NE Online Magazine Issue 20

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Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird. As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

We l c o m e N o t e . We l l 2 0 1 6 c o u l d n ’ t h a v e s t a r t e d o f f any worse with the passing of so many l e d g e n d s . B u t a s t h e y s a y, t h i n g s c a n only get better! So we are taking a look at some great events coming up t h a t a r e g u a ra n t e e d t o p u t a s m i l e on your face, with the release of Deadpool and our event at Cineworld Boldon, we have the return of ScreenC o n a n d N e t h e r m i n e d t o n a m e a fe w, so read on.

SPONSORS Cineworld Boldon The Theatre Royal Newcastle Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields

As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then d o n ’ t fo r g e t t o d r o p u s a n e m a i l t o wayne.

For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email

P l u s r e m e m b e r t o fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k a n d Tw i t t e r fo r o u r r e g u l a r updates on events and competitions.

Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@

Till next time Ta ke c a r e Wa y n e


Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine join us on twitter @NEOnlineMag

CONTRIBUTORS Ian Berry Photographer Greame Baty Photographer Facebook Blank Slate Creative Derek Brettle lastlaughcartoons LeeNemsPhotography


P6 Tinker Harley P12 Screen-Con Promo P20 Chris Wakeham P30 Record Breaking Panto P34 STOMP & The Harlem Globetrotters P36 PIL @ The Point

P38 Spring Opera Season P42 Blank Slate Creative P50 Cineworld Movie Round Up P64 DW Transportation P68 Nethermined P72 Roast Batch

This could well be Geek Heaven, Stockton’s newest store is the one and only Tinker Harley Emporium Hi Sammie and welcome to NE, how about introducing yourself to our readers? Hello! Yes I am Sammie, I run Tinker Harley Emporium. I’m from Stockton but I am now living in Redcar with my other half Kevin, who can be seen in store helping out from time to

time. We have a pet hamster called Turnip and our house is basically a shrine to all things geek. I guess the first question has to be what is Tinker Harley? I always enjoyed Magic the Gathering and it came from

the idea of selling single cards. It basically grew from there and now we sell single cards from Magic the Gathering, Pokemon,


YuGiOh and more, plus a large variety of other geek related things – mostly from yestayear which is great when customers come in as it gives that instant back to childhood feel. So how did Tinker Harley come about, what made you

want to set up? Tinker Harley started as a company without a name really. I wanted to do something after

I finished my apprenticeship with Sub Zero Comics, but something which meant I could still stay close to them and to the world of geek. Lee Hunter (Hunter Toys) came up with the idea of going self employed. After a few weeks of talking, all that I needed really was a

name, some people will know me already having cosplayed at events for Lee as both Harley Quinn, and my own creation Harleybell, which is where the name came from,

being acceptable and cool to be a geek, whereas a few years ago it was the complete opposite, give us your thoughts on this? Geek has always been cool to me! I’ve been a geek since before I could walk really, my parents have brought me up on things like Star Wars and Star

my love of Harley Quinn and Tinker Bell (credit goes to Lee for the thinking up that one!) What has been your biggest challenge to date with Tinker Harley? I’d say my biggest challenge has to have been keeping up with demand. I’m one of very few places in the area where you can buy singles cards from and with the constant new sets coming out keeping up with what people want has to be the biggest challenge. The last few years has seen the rise of geek culture with it now


I definitely think it’s a good thing. Being a geek covers a broad area and a broad age group. I feel like it really brings people together. If you look at things like Dr Who it’s something which has been going for over 50 years now and it brings people of all ages together. I think it’s great. What makes you different to other traders out there? I’d say my personality. No matter whether it’s your first time shopping with us or your 100th time I always have time for a chat. Plus I have a sick sense of humour which always seems to go down well!

trek so it’s always been part of who I am. I feel the current mainstream of geek has a lot to do with the films, and the tv shows, which have brought this idea of geek into the public eye.

Star Wars and Star Trek have always been big to geeks but it’s really been the Marvel films and The Big Bang Theory that has turned being a geek into such a mainstream thing, do you think it is a good or bad thing?

There are a lot of film and comic style conventions around the North East but what do you think makes a good convention from your point of view as a trader? For me a good convention should be one for the families. Sometimes, it’s not all about the hard core geeks, but it’s the kid’s faces when they see that superhero they have always wanted to meet, or the parents who take the time to dress up with the children.

When you are not working hard what kind of things do you like


to get up to with your spare time? In my spare time I visit the cinema a lot with my friends. I enjoy making cosplays / costumes and I do my bit to get along to as many events in costume as I can. Equally I

Kindergarten. Most people know me not by Sammie but by Harley Quinn or Harley girl – 2 years after my first costume people still call me that! And I enjoy playing Destiny on the xbox one.

So what can people expect from Tinker Harley in 2016, what have you got planned? Having only been up a couple of months this year is our coming of age. This year we plan to do more events, get more stock and grow into a name people know.

enjoy just curling up with the other half and watching TV! Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? I have worked in Germany teaching English in a

(Part of the Geeky Quarter within Sub Zero Comics, just along from Argos) Ebay: tinker-harley Is there anything you would like to add? Just that I hope people will pop along soon, even if it’s just for a chat. It’s nice to meet new people and new faces. Well thank you for taking the time to chat with us and we will see you at Teesside Unleashed on the 6th of February Thanks, see you there!

Where can people follow you and keep up to date with you or even buy your products? I am on Facebook: TinkerHarley Emporium Instore: 24 Bishopton Lane, Stockton On Tees, TS18 2AA


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SATURDAY 28th MAY 2016

After a much deserved break, the North East’s original convention is back! Thats right folks, Saturday the 28th of May see’s the return of Screen-Con NE joined the fun at the Parks Sports Centre in North Shields to see a small promo feature being filmed for Made In Tyne & Wear. As always it was fun to see the unsuspecting publics reactions when they turn up to go to a gym class only to be confronted by Darth Vader, a Dalek and even some mean looking Judges. But that is all just a usual day for Screen-Con. Regular hosts Markus Percy and CJ will be back to guide you all

through the whole day with loads going on including guest interviews, new gameshows and of course the highlight for us here at NE, the costume competition

which we will once again be helping to judge. Red Drwarf ’s Norman Lovett will be joining gentle giant Ian Whyte


and artists Paul Davidson and Phillip Robinson. As always you will be spoilt for choice by the amount of fantastic traders attending selling everything from old school geek collectables to one of a kind works of art. Another big attraction at Screen-Con is of course all of the amazing costuming groups

who will be attending, who do this for free or even to raise money for charity. These costumers are the unsung heroes of the convention scene, with lots of them spending thousands of pounds on costumes and props . They are all more than happy to pose for photos with the public and have fun as well. With groups such as A.R.C, Northern Charity Daleks, Quarks Tyne Bar and

many more you really will be spoilt for choice. If you have a costume yourself then make sure you enter the costume competitition to win some great prizes plus send your pics into the magazine and you could even win a prize that way for the best photos. So we look forward to seeing you all there on Saturday the 28th of May. CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS










chris wakeham 20

A.R.C. MEMBER 006 - chris wakeham Each issue we will be delving into the Top Secret Files of A.R.C. and introducing you to their members, this issue we catch up with Chris Wakeham. Hi Chris and welcome to NE, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Hi I’m 43 years old, I’ve lived in the North East all my life. I’m married with 2 teenage daughters both of whom have been out with me at events. I work as a Psychiatric nurse.

of your costumes people will not know it is you, so what characters do you portray for A.R.C? Ok I currently portray a Biker scout from Star Wars, one of my favourite characters. I also have a Judge from the 2012 Dredd film. I also have a Ghostbuster and a Deadpool.

Your pics have appeared in previous issues of NE but due to some

So how long have you been costuming and how did you get

started? I’ve been costuming for around 4 years. It started due to a friend knowing I was a massive Star Wars fan and asking me to come along to Screen Con at the Parks in North Shields. Costuming not only takes up your time but also a lot of money, what is the most you have spent on a single costume?


amazing as you saw fans from every age range. Conventions are well known for having big name guests, who would you like to meet and why? Jeremy Bullock has been of the nicest guys you could ever meet, (Boba Fett) for those that don’t know. I’d love to meet Carrie fisher and Mark Hammil and Harrison Ford as they are the originals, hopefully they will be at Celebration Europe London this year.

I refuse to comment on the grounds it may incriminate, hey my wife may read this you know. But seriously, easily over 4 figures. You have already brought many characters to life but if you could suit up as any character who would it be and why? I’m currently putting together my next big costume, it’s another Star Wars costume, once its ready I’ll let you know. Out of all of your costumes which is your favourite and why? My favourite so far would be a toss-up over my Biker Scout and the Judge. The Biker as it’s iconic and a favourite since childhood. The judge because it’s not something you see every day at events. As a member of A.R.C you


have trooped at plenty of events but which one would you say stands out as your favourite and why? Any event where we get to react with people and see the smile on the face is fantastic. We’ve had some recent events for the opening of the new Star Wars movie, those where

Have you had any funny or embarrassing incidents whilst in costume? I’ve managed to avoid embarrassing incidents in costume. Some of the ones that make me smile are when people don’t realise there is someone in the

costume so when you move they get a shock. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? I’ve got a lower leg sleeve of Muppet tattoos. I own 2 dogs. I don’t like Doctor Who…well, apart from Tom Baker.

It’s that age old question… Marvel or DC? I’d have to say Marvel. What character/comic would you like to see made into a film or TV show? Deadpool luckily it’s being done, But I’d love to see a de-

cent Preacher film or tv series. What is your biggest pet hate when at events? People taking pictures without asking. If you ask we will pose stand together don’t try and sneak a pic. Also bullying. What advice would you give

You recently took part in the Boxing Day Dip for charity in costume, how did that go? The dip was a great occasion all that took part seem to have had a great time, it was a little bit cold though. What charity where you supporting and why? I was fundraising for M10 2016 has an amazing film line up but what film are you most looking forward to this year? It has to be Deadpool.


to anyone that wants to get involved in costuming? Do your research first. If you are aiming to join a group find out what they expect for a clearance for a costume and try to meet that. If you are doing it

for yourself then have fun. What can we expect from you during 2016? I’ll be at all the local cons…I hope. I’m going to Celebration Europe but not as a costumer.. Where can people follow you and keep up to date with A.R.C. and your appearances? I’d say join Facebook Arc has a fan page and also a member page Appearances I don’t have my own page, I just attend most events with ARC or North East Ghostbusters. Is there anything you would like to add? Go on give it a go never regret doing anything, if you don’t try you’ll never see the smiles on the faces on the other side.


We’ve all smiled at our favourite characters so to be behind the mask and see those smiles in an awesome experience. Well thanks for taking the time to talk to us and we will see you at the next event.




DICK WHITTINGTON BECOMES THEATRE ROYAL’S MOST SUCCESSFUL PANTO EVER Newcastle Theatre Royal’s current pantomime Dick Whittington has set a new record as the highest grossing panto in Theatre Royal history, with record takings at the Box Office. Produced by Qdos Entertainment, the world’s biggest pantomime producer, the show features panto legends Danny Adams, Clive Webb and Chris Hayward, who have delighted Newcastle audiences for over a decade and broken box office records year on year. This panto season they have been joined by award-winning soap star Charlie Hardwick.


Dick Whittington went on sale in November 2014 and by the end of December 2014 had sold over 40,000 tickets. By February 2015 it had taken over £1million at the Box Office, and sold over 80,000

seats ahead of opening night on 24 November. The Theatre’s 2016/17 blockbuster panto Cinderella went on sale last November, and has set a new record with 47,000

tickets now sold 10 months ahead of its opening night, 7,000 more than Dick Whittington at the same time last year. Cinderella is also on target to take £1 million at the Box Office before Dick Whittington ends this weekend -

a new Theatre Royal record! Theatre Royal pantomimes are widely thought to be among the fastest-selling in the UK, due to the winning combination of father and son team Clive and Danny and their hilarious slapstick routines, the special effects provided by The Twins FX alongside spectacular sets, chroeography and the sensational musical scores. This combination is brought together by Newcastle’s own Michael Harrison, who co-writes, produces and directs the show. Dick Whittington is also panto on a huge scale – the set was transported in five trucks and it took six wardrobes and nine costume skips to transport all 200 costumes and 100 pairs of shoes from Qdos Entertainment’s workshop in Scarborough. By the end of the run, the cast will have thrown 3,276 litres of water over themselves and the audience, and Dame Chris Hayward will have changed outfits 1,000 times! Theatre Royal Chief Executive Philip Bernays said: “We are delighted with the success of Dick Whittington, which has proved to be another hit show. We are lucky in having a superb producer in Michael Harrison, one of the biggest movers and shakers in the West End right now, and also an incredible cast and behind-the-scenes team. Now with Cinderella well ahead of target too, we couldn’t be more proud of our panto team. Not forgetting a big thank you to our loyal and supportive audiences who return year on year – we wouldn’t be where we are without you!” Cinderella opens at Newcastle Theatre Royal on Tuesday 22 November 2016, running until Sunday 15 January 2017. Tickets are selling very fast and early booking is advisable. Dick Whittington appears until Sunday 17 January 2016, with last few tickets remaining and best availability on 15 and 16 at 7pm and 17 at 1pm. Tickets for both shows are available from

£12.50 and can be purchased online at www.theatreroyal. or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (all calls are charged at 7p a minute

plus your phone company’s access charge, calls from mobiles may vary, please contact your operator for details).





STOMP makes basketball music with Harlem Globetrotters Eight performers from the international sensation STOMP took to an outdoor basketball court in New York City’s Greenwich Village with four stars from the world famous Harlem Globetrotters to celebrate the team’s 90th year. Together they made this incredible video. CLICK HERE TO WATCH IT



The multi-award winning global phenomenon is back!

in this inventive and infectiously entertaining show.

Click here to watch the trailer

Featuring new routines, new music and new choreography,

Now entering its 23rd year, this smash hit show has entertained over 15 million people world wide and for one week only Newcastle audiences have the chance to experience the magic of the one and only STOMP.

STOMP is fresher, faster and funnier than ever – don’t miss it! To Book Tickets go to

Using everyday household items from paint cans and pipes to bin lids and brooms, 8 energetic performers fuse dance, percussion and comedy to create a feel-good rhythmic spectacular,


Following on from highly successful 2015 dates in UK, Europe and North America John Rotten Lydon’s Public Image Ltd (PiL) are pleased to announce a further UK/Europe summer tour kicking off in Valencia, Spain on Friday, May 6th (see below for all dates). Several of the 2015 dates were sold-out and regarded by many as the best performances the band have ever played. Tickets on general sale Monday, January 18th. See www. for ticket links and additional information. The 22 date tour includes a return to London’s, Indigo at 02 on Saturday, June 4th (which PiL previously sold-out in December 2014). The tour takes in festival and club shows


in Spain, Germany, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine before heading to the UK on Tuesday, May 24th for a re-arranged show at Coventry, The Copper Rooms at Warwick University. The band will also headline the Bearded Theory Festival in Walton-on-Trent on Saturday, May 28th and play shows in Wakefield, Wrexham, Cardiff, Sunderland, Lincoln, Blackburn, Oxford and Sheffield; as well as the previously mentioned Indigo at O2 show in London. Last year the band released their 10th studio album ‘What The World Needs Now…’ which peaked at number 29 in the official UK album charts and picked up fantastic acclaim from both press and public.

(The album also peaked at number 3 in the official UK indie charts and number 4 in the official UK vinyl charts). ‘What The World Needs Now…’ was self-funded by PiL and released on their own label ‘PiL Official’ via Cargo UK Distribution. Widely regarded as one of the most innovative and influential bands of all time, PiL’s music and vision earned them 5 UK Top 20 singles and 5 UK Top 20 albums. With a shifting line-up and unique sound, John Lydon guided the band from their debut album ‘First Issue’ in 1978 through to 1992’s ‘That What Is Not’. After a 17 year hiatus, Lydon reactivated PiL in 2009 by taking them back on the road worldwide. John Lydon, Lu Edmonds,

Scott Firth and Bruce Smith continue as PiL. They are the longest stable line-up in the band’s history. Public Image Ltd: John Lydon - After fronting the Sex Pistols, John Lydon formed Public Image Ltd in 1978. Outside of PiL John has released several solo records and collaborations. He also brings quality TV to the masses and has recently released the autobiography ‘Anger is an Energy: My Life Uncensored’. Lu Edmonds - Multi instrumentalist and former guitarist in The Damned, Lu joined PiL in 1986 recording and playing on the album ‘Happy?’ and cowriting the album ‘9’, adding yet another dimension to the PiL sound.

bands including Steve Winwood, John Martyn and Elvis Costello. UK Tour Dates Coventry, The Copper Rooms @ Warwick University, UK, Tuesday, May 24th 2016 Wakefield, Warehouse 23, UK, Wednesday, May 25th 2016 Wrexham, William Aston Hall, UK, Thursday, May 26th 2016 Walton-On-Trent, Bearded Theory Festival, Saturday, May 28th 2016 Cardiff, Tramshed, UK, Sunday, May 29th 2016 Sunderland, The Point, UK, Monday, May 30th 2016

Lincoln, Engine Shed, UK, Wednesday, June 1st 2016 Blackburn, King George’s Hall, UK, Thursday, June 2nd 2016 London, Indigo at O2, UK, Saturday, June 4th 2016 Oxford, O2 Academy, UK, Monday, June 6th 2016* Sheffield, O2 Academy, UK, Tuesday, June 7th 2016* *Tickets from | www. | www. | (@ pilofficial) | www.instagram. com/pilofficial

Bruce Smith - Drummer in The Pop Group and formerly of The Slits Bruce became percussionist for PiL in 1986 playing and recording on the albums ‘Happy?’ and ‘9’. Seen as a drumming virtuoso, Bruce brought his unique style into the fold. Scott Firth - A bass player/ multi instrumentalist that has collaborated and played with a variety of top musicians and



Award winning company Opera North are back at Newcastle Theatre Royal in March with a trio of continental masterpieces: Mozart’s playful Cosi fan tutte, Donizetti’s sunny L’Elisir D’Amore and Giordano’s passionate Andrea Chenier. Let your senses be stirred: Wed 2 – Sat 5 March 2016.

Giordano’s Andrea Chénier (Sat 5 March ’16) is presented by Opera North for the first time. Taking the life of the French poet André Chénier as its inspiration, the opera explores love and the individual at the time of the French Revolution before charting the rapid descent of hope and optimism into the Terror. Combining a dramatic storyline with com-


pelling music, this new production looks set to become an unforgettable addition to the Company’s repertoire. Also written at the time of the French Revolution, but with a

very different focus, is Mozart’s Così fan tutte (Wed 2 and Fri 4 March ‘16). The production captivated audiences at the Theatre Royal back in 2009 and recently wowed at the Glimmerglass Opera Festival

in New York. It is once again set to intrigue people with its thoughtful exploration of fidelity, deception, human motivation and the dangers of desire. It all begins innocently enough when Don Alfonso comes up with a wager: that the fiancées of two young men are far more likely to succumb to another’s amorous advances than they might choose to believe. The ensuing, often disconcerting, consequences are accompanied by some of the most beautiful music Mozart ever wrote. A vibrant young cast includes Dublin-born soprano Máire Flavin, who represented Ireland at the 2011 BBC Cardiff Singer of the World, making her Opera North debut as Fiordiligi. A more light-hearted approach to the twists and turns of love is found in a sun drenched 1950s-style production of Donizetti’s comic opera L’elisir d’amore (Thur 3 March ‘16). Having enjoyed critical acclaim at Spain’s Ópera de Oviedo, it returns to England to charm audiences in the North with its playful tale of the ineffectual but good-hearted Nemorino and his quest to win the hand of the very self-assured Adina. Can Dr Dulcamara’s ‘love potion’ really solve all his problems? Complete with hot-air balloon and Vespas, this stylish

production is a perfect fit for Donizetti’s irrepressibly fresh comedy. Funny and moving, the opera includes one of the best-loved of all tenor arias in Nemorino’s ‘Una furtiva lagrima’ (A furtive tear).

The Spring Opera North season appears at Newcastle Theatre Royal from Weds 2 March until Sat 5 March 2016, playing evenings at 7.30pm (L’elisir d’amore and Andrea Chenier) and 7pm (Così fan tutte). Tickets from £18.50 (Great offers available for under 18s and school groups). Tickets can be purchased online at or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7ppm plus your phone company’s access charge)





When it comes to music photography there is only one name that comes to mind...GJB, but the slate has been wiped clean and he is showing off more skills and a brand new look...Blank Slate Creative!

Hi Graeme and welcome to NE, how about introducing yourself to our newer readers who might not know you? Hello again and thanks for having me back. I am Graeme J. Baty from Blank Slate Creative Photography, born and bred in Newcastle. You have featured in previous issues under GJB Performance Photography where you had been involved with several features, but there have been a lot of changes with you since then, so what has changed? It’s been a crazy year or so since I last caught up with NE Online. I decided to throw myself completely into music photography and it’s safe to say that it took over my life! I’ve been working for local music publications such as NARC Magazine, NE:MM, Gigs North East, which alongside my own never ending gig attendance has left little time for anything else. I think my count is around 250 bands seen in 2015. Perhaps... I may be a little bit addicted to music! I have also collated, what is probably the largest (that I’ve seen) online library of music photos in the Northeast, having

shot hundreds of concerts. It’s become a sort of an obsession. The new venture picks up where GJB left off, with a more business and services approach. We’ve added a brilliant video director; David Hall. Who I’ve been working with throughout late 2015 on various projects. These projects are ambitious and we’re striving for the best quality we can provide, but keeping an old school film look to the videos. Video promos, tour and concert coverage, we can do it all! Then there’s the grown up things like weddings and special events. Was it a hard decision for you to

make after all of the work you have put in? Yeah, it actually it really was, allow it’s only a re-brand as far as a ‘business’ is concerned but I was shocked at the response from friends and bands I’d worked with. Shocked and humbled I’d say, when people and bands you look up to take their time to say nice things, it really touched me. Think I may have even had a teary eye moment, far too emotional I am! Perhaps I did something worthwhile? I’m not sure. So yes, you need to analyse yourself to keep it interesting. To be honest I’d hit a brick wall on many levels; artistically and


bounce off each other in a mutually beneficial form. The end results of our work together are more than I’d ever imagined possible. It’s a total team effort and we keep evolving, outdoing our shoots every time. It’s such a buzz when things fall in to place. We may never make a penny but we have a great time doing what we do, and that’s good enough for me. What where the main reasons for you making such a big change, especially after establishing yourself the way you had? A fresh start. I’ve learned a lot over the years and it feels great to put that to good use, and avoid the old mistakes. GJB Performance Photography was always about the music and concert photography, I painted myself into a corner in two ways. The GJB name was too personal and clichéd so expansion seemed unlikely, performance photography meant that I was over looked in other areas.

financially it was a huge disaster. I knew it had to be done, I avoided it for a long time. But it was simply a case of evolve or die. But yes, I found it really emotional, I wasn’t happy, so I had to do something.


I had created an unsustainable monster with the GJB project. It took over my entire life. I faced the hard reality that I needed to adapt or go bust, I came very close to having to sell off all of my equipment. So all in all it was a turbulent time. Focusing on the new project helped.

Around this time I got talking to David Hall, a very talented videographer, with a similar mindset and experience. Although musically I think we have different but intersecting tastes, our skills and ideas

So I had to do something. Being a determined sod I began planning ways out of this rut. Option 1; re-brand/re-launch the other was to sell off my gear and return to amateur status and 9 to 5 life. I have to have a creative outlet or I become restless and depressed. Thus Blank Slate Creative Photography was born. What can your customers expect from you now that you have made the change? Our focus is quality images and a reliable service. We want to offer the best we can produce, with an artistic/creative perspective and that only

comes with experience. You are well known for your band and gig photography but what other types do you do? I will happily dabble in anything photo related; landscapes, night photography, portraits, events and even horror photography. I just love all types of photography! Who has been your favourite band that you have shot? I’m not sure I can narrow it down, each band offer different experiences. Often I prefer shooting local unknown

bands. The North East music is the strongest I’ve ever seen it. We have some great bands and a lively gig scene. It’s bloody marvellous to be there amongst it. We Are Knuckle Dragger were always the band that energised me and allowed me to get some amazing action shots, they even took me on tour around the UK. That close access, ‘go for it, shoot what you want’ attitude really pays off long term. Yet, thinking about it, I’d probably sway towards The Twilight Sad. They’re a band that are close to my heart and I’m a huge fan. Luckily I’ve had the chance to shoot them a few times and also interview them, including their support slot for the Editors at Newcastle Academy last year. To date I think those are my best images, and the closest I’ve ever came to capturing the power of

their stage show. Singer James Graham is such an intense performer; it’s a pleasure to capture them. They’re a band you need to see live before you can fully appreciate their craft. And your least favourite? Now that’s a tough one. From a purely subjective perspective


I’d have to say Dizzee Rascal. Stage act-wise there was little to capture; a bloke in a giant baseball hat and with an oversized mic obscuring his face, whilst running around a virtually empty stage. It didn’t make for the most captivating or visually pleasing shots. That’s a frustration, where you just don’t get any ‘wow!’ shots. It can happen with any genre of music, but dance and R&B I try to avoid as I can’t connect with the music or the energy and I feel it shows in my shots. If you could shoot anyone who would it be and why? Tom Waits. He’s a surreal character and superb artist. I look at portraits by Anton Corbijn with envy. Such a brilliant photographer, his portraits are outstanding. He’s photographed all the greats, Nick Cave, Kurt Cobain, Captain Beefheart,


Rolling Stones, Joy Division... I could go on. I’d highly recommend looking him up, such powerful imagery. http://www. It seems every Tom, Dick and Harry sees themselves as a photographer these days because they have a half decent

camera or even an app on their phone, tell us your thoughts on this and why they should always go to a professional like yourself to capture those big moments? Ah yes. It’s true. But I myself was once a Tom, Dick and Harry, I always try to remind myself of that. There are times when a keen amateur is ideal

for the project in hand, but of course the age old lesson of ‘you get what you pay for’ rings true. Experience is what you’re ultimately paying for, that experience forms muscle memory enabling the photographer to react to any situation, thrive in it and get the shots needed. I love a challenge and that’s kind of why I’m enjoying shooting more ‘stressful’ shoots such as weddings. They really do test you to the limit.

I took a fair bit of time and practise before I thought I was good enough to be published; even now I look back in think to myself ‘damn fool!’, I wasn’t ready. I’m still not sure I’m ready now. There is a lot of my subpar work out there in the world with my name all over it and it’s awfully embarrassing now. My work has changed so

much, even in just the last 12 months I feel I’m closer to the photographer I want to be. My advice is, take your time, don’t rush things, get the gear that suits your tastes, don’t just go out there and use your student loans buying equipment that everyone else uses. I wish I had a quid for every time some-

What are your pet hates when you see other photographers at work? Probably lots if I’m honest, mostly petty and completely biased towards my own tastes. But I suppose the main one is the age of social media, networking is much easier and getting a foot in the door seems to be very easy regardless of ability.


one asked what I use. Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories from a shoot that you can share? Oh yes, lots! Thankfully I have a sense of humour. The funniest one was when I was shooting Mark Lanegan. We were told we had 3 songs, we were rushed out of the photo-pit after only 2. Not being prepared for this my camera bag was still open, which I had completely forgotten about. I bent over to collect my bag and out rolls all of my gear, lenses, lens, caps, camera, memory cards, the lot! Now I was rummaging around at the entrance to the photo-pit blocking 5 other photographers and security from leaving. All I could to was turn around and give a cheeky oopsies smile! What advice would you give to anyone that is serious about getting into photography of any kind? If you enjoy it, then do it. It is fun at any level and with any camera.


When you are not hard at work how do you like to spend your free

time, if you have any that is? Sleeping usually. Typically I work around 80 hours a week. Any spare time I try to fit in cinema, reading and friends. Work life balance is a bit overlooked. Where can people follow you and keep up to date with you and Blank Slate? lots happening there and plans to grow it and expand our blogging in lots of exciting areas. Well thanks for taking the time to chat with us again Graeme and we look forward to seeing more from you in 2016


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Well it’s February and the month of Love which can only mean one thing...Deadpool. We have teamed up with Cineworld Boldon to give you a quick run down on a few films that are coming soon and really have got us excited. Plus make sure you check out their Facebook page to keep up to date with their daily competitions and updates.

Deadpool 10th Feb Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccrain, Ed Skrein, T.J. Miller, Gina Carano, Brianna Hildebrand Ryan Reynolds stars as Marvel’s wisecracking badass


superhero in the eighth X-Men movie. Returning to the role he first played in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Ryan Reynolds stars as mercenary Wade Wilson, who finds himself developing extraordinary regenerative powers after an experimental

medical procedure goes wrong. Adopting the alter ego Deadpool, he sets out to hunt down the man responsible. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


the jungle book - 15th april 2016


Directed by Jon Favreau (“Iron Man”), based on Rudyard Kipling’s timeless stories and inspired by Disney’s classic animated film, “The Jungle Book” is an all-new live-action epic adventure about Mowgli (newcomer Neel Sethi), a man-cub who’s been raised by a family of wolves. But Mowgli finds he is no longer welcome in the jungle when fearsome tiger Shere Khan (voice of Idris Elba), who bears the scars of Man, promises to eliminate what he sees as a threat. Urged to abandon the only home he’s ever known, Mowgli embarks on a captivating journey of self-discovery, guided by panther-turned-stern mentor Bagheera (voice of Ben Kingsley), and the freespirited bear Baloo (voice of Bill Murray). Along the way, Mowgli encounters jungle creatures who don’t exactly

have his best interests at heart, including Kaa (voice of Scarlett Johansson), a python whose seductive voice and gaze hypnotizes the man-cub, and the smoothtalking King Louie (voice of Christopher Walken), who tries to coerce Mowgli into giving up the secret to the elusive and deadly red flower: fire. The all-star cast also includes Lupita Nyong’o as the voice of the fiercely protective mother wolf Raksha, and

Giancarlo Esposito as the voice of wolf pack’s alpha male Akela. “The Jungle Book” seamlessly blends live-action with photorealistic CGI animals and environments, using up-to-the-minute technology and storytelling techniques to immerse audiences in an enchanting and lush world. The wild adventure swings into cinemas in 3D on April 15, 2016. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - 25th March 2016 The Dark Knight takes on the Man of Steel in the greatest superhero battle of them all! Zack Snyder’s follow-up to the hit ‘Man of Steel’ makes

history by putting Batman on screen with Superman for the first time ever. Henry Cavill returns triumphantly to the screen as Clark Kent/Superman. And with Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy now complete,

Ben Affleck gives Bruce Wayne/Batman a thrilling new twist for this ultimate smackdown! CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


Hail caesar Four-time Oscar®-winning filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen (No Country for Old Men, True Grit, Fargo) write and direct Hail, Caesar!, an all-star comedy set during the latter years of Hollywood’s Golden Age. Starring Josh Brolin, George Clooney, Ralph Fiennes, Tilda Swinton, Channing Tatum, Scarlett Johansson, Jonah Hill and Frances McDormand, Hail, Caesar! follows a single day in the life of a studio fixer who is presented with plenty of problems to fix.


The comedy is produced by

the Coen brothers under their Mike Zoss Productions banner alongside Working Title Films’ Eric Fellner and Tim Bevan.



Dad’s Army - 5th Feb A perfect cast bring the much-loved Home Guard sitcom to the big screen. It’s 1944 and WWII is nearly at an end when attention turns to Walmington-on-


Sea, where a German spy is on the loose. Can the Home Guard avert disaster? The classic TV comedy that has delighted generations is brought to the big screen by the team behind Johnny English Reborn. It’s brilliantly

cast, with Toby Jones as Captain Mainwaring and Bill Nighy as Sergeant Wilson. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



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Hi Darren and welcome to NE, how about we start off with an introduction? Hello mate, thanks for the interview. Im Darren Wardle, 32years old, i have a 4 year old daughter with my girlfriend Ashleigh. You are the man behind DW Transportation but what exactly is DW Transportation? DW Transportation is a small removal company operating throughout the North East of England. We have a number of vans in a lot of different sizes. What kind of things do you move? We are fully insured to move anthing that the client wants moved apart from rubbish waste due to licencing laws. So what made you want to set up your own business


in a time when people and businesses are struggling? Well me personally, I’ve had quite a few businesses over the years and one thing i know for sure is if you don’t try you will never know. I worked offshore in the oil and gas industry so being away from home was killing me. I knew nothing about the removals business but had a good look into it. After a while i decided to just go with one van and test the waters. What makes you stand out from other people who do a Man with a Van type of service? What makes DWTransportation stand out is the friendly and reliable service we offer. All my drivers are polite and always go out of their ways to help. We’ve even helped folks out at midnight when they

had nowhere to turn. We constantly get call backs from people that booked with someone else and they never turned up so want our help. Did you find it easy to start up DW Transportation or have you come across any unexpected obstacles when getting set up? I think I’ve been quite

lucky with this business as everything was so straight forward, the only problem we had was our opposition with some nasty words haha. Have you had any strange or weird jobs or items that you have been asked to move? Not as of yet but the craziest thing was i got a phone call from a girl in an abusive relationship and asked could i help when the police were there to get her things from the house. What is your biggest pet hate when it comes to a job? When i book a job in for one item then to turn up and find there is almost a full load. I always price jobs at the best I could for the time it will take so when it takes alot longer it knocks back alot of other jobs in the slots after it, therefore making me late for other jobs.

Im actually really lucky to train with some of the top professional fighters in the uk.

When you are not working hard what do you like to get up to in your spare time? I actually work two jobs but when im not at either i like to train mixed martial arts.

What are your plans for DW Transportation over the next year and beyond? My plans are to grow the company hopefully taking on a few more vans and drivers to

Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? I’m an ex soldier in the 1st Battalion Light Infantry. My first ever car was an F reg Astra SRI...I loved that car. I actually hate driving.

operate them. Where can people follow you or book your services? At this minute we have. Gumtree /DWTransportation Facebook /DW-Transportation Or call. 0792646268 Is there anything you would like to add. Just a massive thank to you for your time and interest. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us and we wish you luck with DW Transportation.



5th and 6th March

Youtubers, we have the local popular duo of JacksucksatMinecraft and TheTurkeyDinosaur Once again we will be raising funds for a local children’s charity, The Sunshine Fund. Tickets are now available on the Nethermined website, please visit www. for more information and your tickets! Here’s what people had to say about last years event... -Jack Massey Welsh (Jack Sucks at Minecraft) Nethermined was the first Minecraft event I’d been to and I absolutely loved the whole thing! Great place to interact with the people who watch your content.

Following the success of Nethermined in May last year, the next Unofficial Minecraft event will take place 5th and 6th March in Northumbria University Students Union building, with a new, more interactive format.


Live Gaming, Youtuber Panels, Q and A’s, and some small scale signings, will be the main features of this year’s event. With lots of merchandise stands, 4 retro gaming machines, green screen printing, face painter, and a dedicated adult education zone as well as multiple sessions for parents on one of the two stages, there will be something for

everyone. Several of the Youtubers make a return, and there will be some new faces too! Amongst the returning

-Leigh-Anna Niven Just wanted to say we loved Nethermined – yes we had to queue but my son was absolutely made up meeting all the you-tubers – all of whom were friendly and took the time to chat to him, give autographs and have their

photos taken with him. – Miriam Mitton We had a super day today, thankyou. The Youtubers without fail were brilliant with the children and a real credit to themselves. We never queued more than about 40 mins in two bursts and were very pleased that once at the front, we never felt rushed and the Youtubers took so much time to chat to our children. We also noticed that despite having spent all day chatting with strangers and smiling (which must get tiring), they hung around at the end for

anyone hoping for a last photograph. -Charlotte Dunn Thank you for an absolutely fantastic event this weekend, I was delighted to be a part of it and enjoyed every minute, I’ve never seen so many happy kids in one place. My two (9 and 14) had an absolute blast today and can’t stop talking about how great it was. My son’s desperate to know when the next one will be. PHOTOS BY Nicholas Gray and Mandy Charlton




Hi Caner and welcome to NE, how about introducing yourself to our readers? I am Caner Tandogdu founder of Roast Batch. I am from Cyprus and lived most of my life in Cyprus and Turkey. Coffee came into my life, from my childhood. Just recently my brother Zafer, became a partner with Roast Batch and deals with the logistics side of the company.


You are the man behind a new company called Roast Batch, can you tell us a bit more about

it? Roast Batch is about giving people freshly roasted coffee which tastes a lot better than any coffee that’s been sat on a shelf for months in supermarkets. Currently in the UK either in supermarkets or with big coffee chains their coffees are over roasted (dark roast) to standardise taste, this kills the aromas and original character of the coffee. Here at Roast Batch we want to bring the Mediterranean coffee culture to the UK . Coffee is a huge social activator in many Mediterranean countries and we want that here in the UK as well and we are passionate to spread this. Our method in doing this will be supplying real fresh coffee to independent coffee shops where people can sit and enjoy the natural flavours of a cup of coffee with a fair price tag and socialize.

Roast Batch is just starting out, but what are your aims over the next 12 months and onwards? In the next 12 months we aim to be a well-known coffee brand in the North East of the UK. We want to introduce ourselves locally, then we will be looking to expand our presence nationally. Our aim here is to show to the public that fresh roasted coffee should have a fair price. Currently in the UK fresh roasted coffee has a very high price tag, this is one of the main reasons that many coffee shops are not willing to go down the route which won’t leave any profits for them to live on. And it’s the same with many coffee consumers as well. We strongly believe in fair pricing of fresh roasted coffee and as people realise our fair pricing that they don’t have to pay a fortune for a bag of coffee

we will become more popular. What is the difference between your products and say a jar of Nescafe from a supermarket, why should they try yours? There is a massive difference between fresh roasted coffee from Roast Batch and any coffee that’s been sitting on a shelf. Once coffee is been roasted it becomes stale after 2 weeks. Grocery retailers that stock coffee that by the time the coffee drinker buys it for their kitchen months have passed by. The test is simple just look at the roast date on the packag-

ing it’s most likely that coffee is been roasted a few months ago possibly somewhere out of the UK. Coffee has become a massive thing here in the UK with more coffee shops than ever before, why do you think that is? I think the UK was properly introduced to coffee by giant coffee chains like Starbucks, and this created a movement to drink quality coffee. Therefore the popularity of coffee quickly increased. During this time the coffee chains that introduced

the UK to quality coffee reaped the rewards. At the same time the customer became more educated in coffee culture, which resulted in a desire for even better quality. Coffee drinkers now are looking for specialist, dedicated roasters to supply better coffee. On numerous occasions coffee chains have been called into questions on their ethics and tax. This has increased support of local businesses and everyday more consumers are shifting to independent coffee shops. What are your thoughts on flavoured coffees that seem to be the trend at the moment, with everything from Christmas pudding to vanilla flavour? Flavoured coffees such as hazelnut or any other flavour that is not naturally occurring from the coffee beans are artificially added after the roasting process. We do not use any artificial ingredients. We are currently offering a speciality ‘winter blend’ coffee that leaves a warm, spicy aftertaste, which is naturally occurring.


Do people need any equipment other than a kettle and a mug to drink your coffee? People need some sort of brewing equipment and that is where the fun is. There are many brewing methods and our coffee suits to all of them. Whenever I am asked which brewing method I recommend, French press or filter, which you can taste full of aromas and it’s simple to make. In the future I will promote Turkish coffee separately because it is not a common way of brewing coffee here in the UK, it still needs time. When you are not working what do you like to get up to in your spare time? Socialising, photography and trav-


elling. These are the main things I’m up to most of my time.

and Facebook or our website at

How can people follow you and keep up to date with Roast Batch? It is easy to follow us on social media accounts such as Twitter

Well thank you for taking the time to chat with us and we look forward to catching up over a coffee soon


Five-piece vocal harmony group The Overtones burst onto the music scene back in 2010 when their debut album ‘Good Ol’ Fashioned Love’ soared to number 16 in the UK album chart. Five years down the line, they have just completed a 25-date tour of the UK and Ireland with their fourth studio album, ‘Sweet Soul Music.’ NE Music Scene correspondent @Leenems1, caught up with the lads at Newcastle’s prestigious City Hall for an exclusive backstage


interview. Lee: How did it all happen from the beginning? Lachie: I guess from the very start, the group has been together for about 8 years now, and it happened really, through London; the place where lots of people come to try to make a dream happen, and a band was formed. The reason, well, the way we got signed was quite interesting. We were overheard singing

whilst having a quiet rehearsal outside, and a woman walked past whilst we were rehearsing and said, “Can I ask you a couple of questions?” and she actually put us in contact with one of the presidents of Warner Brothers, and it lead to a bit of a surprise meeting. A few months down the track, there was a lot of meetings, it didn’t just sort of come to us is one fell swoop, we were offered a record deal with Warner Brothers, and that was about 5 years ago.

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