group of women who entertain communities ino rder to raise awareness on issues related to healthy, HIV/AIDS, environment, agriculture and food security, human rights and democracy

Many women were having difficult with things to use to carry up water so we donated with support from Ladders from Heaven Ministry

MISSION To mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS to individuals, families and communities and promote welfare of vulnerable groups in reduction of poverty. OBJECTIVES • To combat the effects of Drugs and Alcohol Abuse.

Thuchila Youth women drama group in action at Group Village Head Nkando on issues related to safe motherhood. Healthy Mothers Healthy WORLD

•To get rid of culture of poverty and hunger and promote the welfare of vulnerable women and children. •To mitigate the effects of early marriages and promote a girl child education. •Reduce ignorance among communities and empower them in socio-economic development. •To mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS to individuals, communities and the nation. • To break the cycle of gender based violence which negatively affects women and children.

J and Greg from UK when he came to see me and see our project activities when our office was broken by heavy rain and wind

The Printernet is a global network of independent Publishing Centers, independent profit making social enterprises. In addition to Printernet Gisovu, there are nodes in New York, Mubaga-Burundi, Uganda & Malawi.

Printenet-Gisovu now publishes a newspaper to show the world what is happening in the villages where it is active. Printernet project being carried out in Burundi in the village Gisovu, one of the two villages where this project already exists on Burundian soil does not cease making its goods and contribute to the development of these villages. The inhabitants feel satisfied and happy with the different services are being provided in this village.

Ornella Dushime, 19

Learners from Printenet project in Gisovu village greet the printernet newspaper and see that it is an important progress of their village in the field of communication '' The world will see what happens in our village ''. Didier Niyokwizigirwa, 22

Ornella Dushime, 19 is a finalist girl in the IT and telecommunication section, she shows her joy and the interest of the existence of printernet project and her diary in the village.

Greening Burundi The "Greening Burundi" project currently underway by me is being realized well even if we go through problems and the nursery now contains more than 40,000 trees.

Printernet is helping me because I had the opportunity to use the computer correctly thanks to the printernet Project which gave our village computer machines and that allows me to practice theoretical knowledge seen in class and to make search using Wifi already set up.

Planted seeds are starting to increase and they will probably be available for planting in February 2019. My goal is not met due to the financial challenges because I planned to set up a tree nursery of 100,000 trees for the first phase and I considered that this project will be continued effectively until my dream of planting millions of trees. Dream will come true and I do not give up to reach the goal, I continue to work. _______________________________ Contact Emmanuel Niyoyabikoze to get involved. Phone number: +25771137772 Village Gisovu _______________________________ _

What is World Merit? Officially we're a social enterprise that offers rewards and opportunities in exchange for our members taking action against social issues. Unofficially, we're a global team of creative, academic, crazy, friendly, caring activists that are trying to make the world a better place. We want opportunities based on merit and nothing else. Welcome to World Merit, whoever you are, wherever you are, you'll fit right in. What is World Merit Burundi? World Merit Burundi is a group of young Burundian volunteers who, recognizing the values of World Merit, want to ensure that Burundi is on the representation map of this great international community. In addition, our national vision is to use the World Merit platform as the unifying point of the Burundian youth in activity through our various initiatives

The Sustainable Development Goals From ending extreme poverty to protecting our oceans, the Sustainable Development Goals are an ambitious plan to create a sustainable future. To make this future a reality, we need a generation of young leaders who are meaningfully engaged with the Global Goals and are working purposefully to achieve them.

Dear changemakers, activists and social entrepreneurs,do not miss this opportunity. Be the first to apply.

Powered by some of the world’s leading businesses, Lead2030 will find, fund and accelerate youth-led solutions for each Global Goal and enable young innovators to scale and accelerate their impact.

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