NE Online Magazine Issue 26

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Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird. As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

We l c o m e N o t e . We h o p e y o u a l l h a d a f a n t a s i c Christmas and a very merry New Ye a r, t h o u g h o n l y a m o n t h i n t o 2 0 1 7 and it is going so fast. So its our first issue of the year and we’ve got some g r e a t fe a t u r e s i n c l u d i n g a n i n t e r v i e w 4 years in the making when we chat w i t h N e w c a s t l e ’s Fa v o u r i t e M a g i c i a n , Chris Cross. As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then d o n ’ t fo r g e t t o d r o p u s a n e m a i l t o wayne. groves@neonlinemagazine. com P l u s r e m e m b e r t o fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k a n d Tw i t t e r fo r o u r r e g u l a r updates on events and competitions. Till next time Ta ke c a r e Wa y n e


SPONSORS Cineworld Boldon The Theatre Royal Newcastle & Newcastle City Hall Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@ Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine join us on twitter @NEOnlineMag

CONTRIBUTORS Ian Berry Photographer Martyn Jones Photography Derek Brettle lastlaughcartoons Roly Todd - Hero Images Facebook Roly Todd LeeNemsPhotography


P6 SR4ORCE Collectables P12 Club Zest P16 Screen-Con 2017 P20 Sergeant Clip P28 Chris Cross Newcastle’s Favourite Magician

P38 Melanie’s Mission To Live P44 Newcastle Theatre Royal P52 Cineworld Film Round Up P64 Tackling The Skills Gap In The Tech Sector

Hi Steve and welcome to NE, well start off nice and easy so how about an introduction for our readers? Hi, my name is Steven Rodda, I live in Sunderland in the North East of England and run a small trading company called SR4orce Collectables which sells a range of TV/Film related collectables at Geeky Events across the North of England. SR4orce Collectables is a regular at events and conventions around the North East but what exactly is SR4orce Collectables? We are a small trading company that attend events across Northern England. Throughout the year we attend various Comic con/Sci-Fi type events selling a wide range of merchandise related to TV/Film/Comic and Anime. Everything from vinyl figures, t-shirts, cushions, keyrings, and Lego mini-figures to vintage Star Wars/Dr Who/ Star Trek collectables. We stock a wide range of Geeky Goodies.


When and how did SR4orce Collectables come about? I started attending Scifair events just over 4 years ago as a trader as I was looking to sell some of my excess collection I had amassed over the years to fellow collectors. After doing a couple of fairs SR4orce Collectables was formed as the trading name. As well as selling my excess collectables, I also started buying in items to sell. Buying in bulk to get a better price for items for my own collection, allows me to pass on extra items to our customers at a good price. What is the best part of doing conventions and events for you?

Whether it’s the small, free to enter fairs to the large comiccons with a lot of celebrity guests, the best part of doing the events is talking and story swapping with like-minded people and looking for items to add to my collection. I am always amazed by some of the interesting things for sale and the talents of the people who produce such things. As someone who isn’t artistic some of the art and craft work is amazing and so inventive. Sometimes I can’t resist buying it and bringing it home. Being your own boss can be great but what is the hardest part of running SR4orce Collectables? I find nothing difficult in running

SR4orce as I enjoy going to fairs/ cons anyway, trading at them is always fun. Sometimes trying to find the right stock at the right price is a little difficult but all in all running SR4orce is always enjoyable. What would you say is your

biggest seller? At the moment I would have to say Funko Pop’s. Over the last 12 months or so everybody seems to love collecting those. I speak to people who have fantastic collections that number into the hundreds.

Are you a bit of a fan of all things geeky or is it purely business for you? I’m a complete fan of all things geeky, as a collector I’m sometimes happy when things don’t sell and I get to take them home with whatever else I’ve usually bought. If you are a bit of a fellow geek then what would be your favourite thing? For me it has to be everything Star Wars related. Being in my mid forty’s I grew up watching the films and playing with the toys, I wish I still had them now. Return of the Jedi was one of the first films I saw at the ABC pictures in Sunderland (long gone now) I’m sure it was only £1.00 to get in. Do you collect anything yourself? Over the years I have collected everything from Trading cards to Action figures but at the minute I try to keep my collecting down to two fields. Firstly I collect 1/5 scale Star Wars character statues made by a company called Attakus from France. I just think the detail on those is fantastic. Secondly, as I go to quite a few fairs and cons around the country, I have amassed a collection of signed 10 x 8 pictures of actors from film/TV shows which I have


watched over the years. If so is there a holy grail, either that you are still searching for or have been lucky enough to find already? I am always on the lookout for a Vader 1 statue from the Attakus range. This is one of the very few I don’t own. As for Autographed pictures I would love to meet Harrison Ford (Han Solo/Star Wars) and get a signed 10 x 8 of him as Han. One of the things you sell is the collectable Funko Pop figures; these have become huge over the last few years, why do you think that is? Funko produce Pop’s on a wide range of characters so it doesn’t matter what you are into, whether it be Film/TV series/ Marvel /DC/Disney/Anime or comics there is bound to be a Pop out there for you. I also think whether you keep them in the box or take them out, they are a nice item to display both ways because of their size and quirky appearance.


Some dealers really bump up their prices on the Funko Pop

figures, why don’t you? Like everything we sell we tend to buy in bulk to try and get the best deal possible to pass on to customers. I think with Funko Pop’s some dealers believed because of their popularity they could get away with charging what they liked. Dealers prices do seem to have leveled to a sensible price so the custumer get value for money at the events I have been to recently. Sci-Fi, Film and Comic cons have really kicked off in recent years becoming hugely popular, but that has also led to a boom in the amount of events taking place, give us your thoughts on this? I think in general the boom in events has been a good thing. There are a few people out there who think there is a

quick quid to be made for the growing popularity of the Fair/ con market and just try to put on badly organized events and make a quick buck and run. Here in the North East we have a great bunch of event organizers who have staged very successful events for years. Also a regular group of varied traders, artists and authors so there is a good selection of merchandise at any fair you attend. From the other point of view as an attendee the extra events are a good thing, meaning whether you’re looking for a free to enter family friendly fun day out or a high end collectors fair for that special hard to find item, there will be events close to you throughout the year. Whereas before you used to have to travel for events which can be very costly. What has been your favourite event so far? There have been so many, both as a trader and as a customer. Everyone is different and special for different reasons. As a customer I attended London summer comic con at Olympia in 2015. It was a bit of a Back to the

fans a chance to meet their heroes, is there anyone that you would love to meet if you had the chance or anyone that you’ve already managed to meet at an event that you had always wanted to? I’ve been lucky over the years and meet some really nice people and in the whole everyone I have met has been really nice. As a Star Wars fan meeting Carrie Fisher and Ian Mcdiarmid in 2014 in London and Kenny Baker and Dave Prowse at Newcastle arena are highlights. Plus meeting the main 6 actors from Red Dwarf, another favourite show of mine has been great. I would love to meet Harrison Ford or Mark Hamill and as a big fan of the show Firefly I would love to meet the cast. Future special as it was 30 years since the first film came out. The queues were about twice around the block just to get in, and inside it were even more manic. I didn’t get to meet Michael J Fox as you had to have a gold pass but I did meet and get a signed picture from Christopher Lloyd – Doc Brown and Zach Galligan – Billy Peltzer (Gremlins) two of my favorite 80’s films plus there were plenty of Star Wars guests. As a trader it’s always great to see people enjoying themselves and getting dressed up in their various costumes. Over the years I have seen so many fantastic costumes, I’m always amazed at people’s imagination and talent in creating the great costumes. Woodhorn Invasion Day, on the outskirts of Ashington, is always a great day with some fabulous costumers. People seem to have a great day out there year on year, and it’s usually a nice sunny day and a great location. Famous guests are a big pull for some of the events as it gives

When you are not working hard at the events what do you get up to in your free time? Apart from all things geeky on TV/Film I have always been into most sports. As I get older and less active I tend to watch more sport than take part but I do still play golf when I can. I also like to read and usually have a bookmark in a book somewhere. A couple of years ago I decided support local authors and started to buy books from authors who attend the fairs. Over the course of the last 2 years I have read some great books by local North East authors. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? Sorry I’m too boring to do random. My OCD means I write down and plan everything and usually create a spreadsheet. In my family I’m known for having lists for everything. Where can people follow SR4orce Collectables and keep up to date with you? We don’t have a website as yet but it is something which we are looking into for the future, at the moment you can find us on Facebook. Just search SR4orce Collectables, we will keep you informed of any new events we are attending and new stock updates. You can also send us a

message to reserve an item for collection at a future event we are attending. What events will you be attending in 2017? You can always find us at the events across the North East throughout the year. We will be at Woodhorn Invasion Day, Screen-Con and various others throughout the year. Check our event page on Facebook. Is there anything you would like to add? Hope to see YOU at an event somewhere in the north of England soon. Pop by and say Hi, you never know we may have just what you are looking for. Thanks Steve and Carole SR4orce Collectables. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us and we will see you at the next event.





A SUNDERLAND ladies-only gym is set to re-launch under new management, after £12,000 of investment.

worked her way through the ranks to the position of full-time manager, before going part time to look after her young family.

Club Zest ladies Leisure in Fulwell is now under the ownership of Holly Donaldson and Jennie Moyse, who both previously worked at the club as instructors.

She continued: “I came back full-time when we took over in December. We’ve refurbished the gym pretty much ourselves. We worked round the clock to make sure it was ready in January and thankfully our work paid off. We’ve had some brilliant feedback and we’ve welcomed a record number of new members in the last month.

The pair took over the reins in December and closed for extensive refurbishment, including new studio facilities and state-of-theart equipment. Mum-of-two Holly, who lives in Fulwell, said: “I started working here 15 years ago as a Saturday girl, just for some extra pocket money whilst studying business at college. Never in a million years did I think I’d own the place! From my first day I decided I wanted to go into the health and fitness industry. I qualified as a fitness instructor two years later and have never looked back.” Holly went on to gain more experience and qualifications, then

“I think what’s different about us is we’re really passionate just about making women feel good about themselves. Our goal is to help women smash theirs. Whether that is to get fit, lose weight, tone up – you name it, we can do it. Jennie, from South Shields, is an experienced fitness instructor, personal trainer and sports massage therapist. She joined the team in 2014, when she was originally recruited by her now business partner, Holly. She said: “It’s such

an exciting time for Club Zest. We knew the gym was a little tired and needed a shake-up. We’ve fully refurbished it and invested in new studios and equipment, as well as putting together a brand new timetable of classes for our members. We can’t wait for everyone to come and see it.” The official re-launch of the club, based on Sea Road, will be on Saturday, 28 January from 10.30am and will be hosted by local lass and fitness guru Katie BulmerCooke. Katie said: “Club Zest has undergone an amazing transformation since the girls took over. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone on the day - we’ll be giving tours of the new facilities, taster classes, exclusive offers and competitions so it’s definitely worth paying a visit!” For more information on the all new Club Zest Ladies Leisure, call 01915169898 or visit




Saturday the 27th of May sees Screen-Con return to the Parks Leisure Centre with its fantastic mix of special guests, fun activities and lots of traders selling all kinds of geeky delights, plus NE will be there running a great charity tombola raising money for Cruse Crew.

his head in “A New Hope” as well as appearing as Saurin. So far there have been 3 guest announcements, with the return of Spencer Wilding, who hit the headlines in December 2016 when he was revealed as the new Darth Vader in Star Wars stand alone movie Rogue One, taking over from David Prowse who played the role in the original trilogy. Spencer is one of the hardest working men in the business, with roles in so many films and tv shows including Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Doctor Who (2011-2013), Class (2016), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) and many many more. Another Star Wars themed guest is Laurie Goode who is known as “That” Stormtrooper that banged


The final guest is Scream queen Martine Beswick who is perhaps best-known for her roles in Hammer classics such One Million Years BC (alongside Raquel Welsh) in 1966 and Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde in 1971. She was also one of the earliest ‘Bond girls’and the only one to appear twice in different roles! She played the feisty gypsy girl Zora in From Russia With Love and later as Paula Caplan in Thunderball.

Markus and CJ will be back hosting the show bringing their dodgy puns, selfie challenges and lots more fun for people of all ages, you really do not want to miss it. You can buy your tickets HERE and of course follow them on Facebook





Hi Mark and welcome to NE, can we start off with an introduction to tell our readers a bit about you? Thanks Wayne. Well I’m a Walker lad, born and raised, I now live in Wallsend with my wife and 2 kids. In my day job I’m an IT Network Architect, and in my own time I’m an inventor and entrepreneur selling my SergeantClip cable management across the globe. Now any of our readers that have attended some of the DUEL events will know the name SergeantClip as one of the event sponsors, but what exactly is SergeantClip? The SergeantClip is a unique cable management tool. Its one of those simple ideas, a clip to keep cables tidy and in the right order – very simple, but can make a massive difference in the IT industry and beyond. A lot of people who purchase the clips say “Why didn’t I think of that!” which is why I think it has a lot of interest which will continue to grow. I invented the SergeantClip predominantly for the IT industry due to the reliance on cables being in the right order, but we have some other resellers such as Blaydon Communications who specialize in Audio/ Visual (PA, Video, Music systems, etc) who are now selling the clip as it works wonders in their industry too. Where did the idea behind SergeantClip come from, what made you want to set up your own business? I have worked in IT for two decades, man that makes me sound

old. I saw a problem happening again and again, relating to cables in IT needing to be kept in the right order for many reasons. Fixing that problem would reduce issues and errors if it was done wrong, and save a hell of a lot of time. I just thought there has to be a better way to do this, so I invented something that could fix that age old IT problem. Running your own business is not an easy thing to do but what has been the hardest part in getting set up and started? Creating an invention and knowing who to trust, and then putting your money where your mouth is with regards to patents, manufacturing tools and product Building a sales platform to sell the invention to the world was also tough, but thanks to the skills and help of Jason Cathles, a friend of mine, we got a site built which confirmed

their was a market out there for the product. – it’s tough, and it was all a big risk, but it has been a brilliant experience and long may it continue. Something that has also been hard is finding the right people in the industry. Everyone who sees the SergeantClip loves them and what it offers their infrastructure and businesses they underpin, but sometimes finding the right people with enough authority to open the purse strings and place an order is tough. I.e. The guys who sign off the orders are normally too far removed from those who understand the low level of Data Centres and cabling, so it has been a slog. You have some big names as clients, but the one that really stands


in the right order, or keep tidy for aesthetics, SergeantClip has a place in those environments. I am also working on a way of showing and marketing that they can be used in the home too, for behind your TVs to help manage all those cables, or similar for your home office. you is NASA, how on earth did that all come about? I must admit when I saw the multiple orders from NASA come in my jaw hit the floor! Standing in the post office shipping a parcel of my SergeantClips to NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center was quite surreal! To be honest NASA found us. We had a great internet presence thanks to Jason and then the new front end re-vamp of the site and SEO was done by Dean Rice, at Dean Rice Design in Ashington. He is amongst the best in the game as he now has our website on the first page of Google for “Cable Management Tools” and other search terms, which is no mean feat, so more and more people are finding us all the time. Disney Cruise lines have placed quite a few orders recently; they are one of our other biggest repeat customers.


Who or what kind of businesses would benefit from SergeantClip? Any businesses that use cables. Anyone with network equipment, servers, Data centres, communications cabinets – so pretty much any medium to Enterprise Business in the world! As I’ve already mentioned Blaydon Communications are now reselling to the Audio/Visual market – so to be honest, anyone with cabling that they want to keep

If any of our readers work for these types of companies, do you have a website or and social media platforms where people can follow you or find out more? Everything you need to know about the SergeantClip is on our website. Just Google “SergeantClip”, or head over to www., or find us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

When you are not hard at work what do you like to do with your free time? I love watching and following martial arts related sports, so I do that both locally with promotions such as DUEL, and I follow the big names such as UFC also. I also like to keep fit, I’m just coming back from a back injury so my martial arts and running has taken a back seat for the minute, but I still swim, lift weights and hike to keep me out of trouble.

Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? 1. I’ve ran a marathon – yes a full one. 26.2 miles. (Note: anyone who knows me knows I’m not built like a marathon runner!) 2. I share a birthday with Bob Marley and Axl Rose. 3. People say I look a lot like Michael Buble, and every time he’s on the TV at Christmas my facebook goes nuts with people tagging me as Buble. (I wouldn’t mind being a quid behind him!) How did you become a sponsor for DUEL, as you wouldn’t necessarily put Cables and fighting together? I’ve already mentioned my love for martial arts, and I am a close friend of DUEL Owner and Promoter David Weild. David really knows his onions and matches up some of the best fights in the UK and Europe at that level. Anything I can do to help DUEL, I do (I was in charge of rigging, photography and also a driver chauffer at the first few shows), so to have SergeantClip as a DUEL sponsor is an honour and to be involved in the promotion from day one is just amazing! What are your aims for 2017 for you and SergeantClip? The ultimate goal for SergeantClip is to have our clips in every Data

centre in the world, and I don’t think that is unachievable. Its is so simple, and so effective – people with cables in IT and beyond need them, they just don’t know it yet. I want 2017 to be a great year for the SergeantClip. To continue to grow our IT customer base considerably, and to break into the audio/visual market, and make some moves towards the home market would be a great achievement. Attracting some investment so we can grow faster, partner with more resellers, and increase advertising

so we can increase the volume we shift would keep us on track for world domination. Is there anything you would like to add? If you know anyone in IT or anyone at all with cables that need managed – please point them in the direction of www.sergeantclip. com. We have created a special coupon

code: “neonline17” which will give your readers or anyone they point at the site 10% off any SergeantClip order throughout 2017! Thank you for taking the time to chat with us Mark and we hope 2017 is a great year for SergeantClip. Thanks Wayne, it’s been a pleasure talking to you.







Hi Chris and welcome to NE, for those readers that somehow don’t know who Newcastle’s Favourite Magician is, how about a quick introduction? Chris Cross is a Newcastle-based entertainer, performing his multiaward winning close-up magic and cabaret shows on stages all around the world. From New York to New Zealand, Bahrain to Dubai, London to Paris and lots of places in-between! He was born as Christopher Alfred Goode at Newcastle General Hospital on 22nd April 1989 and became interested in Magic at the age of 10 when shown a trick by a schoolmate in the playground. He started working semi-professionally at age 13 with magic tricks around Newcastle’s Nightclubs and Casinos for tips and small fees. At age 16 he left school to pursue a career in Showbusiness, understanding and mastering both words that make up his chosen profession - both the ‘Show’ and


the ‘Business’ which are both equally important as each other! Since then he hasn’t looked back and is pleased and proud to do something for a living he actually enjoys and has a real passion for! He’s performed for hundreds of corporate clients, private bookers and lots of VIP’s & Celebrities including Tinie Tempah, EXAMPLE, The Arctic Monkeys, Miles

Kane, Tulisa, etc. He’s baffled members of The British Monarchy as well as International Crowned heads, too. Some previous bookings include Alice Cooper’s Press Conference, Boy George’s 50th Birthday Party, Sir Alan Shearer’s Statue Launch After-party, Introducing Eric Burdon & The Animals on stage, supporting Simon & Oscar from Ocean Colour Scene, Getting tied up by Former

Undisputed Two-time Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World, IRON Mike Tyson, in a contest of strength, which was even shown on ESPN’s SportsNation and many, many more! BBC Worldwide hired Chris to teach The Hairy Bikers an Escapology stunt for their touring stage show and CBBC invited Chris to perform an Escapology stunt of his own creation on their Children’s BAFTA Award-Winning Show ‘’The Slammer’’ In 2014, in his native North East, Chris appeared as the last ever act to perform at the original Spanish City Dome before the builders went in to start re-developments. In 2015 he curated, promoted and hosted two special sold-out ‘Them Off The VIZ’ shows, celebrating 30 years of The VIZ Comic being in national publication. In 2016 Chris launched ‘The Greatest Show on the Tyne’ which is set to be an annual theatrical variety show. He also staged a daring stunt where he was tied up tightly in a straitjacket and hung upside down by his ankles from the roof of the Newcastle Castle Keep over

100ft above the pavement below. Amazingly he successfully escaped the restraints in 90 seconds! We’ve been lucky enough to catch a few of your performances, the first of which was at Screen-Con a few years ago where you escaped from a certain Bounty Hunter, was that the start of your friendship and the foundation for your upcoming Evening With Boba Fett event? Yes, I went through a cool phase in 2012-2013 of Challenging people to different things, so for example, I challenged IRON Mike Tyson to a contest of strength - he had 90seconds to use all of his

strength to tie me up in a straitjacket using all of his strength, then I had 90seconds to use all of my own strength to try and escape from the straitjacket! So who was stronger? Me. I got out on time! 89th second of course... the showmanship is important. I said I was faster than Sugar Ray Leonard and I did a few card tricks to him, to prove that my hands were too fast for his eyes too! David Prowse was another one aka Darth Vader. I made him pick the same card over and over again, 5 or 7 times, out of a shuffled borrowed pack of cards! Each time saying ‘’You will take the 9 of clubs’’ before he chose a card - showing that the force was


stronger with me than the Dark Lord himself! Jeremy Bulloch aka Boba Fett was a fun one. Basically I said I could escape from the Greatest Bounty Hunter in the Galaxy, Jeremy tied me up in chains and padlocks with some assistance from some stormtroopers and the likes, then I had to avoid sure disintegration by escaping within 90 seconds! I succeeded and I’m still in one piece! After doing this stunt I got thinking about putting on my own Star Wars Boba Fett Evening... this was back in May 2013... and it’s only just come into fruitation now! So what can people expect at this event, why should they be quick to buy a ticket? As I’m sure anybody who’s met Jeremy will tell you, he’s a lovely bloke. As is his wife, Maureen. Well, She’s not a bloke, she’s a lady, but she’s lovely too is what I mean. Canny couple. Jeremy makes a living now touring conventions, making guest appearances and of course selling autographs at events and online for £20 a pop. VIP tickets for my show are only £30 and include a screening of The


Force Awakens, a Q&A with Jeremy n stage afterwards, a signed poster by Jeremy & myself (limited edition of only 200 printed) & a photograph taken and printed on the night with Jeremy as an additional souvenir. Bargain! Standard tickets are £15 which don’t include the photo or autograph, but still a cracking night out and the best way ever to spend May 4th! (Star Wars Day) Be quick though, at the time of writing, half of the tickets have gone already! By the time this goes to press

you will have just had your latest event, the 18th Birthday Anniversary of Purely Belter, how did this all come about? Purely Belter is great! ‘’A Pound, a pound, everything is a F*&king pound!’’ Basically me and my best mate, Sax, used to watch it all the time during highschool years and recite parts of the film regularly. Last year, I made friends with a singer bloke called Chris Beattie and booked him for my GREATEST SHOW ON THE TYNE at The Tyne Theatre & Opera House last year to perform. Not only is he a singer but he’s also ‘’Gerry’’ one of the main characters from the movie! During various chats at the pub and suchlike, I found out lots of funny stories and random facts about the film that I would never have known unless I’d sat down and chatted to him, this sparked an idea that I should sit and talk to him in front of an audience of fellow fans of the movie. Then I decided to ask a few of the other actors off the film if they’d be up for it and it spiraled from there! We’ve got Tim Healy making his first appearance in the North East for a canny while, Charlie Hardwick, Val McLane, etc. I’m really

most hits I’ve had on any videos of me and it happens to be the one where I’m playing the part of a knackered out chav, looking smacked up - bloody typical!! Haha.

pleased to have got hold of Greg Mclane who plays ‘’Sewell’’ in the movie too. He was tough to track down - he’s now a teacher in Leeds! Managed to convince him to attend though! I’ve turned it into a charity fundraiser too for LOCAL causes, so all profits will be donated to charity. None of these big charities where half of the donations go towards paying for high rent London offices, just good local causes to help people in the North East. Charity begins at home! Have you been surprised at the response the event has had? I mean you must be happy with the fact it sold out well ahead of the night and people are still desperate to get tickets. Yes, it’s a shame we didn’t do 3

nights in a row, as I could have easily Sold it Out three times over! I’m not surprised though to be honest, as it’s a cult Geordie film and it’s 18 years since it was filmed up here in the region. The audience will get to see the film played on a big screen then meet some of Newcastle’s favourite faces and ask any questions they want too! It’ll be cracking. Mind you, I made a little promo video to advertise the gig. I wrote the script in an hour and picked the locations and stuff, then got my mate Jon Imyrie from Solid Gold Videography to come along and record it all in a day on the Quayside and surrounding areas. He edited it in a day and gave me it. I put it on YouTube and Facebook and it had around 50,000 views in a week and went viral around the North East! The

What other events do you have up your sleeve for after the Boba Fett evening? I’ve got lots - My own cabaret tent at The North East Chilli Festival, Some Cabaret Nights at Rockliffe Hall and lots of other gigs coming up too. The Greatest Show on the Tyne will be a belter on 6th October, make sure you get tickets for that one!! Last year I had 15 acts on the bill! It was a PROPER Variety Show - Jugglers, Dancers, Singers, Magicians, Contortionists, Acrobats and all sorts of Wonderful performers. Some local and some not - was nice to have coaxed Bobby Pattisnon out of retirement to perform too. The Tyne Theatre celebrates their 150th Anniversary this year so I’ve teamed up with them to do another GREATEST SHOW ON THE TYNE with different acts this year. Finbar Healy the comedian (Son of Brendan Healy), amethyst Illusionists, The Great Aziz Dove Magic Act and lots of others have been confirmed already with more to be announced in the next month. I’m really aiming to bring


the cream of the UK cabaret crop to the North East and raise the cabaret culture in the region with a good old fashioned Variety Show for the whole family to enjoy! Instead of just sitting in watching the bloody X Factor! Entertainment should be kept LIVE and judging by the audiences they agree too which is nice! This Blackfriars Ouseburn Cinema, where the Boba Fett & Purely Belter gigs are happening, is a new community pop up cinema and the guy who runs it, Dave, is a sound bloke - So I’d like to do a few more events there. Not quite sure what but have a few ideas in mind... 2016 was a sad year for magic with the passing of the Paul Daniels, you were lucky enough to have worked with Paul, what was it like working with such a Legend? Indeed Paul is and will forever be a great loss to Magic and Enter-


tainment in general. I first saw Paul’s ‘’An Audience With...’’ Show at the Whitley Bay Playhouse when I was around 12yrs old. A Wonderful old lady and Magician, Cynthia Neptune, who organised the Junior Section of the Northern Magic Circle had taken us all on an outing and had arranged for us to meet Paul after the show too. It was that night I decided that I knew what I wanted to do forever. It was after watching his show I made up my mind to be a professional magician. I went by the name of ‘’Conjuring Chris’’ and I was talking to Paul a few years later, I was about 15 and I asked him if he could give me any advice... He told me to never leave money in a dressing room, to always be myself and don’t try to copy anyone else and he said my stage name would only ever bring me kids party gigs. ‘’When you’re 30 years old trying to get high paying corporate bookings, you’ll have no chance with a name like Conjur-

ing Chris, Call yourself something cool, something snappy - I dunno, something like Chris Cross. Something like that.’’ So I did! It was awesome to have gigged with him at my Quayside Cabaret Club in Newcastle, I hired Paul & Debbie to both come and do a Q&A, followed by a show and they really were great. I don’t understand how he wasn’t given an OBE! It was rather special to work with ‘’The Master’’ - a bloke I’ve pretty much idolized for a lot of my life and for a lot of it to come, too, I’m sure! Such a great magician and an entertainer. Very funny bloke too. Debbie is lovely as well, we’ve become friends and I had a night out in York with her and my girlfriend after her panto gig, just before Xmas. We’d planned a mini tour for 2016 with ‘’The Chris Cross & Paul Daniels Magic Show Featuring The Lovely Debbie McGee’’ for just a couple of dates, but it would

have turned into something bigger I’m sure if he were still here. I’m very pleased I got to perform with him though. One of my personal highlights of my career. You have met and performed for some very famous names over the years, is there anyone that really stands out for you? Getting tied up in a straitjacket by Mike Tyson, Chaining up The Hairy Bikers, Warming up for Alice Cooper in Hyde Park & Performing at a Private event with just a handful of people for Prince Harry springs to mind. There’s so many cool people in amazing places that I’ve entertained. Hard to pick a favourite! If you could perform for anyone at all, who would it be and why? I’d love to perform for The Queen. She’s an amazing woman and it’s a pretty prestigious gig. I mean she’s good crack apparently and you can’t really top trump anyone else over The Queen really, can you? If it was non-living people then I’d love to perform for some of my heroes... Evel Knievel, Charlie Chaplin, Michael Jackson, Muhammad Ali, Fred Astaire and so on. That would be Epic. There are a lot of famous big name magicians, but who would you say is the best out there, who blows you away with their magic?

I like Blaine. David Blaine. As far as I’m concerned, he’s been ‘’The Man’’ for the past 20 years. No one has done better TV Magic or Big impressive publicity stunts than him. They’ve tried. But haven’t come close as far as I’m concerned. Penn & Teller are great too. Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? - I’m not a vegetarian. Not at all. Far from it. - I don’t own a television... Just a projector, laptop and a screen. It’s far better! - I’ve won the award for the ‘’Best North East Wedding’’ entertainer from the UK Wedding Industry Awards 2014 & 2015 When you are not working hard what do you like to get up to with your spare time? Ice Hockey. Not really. Never played it in my life. I like watching movies, I’m a Netflix United Fan. Watching old videos of interviews with stars on YouTube and stuff too. I’m a memorabilia collector and have lots of cool bits and bobs - from James Brown’s Concert

Worn White Sparkly Tuxedo to Paulette Goddard’s Screen worn Fur Coat! Autographs. I collect them too. To be honest with you though, really, I never bloody stop! I don’t get much spare time. Well, I would if I didn’t fill it with new projects like writing a book, deciding to hang myself upside down or put on a free show to raise money for charity! It’s not a bad thing that I’m busy though. I’d get too bored and restless if I had nothing to do. There’s nothing sadder than an out of work clown. Just like Chaplin’s Limelight! IF there’s no work there, I invent it. I’m always doing something showbusiness related whether it be watching shows and scouting for crazy acts, reading up on stuff in books or online or simply hammering social media with all my latest spiel and promo shtick! Where can people follow you and keep up to date with your shows and events? Facebook Page Twitter Instagram YouTube


My ACTUAL Website:

one or two or ten:

Is there anything you would like to add? YES! I’m bringing out a book in a month or two. It’s written, illustrated, edited and with the designer at the moment. Should hopefully be going to print soon. It’s called ‘’The Geordie Book of Magic’’ and it teaches a dozen North East themed Magic Tricks. It is accompanied by a DVD featuring me performing the tricks I teach in the book to Tim Healy, Charlie Hardwick, Simon Donald, Malcolm ‘Supermac’ Macdonald and a few other local faces!

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us and we look forward to seeing you at An Evening With Boba Fett Thank YOU for providing the platform for people like myself to promote what we’re doing! Until next time...

It’s been brilliantly illustrated by VIZ Comic write & illustrator Davey Jones and it has a Foreword by The Lovely Debbie McGee. I’m really excited about this project, I’ve never written a book before!! It’s aimed at all ages, whether you’re a bored kid on the playground wanting to learn a few tricks to make school a bit more fun or you’re a bloke going down the pub and want to blag a few beers off your mates for swindling them with a sucker card trick! Here’s a sneak peek of a trick


called ‘’A Purely Radge Night Oot on the Toon!’’ You can Pre-order a copy now and be one among the first bunch of people to receive it, I’m signing and numbering the first 200 copies. They’re only a tenner plus £2.50 P&P and I accept PayPal! Just email me directly if you want


Hi Melanie and welcome to NE, can you give our readers a quick introduction? Hi, my name is Melanie Hartshorn and I’m 27, and a recent biology graduate from Newcastle University. I live in Cramlington, Northumberland. You have recently made appearances in the press and on the radio because of your rare medical condition Ehlers-Danios syndrome (EDS), can you explain what this condition is? Ehlers- Danlos Syndrome is a


genetic connective tissue disorder which causes widespread problems with many of the body’s systems. With myself MY biggest problem is joint instability and dislocations of all of my joints, including my skull and spine! This is called Cranio Cervical Instability CCI and in my case is life threatening as it causes compression of my brainstem and as a result I am now bed bound and in constant severe pain, with daily seizures. My neurological symptoms are increasing in severity and number each day and I now can’t move my head at all without it slipping out of joint. There is a treatment available but what are the issues you are facing to get this life saving treatment? The treatment for severe CCI cases is a specialist neurosurgery to fuse the skull to the neck, it is available currently in the USA, where there are specialist surgeons who perform these life saving specialised surgeries specifically on those with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. The cost of the surgery in the USA

is over £150,000 and I must raise it all myself through fundraising! So this really has become a race against time for you, how does that make you feel? It’s terrifying as each and every day that I’m left with the instability and brainstem compression causes more neurological damage and more pain. I’m currently under palliative care to attempt to control the severe pain and take fentanyl and ketamine in a bid to control the pain, I must wear a hard neck collar 24/7 and lie flat at all times. If my head moves even slightly, my skull slips out of joint and causes a huge seizure, which only stops when someone puts traction on my skull to pop the joint back into place and relieve the brainstem compression- so it’s a very scary situation to be in. You have to find a lot of money quickly if this is going to help you, so how can people help you and get involved in the fundraising or even make a donation? Any help is greatly appreciated,

from sponsorships to fundraising events! I have my own charitable trust fund now and will be a registered charity very soon! Donations can be made via the website: Gofundme: Or a cheque to: ““The Melanie’s Mission chariatble Trust 2016”

20 sea view villas, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE232AD

one is welcome! It’s £35pp or £315for a table of 10,

You have an event coming up on the 25th of February with your Purple Zebra Ball, can you tell us more about that? We have an upcoming purple Zebra Ball at Kingston Park on February the 25th, tickets are on sale now at my website and every-

http://www.melanies-mission-eds. Do you have any other events or fundraisers planned? Cramlington pantomime (BATS. beauty and the beast) raised an amazing £1,200 for me and presented it to me at the show earlier tonight, it was amazing and I’m so very grateful to them all! The Michaela Percival School of Dance held a flash mob for me also which was amazing, and are raising money at their next dance show in March! We are also hoping to have a live music fundraising night at a local bingo at the end of April and welcome any fundraising support that anyone can give! You recently graduated in Biology from Newcastle University, how difficult has it been for you to complete your course with every-


thing going on? It was hard work and took me 5years rather than the usual 3. At the start of the course I was in a wheelchair and attended every lecture and exam, as well as daily physiotherapy at the gym and enjoyed an active social life of most students, 3 nights out a week. Sadly over time my health deteriorated & I had several spinal surgeries during the course so had to take a year out and my final year was all done solely from my bed at home with the fantastic support that the uni provided for me. I had both a reader and scribe, and extra time for assignments and exams.


You have always wanted to become a teacher, is this still your aim? Yes, I’d love to be able to have the surgery, get better and go back to uni to do MY one year needed to be a qualified teacher. I gained experience in a primary school in Newcastle whilst doing my biology degree and throughly enjoyed it, I even planned and created my own worksheets and taught 5 students for a full day about the biology of plants- they all dressed

up as scientists and dissected a flower and examined it under my microscopes.. it was great fun and none of the students wanted to go out for their break! You have really become an inspiration to people with the way you have dealt with your condition and not let it stop you, how does that make you feel knowing you inspire a lot of people? That’s lovely to know and is genuinely what keeps me going… knowing I’m helping others by sharing my story is a big boost. I’ve had many people come to my facebook page asking for advice and support that I’ve been able to point in the right direction to getting their own health problems sorted. This is SO important when there is such a lack of knowledge of this rare complication of EDS in the UK. I’m trying to change this and help others to get the help they need before they get as poorly as myself, mine is a very severe case and I’m said to be the worst case they’ve seen with the severity of the instability in my neck. Raising awareness enabling others to

get early intervention and prevention is really the key! Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? My favourite colour is purplewhich also happens to be the colour ribbon for CCI too! I’m half Turkish I have a pet dog that I’ve been training to support me, she alerts mum when I’m having a seizure and fetches anything I drop on the floor! Where can people keep up to date with everything? Facebook, twitter & my website Is there anything you would like to add? Thank you for supporting my campaign for lifesaving surgery! Thank you for taking the time to chat with us Melanie and we hope you have a fantastic time at the Purple Zebra Ball




JASON DONOVAN TO PLAY SAM PHILLIPS IN THE BROADWAY AND WEST END SMASH HIT THE MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET AT THEATRE ROYAL MON 6 – SAT 11 MAR 2017 MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET - the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical and West End smash hit embarks on its first ever UK Tour, and today reveals casting for the red-hot rock ‘n’ roll extravaganza.

impressive musical theatre background, including leading roles in The Rocky Horror Show, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Sweeney Todd and most famously, Priscilla Queen of the Desert. A household name, Jason was launched to stardom appearing as Scott in the hit Australian soap opera Neighbours. His hugely successful pop career has seen Jason sell millions of albums and top the charts worldwide. He is currently visiting venues around the UK with his Ten Good Reasons and Greatest Hits tour and presents a show every Sunday on Heart FM.

Jason Donovan is cast as legendary record producer Sam Phillips - the man who brought the 4 recording stars together to create music history. Jason has an Ashley Carruthers play Jerry


Lee Lewis. Ashley started playing piano at the age of five showing incredible early promise and talent and has quickly risen to become one of the most talented pianists performing in the world today. He has worked as a performer, musician and teacher with numerous ballet companies, performing arts colleges and as a soloist on the world’s top cruise lines. Most recently he has been touring internationally with his own rock and roll piano show. Ashley has been involved in music theatre previously in his native Australia but Million Dollar Quartet marks his UK musical theatre debut. Robbie Durham performs as Johnny Cash. His stage credits include 1st cover Tony in Billy Elliot (Victoria Palace); Hoods (Arts Theatre); Sunny Afternoon (Harold Pinter Theatre); Dreamboats and Petticoats (West End & UK tour); Kiss Me, Kate (Upstairs at the Gatehouse); The Confession Room (Landor Theatre); Olivier Awards 2011 (Drury Lane Theatre); Cinderella (Pavilion Theatre Rhyl); Broadway to West End (Drury Lane Theatre).

Ross William Wild joins the cast as Elvis Presley. Recent roles include Norman in Dreamboats and Miniskirts (UK Tour), Michael in The Witches of Eastwick (The Watermill Theatre), Jason in the European Premiere of BARE (Union Theatre and Greenwich Theatre in London) and Kenickie in Grease (National tour). Matt Wycliffe appears as Carl Perkins. Stage credits include Outspan Foster in The Commitments (Palace Theatre) Bob Guadio in Jersey Boys (Prince Edward Theatre, WhatsOnStage Award nomination), Buddy in The Buddy Holly Story (Duchess Theatre). Katie Ray is Dyanne. Her stage credits include Beauty in Beauty and the Beast (Central Theatre Chatham), Wendy in Peter Pan (Grand Canal Theatre, Dublin and Mayflower Theatre, Southampton), Truly Scrumptious in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (UK Tour), Liesl in The Sound of Music (Royal Palladium). Inspired by the true story of the famed recording session where Sam Phillips, brought together icons Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins,

Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley, Million Dollar Quartet will play Sheffield Lyceum, Nottingham Theatre Royal, Malvern, Birmingham Hippodrome, Edinburgh Festival Theatre, Leeds Grand, Glasgow King’s Theatre, Southampton Mayflower and Bristol Hippodrome.

nominees Colin Escott and Floyd Mutrux and produced by Simon Friend, Mark Goucher, Tom O’Connell, Laurence Myers and Gavin Kalin. Olivier nominated Ian Talbot OBE, renowned for his tenure as both Artistic and Managing director at The Open Air Theatre in Regent’s Park directs.

Million Dollar Quartet includes more than 20 legendary rock ‘n’ roll hits, including Blue Suede Shoes, Hound Dog, I Walk The Line and Great Balls of Fire.

Don’t miss your chance to be a fly on the wall of fame and history, and join in the celebration... at MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET!

Million Dollar Quartet is at Newcastle Theatre Royal from Mon 6 until Sat 11 March 2017, playing evenings at 7.30pm, matinees on Thu 2pm and Sat 2.30pm. Tickets from £16`.50 and can be purchased from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21. Calls cost 7ppm plus your phone company’s Million Dollar Quartet is access charge or book online written by Tony Award at MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET brings that legendary night to life, featuring a score of rock hits which bring you inside the recording studio with four major talents who came together as a red-hot rock ‘n’ roll band for one unforgettable night.


person, working on the American accent, and just finding within the dialogue the character. What 3 words would you use to describe Sam Phillips? Smart, passionate, and he’s someone who’s willing to accept and look at the bigger picture The show is all about four rock n roll icons – what’s your favourite song in the show? I Walk The Line - Johnny Cash’s classic. What else can audiences look forward to about the show? I just think it’s going to be a great piece of entertainment. I think for those people who don’t know that era in music, it’s very uplifting. The 50’s were a massive change in America and throughout the world, dialogue and the character and I think I’m just looking each night, because it’s forward to the interaction meaty in its dialogue and with the songs and the story. What are you most looking I’m really the driving force forward to about being in of the story. That requires a lot of concentration! Million Dollar Quartet? I’m looking to the music. I’m looking forward to the What have you/will you be character, playing Sam doing to get into character? Phillips. It’s quite dialogue- Spending many hours on my heavy and story-driven, so own, wandering around the it’s quite a challenge for my streets of London, learning memory. But I’m looking lines. And, you know, looking forward to telling a story and up clips of Sam Phillips and playing something different just getting a sense of the than what I’ve done in the past.

Interview with Jason Donovan

What’s your favourite thing about performing on stage? The audience, always the audience. And the fact that you never quite know how a performance is going to go and each performance is different – it’s the chemistry between the actors. It’s exciting. It gets your adrenaline going.


What do you think the biggest challenge will be? Well definitely being on top of the words and the




When you think of Bare Knuckle Boxing I’m sure most people will think of travellers fighting in car parks or some of the call out videos, both of which you often see popping up on youtube and facebook. What people don’t realise is that over the last few years a company called UBBAD have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to bring BKB out of the shadows and into the mainstream.

fight defeating Cowboys Michael who was undefeated in 200 BKB fights. There have been a few occasions where Terrill was due to face current UBBAD Champion Michael “The Real Deal” Ferry on other promotions but it has yet to happen, hopefully now that they are both signed to UBBAD there’s nowhere to hide and this eagerly awaited fight won’t be far away. It will be a fan favourite fight when it happens seeing as Ferry’s fans think there is no competition left for him to face, whilst Terril’s fans think Ferry is ducking Terril because he knows that he will lose his title and has been avoiding the hard fights to keep it. With this kind of talk there can only be one outcome and that is for the fight to take place, which will be great news for neutral BKB fans.

They already have some top level fighters on their books, but in recent months they really have pulled out all of the stops with signings like North East fighter Michael Terrill, who is a Champion Kickboxer and who this year won his first ever Bare Knuckle

Another of the big name signing is former UFC fighter Melvin Guillard who is a well-known striker and a massive household name to be added to the UBBAD roster. He will be taking on the winner of the upcoming Jimmy Sweeney and Dann Henry-Welsh fight. Sweeney

is the current UBBAD Champion and himself a devastating striker, so many fans see him walking through Dann and then on to face Melvin in his UBBAD debut which will be an explosive fight. The 5th of November saw UBBAD return to the Newcastle for BKB2 at the Lancastrian Suite with a stacked card and we were there sitting ringside with UBBAD Medic and legend Bill Ellis watching the action. Bill was explaining the new safety element that UBBAD had introduced and that was the Red Towel, which works in the same way as the corner throwing in the towel if they thought their fighter had had enough, except this would be thrown in by the medic rather than the corner, so if Bill thought a fighter was in serious trouble and at risk of a bad injury he could throw in the towel himself ending the fight. Bill didn’t really want to do this but he did use it once during the night and it was 100% the right choice, it was a great stoppage and it showed that the health of the fighters is a real priority. I’ve seen a few videos of past shows/fights and I have to say, I thought I would really struggle listening to the constant commentary of notorious gangster Dave Courtney shouting out on the mic during the fight as he tells the fighters to “F**king smash him” but I have to say, I actually found myself laughing at the comments



We have double the fun now as we have teamed up with Cineworld Boldon and the new Cineworld Dalton Park to give you a quick run down on a few films that are coming soon and really have got us excited. Plus make sure you check out their Facebook page to keep up to date with their daily competitions and updates. Boldon and Dalton Park

Fifty Shades Darker Release date: 10 February 2017 Ana Steele and Christian Grey continue their steamy relationship in this eagerly awaited follow-up to the 2015 erotic smash.


At the end of blockbusting E.L. James adaptation Fifty Shades of Grey, it seemed as if the relationship between naďve Anastasia (Dakota Johnson) and mysterious, kinky billionaire Christian (Jamie Dornan) was over. However, the two are drawn back towards each other – but not like before. The more assertive Ana is now setting the terms of their relationship whilst Christian has some dark secrets of his own, which manifest in the form of a dangerous

old flame and the influence of one Elena Lincoln (Kim Basinger). Can they make it last? Adapted from E.L. James’ sexy, barnstorming bestseller, Fifty Shades of Grey was one of the biggest hits of 2015. With its two attractive stars back for more, expectations are high for Fifty Shades

Darker to exceed its predecessor. Cast: Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Kim Basinger, Eloise Mumford, Luke Grimes, Bella Heathcote Director: James Foley CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


John Wick: Chapter 2 Release date: 17 February 2017 Keanu Reeves’ legendary hitman takes on the world’s deadliest killers in this thrillpacked sequel.


John Wick (Keanu Reeves) isn’t having much luck staying retired. Now a former associate of the unstoppable hitman is planning to take over the shadowy international assassins’ guild. John is bound by a blood oath to assist him and reluctantly travels to Rome to fulfil this obligation. Matters are complicated by the fact that someone has ‘opened an account’ on John himself, which means that every badass on the planet is now closing in! It’s not long before the bullets start flying in this explosive sequel to the 2014 hit that reignited Keanu Reeves’ action career with the biggest bang imaginable.

That stylish spectacle’s codirector, former stuntman Chad Stahelski, is back behind the camera for this second magnificent blend of superbly choreographed breathtaking action and witty one-liners. Common and Laurence Fishburne are among those joining the cast.

Cast: Keanu Reeves, Common, Laurence Fishburne, Riccardo Scamarcio, Ruby Rose, John Leguizamo, Ian McShane Director: Chad Stahelski CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


Kong: Skull Island Release date: 10 March 2017 The great ape roars back onto the screen in this spectacular reboot of the classic monster movie. In the 1970s a group of scientists, soldiers and government agents make the epic journey to a remote, uncharted Pacific island. But its natural beauty is soon revealed to harbour terrifying secrets in the form of enormous ape King Kong, revered by the locals as a god. But there are even deadlier threats to be faced if the team want to make it off the island alive, namely the man-eating, subterranean skull-crawlers.


The latest instalment in Warner Bros’ ongoing shared monster universe that began with 2014’s Godzilla, this all-action creature

feature presents us with the largest incarnation of the rampagingly iconic Kong yet. He’s poised to fight the big lizard in the planned 2020 movie Godzilla vs. Kong. Fighting for their lives are an all-star cast led by Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, John

Goodman and John C. Reilly. Cast: Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson, Toby Kebbell Director: Jordan VogtRoberts CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



King Arthur - Legend of the Sword Release date: 24 March 2017 The young Arthur runs the back passages of Londonium with his crew, not knowing his royal lineage until he grabs Excalibur. Instantly confronted by the sword’s influence, Arthur is forced to make up his mind. He joins the rebellion and a shadowy young woman named Guinevere, he must learn to understand the magic weapon, deal with his demons and unite the people to defeat the dictator Vortigern, the man who murdered his parents and stole his crown to become king Cast: Charlie Hunnam, Jude Law, Eric Bana, Idris Elba, Djimon Hounsou, Aidan Gillen, Astrid Berges-Frisbey Director: Guy Ritchie CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



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An innovative project to help address the emerging skills gap in the North East digital and tech sector is set to be expanded following its early success. DevAcademy is working in partnership with Gateshead College to train young and adult candidates in the use of some of the latest software packages being used by IT and creative tech companies. An intensive six-week accelerator course, jointly designed by DevAcademy and Gateshead College, covered the fundamentals required for entry level posts as developers, testers, support analysts and other tech roles. Candidates aged from 18 into their mid Forties developed skills and knowledge in Agile methodologies, project management and UX/ UI design. Traditional courses at colleges and universities are either more curriculum-based or struggling to keep pace with the fastchanging software technologies. The first successful cohort of 23


people ‘graduated’ from their course run by Gateshead College at the end of 2016. By early January 2017 more than 50pc of these were in employment in various North East businesses. Rachel Peacock, managing director of the DevAcademy, said: We’re delighted with the results of this first cohort from Gateshead College. We found the teaching staff highly flexible and responsive to our requirements along with the needs of individual students. “Once successfully trained we start matching our candidates to local companies with live vacancies. Candidates are given multiple interviews and chances to meet decision makers in blue chip companies or smaller businesses in the area. “There is no cost to the candidate for the course; and employers enjoy the benefit of a ‘try before you buy’ status. Once the company is happy with the candidate there is a transition in employment from us

to the company.” John Deary, curriculum operations manager at Gateshead College, said: “Candidates on this accelerator programme are taught softer skills as well as the technical, making them better equipped for the workplace. “This bespoke programme is a great example of how Gateshead College is tailoring courses for specific industry sectors and needs. Candidates learn a mixture of skills that are not necessarily curriculum based or qualification driven.” The DevAcademy intends to run other courses with Gateshead College and is even looking to ‘export’ the idea to other parts of the UK.






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