Ne Online Magazine Issue 19

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meet the characters at the midnight screening

Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird. As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

We l c o m e N o t e . The most anticipated movie of all time is nearly upon us, have you got your t i c ke t s fo r t h e n e x t c h a p t e r o f t h e S t a r Wa r s S a g a ? N E h a v e j o i n e d fo r c e s w i t h C i n e w o r l d B o l d o n a n d A . R . C . fo r a S t a r Wa r s w e e ke n d y o u w i l l n e v e r fo r g e t ! We h o p e t o s e e y o u a l l t h e r e fo r t h e midnight screening or any of the s c r e e n i n g d u r i n g t h e w e e ke n d . As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then d o n ’ t fo r g e t t o d r o p u s a n e m a i l t o wayne. P l u s r e m e m b e r t o fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k a n d Tw i t t e r fo r o u r r e g u l a r updates on events and competitions. Till next time Ta ke c a r e Wa y n e

EDITOR & DESIGNER Wayne Groves CONTRIBUTORS Ian Berry Photographer

SPONSORS Cineworld Boldon Hall Or Nothing Events hallornothing5511?fref=ts The Theatre Royal Newcastle Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@ Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine join us on twitter @NEOnlineMag

Greame Baty Photographer GJBPerformancePhotography Derek Brettle lastlaughcartoons LeeNemsPhotography


P6 Kim & Laura P12 L.J. Ross P20 Keith Lawler P30 Theatre Royal Newcastle P45 Nieky Holzken P46 Star Wars Midnight Screening

P48 Cineworld Movie Round Up P62 Most Welcoming Theatre in the UK P65 Welcome to Elizabethtown P72 James Bay P82 Stu Armstromg UBBAD

Mother and Daughter face the chop all for a great cause. Hi Kim and Laura, welcome to NE, how about we start this off with a nice introduction and tell our readers who you are? LM: Thank you :). Let’s start with me. I am 36 years old and live in Boldon, I have been in the North East of England for nearly a decade now. KM: My name is Kim, I am six years old. LM: Kim is a unique little girl. She loves Spiderman, dinosaurs and sometimes dolls. She has recently started sewing and wants to learn to knit. I love that her interests varies from “boys” things to “girls” things depending on her mood, but most of all her creativity and talent for making things amazes me. On the 21st of November you did a very brave thing and


raised a lot of money as well, can you tell us what it was you did? KM: I cut my hair for sick children, who don’t have any hair of their own because the medicines make it all fall out. LM: Kim’s hair measured about 19 inches when we had it cut off. Her hair is her pride

and joy and something she has always been complimented on. What made you want to donate your hair to the Little Princess Trust? KM: I watched on telly about children who cut their hair to be made into wigs for sick

chose the most flattering cut for herself. Do you like your hair short like it is now or do you prefer it long? KM: I like it short.

children. I told mammy that I wanted to do that too. LM: There was something on TV about “Locks of Love” the American version of The Little Princess Trust. Kim started asking questions and I explained about Chemotherapy and how children who have cancer lose their hair, and that this charity made wigs so they could go to school and feel normal. Kim decided then and there that she would donate hers. We did make sure it was what she wanted. Where you nervous getting it all cut off? KM: A teensy bit. I was worried because I thought she [the hairdresser] was going to cut my ears off. LM: She was also excited. One thing Kim doesn’t do is sit still, and she sat nicely when it was being cut. The hairdresser (May Donaldson of Tessuto, Stanhope road) spent ages combing Kim’s hair trying to get her used to being in the chair, they chatted for a while and when Kim flinched from the scissors against her neck she showed Kimberley what part was rubbing against her. There was a bit of a party atmosphere there, which helped make things easier for Kim.

Not only did you donate your hair to the Little Princess Trust but you also asked people to sponsor you so you could also raise money for St Clare’s Hospice, so how much have you raised so far? LM: It was my idea for her to get sponsored in aid of St Clare’s hospice. I prefer smaller local charities to the larger impersonal ones. Hospice’s do amazing work for their patients and the families. Sometimes it’s hard, thankless and depressing work. I have never come across a hospice that had a bad reputation. I also feel when you support a local charity that you have a better chance of either knowing someone who benefits from the money or just feel like you can see where the money is being spent. Having done the fundraising I also realised that you get the personal touch from the staff there too. Tyler Anderson from St Clare’s, came to the event and supported Kim that was a nice touch and made me feel we picked the right charity. A rough estimate shows we have raised over £1000 and the number is still rising. We had a £100 from America, IHC EB a company in Port of Tyne have

donated £500. There were even two boys who donated their pocket money to support Kim. Every time we had a donation Kim would get excited. Although, at first we had to explain to her why the money wasn’t going to her! I can’t thank everyone who donated enough. Everyone has given generously. Kim and I have said to everyone, if you can only afford £1 and donate it to St Clare’s, it’s still money the charity wouldn’t have had and money the local community can benefit from. Can people still sponsor you? LM: Yes. There is a virgin giving page, which will be open till the 21st December, if people are still donating we can extend it. CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION. What do your friends and family think about your new look? KM: Everyone LOVES it. One boy at school didn’t like it, but my friends told him off so did the teacher. I had to do a show and tell before my hair was cut

How do you feel now after having it done? KM: I LOVE it! I can brush my own hair now and I have lots of clips and headbands to make it pretty. Or I can look like a boy when I wear my Spiderman clothes. LM: I still do a double take when she walks into a room. I have spent the last few years plaiting her hair on a daily basis to basically being redundant in that respect now. I think she looks amazing and she certainly


off and everybody asked questions. Mammy keeps saying she’s proud of me and that makes me happy. Is there anything you would

like to say to our readers? KM: Thank you for sponsoring me. It’s a good help to all the sick people. Do nice things for other people. LM: I can’t express enough,

how proud I am of Kim, she’s done something most adults wouldn’t do, let alone a six year old. This whole thing has been an amazing experience for us and I think Kim also learned that doing something kind and generous for other people earns its own reward. Well we think you are very brave for doing it so well done, I know all of your family and friends will be so proud of you. Photos by Rebecca Ashby Haircut by May Donaldson of Tessuto, South Shields



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When it comes to double entendre’s this interview has them all, because there is no getting away from the fact that everyone want’s to get their hands on Dickies Nutz Hi Louise and welcome to NE, how about we start off nice and easy with an introduction to our readers? Hello! Under my pen name, LJ Ross, I have written the DCI Ryan series of bestselling mystery novels set in and around Northumberland. I was born and bred in the North-East and went to school in Jesmond. My family still live in Ponteland, so although I now live down south with my husband and son we travel back to visit regularly. Before I embarked on a career writing stories, I worked as a lawyer in London. You had originally started out as

a lawyer as your chosen profession, but what made you want to change jobs and become an author instead? I firmly believe that people are capable of being many things over the course of a lifetime and I’m all for following dreams! I trained as a lawyer and worked in that profession for a number of years and I do not regret it. I learned some valuable life skills, worked hard and made good friends for life. However, I have a restless, creative personality! Eventually, the rigid routine of city life would have become too restrictive and I recognised that and decided to make a change

into writing. I have always loved to read and had some plotlines running through my mind which demanded to be written. What has been the hardest part of making the change? When I wrote ‘Holy Island’, the first book in the series, I had no expectations about how well the book would be received. For me, it was a case of ‘giving it a go’ and seeing whether people enjoyed the story. When the book made it to the UK number one slot, I was completely blown away. When it came to writing the sequel, ‘Sycamore Gap’, I found the process much harder because I had to bear


of the region’s gems through my work has been an added bonus. When you wrote “Holy Island” did you write it with the intention of it being the start of a series of DCI Ryan novels? Not entirely. I left the ending open to a sequel, but I wasn’t at all sure that I had a future in writing novels, so I thought I would wait and see how people enjoyed my first effort before writing more. After such a warm response, I started thinking about whether DCI Ryan might have a few more adventures...

in mind the number of readers who had enjoyed the first and had their own expectations about what might happen to the characters. Pressure! Thankfully, it seems to have ticked the right boxes! You released your debut novel “Holy Island” back in January 2015 and in less than 6 months you were topping the Amazon UK Charts, how did that feel, having your debut novel a number 1 best seller? It was mind-boggling! It still hasn’t sunk in. I really had no expectations or idea of how


people would receive my novel and to have so many people buy and enjoy the story is absolutely wonderful. I’m very grateful to all those readers who supported the book and have gone on to read Sycamore Gap, which is also a bestseller. For me, I wanted to include the landscape of the region by showcasing its natural beauty throughout the books, which seems to have given readers from other parts of the country an insight into the North-East as an area not only made famous for its industrial past. To be able to shine a light on some

Sycamore Gap is now available and is the 2nd of your DCI Ryan novels, but how did you find it writing a follow up to a best seller, did you feel any pressure when writing it? I found the process of writing Sycamore Gap longer and a bit harder, because I did not want to disappoint readers who had enjoyed Holy Island. I also wanted to take on board all of the positive critique to improve my own writing technique, because that’s what the business is all about – constant improvement. Now, I really feel I have found my ‘voice’ and love delving into the characters. Thankfully, Sycamore Gap is also a current bestseller, so I have been very lucky in my readership. Where do you get your inspiration for your books? Undoubtedly, my inspiration flows from the landscape of Northumberland. I love the coastline as much as inland, roaming the hills around Hadrian’s Wall or the Rothbury Hills. Its ancient history brings

an extra dimension and it was easy for me to imagine all manner of hidden mysteries. You have chosen some iconic and beautiful North East settings for your books, was there a reason behind this? Yes. Living down south I often hear people referring to the North-East as ‘industrial’ but, for me, that’s not a true reflection of the region. When I think of Northumberland and its surrounds, I think of fabulous beaches, stunning coastlines, towering castles, Hadrian’s Wall…it is an area of outstanding natural beauty and I suppose I wanted to try to showcase a different part in each of my stories, for those who have never been or perhaps even for those who live nearby but have forgotten what lies on their doorstep. Have you finished your 3rd

book, “Heavenfield” or are you still busy working on it? I’m still busy working on it! My day is broken up with a lot more admin and marketing duties than expected, which sometimes takes me away from the real fun, but hopefully I will have a clear run over the next few weeks in the build-up to Christmas. Can you tell us anything about it at all? As readers of the first two novels will know, there has been a secondary thread running through the books about an ancient and secret ‘circle’ of people who inhabit high-powered roles and exert influence, sometimes killing people in the process. In this third book, we will see some resolution to that circle, as well as questions answered. The book begins at the remote hillside church of St Oswald’s, otherwise known

as ‘Heavenfield’, which is very atmospheric. What advice would you give to anyone who is interested in writing themselves or just trying to get started as an author? I would advise them not to procrastinate! It takes a bit of bravery to try anything in life, especially something like writing where you are pouring hours of creative effort into a story and then placing it into the wide world, but it’s better than looking back with regret that you never took the plunge. What is your worst habit when writing? Undoubtedly, drinking too much coffee. I’m surprised I haven’t turned into a giant coffee bean, by now. When you are not writing what do you like to do with your free time?


do you see as DCI Ryan? A lot of people have said they would like to see it on screen! I think it would make a good TV series and it would be a wonderful way to show off some of the beautiful corners of the region. In terms of DCI Ryan, it’s very hard to superimpose a face to a character because so much depends on the reader’s own imagination, but I suppose when I was writing him I imagined someone like Richard Armitage. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? 1. I love all kinds of cake, especially coffee cake, and I struggle to share it. 2. I know all of the words to ‘Gettin’ Jiggy Wit’ It’ – the seminal work of the Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff. 3. I run like Phoebe from Friends. Where can people follow you and keep up to date with your writing? Website: Twitter: ljross_author Facebook: I don’t have a lot of free time at the moment, but any that I do have is allocated to my family. I have a toddler son who loves to play at the park, so I’m usually there or knee deep in his favourite thing – toy cars!


Who is your favourite author? Tricky! Perhaps Alexandre Dumas, because I’ve enjoyed all of his major works, especially The Count of Monte Cristo.

Difficult question! I have so many favourites. I think it would have to be M. M. Kaye’s The Far Pavillions. I will never forget being moved by the richly descriptive passages when I first read it as a child and although it is a long, epic story about identity and romantic adventure in the last days of the Raj, I never find that there is one page too many.

And the hardest one, what is your favourite book of all time and why?

Would you like to see your books turned into a film or tv series and If you would, who

And how can people get a copy of your books? E-book and paperback copies of both books are available on Amazon right now! Audiobooks should be available in the new year. Here’s the link: Well thank you for taking the time to talk to us and we look forward to reading more of your work Thank you!








A.R.C. MEMBER 005 - KEITH LAWLER Each issue we will be delving into the Top Secret Files of A.R.C. and introducing you to their members, this issue we catch up with Keith Lawler Hi Keith and welcome to NE, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? (name, age, where you are from, what you do, family etc) I’m Keith Lawler. Age? Let’s just say I was old enough the see the original Star Wars in 1978 and leave it there. I’m originally from a small region of Cheshire but now live in Sunderland with the wife and two crazy kids. I teach cool stuff to students which some times involves anything from 3D modelling, green screens and this week lightsabres. Just your average day really. You have featured in NE before telling our readers about Sci-Fair, but they may not realise you are a member of A.R.C. but what characters have our readers seen

you as so far, even if they didn’t realise? Oooh. In recent times I started up my costuming habit with a Stormtrooper that rapidly became a Stormtrooper Commander from the video game “The Force Unleashed”, basically a dirty stormtrooper covered in blue stripes. After a few upgrades I turned the old thin bits of kit into a zombie trooper for Scream-Con a couple of years back. The rest of the costume moved on and I got myself a Clone Commander Bly. In the mean time I’ve appeared as Jack O’Neil from Stargate SG-1, Doctor Horrible, a Jedi Knight, Sith, Alan Grant, Shaun from Shaun of the Dead, and Nick Angel from Hot Fuzz. I’ve recently stopped appearing as the Joker

due to the semi permanent nature of the spray on green hair spray that was binding itself to my grey hairs. It didn’t look good standing in class on monday mornings with green sideburns. I’ve also got a full scale Dalek, namely Bruce who’s appeared at numerous museums, events, Screen-cons, Woodhorn Invasions (which I organise) and Doctor Who conventions. You particularly can’t tell it’s me with this one as the character totally takes over. Obnoxious to adults and anyone taller than him, and charming to children unless they decide to kick him. Known to startle women of all ages. He’s even got his own Youtube channel and it’s had just over a quarter of a million views.


fancy dress competitions.

I’m now back in a standard stormtrooper until I manage to upgrade it to a bashed up version hopefully coming soon. So how long have you been costuming and how did you get started? Well turning up at events in costume I started in 1989. My first convention. I turned up as a zombie with “Return of the Living Night of the Evil Dawn of the Dead” written across the back. Full on green and mucky makeup, shredded clothing and makeup putty to bring out my cheekbones. Not sure it was successful but the bug caught on. At that event I met new friends and together we entered various fancy dress


competitions winning quite a few from being the first Borg at an event, Robofan which was part fan all machine in which I proceeded to quote talky toaster and throw toast into the audience. One of my favourites involved myself as Arnie and another friend as the T1000. We dressed him head to foot in tinfoil which was ripped off revealing the police uniform underneath. He then pulled my arm off and beat me with it. What fun. My next project was my scratch built Boba Fett which after built I wore at Cineworld during the opening weekend of Attack of the Clones. Lets just say when I started it there was no “cosplay” only

Costuming not only takes up your time but also a lot of money, tell us your thoughts on this? I do have a habit of getting board of costumes so once I do, it’s time to sell it on and put the funds into something else. So you can start small put some of your creative energy into making or modifying a costume and pass it onto someone else. You may find the initial outlay could be expensive but as long as you enjoy doing it. It’s probably cheaper than owning a motorbike or going fishing or scuba diving. It’s a hobby. Starting out you can pick cloth based costumes cheaply from charity shops and just keep at it. Creatively I love making and modifying the costumes sometimes more than the finished piece which I may only wear once or twice. Some costumes you can keep coming back to again and again. Bruce the Dalek took 9 months to complete and I’ve had him for 5 years now. You have already brought

many characters to life but if you could suit up as any character who would it be and why? I love Boba Fett, he’s my all time favourite costume. I wore my own many years back but it wouldn’t carry to todays standards. Still great fun to make and wear. I recently cut the whole costume down so my son could wear it and at Scream-con he managed to meet Jeremy Bulloch and appear briefly on TV wearing it. Proud dad moment, my young apprentice. Out of all of your costumes which is your favourite and why? It’s always the one I’m currently working on. Some take longer than others to complete but this one which will appear next year is something a little

different but still fun. I probably have about four costume projects on the go at the moment from video game stuff, films and other areas. Plus there’s this giant robot project that has been sitting around for a while.... My favourite current one a few people have seen is Nick Angel from Hot Fuzz. When

James Brown dons his Danny Butterman it looks great. We have to take it way over the top so we don’t get mistaken for real police so it’s shotguns and sunglasses and cornettos all round. What event/moment in costume stands out the most for you? Most of my fun moments happen with the Dalek. Kids initial-


ly get a bit scared of the Dalek but when I encourage them a bit and threaten their parents with extermination they usually come round and sometimes he gets a cuddle. He’s also received post cards and messages from fans. Sheesh! Just in case our readers missed the issue you were in can you tell them about Sci-Fair and why they should attend the

next one? They are frequent smaller craft fair like collectors fairs, we run them around the region from Sunderland, South Shields, Jarrow, Hebburn and other places. They run from February to November each year and hopefully they are a lot of fun with free entry, spot prizes and competitions. If you haven’t been you should come down to our next one in February at Seaburn on the 14th February for some romance and geeky stuff. There may be a few roses given out for the most romantic couples who bring their other halves. Conventions are well known for having big name guests, who would you like to meet and why? I’m not one for the stars of the shows to be quite honest but I’m so proud of the people


who work tirelessly behind the scenes. People like John Knowles who’s been involved in the visual effects of Star Wars films for many years. Dennis Muran and Phil Tippett who’ve created stunning sequences in the Terminator, Jurrasic Parks and the Abyss and possibly Peter Jackson... oh, and Tim Savini horror makeup maestro and Rick Baker. For those people that are no longer with us it would have to be either Stan Winston and Dick Smith. I just couldn’t

choose. Have you had any funny or embarrassing incidents whilst in costume? I did have an incident whilst working at a Serenity event a few years ago in Blackpool, I may have been wearing a costume. Nathan Fillion was waiting to go on stage and I was wandering around having completed a stint vision mixing. He spotted me and in his own way, introduced himself just out of the blue, “Hi, I’m Nathan Fillion” we shook hands.... “I know” I said. Not exactly what I was expecting to come out of my mouth. The rest of the weekend was fun as he attempted to work out the weight of my baby son’s head.... Yeah. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? I collect pens from visits to various attractions since I was a kid. I have over 500 of them. I love eating pasta.

I met my wife because of Star Wars. When you are not costuming what do you like to get up to? I do tend to play video games, go to the cinema and make stuff. Plus I do a little video work every now and again. It’s nearly time for Star Wars The Force Awakens, how excited are you for this? I’m as excited as my first Christmas with Star Wars toys

back in the 70’s. Though I’m a little nervous and hope it’s good, really good. Marvel or DC? Depends if it’s films it’s Marvel but if it’s comics is DC... Do I get out of that one? People are saying the Superhero bubble is about to burst, what do you think about this? From a media perspective it’s possible to saturate the market with cheap superhero movies


What is your biggest pet hate when at events? Being prodded. We spend lots of money and time on costumes and props and some parents think we are carrying around toys for their kids to play with. I’ve had kids climb up Bruce the Dalek, people trying to lift a helmet that’s still attached securely to my neck and hit with various objects including lightsabres. Hey parents treat the costumers with respect, we’re not toys. What advice would you give to anyone that wants to get involved in costuming? Just do it. You probably think there is a favourite character you’d like to become. Hunt around for parts and you’ll have fun putting it together. What can we expect from you during 2016? We’ve got our Scifairs running throughout the year from February with the Woodhorn Invasion returning in July for it’s VII’th year... get it? I’m sure my new and but as long as they are good films I think they’ll stay for a while. Now that visual effects have reached a stage of photo realistic humans it’s amazing what we can see on the screens. But who knows we might find the budgets get too big and the small romantic comedies might be less risk and more profitable.


What character/comic would you like to see made into a film or TV show? I think the orginal wise cracking Blue Beetle and Booster Gold have to be made. Something fun. Bring in Guy Gardner and the rest of the FUN Justice League and you’d have Guardians of the Galaxy all over again, a fun and wise cracking film.

old costumes will probably make an appearance at some point. But you might not know it’s me. Where can people follow you and keep up to date with A.R.C. and Sci-Fair and appearances? You can do a search for A.R.C. And Scifair on Facebook. We’ve also got our website. Plus I’m also on twitter and instagram if you want to do searches for “splik”. Is there anything you would like to add? I don’t do duvets. Well thanks for taking the time to talk to us and we will see you at the next event. Quite welcome. See you soon.


PANTO RETURN IS THE CAT’S WHISKERS FOR PETE Newcastle Theatre Royal has announced that Washingtonborn Pete Peverley will play the role of ‘Little Bobby the Cat’ in its spectacular 2015/16 pantomime Dick Whittington (24 November 2015 – 17 January 2016). Peter made his panto debut last year in the Theatre Royal’s box office-busting Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and had audiences in stitches playing ‘Little Bobby the Dwarf’ – an ode to his Bobby Thompson comedy routine. The role followed the huge success of his one-man show about the North East’s favourite comedian at the Theatre in 2013.


Pete will join the purr-fect pantomime team of Danny Adams, Clive Webb and Chris Hayward who have delighted Newcastle audiences for over a decade and broken box office records every year, alongside recently announced awardwinning soap star Charlie

Hardwick, who will play ‘Spirit of the Tyne’. Pete is one of the region’s most celebrated entertainers. Trained at Newcastle College, he is a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company and performed for many years as part of the Northern Stage ensemble. His TV credits are extensive and include Byker Grove, Emmerdale and Spender. Danny Adams and Clive Webb make their eleventh consecutive pantomime appearance at the Theatre Royal in Dick Whittington. With their muchloved and hilarious slapstick, physical comedy and slosh routines, the award-winning father and son duo have become a veritable North East institution. Danny plays the title role of Dick Whittington, while Clive plays Councillor Fitzfenwick. Making his ninth appearance in Newcastle alongside Danny and

Clive, Chris Hayward also returns, complete with his glittering array of costumes and wigs, all of which he designs himself. Playing the role of Dame Rita Fitzfenwick, Chris will provide all of the glamour and sparkle Newcastle theatregoers have come to expect from the North East’s premiere pantomime. Legendary panto villain and Whitley Bay-lad Steve Arnott is back again - this time playing the dastardly King Rat. This will be his seventh season at the Theatre Royal and follows his triumphant turn as the evil Queen Lucretia in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs last year. Dick Whittington is the only pantomime believed to be based on a true story, and one of the few of truly British origin. There actually was a Richard Whittington, and he did become (Lord) Mayor of London in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. The legend says that

the Cat – it’s a great honour and a real treat. Theatre Royal pantomimes are like no other pantos on the planet – they are truly spectacular, and year on year keep blowing their box office targets as word travels further afield. I loved playing Little Bobby the Dwarf last year and I have no doubt that this year’s show will be another unforgettable experience.” Already 74,000 tickets have been sold for the panto, a full month before opening – a new record best for the region’s favourite Christmas show. Audiences are encouraged to book soon to avoid disappointment. Dick Whittington is produced by Qdos Entertainment, the world’s largest pantomime producer, which will stage 24 productions throughout the UK this Christmas. With ticket prices to suit all pockets, audiences won’t have to head to London to seek their fortune in order to enjoy spectacular pantomime at Newcastle Theatre Royal this Christmas!

Whittington was a poor boy who travelled to London to seek his fame and fortune, but arrived penniless, and without a friend in the world - until he was introduced to a rather amazing cat. Newcastle audiences can expect a distinctly local twist on the traditional tale! Audiences can also expect breathtaking special effects, once again provided by The Twins FX (the award-winning company behind previous years’ looping reindeer sleigh, flying helicopter and magic carpet), hilarious comedy routines, spectacular sets and sensational music and dance. Plus, returning again in

2015/16 due to popular demand - incredible 3D special effects! Pete Peverley said: “I’m really excited to be playing Little Bobby

Dick Whittington appears at Newcastle Theatre Royal from Tuesday 24 November 2015 until Sunday 17 January 2016. Tickets are available from £12.50, (save 50p per ticket by booking online). Tickets can be purchased from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (all calls are charged at 7p a minute plus your phone company’s access charge, calls from mobiles may vary, please contact your operator for details) or select your own seat and book online at


ALL-STAR CAST ANNOUNCED FOR BENNETT’S SINGLE SPIES In the same week spyphenomena SPECTRE hit our cinema screens, Newcastle Theatre Royal announced that its own star-studded spy blockbuster will arrive onstage in 2016 - Alan Bennett’s espionage classic Single Spies (15 - 19 March 2016). Bennett’s award-winning double bill is a pointedly satirical snapshot of two members of the infamous ‘Cambridge Five’, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt, both recruited as spies by the Soviet Union during World War II.


Olivier Award-nominated Rachel

Kavanaugh will direct Nicholas Farrell (as Guy Burgess), Belinda Lang (as Coral Browne and Her Majesty the Queen) and David Robb (as Anthony Blunt). Following their success with The King’s Speech, the new production is a collaboration between Chichester Festival Theatre and Birmingham Repertory Theatre. In 1950s Moscow, Coral Browne receives an invitation to lunch with shunned Soviet spy, Guy Burgess, with the sole instruction to ‘bring a tape measure’. An Englishman Abroad is a wry and

touching play which chronicles the pair’s fleeting friendship and Burgess’ attempts to cling to his way of life as a Soviet citizen. A Question of Attribution gives us a glimpse into Anthony Blunt’s life of espionage within the very walls of Buckingham Palace. Following his double-life as an art historian to royalty and a Soviet spy, this witty tale of forgery and deceit culminates in a sharp and candid interrogation from Her Majesty the Queen herself. Single Spies premiered at the National Theatre in 1988, opening to critical acclaim and receiving an Olivier Award for Best New Comedy in 1990. Nicholas Farrell’s extensive film and TV career includes The Iron Lady, Legend, Chariots of Fire, Spooks and Call the Midwife. Belinda Lang is best known for playing Bill Porter in hit TV show 2 Point 4 Children (BBC) further screen credits include Second Thoughts (LWT), Doctors (BBC) and Midsomer Murders (ITV). She has recently appeared on stage in Oklahmona! (Northampton/Tour) which

visited the Theatre Royal in June, Ladies in Lavender (National Tour), Hay Fever (Royal Exchange and Haymarket Theatre) and East is East (Birmingham Rep). David Robb is currently on screen as Dr. Clarkson in the multiaward winning drama Downton Abbey (ITV) his extensive television credits also include Wolf Hall, Roman Mysteries and Garrow’s Law (all BBC). On stage he has recently appeared in The Audience (Apollo Theatre) and Hamlet (Tour & West End). Rachel Kavanaugh was Artistic Director of Birmingham Repertory Theatre and has directed multiple celebrated productions at Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre including The Sound of Music (nominated

for Best Musical Revival, Oliver Awards; winner of Best Musical Revival, WhatsOnStage Awards), Much Ado About Nothing and As You Like It. For Chichester Festival Theatre, Kavanaugh’s Love Story was Olivier Awardnominated for Best New Musical and received a West End transfer. Single Spies is at Newcastle Theatre Royal from Tues 15 until Sat 19 March 2016, playing evenings at 7.30pm, matinees on Thu 2pm and Sat 2.30pm. Tickets from £14.50 (save 50p per ticket online). Tickets can be purchased from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 Calls cost 7ppm plus your phone company’s access charge or book online at www.





NEW THEATRE ROYAL SEASON GOES OFF WITH A CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG! HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: The Father 18-23 April ‘16 Tom 3 – 7 May ‘16 Our Ladies of Perpetual Succour 12-16 July ‘16 The Commitments 6-11 Feb ‘17 Fresh from winning the ‘Most Welcoming Theatre in the UK’ award last month, Newcastle Theatre Royal has announced a sizzling new season for Spring/ Summer 2016, full of delights for all tastes and ages.

cal is set to make its North East debut 3-7 May. An inspirational show full of Tom’s greatest hits, it takes audiences back in time to the working men’s clubs of the ‘60s where the legend of Tom Jones was born: a Valleys boy with a heart-stopping voice. Welsh West End star Kit Orton

appears in the title role. In July, the producers of the sell-out smash hit Puttin’ on the Ritz return with the dazzling song and dance extravaganza That’s Entertainment (5-9 July) celebrating the biggest hits of the ‘30s, ‘40s

The season features musical film classic, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1 - 12 Jun ‘16) which will have audiences of all ages flying high with its mixture of madness, intrigue and exuberance, but this isn’t the only musical extravaganza instore… A brand new musical TOM. A Story of Tom Jones, The Musi-


sics performed live on stage including: Night Train, Try A Little Tenderness, River Deep, Mountain High, In The Midnight Hour and many more. Another hit from the West End, this time for drama lovers, is The Father (18-23 April 2016), the winner of France’s highest theatrical honour - the 2014 Moliere Award -and the most acclaimed new play of the decade. It tells the tragic tale of eighty year old Andre who has Alzheimer’s disease and whose life is starting to spiral out of control. In Christopher Hampton’s crisp and witty translation it has dazzled audiences across the country and received an unprecedented ten five star reviews from major national critics. Tony Award nominee Kenneth Cranham reprises his indelible performance for this tour direct from the West Award.


and ‘50s. The show includes sumptuous music by Lerner and Loewe, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Irving Berlin and Cole Porter and features glorious costumes and an awardwinning cast of singers and dancers. Back again in August due to popular demand is the international multi-award winning musical, Chicago (1-13 August). Based on real life events back in the roaring 1920s this world-famous show tells the sordid tale of a nightclub singer, a double-murderess, a smooth-talking lawyer and a cell block of sin, and features

one of the sexiest, sassiest scores ever written. February 2017 brings soulcelebration The Commitments (6-11 Feb 2017) to the Theatre Royal, direct from a phenomenally successful, record breaking two year run in London’s West End. The musical has been adapted from the novel by Booker prize winning author Roddy Doyle himself and is directed by the awardwinning Jamie Lloyd. Like the novel and the film, this tale of a talented group of working class Dubliners is full of heart and features over 20 soul clas-

A wonderfully uplifting family drama for May is the Olivier award-winning Goodnight Mister Tom (17-21 May) starring David Troughton (The Archers). A magical stage adaptation of Michelle Magorian’s heart-warming tale, set during the dangerous build up to the Second World War, the story follows young William Beech who is evacuated to the idyllic English countryside and forges a remarkable friendship with the elderly recluse, Tom Oakley. Winner of the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize and commended for the Carnegie Medal, Goodnight Mister Tom is now also a world-wide literary favourite and a BAFTA award-winning TV film. From one country idyll to another, and the first ever stage

adaptation of ITV’s popular Sunday evening 60s police drama, Heartbeat visits in late May (23 – 28 May). Heartbeat ran for 18 years from 1992 to 2010 with audiences regularly exceeding 10 million viewers and constantly being in the top five TV programmes across all channels. This new stage production features all the show’s favourite characters, video footage, an original script and even members of the original TV cast, and perfectly recreates the show live on stage. June sees the return of an old favourite - the Olivier Award winning comedy adaptation of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic spy thriller, The 39 Steps (27 June – 2 July), this time on its 10th Anniversary Tour. Featuring only four actors playing a

staggering 130 characters in 100 minutes, the show follows handsome hero Richard Hannay on his incredible adventures as he encounters dastardly murders, double-crossing secret agents, and, of course, devastatingly beautiful women! This wonderfully inventive and gripping comedy thriller is set to be as fast-paced and thrilling as ever. Following its sell-out success at Live Theatre, Lee Hall’s hit play Our Ladies of Perpetual Succour (12-16 July) makes its Theatre Royal debut in the summer. Adapted from Alan Warner’s brilliant novel about six girls on the cusp of change, the play tells a tale of love, lust, pregnancy and death – which all spiral out of control in a single day. Warner’s blister-

ingly funny dialogue - a tribute to being young, lost and out of control, ends in fireworks (literally). Comedy fans will delight in two hit shows arriving in the Summer – national trinket, author, TV and Radio star Julian Clary is bringing ‘The Joy of Mincing’ on Sunday 15 May, a celebration of 30 years as a camp comedian and Julian at his filthy best, live and unplugged. June then sees the return of those fabulous Grumpy Old Women (Sun 26 June) – back at the Theatre Royal after a critically acclaimed, total sell-out and extremely grumpy tour in spring 2015 and ready once again to knock some sense into the nation! Perrier Award-winning comedian, writer and original star of the show Jenny Eclair will be


ballet in over 20 years and is set to once again astonish with ethereal sets and costumes, and Tchaikovsky’s iconic score performed live by the Scottish Ballet Orchestra. Another favourite, this time with our younger audiences, Peppa Pig is back in Newcastle in July with her brand new live stage show, Peppa Pig’s Surprise (27-28 July)! Peppa is playing outside with her friends on a sunny day, and Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have got a surprise for her and George! A charming, colourful new show with new songs and new life size puppets, perfect for pre-schoolers.

joined by fellow recruits Susie Blake (Handbagged, Coronation Street) and actress and singer Kate Robbins (Where The Heart Is). A rare treat for North East audiences, one of the world’s most celebrated dance companies Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT2) will visit in the Spring (26-27 April). Featuring a corps of 18 young international dancers aged 18-23, the company offers a unique blend of breathtaking dance, aweinspiring skill and unparalleled creativity and promises to thrill and entertain with its sheer exuberance and astonishing athleticism. A perennial favourite with Theatre Royal audiences Scottish Ballet follows hot on NDT2’s heels, bringing its World Premiere of Swan Lake from 11-14 May. Set to enchant


a whole new generation with an imaginative re-telling of the timeless tale, this new production is choreographed by the award-winning British dance maker David Dawson - one of the most innovative choreographers in classical ballet today. This will be the company’s first tour of the

He’s impossible to categorise, and equally impossible to forget, the multi-award winning acknowledged ‘master of psychological illusion’ Derren Brown is back in the summer with his most provocative show yet, Derren Brown: Miracle (20-25 June). Derren is one of the world’s most renowned live performers; a dark manipulator of magic and mind control, a miracle man

of our modern times. This new show delivers an evening of mind-altering genius full of extraordinary and unbelievable events – showmanship at its very best. And there are plenty of great shows to suit all tastes already onsale in our current season with family-favourite musicals Hairspray (19 - 30 Jan ‘16), Guys & Dolls (22 Mar - 2 Apr), The Mikado (15 - 18 June) and Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s multi award-winning musical Mary Poppins (8 Sept – 29 Oct). Lovers of mystery and intrigue will revel in Stephen Daldry’s multi awardwinning West End production of J.B. Priestley’s classic thriller, An Inspector Calls (9-13 Feb) and No.1 best-selling author Peter James’ critically acclaimed stage hit – The Perfect Murder (22-27 Feb). For dance fans, Rambert (2-4 Feb), Stomp (15-20 Feb) and the return of Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty (5-16 April) will offer a feast for the senses, while drama enthusiasts can delight in Regent’s Park Thea-

tre’s adaptation of William Goulding’s cut-throat tale of young society run wild Lord of the Flies (8-12 March 2016) and Alan Bennett’s Olivieraward winning comedy Single Spies (15-19 March). The Opera North Spring season features three hit productions: Mozart’s romantic Cosi Fan Tutte (2 & 4 March), Donizetti’s sunny L’Elisir D’amore (3 March) and Girodano’s tragic Andrea Chenier (5 March). The Theatre Royal’s annual

pantomime still reigns as the region’s favourite and with over 76,000 tickets already sold for the 15/16 extravaganza Dick Whittington (24 Nov ‘15 - 17 Jan ‘16) it’s set to break all records once again. Tickets for all new shows in the Spring / Summer ‘16 season go on public sale on Friday 13 November. Tickets can be purchased from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge) or book online at www. Friends of the Theatre Royal can book new season shows on Monday 9 November, before the general public, and receive 20% off tickets, as well as discounts at our bars, exclusive ticket exchange and prices which never change. To become a Friend and book early, please contact the Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge) or sign up online at






the star wars weekend

THE FORCE IS STRONG WITH CINEWORLD BOLDON The 17th of December is a date that is etched into the brains of so many people all over the world, it’s the day we have all been waiting for, it is the day that will make up for the pain of Episode 1 and JaJa Binks, it is the day that The Force Awakens in the Star Wars universe and we see the return of Han, Chewie, Luke, Leia, R2-D2 and C3-PO. This is without a doubt the most eagerly awaited mover EVER! Grown men and women have been turned into children as they eagerly await midnight for the film to begin. NE have done it again and teamed up with our friends at A.R.C. and Cineworld Boldon to bring you a full weekend of Star Wars fun as we celebrate everyones favourite film franchise.


We will have a whole host of your favourite characters making appearances over the course of the full weekend. We will be starting the fun around 9:30pm on Wed 16th of December as we all get excited for midnight, so this

will be your first chance to square up to the Dark Lord of the Sith and his fearsome Stormtroopers.

WIN A STAR WARS POSTER The guys from A.R.C. will be there over the course of the weekend with a selection of props and characters for you to pose with to create some amazing photos with the best pics sent in winning some Star Wars goodies. To be in with a chance all you need to do is take a photo

with the characters or with the props and send it to starwars@neonlinemagazine. com by the 20th December. We will include the best ones in our next issue. So if you havent booked your tickets for the midnight screening yet I suggest you do so as 2 screens have already sold out! See you all at Cineworld Boldon for the biggest movie of the fact make that EVER!!! May the Force be with you.




Decemberis a big month for us with some fantastic films coming your way but none bigger than Star Wars The Force Awakens. So we have teamed up with Cineworld Boldon to give you a quick run down on a few films that really have got us excited. Plus make sure you check out their Facebook page to keep up to date with their daily competitions and updates.

Starwars - 17th December John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker


The seventh Star Wars film kicks off a brilliant new trilogy with new characters and old favourites. It’s three decades on from the events of Return of the Jedi. On the desert planet Jakku, tough loner Rey (Daisy Ridley) plies her trade as a scavenger. Meanwhile, a stormtrooper named Finn (John Boyega) finds himself in great danger, the villainous Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) wields a cool cross-form lightsaber, and an X-Wing pilot named

Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) is sent on a mission by “a certain princess”. Star Trek director and long-term Star Wars fan J.J. Abrams brings these intriguing plot strands together with consummate skill to launch a spectacular new trilogy. Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher are among the returning members of the

original Star Wars cast. And motion capture king Andy Serkis is also on board as Supreme Leader Snoke, who is very much on the Dark Side of the Force. CLICK HERE TO BOOK TICKETS CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


Krampus - 4th Dec Legendary Pictures’ Krampus, a darkly festive tale of a yuletide ghoul, reveals an irreverently twisted side to the holiday. When his dysfunctional family clashes over the holidays, young Max (Emjay Anthony) is disillusioned and turns his back on Christmas. Little does he know, this lack of festive spirit has unleashed the wrath of Krampus: a demonic force of ancient evil intent on punishing non-believers. All hell breaks loose as beloved holiday icons take on a monstrous life of their own, laying siege to the fractured family’s home and forcing them to fight for each other if they hope to survive.


The horror-comedy also stars Adam Scott, Toni Collette, David Koechner, Allison

Tolman, Conchata Ferrell, Stefania Lavie Owen and Krista Stadler. Krampus and his mischievous underlings have been created by the combined efforts of Weta Workshop and Weta Digital, both renowned for their epic work on The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies and King Kong, among many others.

Written and directed by Michael Dougherty (Trick ‘r Treat), Krampus is cowritten by Zach Shields and Todd Casey and produced by Legendary’s Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni, Alex Garcia and Dougherty. The film will be released by Universal Pictures. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



Sisters - 12th December Tina Fey and Amy Poehler reunite for Sisters, a new film from Pitch Perfect director Jason Moore about two disconnected sisters summoned home to clean out their childhood bedroom before their parents sell the family house. Looking to recapture their glory days, they throw one final highschool-style party for their classmates, which turns into the cathartic rager that a

bunch of ground-down adults really need. Fey produces the comedy alongside Jay Roach (Meet the Parents series) and John S. Lyons (Austin Powers in Goldmember), and Poehler executive produces alongside Jeff Richmond and Brian Bell from a script by Paula Pell (TV’s Saturday Night Live, 30 Rock). CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


The Danish Girl - 1st jan Based on the book by David Ebershoff, The Danish Girl is the remarkable love story inspired by the lives of Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener (portrayed by Academy Award winner Eddie Redmayne [The Theory of Everything] and Alicia Vikander [Ex Machina]), and directed by Academy Award winner Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech, Les Misérables). Lili and Gerda’s marriage and work evolve as they navigate Lili’s groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



Ride Along 2 - 22nd Jan Kevin Hart and Ice Cube lead the returning lineup of Ride Along 2, the sequel to the blockbuster action-comedy that gave us the year’s most


popular comedy duo. Joining Hart and Cube for the next chapter of the series are director Tim Story, as well as Cube’s fellow producers— Will Packer, Matt Alvarez and Larry Brezner—who will

produce alongside Cube. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



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Newcastle Theatre Royal has been voted the most welcoming Theatre in the entire UK. This major industry award was made yesterday at the 2015 UK Theatre Awards held in London’s Guildhall. Over 256 theatres of all sizes from across the UK entered the award, which is voted for entirely by the public. In total over 40,000 votes were cast for theatres up and down the country – the most since the award was created in 2013. Last week the Theatre Royal team was told they had been shortlisted as regional winner for the North East but the news that they had secured the top award was


not announced until 3pm yesterday afternoon. The My Theatre Matters! UK’s Most Welcoming Theatre Award in association with Smooth Radio is one of the most coveted of the UK Theatre Awards - the only nationwide awards to honour outstanding achievement in theatre throughout the United Kingdom. Over 400 UK Theatre members and guests attended the Awards ceremony in London compèred by musical theatre star Michael Xavier, with appearances from guest presenters including Sir

Patrick Stewart OBE, Barbara Windsor MBE, Richard Wilson OBE, Anne Reid MBE and Lee Mead. Theatre Royal Chief Executive Philip Bernays was down in the capital to receive the award: “We are so honoured with this win – in the UK theatre sector this is probably the most coveted accolade of all. We strive to excel in everything that we do in order to attract the biggest audiences and the best shows in what is a very competitive market, and the word ‘Welcome’ continues to be our central mantra. This award is an outstanding achievement and true

testament to the effort and dedication of our staff, who always go ‘one step beyond’.” There are nineteen awards on offer in total, covering a huge wealth of merit in the industry ranging from Best New Play to Best Design, Best Show for Children, and Achievement in Opera. Another notable winner was Theatre Royal regular and Friends’ Patron Matthew Bourne who won The Stage Award for Outstanding Contribution to British Theatre. Theatre Royal Chairman Cllr Ged Bell, said: “We were shortlisted for this award last year and narrowly missed out, and it’s a great delight to us to have won it in 2015 – when there were more nominations and votes cast than ever before. We believe that our team are indeed one of the most dedicated and passionate in the country, and they are thoroughly deserving of this honour. A big thank you to them, and of course to our audiences and supporters for voting for us.” Rachel Tackley, President of UK Theatre, said: “We have

been delighted to see the tremendous level of support for theatres across the United Kingdom. Theatres play a hugely valuable role in our local communities and this vote, along with the My Theatre Matters! campaign, provides a platform for the public to tell their stories about how important their local venue is to them.” It’s been a good month for the Theatre - last Monday, Newcastle Theatre Royal also won Receiving Venue Team of the Year in the prestigious Technical Theatre Awards (TTA) which recognises the staff who

work behind the scenes and highlights the excellence of one venue which stands out above all others, as voted for by touring theatre technicians. The Theatre Royal’s Annual Report for 2014/15 details record breaking figures for the charity. It was the Theatre’s best ever in terms of ticket sales, with a total of £10.3m worth of tickets sold, 44 visiting theatre, opera, ballet and dance companies welcomed and 406 performances presented to a staggering 405,681 people. The attendance for the year was also at 80% capacity, which is an astonishing 21% above the national average.



Welcome To Elizabethtown

We chat with Elizabethtown before giving you the chance to listen to their brand new album, so read on and meet the band, so its a big welcome to Elizabethtown Hi guys and welcome to NE. So how about you tell us who is who in Elizabethtown? (RG) My name is Ross Gardner, I’m the drummer and I’m from Washington. (JR) I’m Jenny Ranson. I play violin and vocals, and I’m from Durham. (RJ) Rich Judson, double bass and vocals, from Washington. (SK) I’m Scott Keirs. I play acoustic guitar and take most of the lead vocal in the band. I’m from Sunderland.

Redwings arrived and began setting up. It was later that night that Scott asked if I’d be interested in playing with his new band, Elizabethtown. (SK) We started recording very late in the year at a friend, Keith’s house. And realised that a bit of a side project could be really fun, and very productive. (RG) The lads in the band were already in a pretty successful function band called Redwings. We wanted something a little more creative.

own original stuff though... we tend to get loads of ideas and work on things that we’ve been coming up with in the time we haven’t seen each other. Since we’ve been together, I’ve felt so inspired to write and get stuff down. (SK) When we cover songs, we tend to pick some pretty obscure stuff and put our own spin on it. We’ve tried a few Gram Parsons songs, and a song by Stephin Merrit that made it onto the EP.

So when and how did you form? (JR) In 2014, I was playing the first dance as a request from one of my teaching colleaguesher husband had arranged the whole wedding so she wanted to do something special for him in return. Luckily, during the first dance, Scott and the guys from

Are you a covers band or do you play your own music? (RG) A bit of both at the minute. (RJ) Mainly original, some carefully chosen covers. (JR) Primarily, we play our own music but we have done some covers. Practices are always our

You have your new album out now, how can people get their hands on a copy? (SK) We always take a few copies with us to gigs, so it’s usually good to catch us live! (JR) Scott’s the guy to speak to but if you contact us on the Elizabethtown facebook page,


I’m really fond of ‘For The Record’ because it brings back memories of listening to a first recording of it in the car on the way home from visiting my gran in hospital and watching my grandfather look after her. (SK) I have a bit of a soft spot for ‘For The Record’. The subject matter always makes me smile. Do you prefer playing live gigs or recording in the studio? (RG) Live definitely... It has a different energy. (JR) I love both- but they’re both so different. In the studio, it’s much more relaxing- we’ve normally got a box of chocolates on the go and cups of really strong coffee whereas gigs- it’s more adrenalin and lager fuelled! (RJ) Both.

one of us will be able to get back to you. (RG) Social sites and direct from the band seem to be the way to go!


What has been the hardest part of creating the album? (JR) To be honest, there weren’t too many issues along the way- the hardest bit I’d say is getting the time for all of us to get together and practice. The guys are self employed musicians and their free time is during the day, during which time I’m teaching. (SK) Yeah, the main problem is getting us in a room together.

But we work quickly when we’re together. Do you each have a stand out track from the album that you think people need to listen to? (RG) ‘The Hardest Place To Fall’. (RJ) Not really, they are all great songs... ‘The Hardest Place To Fall’ would be my favourite, ‘The Book Of Love’ is pretty special too! (JR) Personally, I love ‘The Hardest Place To Fall’ and ‘Hallowe’en’ but different ones pull at the heart strings or appeal to people for different reasons or different moods-

How often do you practice together? (RG) As a drummer, daily... But not always with the band. (JR) Not often enough in my opinion- probably once a month- but we’re all so busy and have totally different routines. We normally get more practices in during the school holidays... occasionally we manage weekends. (SK) Definitely not as much as we should. But we tend to get songs right the first time we play them, so when we do get together, we make up for lost time. Are there many arguments on how things should be? If so who is the main culprit? (JR) We’ve never argued- we’re quite chilled. It’s more mischievous banter to be honest- we all seem to get how the music should sound so there’s no fighting over volumes on the

amps or mics! (SK) The lads in the band have been in Redwings for a few years too, so we tend to wind each other up. If there are any disagreements, it’s usually between us three. Jen tends to play the peacemaker. Every band has that one member that gets all the attention from the girls, who is yours? (SK) Jen. (RG) Jen... (JR) I don’t really pay attention Who would you say are your biggest musical influences? (JR) I absolutely love Damien Rice- have done since I was a

teenager. His lyrics are beautifully honest and the swells in his music make me melt inside- there’s nothing pretentious about it and I love that about him. Other than Damien, I am a huge fan of Karine Polwart- a Scottish singer, Ryan Adams, David Gray, Hollis Brown, Robert Plant, Norah Jones. I also love Fleetwood Mac, Simon and Garfunkel, The Smiths and Queen- varied taste! (RJ) I’m strongly influenced by David Ford, Ryan Adams and Mumford and Sons. (SK) Ryan Adams is a big influence. I love his “not quite country” sound. Rufus Wain-

wright too. The Jayhawks and The Magic Numbers would be up there, as far as similar sounds go... Very guitar based, lots of harmonies. But I tend to take a lot from the lyrics of heavier bands like Alice In Chains, Ratt, even Iron Maiden. You can find a bit of inspiration in any music. (RG) I love Ryan Adams. I’m also heavily influenced by jazz drummers like Buddy Rich. What venue has been your favourite place to play so far? (JR) Cluny 2 was fantastic- it was so intimate and friendly and we just relaxed straight into the set.


(RJ) I liked the main room in The Cluny. (RG) Agreed. The Cluny. (SK) I love The Cluny. We had a great outdoor gig at a bar called The Three Mile Inn in Gosforth too. Gave us a chance to really try our new stuff out in front of an audience. Have you got any funny or embarrassing gig stories that you can share with us? (JR) Well...I remember accidentally singing a wrong word and trying to change it quickly.....sadly this resulted in me saying “I love it when you sieve me things” and opposed to “I love it when you give me things”. Unfortunately, I have a dreadful tendency to laugh at times when I shouldn’t and found this unbelievably amusing... singing through a bout of laughter building up inside isn’t the best. Also, I’m forever


hitting Scott with my violin bow on stage- purely accidental... but every time it happens he gets a right shock and I can’t help but find it funny! Tell us 1 random fact about each member? (SK) I’m absolutely terrified of moths... Ugh! (JR) I have an addiction to fresh chillies. (RG) I’m a Fifa Xbox in my spare time. (RJ) I’m usually found on the squash court, beating Scott! What is your opinion on shows like the X-Factor and The Voice? (RJ) I don’t really have much of an opinion on them. (RG) I think they’re terrible! They do nothing for the professional musician. (SK) To be honest, I never have time to watch them. I tend

to be out gigging on Saturday nights. On the rare occasion I have a night off, I try to go and see other bands play (JR) I’m in two minds- in theory, it’s a great idea but I keep getting the feeling that only the Leona Lewis vocalist style is the type of female vocal to get recognised these days. To me, yes....strong vocals are important, but the feel and vibe from the band is just as important...I think sometimes, some little imperfections combined with great lyrics and music can actually make a performance perfect. On the other hand, Britain’s Got Talent really made my mate, Jamie Lambert (singer in Collabro). He is a fantastic singer and I’m so pleased that he’s got the recognition he deserved. If you could play any venue at all, where would it be and why?

(JR) Locally, we’d all love to play in the Sage, Gateshead- It’s got fantastic acoustics and a fabulous feel. On a larger scale though.... Red Rocks in Colorado would be an epic experience! (SK) I got to fulfil a bit of a dream, singing with Duke Special in The Sage. Red Rocks would be special. Locally, I’d love to play The Play House in Whitley Bay. The sound is spectacular. (RG) Red Rocks, definitely. (RJ) Full house... Red Rocks, Colorado. What can people expect from you in 2016? (RG) Much more from Elizabethtown! (RJ) A lot of gigs, and a lot of new songs. (JR) We need to talk more

about it, but I’d love it if we could get some new songs we’re working on polished off and get another CD recorded. More performances will hopefully be getting arranged too so watch this space! (SK) It looks as though 2016 will be a busy one... We’re hoping to do a proper launch for the EP at The Minster in Sunderland. Where can people follow you and find out about gigs and upcoming releases? (JR) We’re on twitter- follow us @ElizabethTownNE, and some latest news also is posted on facebook.

Is there anything you would like to ad? (JR) thanks for taking the time to speak with us. I’d like to thank all of the people who are supporting us at present- it means a lot to know people are on board. (SK) Thank you to everyone who’s listening. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us, good luck with the new album and we look forward to seeing you soon.

How can someone book you to play a gig? (SK) Facebook and Twitter again... We’re very social!


your chance to Listen to Welcome To Elizabethtown

to get yourself a full copy of the album contact the band or catch them at a gig click here for the official facebook 70

1 A Song For You 2 For The Record 3 The Hardest Place to fall 4 jackals 5 halloween 6 the book of love 7 song for you (acoustic) click here for the official twitter 71



We’re all familiar with the phrase “Start as you mean to go on,” but James Bay is one performer who appears to follow this advice more literally than most. Emerging from a rising platform at the back of the stage and greeting his screaming fans with a simple “All right,” James promptly exploded into a lively rendition of album track ‘Collide’, and then continued to electrify crowds for a further 2 hours on his recent visit to the North East, as part of his sell-out ‘Chaos and the Calm’ album tour. Performing on the main stage at the O2 Academy in Newcastle to a 2000-strong audience, James delighted fans by performing almost every track from his platinum selling record, including hit singles ‘Scars’, ‘Let it Go’ and ‘Hold back the River’. Since bursting onto the music scene as the winner of the prestigious Critic’s Choice Award at this year’s Brits, James Bay’s rise to success can only be described as stratospheric. If record sales

aren’t enough to go by, the queue to get into the venue on the night was a sound testament to his unrivalled popularity. Despite doors being advertised to open at 7pm, it was a good hour later before the crowds were safely shepherded inside, meaning that the first support act of the evening, Samm Henshaw, was missed by most. However, a wellearned nod must be given in the direction of the second supporting artist to take to the stage, Elle King, who really won the die-hard James Bay fans over with her


soulfully husky vocals and sassy stage presence. By the time James did make his dramatic appearance on stage, the audience were beside themselves with excitement; an emotion which James channelled right back at them in his energetic and unrelentingly strong performance. During his rendition of the upbeat number, ‘Get out while you can’ towards the end of his set, James showed off his prowess as a guitarist, performing an impressive solo which fed directly into a very short interval; before he returned to the stage

to perform 3 encore tracks, including an imaginative and emotional cover of Alicia Keys’ hit, ‘If I ain’t got you’. With all of the innocence of someone who seemed appreciative, yet overwhelmed at the level of his own success, James showed his respect to his fans who sang every word of every song back to him during the gig. Removing his trademark hat and ruffling his hair, James said: “This is extraordinary. It would be stupid if we didn’t keep coming back to Newcastle, because this is it isn’t it, this is, wow.” One thing which really became apparent when watching James perform live, is the maturity and proficiency he

displays as a songwriter. Listening to the lyrics alone in isolation, you could be forgiven for thinking that these are words of a man who has lived and loved many times over, however, James’ fantastic childlike energy as a performer betrays the fact, he is only 24 years old. Without a shadow of a doubt, the best is still yet to come from James Bay. As far as first headline tours go, he is off to an exceptionally strong start and is already displaying all of the makings of an incredibly well-rounded artist. Great performer, talented musician, and an excellent songwriter; the future for this young muso

is looking bright. Watch this space. Review by Leanne Tonks & Photos by Lee Connor NEMS Photography






time with my Beautiful daughter and family appreciating the finer things in life. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? I think I can sing when I cant!!! I have organised a Doggy Wedding & Christening for the Great North Dog Walk I am known as Hells Bells at work from HR for obvious reasons. Where can people follow the Little Haven and keep up to date with events? We can be found on our own website www.littlehavenhotel. com/, our Facebook page , our Twitter @L1ttlehaven and Instagram. This is where you will find our most up to date offers we have on throughout the year.





James Gypsy Boy McCrory

Stu Armstrong witnesses the end of an era when Bare Knuckle Boxing Legend James ‘Gypsy Boy’ McCrory enters the ring for the last time Think Bare Knuckle Boxing and one man stands out, James ‘Gypsy Boy’ McCrory, his epic battles with another BKB Legend Dave Radford have millions of hits on YouTube but November 2015 saw the final fight for ‘Gypsy Boy’ as he retired from Bare Knuckle Boxing. Most fighters like to go out in style for their last fight before retirement and McCrory has certainly went out in Style and with a bang after winning a first round victory over American Corey Williams to become World Champion. After a substantial delay and a frenzied hunt for the American Williams, as he literally disappeared as he was due to walk into the ring, the


crowd breathed easy when the American, with his typical arrogance, got into the ring unprepared for the eruption that was about to begin by a rapturous crowd when the flamboyant McCrory’s famous Irish themed walkout song started to play. All seats were left empty as the crowd all stood up with a rapturous applause as the first glimpse of James McCrory was

seen as he began walking out from the fighters area, dressed in matching Newcastle United Shirt and Black and white shorts. McCrory ever the showman didn’t disappoint as he showed of his beard that had been died especially for the occasion in the Irish tricolour along with the braided hair complete with a pair of white slatted sunglasses. The roar of the crowd proving that Irish/Geordie Gypsy Boy was as popular as ever as he climbed into the ring. As these two men went toe to toe, it was clear from the outset that Corey Williams was simply outclassed as he kept holding and clinging on and trying to loosen off some body shots that didn’t seem

to have much of an effect on McCrory. By the middle of the first round once again, as in his fight with Michael Ferry, Williams seemed somewhat confused by the rules and was trying to treat this fight like a WWE Wrestling match, many commenting that he was fighting dirty. McCrory continued all the way through to outclass Williams, and then ended it all early in the second round as he caught Williams hard and clean and put him to sleep with a very convincing knockout. The crowd at a world cup final had nothing on the UBBAD fans as they relished McCrory’s victory making him the new BKB World Champion. A very fitting final fight for a man that is one of only a small few that has been instrumental in bringing Bare Knuckle Boxing back, in not only the UK, but worldwide. James McCrory’s World Title win was the main event

of UBBAD’s ‘Fists and Fireworks’ show at Colwick Hall in Nottingham which featured another twelve top fights with the co-main event seeing Michael ‘The Real Deal’ Ferry add a belt to his growing collection and Billy Hawthorn scoring a first round Knockout victory over Nathen JDogg in a bout which featured a double knockdown the likes of which are only seen in films like Rocky. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give

you the NEW BKB Champion of the World James ‘Gypsy Boy’ McCrory. I am sure that friends and fans alike would like to join me in thanking James for his services to BKB over the years. Full HD quality fight footage of James winning the World Title as well of the other fights on the card will be avaible very soon at Review by Stu Armstrong Photos by


Michael The Real Deal Ferry Stu Armstrong tells us how Michael ‘The Real Deal’ Ferry made history. One of the most well-known names in Bare Knuckle Boxing surely must be UBBAD’s 25 year old Power House from Newcastle, Michael ‘The Real Deal’ Ferry. It’s been quite a year for Michael as he has literally punched his way right to the very top of his game. Unbeaten in BKB, Ferry won the British Heavyweight BKB Title in a fight that lasted only seconds when he fought the very tough and experienced Craig ‘The Hammer’ Amer in February. He was then set to take on the Canadian ex UFC fighter Tim


Hague in September but Hague pulled out and was replaced with Corey Williams from the USA and again Michael took a victory by stoppage easily and was crowned the Transatlantic Champion. Ferry who is a 6ft 1” 18 stone Bare Knuckle fighter for UBBAD is seemingly unstoppable after once more stepping up to the plate on September 7th to face his toughest BKB challenge to date, Stevan Miller. This was no mean feat as Miller was unbeaten in Bare Knuckle Boxing and is the UK’s biggest Bare Knuckle Boxer at 6ft 7” and 22 stone. There was a lot on the line for both of these men, someone has to lose their unbeaten record, and then add into the mix the this was to be the first ever fully sanctioned BKB Title in the UK as they contested the

‘World Bare Knuckle Boxing Councils’ Heavyweight Title. Michael who as always was the bookies favourite, by no means under estimated Miller, a good and well connected shot from a 22 stone 6ft 7” fighter, especially in Bare Knuckle could always be a game changer, and as the old saying goes ‘Never Underestimate the Under Dog’. As the co-main event of the evening on the huge UBBAD Fists and Fireworks show this was to be the final bout of the show following twelve top class displays of BKB, as the theme tune to Star Wars rang out through the 500 strong capacity crown at the luxury Colwick Hall Hotel Miller appeared and strode out to rapturous applause from the crowd after bringing his army of supporters from Leicester. Stevan is a very well-known, well liked

and very popular character on the BKB scene who also runs BKB Management Company Rogue Elite with Welsh business partner Oli Morris, and this could be seen without doubt by the reaction of his fans. Once in the ring, God Save the Queen rang out and as the crowd went crazy Michael Ferry appeared from the fighter’s area accompanied by Billy ‘Bang Bang’ Hawthorn and Bledi Metaj who proudly walked to the ring with ‘The Real’ Deals British and Transatlantic Belts held aloft along with his trainers, Mal & Keith Pape and Paul Charters. Once both fighters were in the ring it was only then you could really appreciate the sheer size of Stevan Miller as he dwarfed Ferry, who is by no means small at 6ft 1” and 18 stone, but the ever confident Ferry didn’t look phased one bit to take on the UK’s biggest Bare Knuckle Boxer. Before the bout got underway both fighters were reminded of the rules and had hand wraps checked by referee Shaun Smith aka The Debt Collec-

tor, by now the crowd was in a frenzy and ready to see history be made. From the bell Miller made a very impressive start pushing forward and managed to catch Ferry with some powerful shots, one of which sent Ferry back into the ropes proving that Ferry has a great chin. Ferry carried on with a combination of speed, agility and power as well as some great defensive work which left some great powerful shots from the big man Miller going wide. Miller proving his worth and never backing away from

Ferry like we have seen in the past with many of his previous challengers, continued to plough forward with some big shots and some very impressive movement proving to any doubters out there that he is really a force to be reckoned with, but his agility, lighting fast combinations and power took its toll and was too much for Miller as towards the end of the first round Ferry felled the giant of man and took the title fight win by Knockout. In the run up to this fight as always Miller had his fair share of supporters, as did the Ferry camp, however social media was rife with comments that the big man wasn’t even in the same league as the champ and many seemed to doubt that Miller would even be able to catch Ferry, Miller may not have taken this win, Miller may well have been Knocked out in the first round but anyone who was there on the night or has seen the mobile phone footage on social media sites will tell you that he put in an impressive


performance to say the least. He wasn’t able to cope with the lighting fast, super fit powerhouse that is Michael Ferry but he can most certainly hold his head up high at his performance. Any doubters of either of these two very tough hard men, surely must be silenced once and for all.


So what now for the 25 year old multiple title winner from Newcastle? Who is out there to face Ferry next and give him a credible challenge? There can’t be many, not just in the UK but in the rest of the world as Ferry seems to get faster, more powerful and becomes a more intelligent fighter with each win. We are not going to speculate on this at this time but social media is rife with fans of BKB asking the same question. Add to the fact Michael still has youth on his side he surely is going to prove to be a world beating

long time champion. Michael was quoted as saying about his win, “It means a lot to me to win the World Bare Knuckle Boxing Council title and to be part of such a historic occasion and would like to thank everyone in making this happen and bring on the next fight” For more on both of these fighters please visit where you will find an exclusive interview with Michael Ferry recorded only hours before this fight, and also an interview recorded on the eve of the fight with Stevan Miller and Martin ‘The Immaculate’ Conception. As always with title fights no matter what the outcome people ask the question that is as old as fighting itself, will there be a rematch? It’s not impossible but

improbable, Miller did give a great performance but was outclassed by Ferry, and Miller has his professional boxing debut planned for February 2016. Full HD quality fight footage of this heavyweight clash as well of the other fights on the card will be avaible very soon at Review by Stu Armstrong Photos by


Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.


Five-piece vocal harmony group The Overtones burst onto the music scene back in 2010 when their debut album ‘Good Ol’ Fashioned Love’ soared to number 16 in the UK album chart. Five years down the line, they have just completed a 25-date tour of the UK and Ireland with their fourth studio album, ‘Sweet Soul Music.’ NE Music Scene correspondent @Leenems1, caught up with the lads at Newcastle’s prestigious City Hall for an exclusive backstage


interview. Lee: How did it all happen from the beginning? Lachie: I guess from the very start, the group has been together for about 8 years now, and it happened really, through London; the place where lots of people come to try to make a dream happen, and a band was formed. The reason, well, the way we got signed was quite interesting. We were overheard singing

whilst having a quiet rehearsal outside, and a woman walked past whilst we were rehearsing and said, “Can I ask you a couple of questions?” and she actually put us in contact with one of the presidents of Warner Brothers, and it lead to a bit of a surprise meeting. A few months down the track, there was a lot of meetings, it didn’t just sort of come to us is one fell swoop, we were offered a record deal with Warner Brothers, and that was about 5 years ago.



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