NE Online Magazine Issue 22

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Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird. As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

We l c o m e N o t e . This issue is all about health and fitness as we took part in t h e e l i t e : t ra n s fo r m 2 0 l b 6 w e e k challenge. It was was tough but it g o e s t o s h o w, t h e h a r d w o r k r e a l l y d i d p a y o f f, r e a d a l l a b o u t i t , o r e v e n b e t t e r, m a ke t h e c h a n g e y o u r s e l f, i t i s d e f i n i t e l y a g o o d c h a n g e t o m a ke . As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then d o n ’ t fo r g e t t o d r o p u s a n e m a i l t o wayne. groves@neonlinemagazine. com P l u s r e m e m b e r t o fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k a n d Tw i t t e r fo r o u r r e g u l a r updates on events and competitions. Till next time Ta ke c a r e Wa y n e


SPONSORS Cineworld Boldon The Theatre Royal Newcastle & Newcastle City Hall Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@ Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine join us on twitter @NEOnlineMag

CONTRIBUTORS Ian Berry Photographer Greame Baty Photographer Facebook Blank Slate Creative Derek Brettle lastlaughcartoons NJDunn Photography Facebook NJDunn Photography LeeNemsPhotography


P6 Beth Macari @ The Surf Cafe P12 Malcolm Holts Sunny Side of the Street P20 NE does the elite:20lb Challenge P26 Metro Radio’s Karen Wight @ elite P29 Rachel Green @ elite P31 Michelle Coulthard @ elite

P33 Sarah Little @ elite P36 elite’s Phil Wallace P42 Newcastle Theatre Royal & City Hall P54 Frontline Medical P60 Cineworld Boldon Film Round Up P74 Bret “Hitman” Hart

The surfers were out and a balmy, golden twilight was in full effect, bathing Tynemouth beach in a Southern California esque glow as this reviewer walked along the cliff road to the North East’s live-musicvenue of-the -moment; The Surf Cafe, to catch an intimate performance from up-andcoming original Soul & Funk singer Beth Macari and her band.


Despite it being a Monday, a 60 strong audience was tightly packed into the cafeby-day/gig-venue-by-night as singer-songwriter Aimee

Lambert opened proceedings with a solo set of delicately woven original songs and covers. In most pubs and live music venues the audience is scattered around but in the Surf Cafe it’s completely the opposite; with the audience practically on-top of the performers and very attentive to boot. As much Lambert did well to retain her composure and deliver her silky vocals in a gentle set which saw her accompany herself on guitar then piano, closing out with a warmly received rendition of Radiohead’s Creep.

After a brief interval, the flame-haired Beth Macari confidently took to the floor, elegantly dressed in an eye-

catching tartan sheath-frock and a massive pair of nude coloured pump heals. Despite a brief technical hiccup with

the sound, she and the band opened up with the Jazz flavoured Hanging-by a String immediately displaying a rehearsed ease and skill despite the new additions to the band line-up (the newest member knew all the names of the songs... unlike the rest of the band Macari joked). Macari’s banter with the audience and the band was a great testament to her hands on approach to all aspects of her career to date; from writing her own songs to running her social media pages. She also loves to throw covers into her set, with her take on Marlena Shaw’s classic California Soul and Adele’s ubiquitous When we Young proving particularly memorable. However, it was her original songs which were the standouts on the night and none more so than the up-tempo funk of latest single Voodoo


which got performed twice thanks to vigorous calls for an encore from the audience. Macari’s spine-tingling vocals and the fun and focused


energy of the band throughout the set was truly infectious and left this reviewer wondering just how far her star can fly. The Black Swan inspired YouTube video for Voodoo is a must-see and it’s Macari’s most uptempo work to date, a fitting statement of intent for what she hopes will be a breakout year for her. She’s already fronted the house band on Sky One’s Bring The Noise and will be performing at Lindisfarne Festival (1-4 September), Riverside Live (28 August) and South Tyneside Festival supporting The Proclaimers (Free entry 17 July, Bent’s Park, South Shields). Voodoo will be out on 28 May available on iTunes and Spotify – CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO

Review by Mark Tyers Photos by Lee Nems Photography





Hi Malcolm and welcome to NE, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself? “I was brought up in Hull in the East Riding of Yorkshire and as an adult I moved to Newcastle in 1976. One marriage, four children and three grandchildren later, I’m still here. No one can ever accuse me of just passing through. I worked mostly in the adult mental health field for 35 years before deciding five and a half years ago to give up the day job and see the world. I like to call it very early retirement.” We thought we would turn the tables on you and ask you the questions for once. Is this the first time you have done an interview? “It’s certainly the first time I’ve been interviewed like this. I was interviewed a handful of times when I had a proper job, but they don’t count any more. It’s actually fun being able to be someone else’s guest for a change.” You are well known for your blog “Sunny Side of the Street”, what is it all about? “It’s a celebrity interviews blog. Basically I interview celebrity guests from the world of entertainment, trying to provide a variety of interviews, with actors and actresses, singers, musicians, and even magicians.” It’s a bit of an unusual name, is

there a reason behind it? “I borrowed it from the classic song ‘On the Sunny Side of the Street’. I was looking for something linked to the entertainment world and something that would stand out and people would easily remember.”

very different purpose altogether and had a different title. I had started writing some crime fiction stories and was asked to start a blog to promote them. As it happened, the so-called publisher was ripping people off, so we soon parted company. Anyway, rather than waste a potentially decent So what made you get started blog, I started interviewing crime with your blog “Sunny Side of the writers who were far more supeStreet”? rior and successful than me. After “It was originally created for a a few of these, I threw in a couple


of musicians who had written stories as well. They proved to be more popular, so a quick change of format and a new name and the ‘Sunny Side of the Street’ blog was born.” What is your process for getting an interview, how do you decide who is next? “I’ve always believed in the old saying ‘If you don’t ask, you don’t get’. I try to choose guests from different areas of entertainment to make things more interesting for the readers, and it seems to work. What I am finding now is that, having done so many interviews, guests are sometimes approaching me direct or are recommending others. I have even been approached by PR people based in the USA. I


don’t have a specific running order. It’s more about the availability of guests at any one time.” Have you had any trouble getting any of the interviews? “No, not really. I have always preferred the direct approach. Social media has been a big help in that respect. Celebrities like to promote what they are doing and they do enjoy talking about themselves. To my amazement, the only reason people decline an interview invitation is because of their busy schedules. Even then, most tell me to wait a while and then try again. Not one guest has asked for payment and I don’t get paid. It’s my gift to the world. It can be difficult to plan too far ahead when scheduling

interviews to post because you never quite know when some of them are going to take place. I like to think of my blog as an airport. My guests are either on final approach, have an ETA, have landed, or have been delayed. I do literally have a ‘little black book’ which is full of email addresses and phone numbers. I’d be lost without it!” You have interviewed a lot of people so far, which would you say is your favourite or which one stands out the most for you and why? “My favourite interview is always the next one. Once an interview has been posted on my blog it ceases to be mine. It belongs to my readers. During the process of getting a guest,

setting up and doing the interview, it is a shared experience between the guest and myself. All my guests have been a joy to interview and it would be impossible to pick one favourite. Having been an avid fan of the TV series ‘Sons of Anarchy’ and ‘Justified’, being able to interview so many of the cast members was a great opportunity for me. Also, having the music legend John Sebastian as a guest and talking about ‘Woodstock’ was a dream.” If you could interview anyone who would it be and why? “Prince Harry, in the Crown Posada pub in Newcastle over a couple of beers. I’m certain that he would have some good stories to tell. I would also love to have had Freddie Mercury on my guest list.” The term “Celebrity” gets bandied around a lot these days, what do you think makes someone a “Celebrity”? “The word ‘Celebrity’ can cover a multitude of people and sins. For me, it is someone who is widely known and of popular interest, preferably for doing something good rather than notoriously bad. I like to think that my interview guests have contributed something significant within their chosen entertainment field.” What are your thoughts when it comes to people who are famous for doing nothing noteable? “The world is full of people who crave their ’15 minutes of fame’. There are also those who become celebrities and don’t even know it. There’s an elderly Scotsman who busks for charity in Newcastle City Centre.

He can’t sing to save his life, bless him, but he’s raised thousands for charity. He doesn’t think he’s a celebrity, but he is more worthy of the title than some nobody who gets drunk and strips off on some reality

TV show for the fame. I’d like to think that my guests have contributed something positive and worthwhile.” When you are not “lurking near the red carpets” how do you like


to spend your free time? “Well, one of the joys of no longer having a day job is not having to compete to get time off work, so travelling is so much easier these days. Planning a holiday is an enjoyable part of travelling and as a family, we love America in particular. I am fortunate to have been able to visit some great places over the last five years. Last year, I got to visit one of my favourite mystery writers and country musicians, Kinky Friedman, the Governor of the Heart of Texas. To be able to sit in his ranch house, drinking coffee and listening to the first cut of his most recent CD was an amazing and somewhat surreal experience. My wife and I also enjoy the theatre and the North East is blessed to have so many to choose from. I also have to confess that most of my interviews do not come from lurking near the red carpet. It’s too crowded there.” Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? “I used to be a member of the Newcastle Morris Men, in the good old days. I think I was more attracted to the real ale than the dancing. I was also once in a folk band called Mallyan Spout, named after a waterfall at Goathland on the North Yorkshire Moors. We only did two charity gigs before we parted company. I have also self-published nine dark crime fiction stories set in the North East which can still be downloaded from Amazon.” Where can people follow you or read your blog? “My blog can be found here


I can be found on Twitter here Holt2

‘Boots, Chaps and Cowboy Hats’. So that will all keep me pretty busy.”

and on Facebook here https:// php?id=100007369188776

Is there anything you would like to add? “Many thanks for inviting me to be your guest. This has been lot of fun. I must do it more often.”

What have you got planned for the rest of 2016? “Well, apart from more celebrity interviews and holidaying, last year I published a dark comedy story called ‘In the Nick of Tyne’ and I have just started to pen the sequel

Thank you for taking the time to chat with us and we look forward to seeing who is next on the “Sunny Side of the Street”.


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Being one of the laziest people I know when it comes to exercise and also having a strong dislike for all things fruit and veg, the thought of doing a 6 week transformation camp where you do 3 training sessions a week and you eat a very strict diet really does not fill me with happy thoughts at all. And yet that is exactly what I have ended up doing. I recently started working for a company called Red Hot Sunglasses ( if you want any for the summer), now the manager, Philly, took part in the Elite Physique 20lb Challenge, where you train and follow a diet for 6 weeks to hit a target of 20lbs, if you do follow the plan and lose the 20lb then you can either get your money back or roll it over to another camp or training. Philly enjoyed it so much so that he is now actually one of the fully qualified trainers at Elite Physique

Fitness Newcastle. Several members of his staff saw his amazing results and ended up doing the Transformation Camp themselves with them all hitting the 20lbs target. So naturally when I started working there I knew it was only a matter of time before I would end up doing the Transformation Camp myself. So 6 weeks ago I started on my 6 week journey, though my target was set a little higher, my target was 25lbs because if I hit that figure then it would take the total

loss for the Red Hot Sunglasses team to 200lbs plus. I have to admit, I did need to lose the weight as I had really piled it on recently. Over the years I have tried all sorts, from fat burners to shakes, boot camps to kettlebells, all with mixed success, but with no long term plan. So I wasn’t really too sure about this Transformation Camp, but having seen the results I thought it was worth a go. Now I don’t want to bore you all with every single detail…so I


times but it’s only fuel for your body, so I can live with that for 6 weeks, though some people have been very creative with their food which helped them.

won’t, but I will give you the facts. FOOD. The diet is strict, your meals are very repetitive consisting of a lot of Fish, Chicken, Rice, Sweet Potato, Porridge, Eggs and of course Water…lots of Water! Your meals are set out for you for every day of the week with what to eat on each day for breakfast, dinner and tea plus snacks. You really do have to follow this plan if you want this to work, they do give you it for a reason. A lot of people struggled with the diet, be it the portion size or even how often you have to eat. Some struggled with the actual food, myself included seeing as I don’t eat fruit or veg, my workmates made me eat half a cherry tomato thinking I was just being dramatic… and then laughed their heads off seeing me gagging whilst


trying to eat it. I didn’t mind the diet, in fact I like the fact it is all set out for you and it was easy enough to follow. I didn’t have the fruit or veg but that was fine by me, I just had smaller portions than everyone else. They do have diet plans for the vegetarians out there so don’t worry. Yes the food could be bland at

Trying to stick to the diet is the hardest thing, temptation is everywhere, some people have the willpower, some don’t. I struggled with it but I was determined…well, most of the time. I don’t drink often but I did have a big night out in Edinburgh planned for months and it fell on my 2nd week of camp, unlike some, I caved and ate and drank far too much, it’s safe to say that I didn’t lose anything that week, in fact I did put on. I expected that to happen and on weigh in day my trainer Phil wasn’t best pleased with me as he knew I had been naughty for me to put on rather than lose, but I did promise him I would make up for it and would show him a better result the following week, which I did. You have to try and stay strong, but without becoming some kind of hermit avoiding everyone, believe it or not you can all do it. If you have any doubts you will be told 1 simple phrase by

The warriors of group 4 the trainers which is a bit of a mantra…”F.T.P….FOLLOW THE PLAN!!!” EXERCISE. You do 3 sessions a week at set times depending on what group you are in, on the days you are not at a session at Elite you are meant to do your “Homework” which is some form of exercise, either some of the challenges they set you or whatever you fancy doing, as long as you push yourself, which is the hard part, but you get out of it what you put in. The sessions themselves are great, filled with variety you never do the same session twice, so that makes it enjoyable. The trainers really do motivate you and push you to do more, to push yourself rather than giving up, whilst also making the sessions fun…or as fun as they can be when you

feel like you are being tortured. I have a dodgy knee so was unable to do some of the exercises, replacing those with different kinds of squats; it’s safe to say I am now the squat king of Group 4. They do take into account any injuries or issues that might stop you from doing certain activities, unfortunately Lazyitis doesn’t count so they won’t let you get away with that. You will love some sessions and hate others. My personal favourite was a session they named Kettlebell Hell…though I don’t think many others will agree with me here.

ELITE FAMILY. A lot of people go into their transformation camp thinking they will just turn up, do their class and go, they are there to lose weight, not make friends. But you will find that once you get to your first group session that everyone is in the same boat and so you find yourself helping and motivating each other becoming friends in the process. The only down side is when you talk to each other on facebook you don’t always know who you are talking to as you all have the exact same Green Elite profile picture haha. I have done lots of bootcamps and classes but this is the first time I have ever bonded with the people in the class becoming friends and doing stuff with them as a group outside of Elite. We started a group chat on facebook that in 6 weeks has nearly 3000 messages, we have


now part of the Elite Family, it sounds cheesy, but it is true. The people in your group are what makes Elite so good. 6 WEEKS TO LOSE 20lbs. Each week you will weigh in on your set day, your results are then put into an app so you can keep a track of your progress. This is where the problem can lie. Yes you have a target to reach so that you can get your money back or roll it over to another camp/training, but you have to remember that it is only a figure, if you get too caught up in the numbers you will stress yourself out. A few of my group did stress over it towards the end, some of them did hit their target, some didn’t, but afterwards they have all said they did get too caught up in the numbers and couldn’t see the improvements they had made, everyone is fitter, healthier and slimmer and that is what matters, the 20lbs is a target to push to, but it is not the be all and end all. Some people can lose it easier than others, some people like me have a hell of a lot of weight to actually lose, some people didn’t even look like they had 20lb to lose.

been trampolining together, met up to do homework, go shopping and then celebrating our weightloss with food and drinks, its safe to say I now have some good friends that I will still see outside of Elite… though some of us are back for another 20lb challenge starting next week. There is also an Elite page that


is only open to people who are part of Elite, this is a great page where you help others in your group or other groups, you can chat, share pics, motivate each other, talk to the trainers, ask questions and just have a laugh. The amount of funny memes and motivational pictures will keep you entertained. I was part of Group 4 (clearly the best group haha) but I am

You will have your before photo taken at your first session, then every time you hit a target like 5lbs, 10lbs, 15lbs, 20lbs or more then you have to have the motivational photo, which can help to push you. At the end of the 6 weeks after you have done your final weigh in you will have your after photo taken and then they will create the “before and after” pics for you to share. A lot of people don’t see the change in themselves but you can’t argue

Alan Noble with the photos as that is when you see the difference in yourself. I’m not a fan of having my photo taken but it is good to see the difference. So there you have it folks, a brief idea of what the Elite Physique 6 Week 20lb Transformation Challenge is all about. Yes it is tough, it is a challenge, it may even mess with your head a bit, but if you “FOLLOW THE PLAN” then you will feel so much better for

it at the end, regardless of your final figure. This really can change your life for the better, but like anything you get out of it what you put in. My target was 25lbs and I finished my 6 weeks losing 29lbs, I was actually a bit peeved with myself that I missed out on hitting 30lbs by a single bloody lb, maybe I shouldn’t have had that night out after all haha. But Elite Physique is something that I can’t recommend

highly enough for so many different reasons; and this is coming from someone who is quite possibly one of the laziest men alive, so what are you waiting for? Make a change today, don’t just think about it, DO IT!!! Drop them a message, speak to one of the team and make those positive changes in your life now, who knows, I may even see you at the next one seeing as I’m starting my 2nd 20lb challenge on the 6th June, wish me luck. Don’t just take my word for it; hear about it from 4 of my fellow members of Group 4.

Alan Noble


Karen Wight

the trainers keep you motivated! (Even though we hate them sometimes) What was the hardest part of the camp for you? Probably the weekends. I get up at 03.45 on a weekday for working. All changed on the weekend and I’ve found it really hard to balance my eating and sleeping patterns. Also when other people tell you about their cheats! Its good they’re coming clean but also devastating when you’re hearing about people eating naughty stuff and still losing more weight than you!

Name.? Karen Wight

which I’ve been going to for years.

Age? 38

How does Transformation Camp compare to the gym? Oh My God where do I start? So much better. I have never seen results like this in years of going to the gym. I love the classes,

Lbs lost after 6 Week Transformation Camp? 22.2lbs lost, bloody delighted! What was your main reason for taking part in the Transformation Camp? I’m getting married at the end of July and want to look my best! A friend of mine did it last year and got amazing results and is still going to Elite – she loves it! 2 of my friends signed up to do it so I thought it would be good to do it together and it has been! Have you ever done any other kind of weight loss before, if so what have you tried? Nothing formal just the gym


How did you find the Diet Plan that you were given? When I first saw it I was worried that it looked bland, also there’s a lot of fish and the only fish I eat is tuna! I’m a totally convert though and now love cod and mackerel. I have also learned to be quite creative with herbs and spices. I’m going to write a book – a thousand ways with salad!   Did you follow it to the letter or did you cheat at all during the 6

weeks? I will come clean here, my hen do fell right in the middle of transform, it had been booked for months! But the great thing was my friend Sarah who is also on the programme was with me, she kept me on the plan food wise, we took our gym kit, boxing gloves and kettle bells and trained like demons to make up for the few glasses of fizz I may have accidentally inhaled! How have your family and workmates been whilst you’ve been taking part, have they been supportive or have they been trying to tempt you? A totally mixed bag really. My fella has been great for the most part, trying not to drink or eat anything too naughty. Some of my friends have called m boring for not drinking, constantly training etc but I have tried to rise above it! Work have been great too. I present the breakfast show on Metro radio and didn’t know at first whether to talk about it on the show but I’m glad I did. The listeners have been so supportive! They’ve really cheered me on and it was amazing how many people got in touch who are already part of the Elite family!

The classes, super hard but really good fun. The trainers are a fantastic support and all the people you meet, fellow transformers really get you through it when you’re struggling! Did you ever have any doubts about hitting the 20lb target, if so how did you deal with them? All the time, I dreaded every weigh in. I just listened to the trainers and had faith that I was following the plan and it would work. Oh, and every time I was thinking I might be hungry I drank some more water! Why do you think Elite Physique Fitness Newcastle’s 6 Week Transformation Camp has proven so

popular? It works! It gets results and even if you don’t quite hit the 20lbs you notice the difference in your appearance and fitness and energy levels. It’s the people too – I can’t thank the trainers and my fellow transformers enough! How did you feel afterwards? Amazing, relieved, energised, looking forward to a drink but then training again next week. Are you going to stay on at Elite for any of the other training options or was the 6 weeks enough for you? Definitely staying on, going to do Focus next. I can’t imagine wanting to stop and I’m going to cancel

Apart from the results what did you like most about the Transformation Camp?


mation Camp? I have been totally educated about nutrition, even after I have a blow out weekend at the end I will be sticking to the principles and not eating crap for the sake of it. I also have more energy, my skin feels good and my nails are better! I am also never going back to Strongbow! I have been a cider drinker all of my adult life and thought I would miss it but I don’t, and the thought of all that sugar! Gin n slimline all the way from now on.

my gym membership!


Is there anything you think they should change or could improve on? Get rid of the smelly boxing gloves ha ha!

How has your life changed since taking part in a 6 Week Transfor-

What advice would you give to someone who is about to start a Transformation Camp? Do it, but go with the right mindset. Be prepared to put in the graft and get super organised with your shopping and food prep, it all really helps. Or what would you say to someone reading this who wants to lose weight? Sign up to Elite! I know I sound like I’ve been brainwashed but for my personal body confidence and appearance I’ve never felt better. My job means I quite often have to get my photo taken and I hate it and dread it, but now I feel I can face the camera with more confi-


Is there anything you would like to add? It’s scary at times and its hard work but you get out what you put in. I am quite a cynical person and when I signed up I wasn’t buying into the “Elite Family” thing. I intended to do my training, keep myself to myself and get back out. I have totally changed that attitude and surprised myself! The support from everyone is what has helped me get through it, and more importantly enjoy it! Thanks Elite!

Rachel Green Name? Rachel Green Age? 27 Lbs lost after 6 Week Transformation Camp? 22.8lbs What was your main reason for taking part in the Transformation Camp? So I met my boyfriend Lee and became super happy but I also became content, lost all motivation to exercise and preferred going out for tea… I got a bit lazy and started eating way too much junk food! I go on holiday in July and had lost all of my confidence and not many of my clothes fit me anymore (my work trousers button popped off one day lol), this was a huge wake up call! I

also trained to be a fitness

instructor last year and then my fitness level went down hill and my weight went up! What was the hardest part of the camp for you? Odd days I struggled with the strict diet (I was described as Hangry) but sticking to it is so worth it! – see before and after pics! How did you find the Diet Plan that you were given? Difficult but I actually now love salmon and peanut butter! I had never had salmon prior to the plan. Did you follow it to the letter or did you cheat at all during the 6 weeks? I had the odd bite… but even on nights out I managed to resist


Are you going to stay on at Elite for any of the other training options or was the 6 weeks enough for you? No, I’m at my ideal weight now thanks to Elite! Is there anything you think they should change or could improve on? Maybe a few alternatives on the diet, just for variation for the 6 weeks. What advice would you give to someone who is about to start a Transformation Camp? Stay strong and Follow the plan. Or what would you say to someone reading this who wants to lose weight? Get to Elite now! and find something that stuck to the plan as best as possible ad of course a cold pint of…water! How have your family and workmates been whilst you’ve been taking part, have they been supportive or have they been trying to tempt you? Everyone has been super supportive. I actually took the challenge with a friend from work who was fab moral support, we both made the kitchen at work stink of fish!

Even my partner followed the plan with me through the week! Apart from the results what did you like most about the Transformation Camp? The people, I’ve made some really good friends! Did you ever have any doubts about hitting the 20lb target, if so how did you deal with them? Ahh all of the time! The last week I was petrified but I just stayed focused followed the plan and did my homework! Why do you think Elite Physique Fitness Newcastle’s 6 Week Transformation Camp has proven so popular? Because ‘normal’ people do it and succeed! How did you feel afterwards? Amazing! (and sad that it was all over)


How has your life changed since taking part in a 6 Week Transformation Camp? I am so much more confident and I’m not worried about wearing my bikini on holiday. Is there anything you would like to add? Group 4 Warriors!!

Michelle Coulthard Name? Michelle Coulthard Age? 32 Lbs lost after 6 Week Transformation Camp? 24.6lb What was your main reason for taking part in the Transformation Camp? Having low confidence and feeling very fat and unhealthy. Also wanting to get fit. Have you ever done any other kind of weight loss before, if so what have you tried? Slimming world, weight watchers and lighter life How does Transformation Camp compare to those? Elite makes you feel good about yourself. The support of trainers and other clients, everyone is trying to achieve the same goal. You are actually eating well and exercising which is very good for confidence. What was the hardest part of the camp for you? Sticking to plan over a weekend or going away for days out with the kids. How did you find the Diet Plan that you were given? The food was actually nice and you can adapt it. Did you follow it to the letter or did you cheat at all during the 6 weeks? I stuck to it 100% How have your family and workmates been whilst you’ve been


creased my confidence and it has adjusted my mind to think about what I am eating. Are you going to stay on at Elite for any of the other training options or was the 6 weeks enough for you? I am starting the next 6 Weeks Transformation Camp to try and achieve my goal. What advice would you give to someone who is about to start a Transformation Camp? FTP, do the homework and it will work! Or what would you say to someone reading this who wants to lose weight? Give it a go, you will be amazed at what you can achieve. How has your life changed since taking part in a 6 Week Transformation Camp? I feel healthy, more energetic and it makes me want to continue to eat well and train. taking part, have they been supportive or have they been trying to tempt you? They have been very supportive and have encouraged me to keep going when times were difficult. Apart from the results what did you like most about the Transformation Camp? The support of other members of Elite. Did you ever have any doubts about hitting the 20lb target, if so how did you deal with them? No, I remained positive and kept going to reach the end goal.


Why do you think Elite Physique Fitness Newcastle’s 6 Week Transformation Camp has proven so popular?

Because it actually works and its training your mind to think about eating healthy and reducing portion sizes. The results are in the before and after photos. How did you feel afterwards? So good about myself, it has in-

Is there anything you would like to add? Elite is amazing, it is like a family as everyone is striving for the same thing, the trainers and clients are so supportive of each other, I cannot thank them all enough.

Sarah Little Name: Sarah Little Age: 26 Lbs lost after 6 Week Transformation Camp? 22lb What was your main reason for taking part in the Transformation Camp? My main reason for taking part in the transformation was to lose weight. Have you ever done any other kind of weight loss before, if so what have you tried? I’ve tried all sorts of weight loss programmes, weight watchers, slimming world and none of them have worked for me. How does Transformation Camp compare to those? The camp is so much better. Everyone works as a team. Nobody judges you as everyone is there for the same reason. What was the hardest part of the camp for you?

The hardest part was having my cousin’s hen party and being with people where there was lots of temptations. How did you find the Diet Plan that you were given? The plan is very basic but once you get used to it you can start to use the same food but cook it in different ways to change it up it make it tastier . Did you follow it to the letter or did you cheat at all during the 6 weeks? I did cheat once which was at the hen party haha, but then got straight back on it. Apart from the results what did you like most about the Transformation Camp?

I loved making new friends, it makes it a lot more relaxing knowing you have people there supporting you when they are doing the same thing. Did you ever have any doubts about hitting the 20lb target, if so how did you deal with them? Two days before my final weigh in I still had 2.3lb to lose and had a little feeling I wasn’t going to make it but I did. Why do you think Elite Physique Fitness Newcastle’s 6 Week Transformation Camp has proven so popular? Because you get the results you want i.e. you become fitter, lose excess weight, plus it’s fun and sociable and I can’t wait to do it again.


Just relax, have fun and most of all enjoy it!! Or what would you say to someone reading this who wants to lose weight? Just go for it! What have you got to loose. (Well, apart from your £200 if you don’t hit the 20lb target). How has your life changed since taking part in a 6 Week Transformation Camp? I feel a lot more confident. I have been able to buy smaller clothes and I feel happier in myself. Is there anything you would like to add? A massive thank you to all the trainers at Elite you make it fun and make me want to come back for more. How did you feel afterwards? sI felt amazing, seeing the photos really make it sink in as to how well you’ve done. I could have cried. I also feel a lot fitter. I couldn’t walk up my stairs without getting out of breath, now I run up them. Are you going to stay on at Elite for any of the other training options or was the 6 weeks enough for you? I’m definitely staying on at Elite to do another 6 Week Transformation. Then after I will stay on and do the focus classes. Is there anything you think they should change or could improve on? I couldn’t fault Elite for anything. The trainers are there for you 24/7 for any questions you may have. What advice would you give to someone who is about to start a Transformation Camp?



Have you always wanted to work in the fitness industry? Fitness has always been the one thing that has stuck in my life. I’m a bit of a drama queen and always need something new and exciting in my life, the amount of hobbies I’ve picked up and then gotten bored of is ridiculous. But I find elite: to be pretty much all the stimulus I need now. Constantly changing, adapting, evolving and pushing me to my limits and beyond. Elite Physique Fitness Newcastle has earned a very solid reputation for its Transformation Camps with people traveling from as far as Alnwick to take part, why do you think it has proven so popular? I think it honesty boils down to results. What other gym can claim to transform at least 215 people


Hi Phil and welcome to NE, like your training we will start off nice and easy so how about telling our readers a bit about you? I’m Phil, 25, and a full time manager at the infectious elite: Newcastle studio. Born and bred in the sunny coasts of Whitley Bay. Got an older brother who’s always been a bit of a polar opposite. He’s a PhD in particle physics and I’m a bit of a meat head. Brains and

brawn. You are a trainer at Elite Physique Fitness Newcastle, how did you get started working there? To be honest I initially sent my CV off on a whim. A friend of mine told me about an advert online and tagged me in it. I sent a CV off not really expecting anything and managed to land what has proven to be the best job I’ve ever had.

or more every 6 weeks. But I also think a lot of the reputation is built around the relationships we develop with clients. All of our staff are absolute rock stars and will go above and beyond to help you guys. I’ve just recently spent a good 45 minutes talking about yoghurt with one client. Can you explain to our readers what the Transformation Camp is and how people can take part? So our elite:transform program is a really simple premise. We want a brilliant before and after photo to market our business. And you guys come to us wanting to shed a few pounds (although we know it’s about much more than the weight, but we’ll not get into the psychology behind it). We’re willing to trade off, if you guys can commit to 3 sessions a week with us, 3 homework sessions, follow our eating guide and lose 20lbs in 6 weeks, then the whole thing is

on us!! Why do these camps differ to other weight loss programs ran by other gyms, what makes Elite Physique Fitness Newcastle stand

out compared to the rest? I honestly believe it’s again down to the staff. I’m sure you can vouch that the community we create is different from any typical “gym”. I wouldn’t even call us a gym. We’re a family. It’s cheesy I know but I’d do just about anything for you guys and dedicate 99% of my life to it. The long and short of it is I have no friends haha. At the end of each camp what impresses you the most about the people that have taken part or the journey they have all made? The mentality. 100% losing weight is great and when you see the photo’s it can get emotional. But the fact we can get people who HATE exercise, coming in regularly and LOVING IT is an amazing transformation in itself. We preach the elite:mindset, and nothing shows this change in mentality more than the elite:transform program. Do you have any pet hates from doing the Transformation Camps? “I can’t” and people looking for the lightest weight. I’ve been in this game a long time and I am very


capable of knowing where your fitness levels are. If I ask people to do something, it’s because I know you’re capable of it. Half the time it’s frustrating because I believe in you more than you do. You have to develop the confidence and self belief to try things. What advice would you give to anyone wanting to take part in a Transformation Camp? Embrace the whole journey, and TALK TO YOUR TRAINER!!! And what about for anyone who has just completed one? PLEASE!!! For the love of god, don’t stop!! What ever it is you chose to do, just don’t stop!!! It is so easy to fall back into old habits. Don’t let me see you coming back in a few months time, with all your weight put back on. I hate that. It’s got to be a lifestyle change. What else does Elite Physique Fitness Newcastle offer apart from the Transformation Camps? We have a range of different programs which would take far too long to explain so I’ll simply say, we do a lot more than just the transformation. When you are not torturing your clients what do you get up to in your free time? Responding to e-mails, facebook messages, writing articles, organis-


ing events. I wasn’t kidding, I have no friends. And of course I train myself. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? I’ve played in front of thousands supporting the undertones at a festival. I HAVE to tidy up when I’m in any CD or dvd shop. I can’t not. I’m a MASSIVE dork and spend nearly all my spare time listening to tedtalks and learning about life hacks and tricks to be more productive. Seriously, I don’t have any friends.

Where can people follow Elite Physique Fitness Newcastle? Get in touch with us on facebook, twitter, instagram and our new website will be up and running soon. Just search for elite: or elite:together Is there anything you would like to add? It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know you guys Well thanks again for talking to me and putting me through my paces over the last 6 weeks, it was definitely a love hate kind of thing but thanks to you I smashed the 6 week Transformation Camp.


Doll’s House, for which he was also nominated for an Olivier Award. Other notable theatre credits include Dance of Death (also alongside Ian McKellen and directed by Sean Mathias), Ivanov at the National Theatre, Julius Caesar, King Lear and Henry IV for the RSC. Starring in HBO’s Conspiracy alongside Kenneth Branagh, Stanley Tucci and Colin Firth, Teale’s other screen credits include The Cherry Orchard opposite Charlotte Rampling and ITV’s Torchwood. No Man’s Land was first performed at the iconic Wyndham’s Theatre in 1975 with Ralph Richardson and John Gielgud, following its premiere at the National Theatre. Directed by Sean Mathias, this production of No Man’s Land received highly acclaimed reviews at the Cort Theatre in New York whilst in repertory alongside Waiting for Godot, also starring stage and screen



Welsh actor Owen Teale will play ‘Briggs’ in Sean Mathias’ production of Harold Pinter’s No Man’s Land, coming to Newcastle Theatre Royal from Mon 15 – Sat 20 Aug. Tony Award-winning Teale joins the already confirmed Ian McKellen as ‘Spooner’ and Patrick Stewart as ‘Hirst’ in the

play, with further casting still to be announced. Known recently for playing Ser Alliser Thorne in HBO’s Game of Thrones, Owen Teale won the 1997 Tony Award for Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play for his portrayal of Torvald in A

friends, McKellen and Stewart and directed by Mathias. The production of Waiting for Godot had transferred from London where it celebrated a sell-out run at the Theatre Royal Haymarket, the last time McKellen and Stewart shared a West End stage. One summer’s evening, two ageing writers, Hirst and Spooner, meet in a Hampstead pub and continue their drinking into the night at Hirst’s stately house nearby. As the pair become increasingly inebriated, and their stories increasingly unbelievable, the lively conversation soon turns into a revealing power game, further complicated by the return home of two sinister younger men. No Man’s Land will have set and costume design by Stephen Brimson Lewis and lighting design by Peter Kaczorowski. This production of No Man’s Land is produced by Stuart Thompson, Flying Freehold Productions and Playful Productions. No Man’s Land plays at Newcastle Theatre Royal from Monday 15 – Saturday 20 August. Tickets are from £16 and can be purchased at or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (calls cost 7ppm plus your phone company’s access charge).




The Andy Williams Christmas Extravaganza Starring The Osmonds with special guests Ventriloquist - Steve Hewlett (Britain’s Got Talent) & Singer Charlie Green (Britain’s Got Talent) Plus The Moon River Singers & Dancers Newcastle City Hall Friday 30 December Tickets on sale now!


Necastle City Hall are proud to announce the return of the ‘Andy Williams Christmas Extravaganza’ for the second year running starring The Osmonds to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year. This dazzling, must-see holiday extravaganza comes directly from the historic stage of Branson USA’s beautiful Andy Williams Moon River Theatre. The tour will culminate with a performance at Newcastle City Hall on Friday 30 December. Jimmy Osmond said, “It’s truly the most wonderful time of the

year, and my brothers Jay, Merrill and I are looking forward to once again bringing back some of that Christmas cheer. Last year’s UK Christmas tour was so much fun, that we are bringing it back following the run in the USA. The Andy Williams Christmas Extravaganza, is an American tradition that started in the 60s and beloved around the world. It was Andy’s wishes and now my great honor and privilege to continue his amazing legacy of family friendly action-packed variety at its best. This awardwinning show has proven to warm hearts and get you in that warm and fuzzy Christmas mood. Come celebrate Christmas with us”. Treat your entire family to this award winning variety production featuring nostalgic footage of the legendary Andy Williams from Christmases past. Sing along to your favourite Christmas Classics including “Silent Night”, “Last Christmas”, “Merry Christmas Everybody” and “Sleighride”. The Osmonds will also perform their mega hits made famous during more than five decades of entertaining around

the world. Osmond fans will hear “Love Me for a Reason”, “Crazy Horses”, “Down By The Lazy River”, “Goin Home”, “Let Me In”, “The Proud One” and more. Special guest stars from Britain’s Got Talent – ventriloquist Steve Hewlett and one of the show’s stand out young singers Charlie Green complete this unforgettable festive family tradition alongside the Moon River Singers and dancers. The Andy Williams Christmas Spectacular with The Osmonds plays Newcastle City Hall on Friday 30 December Tickets are £38.50 and can be purchased at or from the Theatre Royal Box office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7ppm plus your phone company’s access charge.


The Catherine Tate Show - Live Newcastle City Hall Wednesday 9 November 2016 Tickets on-sale Friday 29 April

include ‘Nan’ Taylor; Irish nurse Bernie; Geordie Georgie; Essex girl Sam…and the return of a certain argumentative teenager…

The critically acclaimed, awardwinning comedian and actor Catherine Tate, will take ‘The Catherine Tate Show - Live’ across the country this autumn, with a 21 date UK tour starting on 1 November and arriving at the City Hall on Wednesday 9 November. Tickets will go on-sale from the Theatre Royal Box Office on Friday 29 April at 10.00am.

Nan said: “She’s going on tour, is she? What a load of old s**t.”

In never seen before sketches, the tour will unite some of Catherine’s best-known characters from her hugely successful BBC series ‘The Catherine Tate Show’. The cast will


The Catherine Tate Show plays at Newcastle City Hall on Wednesday 9 November Tickets are £40.00 and £34.50 and can be purchased at www.newcastlecityhall. org or from the Theatre Royal Box office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7ppm plus your phone company’s access charge.






count Manager for The Panther Group.

Hi Laura and welcome to NE, well start off with a nice and easy introduction? Hi, I live up in Northumberland with my young family and our puppy. I work as an Emergency First Responder / Ringside Medic for Frontline Medical Ltd and as an Ac-


Some of our readers will know you from events all over the North East where you have attended as part of the Frontline Medical Ltd team, can you explain what Frontline Medical Ltd does? Frontline Medical Ltd provide anything from a First Aider to an entire Medical Team to support an event. We have an unrivalled reputation in and around the Combat Sports circuit, and have covered many World ranking events in Boxing, Muay Thai, MMA, K1, Kickboxing and all other Martial Art events. We also provide Medical Teams for Outdoor Events, such as Mountain Biking, Road Racing, Athletics,

Running Clubs, Forest Events, Motocross, Equine Events, Festivals, Concerts, Galas, and so much more How did you come to be involved with Frontline Medical Ltd? I have always had a personal interest in this industry, especially with the Combat Sports and Athletics. When the opportunity came up to join the medical teams, I jumped at the chance. What you do is highly skilled, how long did you have to train to get to the standard you are at? The training is based on 2 parts – Coursework, Theory and Practical Assessment, and then a log of clinical hours to gain

experience. Before anyone can work solo, or lead a small team, they need to gain experience alongside more qualified and experienced members, who can verify their competence. To build up this portfolio can take weeks and months depending upon the individual. We are also constantly improving our skills with more specific training and Continuous Professional Development. Why do events need your services? Since the introduction of The Purple Guide (Health, Safety and Welfare at Music and Other Events) and The Green Guide (Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds), Event Organisers are responsible for the Health, Safety and Welfare for all members of the public, staff and participants. They are required as part of their licence to run an event that they provide adequate medical cover, especially when there are large numbers of public. In the case of the Combat Sports – the Event Organiser (usually the Promoter) has a legal duty of care to ensure the safety of the

fighters. Should a death occur (which although is very rare, but is possible) then the Event Organiser would be required to appear in The Coroner’s Court – which is responsible for investigating a death (or serious injury) that was currently unknown. The Event Organisers responsibility is to ensure that anyone “entering the ring” is declared as medically fit to do so. Therefore, all fighters are given a simple medical checkover and are signed off as “fit to compete”. Other Athletes, although not always required to do so, are encouraged to. Why should they use you rather than another company? Frontline Medical Ltd only employs qualified and certified medical team members. They must hold all relevant certificates to verify their level of knowledge and ability. Our liability and malpractice insurance covers us providing we can prove our level of qualification. In this industry, having experience and knowledge is unfortunately not enough – we have to be able to prove it.

Frontline Medical Ltd are proud to show complete transparency in this area, and anyone who wishes to check or enquire is welcomed to do so. To add to our strict personnel policies, we also have highly experienced medics, with a variety of backgrounds, from either the NHS or the Military, and can demonstrate a vast level of experience in dealing with all types of injuries and emergencies. We have developed a fantastic reputation and relationship within the Combat Sports circuit – and we are well known for providing a Gold Standard of service. Which you can see on our reviews on our Facebook page! When you are doing the medicals for the various fight shows how are the fighters with you? Generally, most fighters are very honest. We always prefer to carry out the pre-fight medical checks where they cannot be over-heard by anyone else, (however this is not always possible). Initially, a lot of fighters were under the impression that we were there to prevent them from fighting, when in fact, we are there to ensure they are safe to compete. We do get the odd ones trying to lie about things – from how much weight they have cut to make a particular weight cat-


I cannot stress enough the importance of absolute and complete honesty.

egory for a fight, to ongoing conditions that would clearly prevent them from competing. We have experienced on more than one occasion, a fighter who has not been truthful, and it has later become apparent that they should have mentioned something to us. Fortunately, these have always ended up with the fighter pulling out of the event, and not getting into the ring or cage. Should a fighter lie about their health, and enter the ring; not only are they putting their own life at risk, but the potential for proceedings to be taken against the Event Organiser and the Medical Team/Company, and also the effect it could have on


the opponent and members of the public. All pre-fight medical checks are recorded and kept, they are signed by the fighters that they are declaring everything. We have to make the fighters realise that we are not going to stop them from competing for a minor issue, but something that could endanger life has to be treated with the respect it deserves. That is why we spend years developing our skill set and knowledge, so that we can offer a high level of advice and service. Thanks to our reputation, Frontline Medical Ltd are gaining the trust of a lot of fighters on the circuit now, and they are very honest – however

Have you ever had any weird, strange or horror moments at any of the events? It depends on what your idea of “horror” is! You have to remember that we are used to blood, broken bones, dislocations, vomit and all types of injuries – so we find very few things “horrific” – although there are always a few “nice” ones that pop up every now and again! One of the attributes that makes a good medical professional is the ability to remain calm. It would not be easy to continue in this profession if I was nauseous every time I saw blood or vomit! I appreciate you are now searching for some stories of horrible injuries, and although I would love to divulge, we at Frontline Medical Ltd respect that we have to be very careful about what we say – in case the details of an injury could be used to identify a particular person. Data Protection

requirements are incredibly strict, and we would not want to even tread near the edge with this. If I told you that we have dealt with serious bleeds, broken bones and dislocations, and even potential spinal injuries just in the last 12 months, you can rest assured that they have required our FULL attention and the highest level of care. What advice would you give to someone that is starting an event and may not be aware of what is required when it comes to medical issues? Frontline Medical Ltd are part of a Group. In this Group – we have a Training Organisation, and a Consultancy Wing. We would be happy to help anyone plan their entire event, or even just advise them as to what

they require. We have highly qualified and experienced Health & Safety Consultants, who can provide a thorough Risk Assessment and help with any areas that they would require. This industry is wrought with people claiming they can do things that they are unqualified to do, and the only possible result is that if (or more likely, when) something goes wrong – the consequences are often irreversible. Frontline Medical Ltd will advise without bias. Our goal is to ensure that all types of event are catered for at the right level – even if that includes pre-

venting organisers from going completely over-board when not required. We would never suggest a level of cover that is not adequate or that would not meet any requirements – but the best option for all.. When you are not working hard how do you like to spend your free time? I have a young family and adore spending time with them and enjoy my outdoor hobbies. We also have recently acquired a puppy! Where can people follow you or get in touch with Frontline Medical Ltd? The easiest way nowadays is through Social Media – we have a Facebook page – “Frontline Medical Ltd”. Our Website is or you can call us on our contact number: 0330 111 2847 (local rate, even from mobiles) Alternatively, you can email me at Laura@frontlinemedical.

Festivals Concerts Outdoor Events Car Boot Sales Autocross Motocross Rallying Mountain Biking Road Racing Running Events Athletics Boy Scouts Events Endurance Events Triathlon Assault Course Races ….and if it’s not already listed – give us a call anyway and we’ll cover it!!! Is there anything you would like to add? We have grown rapidly over the last 12 months, and we are continuing to grow. We are always looking for more First Aiders, Medics and Doctors to join us. Anyone who is interested in beginning a career in this industry, we can provide high quality training, where you will receive the correct nationally recognised certification. We can then provide an environment where you can gain experience too! Thanks for taking the time to chat with us Laura and we will see you at the next event. You’re welcome and we look forward to seeing you soon!

What events do you cover? Ok – I’ll list them so that your readers may be able to search? Here goes! Combat Sports Boxing Kickboxing Martial Arts Cage Fights MMA Tae Kwon Do Muay Thai


Ever wondered how you would escape if you were swallowed by a whale or buried alive in an airtight coffin… with only an angry beaver and a foot-long hot dog to help you? Well, we’ve got something special for you. A delightfully dark party game known as Bucket of Doom. The game begins with a single scenario card. These cards describe a wealth of troublesome scenarios, such as “You wake up and you’re the backend of a human centipede” or “You’re a sperm and you’re not winning this race”. Upon reading out the scenario, you are all (unfortunately) placed into peril. Each player has eight object cards at their disposal. The challenging part, however, is that these objects tend be as useless as possible, such as a “Duck Whistle” or a “Valentine’s Card for someone called Ian”.


Armed with your arsenal of impractical objects, you must devise a cunning plan to escape the

scenario at hand. Since the round ends with a vote for the most impressive getaway, you’ll need to get creative if you hope to come out on top. For example, suppose the game began with the following scenario: “Walking home after a night out wearing Lady Gaga’s

meat dress you are attacked by militant vegans”. One player, thinking quickly, brings out his “Defibrillator” card. Using it on himself, he quickly revives the meat dress into a healthy cow, pacifying the vegans. Another player grabs her “Soft Rock Power Ballad” card, channeling the spirit of Michael Bolton to fight off the angry activists. Once each player has presented their equally-impressive escape to the group, everyone votes for their favourite. The player with the most votes takes the scenario card for that round. New object cards are distributed, a new situation is read out and the next round begins. The first player to successfully collected three scenario cards is the winner. The perfect preparation for unexpected emergencies, Bucket of Doom is a constant reminder that when the s**t hits the fan, you need a plan. To buy BUCKET OF DOOM visit

Will Sarah manage to defeat Jareth and his Labyrinth, or will the Goblin King turn little Toby into a goblin babe? You have thirteen hours to find out! Play with up to four friends in this fun family board game based on the classic Labyrinth movie by Jim Henson.

Game Components:

Models shown at actual size.

• 5 highly collectable figurine renditions of the main characters • Rules booklet – 16 pages • 2' x 2' game board – lavishly illustrated with inspiring new artwork featuring all the legendary places from the movie, including the Oubliette, the Bog of Eternal Stench, the Goblin City and Jareth’s Castle. • 32 Labyrinth cards • Over 30 game tokens • 6 polyhedral dice (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20) • 6 reference cards • 4 character sheets, 4 Ability cards & 4 Weakness cards • 4 card stand-ups: Humongous, Goblin Infantry, Goblin Cavalry & Goblin Artillery • Goblin Clock & clock hand


Well it’s now June and we’ve seen some of the big films of the year already, but don’t panic as there are still more to come. We have teamed up with Cineworld Boldon to give you a quick run down on a few films that are coming soon and really have got us excited. Plus make sure you check out their Facebook page to keep up to date with their daily competitions and updates.

Star Trek Beyond


Release date: 22 July 2016

Following J.J. Abrams’ smashhit 2009 reboot of the iconic Star Trek franchise and its 2013 sequel Into Darkness, the franchise now takes an exciting new direction to mark its 50th anniversary. Fast and Furious director Justin Lin takes over from Abrams at the helm whilst Simon Pegg co-writes the script with Doug Jung. Also

The U.S.S. Enterprise crew warp into another spectacular adventure as the rebooted series continues.


Struggling to come to terms with his father’s formidable legacy, Kirk (Chris Pine) is still adjusting to the role of Captain and leader. Standing alongside him is half-human, half-Vulcan Spock (Zachary Quinto), communications officer Uhura (Zoe Saldana), Dr Bones (Karl Urban) and engineer Scotty (Simon Pegg). But when the Enterprise comes under attack from deadly new enemy Krall (Idris Elba), the entire crew is plunged into another nail-biting battle for

featuring in the cast is kickass Kingsman star Sofia Boutella as alien warrior Jaylah. Cast: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, Karl Urban, Idris Elba, Sofia Boutella Director: Justin Lin CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


Central Intelligence Release date: 1 July 2016 CIA killer Dwayne Johnson recruits meek accountant Kevin Hart in this buddy action-comedy. A CIA contract killer (Dwayne Johnson) approaches a former school classmate who’s now a timid accountant (Kevin Hart) and ropes him into the world of international espionage. We’re the Millers and Dodgeball director Rawson Marshall Thurber delivers the laughs in this chalk’n’cheese buddy comedy.


Cast: Dwayne Johnson,

Aaron Paul, Kevin Hart, Ed Helms, Amy Ryan Director:Rawson Marshall Thurber





demon known as Rowan.

bimbo receptionist, Kevin.

Release date: 13 July 2016

Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy headline this laugh-stuffed reboot of the comedy classic. Look out for cameos from original stars Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Sigourney Weaver, Ernie Hudson and Annie Potts. Also keep your eyes peeling for a scene-stealing Chris Hemsworth as the girls’ male

Cast: Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Charles Dance, Michael Kenneth Williams, Chris Hemsworth Director:Paul Feig

Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters! Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig) is an author who lands a prestigious teaching position at Columbia University. Her job doesn’t last very long however, when a book she wrote a few years before, positing that ghosts are real, resurfaces and she is laughed out of academia. But when mysterious apparitions invade Manhattan, Gilbert reunites with her writing partner, Abby Yates (Melissa McCarthy), as well as nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon), and subway worker Patty Tolan (Leslie Jones), to save the world from a powerful



Now You See Me 2 Release date: 4 July 2016 The Four Horsemen are back and are recruited by a tech genius to pull off their most impossible heist yet.


Three years ago, the Four Horseman - a quartet of successful illusionists arrived on cinema screens in the shape of Daniel “Danny” Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson), Henley Reeves (Isla Fisher), and Jack Wilder (Dave Franco). Now they’re back, one year on from outwitting the FBI and winning the public’s adulation with their mindbending spectacles. This time, they find themselves face to face with a new enemy who enlists them to pull off their most dangerous heist yet...

The first Now You See Me was a clever, twisty modern heist classic, and now the team are back. Also returning are Mark Ruffalo as dogged FBI officer Dylan Rhodes and Morgan Freeman as illusionist-breaker Thaddeus Bradley, while new cast members include Lizzy Caplan (Mean Girls) and Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter). Strap up and get

ready for another ride with the Four Horsemen. Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco, Daniel Radcliffe, Lizzy Caplan, Jay Chou, Sanaa Lathan, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman Director:Jon M. Chu CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


The Legend Of Tarzan

landscape and its wildlife.

Release date: 8 July 2016

Edgar Rice Burroughs’ iconic hero Tarzan swings back onto our screens in this big-budget, effectspacked reboot from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows director David Yates. Alexander Skarsgard brings the muscle as Tarzan with Margot Robbie as a typically fiery Jane, whilst Christoph

The hero returns to our screens in this epic adventure from Harry Potter director David Yates. Having been raised by gorillas in the African jungle, Tarzan (Alexander Skarsgard) grew up and left to become London gentleman John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke. Happily married to his sweetheart Jane Porter (Margot Robbie), Tarzan finds himself lured back to the land of his childhood on a British trade mission. But upon uncovering a deadly plot by Belgian Captain Leon Rom (Christoph Waltz), this distinguished member of society must tap into his inner hero to defend the


Waltz and Samuel L. Jackson add more star power as, respectively, the scheming villain and comic sidekick. Cast: Alexander Skarsgard, Margot Robbie, Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson, Djimon Hounsou Director: David Yates CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



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new premises Unit 4, maurice road ind est Newcastle upon Tyne, Ne28 6by


Lee Bellerby’s NE Sporting Events are on a roll right now, bringing the biggest names in Darts, Snooker and Wrestling to the North East. Following on from Rik Flair last year Lee pulled off a corker in bringing wrestling legend Bret “Hitman” Hart to The Lancastrian Suite. Bearing in mind the WWE had their show on at the Metro Radio Arena on the same night it came as no surprise that the Lancastrian was a sell out, I mean who in their right mind would pass up a once in a lifetime chance to meet the WWE Hall Of Famer himself? When Bret walked into the room the place went crazy!


He went onto the stage to greet the crowd and let them know he was going to pose for photos before returning

to the stage for his Q&A session, which he said was his favourite part. Bret was met by a thunderous applause

sick of talking about it and wanted a challenge. It’s safe to say no one asked about it after that haha.

when he told the crowd that he wanted lots of interesting questions, the tougher the better as he was pretty sure everyone was sick of hearing about the infamous “Screwjob” by now, if not he was definitely

Bret returned to the stage with his pint of Guinness and was honest about what he liked and disliked about the world of wrestling and his time in the ring. A lot of people slate Bret for being miserable because he’s been talking about the Screwjob for nearly twenty years (and rightly so), but people forget that everyone asks him about it at every interview, so that was why he started off putting a ban on the topic. He was very positive about his time wrestling here in the UK back in the day, he was also just as positive about wrestlers Owens, Bryan and Zayn and he was even positive about Ric Flair... which came as a surprise. He did have quite a lot to say on the state of the WWE and how it is ran, pointing out that it treats the real fighters badly only to push certain fighters who don’t carry their weight and

only turn up for the big event money matches which he thinks is a travesty. Bret Hart also said “no-one sells in wrestling anymore and the ring is like a trampoline”


going on to say “I respect the likes of Kevin Owens, Daniel Bryan and CM Punk for bringing wrestling back”. This was met by the approval of the crowd as they all cheered and applauded these comments. When it came to the crowds questions my favourite has to be the one he was asked about being in the Simpsons

to which Bret stated “I’d put being on The Simpsons in the top 5 things I did in my career” going on to tell us how the role was cast as a generic wrestler and the studio didn’t intend to have him as Bret “Hitman” Hart, so Bret had to put on a voice for it. When he was finished recording the part he said that him and the executive had come out of the studio to find pretty much every single member of the Fox staff lined up waiting to catch a glimpse of him and get a photo/autograph, it was then that the executive realised how famous and popular Bret actually was so he then changed the character and had him drawn in the likeness of Bret, unfortunately Bret is still disappointed as the character looks like him but doesn’t sound like him so people often don’t realise that it is actually him. It was refreshing to hear such honest and open answers


from a man who is a genuine Legend. He was funny, telling tales of how him and his brother used to prank Davey Boy Smith, he was open when he was telling the painful circumstances of his brother’s

death and why he hasn’t been made a Hall Of Famer yet. The downside was seeing Bret struggle through signing autographs which you could see was physically painful having just had surgery on his hands, but being the warrior that he is he battled through it to make sure every single fan left happy. This is a man who has battled through so much adversity, he has overcome so much over the years in and out of the ring, he recently fought his toughest battle – a fight against cancer, but he triumphed and came out of it victorious. This is a man who helped make the WWE what it is today! Quite simply, he is... Bret “Hitman” Hart: The Best There Is The Best There Was The Best There Ever Will Be! Keep up to date with NE Sporting Events at Or visit their Facebook Page

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North East Trio Write England “unofficial” Euro 2016 Song. Dave Ramshaw, Derek Miller and Nick Mao, all from the North East of England, have written a song entitled “The Road to Glory”, aimed at England’s campaign in this summer’s Euro 2016 football tournament. Performing as Cage & Co, they also have on the guitar the talents of Michael Maughan (also from the north east), who has just returned from touring


Europe and Australia. Dave who works for Cross Country Trains, Derek who is a part time beer brewer, and former member of the 1970’s legendary north east band Cirkus, and Nick who works for a local fibreglass company, and is also a part time comedian, wrote the song after being inspired by the 1996 hit “Three Lions”. They have also shot a video for the track which can be viewed on YouTube – Cage & Co The Road to Glory.

The song is published by a brand new local record company “Ramshaw Records” set up by Dave in February this year. The track is available in all major download stores from May 20th.





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