NEO magazine - April 2023

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Denissi Mimi

Sharing Important History to Shape Our Future

2023 $4.95 MAR


Demetrios Rhompotis

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We feature a story in this i s s u e a b o u t J o n Heymann, who was born in Greece, but was left at a “children’s asylum” in Athens, which turned out to be a child trafficking mill The doctors signed him off as dead, and then for the next few years he was put in the custody of people who made him go out and beg in the streets and beat him if he didn’t bring back enough money He was rescued by an American woman who worked for a local aid agency and brought him to America, where he wouldn’t let anybody near him for two years.

“It took two years before I would let any adult hug me. It took two years for me to believe that if an adult touched me, they wouldn’t hurt me Two formative adolescent years. I recall throwing a metal dump truck at my aunt when she approached me to give me a hug. I finally allowed my mom (Lois Heymann) to hug me in the kitchen of our NJ home, and I stood like a board with my hands by my side as she wrapped her arms around me for the first time. I had finally found my ‘Love Family’ because my ‘Blood Family’ gave me up at birth. Some people are blessed to have both a ‘blood family’ and a ‘love family’ – at least I acquired the most importantone. ”

He went on to minister to young people as a career and the “agonizing peace” he said he found came about precisely because of hissuffering.

“According to Romans 5, suffering brings about perseverance; and perseverance, results in character; and proven character, hope It is like a stress test on automobiles, that tests its capacity to withstand stress andstrain.”

He says, even Jesus warned, “In this world, expect trouble But he prosed us that we need not be discouraged because He has overcome the world that gives us so much unexpected “trouble,” pain and heartache. There is also the converse, in that we should expect the unexpected – the good things of life that can only be attributed to God – those things that we can confidently exclaim,‘ItwasaGodthing.’”

Hisadvice on living a fruitful life despite its challenges: “Never give up – Never, ever give up - on your family, on your marriage, on your children, on your church, on your health, and on your friends. Pray as if it all depends on God, and work as if it all dependsonyou!”

A heartening message for this Easter season.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Quisque facilisis, nunc ut vulputate dictum, turpis urna viverra neque, ut ultricies magna quam eu urna. Duis sed tellus arcu, quis tempus enim. Etiam aliquam turpis quis quam tempus quis feugiat nunc viverra. Proin mollis quam sit amet ligula convallis venenatis. Sed mollis libero nec risus convallis luctus pretium nunc mollis. Integer nec tempus mauris. Donec iaculis orci eu felis condimentum dictum Nulla metus orci, ultrices bibendum venenatis accumsan, posuere quis dui Curabitur malesuada metus a augue ullamcorper tristique Nunc a pulvinar ante. Nullam vitae dui enim. Phasellus ultrices vestibulum lacinia. Mauris ac tincidunt eros. Aenean adipiscing vestibulum blandit. Nam vel justo mauris, sed venenatis ante Aenean commodo, magnanon dignissim mollis, tellus augue cursus nunc, a pellentesque ipsum justo at magna Duis iaculis egestas justo In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin leo nisi, aliquet in molestie ac, dignissimsitametlectus.

Vivamus arcu ipsum, dictum vel scelerisque eget, pharetra sit amet lectus. Vivamus non risus libero, sed consectetur ante. Vestibulum eu arcu metus Etiam suscipit dui ut erat pretium mattis Quisque malesuada libero vitae tellus pharetra non volutpat sem fermentum. Sed sit amet turpis felis. Morbi dictum euismod nunc ac pulvinar. Nulla gravida condimentum tellus sed tempus. Sed vehicula commodo est, non ultricies dolor feugiat id. Cras nunc odio, hendrerit vestibulum dictum sed, rhoncus sit amet tellus Phasellus vulputate, neque sit amet consequat interdum, diam magna bibendum arcu, sit amet iaculis lectus nunc at urna. Etiam et augue eget massa vehicula pretium. Ut eget dui felis. Curabitur mauris lacus, dignissim id ultricies vel, vehicula in enim. Suspendisse vitae massa eget sem dictum facilisis.

In consectetur turpis non elit bibendum tincidunt hendrerit nisl egestas. Donec quis odio at massa bibendum venenatis et sed velit. Duis id arcu ut purus tempor feugiat non ac ante Integer odio elit, rhoncus id porttitor quis, auctor ac eros. Aenean varius libero nec purus adipiscing commodo Integer in dapibus odio Suspendisse quis dignissim nulla. Pellentesque porta porttitor eros eget feugiat. Donec sit amet semper purus. Proin bib endum commo do orci sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam placerat ultricies diam feugiat dignissim. Pellentesque ut quam ac mi venenatis eleifend in non erat. Vivamus a eleifendneque Fuscesempersapiennecquam pharetravelfacilisisenimtristique

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Quisque facilisis, nunc ut vulputate dictum, turpis urna viverra neque, ut ultricies magna quam eu urna. Duis sed tellus arcu, quis tempus enim. Etiam aliquam turpis quis quam tempus quis feugiat nunc viverra. Proin mollis quam sit amet ligula convallis venenatis. Sed mollis libero nec risus convallis luctus pretium nunc mollis. Integer nec tempus mauris. Donec iaculis orci eu felis condimentum dictum Nulla metus orci, ultrices bibendum venenatis accumsan, posuere quis dui Curabitur malesuada metus a augue ullamcorper tristique Nunc a pulvinar ante. Nullam vitae dui enim. Phasellus ultrices vestibulum lacinia. Mauris ac tincidunt eros. Aenean adipiscing vestibulum blandit. Nam vel justo mauris, sed venenatis ante Aenean commodo, magnanon dignissim mollis, tellus augue cursus nunc, a pellentesque ipsum justo at magna Duis iaculis egestas justo In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin leo nisi, aliquet in molestie ac, dignissimsitametlectus.

Vivamus arcu ipsum, dictum vel scelerisque eget, pharetra sit amet lectus. Vivamus non risus libero, sed consectetur ante. Vestibulum eu arcu metus Etiam suscipit dui ut erat pretium mattis Quisque malesuada libero vitae tellus pharetra non volutpat sem fermentum. Sed sit amet turpis felis. Morbi dictum euismod nunc ac pulvinar. Nulla gravida condimentum tellus sed tempus. Sed vehicula commodo est, non ultricies dolor feugiat id. Cras nunc odio, hendrerit vestibulum dictum sed, rhoncus sit amet tellus Phasellus vulputate, neque sit amet consequat interdum, diam magna bibendum arcu, sit amet iaculis lectus nunc at urna. Etiam et augue eget massa vehicula pretium. Ut eget dui felis. Curabitur mauris lacus, dignissim id ultricies vel, vehicula in enim. Suspendisse vitae massa eget sem dictum facilisis.

In consectetur turpis non elit bibendum tincidunt hendrerit nisl egestas. Donec quis odio at massa bibendum venenatis et sed velit. Duis id arcu ut purus tempor feugiat non ac ante Integer odio elit, rhoncus id porttitor quis, auctor ac eros. Aenean varius libero nec purus adipiscing commodo Integer in dapibus odio Suspendisse quis dignissim nulla. Pellentesque porta porttitor eros eget feugiat. Donec sit amet semper purus. Proin bib endum commo do orci sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam placerat ultricies diam feugiat dignissim. Pellentesque ut quam ac mi venenatis eleifend in non erat. Vivamus a eleifendneque Fuscesempersapiennecquam pharetravelfacilisisenimtristique

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Quisque facilisis, nunc ut vulputate dictum, turpis urna viverra neque, ut ultricies magna quam eu urna. Duis sed tellus arcu, quis tempus enim. Etiam aliquam turpis quis quam tempus quis feugiat nunc viverra. Proin mollis quam sit amet ligula convallis venenatis. Sed mollis libero nec risus convallis luctus pretium nunc mollis. Integer nec tempus mauris. Donec iaculis orci eu felis condimentum dictum Nulla metus orci, ultrices bibendum venenatis accumsan, posuere quis dui Curabitur malesuada metus a augue ullamcorper tristique Nunc a pulvinar ante. Nullam vitae dui enim. Phasellus ultrices vestibulum lacinia. Mauris ac tincidunt eros. Aenean adipiscing vestibulum blandit. Nam vel justo mauris, sed venenatis ante Aenean commodo, magnanon dignissim mollis, tellus augue cursus nunc, a pellentesque ipsum justo at magna Duis iaculis egestas justo In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin leo nisi, aliquet in molestie ac, dignissimsitametlectus.

Vivamus arcu ipsum, dictum vel scelerisque eget, pharetra sit amet lectus. Vivamus non risus libero, sed consectetur ante. Vestibulum eu arcu metus Etiam suscipit dui ut erat pretium mattis Quisque malesuada libero vitae tellus pharetra non volutpat sem fermentum. Sed sit amet turpis felis. Morbi dictum euismod nunc ac pulvinar. Nulla gravida condimentum tellus sed tempus. Sed vehicula commodo est, non ultricies dolor feugiat id. Cras nunc odio, hendrerit vestibulum dictum sed, rhoncus sit amet tellus Phasellus vulputate, neque sit amet consequat interdum, diam magna bibendum arcu, sit amet iaculis lectus nunc at urna. Etiam et augue eget massa vehicula pretium. Ut eget dui felis. Curabitur mauris lacus, dignissim id ultricies vel, vehicula in enim. Suspendisse vitae massa eget sem dictum facilisis.

In consectetur turpis non elit bibendum tincidunt hendrerit nisl egestas. Donec quis odio at massa bibendum venenatis et sed velit. Duis id arcu ut purus tempor feugiat non ac ante Integer odio elit, rhoncus id porttitor quis, auctor ac eros. Aenean varius libero nec purus adipiscing commodo Integer in dapibus odio Suspendisse quis dignissim nulla. Pellentesque porta porttitor eros eget feugiat. Donec sit amet semper purus. Proin bib endum commo do orci sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam placerat ultricies diam feugiat dignissim. Pellentesque ut quam ac mi venenatis eleifend in non erat. Vivamus a eleifendneque Fuscesempersapiennecquam pharetravelfacilisisenimtristique


Climbing Mountain Sinai...

There is a 12th century icon in the skeuophylakion of St Catherine’s Monastery on Mt Sinai that has always exerted a particular fascination over me. It is the icon of St John Climacos (“the Ladder”) and upon a brilliant golden background it depicts what could be said to be the underlying discourse of Egypt and the Middle East – the archetypal struggle between good and evil. A long black ladder extends to heaven. Bishops and laity ascend it only to be dragged down to earth againbydemons.Therearemanyrungsonthe ladder of enlightenment and during our lifetimes how we ascend and descend depends on our own care for our spiritual welfare. Beyond the ladder there is only death. Upon the narrow, rickety and precipitous ladder thereisasenseofpurposeandlife

increasing sense of appreciation at the enormity of such an impossible task. The horizon is empty save for the broodingsands,the increasingly rocky terrain and the burnt out remains of the Egyptian tanks, relics of the Suez War when the Israelis finally revenged themselves on the pharaohs and threwtheEgyptiansbeyondtheRedSea.

All of a sudden, the sands hurl out vast mountains and boulders, eroded into innumerable shapes that absorb the all pervasive light and heat of the desert sun. The stone here is all red granite and it can only be likened to photographs of the Martian landscape save that dotted here and there are a few desert oases, signified by the ten or twelve date palm trees that fringe the wretched tents of the totally destitute Bedouin These Bedouin have a long and glorious history and they exhalt in it. As the 9th century Patriarch of Alexandria Eutychius relates, when the Emperor Justinian decided to found the Monastery of Saint Catherine at the foot of Mount Sinai in the 6th century, he established families from Pontus and Alexandria at Sinai to serve and protect it. They do so still, though they may have lost their language and have outwardly adopted the forms of Islam. These Jebeliya or mountain-dwellers call themselves Romioi just as we do. They practise Christian rites in the safety of their own homes and are utterly devoted to the Monastery, guarding it, servingitsneedsandrecognizingitasthehead oftheirtribes.

unassumedly for centuries under plaster, until it was uncovered in the nineteenth century. Now it ranks as one of the greatest works of art evermade.

Inaroombehindthealtarcovered ingorgeous blue Nicaean faience tiles, a shrine marks the root of the Burning Bush, as seen by Moses. The root extends from inside the shrine and directly outside the church walls, a vast hangingrosebushofferingshadetopassersby “This is the Burning Bush,” Father Apostolos tells me. “Nowhere on Mt Sinai can such a bush be found It is the only one of its kind A few steps further down you can see the well where Moses met the daughters of Jothor whenhefledintothelandofMidian.”

Everything about Egypt is as dualistic as St John Climacos, and especially its terrain

Beyondthelong andnarrow strip of cultivated land that is nourished by the Nile and which supports the huge twin metropolis of CairoGiza, supporting over 18 million inhabitants, there is only the death and desolation of the desert.

Leaving the fleshpots of Cairo for the desert is therefore a dualistically sorrowful but also cathartic experience As one delves deeper into the silence of the desert, one is purged of all worldly cares. Rounding the Red Sea and crossing the tunnel that now worms its way under the Suez Canal, one can in four hours replicate Moses’ journey of forty years with an

Arriving at Saint Catherine’s, as I did one Palm Sunday, is another dualistic experience The stark world of rock and light is diffused by an unearthly glow In the semi-darkness, monks chant the same chants and in the same church that has been in continuous use for the past 1,500 years. The hospitable monks of this area once granted refuge to a fugitive Muhammad. As a result, the monastery has remained untouched by the ravages of religious hatred and is the only monastery in the world that houses a mosque, though unused, to commemorate the visit of its ideological enemy and paradoxical protector. The apse of the monastery church is decorated in a fine g o l d m o s a i c d e p i c t i n g C h r i s t ’ s transfiguration. This is one of the earliest Byzantine mosaics to have survived the ravages of time and it did so, by hiding

Involuntarily I express doubt Can the Burning Bush have survived and if so, be identified with certainty? Father Apostolos smiles and his emaciated face becomes a ploughed field of wrinkles: “Why is this question relevant? Had you not given up archaeology at university, maybe we could search for the remains of the scientifically proven real burning bush together” I shudder How does this desert father, who knows me not from the innumerable stones thrown down from the mountain that strew our path know that indeed I had discontinued studying archaeology in my second year of university? He smiles again. “You know, there is no such thing as silence. At night time, the desert speakstoyou ”

The skeuophylakion of Saint Catherine’s is a veritable treasure trove of the ages. In it is housed the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament, the Codex Sinaiticus dating to the fourth century, though the vast majority of the pages were ‘borrowed’ by the German Count Tissendorf in 1865 and never returned Instead he gave them to the Russian Tsar and they were sold in 1933 by Stalin to the British museum. Glagolithic texts, Greek philosophic treatises and the first printed Greek books are also housed here as well as an eye-absorbing array of fine metalwork, chalices and gospel covers.


Then, out of nowhere, those things that I have traveled so far to see: The almost contemporary Arabic, Armenian and Syriac versions of St John Climacos’ ladder whose dualism seems to have captured the imagination of all, accompanied by illuminations reflecting the original art of each culture. In comparison to the vibrant purples, pinks and Asian looking features of the Arabic manuscript, the original Byzantine icon is somber, almost pensive yet not despondent. Looking at the ladder for a long period of time, one sees the rungs merge into each other and form an escalator, propelling oneforwardtoself-examination.

The icon of Christ Pantokrator should be the last article to be viewed before the attempt to scale Mt Sinai is made. One of the earliest surviving Byzantine icons, it was painted in the now lost encaustic wax technique and it sums up the dualistic experience of Mt Sinai better than anything else One side of Jesus’ face is compassionate and lovely. This is Jesus Philanthropos, symbolising His nature as Man. The other side of his face is stern and reserved, almost angry. This is Jesus Kritis, the Judge, symbolising His nature as God There can be no greater man-made expression of the miracle and inexplicability of the dual nature ofChristthanthis.

The haunting expression of this icon is what I carried with me up what the Arabs call Jebel Musa, the Mountain of Moses. In the beginning, the ascent is easy, almost comical

Picking one ’ s way through the mountain path, lovingly built of the local stone by the monk Moses, you can easily laugh and be dismissive. “The first rungs of the ladder are always easy,” Father Apostolos had said “But once you get to the middle and temptation makes you look down, that’s when things get difficult.” By the middle of the way, when the soft incline turns into precipitous steps, the air becomes more rarified andyou gaspfor a breath, your relaxed attitudeisgone.

Two-thirds of the way up, you reach a mountain oasis, surrounded by granite peaks. The silence here is overwhelming and you begin to feel the presence of Something. You sit and rest, reflecting upon your life and of those around you. You could have done better, shouldyoudobetter?,youwilldobetter

The sun is beginning to fall low on the horizon and you stand up, dust your pants and realise the temptation of finality has almost thrown you off the mountain. Gasping for air, you reach the peak of the dekalogos, the exact spot w h e r e M o s e s r e c e i v e d t h e Te n Commandments. There is a small, pathetic little church built on the site and as the monks chant vespers you look down around you at the Marscape below, noting how far you have climbed and back towards Cairo, noting how far you have traveled Then you look up at the sky, sigh that the rungs are no longer visible and make the steady descent down the mountain, before you are enveloped in darkness and the steadily increasing howl of themountainjackal.

Instead, as you view the enormity of the mountain that you are still yet to climb you whisper to yourself: “Can I go on?” Slowly, inexorably, you move on, passing fellow climbers who have attempted the climb with enthusiasm and who after falling by the wayside in exhaustion are climbing back down, despondent that they had not the strengthtomakeittothetop

*) Dean Kalimniou (Kostas Kalymnios) is an attorney, poet, author and journalist based in Melbourne Australia. He has published 7 poetry collections in Greek and has recently released his bi-lingual children’s book: “Soumela and the Magic Kemenche.” He is also the Secretary of the PanepiroticFederationofAustralia.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Quisque facilisis, nunc ut vulputate dictum, turpis urna viverra neque, ut ultricies magna quam eu urna. Duis sed tellus arcu, quis tempus enim. Etiam aliquam turpis quis quam tempus quis feugiat nunc viverra. Proin mollis quam sit amet ligula convallis venenatis. Sed mollis libero nec risus convallis luctus pretium nunc mollis. Integer nec tempus mauris. Donec iaculis orci eu felis condimentum dictum Nulla metus orci, ultrices bibendum venenatis accumsan, posuere quis dui Curabitur malesuada metus a augue ullamcorper tristique Nunc a pulvinar ante. Nullam vitae dui enim. Phasellus ultrices vestibulum lacinia. Mauris ac tincidunt eros. Aenean adipiscing vestibulum blandit. Nam vel justo mauris, sed venenatis ante Aenean commodo, magnanon dignissim mollis, tellus augue cursus nunc, a pellentesque ipsum justo at magna Duis iaculis egestas justo In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin leo nisi, aliquet in molestie ac, dignissimsitametlectus.

Vivamus arcu ipsum, dictum vel scelerisque eget, pharetra sit amet lectus. Vivamus non risus libero, sed consectetur ante. Vestibulum eu arcu metus Etiam suscipit dui ut erat pretium mattis Quisque malesuada libero vitae tellus pharetra non volutpat sem fermentum. Sed sit amet turpis felis. Morbi dictum euismod nunc ac pulvinar. Nulla gravida condimentum tellus sed tempus. Sed vehicula commodo est, non ultricies dolor feugiat id. Cras nunc odio, hendrerit vestibulum dictum sed, rhoncus sit amet tellus Phasellus vulputate, neque sit amet consequat interdum, diam magna bibendum arcu, sit amet iaculis lectus nunc at urna. Etiam et augue eget massa vehicula pretium. Ut eget dui felis. Curabitur mauris lacus, dignissim id ultricies vel, vehicula in enim. Suspendisse vitae massa eget sem dictum facilisis.

In consectetur turpis non elit bibendum tincidunt hendrerit nisl egestas. Donec quis odio at massa bibendum venenatis et sed velit. Duis id arcu ut purus tempor feugiat non ac ante Integer odio elit, rhoncus id porttitor quis, auctor ac eros. Aenean varius libero nec purus adipiscing commodo Integer in dapibus odio Suspendisse quis dignissim nulla. Pellentesque porta porttitor eros eget feugiat. Donec sit amet semper purus. Proin bib endum commo do orci sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam placerat ultricies diam feugiat dignissim. Pellentesque ut quam ac mi venenatis eleifend in non erat. Vivamus a eleifendneque Fuscesempersapiennecquam pharetravelfacilisisenimtristique

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Quisque facilisis, nunc ut vulputate dictum, turpis urna viverra neque, ut ultricies magna quam eu urna. Duis sed tellus arcu, quis tempus enim. Etiam aliquam turpis quis quam tempus quis feugiat nunc viverra. Proin mollis quam sit amet ligula convallis venenatis. Sed mollis libero nec risus convallis luctus pretium nunc mollis. Integer nec tempus mauris. Donec iaculis orci eu felis condimentum dictum Nulla metus orci, ultrices bibendum venenatis accumsan, posuere quis dui Curabitur malesuada metus a augue ullamcorper tristique Nunc a pulvinar ante. Nullam vitae dui enim. Phasellus ultrices vestibulum lacinia. Mauris ac tincidunt eros. Aenean adipiscing vestibulum blandit. Nam vel justo mauris, sed venenatis ante Aenean commodo, magnanon dignissim mollis, tellus augue cursus nunc, a pellentesque ipsum justo at magna Duis iaculis egestas justo In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin leo nisi, aliquet in molestie ac, dignissimsitametlectus.

Vivamus arcu ipsum, dictum vel scelerisque eget, pharetra sit amet lectus. Vivamus non risus libero, sed consectetur ante. Vestibulum eu arcu metus Etiam suscipit dui ut erat pretium mattis Quisque malesuada libero vitae tellus pharetra non volutpat sem fermentum. Sed sit amet turpis felis. Morbi dictum euismod nunc ac pulvinar. Nulla gravida condimentum tellus sed tempus. Sed vehicula commodo est, non ultricies dolor feugiat id. Cras nunc odio, hendrerit vestibulum dictum sed, rhoncus sit amet tellus Phasellus vulputate, neque sit amet consequat interdum, diam magna bibendum arcu, sit amet iaculis lectus nunc at urna. Etiam et augue eget massa vehicula pretium. Ut eget dui felis. Curabitur mauris lacus, dignissim id ultricies vel, vehicula in enim. Suspendisse vitae massa eget sem dictum facilisis.

In consectetur turpis non elit bibendum tincidunt hendrerit nisl egestas. Donec quis odio at massa bibendum venenatis et sed velit. Duis id arcu ut purus tempor feugiat non ac ante Integer odio elit, rhoncus id porttitor quis, auctor ac eros. Aenean varius libero nec purus adipiscing commodo Integer in dapibus odio Suspendisse quis dignissim nulla. Pellentesque porta porttitor eros eget feugiat. Donec sit amet semper purus. Proin bib endum commo do orci sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam placerat ultricies diam feugiat dignissim. Pellentesque ut quam ac mi venenatis eleifend in non erat. Vivamus a eleifendneque Fuscesempersapiennecquam pharetravelfacilisisenimtristique

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Quisque facilisis, nunc ut vulputate dictum, turpis urna viverra neque, ut ultricies magna quam eu urna. Duis sed tellus arcu, quis tempus enim. Etiam aliquam turpis quis quam tempus quis feugiat nunc viverra. Proin mollis quam sit amet ligula convallis venenatis. Sed mollis libero nec risus convallis luctus pretium nunc mollis. Integer nec tempus mauris. Donec iaculis orci eu felis condimentum dictum Nulla metus orci, ultrices bibendum venenatis accumsan, posuere quis dui Curabitur malesuada metus a augue ullamcorper tristique Nunc a pulvinar ante. Nullam vitae dui enim. Phasellus ultrices vestibulum lacinia. Mauris ac tincidunt eros. Aenean adipiscing vestibulum blandit. Nam vel justo mauris, sed venenatis ante Aenean commodo, magnanon dignissim mollis, tellus augue cursus nunc, a pellentesque ipsum justo at magna Duis iaculis egestas justo In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin leo nisi, aliquet in molestie ac, dignissimsitametlectus.

Vivamus arcu ipsum, dictum vel scelerisque eget, pharetra sit amet lectus. Vivamus non risus libero, sed consectetur ante. Vestibulum eu arcu metus Etiam suscipit dui ut erat pretium mattis Quisque malesuada libero vitae tellus pharetra non volutpat sem fermentum. Sed sit amet turpis felis. Morbi dictum euismod nunc ac pulvinar. Nulla gravida condimentum tellus sed tempus. Sed vehicula commodo est, non ultricies dolor feugiat id. Cras nunc odio, hendrerit vestibulum dictum sed, rhoncus sit amet tellus Phasellus vulputate, neque sit amet consequat interdum, diam magna bibendum arcu, sit amet iaculis lectus nunc at urna. Etiam et augue eget massa vehicula pretium. Ut eget dui felis. Curabitur mauris lacus, dignissim id ultricies vel, vehicula in enim. Suspendisse vitae massa eget sem dictum facilisis.

In consectetur turpis non elit bibendum tincidunt hendrerit nisl egestas. Donec quis odio at massa bibendum venenatis et sed velit. Duis id arcu ut purus tempor feugiat non ac ante Integer odio elit, rhoncus id porttitor quis, auctor ac eros. Aenean varius libero nec purus adipiscing commodo Integer in dapibus odio Suspendisse quis dignissim nulla. Pellentesque porta porttitor eros eget feugiat. Donec sit amet semper purus. Proin bib endum commo do orci sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam placerat ultricies diam feugiat dignissim. Pellentesque ut quam ac mi venenatis eleifend in non erat. Vivamus a eleifendneque Fuscesempersapiennecquam pharetravelfacilisisenimtristique


“Greeks in South Florida” Celebrate First Ever Greek Heritage Night at the 2023 Miami Open Tennis Tournament with the Greek Children’s Fund

What better w a y t o c e l e b r a t e G r e e k Independenc e D a y b y continuing to march on! On S u n d a y , March 26, 2023, the “Greeks in South Florida” organization collaborated with Hard Rock Miami and the Miami Open to host the first ever Greek Heritage Night at the annual tennis tournament. With over 100 Greeks in attendance, the world class campus grounds were filled with those rockin’ blue and white clothing, accessories, and Greek flags were dawned throughout the stadium. Celebrating upon entry first at the “Kiki on the River” restaurant pop-up, attendees enjoyed light Greek bites while watching the live tennis matches on the massive, outdoor theater beforeheadinginsidethestadium.

“Greeks in South Florida” started in 2017 as a Facebook group to help spread awareness and connect the Greek and Cypriot communities throughout three counties (Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach). Focusing on the people, churches, businesses, interests, events, and happenings of those Greeks and Cypriots based in South Florida, the group was and to this day continues to be an open forum of curated news for those who live in the area, thosemovingtoFlorida, andforthosewhoare visiting of where to go, what to do, and how to support each other. To date, the “Greeks in South Florida” Facebook page has over 5,500 members and the Instagram page (which went live in 2020 out of the need to continue to support locals, and their businesses during amidst the pandemic via a second digital channel) has over 2,500 followers which includes, Christina Pappa (actress, @pappachristina Instagram), Emilia Vodos (My Style Rocks, @emiliavodos Instagram), Manoli Lagos & Nicole Aivazoglou (founders of The Living Fuel, @thelivingfuel Instagram), Christos Bisiotis (Michelin Nominated

and founder of The CB C oncept
@thecbconcepts Instagram), Tony Kariotis (founder of Greece Media, @greece Instagram),andmore. Barbara Georgiades, Athena Georgiades Soukup, Laura Neroulias Bisiotis At Kiki on the River Pop UpAthena Georgiades Soukup, Arlene Font Touris, Laura Neroulias Bisiotis, Stefania Karakada, Lana Metropulos Greeks in South Florida (Stadium)

While “Greeks In South Florida” was the ‘Group of the Match’, proceeds from each ticket purchased for that session directly went in support of the Greek Children’s Fund -

Over the years, the Greek Children’s Fund, upon doctors’ approval, have had children and patients be part of the festivities in throwing the first pitch, participating in opening ceremonies with the color guard, Greek dancing on the field, singing the American and Greek National anthems and r iding t he Z amb oni machine.

With 2023 marking its milestone 40th year of saving lives, the Greek Children’s Fund continues to better the world while remaining an all-volunteer run organization that raises funds through events, sponsorships and p a r t n e r s h i p s Focusing on the w e l l - b e i n g o f every child, as well as the families and siblings of those who are being treated, the Fund’s values are based on philanthropy, kindness, and collaboration. Successfully providing financial assistance to thousands of families and their children that face non-medical financial problems that a r e c a u s e d b y i l l n e s s a n d displacement, to date, the Greek Children’s Fund has raised in excess of $10 million and has helped over 10,000 families be treated in the UnitedStates.

established in 1983 by the late Stanley Matthews, a Greek American businessman whose mission was to provide financial assistance towards the daily, non-medical needs of children of Hellenic descent and their families suffering from cancer and lifethreatening illnesses Throughout its fourdecade history, the Fund has been part of several Greek Heritage Nights including with the New York Red Bulls, New York Islanders, New York Yankees, and over 10 seasons with the New York Mets at Citi Field with past honorees of the “Greek Children’s Fund Mets Spirit Award” including the Catsimatidis family

For more information about Greeks in South Florida, you can visit on Facebook, reeksInSouthFlorida/ and Instagram, southflorida

For more information about the Greek Children’s Fund, you can visit, and on social media including, Instagram, ldrensfund/, Facebook, drendsfund, and LinkedIn, greekchildrensfund/

Christos Bisiotis and Laura Neroulias Bisiotis Greek Children's Fund 11 Annual Greek Night with the NY Mets (Sam Matthews, son Steele, Irene Kehayas -Drakopoulos, son Petros, and Tina Foukas Anastos) Laura Neroulias Bisiotis outside of Hardrock Stadium Miami Welcome Greeks In South Florida Greeks in South Florida on the Big Screen!

Endy Zemenides is the Executive Director of the Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC), a national advocacy organization for the Greek American community To learn more about HALC,

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Denissi Mimi

Sharing Important History to Shape Our Future

Acclaimed Actress, Director, Producer, Writer, and Translator Mimi Denissi has starred on stage and screen, translated many works, and created innumerable productions for Greek audiences. But the development of projects that bring important and often littleknown history to the masses is her passion. And it’s precisely that passion that fuels this giftedcreator.

Denissidid not aim for such a career Raised in Athens in the footsteps of the ancients, she studied Byzantine and Modern History at the University of Athens She’s had a lifelong interest in history and culture, and from a young child, aspired to a career in Academia. But the fates had other ideas. Her first roles were on television, but she was soon drawn to the stage Over the years, she’s performed in more than 50 international plays, and even acted alongside Greece’s “National Star”, Aliki Vougiouklaki American audiences first met Denissi in the 1978 film, ‘The Greek Tycoon’, starringAnthonyQuinn.

She formed a production company with her ex-husband, and seven years later, created her own company. And in this capacity, she’s translated, produced, and acted in many international productions, including ‘Amadeus’, ‘Philadelphia Story’, ‘The King and I’,‘FunnyGirl,’andmanyothers.

“New audiences n e e d t o experience these works, and even better in their native languages,” Denissi explained “This is what we c a l l ‘Cu ltu r a l Diplomacy’ You cannot just stick t o y o u r o w n traditions and literature. You m u s t e x p l o r e w h a t ’ s b e e n w r i t t e n o f importance in other languages. It’ s a w ay f or people of other n a t i o n s t o communicate,tolearnabouteachother”

On December 8, 2022, Fathom Events presented screenings of 'Smyrna' in 700 U.S. theaters. It was the #4 top film that evening PHOTO: MANOS PR

Before it became trendy, Denissi wrote and acted in several historical plays highlighting strong female characters, like Laskarina Bouboulina and Empress Theodora. “I did this because I believe in that. There are many unique female figures that people should know”

She creates vivid characters, so human, we see ourselves in them. She also is drawn to telling stories that illuminate history, things about the world and the human experience that we often overlook, and sometimes refuse to see Her background in Byzantine and Modern History and the ability to speak five languages

Acclaimed Actress, Director, Producer, Writer, and Translator Mimi Denissi

inform this work. Most of all, her capacity to bring these human stories, the characters, to life on paper and onto the stage and screenhasmadeheraprominent forceinGreece


Perhaps dearest to her heart is ‘Smyrna’, a film she wrote, produced, and starred in, which has taken the world by storm. The ‘Smyrna’ story began with a play. “It was a huge success, but no matter how good a play is, once done, it’s often forgotten. Not everyone can see it, and interesting topics go unnoticed worldwide. I decided to make ‘Smyrna’ a movie, so others realize that before the Holocaust, there was another genocide, which affected Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks. The Armenians have started to do this with films like ‘The Promise’, but the Greeks had not. We needed to tell this story, so people will know” She added, that like the Jewish community, we must band together to get our stories onto the internationalstage

Several years in the making, the script took threeyearstowriteandtwoadditional yearsto prep Filmed in three months, on location in Mytilene and Chios, plus an incredible set built in Faliro, outside of Athens, that brought the Smyrna harbor to life, production took place during a very difficult time in Greece Covid cases were at their peak. While other international productions were shut down, ‘Smyrna’ continued. “After all the injustice, all the souls that were lost, I believe it was Divine protection We never had to shut down Somethingtrulymiraculoushappened.”

Denissi said she is so proud of her talented cast.She’sworkedwithmanyofthemforyears, with the exception of the Turkish actors. “I wanted the characters to be authentic. A Turk is best to portray a Turk, same with the British woman in the film. I’m so grateful for them. They are terrific people and terrific actors. I was very careful with how I portrayed the Turks in the film. I wanted to tell an accurate story, to show the mistakes of the Greeks and Europeans, too. I didn’t know how the Turkish actors would feel, but they said it was objective”

History does repeat itself, highlighted in the film’s opening, where an older woman and her granddaughter sit on a beach in Mytilene, as refugeesarrivefromSyria. Thegranddaughter

asks why the Greeks must help them, and her grandmother reveals their family’s story of life in Smyrna—how a glorious and cosmopolitan city became the site of one of the biggest horrors in human history And made them refugees. This isn’t something we learn in school, and if you ask the average person, they aren’t aware of what happened in Asia Minor in the early 1900s, the atrocities that Adolph Hitler cited as his inspiration for the Holocaust.

The first-rate, Hollywood-style production and the efforts of an immensely talented cast and crew bring the story to life The heartbreaking story follows a prominent Greek family in Smyrna. A family who has befriended and lived alongside Turks for generations. They, along with Armenians, Assyrians, and people from other cultures and religions, lived peacefully for centuries. When Mustafa Kemal’s “Turkey for Turks” campaign reaches Smyrna, Christians are persecuted, forced from their homes. Women are raped, and the once grand city is burned to the ground, while many boats docked in the harbor, ordered by their respective countries to not take in anyone trying to flee the town. Denissi stars as Filio, the family matriarch, who is determined to keep her family together andsafe

The epic film is powerful and heartbreaking, gripping and emotional It’s the kind of film that changes you. People identify with different emotions and events, and that’s what makesittranscendthescreen.Ittouchesusall

In December, Fathom Events coordinated one-day screenings in 700 cities in the U.S. It was the #4 top film in the U.S. on that day. It also screened at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a rare occurrence for a film, which she


called “ a great honor for Greece”, and for her It’s now screening in Australia, and likely will return to the States. Some of the top American universities now screen it to facilitate discussiononthesubject.

“One hundred years later, these tragedies are still happening. Life goes on. We don’t cry about thepast,but we mustnot forget, because if we know the past, we can have a better future.Ifweignoreit,wewillcontinuetomake thesamemistakesagainandagain.”

She added that sadly, her dear friend, Actress Olympia Dukakis, did not live to see the film. “Olympia was a great influence on me to tell this story It was her dream for people around the world to know what happened in her ancestral land. Her son came to New York for thescreening,anditmeantsomuch.”

Denissi is currently in negotiations with several streaming platforms, so ‘Smyrna’ may continue to reach more audiences. “Only once the screenings are done can we finalize where itwillstream.”


Surely, it seems difficult to follow such an extraordinary production, but Denissi is up to the task. Next, she’ll stage part II of the play ‘Smyrna, My Beloved’ in ancient theaters. It’s about the Asia Minor refugees’ arrival in Greece. “I don’t like to be far from the theater fortoolong,andwehadtostopduringCovid”

She’s also penning a sequel to the film, ‘Smyrna’, which follows Filio and the next generation in Thessaloniki, where they settle after escaping the horror in Smyrna Thessaloniki is much like Smyrna in that it is a cosmopolitan city, a place where Greeks, Jews, Turks, and other Balkan people lived and thrived. Denissi thinks that’s no accident. “These are parallel stories It’s not a coincidence, as they felt at home But what happened there proves we aren’t learning the mistakes of history and reinforces the importance of learning the history so we can dobetter”

Filio, her daughter-in-law, and granddaughter make a new life in a new city “They arrive

poor andwith nothing in a city where the Jews, who’d lived in Thessaloniki for 500 years, wereculturedandwealthy—as theGreekswereinSmyrna.”

The story follows them through WWII, where people are uprooted yet again. This theme of displacement reprises, but this time, horrific acts are perpetrated on the Jews And like ‘Smyrna’, for authenticity, she’ll cast Jewish actors who can speak Ladino, the Judeo-Spanish dialect of the Greek Jews. Denissi expects an international release within two years. With her passion behind the pen and in front of the camera, the sequel will surely be as powerfulandmoving.

Mimi Denissi has performed on some of the world’s most iconic stages and has brought countless stories to the f o r e f r o nt S h e ’ s r u n a s u c c e s s f u l pro du c t i on company. She’s conquered it all But she’s not finished She has many stories to tell “Until we finally learn the lessons of thepasttomakeabrighterfutureforall”

MARIA A. KARAMITSOS is the former founder, publisher, & editor of WindyCity Greek magazine and former associate editor & senior writer for The Greek Star newspaper. She pens the literary column, 'Mnemosyni's Musings' for NEO magazine. Her work has appeared in multiple Greek-American publications, plus Voices of Hellenism Literary Journal, Harlots Sauce Radio, Women.Who.Write, Shortcuts for Writers, and more. Maria has contributed to two books: Greektown Chicago: Its History, Its Recipes and The Chicago Area Ethnic Handbook. She's currently seeking representation for her debut novel,FindingEleftheria.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Quisque facilisis, nunc ut vulputate dictum, turpis urna viverra neque, ut ultricies magna quam eu urna. Duis sed tellus arcu, quis tempus enim. Etiam aliquam turpis quis quam tempus quis feugiat nunc viverra. Proin mollis quam sit amet ligula convallis venenatis. Sed mollis libero nec risus convallis luctus pretium nunc mollis. Integer nec tempus mauris. Donec iaculis orci eu felis condimentum dictum Nulla metus orci, ultrices bibendum venenatis accumsan, posuere quis dui Curabitur malesuada metus a augue ullamcorper tristique Nunc a pulvinar ante. Nullam vitae dui enim. Phasellus ultrices vestibulum lacinia. Mauris ac tincidunt eros. Aenean adipiscing vestibulum blandit. Nam vel justo mauris, sed venenatis ante Aenean commodo, magnanon dignissim mollis, tellus augue cursus nunc, a pellentesque ipsum justo at magna Duis iaculis egestas justo In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin leo nisi, aliquet in molestie ac, dignissimsitametlectus.

Vivamus arcu ipsum, dictum vel scelerisque eget, pharetra sit amet lectus. Vivamus non risus libero, sed consectetur ante. Vestibulum eu arcu metus Etiam suscipit dui ut erat pretium mattis Quisque malesuada libero vitae tellus pharetra non volutpat sem fermentum. Sed sit amet turpis felis. Morbi dictum euismod nunc ac pulvinar. Nulla gravida condimentum tellus sed tempus. Sed vehicula commodo est, non ultricies dolor feugiat id. Cras nunc odio, hendrerit vestibulum dictum sed, rhoncus sit amet tellus Phasellus vulputate, neque sit amet consequat interdum, diam magna bibendum arcu, sit amet iaculis lectus nunc at urna. Etiam et augue eget massa vehicula pretium. Ut eget dui felis. Curabitur mauris lacus, dignissim id ultricies vel, vehicula in enim. Suspendisse vitae massa eget sem dictum facilisis.

In consectetur turpis non elit bibendum tincidunt hendrerit nisl egestas. Donec quis odio at massa bibendum venenatis et sed velit. Duis id arcu ut purus tempor feugiat non ac ante Integer odio elit, rhoncus id porttitor quis, auctor ac eros. Aenean varius libero nec purus adipiscing commodo Integer in dapibus odio Suspendisse quis dignissim nulla. Pellentesque porta porttitor eros eget feugiat. Donec sit amet semper purus. Proin bib endum commo do orci sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam placerat ultricies diam feugiat dignissim. Pellentesque ut quam ac mi venenatis eleifend in non erat. Vivamus a eleifendneque Fuscesempersapiennecquam pharetravelfacilisisenimtristique

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Quisque facilisis, nunc ut vulputate dictum, turpis urna viverra neque, ut ultricies magna quam eu urna. Duis sed tellus arcu, quis tempus enim. Etiam aliquam turpis quis quam tempus quis feugiat nunc viverra. Proin mollis quam sit amet ligula convallis venenatis. Sed mollis libero nec risus convallis luctus pretium nunc mollis. Integer nec tempus mauris. Donec iaculis orci eu felis condimentum dictum Nulla metus orci, ultrices bibendum venenatis accumsan, posuere quis dui Curabitur malesuada metus a augue ullamcorper tristique Nunc a pulvinar ante. Nullam vitae dui enim. Phasellus ultrices vestibulum lacinia. Mauris ac tincidunt eros. Aenean adipiscing vestibulum blandit. Nam vel justo mauris, sed venenatis ante Aenean commodo, magnanon dignissim mollis, tellus augue cursus nunc, a pellentesque ipsum justo at magna Duis iaculis egestas justo In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin leo nisi, aliquet in molestie ac, dignissimsitametlectus.

Vivamus arcu ipsum, dictum vel scelerisque eget, pharetra sit amet lectus. Vivamus non risus libero, sed consectetur ante. Vestibulum eu arcu metus Etiam suscipit dui ut erat pretium mattis Quisque malesuada libero vitae tellus pharetra non volutpat sem fermentum. Sed sit amet turpis felis. Morbi dictum euismod nunc ac pulvinar. Nulla gravida condimentum tellus sed tempus. Sed vehicula commodo est, non ultricies dolor feugiat id. Cras nunc odio, hendrerit vestibulum dictum sed, rhoncus sit amet tellus Phasellus vulputate, neque sit amet consequat interdum, diam magna bibendum arcu, sit amet iaculis lectus nunc at urna. Etiam et augue eget massa vehicula pretium. Ut eget dui felis. Curabitur mauris lacus, dignissim id ultricies vel, vehicula in enim. Suspendisse vitae massa eget sem dictum facilisis.

In consectetur turpis non elit bibendum tincidunt hendrerit nisl egestas. Donec quis odio at massa bibendum venenatis et sed velit. Duis id arcu ut purus tempor feugiat non ac ante Integer odio elit, rhoncus id porttitor quis, auctor ac eros. Aenean varius libero nec purus adipiscing commodo Integer in dapibus odio Suspendisse quis dignissim nulla. Pellentesque porta porttitor eros eget feugiat. Donec sit amet semper purus. Proin bib endum commo do orci sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam placerat ultricies diam feugiat dignissim. Pellentesque ut quam ac mi venenatis eleifend in non erat. Vivamus a eleifendneque Fuscesempersapiennecquam pharetravelfacilisisenimtristique

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Quisque facilisis, nunc ut vulputate dictum, turpis urna viverra neque, ut ultricies magna quam eu urna. Duis sed tellus arcu, quis tempus enim. Etiam aliquam turpis quis quam tempus quis feugiat nunc viverra. Proin mollis quam sit amet ligula convallis venenatis. Sed mollis libero nec risus convallis luctus pretium nunc mollis. Integer nec tempus mauris. Donec iaculis orci eu felis condimentum dictum Nulla metus orci, ultrices bibendum venenatis accumsan, posuere quis dui Curabitur malesuada metus a augue ullamcorper tristique Nunc a pulvinar ante. Nullam vitae dui enim. Phasellus ultrices vestibulum lacinia. Mauris ac tincidunt eros. Aenean adipiscing vestibulum blandit. Nam vel justo mauris, sed venenatis ante Aenean commodo, magnanon dignissim mollis, tellus augue cursus nunc, a pellentesque ipsum justo at magna Duis iaculis egestas justo In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin leo nisi, aliquet in molestie ac, dignissimsitametlectus.

Vivamus arcu ipsum, dictum vel scelerisque eget, pharetra sit amet lectus. Vivamus non risus libero, sed consectetur ante. Vestibulum eu arcu metus Etiam suscipit dui ut erat pretium mattis Quisque malesuada libero vitae tellus pharetra non volutpat sem fermentum. Sed sit amet turpis felis. Morbi dictum euismod nunc ac pulvinar. Nulla gravida condimentum tellus sed tempus. Sed vehicula commodo est, non ultricies dolor feugiat id. Cras nunc odio, hendrerit vestibulum dictum sed, rhoncus sit amet tellus Phasellus vulputate, neque sit amet consequat interdum, diam magna bibendum arcu, sit amet iaculis lectus nunc at urna. Etiam et augue eget massa vehicula pretium. Ut eget dui felis. Curabitur mauris lacus, dignissim id ultricies vel, vehicula in enim. Suspendisse vitae massa eget sem dictum facilisis.

In consectetur turpis non elit bibendum tincidunt hendrerit nisl egestas. Donec quis odio at massa bibendum venenatis et sed velit. Duis id arcu ut purus tempor feugiat non ac ante Integer odio elit, rhoncus id porttitor quis, auctor ac eros. Aenean varius libero nec purus adipiscing commodo Integer in dapibus odio Suspendisse quis dignissim nulla. Pellentesque porta porttitor eros eget feugiat. Donec sit amet semper purus. Proin bib endum commo do orci sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam placerat ultricies diam feugiat dignissim. Pellentesque ut quam ac mi venenatis eleifend in non erat. Vivamus a eleifendneque Fuscesempersapiennecquam pharetravelfacilisisenimtristique


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque facilisis, nunc ut vulputate dictum, turpis urna viverra neque, ut ultricies magna quam eu urna. Duis sed tellus arcu, quis tempus enim. Etiam aliquam turpis quis quam tempus quis feugiat nunc viverra. Proin mollis quam sit amet ligula convallis venenatis. Sed mollis libero nec risus convallis luctus pretium nunc mollis. Integer nec tempus mauris. Donec iaculis orci eu felis condimentum dictum. Nulla metus orci, ultrices bibendum venenatis accumsan, posuere quis dui. Curabitur malesuada metus a augue ullamcorper tristique. Nunc a pulvinar ante Nullam vitae dui enim. Phasellus ultrices vestibulum lacinia. Mauris ac tincidunt eros. Aenean adipiscing vestibulumblandit.Namveljustomauris,sedvenenatisante.Aenean commodo, magna non dignissim mollis, tellus augue cursus nunc, a pellentesque ipsum justo at magna. Duis iaculis egestas justo In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin leo nisi, aliquet in molestie ac, dignissimsitametlectus.

Vivamus arcu ipsum, dictum vel scelerisque eget, pharetra sit amet lectus. Vivamus non risuslibero, sed consectetur ante Vestibulum eu arcu metus. Etiam suscipit dui ut erat pretium mattis. Quisque malesuada libero vitae tellus pharetra non volutpat sem fermentum. Sed sit amet turpis felis. Morbi dictum euismod nunc ac pulvinar Nulla gravida condimentum tellus sed tempus. Sed vehicula commodo est, non ultricies dolor feugiat id. Cras nunc odio, hendrerit vestibulum dictum sed, rhoncus sit amet tellus. Phasellus vulputate, neque sit amet consequat interdum, diam magna bibendum arcu, sit amet iaculis lectus nunc at urna. Etiam et augue eget massa vehicula pretium. Ut eget dui felis. Curabitur mauris lacus, dignissim id ultricies vel, vehicula in enim. Suspendisse vitae massaegetsemdictumfacilisis.

In consectetur turpis non elit bibendum tincidunt hendrerit nisl egestas. Donec quis odio at massa bibendum venenatis et sed velit. Duis id arcu ut purus tempor feugiat non ac ante. Integer odio elit, rhoncus id porttitor quis, auctor ac eros. Aenean varius libero nec purus adipiscing commodo. Integer in dapibus odio. Suspendisse quis dignissim nulla. Pellentesque porta porttitor eros eget feugiat. Donec sit amet semper purus. Proin bibendum commodo orci sit amet pellentesque. Aliquam placerat ultricies diam feugiat dignissim. Pellentesque ut quam ac mi venenatis eleifend in non erat. Vivamus a eleifend neque. Fusce semper sapien nec quam pharetra velfacilisisenimtristique.

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Meet Some Contemporary Greek Poets

Welcome back! April is National Poetry Month, so let’s talk poets! Thoughts of Greek poetry may conjure names like Cavafy, Dimoula, Elytis, Palamas, Ritsos, Sappho, Seferis, Solomos, even Homer But did you know that their tradition is alive and well today? There are many incredibly talented contemporary poets, and we could chat for hours about them. Butherearesometocheckout.Enjoy!


The San Franciscob a s e d p o e t a n d performer honors her Greek heritage, living with chronic illness, love, and more in her work. Her poetry has been published in many anthologies, journals, and websites, including 9 Muses News, The Cerurove, Lucent Dreaming, the San Francisco Public Library’s Poem of the Day, and sPARKLE & bLINK. She’s also a featured performer at local and international literary series and events. Her first book, fool[ishly optimistic] (NomadicPress),cameoutlastyear.


An artist, poet, ventriloquist, and filmmaker based in Wisconsin, Georgia’s work immerses us in her keen observations of the world. She’s been published in Milk Candy Review, Ruby Literary Press, Janus Literary, and more. She’s been nominated for the coveted Pushcart Prize. Georgia performs in a poetry band called Sugar Whiskey, and she—well, her teddy bear—is the host of the award-winning weekly Internet radio show,‘Mr Bear'sVioletHourSaloon’


For more than 50 years, John has committed his musings to paper He recently published his first poetry collection, Skies kai Chromata (Shadows and Colors). His work is introspective, and he writes about nature and the complexities of human existence. The prolific poet writes in Greek and lives in Maryland.


The Greek-Cypriot-Australian poet, performer, and filmmaker has published two books. Just Give Me the Pills and Love and F**k Poems, both published by Out of the Box Press, have recently been re-released. She’s also been published in multiple journals. Her words are raw and fearless. She takes on topics like love, marriage, divorce, women ’ s roles, mental health, shame, and more Her latest work is a film based on her poem of the same name,“YiayiaMou”


Born and raised in Athens, this poet and actress studied astrophysics and theater

She’s a founding member of the Institute of Experimental Arts and curator of the annual International Video Poetry Festival in Athens. Sissy has published four critically-acclaimed poetry collections plus a compilation of erotic and political short stories called, “The Voyeur” HerEnglish-languagepoetryisa no-holds-barred commentary on culture,currentevents,andmore.


Born in Greece, Yiannis lived in Ireland while pursuing his PhD. He’s published four poetry collections to date. His first book, The World as I Came and Found it (Kedros), was published in 2001. Inner Borders (Polis, 2011) is the recipient of the Diavazo Journal Debut Poetry

Collection Award. The Stendhal Syndrome, (Polis, 2013) received the G. Athanas Award of the Academy of Athens. His work has been included in anthologies and translated into eight languages. He writes about “things I notice and how I distill them”, how humanity is tested, and more Several of hispoemshavebeensettomusic.


This award-winning poet, artist, and educator is based in G r e e c e S h e ’ s published several poetry collections and if you get a chance to hear her read her poetry, do take it! Her passion

for Greece, its history and culture shine through. If it’s possible, she’ll make you even prouder of your heritage. She writes inGreek.


An award-winning writer of poetry, fiction and essays, Alexandra is also the founder of the San Francisco Creative Writing Institute, and a writing teacher and coach Her Greek culture and experience as a Greek-American woman infuse her writings. She often performs her work in the San Francisco area Alexandra recently completed a book of poetry called Leaving Los Angeles, about ayoungpoet'scoming-of-age Itisthelast in a trilogy of collections that rounds out the theme. She’s working on her first novel


This poet, writer, and attorney calls the Chicago area home A second-generation poet, she grew up in a celebration of the literary arts and no doubt is inspired by her father, George Karavolos. Her work is at once reflective and also permeated with her Greek culture and her ancestral Chios. Karian’s poetry and short stories have been published by Highland Park Poetry, Living Crue, Prairie Light Review, Bombfire, Beyond Words Literary Magazine, Little Old Lady Comedy, and others. Her poem, “Reverie” appears in Distilled Lives, Volume 6, published by the Illinois State Poetry Society She’s currently penning her first novel, an epic fantasy.


A best-selling and award-winning author and poet, Valerie is also a marketing communications executive and speaker I Asked the Wind: A Collection of Romantic Poetry (The Unapologetic Voice House, 2019) is the recipient of multiple awards. This work has been called “ courageous ” and “thoughtprovoking” and delves into the highs and lows of love. Her first novel, a contemporary historical romance called The Fairmounts (Author Academy Elite, 2022) debuted as a #1 New Release. She recently published Unleash the Power of You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating andSustainingYourOwnPersonalBrand (EthosCollection,2023).


Son of the late Author Harry Mark Petrakis, Dean is a writer, poet,


businessman, and a c t o r, a n d c a l l s California home His impressive pedigree is surely tough to live up to, but Dean holds his own in his first poetry and prose collection, Sweeping Up Stardust ( I n d e p e n d e n t l y published, 2021) These writings provide a glimpse into his soul, where he reveals his life—joy, pain, tragedy, the quest for knowledge and peace.


An American poet of Greek and Irish ancestry, Hilary culls the depths of all of her cultures to inform her work. Her poems have appeared in multiple journals, including The American Journal of Poetry, Arts & Letters, Barrow Street, The Cortland Review, Poet Lore, Poetry Daily, The Southern Poetry Review, among others; and have been published in several anthologies. Now Brooklyn-based, Hilary has also publishedninepoetrycollections.


This Greek-born poet is a former scientist for the U S Department of Energy at Argonne National Laboratory She’s published seven poetry collections. Her latest, Of Life, of Love, Poetry 19952011 (Eleftheroudakis), was published in 2022. Some of her work has been set to music by Athanasios Zervas and was recently presented along with her new book at the Archaeological Museum of Athens. Written in Greek, her ethereal work calms the noise of the world. She is workingonanewcollectioninEnglish.


Raised in Greece and Germany, Danae is a multilingual poet, cultural manager, and educator She’s the former co-editor of the literary journal, Teflon. Her work has appeared in many international publications, including Harlequin Creature, The Ilanot Review, NYRB, and Brooklyn Rail; plus multiple anthologies. Danae has participated in numerous international literary festivals She’s a recipient of the State Prize for Young Writers, Jiannis Varveris’ Prize for Young Writers by Hellenic Writers’ Society, and

Special Prize in the Poetry Competition in Memoir of the Kalavrita Holocaust, State of Kalavrita. She’s published three poetry collections. Danae said she writes poems to “create space in language for hope”, and gives voice to topics such as gender roles, language, imagination, oppression,war,history,andmyth.

Well, that will get you started! Continue to explore and let their dazzling and insightful words color your world See you next time for more of Mnemosyni’s Musings.

Maria A. Karamitsos has been a positive voice in Greek media since 2002. She's the founder & former publisher/editor of Windy City Greek magazine. For 10 years, she served as associate editor & senior writer for The Greek Star newspaper. Her work has been published in NEO magazine, Greek Circle magazine, The National Herald, Greek Reporter, Harlots Sauce Radio, Women Who Write, KPHTH magazine, XPAT Athens, and more. Maria has contributed to three books: Greektown Chicago: Its History, Its Recipes; The Chicago Area Ethnic Handbook; and the inaugural essay collection, Voices of Hellenism Literary Journal. She recently completed her 1st novel, called FindingEleftheria.

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Finding peace after surviving a traumatic childhood in Greece

Jon Heymann has a distinguished career as a youth pastor in Jersey City, New Jersey and Newport, Rhode Island, and senior pastor for a dozen years with the Evangelical Free Church in New York. He holds a master’s degree in education from the University of Florida, and completed graduate work in psychology, and doctoral work at the University of North Florida. He is now president of Heymann Consultants, and recently created Elevate Jacksonville Prior to this, he was the CEO of the Jacksonville Children’s Commission, which provided $38 million to support numerous child-serving non-profits.

parentsandsomeoneelsewould bringthemto this Municipal Infants Asylum. Some children were a public embarrassment to a clandestine relationship. I was one of those children who was dropped at the asylum through a breadbox where the relief groups would drop off food and clothing for the children inside theasylum.


The breadbox ‘slot’ on the outside of the building looked like an oversized mail slot that many people still have on their front doors, except this breadbox slot was large enough to fit a baby through it Hence, we were called ‘breadboxbabies’

And the doctors at the asylum were complicit in traffickingthechildren?

The doctors at the asylum forged death certificates when the children were old enough to be rented or sold to local men and women w

tourists. If a family should happen to return to reclaim their child, the doctor would produce the death certificate and say that the child hadn’t survived. If no one came to claim the child,somuchthebetter

the airplane and the basket that sat next to me with a baby in it. That baby became my sister here in America, but she was not my blood sister. Although my parents paid for a nurse to accompany me, there was no adult present. I was alone, on an airplane, with a baby in a basket. I didn’t understand the language, I didn’t know where I was, and I certainly didn’t know the people who seemed so happy to see me

How long did it take you to overcome some ofyourtrauma?

It took two years before I would let any adult hug me It took two years for me to believe that if an adult touched me, they wouldn’t hurt me. Two formative adolescent years I recall throwing a metal dump truck at my aunt when she approached me to give me a hug. I finally allowed my mom (Lois Heymann) to hug me in the kitchen of our NJ home, and I stood like a board with my hands by my side as she wrapped her arms around me for the first time. I had finally found my “Love Family” because my “Blood Family” gave me up at birth. Some people are blessed to have both a “blood family” and a “love family” – at least I acquiredthemostimportantone

You say you deeply dislike the word ‘suffering.’Why?

He says his recent book, Agonizing Peace: Powering Through Traumatic Experiences, “is a result of my early childhood in Greece, my Pastoral ministry plus my decades of ‘marketplace ministry’ in the secular world of public education…God rescued me from a childmill(trafficking)andguidedmethrough some other excruciating experiences This and many other examples are used to provide hope and answers to the seemingly helpless andhopeless.”

Your book shares the story of how you grew upina“slavemill.”Whathappenedandhow didyouescape?

After World War II, Europe and many other countries were struggling with destruction, poverty, and chaos. Greece was no exception. Starvation and Nazi atrocities took the lives of over 100,000 Greek civilians, and as a result, the Greek children suffered greatly People, for whatever reason, would drop infants off at an asylum. Some were their own progeny; some were kids that were just abandoned by their

I have vivid memories of staying in a tworoom house with a man and a woman who remain facelessin my memory bank. I was still sleeping in a crib at 4-years-old, and spent my time begging and/or stealing from people at the base of the Parthenon. I also remember being beaten if I didn’t produce the desired results.


Fortunately, my escape came through the efforts of Spiros Zodhiates and the American Mission to the Greeks Lois Heymann volunteered for AMG and was so moved by the circumstances of these children that she volunteered to be the first to attempt to adopt one or more of these children. My adopted sister and I were the first to be taken out of this devastatingsituation.


I have no memory of getting on a plane to come to America, but I do remember being on

The word ‘suffering’ is overused much like the word ‘ awesome ’ It can be used to describe a stubbed toe or a chronic debilitating disease. Many times, those who cry the loudest are not hurting the worst. (See Chapter 3 of my book). I describe those who “suffer” serious chronic depression, and how to garner “peace” in the midstofthisdebilitatingdestructivedisease.

What do you mean by the idea of “effortless peace?”Istheresuchathing?

Effortless peace exists in the minds of those that long for peace that takes no effort. In Eastern religion it’s called Nirvana (Passionless Peace), however the Western version is slightly twisted and results in effortless peace, a sort of “Give me more and leave me alone,” which grows out of the addiction to the almighty American Trinity –Health,Wealth,andWisdom..

Many people, even Christians, believe that Peace with God means they can slide through life with few troubles. Do you believethis?

None of us are immune to traumatic experiences. IF you haven’t had one, then you simply have not lived long enough. Some experience are more difficult and more

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excruciating (ie. loss of a child, a marriage, a job, a limb, etc), but all trials are subject to interpretations and personal beliefs. No one canjudgeanother’scircumstances.Noonecan prepare us for every trial that may come our way,butpeaceispossibleandsustainable

You say, “our salvation becomes a contract forserenityandanundisturbedlife.”Isthisa false understanding of what it means to followChrist?

Yes, this is a lopsided view of Peace, of God, andofourexpectations.

You were adopted by a Christian family from America. Is your sense of patriotism strongtoday?

Yes! I am an American without a hyphen. At the same time, I am very proud of my Greek heritage, while at the same time very angry (righteous indignation) with those who mistreatedandabusedmeasayoungboy

I was naturalized as an American citizen in a New Jersey Courtroom at the age of ten. I still have the small American flag that the ‘ man in flowing robes’ personally handed to me as I pledged my honor and life to my new homeland. While my childhood idealism of now living in the greatest nation on earth has given way to an embattled realism that no nation is perfect, my sense of patriotism is strongertodaythanitwaswhenIwasten.

What do you mean by, “poverty is not a familyvalue?”

The concept of a Biblical family does not include“poverty”asavirtue.Atthesametime, we are not called to live in opulence while a great number of children do not know where theirnextmealiscomingfrom.

You write that affliction “levels us all.” How does this fit into God’s plan for building our faith?

According to Romans 5, suffering brings about perseverance; and perseverance, results in character; and proven character, hope. It is like a stress test on automobiles, that tests it’s capacitytowithstandstressandstrain.

Your book makes it clear that true peace comes through surrender. Surrender to what?

“Surrender to who?” is a better question. Surrender to a God that does not provide ALL of the answers can be frustrating, but surrendering to our own limited perspective answers none of the looming questions that oftenplagueus.

“Surrender” often means to loose power and dominion, but surrendering to God actually increases our power (II Tim 1:7) and selfdiscipline Remember, if we knew everything aboutGod,Hewouldn’tbemuchofaGod.

Why do you say, “lingering doubts are differentfromlingeringquestions?”

Lingering doubts are far more serious than lingering questions, in that they last a lot longer and have much more serious ramificationsinourlives.

Toward the end of your book, you suggest readers learn to expect the unexpected. Why?

Even Jesus said, “In this world, Expect trouble.” But he prosed us that we need not be discouraged because He has overcome the world that gives us so much unexpected “trouble”, pain and heartache There is also the converse, in that we should expect the unexpected – the good things of life that can only be attributed to God – those things that we can confidently exclaim, “It was a God thing”.

Any final advice for those who have suffered trauma, or for those who live with someone whohassuffered?

Never give up – Never, ever give up - on your family, on your marriage, on your children, on your church, on your health, and on your friends.

Pray as if it all depends on God, and work as if italldependsonyou!!


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After 200 years of captivity in the British Museum, a growing push to bring the Elgin Marbles back to Greece has been marred with debate on how and if they should be returned Sarah Baxter, who once “gazed upon the sculptures” and thought “how fantastic they were” in the Duveen Gallery, found herself at theforefrontofthediscoursewhenshewrotean opinion piece in 2019 for the Sunday Times about returning the marbles in response to Emmanuel Macron’s plan to return treasures to Benin.

“Dull is the eye that will not weep to see Thy walls defaced, thy mouldering shrines removed By British hands, which it had best behoved”

Lord Elgin later became bankrupt and sold the marbles to the British Museum in 1816, where they’ve been held since with an act of parliament protecting the marbles from being returned to Greece. However, it was not even the Greeks who permitted Elgin to take the marbles, but the Ottoman occupiers In addition, the narrative claims the marbles were “rescued” and “saved for posterity”, but in reality, the marbles were damaged due to Lord Duveen acid washing them to give themamore “white”hue.

“Even if Lord Elgin did acquire the sculptures legally from the O ttomans and e ve n i f t he sculptures were ‘saved for posterity’, there's no reason not to give them backnow,”Baxterexplained.

implication of the word “loan” because it means that in a sense, Britain still owns the marbles. What would be the purpose of reuniting pieces of the marble if they will be returned back to the BritishMuseumlater?

Greece on the other hand is willing to exchange other treasures for the permanent return of the marbles. Prime Minister Mitsotakis too wants to be remembered for his efforts in bringing the marbles back to the Acropolis Museum and believes the marbles should be shown together, not fragmented through the plan that Osborne proposed. Yet, with the upcoming elections later this year Mitsotakis’ involvement in these discussionshangsinthebalance

Baxter explains that an opportunity has arised that can set these talks into motion and cut throughwhatshecalls the“danceofdiplomacy” betweenthenations.

The National Archaeological Museum which houses many Greek treasures, such as the Mask of Agamemnon, plans to renovate which would close the museum for four years. Conversely, the Duveen Gallery where the Parthenon marbles are displayed is also in need of renovations.Thispauseinbothmuseumscould help pave the way for an eventual deal to be made as the treasures in both will not be publiclydisplayed

“For so long, no one used to give it any thought,” she explained “One could think ‘Oh, they’ve been an integral part of the British Museum for 200 years ’ But then when you think ‘Oh, they’ve been an integral part of the Parthenon for nearly two and a half thousand years ’ , it soundsridiculous,”sheexplained

What Baxter did not expect was to be on the front page of the Greek news and involved in efforts to eventually return the marbles. “I was absolutely astonished It sank in how much having the statues returned to Greece really meanttotheGreekpeople,”shesaid.

Baxter, former deputy editor of the Sunday Times and director of the Marie Colvin Center for International Reporting at Stony Brook University, spoke about the history of the marbles and the methods of their eventual reunification to the Parthenon during a webinar hosted by the Center of Hellenic StudiesofStonyBrookUniversity

In the talk, Baxter covered the history of the issue dating back to when Lord Elgin first obtained the marbles Elgin, who was ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, wanted to embellish his home with the sculptures. While claiming to have permission from the Ottoman authorities to remove some of the pieces in 1801, only an Italian translation exists of the actual document. However, Elgin removed major portions of the frieze among other marbles, much to the distress of many Britons. LordByronevendecriedthisaction,writing:

After writing the article, Baxter was invited to speak at a symposium at the Acropolis Museum where she became more informed and persuadedonthematter.Thisledhertobecome involved in the Parthenon Project, which believesinthepermanentreturnofthemarbles. They are trying for a “win-win” solution that will benefit Greece and Britain yet that definition differs for both nations During the seminar, Baxter explored the different outlets of how this can be achieved and the major players in these discussions.

For George Osborne, chairman of the British Museum, returning the marble’s would have him immortalized in thehistoryoftheBritishMuseum,inthehistory of Greece and its Acropolis Museum. Yet at the same time, Osborne doesn’t want to be known as the person who gave away the marbles and potentiallytriggered theslipperyslopeofothers asking for their artifacts to be returned. In this situation,hemusttreadlightly

One method would be achieving what deputy director of the British Museum Jonathan Williams calls a “Positive Parthenon Partnership”, which would temporarily loan the marbles back to Greece in exchange for other treasures. Osborne believes there could be a back and forth with the marbles to start and gradually return more to Greece over time Yet, the Greek government does not like the

In terms of public opinion in Britain, it has shifted. When Baxter first published her piece in 2019, she received backlash, with many listing a plethora of excuses as to why they belonginBritishhandsinsteadofGreece.

“One thing I think a lot of British people don't understand about the Parthenon is where it sits on a hilltop in Athens. You can see it from 360 degrees all around the city. I think when you see that and how important it is to the Athenian landscape, the whole city just revolves around the catalyst there,” she explained.

A poll conducted in 2022 by The Times and The Sunday Times of readers determined 78% were in favor of returning the Elgin marbles As a journalist, Baxter could not have predicted that herworkhadthepowerto not just raise awareness in Britain, but the impact it had on Greece to be seen and heard on the matter “It was really an extraordinary experienceforme,asawriter,I'veneveractually hadthatleveloffeedbackbefore,”sheexplained.

Her efforts have been recognized by the Greek government as she was invited to the presidential palace on numerous occasions and met with Prime Minister Mitsotakis. Recently awarded the Gold Cross of the Order of Beneficence, Baxter is incredibly honored that her work had such an impact on furthering discussions on bringing the marbles back to Greece “It's easy to understandthat theabsence of the sculptures is such a gaping wound for Greek people. It matters so much for them to havethemback,”shesaid

APRIL 2023 NEWS & NOTES 46 by Marie Lolis
Sarah Baxter spoke at a webinar organized by the Center of Hellenic Studies of Stony Brook University
Sarah Baxter on the History of the “Elgin Marbles” and possibility of their return
Sarah Baxter on the History of the “Elgin Marbles” and possibility of their return
Sarah Baxter on the History of the “Elgin Marbles” and possibility of their return

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