Neom // Enrich Your Workout!

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Neom Magazines: for a luxury lifest yle

Special Edition

Enrich YOUR

workout For the power

For the slow

F o r t h e POSITI V E






p 10

10 0 % n at u r a l f r ag r a n c e s f o r t h e m i n d & b o dy


For the

power performer

You like intensit y, speed, c hallen ge – you’re a pav e m e n t p o u n d e r , a c i r c u i t r e g u l a r , a c a r d i o lover. A racing heart and thumping s o u n dt r ac k p u t yo u o n a h i g h f o r t h e day.



enric h your workout

B OO S T Y O U R E N E R G Y to

RAISE YOUR GAME Neom know that a good workout can make or break your week. We also know that before you’ve pulled on the trainers or set foot on the treadmill, you need the right energy to get you there. To motivate your mind and boost your body, Neom has developed the Boost your Energy Regime.


of feet, calves, thighs, tummy, chest,


shoulders, across shoulder blades, back,

awake and focused.

bottom, and down both arms.


Start the day with a dry body brush – in firm strokes towards the heart, following this sequence – soles


Power your morning shower with Neom Burst of Energy Body & Hand Wash, £16 – a burst

of citrus grove sunshine, fuelled with

This is your morning wake-up call: Neom Feel Refreshed Room Spray, £18, with potent organic lemon

and basil oils to help you feel blissfully

Dial up your day space with Neom Feel Refreshed Reed Diffuser, £38, and breathe deep, letting the 100%

natural essential oils of lemon and basil sharpen the mind and keep you on track.

uplifting grapefruit, orange and lemon peel oil, enriched with skin-soothing Japanese seaweed and antioxidant-rich pomegranate extract.


Enjoy a vigorous top-to-toe massage with Neom Burst of Energy Body & Hand Lotion, £20, which feeds

your body with a complex of antioxidantpacked oils – including essential fatty acid-rich Sea Buckthorn, Camelia, precious Argan and Grapeseed.

10 0 % n at u r a l f r ag r a n c e s f o r t h e m i n d & b o dy


t h r ee S A INT L Y

e n e rgy- bo os t i n g s n ac ks These are ready in minutes and keep for up to a week. Pop into your gym bag from the night before, to ensure you’re optimally fuelled before and after your perfect workout. Turbo Trail Mix

Superfoodie Fudge

Mix a selection of

Take 10 large pitted organic

almonds, pistachios,

dates, 100g raw cacao powder,

sunflower seeds, goji

120ml of organic maple syrup,

Lay out 5 nori sheets

berries, dried apricots

240g of organic desiccated

(found in sushi

(unsulphured and

coconut (unsweetened), and

sections and Asian

organic) and raw cacao

224g of macadamia nuts. Blend

supermarkets) and

nibs, then dust with

the cashews and coconut until

cut into convenient

a teaspoon of maca

finely ground. Add the dates

squares (that

powder. Sweet, satisfying,

to the mixture, one at a time,

will fit into your

antioxidant-packed and

until it forms a soft paste. Then

favourite compact

wholly refined sugar-free.

add the cacao powder and

Tupperware). Brush

blend until you have a smooth

squares generously

fudgy texture. Spoon out

with organic olive

onto a baking tray, compress

oil, sprinkle with

and flatten with a spoon, then

Himalayan Pink Salt,

Pick up Muji Acrylic

refrigerate. Remove, cut into

black pepper and

Stacking Pots, £2.50 for 5,

chunky squares, and wrap

sesame seeds. Place

and decant your favourite

pieces in baking parchment

in the oven on low

Neom products into

before popping in a food bag.

heat (170 degrees/

top tip

S e aw e e d Crisps

your gym kit. We adore

Gas Mark 3) and bake

Neom Great Day Body

for 15 minutes, until

Scrub, £34 – the ideal

crisp. Remove, cool,

energising, spirit-

and pack.

lifting and skinperfecting treatment for your postworkout shower. 4


N Neeo om m m a geanzri inceh y o u su r mwmoerrk 2 o0u1t4

Calm be

a n d Yo u W i l l A lway s b e


For the

slow burner

Yo u e n gag e yo u r m i n d a s d e e p ly a s yo u e n gag e your muscles – your workouts are focused, c o n t r o l l e d , a n d s u p r e m e ly e f f e c t i v e . Yo u lov e a lo n g , l a n g u o r o u s wa r m d ow n , a n d t h e sense of c alm that comes over you after a class.



enric h your workout

r eal lu x u r y to

power down You’ve worked hard, rushed to class, changed in a flash... finally, time to breathe. With every posture and motion you feel your body returning to its centre, in and out, everything slows. As the class ends, your muscles hum, but your mind is serene. To maintain this measured momentum for as long as possible – even if you have to commute home – Neom has developed the Instantly Destress Regime.


Run a hot shower. Let the steam gather, then

pour a capful of Neom


Buff your body in firm upward strokes, using an

exfoliating mitt. Then


Towel off and moisturise with Neom Real Luxury Body

& Hand Lotion, £32.50 (as

Real Luxury Bath &

treat your skin to a silky,

part of the Real Luxury

Shower Oil, £40, onto

sudsy wash with Neom

Body Duo, which includes

your décolletage and

Real Luxury Body & Hand

the Full Size Body & Hand

luxuriate in the aromatic

Wash. Finish with a cool

Wash too). The iconic blend

experience. Breathe

rinse to boost circulation

of lavender, rosewood and

deep, as potent notes of

and clear the mind.

jasmine envelops the skin

lavender, jasmine and

with both salubrious scent

Brazillian rosewood dispel

and soothing botanicals –

any residual tension.

leaving you peaceful and perfectly calm.

10 0 % n at u r a l f r ag r a n c e s f o r t h e m i n d & b o dy


The p o we r of

M ee t J ul i a R o be r s o n , L ead i n g P i la t es e x pe r t NEOM WELLBEING BOARD

PILATES Pilates is a low impact form of body movement that works to lengthen and strengthen the body and improve posture and flexibility.


I t r e qu i r e s u s to wor k

S o m e p e o p l e lov e to s ta rt

w i t h t h e m i n d a n d b o d y.

t h e d ay w i t h P i l a t e s , o t h e r s

Through repetition and layering of

p r e f e r to p r ac t i c e l at e r a s

the exercises, over time the body gets

a way t o b e g i n w i n d i n g

stronger and remembers the movements

d o w n t h e i r d ay.

and patterns – improving body

It’s about choosing what works for you. If

awareness and posture. The positive

you start your day with Pilates, however, it’s

process of learning how to move and

good to remember that your body may need

carry our bodies better in daily life is

more warming up than later in the day, so

great for confidence – a natural high!

try and factor that time into your routine.

N Neeo om m m a geanzri inceh y o u su r mwmoerrk 2 o0u1t4

If y o u o n ly t r y o n e P i la t es p o s t u r e …

M a k e i t t h e P e lv i c T i l t A nice way to mobilise the spine, with the addition of the arm reach with can help release tension in the back.

Movement: 1. BO – drawing your stomach muscles inward, tilt your pelvis towards your ribs and gently roll your back off the mat leaving your shoulder blades, shoulders and head in contact with the mat

Set up: Lying on your back (on a mat or carpet) with your knees bent and soles of the feet flat on the mat close in towards your bottom. Feet and knees are about 10cm apart.

2. BI – holding this lifted position* 3. BO – soften through the chest and use the stomach muscles to hollow through the front of the body as you roll back down to the mat*

Arms on the floor by your side, palms facing down.

4. BI – when the pelvis is back down, ready to start again

Neck in line with the spine, so your eye gaze is slightly forward on the ceiling.

Repeat 5 times, then add the arm variation:

B r e at h : In Pilates we breathe in through the nose (taking the breath into the sides of the ribs, with shoulders relaxed) and out through the mouth (softly with pursed lips as though blowing out through a straw) BO = Breathing Out BI = Breathing In

Same as above, but add... 2. ...also raise the arms to the ceiling, hands and arms shoulder width apart, palms facing each other 3. you roll down reach the finger tips toward the ceiling, letting the shoulders gently peel off the mat

As with most exercise, if you have an injury or condition it’s always best to seek guidance from a Doctor/Specialist beforehand 10 0 % n at u r a l f r ag r a n c e s f o r t h e m i n d & b o dy


For the


Exercise for you is all about fun – you love a vibrant high-energy cl ass or uplifting run w i t h a b u d dy. Yo u k n ow t h at f i t n e s s f u e l s yo u r happy fire, and stoke it with regul ar sociable sessions.



enric h your workout

S C E NT TO M A K E Y O U H A P P Y to

OPTIMISE YOUR OUTLOOK You could be buzzing on a run or working up a sweat to the latest dance track – and to help you carry this positive power beyond your workout, Neom has developed the Scent to Make You Happy regime.


Start your day with an invigorating cool shower and

vitalising massage – buff


Hop out, towel off, and take five minutes for a topto-toe oil treatment. Drizzle

Neom Great Day Body Oil, £32,


Reignite your sunny mood with Neom

Happiness Scented

Neom Great Day Body

into the palm of one hand, rub

Candle, £45, at

& Hand Wash, £16, over

with the other palm to warm the

home, or Travel

limbs and torso with an

oil and release the pure essential

Candle, £16, tucked

exfoliating shower puff,

oil vapours of wild mint and

into the carry-on

savouring the enlivening

mandarin. Breathe deeply, then

whenever you’re

mandarin and mint notes.

sweep hands firmly up from soles

away on business.

of feet, upward over legs, tummy, chest, shoulders, back, bottom, and over each arm and hand, for a divine skin-healing infusion.

10 0 % n at u r a l f r ag r a n c e s f o r t h e m i n d & b o dy


M ee t susa n dys o n , w o me n s ’ F i t n ess E x pe r t & f o u n de r o f HIIT G IR L NEOM WELLBEING BOARD

My mantra is ‘done is

The key to success is

better than perfect’

c o n s i s t e n c y. K e e p t u r n i n g

‘Lack of time’ is a common reason for not exercising but what often seems like

up and amazing things will happen.

a barrier is actually an excuse. It usually

However, just as important as exercise

comes down to a lack of prioritisation and

is sufficient rest and recovery and we

basic organisation. Don’t think you need

recommend a two week cycle of workouts

limitless reserves of willpower because you

every other day with a rest day in

don’t. The secret is to build exercise into

between. Week 1 would be three workouts

your existing schedule so that it becomes

and week 2 four workouts and then

a habit you don’t even need to think

repeat the cycle.

about, ideally triggered by something you already do. For example, if you do the school run, use that as the trigger for a post drop-off workout.


N Neeo om m m a geanzri inceh y o u su r mwmoerrk 2 o0u1t4

We need to consider w h at wo r ks b e s t f ro m a physiologic al and p r ac t i c a l s ta n d p o i n t. The latest research points to the afternoon as being the best time to exercise. Our core temperature increases throughout the day, so strength and endurance are at their peak in late afternoon – exactly the

S usa n ’ s 3 F as t F i t n ess F i x es f o r 2015


time when reaction times are quickest and

Online virtual workouts on

heart rate and blood pressure are at their

your TV or tablet. This will

lowest. Don’t worry if you’re a morning

include live trainers who can

person as research has also suggested this

give real feedback in your

is a good time to maximise calorie burn


and increase metabolism for the rest of the day – very important if you’re trying to shed the pounds. O u r p r e - wo r ko u t s n ac k i s peanut butter on a slice of wholemeal bread with banana . Eat this about an hour before and you’ll have enough fuel to get you through

#2 Old favourites rebooted and repackaged to an audience experiencing them for the first time. Think step aerobics with a twist.

#3 More thoughtful workouts

a good workout. After a tough session

that consider yin and yang

scrambled egg or omelette is the way to go

energy e.g. our tough HIIT

(or a tasty protein shake if you’re out and

classes balanced with Yoga

about), as you’ll need to restore energy

and Pilates, mixed with

levels and rebuild muscle so a protein

serious skill improvement and

heavy snack is the order of the day.

fun, downright silly things.

10 0 % n at u r a l f r ag r a n c e s f o r t h e m i n d & b o dy


M ee t N i c o la E ll i o t t, M as t e r B l e n d e r / A r o ma t h e r ap i s t, F o u n de r o f Ne o m NEOM WELLBEING BOARD



N Neeo om m m a geanzri inceh y o u su r mwmoerrk 2 o0u1t4

I believe being kind to

supper runs (great for clearing my head),

oneself is an essential

and long fresh-air walks with the family at

wellbeing need, not a

the weekends.

l u x u r y. If your energy is good, collected, positive,

I ’ v e w o r k e d o u t my w i n d -

it transfers to your loved ones and friends

down time

– unless we’re in good shape ourselves,

I take a nightly half-hour treatment bath,

it can prove near impossible to look after

following the Neom Instantly Destress

others. It has, however, taken me time to

Regime – where I breathe in the unique

realise and act on this – but now I factor

blend of 24 pure essential oils – and

recuperative and essential wellbeing time

am always reminded that being kind to

into my everyday life.

yourself has enormous impact on your mental and emotional health.

Me time is n ot indulgent, it’s essential

L i f e i s s u p e r h e c t i c at t i m e s ,

It’s so easy to feel guilty about taking some

but I’m still in control

time – particularly if you’ve promised to

I am the one who drops our two little ones

send an urgent email or wash the kids’

at school, so I am there every morning

gym kit. But gaining perspective is always

and I only travel now if really necessary.

important. Things rarely need to be done

Weekends are for family time.

immediately. Better to get yourself in a good, strong headspace first, and then you

M a k e t i m e f o r f o o d t h at

can approach all that needs to be done

f u e l s yo u r bo dy a n d f e e d s

calmly and efficiently.

yo u r m o o d Breakfast is a blueberry and banana

I fit all of my exercise

smoothie from my Deliciously Ella app

a ro u n d m y wor k a n d

(banana, blueberries, chia and flax seeds,

fa m i ly l i f e

oats, dates and almond butter) or if I

I swim on my lunch hour, or practice yoga

have more time, I will do poached egg

in my living room (when my children

and avocado on toasted rye bread (Abel &

are in bed). I always use Neom’s Scent

Cole is a bit of a saviour when it comes to

to Boost Your Energy Regime before my

delivering my staples).

weekday workouts, to give me a natural lift and maximise my performance. I also love pre-

I have only one mantra – be kind to everyone, yourself included.

10 0 % n at u r a l f r ag r a n c e s f o r t h e m i n d & b o dy


M ee t E mma M i lls , M i n dful n ess E x pe r t NEOM WELLBEING BOARD

4 1

EASY MINDFUL EXERCISES As soon as I wake up and notice within myself a dissatisfied thought,


The best thing to boost exercise is to practice acceptance. I accept

I view it in the same way as waking up to

that here and now I am exercising. I am

see a rainy day. Simply thinking ‘oh dear’,

not resisting or wishing I was anywhere

but accepting that it’s not personal and it

else or fitter or better. I practice being in

will go. I nip the thought in the bud. I just

the moment – just me and the exercise as

say ‘today simply getting out of bed and

though no future moments exist (which

showing up for the day will be enough.’

they don’t) and this allows me to fully go

Anything else achieved is a bonus.

into my exercise with a whole heart and


I lay aside my plans or big intentions and automatically feel freer and

under less expectation. Funnily enough

get the most out of it.


Whenever I feel overwhelmed I do my class mantra:

the simple act of relinquishing ‘should’ and ‘ought’ seems to turn the day around and I end up getting a lot done. Although this isn’t the point of the exercise.

B r ea t h e i n . . . Hello moment...

B r ea t h e o u t. . . i am here.



enric h your workout

A B O U T us 100% natural fragrances for the mind & body with proven therapeutic benefits to relieve stress, aid sleep, boost your energy or lift your mood. We travel the world seeking out the optimum botanicals from sustainable harvests and carefully distil the essential oils. We expertly blend these together to create extraordinarily complex, 100% natural, and incredibly beautiful fragrances. Every fragrance has a proven therapeutic benefit. We use only natural & where possible organic ingredients, no petrochemical paraffin or mineral wax, no artificial perfume only pure essential oils and no harsh preservatives. Made in Britain from sustainable sources.

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