OUIL501 COP Study Task 6
Main themes: • • • •
food packaging design packaging as a language formal elements shape/colour and simplicity
Cristobal Schmalz Uses a naĂŻve style with 2D collage and scanned elements.
Questions to explore further: • • •
which formal elements are most important in packaging? what are the reasons for packaging to differ so drastically? how can packaging be made standardised? - can there be a universal packaging language?
Nanna Prieler Makes boldly coloured works that focus on textural qualities and figures
‘includes all the past and future contexts of its use’ making language , a language ‘as vast and complex as lived experience’ (Clark, 2006) ‘all perceptual systems are already languages in their own right’ (Jameson, 1972 cited in Chandler, 2007).
Language is a combination of past and future versions, and is in a constant state of change which means that is takes on a lot of different qualities - how can the future of packaging design progress from where it’s at now? Does there need to be an overall aim for it? How can this be realised?
Annie Davidson Uses watercolour textures to depict a range of natural scenery and objects focus on texture and colour!
‘while in a conscious comparison of a photographic image with a cartoon image of the same thing the photograph is likely to be judged as more realistic, the mental schemata involved in visual recognition may be closer to the stereotypical simplicity of cartoon images than to photographs. People can identify an image as a hand when it is drawn as a cartoon more quickly than when they are shown a photograph of a hand.’ (Ryan and Schwartz cited in Chandler, 2007)
Although this quote is quite long, I feel that it sums up what I am exploring. It talks about the difference between the descriptive and the simple and can be applied to food packaging and how brands present their products. I think that this is a good example of how imagery can affect people’s perceptions of the real and what kind of imagery is most effective in being relatable to the consumer.
Thomas Colligan His work is quite naĂŻve and blocky - strong use of shape
‘Language is power’ (Malinowski 1934)
One of the most important quotes in my essay, this can be used to explain the power that design had over the consumer. There is the opportunity for brand loyalty, recognition, and elimination of competition.
Ann Kรถvecses This artist works with bold and simplistic shapes which is where I can see my own practice headed whilst exploring simplicity.