NE Bumper Christmas Issue

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ISSUE #4 NOV/ DEC 2012

L A I C E P S S A M X R BUMPE Featuring

Albion Row Lost legions COD Black Ops II at Game and more


WIN a whole range of prizes from our Gift Guide! 1


Welcome letter Well Christmas is nearly upon us and this year is going to be epic‌If the world hasn’t ended that is haha. Check out our fantastic gift guide, perfect for those last minute presents plus get rid of those January blues by entering our BIG XMAS Competition where you can win a full range of gifts from our Gift Guide.

Website Greg Wyllie BA (Hons) SPONSORS Cineworld Boldon The Sage Gateshead

We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a very merry New Year, just be careful and drink responsibly

Ocean Beach Pleasure Park

See you all in 2013

Quasar Elite South Shields


For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@

EDITOR Wayne Groves DESIGNER Joseph Archer BA (Hons) CONTRIBUTORS Ian Berry Photographer

Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - http://www. join us on twitter @NEOnlineMag

Greame Baty Photographer GJBPerformancePhotography Ant Clennan http://wwwsouthtynesidekettlebells.






12 13







IDE U G T IF G E 27 N 48 52 55





T N I L C H T I W W E INTERVI Who are you? Clint, well none of us are called Clint, but when together… Who does what in the band? I’m Kev, I sing and play rhythm guitar. I’m Steve, and I play lead guitar. Alright, I’m Leeroy and I play Bass and do a few backing vocals. Hi, I’m Chris and I play drums.


that one. We’re all huge Clint Dempsey fans. Kev; Well put. Steve; I prefer Eastwood, he’s my favourite Clint.

Where are you all from? Kev; Me, Steve and Chris are from South Shields and Leeroy is from just up the road in Whitburn.

When did you form and how did it come about? Steve; About a year ago Kev; Me and Steve played guitar together for a while and it just went from an extended jam into looking for more members to make a band. Leeroy; Our old drummer Lee, was a mutual friend and he got me in the band. Chris; I joined when Lee left the band back in January this year.

Where did the name Clint come from? Leeroy; I think I’ll answer

Are you an original band, or do you do covers? Kev; We’re an original

band and that’s always going to be our passion. Anyone can play a cover, and I personally get a buzz out of playing one of my favourite songs or pretending to be one of my heroes but it’s a totally different feeling when a complete stranger likes a song you wrote and enjoys our own music. Leeroy; There’s still the odd cover in there though, for the ladies you know. Who writes the songs, or is it a shared project? Kev; I write the lyrics and come up with a melody, the music is a group effort.

Tell us a random fact about yourselves? Kev; I broke my neck when I was 12. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger though right? Chris; I don’t eat meat, except for chicken, because they don’t run fast or swim well like other flightless birds can. Leeroy; I was offered the job to play Billy Elliot, but turned it down because I didn’t like the outfit. Steve; I’m awesome at call of duty. What has been the most memorable moment so far with the band? Kev; The first time we took to the stage at The Cavern Club was pretty special, we were all pretty


nervous about it, and the crowd was electric. That feeling will stay with me forever I think. Leeroy; Yeah I agree with Kev, the first time we played there, following in the footsteps of so many legends, some of whom are personal heroes. It was a great night. Steve; I think I enjoyed playing the second gig at The Cavern Club more. Chris; That time the asteroid was heading towards Earth and we all got in our spaceship to stop it. Who would have thought our small drilling team would have such an important role to play….. Wait, was that us or Bruce Willis?

Who inspires you? Kev; The list is endless really. How long you got? I love old school rock and roll, The Beatles, The Kinks, The Who and T Rex. More recently I’m a big Oasis and Noel Gallagher fan. Richard Ashcroft and The Verve. I love The Stereophonics, Foo Fighters, Arctic Monkeys. Stuff like that really. But I’ll listen to anything that speaks to me. Steve; Mark Tremonti, Kirk Hammett are two of my favourite guitarists but my biggest influence as a guitarist would have to be Slash. I love the feeling he puts into his guitar playing, I hope that comes across in my playing too. Chris; Joey Jordison,


Leeroy and Babe the pig for doing so well in a dog dominated environment. Leeroy; I would say my girlfriend inspires me, but if she existed she might get embarrassed. If you could make one person disappear (Famous). Who would it be and why? Steve; Anyone made famous on reality T.V. them and Justin Bieber. Kev; Steve was educated in the North East and clearly can’t count to 1…. Steve; I sat next to you in Maths at School. Kev; You obviously didn’t copy then. Leeroy; Now now. I think if you combined all the people from T.O.W.I.E. Made in Chelsea, Geordie


Shore and The Valley’s and put their IQ together, you could make one person. Let’s imagine they did. I want that person to disappear. If you don’t know why, then I change my mind. I want you to disappear. Chris; I like T.O.W.I.E What would be your Rider if you were playing a huge gig? Kev; Dwarfs with canapés and champagne. Leeroy; Enough Jack Daniels to kill a large elephant, and a dead elephant. Steve; A buffet with large enough bread so I don’t have to fold the meat. Chris; Rockstar and skittles for a huge sugar rush. Don’t tell my mam

though, she’d go off it all those E numbers. Where would you most like to play a gig? Steve; The Whiskey a go go Kev; The 100 Club Chris; Somewhere obscure like the moon, or under the sea. Leeroy; Can I be profound and say anywhere where people will listen. If you could travel back to anywhere in time, when would you go to and why? Steve; The early 90’s so I could see the original Guns and Roses. Chris; I would go back and see the dinosaurs, maybe bring one back as proof.


Leeroy; There is fossils for evidence Chris. Kev; I would go back to Mr and Mrs Bieber’s youth and give them a load of condoms. Leeroy;I wouldn’t go back. I’d go forward and see if we ever managed to invent time travel.

seem to have loads of fun on stage, who wouldn’t want to be part of that. Kev; I’d love to play live with Oasis. I’d have done anything to be part of those record breaking gigs, turn your amp up and just kiss the sky.

If you could play with anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be? Leeroy; I’ve always dreamed of playing carousel with Blink 182. Steve; Myles Kennedy, because he in my opinion is the best vocalist in the world. Chris; A day to remember or black veil brides, there isn’t a song they have I don’t like. They always

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done at a gig? Kev; Not me personally, but a mate got really drunk and pissed himself onstage. There’s a lot to be said for dark denim… Personally, I’ve been a bit drunk and forgot lyrics in the past. Steve; I’ve fell off the stage before when I’ve been drunk.

Leeroy; I got really drunk and forgot how to play bass so decided to tell jokes instead. They weren’t very funny though. Chris; There’s a bit of a pattern forming here, alcohol and being idiots. The worst thing I’ve done is I wear board shorts at every gig. Kev; Alcohol and being idiots is on page one of the rock star handbook. Right after wearing sunglasses indoors. What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start up a new band? Leeroy; Don’t do it to be famous or to make money, do it for the music. People fallow passion. Kev; Do it for the music


and express yourself. Don’t worry what other people are thinking. Chris; Just go and have fun with your mates. Share a secret with us? Leeroy; Mars is not actually red. Chris; I see dead people. Kev; This is like a teenage sleepover. Next can we play spin the bottle? Only kidding, we’re loving this. If you were not playing in a band, what would you be doing instead? Kev; Singing in the shower. Leeroy; Quietly losing control. Steve; Playing in my room. Leeroy; I hope with your guitar?... Chris; Art, I have always loved art. Any creative outlet like that. What is your favourite place in the North East? Kev; I like The Cluny, it’s a really nice chilled out bar and has some amazing gigs on in the back room. Leeroy; I like the


coastline. We’ve got some great beaches. Chris; Yeah I love the beach. I’m a beach bum at heart. Steve; You can keep the beach, I prefer in front of my TV. We don’t have the weather for the beach. Have you had any weird/ funny fan incidents? Kev; We played in Glasgow and went out after and this Canadian girl came for drinks with us afterwards. We couldn’t shake her, she even followed us back to our hotel. Leeroy; It was mental, she turned up at our next gig in Glasgow too. What is your aim for 2013? Leeroy; Mo money, mo wimmin. Steve; A record deal hopefully. Chris; New material, and put some pants on. Kev; Yeah new material, we’ve got loads of ideas. But we’ve been gigging loads and not really had the time to get the new songs gig ready.

Why should people come and listen to you? Leeroy; We’re Moreish, like heroine. Chris; We’re likely to come for a drink after the gig. Steve; You’ll be blown away by my guitar skills. Kev; I like Leeroy’s answer haha. Where can people find out more about Clint? Kev; You can listen to our music on our facebook page official.clint We’re always posting gig information, video’s and having a bit of banter on there. Leeroy; Give us a like. And we’ll see you at a gig.


Albion Row Byker, Newcastle. Who does what in the band? David Welsh - Guitar and Vox Derek Ridley - Vox guitar Paul Gallagher - Drums Gil Robson - Bass Where did the name come from? The name comes from where we rehearse, it’s an actual street in Byker called Albion Row. (quite lazy I know!!) When did you form and how did it come about? We have only been together as Albion Row for a year, but with our new bass player since June this year. The band came about as one of our members departed from a

signed band and decided never to play in a band again. So he brought all his equipment down to Albion Row where the other members were rehearsing in other bands, only to drop off and donate to the room. But as the drinks flowed, so did the music. Welshy and Dougy stayed there all night and wrote 4 tunes, decided to get in Gal on drums and Albion Row was formed. Are you a covers band or do you do your own material? Write our own material. Welshy and Dougy are the main songwriters but the rest of the lads chip in for parts and structures.

3 Random facts about each band member? Welshy - Was a member of Detroit Social Club, he loves beans, beer and never has any cigarettes!! Gil - Always has cigarettes and hates Welshy pinching them off him, loves beer and has made a few albums with Acrylic Tones. Dougy – is the original member and founder of Albion Row, Loves Havana 7 Rum, owns our rehearsal rooms, wants a new guitar but doesn’t know which one. Gal, well, what can we say... they call him Chanoff!! What would your rider be if you were playing a huge gig? Bottle of Mount Gay Rum, Bottle of Lambs navy



Rum, Bottle of Havana 7 Dark Rum, few crates of Stella, Loads of cigarettes, items to make sarnies, water, big hifi to blast tunes to get us in the mood!! If you could travel back in time when would you travel back to and why? Travel back to the punk era, just missed out on that and our favourite band at the moment is the Stranglers!! What’s the most embarrassing thing you have ever done at a gig? We played a charity event last year, our singer Welshy had a bit to much shall we say and got the charities mixed up. He thought it was for deprived children saying ‘thanks for all the money, were gonna


make loads of kids happy, there all gonna get presents for Christmas. Thanks!! cheers!! It wasn’t even for that... What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a band up? Rehearsing is the key, get tight musically and together as a band.... be like a mob! All for one and one for all. Share a secret with us? Were younger than we look!! haha. If you were not playing in a band what would you be doing instead? Propping up bars!! Where is your favourite place in the North east? St James Park

Have you had any funny/ weird fan incidents? Just trying to get rid of people from our rehearsals, they ‘pop in’ and stay all night, so nothing gets done. ‘get ooot man!! What’s your aims for 2013? Get our ‘live’ EP mixed and out there, finish our video and start recording our new material. Why should people come and listen to you? There’s no bollocks, no drum machines, no samples, no synths. If you like dirty rock and roll than get down to a gig. Cheers.


Where can people follow you/keep up to date with you? Albionrowofficial Photos by Graeme Baty

YOUR TICKET’S A BARGAIN ON TUESDAYS Every movie, every Tuesday – just £4.40 *


*Additional charge will be applied for 3D films.


A South Shield’s venue put on a Knock Out of a night for Boxing fans by bringing “The Dark Destroyer” Nigel Benn to the town for 1 night only. Hedworth Hall was sold out for this sportsman’s dinner with Benn proving he’s still a big hit for the region’s Boxing fans. Fans were treated to stories from the former Commonwealth, WBO and WBC Middleweight



Champion about his life and his time spent in and out of the ring. They were also given the chance to pose for photo’s with him as well as some autographs.

these days. He was happy to pose for a few pics with me and he signed our NE Magazine banner which we will be auctioning off for charity once it is full.

I was lucky enough to spend time with Nigel before the night started and I have to say he was an absolute gentleman from start to finish which is sometimes rare with some big name celebrities

A big thanks to Gavin and Tony and Hedworth Hall for their hospitality, keep up to date with future events at www. and also on their facebook page OfficialHedworthHall



Criminals and evil doers of the North East beware as the Real Variety Heroes have assembled and have been seen patrolling the North East fighting crime (literally) as well as promoting a great fun event that is aiming to raise lots of money as well as the profile of Variety, the Children’s Charity. NE Magazine’s very own photographer, Ian Berry, teamed up with JAM Marketing to launch a week long event where people dress up like their favourite Superhero for a whole week, that includes doing the everyday things like work, doing the shopping, going out with friends etc, the whole time collecting money and being sponsored.


Wonder Woman Jackie Marston, MD JAM Marketing


Superman Wayne Groves, NE Online Magazine

Bananaman Nathan Mackley, JAM Marketing

Super Girl Ayesha Marston, JAM Marketing





For those of you that know me you will know how excited I have been to get involved and take part in this fun event. Already infamous in the Bars and Clubs I DJ in for all of my Superhero t-shirts that I wear and never one to shy away from getting dressed up, this event could have been made for me. So for one week I will don my cape and tights and will go forth to make a fool of myself and bring a smile to the faces of strangers and passers by all over the North East. By the time this comes out in the magazine the event will have finished but I’m sure you will have seen the updates on the website as well as our facebook and twitter pages. If you are seeing this for the first time then go have a look now as I’m sure it will bring a smile to your face seeing what we have all been up to plus it’s not to late to make a donation to Variety, the children’s Charity by visiting http:// WayneGroves During our week as Superheroes

we have been to the Angel of the North, The Sage in Gateshead, Fat Buddha Bar & Kitchen in Newcastle, the NE Expo at Gosforth Park Racecourse. We met three real life Heroes who serve in the Royal Navy, so a big thank you to Jumper Cross, Dixie Dixon and Buck Taylor for giving us a tour of HMS Example. I was also lucky enough to get to raise the Millennium Bridge, play a jingle and a song live on air on Metro Radio, so thanks to Brian Moore for letting me do that. I have also done an interview for the Tony Horne Radio Show which airs across the North east on the community station NE1 FM, Saturdays 10am to midday. All of this whilst dressed as Superman and there’s still more to come.

can tell you exactly how and where the money has been spent. In the mean time please take a few minutes to make a donation at http:// WayneGroves as every bit helps.

Yes it is a bit of fun but it is also to raise money for a fantastic cause, Variety, the Childrens Charity, with 100% of the money raised staying right here in the North East. We will feature them more in a future issue of NE so we Photography credits, Ian Berry.




D E F - C O N - O N E We are from Newcastle, I play drums, Davey sings, Johnny plays guitar and Steve plays bass. Where did the name come from? The name came from my friend Mike, it was a nick name for a place were we used to hang out. He suggested it would be a cool name for a band. When did you form and how did it come about? We formed about 15 years ago, me and guitarist Johnny then Steve joined and Davey. Are you a covers band or do you do your own material? We are an original band, It’s all original songs that we play. 3 Random facts about each band member? Wow, crazy question, 3 facts about me, I play drums, im 6 foot 2 tall and I like beer lol Davey’s an awesome


singer, he wears converse on stage and he also drinks beer. Johnny’s a killer guitarist, he smokes tabs and also funnily enough he also likes beer lol. Steve is a solid powerhouse bass player, likes batman and guess what ? yep he likes the odd beer or 12 lol. What has been your most memorable moment to date so far? Wow, erm. Bloodstock festival was killer, beermageddon festival was cool too, great crowd. Maybe signing our deal with scarlet records. What would your rider be if you were playing a huge gig? Beer, Chinese food maybe, you probably cant print what else hahahahaha If you could play with anyone in the world, past or present who would it

be and why? Pantera, I love that band but I cant play as good as Vinnie so I would probably f**k it up lol What’s the most embarrassing thing you have ever done at a gig? I once fell of the back of a drum riser, that was scarry as f**k as it was very high lol



What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a band up? Only do it if you are 110% committed, pointless if your gonna f**k about. If you were not playing in a band what would you be doing instead? Not sure, pornstar maybe hahaha thats just a wish lol

What’s your aims for 2013? Next year we have quite a few shows booked including hammerfest plus we will be playing a few more fests too. Why should people come and listen to you? If you like proper metal you need to come and see us. It’s a must

Have you had any funny/weird fan incidents? We have some awesome fans that have our logo tattooed on them, that is awesome.

Where can people follow you/keep up to date with you? Official Web Site. Merch Of The Dead. You Tube. Reverbnation. Facebook. MySpace. Twitter. Twitter @DefConOneMetal With special thanks to photographers Brian James Nicholson and Greame Baty



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No booking fee and mycineworld ticket price valid until further notice.




Here’s a few gift ideas and special offers from GAME, perfect to keep everyone entertained, even the grown ups…or are they just big kids?

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Ian Berry Is a South Shields based Photographer with over 15 years in the business. As well as being NE Magazines house photographer Ian also specialises in Family and Pet Portraits and Weddings and Christenings. Check out these special offers, just quote NE MAGAZINE when you enquire. Portraits Package 1:- £25 30 minute Photo Session x2 5x7 Photos or x1 10x8 Photo

For further details please visit or call 07980 710750 or email plus follow him on facebook to keep up to date with special offers and giveaways IanBerryPhotography


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4our Clothing is a locally owned and operated clothing brand that prides itself on being unique and cutting edge. All designs are created by local artists and are produced to order, to give the feel of exclusivity every time. Check out their current Limited Edition range now at plus follow them on Facebook and Twitter






Why not treat a loved one to the joys of film at Cineworld Boldon with a Gift Box, Vouchers, Gift Cards or even a Cineworld Unlimited Card so they can watch as many films as they want. Order them online at or buy them from Cineworld Boldon the next time your there. Treat them to a whole host of great movies including the eagerly awaited Blockbuster The Hobbit, the 3D spectacular that is Life of Pi, rib tickling family favourite Nativity 2 and the fantastical Rise of the Guardians…All of which get 5 Stars from NE Magazine!




N U F E M O S E V A H S A M T S I R H C S I TH WITH This year LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics has really been celebrating the fun of Christmas! These new festive, limited edition products really conjure up the thrill and excitement of Christmas time - there’s all the traditional LUSH offerings, along with many new inventions to keep you looking, smelling and feeling your very best right into the New Year!

Christmas Eve (£2.95) … whatever you do on Christmas Eve, make soaking in the tub with this bubbly, relaxing treat one of your traditions. Crumble under running water and lie back amongst the masses of calming jasmine and ylang ylang scented bubbles. Perfect to help calm excited minds enough to get a good night sleep. There’s also some Irish moss powder (a type of seaweed) in there to soften the skin and make the water silky. Vegan Angel’s Delight (£2.95 for 100g) … this annual favourite is back with the same jelly baby scent that you know and love! Angel’s will swoon for all the pink glittery stars and moons that are embedded in this soap and it’s the tangerine and orange oils, along with blackcurrant that give it its yummy fragrance. These oils also really work to cleanse, refresh and detox the skin. Vegan! North Pole!(£3.25 for 100g) … a pink and white pole made of soap, with a pepperminty aroma for an icy blast straight from the arctic! The different coloured sections are fragranced slightly differently – the pink bit has the delicious aroma of cocoa absolute and invigorating peppermint (also good for stimulating the skin and getting the circulation going in cold winter months); while the white section has more calming, relaxing qualities with cedarwood and cypress oils. Both oils are also toning on the skin. Make sure you get a chunk of each! Vegan To purchase these festive treats and many more visit Lush shops nationwide or Order on-line at



CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR WITH THE SAGE The Gruffalo Friday 28th December: 2pm & 5pm Hall One Northern Sinfonia Terry Davies: Conductor

René Aubry The Gruffalo The Gruffalo’s Child New for 2012 – adventure through the deep, dark wood with Mouse as we screen the hugely acclaimed animated films ‘The Gruffalo’ and ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’, and for the first time ever they will be accompanied by a live orchestra. Northern Sinfonia, Orchestra of The Sage Gateshead, will play René Aubry’s exciting scores. Perfect Christmas holiday fun. Tickets: £18 Concessions apply. Family Ticket available from Ticket Office: £60 (four tickets with a minimum of one child per booking). Children aged 3 and over require a ticket.


Wrap up 2012 with 1974 Abba Tribute featuring The Sing Together: Abba Choir. Dance in the aisles to all the favourite Abba tracks including ‘Dancing Queen’, ‘Thank You for the Music’ and of course, ‘Happy New Year’. After the concert join the James Taylor Quartet and dJs on the Concourse to continue the party and celebrate midnight overlooking the River Tyne. NewcastleGateshead New Year’s Eve Midnight Fireworks Just before the clock strikes midnight step outside to Performance Square to see the Midnight Fireworks display, before heading back inside to toast the New Year. for more information. Ticket Office: 0191 443 4661 Special thanks to Orange Eyes ltd 2011 for the images.



H E R E ’ S A F E W G R E AT G I F T I D E A S F R O M T H E T W I S T E D M I N D S O F O D D C O LT D . Are Bad Taste Bears the first thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you think of before you fall asleep at night?

If the answer is yes, then… you probably need to seek medical help… But you also might want to plan your whole year with the fantastic new Bad Taste Bears Calendar

Everyone loves a Teddy Bear, so how about getting someone you love one of the Bad Taste Bears from their range of figurines, maybe Prancer & Dancer or how about the final instalment of the BTB Book Club with the release of a Christmas Carol?


If you are buying a Kindle - don’t forget the cover. Make your electronic device look like a real book. Each cover is specifically designed to look like a real book including retro cover art and a back of book blurb. This beautifully retro Alice in Wonderland Kindle case is the perfect gift for any lover of literature and is just one of their range of Classic Novel Covers.

Fame and pop culture are rapidly growing out of control. Experts predict that at the current rate, by the year 2020 everybody on the planet will be famous. Economies will collapse. Society will be in disarray. Television will be really awful. We need a solution to this problem before it’s too late. POPMASH is that solution. Popmash scientists reckon that by genetically combining two famous things, we can reduce pop culture by 50% and save the planet for another 100 years. “Start Wars? No, I end wars.” Chewbaracka collectible figurine

“I pity the fool who phone’s home.” MrET collectible figurine




Glenn Wool: No Lands Man If you’ve ever found yourself wondering what a “cross between Jack Black and Meatloaf” (Independent on Sunday) would be like, you need wonder no further as one the coolest comics on the circuit today; Glen Wool, releases his second DVD, No Lands Man, out on general release from Monday 3rd December. Glenn has become a man of no fixed address, conquering the world of comedy, one country at a time. Working his way through India, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Holland, Dubai, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, America, Canada, Indonesia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Malaysia, he’s cracked jokes, got into scrapes with Indonesian customs officers, watched beavers, got too drunk to see an Iron Maiden concert in Belgium, and everything in-between. His behaviour and performances contain the kind of material that has kept him off the likes of the Comedy Roadshow, but now this is your chance to see one of the world’s greatest comedians at his very best.


Glenn will have you peeping through the window of his nomadic life, jam-packed with experiences distilled to perfection and poured into a laughter-crammed, sharply intelligent hour of straight-up and honest stand-up comedy. If Glenn looks familiar, that’s because you may have caught him on one of many popular comedy shows; Never Mind the Buzzcocks, Russell Howard’s Good News, The BBC Stand Up Show, The Live Floor Show, 28 Acts in 28 Minutes or The Comic Side of Seven Days, all for the BBC. Maybe you’ve seen him elsewhere? He’s also appeared on The World Stands Up, Comedy Blue or Edinburgh and Beyond on Comedy Central... as well as being a regular on ITV’s Comedy Cuts. Glenn also wrote and starred in Channel 4’s What’s the Story? He’s no stranger to the comedy circuit, and is now bringing his hilarious new material to you. But you know what; don’t just take our word for it. Enter the competition, grab a copy, and see for yourself what a comic legend Mr Wool really is… For more information on Glenn’s other releases, and tour dates please visit:



THE BOOKS OF R.D. RONALD R.D. Ronald is an up and coming author that is generating a lot of good press with his first 2 novels, with no 3 eagerly awaited. He has already graced the pages of NE and we can’t recommend his books enough, so if you know someone that enjoys a good book then treat them to these‌


Initial comparisons being made to Dean Koontz, Irvine Welsh and Chuck Palahniuk make The Elephant Tree a debut novel not to be missed, as it carves its way into your psyche, challenging readers morality with shocking plot twists and vivid characters.


Mark Fallon is an overworked detective investigating a spate of attacks at a string of high profile city centre nightclubs. Scott is a dejected 24 year old, struggling to make ends meet while working for his brother and supplementing his income with a small-scale drug dealing operation. Angela is an attractive 23 year old, raised by her father, a career criminal and small time drug dealer who supplies Scott with cannabis. This is a chilling tale spanning a few months in the lives of Scott and Angela, where realisations about the present combine with shocking revelations from the past, leading to an apocalyptic climax where they no longer know whom they can trust.



An unlikely bond is forged between three men from very different backgrounds when they serve time together in prison. A series of wrong turns and disastrous life choices has led to their incarceration. Following their release, Mangle, Decker and Tazeem stick together as they return to a life of crime, embarking on a lucrative scam. But when they stumble upon a sophisticated sex-trafficking operat ion, they soon realise that they are in mortal danger. The disappearance of a family member and the murder of a dear friend lead the three to delve deeper into a world of violence and deception. In their quest for justice they put their lives on the line. Their paths cross with that of Tatiana, who has left her home country for a better life in the West - or so she thinks. She soon realises she is in the hands of ruthless, violent people, who run an operation supplying girls to meet the most deviant desires of rich and powerful men. Will she survive the horrors of The Zombie Room? Are Mangle, Decker and Tazeem brave enough to follow her there, in an attempt to set her free?

Keep up to date at and on facebook Buy the Elephant Tree here r_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1278929084&sr=1-1 and The Zombie Room here




Get over those January blues by entering our great competition where you can WIN the following…

A A A A A A A 2

Chart Game of your choice from GAME, Blue Mall, Metrocentre £25 Portrait Session with Ian Berry choice of T-Shirt and Bobble Hat from 4OUR Clothing Family Ticket to a film of your choice from Cineworld Christmas Goody Bag from LUSH Bad Taste Bear from Oddco Ltd Glen Wool DVD from JAM Marketing signed novels from Author R.D. Ronald

To be in with a chance of winning 1 of the above prizes simply email with the header “XMAS COMP” by midnight of the 5th of January 2013. Winners will be picked at random. PLUS Join us on Facebook to enter our great competition to WIN a pair of tickets to The Gruffalo from The Sage on Friday the 22nd of December at 5pm.




Who are you? Lost Legions Where are you from? Jarrow & South Shields Who does what in the band? Peter Sings. Callum melts people’s faces on lead. Glenn tickles the fat bass & Karl keeps the beat! Where did the name come from? It’s from The Lost Legions of Varus, where 3 Roman Legions were slaughtered by German tribes in the Teutoberg Forest Bavaria.


When did you form and how did it come about? A Short story! 2009 as an acoustic two-piece, Peter and ex member Chris decided to recruit a newly acquainted Callum to play bass. After a few weekly practises, the three decided to turn the band into a full band and brought in Jason to play drums. Since then, the band has went through a few line-up changes with Chris leaving and other friend Glenn replacing him to play bass as Callum moves onto guitar. Then after Jason’s departure, Karl replaces him, who was met through a mutual friend.

Are you a covers band or do you do your own material? We do all our own stuff. Although were going to throw a few classic covers in for our Christmas special gig at the Office A Random fact about each band member? (3 for a solo artiste) Peter has 4 children! Callum is a mechanical fitter! Glenn has a degree! Karl is the best looking member of the band! What has been your most memorable moment to date so far? Having our track

‘Searching’ played on BBC radio Newcastle’s introducing show! Who inspires you? Anyone who has an aim in life and uses there whole life to complete that aim! If you could make 1 person disappear for good who would it be and why? Simon Cowell, so i could steal his shoes. Not because i like them, just so i can steal them.... (famous) Where would you like to gig the most? Newcastle City Hall, Seen


the best bands in the world there!! If you could travel back in time when would you travel back to and why? To the 60’s, because they would love us there, we’d fit in apart from the clothes we wear, we might actually look a bit odd but I’m sure they would help us, wouldn’t they? If you could play with anyone in the world, past or present who would it be and why? The Small Faces, because they had so much energy when watching them in old videos and there songs were so

powerful & ahead of their time! Marriott’s voice was one of the best ever too What’s the most embarrassing thing you have ever done at a gig? Pure in Sunderland, something like our 3rd ever gig. Facing the drummer I tuned my guitar one last time and as I turned the sound man gave me the nod to begin. I strummed the first chord and the audience in the front row all twisted there faces in unison, my guitar had dropped horribly out of tune and we had to start again!


What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a band up? Make sure you get on with the people you are forming the band with because it’s not all about playing great gigs and writing songs. There are so many times when people let each other down you have to have patience with each other to stay together! But it’s worth it in the end Share a secret with us? We are actually the love children of Jimi Hendrix & Janis Joplin, honestly we are they met in the Robin Hood in Jarrow and the rest as


they say is history.... If you were not playing in a band what would you be doing instead? Trying to form a band! Music is everything Where is your favourite place in the North east? Too many places to mention one. Tynemouth Priory , Bede’s world, the Robin Hood, Alnwick Castle. so many amazing places! What’s your aims for 2013? To get some proper management and record our songs professionally. Keep

taking the next step to be able to do this full time Why should people come and listen to you? Because we try and keep things interesting. We vary our styles in every song so there is something for nearly every person possible! We cant pigeon hole our sound as it’s so undefined. You’ll just have to come and see us to believe me! Where can people follow you/keep up to date with you? lostlegions twitter @lostlegions1 lostlegions




II S P O K C A L B Y CALL OF DUT ME A G T A H C N U MIDNIGHT LA Call of Duty Black Ops 2 shoots to the top as the fastest selling game ever! Selling over 8 million copies in 1 day alone. NE Magazine was there for the midnight launch at GAME in the Metrocentre and it was EPIC!!! With the staff dressed up in Camouflage and Ghillie suits brandishing replica guns and posing with customers, plus their resident DJ playing the tunes and entertaining the crowd during the wait to be served, it was a great night had by all. For some customers this was the 4th year running they have been to the midnight launch of what is without a doubt the


biggest game out there. Others were joining the fun for the first time as they had heard the buzz about the last midnight launch. As usual the hard working staff at GAME have outdone themselves getting the store all set up for the biggest event of the year as well as pushing through till 2am serving people. There was loads of limited edition C.O.D. Goodie Bags given away by DJ Wayne

Groves who entertained the troops waiting in line with loads of banter, plenty of silly games and random giveaways. GAME’s next launch will be the Nintendo Wii U when it comes out November 30th then Spring 2013 will see the new Grand Theft Auto hit the shelves so watch this space for more info.



MIKE GIBLIN Where you are from? I was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, and lived here until 1998 when I began three years of degree study in Preston, Lancashire. After that I spent several years working at Alton Towers Resort and onboard Celebrity Cruises, before returning to the north east full time in 2005. Describe what you do? This is a question I get asked a lot. On a practical level, my day-to-day work is a combination of live events, private commissions, and admin associated with running the business. If you’re talking about my philosophies as a caricaturist, it’s a trickier one to define: I see it as


drawing out a person’s uniqueness, and there are many ways to do this. It could be through simplification, bold shapes, exaggeration, stylising certain elements, injecting some whimsical humour... and many, many more. But there always needs to be a strong likeness at the heart of the drawing, otherwise it’s not going to work. I have a saying that I use a lot: “It’s you... with the volume turned up!” How did you get started as a caricature artist?

It’s the same old ‘born with a pencil in my hand’ story, but I really did just love to draw as a kid. I’d sketch from books, doodle all over the walls when my Dad would redecorate, and try to shoehorn cartoons into school projects at every possible opportunity. I drifted away from art in my teens when I considered perhaps becoming a writer or filmmaker (and of course, discovered girls and alcohol), only to be sucked back in when I discovered the amazing caricature illustration


of Tom Richmond during the late nineties. A regular slot drawing for the student magazine ensued, alongside a degree portfolio that was celebrity caricature based for the most part. Upon completing my degree I was at something of a crossroads, not really knowing what to do; then one day a noticed an ‘ARTISTS WANTED’ ad online, posted by a guy called Nigel Cooke who owned a stand at Alton Towers Resort. (Nigel’s since become a good friend.) One thing led to another, and I spent the next four years soaking up the summer season and learning the ropes as a caricaturist into the bargain. Is that the only kind of illustration/drawing you do? In a word, yes. I’ve dabbled in other related fields over the years, at various times exploring character design, logo design, and realistic drawing. However I keep coming back to the fact that I am a caricaturist at heart, and this is how I’d like to be remembered when I’ve gone (hopefully many, many years from now). I love the notion of looking at the world in a slightly skewed, exaggerated way, which I find only in caricature. This is why I intend to stick with it for the long haul.


If you could draw anyone famous past or present who would it be and why? I don’t really have a massive urge to draw anyone famous; I think humans as a race are all so unique and individual that it’s almost irrelevant whether they’re in the public eye or not. Having said that, I would have loved to have had a crack at Steve Irwin when he was still around; I found – and still find – his enthusiasm for life utterly infectious. Come to think of it, I’d love to spend ten minutes in the presence of the Dalai Lama too. What has been your most memorable moment so far? Drawing Alan Shearer for a charity auction ranks pretty high, but just getting the inside track is when I won my awards for ‘Best Likeness’ and ‘Best Party Caricatures’ at the International Society of Caricature Artists’ annual convention in Las Vegas in 2005. It was my first year in attendance (with my good pal and fellow artist Mike Carlon) and it was a blast. Hanging out and mingling with my artistic heroes left me tongue-tied at times, and I spent most of the week artistically crippled by being in the presence of such caricature royalty; however I seemed to overcome that, going on to have a fantastic time and creating a gallery of pieces ultimately deemed worthy by my peers.

Have you had any funny/ embarrassing incidents whilst drawing someone? Too many to mention! In the early days of Alton Towers I would frequently cock up a drawing in some random way or another, and have to surreptitiously place a thumb or suchlike across the offending part of the drawing when presenting the art to the customer. This happened more times than I care to recall! On another occasion, I reduced a lady to tears after drawing her with, in her own words, a “massive nose”. (I must admit, it doesn’t feel particularly good to elicit this reaction from someone; but at the same time, I often wonder why she was sitting for a caricature in the first place, if she was that sensitive about her features.) These days, I’m so experienced in what I do the humour and funny moments generally come about through what I’m putting down on paper – and the reactions of the crowd watching. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? 1.I love listening to Christmas music yearround. Sad but true! 2.I have a full-on obsession with New York City: culture, history, architecture... smitten with the place. 3.I was on ‘The Paul O’Grady Show’ in 2008, presenting a customised caricature portrait to the man himself. Top fella!

When you’re not drawing how do you like to spend your time? The usual, really: chilling out with my fiancée and some good TV, reading, cinema, running, drinking, gym (not necessarily in that order). Nothing too earth-shattering! Where’s your favourite place in the North East and why? I’m a bit of a history nut, so I’m fascinated with the Castle Keep and remnants of ‘Old Newcastle’ that are scattered around the city centre. If you’re talking pubs and socialising, it’s Ouseburn for me every time. If you were not an artist what would you be? Probably an actor or


a singer, I can be a bit of an extrovert and attention-seeker.

or call me on 07780 776418. Always happy to chat!

Where can people see your work? I have a website (that I fail miserably to update) at www. mikegiblinillustration. com. However the best bet for new work is on my Facebook business page, which can be found at mikegiblinillustration.

Is there anything you would like to add? Yup, I’m currently running a great special offer on live caricature entertainment in November/December: a massively discounted £295.00 for a 3 hour session, which includes a FREE personalised message or logo preprinted on each sheet. This offer applies to local bookings in the Newcastle area only, I average 15 guests per hour drawn.

How can people follow you or keep up to date with you? Facebook! How can people book you for their events? Drop me a line at info@ mikegiblinillustration. com, PM me on Facebook,


T E G T I F With Ant Clennan

Phil Smith I have always been a keen sportsman, playing football and competing in martial arts since an early age. During my late teens early 20’s motivation disappeared and interests changed, despite numerous attempts at returning to training and gym program’s nothing stuck. In 2010 I returned to


kickboxing and soon after a Kettlebell class started at the gym, our instructor had read about the benefits Kettlebells had in martial arts so I gave it a try. The training was very different to anything I had done before very tough and demanding and classes were varied. I continued training seeing a difference in my body shape and an improvement in my strength and power which has helped me get back to competing in my sport. I was given the opportunity to become an instructor and improve my knowledge in 2012 and have been instructing for 6 months now. Kettlebells are a great tool which will help achieve big gains in physical fitness and will compliment any sport.

Claire Robertson I started kettlebells in January 2012 after hearing about it from loads of people on the post-Christmas weight diet. I had put on a few pounds at Christmas and needed to get in shape. Previous to kettlebells I tried bootcamps and had gym memberships and equipment at home used as clothes hangers. I paid money and didn’t go to sessions. I have always had an interest in sports I trained in athletics as a teenager but had to stop for personal reasons and never got back into it. One thing I regret. I have tried all different fad exercises since then but kettlebells has been the only activity I have enjoyed and stuck too. I remember attending my first session at Hebburn with Ant, there were a few new starters but I attended alone. I was made to feel welcome by Ant and his wife Nicola and although the session was hard, something clicked and I thought ‘ this is it’. I started off on a 6 kg and before long I was increasing my weight and intensity and I have swung as high as a 20 kg kettlebell. I noticed my body shape changing, not stick thin but I started to develop shape and definition and my shape started to change to a more athletic frame. I now know that strength training with weights is

for me. The opportunity arose for me to complete an instructor’s course and work for South Tyneside Kettlebells. I snapped it up. Since starting this type of exercise I have never been poorly with a virus, when previously I would get anything going. I am strong and my posture has changed. I never go on scales they mean nothing to me, because of kettlebells I have introduced myself to weight and strength training and currently squat 65 kg weights. Kettlebells has allowed me to build this strength. The self-satisfaction you get off swinging and lifting kettlebells is immense and this allows you to push yourself further. I hope that other people can get the same satisfaction as i do from kettlebells and this is why I took up the opportunity to be a kettlebell instructor. Steve Worsley Hi I’m Steve I am happily married with two children I like most of the world’s population have in the past struggled with weight issues and obesity, at my biggest I weighed approximately 30st and had a 60+inch waist. My turning point was about 4 years ago when I realised that my children were following my bad eating habits and lack of exercise. So I decided to lead by example and made small changes to my diet and increased my


daily exercise. It was during this period that I discovered Kettlebells. After countless gym memberships and home exercise equipment that turned out to be a waste of time and money. Kettlebells seemed to be the answer I had been looking for, 2hrs a week with excellent results and it was cheap. The more I attended kettlebells the more my passion grew,

and I wanted to harness my passion for kettlebells and my knowledge and experience of weight loss to help other people who were finding it hard to lose weight and get fit. I can now proudly say I am a trained kettlebell instructor who works at South Tyneside Kettlebells within a fantastic team. I look forward to welcoming you to our classes.


Gary Richards I am a plasterer and single dad of 1 son. I was a chubby kid at school and tried my best with stuff but was always last. I used to dread sports day in case I showed myself up and never told my parents about when it was on in case anyone wanted to come along to watch me (In my eyes laugh at me) When I left school I promised myself I would better myself in every way and make my parents proud by getting fit. After working on building sites when I left school I decided to join the army so prepared as best I could. I got very fit and began boxing classes and running. The hard work paid off as I passed out with the prize as best at physical training. This was one of my best days ever but when I first


started with the Army we were trained very hard by the gym staff. This became my next target to be a qualified instructor. I turned my attention to becoming a qualified Karate instructor, which was once again very hard work. The feeling of achievement I gained meant so much to my confidence and I gained my first Dan Black Belt a few years after leaving the forces. I realised after a period that I was missing getting pushed to my limits as I did in the army and there wasn’t anywhere around where I could push myself so hard until I was introduced to South Tyneside Kettlebells. I was welcomed to the class with a real friendly atmosphere, my first class was very hard indeed, I had to dig very deep to

complete it, but I did and instantly I was hooked with the buzz I got from it. It was the push that I received and the professional tuition was very different from what I was used to in the past; I didn’t get verbally abused or felt aggressively threatened in any way, which helped me make my mind up to want to be part of that club and help other people who are suffering with lack of self-belief which having weight problems gives people. Luckily I had the chance to train for the Instructors course and with pure hard work and a lifetime of battles with that negative little fat man I kicked his arse good style and am now a fellow instructor for S.T.K which I am very proud off.


First of all, can you quickly give me an overview of Sophie’s Fortune and the purpose of it’s creation? Sophie’s Fortune doesn’t really have as much of a purpose or an agenda as you’d think. It was totally film exploration on a large scale. We had just finished a thriller, a one room thriller that everyone really liked. It won a few festivals and it ticked all the boxes that you would expect from short films and I’ve done shorts for a few years now and I’ve really got to the point where I wanted to explore something different than what was expected from us. The majority of film festivals have a criteria that ‘Sophie’s Fortune’ just doesn’t meet. I find that incredibly freeing as a creative. The aim of ‘Sophie’s Fortune’ is to take that big scale adventure movie we see from legends such as


Steven Spielberg and combine it with the short film format, with no money. Let’s spice things up at short film screenings! Sophie’s Fortune itself looks fantastic, could you quickly tell us where you filmed it and how you funded it? Is it a local film or a large scale regional film? It’s completely selffunded by myself and the producer Phil Meachem. Basically, we collaborated on a project before, very small in comparison but it was an action sketch in the vein of gritty action films like “Hard Boiled”. Running at just about five minutes, “Hail of Bullets” was white knuckle filmmaking and together we got a lot done in a short amount of time. It gave us the confidence to tackle this idea and even though the budget would go up considerably with petrol

and financing actors, you know, catering is not cheap (laughs) We took a massive leap of faith and tried to do Sophie’s on literally no money what so ever. We realised that trying to raise funding for shorts is very difficult but for something as ‘out there’ like ‘Sophie’s’ it just wasn’t in the cards. Whatever we have spent out of our own pockets wasn’t towards wages it was all on screen and we just had an amazingly supportive cast and crew that really believed in the project. They chipped in whenever they could. I think the majority of the film was shot in Bolton with others locations set in West Yorkshire. Yes, from seeing the trailer the cast seem to be a talented bunch of people and is quiet a large cast as well. Where are these people from and how did they get involved?

Oh, they are from everywhere. Phil always said that networking is an insanely useful tool that I should learn, oh I don’t know, he says that networking is everything and basically these are just different people that i have been impressed with or I’ve collaborated with in the past and it’s really just all of us coming together on this one. That’s why it’s such a large bag of different weirdos (laughs) If you think about it, it seems to be a theme through my films. I always seem to get together polar opposite actors and put them together, see them bounce off each other and watch the fireworks. As for behind the camera, it’s pretty much the same. These guys are from everywhere, like from Manchester to Leeds, to Scotland, Newcastle, they just come from absolutely everywhere and it’s surprising that when you do something as different


as Sophie’s Fortune the interest you get, and the support you have also is overwhelming when you try something new and exciting. Regarding the actors, the lead role seems to be quiet a talented person. He looks like he is doing quiet a lot of stunts within the film. Is he an established actor? Simon Hardwick is established within his own circles which currently isn’t film. Basically, I got him for the film because he has a great chiseled chin (laughs) which is good for a lead role (laughs) but seriously he was fantastic. What it is when you are finding an actor for a role like Sophie’s Fortune, you are looking for charisma and screen presence but you also need to believe he can do some of the incredible things we see in the film so I was also looking for athleticism

and Simon pretty much has all three developed from his previous work in theatre and dance. He’s a big guy in that hero outfit but what’s great is there’s definitely a sense of vulnerability about him which i really love in a character. Basically, he does a lot of performances, not like Sophie’s Fortune but definitely in the same ball-park and when we screen tested him for Sophie’s it was inspired casting to be honest with you. It all hangs on him does the film and he’s done a admirable job of keeping this bigscale film, personal and about this character and about his struggle. He does all his own stunts, he wouldn’t have it any other way and (laughs) I always pushed him to do more which is really funny as well. When he goes rolling down those steps, he’s really going down those steps. Then he got up, brushed himself off


and we moved to another location which had a whole other list of other delights in store for him. The film, as I said before, seems to be in quiet a large scale production. Was this a challenging aspect for a director such as yourself? It’s hard to maintain such a clear vision on this scale when there are so many limitations with no budget. You want to put the camera in a certain place but you can’t do it without a crane which I suppose keeps you grounded and maybe helps you find more innovative ways of achieving what you’ve seen on big budgets which is really cool. Sometimes you’re able to recreate what you can see on big budgets and you’re like “nailed it” but I definitely saw it as fun and challenging. It was still very expensive getting such a large cast to show up there for like 2 days, at different locations. That was probably the most difficult challenge, getting us all there to


these remote places and making sure everyone is comfortable and fed and getting permission to be there. That’s all the challenging stuff I think. Other than that, I think it’s just convincing everyone to show up on the same days without pay (laughs). Weather is a real bitch too. Supposedly its been the wettest summer in the last hundred years for Britain so we decide to shoot a summer action movie... So yeah, like I said before, the film looks really challenging and on the asthetics side, it looks to be very well put together. It’s a film that has a lot of props and a lot of great locations. Was that difficult in doing? Did you have a creative crew to do this? Actually, the costumes were something that I largely had in mind already. I think that, I wanted certain looks to the film. So, say the randomness of George’s character played by Steve McTigue. He was

very much something that I envisioned and I love the fact that he went for it full on. I remember the phone conversation that we had that essentially was me explaining to him what I wanted and hoped that he wasn’t going to go “What the hell have you been smoking chris?” and he basically went “I have just the perfect helmet for you Chris” and he just went off and did it. Certain actors brought their own ideas to it. I know Russell Baines brought a lot for his costume and he brought a lot of gun props as well. He was kind of like our fake armorer, in a way, as we used his plastic/ fake guns. It terms of props, that was mostly my ideas combined with Phil’s input as he likes to build props, Phil Meachem the producer, he likes to create things, he likes to get his hands dirty and, erm, so it starts off with my ideas then he goes off and usually makes it a reality. Sometimes it changes the overall concept, sometimes it doesn’t but a lot of that is down to him. And the same with set



dress, we start off with the idea and it evolves from there with what is practical because really a lot goes on behind the scenes which Phil takes care of as well. It’s a collaboration really which is what I like about filmmaking. So the trailer has been released, what is the update on the postproduction? Has the film been screen anywhere yet? The film hasn’t been screened anywhere yet. I know the trailer has been screened in one or two places in Manchester to get an audience reaction and the reaction has been very positive. I know that a few bloggers online have grabbed it and run off with it which is very nice to see. I love it that people we didn’t even ask to share it have gone out of their way to share it


which is great and I think you can tell that we’ve tapped into that nostalgia somewhere where people want to see it. It reminds them of these other films but the fact that we’ve actually got to the point where we remind them of these great films is a really good position to be in. We have plans to show it off up in Newcastle as we have some actors from up there, we want to show it in London, Manchester and Leeds. Now, with such a large cast and crew who are very passionate about this project they are pulling some strings to get this film shown in some really great places and hopefully that will create a word of mouth. Because, for short films, they do have, it does have it’s limitations in terms of getting it out to a wider audience and hopefully this will help us. It is not aimed at short

film festivals as much as it should be, it’s aimed at a proper audience so that’s what we’re aiming for a little bit. Well, we are certainly keeping our eyes open to see when this film will be released. If people want to follow this film where can they go? Oh, just the usual places. We are on Facebook just search “Sophie’s Fortune” into facebook. There’s no other name like that, don’t check out Sophie’s Choice that’s a completely different film. People keep calling it Sophie’s Choice, it doesn’t star Meryl Streep unfortunately (laughs). Theres no big decisions just big action sequences. So, Sophie’s Fortune can be found on Facebook and there is also “http://www.” www.



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