NEOM ORGANICS / Happiness Issue stockist

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quarterly Magazine for a luxurious lifestyle

JAN - MAR 2014


Happi ness Issue

Neom Idol: saDie macleod p8

the importance of natural candles p14

introducing our new love candle p20

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Contents welcome to happiness p4 Sadie macleod p8 Fragrance focus: complete bliss p12 waxing lyrical p14 Julia Roberson: pilates p18 Introducing love p20 winter walks p22 Organic burst p25 Calgary avansino p28 Beat the january blues p30 staff affirmations p32 About us p35

Editor’s Letter Welcome to the Happiness Issue of our brand new quarterly magazine! What does happiness mean to you? For some it’s an adrenaline-filled day of extreme sports, for others it might simply be curling up with a good book and no other distractions for a lazy afternoon. Or perhaps you like a bit of both! Because our campaign this season is focussed on this pursuit of happiness, we’ve lined up plenty of inspiring and uplifting features on the subject, and highlighted some of the key fragrance blends in our range proven to help with lifting your mood.

Candle and offer some of our favourite mantras to remember for a happy day. And as a luxury, organic brand with an emphasis on creating moodenhancing scents which do more than just smell good, we thought we’d take the opportunity to explain some of the aromatherapeutic properties of the essential oils we use in our products and why we will only ever make (and light in our homes) natural candles. We hope you enjoy the magazine and look forward to seeing you again in April for The De-Stress Issue.

Much love

This issue the Neom team share their happiness affirmations, we speak to our Neom Idol, Sadie MacLeod, celebrate the launch of our Limited Edition Love Home

Nicola Elliott Neom co-founder

Welcome to

Happi ness 4

Our new campaign is all about creating everyday feel good moments

Spring is just around the corner so now is the time to address your life and give it a gentle spring clean. We’re not talking huge decisions and life-changing moves, just those little things that you know will make you feel better. Allowing yourself half an hour a day to read a book. Taking a long hot bath in the middle of the day. Making those

coffee breaks with friends and yes, occasionally saying no to tedious family or work commitments you’ve usually accepted for a quiet life and then wondered why you bothered when other people have dropped out at the last minute. Our products were born of a desire to create luxurious home fragrance and body care, the aromas of which come from 100% real essential oils and therefore work as a therapy on your mood – whether you need relaxing, energising, de-stressing or uplifting. Every quarter this magazine will highlight our seasonal mood campaigns and pick out the stand-out fragrances that help to promote that frame of mind.

neom magazine jan - mar 2014

While some glossies might use the first months of the year to push the latest diets and fitness fads, we’re focusing instead on looking after ourselves for the long term. Let’s make this year all about happiness – doing those everyday things that make us happy and sticking to these feel good promises for life.


Complete Bliss The Fragrance A fresh and modern take on traditional rose, with a dash of lime and black pepper.

The Scents of

Happi ness

The Treatment: One of the all-rounders in aromatherapy, Moroccan blush rose essential oil has been used for centuries to lift the mood and relieve tension.

Real Luxury The Fragrance: Floral notes of lavender and jasmine combine with spicy Brazilian rosewood for a warming, sophisticated scent. The Treatment: This blend has been dubbed the ‘cashmere blanket’ of our range. The essential oils work well together to create a gently relaxing mood perfect for pampering nights in.


Happiness The Fragrance: A fresh and grassy blend of white neroli, mimosa and lemon.

Sensuous The Fragrance: Heady ylang ylang combines beautifully with the muskiness of precious frankincense and patchouli essential oils. The Treatment: This scent combination eases anxiety, creating a cocooning sense for hiding away, whether alone or together.

And introducing our brand new scent in February

Love The Fragrance: Night flowering tuberose and jasmine blends with the blooms of the mimosa plant for a creamy, floral fragrance with depths of honey and spice. The Treatment: Comforting and gently relaxing, our newest blend has been created to promote feelings of love and contentment, whether enjoyed alone, with friends or a special person.

neom magazine jan - mar 2014

The Treatment: Both neroli (also known as orange blossom) and mimosa have a calming effect on the mind and body while lemon gives an uplifting kick for a blend to leave you feeling relaxed and smiling.




SadiE MacLeod


As editor of Hip & Healthy you’re on top of all the health, food and fitness news - any new health trends we can expect over the first few months of 2014? I think we can expect to see a lot more fusion classes on gym timetables in 2014 BoxingYoga, SpinLates, AquaSpin. Gyms are becoming much more


open to offering classes that are new and exciting, which is great. A huge trend we will see is brand new British designers launching stylish fitness brand labels. We will be selling some of these on Hip & Healthy so watch this space... I also think CrossFit (which is all about mixing your workouts up and doing new circuits each time),

neom magazine jan - mar 2014

This issue we talk exercise trends, going organic and keeping fit with the editor of online luxury health and wellbeing magazine Hip & Healthy


SadiE MacLeod

which is predominantly popular in the US, will increase in popularity here. It is a very effective way of toning up and is becoming much more mainstream than ever before. You’re a keen proponent of an organic lifestyle, why is that important? Organic is important to me on many levels. With regards to health, I like to know that what I am putting in and on my body doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals, hormones or pesticides. In many cases the body is unable to break down or rid itself of these toxins so they just take up residence and slowly but surely make us sick. Plus, it is not good for the land or the people working with these substances. What could be better than good, healthy, wellbalanced soil that produces plants that our full of nutrients, that healthy animals can feed off and that doesn’t pollute the air, land and people! Do you have a favourite Neom scent? I have fallen in love with the


Tranquillity collection. It is so calming and spa-like, which I love! Bath time is the best time. What’s your favourite way to stay fit over the winter months? I am a runner by passion. So I run come wind, rain or shine (or even snow!). I love running - it clears my head and I often find that some of my best business decisions have been born out of a good run! Running in the winter requires kit though so before I get out the door I will put on long running leggings, a vest, long-sleeved top, jacket, running gloves, headband and a good pair of proper running socks. It may look a little geeky but geek is the new chic haven’t you heard! What promises are you making to yourself this year? 1) To not check my emails before I have gotten out of bed (terrible habit!). 2) To do yoga at least twice a week. 3) To moisturise after every shower!

Calm & Learn to be

you will always be


Fragrance Focus


Bliss Why our Moroccan blush rose blend is perfect for inspiring fulfilled, happy feelings this season

“As a self-confessed beauty junkie I love Neom’s Moroccan blush rose Body Oil. I’ll use this straight out of the bath and it leaves my skin super-soft” Millie Mackintosh Actress & Model


It’s easy to think we know everything there is to know about the rose. But when it comes to extracting the natural scent, there’s a lot to learn, as we discovered when we created our now acclaimed Complete Bliss fragrance several years ago. As with all our scents, it was important to us to source 100% real essential oils, no additives, and find the best plant possible for both its scent and its therapeutic properties, of which there are many. It is thought that rose was first used for its medicinal properties by monks as far back as the 1st Century and the essential oil is still used as something of an all-purpose healer. One of the greatest stressrelieving and depression-fighting essential oils, it uplifts the mood, builds confidence, calms, promotes feelings of wellbeing and has even been used to treat anger issues in patients. Complete Bliss indeed.

After sniffing hundreds of blooms, we chose a particular type grown in Morocco for its slightly fresher, cleaner, more modern scent. The flowers grown in our North African fields benefit from year-round sunshine and smell utterly divine for it. We harvest in the morning, from a vast carpet of pink velvety flowers some 35kms long, extracting the oil by carefully controlled steam distillation (too much heat can damage the aroma). While the rose scent on its own is beautiful, we coupled it with a dash of black pepper and lime for a modern, unique fragrance with a refreshing kick to complement rose’s uplifting properties. With our campaign for this season focusing on happiness and feeling good, the award-winning Complete Bliss range once again takes centre stage. Here’s what some of our celebrity fans have had to say about our wonder-fragrance: “The scent is so calming and delicious.” Katie Derham Newscaster & Presenter “I’m in love with the Moroccan blush rose scent in everything! The smell is just gorgeous.” Daisy Lowe Model

neom magazine jan - mar 2014


t’s perhaps the most iconic flower in the world – a rose, peachy head turned up to the sun, with thorny foliage beneath. Potent, sweet, musky, spicy, instantly recognisable and used for centuries as one of the earliest perfume ingredients.


Waxing lyrical 14

Why natural candles without the chemicals will always smell better to us

Neom candles are made with a unique blend of natural wax and essential oils sourced from sustainable and renewable annual crops from long-established farms in North America and Europe. Supposed performance enhancing glues and additives are avoided at all costs when making our candles, as are pesticides and chemical fertilisers.

It hasn’t been easy. The product development team have had to be very selective about where they source the natural ingredients from. We’ve had to start all over again on several batches - natural ingredients are a lot more temperamental than man-made ones - and have also never allowed animal tested ingredients in our products.

Of course, the reason for a scented candle is to create a pleasant smell in the home but, as a qualified aromatherapist, Nicola wanted to go one step further and for Neom products to work as a therapeutic treatment too, choosing natural, pure essential oils instead of synthetic scents.

The aromatherapeutic benefits But there’s good reason for all of essential oils have been wellthis effort. Most candles on the documented. Bergamot has market are made using paraffin antiseptic and healing properties, wax, derived from petroleum and lavender is a natural sedative therefore releasing toxins like and oil distilled from rose petals carcinogens when burned. has been used to ease tension, headaches and even hayfever. More Founder, Nicola Elliott says, than simply having a nice smell in their home, Neom Just as I wouldn’t allow customers are able to use the candles, and someone to smoke in my more recently all the house, I wouldn’t want to burn other home fragrance and body care a candle that emitted toxins.

neom magazine jan - mar 2014


here are huge differences between natural candles and synthetic ones. When Neom Luxury Organics launched in 2005 we were the first brand to produce 100% natural candles, scented only with essential oils. We visited countless manufacturers who said using natural wax and pure essential oils couldn’t be done, but we managed to work out a way.


products, as effective treatments to refresh, uplift, build confidence and relax them on a daily basis.

chemical fragrance and man-made paraffin wax from both a production and expense point of view, but that would mean giving up our core belief that candles should be natural and therapeutic.

As well as extracting known precious oils from plants, we have pioneered the discovery of new natural scenting by further distilling parts of plants. The level of essential oils in Neom For instance, for our recent limited candles are the highest you’ll edition scent, find. All the candles Enchantment, we contain at least 10% The level of produced a bluebell essential oil; much smell - impossible essential oils in more than a few drops, using the actual that’s between three Neom candles and four of the 10ml bluebell flower - by using a scientifically are the highest bottles of essential oil similar fragrance you can buy in shops. you’ll find from corn kernels. Every Neom candle is Still natural and expertly hand-poured organic, but allowing for a previously around a natural cotton wick and only synthetic scent to be captured left to cure for five days to allow for the first time naturally. the wax and fragrance to settle and even out. Just as an organic crop of apples can taste totally different from By the time it’s packaged, sent one month to the next, so crops out to the customer and lit, the used for essential oils can differ, candle will burn cleanly - with no which means fragrance for natural soot - and evenly - right to the edge candles must constantly be tested of the glass and down to the base and re-tested to ensure consistent (our Home Candles burn for some high quality. All 100% natural, the 50 hours). It will also make the way in which the oils blend with customer feel better, which makes the wax can differ too so diligent our expert team, from the farmers burn testing is carried out on every and botanists, through to the craft batch. It would be easier to use team and designers, really proud.



is a

journey not a destination

shape or posture. Then, I tried Pilates and it felt totally different. How Pilates changed me… it was like getting to know my body in a whole new way. I felt stronger and taller, my clothes fit differently and body moved more easily. As my strong and compact muscles (from all the previous training) started to lengthen and balance out - my body shape changed. I went down a jean size and felt more flexible than ever before. I also loved the relaxation and calmness that it gave me, I floated out of the session feeling taller, energised and in good shape. I was hooked. Before teaching Pilates I worked in Fashion and then the City. I used to rush out of the office to go to my Pilates classes. Now I run sessions in the offices of companies as part of their ‘Employee Wellbeing’. It’s great for individuals to feel the benefits of unwinding and reenergising and the employers gain the benefits from helping their workforce stay healthy.

Julia Roberson


London-based Pilates instructor Julia was trained by Alan Herdman who pioneered Pilates in the UK back in the 1970’s. We spoke to Julia about the wellbeing benefits and philosophies of Pilates How did you first get into Pilates? I have always been active – fitness classes, running, biking, hiking and military boot camps! Although I felt I had high fitness levels, I never really felt confident with my body


Can Pilates boost happy endorphins and help with relaxation? In Pilates the breath pattern is used to focus and help with different movements, it’s also a great way for people to release tension from different parts of the body. Pilates activates the parasympathetic nervous system lowering adrenaline and cortisol levels and promoting a more relaxed state. Is it an exercise that all ages and pregnant women can partake in? Absolutely the great thing about

Pilates is its low impact and suitable for all ages, I teach younger clients through to people in their 80’s. Pilates can be really beneficial for pregnant women. There is a lot of strain on the body during pregnancy especially the lower back and pelvis, so helping the muscles be supportive of these changes is important. What should you look for when choosing a class or teacher? It’s important to look into the training and background of the teacher. Working one-to-one or in a small group is ideal. For group Matwork around 10 people to a class means that the teacher has more time to spend cueing and correcting. After that I think the key is to find a teacher that you enjoy working with! Why does Pilates have such a large celebrity following? Celebrities are scrutinised on their appearance and I think they turn to the method that works for them. Pilates is a great for working towards a longer and stronger body. It’s also popular for celebrities post pregnancy wanting to get their bodies back into shape by strengthening their core muscles.

neom magazine jan - mar 2014

What are the benefits of Pilates on both mental and physical wellbeing? Pilates focuses the mind and body together. It’s so different from our fast-paced screen fixated modern world. Giving us time to re-link the mind and body and experience a sense of calm and feel re-energised. It works towards a balanced body and posture by strengthening the weaker muscles and stretching out tighter ones. Which helps us stand and sit straight, creating positive body language and improving confidence. By working to strengthen what is often called the ‘corset muscles’ of our torso, which support our lower back – it helps avoid back pain and can also help create a great waistline!





Feel the love with our brand new February fragrance

This is the feeling we wanted to inspire when we created our brand new Limited Edition Love Home Candle, released in February 2014, and featuring chic black glass. It’s the first time we’ve used tuberose as a main ingredient in a fragrance. We’d wanted to use it for a long time and saw our opportunity with this, a rich and creamy blend of florals, tuberose, mimosa and jasmine, warming with a hint of honey and spice, to appeal to men and women. The essential oils extracted from tuberose and jasmine have long been used as natural aphrodisiacs and promoters of peace, inspiring a calm and contented feeling in those who inhale it. Both plants flower only at night in tropical climes,

making the essential oil particularly precious – we only have a short window of time in which to harvest the plants and distill the oil to use in the blend. The blooms from the mimosa tree look like pompoms of saffron wool, the essential oil of which is used in many high-end perfumes for its green and woody floral scent. Combined, the aromatherapeutic properties of these three primary ingredients make for a calming and comforting treatment when inhaled, specifically created for emotions of the heart. As with all our Candles, the Limited Edition Love Home Candle is handpoured in Britain using a blend of 100% natural vegetable waxes and pure essential oils. No paraffin wax, no synthetic scents and absolutely no artificial chemicals.

We hope you enjoy filling your home with Love.

neom magazine jan - mar 2014

The heady scent of delicate, white flowers drifts on a warm breeze as evening falls across a tropical island. A feeling of peace and utter contentment sweeps over you as you inhale deeply and, ah, exhale.


Winter Walks Everyone needs a bit of inspiration to get outdoors, and you’ll certainly find it if you cross paths with Jorrit and Nicky, co-founders of Millican, The Keswick Bag Company. We asked them to share their inspiring story and their love of the Lake District.



We decided we had to make a change. We moved to the Lake District and were inspired by the story of a local legend, Millican Dalton. Back in the 1900s, Millican Dalton swapped his conventional life in the city for a simple life outdoors, spending months of the year living in a cave in the Borrowdale Valley. He believed in sustainable living (way ahead of his time) and inspired others to respect and enjoy the outdoors - he made small amounts of money teaching mountaineering and outdoor skills, and making rugged, durable rucksacks to sell. The story of Millican Dalton made us even more determined to embrace outdoor living and sustainability in whatever we

would do next. He also inspired us to rediscover our own passions - we’ve always loved finding items of vintage luggage at auctions and in secondhand shops; possessions worn with years of use and loaded with memories. We love the truly functional designs that become part of everyday life, treasured companions. All our passions combined to create the Millican brand. We might not live in a cave, but we’ve certainly found our own freedom. We live in a beautiful part of the world that we would encourage all to explore, with a wonderful local community. We make functional bags for outdoor living and travel, using sustainable materials (such as organic cotton canvas and vegetable tanned leather) and timeless styles that are made to last for life. We name all our bags after friends and people who have inspired us, and we know

neom magazine jan - mar 2014

e first met as backpackers in the early 90s, somewhere on the border of Ecuador and Peru. We loved seeing the world, the sense of freedom… but a few years later we found ourselves back in the UK, working in the city. We felt swamped. We weren’t being ourselves. How did a pair of backpackers end up like this?


that our customers will be able to pass them down over generations. We really love what we do.

The Lake District is a wonderful place to discover the benefits of outdoor living:

We always say “Carry what you need to be free”, because everyone needs something different on their journey. Our bags range from everyday shoulder bags to rugged walking rucksacks, writer’s bags to iPad cases, holdalls to travel washbags. As a tribute to the roots we’ve laid down in Lakeland, we even use Herdwick wool from our local farm in some of our bags and accessories. Everything we make is designed for the outdoors - it’s our mission to inspire more people to enjoy the benefits of outdoor living. The wellbeing that comes from fresh air and exercise, but also the empowering feeling of being self sufficient in everyday journeys, wherever they are taking you.


The scenery is incredible, and there are walking routes to suit all abilities (as well as some of the best cycle routes in the UK). Having lived here for years now, and because we have dogs to walk, we’ve explored all corners of the region. But our favourite area for walking is probably on our doorstep in the Borrowdale Valley. The famous mountain, Skiddaw, towers over us as a constant source of inspiration. It’s a serious climb to the top and you need to go prepared (especially in winter), but the views from the summit are mind-blowing. If you’re walking in the Lake District, keep things simple and practical - a decent backpack, well fitting boots, waterproofs, map, compass, food, water and an open mind!

organic burst

Organic Burst is the go-to spot for adding a touch of ‘super-food’ every day. With easy organic supplements (which they source from 100% natural and rich sources) we love Organic Burst here at Neom HQ. We add lots of vitamins and minerals, dietary fibre, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids to our food - easy! We spoke to Ekaterina Igumentseva co-founder of Organic Burst who

gave us some ways to make some small changes for that nutritional boost this year.

Ekaterina says… Rehydrate every morning Overnight the liver has been processing toxins, so help this system along and clear out waste from the body each morning by drinking


plenty of filtered water and eating something rehydrating, nutritious and easy to digest - juicy fruits are the perfect choice. Top tip: Drink a glass of warm water and lemon juice on waking. You could take it up a notch by mixing a teaspoon of Organic Burst Spirulina to your lemon water (although I’d recommend this nice and cold - not warm). Spirulina is unique microalga rich in chlorophyll, which can bind with toxins and stop them being absorbed into the bloodstream, giving your liver a break. Oxygen for energy Being healthy is all about feeling energised, so focus on nutrients and lifestyle choices that help produce energy in the body. Oxygenating and nourishing the blood will mean our cells get all the ingredients they need for energy production. If you spend your working day indoors, sitting down and taking shallow breaths, then get outside for a little run before breakfast and a brisk walk at lunchtime. Wheatgrass is high in the minerals we need for energy, and can oxygenate and rebuild red blood cells, so try including it in your daily routine. Top tip: Keep a tub of wheatgrass powder in your desk drawer and


take a teaspoon mixed with water when you start to feel the afternoon droop for an energy boost that lasts (rather than a sugar or caffeine rush that does more damage than good). An easy quick change to make. Good digestion An absolute must for a healthy life is having a wonderfully functioning digestive system; it is the foundation of good health so look after yours! The most simple thing you can do to aid digestion is to slow down when you’re eating and chew food thoroughly – your stomach doesn’t have teeth. Soaking seeds and grains before cooking or eating them is very beneficial, it starts to ‘pre-digest’ or break down the fibres that can be tough on our systems. Try our baobab powder in water or sprinkled over food to provide extra dietary fibre and enzymes, which help to settle digestion.

Top tip: Eating a bowl of fresh salad leaves dressed with lemon juice and a little olive oil before dinner will kick off your digestion, and help you to assimilate all the nutrients from your meal more easily.

Team Neom’s favourite (& yummy) Organic Burst recipe from Ella Woodward from ‘Deliciously Ella’

Serves 1 1 frozen banana 3 Organic Burst Acai capsules (opened) 1 heaped teaspoon of Organic Burst Baobab 1 cup of strawberries 1/2 a cup each of blueberries and raspberries 2 medjool dates (pitted) 1 tablespoon of almond butter

Method: Start by putting everything except the acai into your blender, adding just enough water to cover the blades. Then pull open the acai capsules and pour the powder in. Then blend until smooth, pour into a bowl and add your favorite toppings – I love banana slices with coconut, blueberries, raspberries and a crunchy mix of pumpkin and hemp seeds!

neom magazine jan - mar 2014

The perfect breakfast - amazingly quick to make and so awesomely energising to fill your body with every thing you need to fuel a positive morning

27 twitter: @calgaryavansino instagram: @calgaryavansino


Avansino Californian-born Calgary Avansino is contributing editor to Vogue and clean eating expert who has been writing about health, fitness and wellbeing for a decade. Who better to ask for top tips for feeling happy in 2014? Calgary Avansino’s top 5 tips for ‘Feeling Good’ and having a positive state of mind in 2014 Aim to move your body more! However often you already enjoy


physical activity – up your game. Try walking to meetings, hitting the gym with a friend one extra time per week, or giving a new exercise class a go. It is so important to vary our exercise routine – our bodies get lazy if we always present them with the same challenges. So this year aim to sweat more often, in new ways. Make Sunday your prep–day Set aside a few hours every Sunday to make a vegetable based soup or a pasta sauce that you can use a few different times throughout the week, chop veggies to have as snacks with hummous and wash your lettuce so it’s ready to use at a moment’s notice. No excuses then! Stock your car, desk, and bag with healthy, energy-filled snacks that will sustain you. That way you won’t be as tempted to reach for the unhealthy option when it presents itself. Order a veggie delivery box and start observing Meatless Mondays. Eating more plants is one of the best things you can do for yourself this year. Clear your mind of ‘can’t’ Our thoughts are a powerful force, so use them to your advantage. Think happy… be happy!

There’s still room for something delicious with Calgary’s favourite healthy pud recipe…

The Healthiest Chocolate Pudding in the World 8 dates 1 ripe avocado 4 tablespoons cacao powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 water 1 tablespoon grated orange zest Get out your food processor and blend together the first five ingredients. Then start slowly adding in the water until the consistency looks positively pudding-like. Then pour it into a bowl, mix in the orange zest (keep a little aside to sprinkle on top) and serve in individual bowls. Delicious and healthy!


Beat the

January blues...

30 having a country break with Sheepskin Life

After the inevitable rush of yearend, chasing deadlines until dark, last-minute shopping in the crowds and squeezing in precious time to see family and friends, January is the month to take time out for you. Time not just to jump back on the treadmill and offset the festive excesses, but to plan some muchneeded me-time and recharge your soul. A break away in the UK, even in the depths of winter, can be a real energiser. Whether you are looking for a romantic hideaway or a luxury

cottage to share with friends, the team at Sheepskin can help you pick just the right place and plan your perfect escape. Don’t take time searching for places to eat, shop, walk or visit; let the team at Sheepskin take the hassle away with a tailor-made local guide and leave you with time for a little soulsearching instead. Enjoy some crisp winter sunshine on a country walk, take time shopping in village shops for local produce and cook hearty winter meals to restore you back to health. Finish off the evening relaxing in front of a roaring fire or brave the cold for a little star gazing before a restful night’s slumber in a large comfy bed. A winter break to reflect, rejuvenate and return refreshed and ready for all that 2014 has in store? Now that’s real me-time.

neom magazine jan - mar 2014

Time off at Christmas doesn’t necessarily equal peace and relaxation and we often start the New Year feeling more tired, sluggish and in need of a serious mood-boost. At Neom, we are all about making 2014 positive and seizing happiness in every possible form. Together with Sheepskin Life, creating bespoke holidays in some of the most stunning parts of the UK, we say that the planning starts now.


Happiness is... We asked some members of the team here at Neom for the feel-good promises they’re making to themselves and sticking to this year

“With a busy job and a two year old, I don’t get a lot of me-time and tend to let other concerns get in the way, so I’m setting myself specific dates and times for this - a half hour bath, an hour’s reading by the fire and so on - putting them in my diary and sticking to them no matter what. If anyone asks, I’ve got an important appointment that I can’t change. It’s so important for your state of mind.” Lucy Gill PR Manager


“I saw a great quote that I’m going to remember to make me mindful of living in the moment; “People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, all life for happiness”. Why wait when it is here right now?” Nicola Elliott Co-founder

Kate Morrell Marketing Assistant

Ali Schofield Writer

“I live by the adage that travel broadens the mind so my aim is to take a photo of myself in at least three impressive destinations this year. It gives me a goal to work toward so that I won’t feel guilty about booking the breaks!” Adam Lappin Web Manager

neom magazine jan - mar 2014

“I love tennis so I’m going to make it my mission to find a tennis club with indoor facilities for over winter so I can play all year round. I think once you find an exercise you love it’s easy to keep it up.”

“I took up roller derby last year and intend to carry that on. It’s quite an intimidating full contact sport and friends and family keep saying it’s not what they’d expect from a quiet person like me. But joining has made me a whole new set of friends and when I’m there the adrenaline overpowers any worries from earlier in the day. I can recommend stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something unexpected!”


don’t wait for the perfect moment Take the

moment Perfect and make it

ABOUT NEOM LUXURY ORGANICS Established in 2005, Neom is an awardwinning organic home fragrance and body care brand. By harnessing the natural therapeutic properties of plants, distilling their essential oils and using them as ingredients in their highest possible concentrations, our products all function as treatments to work on boosting your mood, relaxing, refreshing and inspiring.

Our award winning range now includes some 100 home fragrance and body care products sold in 16 countries with fans including Kylie Minogue, Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Pendleton among the many other devoted customers and beauty editors alike.

neom magazine jan - mar 2014

Our hand-poured candles are made from 100% natural wax with no paraffin and only natural cotton wicks and every ingredient we produce or source comes from sustainable, organic annual crops.


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