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RTFOLIO Projects +



Persional Profile/個人簡介 Name/姓名 Nationality/國籍 Address/住址 Mobile/手機 Email/信箱 Blog/部落格

Yung-En Lin/林永恩 Taiwan/台灣 9F., No.60, Aly. 22, Ln. 71, Sec. 2, Chang’an Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan 台中市西屯區長安路2段71巷22弄60號9樓 +886 (0)989632680

Work Experience/工作經歷 4.2005 - 9.2005 MURA/東西設計 Taichung, Taiwan/台中 台灣 Project Manager/專案經理 Canjune/肯園

Counter Design/櫃台設計 SPA Showroom/ SPA概念館 Sotai/首泰建設 Office Interior Design/辦公室室內空間設計


National Changhua University of Education: Education Building/彰化師範大學: 教學大樓 Kaohsiung County Bus Stop Design/高雄縣候車亭設計

Personal Work/個人專案

Soap Shop Design/茶山房 肥皂賣場設計

Education/學習經歷 SEP 2008 - SEP 2009 M. Arch Architectural Design AVATAR/建築設計碩士 The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, UK/倫敦大學巴特雷建築學院 Director : Neil Spiller Personal Tutor : Stuart Munro SEP 1999 - JUN 2003 B. Sc. Spatial Design/空間設計學士 College of Design and Arts, Da-Yeh University, Changhua, Taiwan 台灣 大葉大學 設計既藝術學院

Exhibition and Lecture/展覽與演講 SEP 2009 The Bartlett of Architecture M. Arch 2008/2009, AVATAR/巴特雷建築學院 Thesis and Design Project Exhibition Location: Wates House, London, UK Organizer: The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, UK MAY 2003 Spatial Design B. Sc 2002/2003/空間設計 Thesis and Design Project Exhibition Location: STRAUSS, Taichung, Taiwan MAY 2003 Spatial Design/空間設計 專題演講 Thesis and Design Project Lecture Location: Library, Da-Yeh University, Changhua, Taiwan

Skills/軟體使用 AutoCAD 8 years Rhinoceros 2 years Skecth Up 3 years 3D Max 3 years Adobe Photoshop 8 years Adobe Illustrator 1 year Adobe InDesign 2 years CorelDRAW 8 years

References/延伸參考 The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL/倫敦大學 巴特雷建築學院 Personal Tutor: Stuart Munro Email: Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 7454 Fax : +44 (0) 20 7679 7453 Spatial Design, Da-Yeh University, Changhua, Taiwan/台灣 大葉大學空間設計系 Thesis and Design Project Tutor: 林一中 Email:

WORK / 工作經歷



MURA 東西設計

Spa Shop Counter Design/Spa體驗館櫃台設計

Time: APR 2005/ 設計與施工時間:4. 2005

The counter was required to design after

finishing the design of the folding shelf. As the above biggest figure shows, the shape of the counter needs to match the style of the shelf but in the different form. Therefore, the counter not only use the same method, which is folding, to reflect the language of the form of the shelf, but also used the metal as a piece of paper to fold to make many small spaces, and also make the counter be light and smooth in vision. The counter and the shelf both are a set of furniture represents the features of smoothness, soft, and flexibility in spa shop space with shape folding and material switching. 在此案中,由於櫃台後方展架先被設計且製 作完成,因此櫃台整體造型被需配合展架, 但必須不同於展架,如上圖所示。因此,櫃 台的造型不但使用了和展架相同的折板型式 語彙,並且有別於展架的結構支撐方式,將 金屬板如同紙張一樣的去環繞圍成所需要的 各機能小空間,並利用材料間的轉換讓櫃台 在視覺上變得輕盈與柔順。櫃台與展架的組 合,藉由型式的操作以及相同材料間的彼此 不同組合,在此試圖呈現spa空間中平滑、柔 軟、以及動態的特色。

Software/軟體使用: SketchUP AutoCAD



MURA 東西設計

Spa Showroom Interior Design/Spa概念館室內設計

Time: JUL-AUG 2005/ 設計時間:7-8. 2005

Software/軟體使用: Rhino AutoCAD

This is a project dealing with the concept of design

method in the relationship of dynamics and space. Massage, a name of activity including push, press, pull and knead on people’s body, could be transferred as if people doing some activities in the spa shop and changing the status of space, such as walking, eating, sleeping, touching, sitting, and watching. These activities can be seen as the strengths, and the interior is a container recording and reflecting these strengths in the space. Both people and space are interacted to make a dynamic status in the shop. 此案是以一個設計方法研究方式的概念來操作動態與空 間的關係。馬殺雞這名詞代表了一個事件,當中包含了 許多動作作用於人體上,例如推,壓,拉,以及捏。這 些動作可被類比為人們在店裡的許多活動,例如行走, 吃,睡,觸摸,坐,以及看。這些活動可被視為一種作 用力,而室內空間便是這作用力的容器並且紀錄與反應 作用力在空間中造成的影響與改變。藉由人的活動行為 與空間的關係,彼此不斷影響,也創造出了不斷變動的 空間狀態。



MURA 東西設計

Office Interior Design/辦公室室內設計

Time: MAY-JUN 2005/ 設計時間:5-6. 2005

Software/軟體使用: SketchUP 3DMax Photoshop

This is a project using the 3D model to study and design the interior space directly. From The beginning of the case,

including the modification and material using, to the end of decision, all the things decided via 3D model. After that, using this model directly transferred into AutoCAD to produce the technique drawing and detail modification. 在這個案子個設計過程當中,完全使用3D模型去模擬以及操作整個室內的設計。從案子的一開始,包含過程中的修改與 材料使用的嘗試,一直到最後的定案,完全由3D模型來決定。在這之後,直接使用此3D模型轉入至AutoCAD製作平立面 尺寸標注與施工圖,以及更細微的細修改部。



Kaohsiung County Bus Stop Design/高雄縣候車亭設計

Time: JUL 2005/ 設計時間:7. 2005

Software/軟體使用: Rhino 3DMax CorelDRAW Photoshop

In this project, the site is chosen at Kaohsiung

County Tin Liu Month World. Because of non any grass or tree there but soil and sand around whole mountains and environment just like the geometry of moon, it becomes the main feature different from other places. The concept of design is to use the process of forming mountain and the strength of press, push, and pull on the surface of earth comparing with the force and effects of people to ground and environment. People work, use, and engage with the environment can be seen as a force pressing on the surface of earth. When some specific functions need to be created, the force will be stronger and also change the shape of ground and environment surface.

此候車亭之參考景點為田寮月世界,而當地特色 即是由草木不生的山來圍繞整個環境,因此成為 當地特景。而山的形成,是由於至少兩力同時對 同一點之地殼施力,產生推擠而形成山。因此, 以山的形成及作用力為概念,類比到人對環境的 關係。人的使用與行走,都可視為對地殼這層表 皮施加力量,而當人需要一機能性明確之固定空 間時,其所給予的作用力也相對增加,也因此改 變了原有的地殼皮層,舊的皮層經由人的推擠, 改變其原有之樣貌,在原有皮層當中切分出縫 細,使人們得以在這縫細當中穿梭。因此可將這 縫細視為機能性之空間,即為候車亭所圍合之空 間,而所有地表之建構物(候車亭自身),即被視為 屬於與地表相同之皮層的延伸物。



Kaohsiung County Bus Stop Design/高雄縣候車亭設計

Time: JUL 2005/ 設計時間:7. 2005

Software/軟體使用: Rhino 3DMax CorelDRAW Photoshop


Competition(cooperation)/ 競圖(合作案)

National Changhua University of Education/彰化師範大學 Time: SEP 2005/ 設計時間:9. 2005

Education Building/教學大樓

Software/軟體使用: SketchUP AutoCAD 3DMax Photoshop


Personal Work/個人專案

All Natura Soap/茶山房

Soap Shop Design/肥皂賣場設計

Time: DEC 2007/ 設計與施工時間:12. 2007

Software/軟體使用: SketchUP AutoCAD

The main concept of this project focuses on how to make shopping be

more interesting and also promote the products (soap) simultaneously. For this reason, the idea deals with the action of choosing soap. Each soap can be seen as an object put into the wall, and all of them also build the pattern of wall. The pattern will always be changed while customers take the soaps down or put them back. The orange not only builds the pattern but makes the wall of empty and full be clearer and also clarifies the products. 本案概念注重於如何使購物變得有趣,並且也同時凸顯商品本身,因此以挑 選商品這個行為做發想。當肥皂如同物件被坎入牆上的同時也編織了牆的圖 案。顧客拿走或放回肥皂時,牆的圖案將不斷被改變。橘色底的凹槽不但建 構了圖案本身,更凸顯了牆面空與滿的這件事情,亦同時強化了商品。


B. Sc.

Year 4/ 四年級

Da-Yeh University-Spatial Design/大葉大學-空間設計 Intermixture-Rebuilding The Church/混合-教堂重建案

Time: AUG 2002-MAR 2003/ 設計時間:8.2002-3.2003

Software/軟體使用: SketchUP AutoCAD 3DMax CorelDRAW Photoshop

In this project, how to rescue a old church and trans-

form it into an attractive and popular church, not only the building but programme, especially in this such a dynamic location full of young people, food, and shopping area, will be the main target. Sex is chosen as a conflicting element putting into the concept of rebuilding space and programmes to create the new relationship connecting between static and dynamic spaces and progrtammes, between religion and fashion. 在這個案子中,如何將一個老教堂拯救以及轉化成為 一個在建築以及各項活動都吸引以及受歡迎的教堂, 將是主要目標。性,這衝突的元素被選擇成為重建空 間以及活動的概念元素,試著去創造新的關係和空間 語彙去連結靜態與動態空間,以及宗教與流行之間。

B. Sc.

Year 3/ 三年級

Da-Yeh University-Spatial Design/大葉大學-空間設計

International Competition:Restaurant of Ruralscape/國際競圖:原野餐廳

Time: MAR 2002-JUN 2002/ 設計時間:3.2002-6.2002

Because of the topic of this competition is the restaurant of ruralscape, the first thing is to define what is the ru-

ralscape. In this project, disused buildings in the city are defined as the ruralscape because nowadays suburb has been taken as the new city centre instead of old one; however, more and more building in the original central are becoming disused gradually. Therefore, these buildings and spaces become the city of ruralscape. Using the growable and occupied way of plant as the concept of investigation may find the method of reusing the disused building and also create the unusual and interesting space. 此競圖案的主題是原野餐廳,因此定義何謂原野將成為首要的步驟。在此案,城市中的廢棄大樓被定義為原野,其原因 在於台中市的發展逐漸向市郊擴張,而越來越多的空屋在舊的市中心逐漸出現,雜草與廢棄物瀰漫在其中。因此,這些 廢棄大樓與空間將成為都市的原野。藉著研究植物的生長與佔據在這些大樓的方式成為成為設計的概念 , 並 從 當 中 去 找 尋出空間在利用的方式與邏輯,也許將可創造許多特殊以及有趣的的空間型式,成為空間再利用的另一種態度。

B. Sc.

Year 3/ 三年級

Da-Yeh University-Spatial Design/大葉大學-空間設計 The Replanning of Xin-Chour Community/新厝社區改建與再造

Time: OCT 2001-JAN 2002/ 設計時間:10.2001-1.2002

Software/軟體使用: SketchUP AutoCAD 3DMax CorelDRAW Photoshop

This was a real project dealing with the replanning of Xin-Chour community. Through the observation of this community including people’s daily life and the situation of the environment, students need to find some interesting viewpoint as the concept and programme, and also give a proposals, motions, and reasons presenting to residents. In the concept of this 新厝社區的再造是一個可能被真實執行的設計案。藉由對居民與 project, some disused houses are chosen to reset new 環境的觀察,去發覺出許多有趣的觀點來成為設計概念。每位學 programmes and also are connected together with the 生需提出企劃案,動機與理由對居民簡報。此案的設計概念運用 sky bridges, some memorable points and local materi- 了Kevin Lynch 對都市設計的觀點,例如通道,地區,節點與地 標,在社區當中選取了幾間廢棄的老房子做改建,並賦予新的使 als to match the original community developing pattern 用機能。這些老建築藉由空中廊道與社區中許多重要的或有歷史 for creating a new and clear axis. Some viewpoints of 性的地標連結,並使用當地材料作為相互的呼應關係。也同時整 urban design by Kevin Lynch such as path, districts, 合舊有的社區紋理,成為新的以及明確的社區軸線,也成為以後 nodes, and landmark are applied into this project. 社區發展的參考依據。


UCL-Bartlett School of Architecture/倫敦大學-巴特雷建築學院

Neo-London Map/ 新倫敦地圖

2.5 Dimensional Urban Landscape/2.5向度都市地景

Time: SEP 2008-SEP 2009/ 研究時間:9.2008-9.2009


UCL-Bartlett School of Architecture/倫敦大學-巴特雷建築學院

Neo-London Map/ 新倫敦地圖

2.5 Dimensional Urban Landscape/2.5向度都市地景

Time: SEP 2008-SEP 2009/ 研究時間:9.2008-9.2009

The map was made by a city traveler who recorded the fragments of city through out a journey, and then reproduced

an individual London map based on his experience, imaginations and memories. The 2.5 dimensions is used as a technique of visual description, presenting an unique visual experience that neither 2D nor 3D can present. The 2.5D not only illustrates the real depths, which is more dynamic than 2D, but also freely connect the fragments of the city in the vision with multiple perspectives, which overwhelmed the limitations of time and distance in 3D. Therefore, 2.5D map could be utilised as a visual technique when presenting the city; people are able to observe the city, events and spaces everyday from different aspects. 新倫敦地圖是由旅行者藉由一次都市旅行中紀錄了所看到的都市片斷,並且藉由自己的都市經驗,想像,以及記憶重新 製作出新的倫敦地圖。2.5向度在此成為一個呈現視覺描述的技術,並突破2或3向度所無法呈現的視覺經驗。2.5向度不只 呈現出真實空間深度,並且比2向度的呈現更具動感與真實,也同時可以輕易的串聯都市中多重面向的樣貌。這樣的串聯 更跨越了3向度在時間與距離上的限制。因此,在描述一個都市經驗時,2.5向度地圖的視覺呈現提供了讓人們能藉由不同 的觀點重新觀察與研究他們所熟悉的城市事件與空間。



Location: London/地點:倫敦

Time: SEP 2009-JAN 2010/ 拍攝時間:9.2009-1.2010

Photography is a language and viewpoint instead of what

photographers see from their perspectives and minds. In other words, photos represent the way how we view the world, how we view the space and architecture. It is a personal mental space which might reveal and influence how designers think their projects and results.

攝影術是一種語言和觀點,它反應了拍攝者看待事物的面向與思想。 換句話說,影像代表了我們如何看世界以及看空間和建築的方式。影 像是一種個人精神上的空間,它透露出並影響設計者如何做以及想設 計的方式,以及最後的結果。


Location: London/地點:倫敦

Time: SEP 2009-JAN 2010/ 拍攝時間:9.2009-1.2010

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