NE Online Magazine Issue 30

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Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird. As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

We l c o m e N o t e . W h a t a c ra z y fe w m o n t h s i t h a s b e e n , I h a v e t a ke n p a r t i n t h e G r e a t N o r t h R u n ra i s i n g £ 8 5 5 fo r A r t h r i t i s R e s e ra c h U K , p l u s I w a s n o m i n a t e d fo r t h e B e s t O f S o u t h Ty n e s i d e A w a r d s a s o n e o f t h e F u n d ra i s e r s o f t h e Ye a r, I d i d n o t w i n , b u t w h a t a n h o n o u r t h a t w a s . S o i t h a s b e e n b u s y, but it hasnt stopped me putting t o g e t h e r a n o t h e r f u l l i s s u e fo r y o u . As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then d o n ’ t fo r g e t t o d r o p u s a n e m a i l t o wayne. groves@neonlinemagazine. com P l u s r e m e m b e r t o fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k a n d Tw i t t e r fo r o u r r e g u l a r updates on events and competitions. Till next time Ta ke c a r e Wa y n e


Cineworld Boldon The Theatre Royal Newcastle & Newcastle City Hall Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@ Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine join us on twitter @NEOnlineMag

CONTRIBUTORS Marathon Photos Peter Mann BSc Inside Mann Media & PR LeeNemsPhotography SPONSORS Sergeant Clip Facebook - Sergeant Clip F.ound Digital Website:


THIS ISSUE P6 South Tyneside Kettlebells P12 Stephen Sinclair P22 Northern Star Tepees P30 Great North Run 2017 P40 Alan Robson MBE P46 What’s On Newcastle Theatre Royal & City Hall P58 Cineworld Film Round Up P74 Tomorrow Is Lost P80 Edenthorn P86 K & D Systems P86 Dua Lipa @ O2 Academy Newcastle5

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Not everyone can hit the gym 24/7 and live off rabbit food every day, it really is a way of life that you love or hate. For some of us it is just a struggle to find the time in our busy days to hit the gym, or maybe the thought of giving up those sweet snacks or the odd beer is the stuff of nightmares! Finding that balance can be difficult, especially with all of these fad diets and miracle weight loss pills and now even the magic weight loss coffee’s and tea’s to tempt you into an easy life. If

Do you struggle to get to a gym regularly? Do you struggle to eat healthy?


only it was that simple. There’s no real secret to losing weight, the only real way to do it is to eat better and to exercise, it really is that simple! That doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself or not have any treats, it just means doing things in moderation and not stuffing your face with junk food every day. You don’t have to live in the gym, but even doing 20 minutes a day will give you visible results. Have you ever had someone say to you “we can change your life for X amount?” Normally they can’t, they are just trying to sell you a wonder diet or a miracle weight loss pill/drink. However STK can change your life and for only £5 per month with proven techniques and the results to match! No BS just sound advice! Now they can’t do it alone, as nothing will ever work unless you want it to, unless you are willing to at least try. If you are then STK can and will help. With meal plans and fitness videos that you can do in the comfort of your own home and at a time to suit you! Team STK online training group has over 200 members, all following the easy to follow eating plan and using the STK

18 inches lost in 6 weeks


menus. Each and every single member is getting the results because they are helping themselves. They are getting them by making the small changes needed, by eating better without starving themselves, by doing some exercise without having to live in the gym. What’s even better is it only cost’s

them £5 per month, that’s it. No hidden costs. Only £5 a month paid via paypal: FIT4AFIVER! Simply send your £5 via the paypal link at the bottom of the page then inbox STK on their facebook page here to say you have paid & then they will add you to the group, it really is

that simple! This gets you an eating plan with over 100 menus, 2 new workouts a week and over 80 no equipment workouts ranging between 10-30 minutes Some people have lost 2 stone using these workouts 5 days a week.





NERG is the biggest retro gaming event in the North East, held at Gateshead Stadium over the course of 2 days, this event is as big as it gets for retro gamers or just the big kids re-living their youth playing the games they used to play, after all, they don’t make them like they used to. 2017 will be the fifth year of NERG and it will be a big one. With 100 video arcade machines, 35 pinball machines and 60 consoles and computers this really is an event you do not want to miss!. The event is held over the weekend of 1st & 2nd of July. Entrance is £15 per day or £25 for the full weekend. Children aged 5-13 years can also get in for only £10 on the Sunday. All the machines are set to free play so once you pay the admission fee, it’s free gaming all day., so no need for those pockets full of change. CLICK HERE TO TICKETS ONLINE.



or you can pay on the day if the event hasn’t sold out. More details can be found at w w w.northeastretrogaming. com Machines are announced on a regular basis through the social feeds so make sure you keep checking to see what games will

be there, though with so many we are sure your favourites will be there. CLICK HERE FOR FACEBOOK For Twitter - @NERGOfficial



ON TOP OF THE WORLD WITH STEPHEN SINCLAIR Hi Stephen and welcome to NE, can you introduce yourself to our readers? Hi Wayne thanks for having me, my name is Stephen Sinclair and I’m a personal trainer from Bedlington. Now quite a lot of people in the North East will know you from the local fight scene, tell us a little more about that? Yeah I started off as an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighter, I had

most of my fights on a promotion called Fight Fest and I ended up taking over the promotion in 2013. Taking over the Fight Fest Championships was a big step for you, what was your main reason for doing this? Yes I certainly was, it has opened up many doors and I am grateful for the opportunity, it was just brought up in conversation one day and it went from there. I knew all the fighters and I was quite close to the promoter so knew pretty much everything that was involved and certainly felt up to the job.

and me and I know he would of loved the fact we had a show especially for him! It was a good show with some awesome fights and I appreciate everybody that was involved that night! Since the Fighting For Frankie show quite a lot has changed for you, your whole outlook on life is different, how you live your life and tackle things, why do you think that is? When you suddenly lose some

Your Grandad Frankie was a big influence and reason for you doing so, sadly when he passed away it was a big loss felt by many, as shown by the response of everyone at the last Fight Fest. Tell us your thoughts on it and how you felt seeing everyone getting behind the show dedicated to him? My grandad was and always will be my biggest hero! It was something that meant a lot to my family


body that was so important to you of course it will change You, I went through hell for months over that until one day something just clicked and I decided to really start living my life to the full. Everything I do, I do for him. To make him as proud as possible, if ever I struggle I think of him and I always seem to find a way to overcome any obstacle in my way.


This year Fight Fest has taken a bit of a back seat while you take on new challenges and adventures, can you tell us a little more about them and why you are pursuing

them? Yeah sure, I Intended to take a year out from the shows to fol-

low something I never actually thought I would ever become so passionate about, hiking. Growing up I hated walking and I just kind of fell into it really. It all started by doing the Great North Run and events such as Total Warrior and the Great North Bike Ride and then once I realised I could do all those I then decided I wanted to climb the highest mountain in the UK (Ben Nevis). I trained for 2 weeks and then went for It. it was hard and unless you have ever climbed a mountain you will never understand how much it takes it out of you.

Each time you have challenged yourself it must be a great feeling when you complete it, but can you put it into words what it felt like standing on the top of Mt Kilimanjaro, your biggest challenge so far? It was definitely one of the most emotional things I’ve ever been through. I know I had a lot of support but at the same time I know a lot of people deep down probably expected me to fail. I put absolutely everything in to that, it took 7 days to climb up and get back down to sea level. It really was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through besides losing my grandad. Half way up to Uhuru peak on the last night it was so cold and really steep many turned back for different reasons but I can remember thinking about my grandad and I imagined him waiting up there for me and at that point I felt as though he said to me “hurry up then, I’m not waiting up here all day for You” that was all I needed to push up to the top. When I got there I was so overwhelmed and happy to be up there, I recorded a video on my go pro of my reaction which is on my Facebook account somewhere and I could barely speak due to sheer exhaustion and the fact I was crying and breathing so hard.

What advice would you give to anyone that is interested in doing some of these challenges, be it the peaks in the UK or something bigger like Mt Kilimanjaro? My advice is to go after it with everything you have. It will be hard...but it will be worth it. Not many people get to experience what the summit of a mountain actually feels’s a breath-taking experience and totally worth going through the adversity to get up there.

Peaks which I have recently just started, then it’s off to Peru next year to climb Machu Picchu and after that I’m continuing my main

So now that you have done Mt Kilimanjaro what is next? I’m just going to continue my training and hitting the Lake District ticking off the Wain Wright’s


goal of climbing the 7 summits of the world. Will Fight Fest be coming back soon or was Fighting For Frankie the end of an era? Fight Fest Will definitely be back! I can’t say for sure when but I’ve spoken to the promoter of Duel Fight Sports and there will be a collaboration event, possibly around May 2018, so keep your eyes peeled for that! Where can people follow your exploits and adventures? You guys can follow my adventures on Instagram @ the_conqueror88. Is there anything you would like to add? I just want to thank everybody who supports me and gives me the motivation to keep pushing for bigger and Better. Absolutely anything is possible to achieve, all you need is a big enough why! I am also looking for sponsorship if anybody would like to help me achieve my goal of climbing the 7 summits or any other chal-


lenge I would be very grateful and I will give your company some great exposure and show a flag of your logo at the summit of every mountain...imagine your logo be-

ing seen at the top of the highest mountain on earth đ&#x;˜‰ We wish you nothing but luck for the future, wherever that may take you Thank you so much Wayne I appreciate it.







Northern Star Tepees is a family run company based in the North East of England. Owner Emma Hall-Craggs has always loved camping in the gorgeously wild countryside that she is proud to call their home, however, she wanted something different to the usual bell tents. So, after finding nothing to suit her and her family’s camping needs, she decided to design her own. Inspired by an 1800s American military tent, her canvas, singlepole tepees are sturdy, practical, and hardy, yet high-quality, luxurious, and stylish, with some much-needed modern adjustments. Hall-Craggs says: “We’ve made a few adjustments that suit the


modern traditional camper but it is essentially the same bit of kit. Tried and tested over the years by some of the world’s most intrepid explorers, this

tent design is rugged, practical and well…just super cool!” What’s solved

more, they’ve even the worse part of

camping. Fed of waking up in puddles of water? These tepees come equipped with a heavy duty zipped in ground sheet with a waterproof zipper and PVC water flap. Constantly tripping over guy ropes at night? With reflective ones, your ankles can breathe a sigh of relief. Roomy zip up canvas bags means you will no longer spend back breaking hours stuffing the tent into a sack bag, whilst roll up/peg out fly screened zipped windows allow different levels of privacy and mean you can flood your living space with light. Finally, with just a single central pole, tepees take half the time to pitch than normal tents. With these beautiful but practical tepees, you’ll be the envy of every campsite.

the wedding is as stress free as possible, so they will personally pitch and dismantle their tepees in the couple’s chosen location, and will then fully furnish with handpicked decorations such as bunting, chandeliers, floral garlands, wicker baskets, log burners, and fire pits, and, most importantly, a single, double, or king size bed with a memory foam mattress. As a family run company, Northern Star Tepees are happy to be flexible with the interior

design, so they consult with the couple as to how they want to add their own personal touch. And, as for their own special wedding gift, Northern Star Tepees will throw in a free 3m ‘dressing’ tent for every couple who chooses the larder bridal tent. Northern Star Tepees are also the only UK supplier of 3m children’s tent, which are not only perfect for solo camping, kids parties, and permanent pitches in your gardens a wedding, but also a

Northern Star Tepees’s tepees are available to buy or to rent, but they also do private hire for events such as boutique festivals, parties, and graduations, fully furnished or not. Their speciality, however, is weddings. Their wedding tepees provide perfect accommodation for any shabby chic, boho, or vintage style weddings – anything rustic, down-to-earth, and back to nature. The company’s number one aim is to ensure


With tepees pitched on site, there’s no need to taxi your guests to their hotels at the end of the night, which means only one thing...the party can go on for longer!

sell other glamping products, including 285gsm and 350gsm walkabout dining tents, traditional, UK-made, hand forged cooking bowls, woks, traditional Indian kadai sets, swing grills, fire pits, and Falcon enamelware, such as tumblers, mugs, trays, teapots, and deep plates in a variety of colours.

are over, and Northern Star Tepees is here to counter the stereotype that glamping is simply a high-end, expensive, time-consuming alternative. Everyone deserves to sleep in style, so treat yourself to one of these beautiful won’t ever want to sleep in a house again!


The days of traditional camping

great ‘kids zone’ for younger guests to relax while the older ones enjoy the champagne.






It is nearly time for another Screen-Con, the original and biggest North East convention that is ran by fans for the fans, bringing a whole host of guests from your favourite TV shows and Films giving you the chance to meet and chat with them all up close and personal as well lots to see and do both on stage and around the venue.

Screen-Con 2017 will have Hammer Horror and Bond star Martine Beswick and original Star Wars Stormtrooper Laurie Goode taking centre stage appearing, but unfortunately Spencer Wilding is not able to attend the event as he is now going to be filming over in America, but he has posted several messages on the Screen-Con event page apologising to his fans and promising to make it up to them by appearing at a future event. Good luck Spencer and we will see you at the next one. Al and Vicki, the people behind Screen-Con, are busy sorting a replacement as I type this so watch


this space for a big announcement coming your way soon. NE are always a regular feature at all of the Screen-Con events doing everything from taking photos for the magazine to getting on stage to judge the Cosplay Competitions. This year we will be there but this time we will have our very own stall where we will be holding the NE Charity Tombola. We have

already taken this to a few of the SciFair events last year and it is always a huge success raising money for some great local charities. We have several boxes of great prizes already with more prizes still to come, with everything from Funko Pop Vinyl Figures to comic books and even sweets. So make sure you come pay us a visit. Screen-Con is a fun day out for all of the family, with your host Markus Percy bringing you all manner of fun and games along with all of your favourite characters all wondering about and happy to pose with you for those great facebook profile pictures, so you really do not want to miss out, get your tickets HERE.

Visit Your one stop shop for all things bubble tea


Put poppin' juice balls in • Drinks (pop, juice, water, smoothies, milkshakes, alcohol) • Desserts (Ice cream, yoghurts, cake) • Or just eat them with a spoon

Ideal for • • • •

gifts Parties gatherings Or enjoying alone





The Great North Run is without a doubt one of the most famous runs in the sporting calender. This is an event that grows each and every year attracting everyone from competitive runners like Mo Farrah to your overweight lazy people like me who couldn’t run a bath, sprinkle some celebrities in there and add a crowd that is second to none and you have got without a doubt the greatest run around. A big thing I love about the GNR is how many people take part to raise money for one of the many amazing charities out there. That to me is more of a pull, because I am always fundraising in one way or another, be it growing a great tache or throwing myself of the Tyne Bridge, or even just making a donation to a great cause, every little helps. Over the years I have done so many fundraising events, including stepping into the ring to box a friend which was physically tough as I’m not exactly a prime athlete or known for my fitness. But it was a challenge both physically and mentally. But after doing


that I thought to myself “what’s next?” and the one big challenge I had always shied away from was taking part in the GNR, to me, the biggest and hardest challenge I could ever set myself! Now this might sound overdramatic to so many people, but it really was a big thing, something I really did not want to do, or even think I could physically do. I’m not built for running, more like sumo wrestling haha. My inspiration for this decision was with-

out a doubt, my oldest daughter Lainie, she is one of the bravest people I know. Diagnosed with Arthritis at the age of 1, she has had to battle through so much, all of her young life. But she just gets on with it. Yet here was me complaining about running the GNR , whilst my daughter would give anything to be able to run, so then and there I decided I was going to push myself the way she does, I was going to run the GNR because she couldn’t and I was going to do it for Arthritis Research UK

because they do an amazing job and it will help her further down the line. Now unlike some people I know, I couldn’t just run this with no training, hell, I couldn’t even run around the block let alone run for 13.1 mile, so I knew I would have to put in some serious training if I was going to cross that finish line. I knew the training would not be easy, but with injuries and illness plaguing me it didn’t go the way I had planned. I did manage to take part in 2 colour fun runs which I had signed up to as part of my training, one of which saw my training partner collapse a quarter of the way through and would see him being declared unable to take part in any more running events, so he was out of the GNR. I also took a turn for the worse as well after the 2nd run and struggled with any kind of training as I was still wiped out and struggling to

breath from being ill. But the last thing I wanted to do was give up and drop out of the GNR myself. The problem was time was running out as by this point there was only 2 months to go until the GNR. It took a month to finally get to see my doctor and get the all

clear to train again and take part, though I was advised it would be better if I didn’t, but that wasn’t really an option in my eyes. So with only 1 month to go until the GNR I went to see my friend Kris Stephenson, who runs The


by herself, though her friend Alex also ended up joining us too.

Market Health Spa, for some advice, I had a chat with him to see if it really was feasible for me to get into any kind of shape to give the GNR a good go. I knew I was nowhere near the level I wanted to be to run most, if not all of the 13.1 miles, but if I could get some fitness back so that I could at least run and walk the course I would be happy with that. He was confident he could help me shed some weight and get my fitness up enough for me to be able to take part safely. We decided on a course of action that saw me training 3 times a week with him and his team, plus I swapped my normal crappy diet for a Prep King food plan, all of which Kris kindly did for free for me as he knew what this meant to me. So for 3 weeks I put the hard work in, fighting through my mystery illness as best as I could and trained 3 days a week, it was exhausting but I knew it had to be done. I really can’t thank Kris and everyone at Team Health Spa enough for all of their help and advice.


A friend of mine, Daniel Whale,

was also signed up to take part, but he had been struggling with the Arthritis in his knees. He saw that I was struggling myself and rang to see if I wanted to do the event with him, that way we would both have some support if we were struggling, plus we were both in a position where we knew we wouldn’t be able to run the whole course, but we both didn’t mind walking most of it. Sophie Purchase, the daughter of a friend also asked if she could run with me as she thought she would be

On the day of the race I have to admit, I was nervous. I was really going to take part in the Great North Run, a run that brings strangers together and unites a region as everyone gets behind the runners. I left the house and not even 100 yards from my door, bumped into 2 ladies who were a little lost, Vicki Stanton and Lucy Walker. We got chatting and I ended up taking them to the metro and we all headed to the start line together. As it happens, Vicki and Lucy had only just met when Vicki had been dropped in it for somewhere to stay the night before the run, so Lucy kindly gave her a bed for the night, again proving that the GNR really does bring people together. For me this is what the whole event is about, it shows why the GNR is one of the most famous runs in the sporting calender and why so many people want to take part each year. We got to Newcastle and I said goodbye to Vicki and Lucy and went to meet up with my friends and head to the starting line. WOW, even though you know that thousands of people take part each year nothing can prepare you for

the sight of the starting line. Over 57000 people all lined up, from the top athletes at the starting line, working back through the various levels of runners till you get to the back of the line with the runners like myself, those who are doing it more for fun rather than running for a fast time. To give you an idea of how long the que is, the race started with the first runners crossing the start line at 1045. I was near the back and I crossed the starting line at 1130, 45 minutes after the race started. Mo Farrah finished his race 15 minutes after I started mine haha, it was crazy how long it took just to shuffle down to the start line. On the plus side I did get a high five from Brendan Foster and a shout out from Metro Radio’s Alan Robson MBE so it was all good. We started off with a steady pace, managing to run quite a distance

making it over the Tyne Bridge which was our goal, after that we were happy to walk the rest of the way. Unfortunately we got separated from Sophie and her friend Alex somewhere between the start line and the bridge as it was that crazy busy. Dan and myself had said we were happy to walk most of the course, but we ended up running a lot more

than we thought we would be able to. I had been told stories about how the crowd will lift you up and spur you on to run more than you think you can do, but I tell you what, it really is so true. Having complete strangers cheer you on and shout your name the whole way really does get you going, you manage to find that extra push to keep going even after you feel like


that finish line the same way we had started the race, together. We both completed it in 3 hours and 17 minutes, a good 45 minutes quicker than we had expected to finish.

you have nothing left in the tank. We walked the uphill parts and ran the downhill and flat parts, both of us spurring the other on and helping us to push through the niggling injuries and the pain. We both struggled once we hit around the 10 mile mark as our injuries were starting to affect us, but we knew we were nearly there, we were so close to finishing the GNR. The last part of the run, as you make your way down Marsden bank and along the Leas towards the finish line is a blur. By this point we were physically exhausted and running on empty. We had planned to run the whole of the Leas, but it was tough, we had to stop and walk a few times. It just seemed like it was never ending.


Once we got to the marker for the final 200 metres we dug deep and ran, spurred on by the crowd and again getting another shout out from the DJ as we approached the finish line, Dan and myself pushed ourselves and went for it, crossing

After the race, we collected our medals, had our photo taken and then headed to the charity village where I finally got to meet Jack and the team from Arthritis Research UK as well as some of the other Team A runners, though I have to admit, by this point I was so tired I know I wasn’t much conversation and I didn’t speak to as many people as I wanted to, but I’m sure they all understand as I’m sure there were plenty of us that were tired, overwhelmed by it all and rather emotional. Team A were all fantastic, with all of their help and support before the race as well as afterwards, they were all amazing, so much so that I have signed up to run for them again in the 2018 GNR and strangely enough, I cant wait…even though I still hate running haha. There is so much I could say about the GNR, but to be perfectly honest, it wouldn’t do it justice, you really do have to take part to experience it for yourself. Yes it is hard going, running, or even walking,

those 13.1 miles, but with a crowd that cheers you on the whole way, strangers shouting your name telling you that you can do it, the kids lining the roads to give you a high five or help their parents hand out sweets, drinks and ice pops that they have bought themselves to hand out to complete strangers. With Bands dotted around the course playing music to keep you going, charity check points where they are there cheering on their runners and an atmosphere that you really can’t describe, it really is no wonder people talk about the GNR as such a magical event, a real experience that warms the soul and makes you feel nothing but pride for this great region that we live in.

Through it all though, the one thing that will always stay with me, the memory that I will treasure forever is not crossing the finish line, or the crowd, or anything like that, for me, my highlight was seeing my daughter Lainie at the half way point where she had come to cheer me on. Seeing her was the best feeling ever and was really emotional, I found myself getting really choked up as I approached the point where she was waiting, as seeing her meant so much to me, it was hard trying to stop myself from breaking down in front of her, after all, she was the reason I wanted to do the GNR in the first place, she was my inspiration throughout the whole year of training, the reason why I

could not and would not give up as well as why I have signed up to run for Arthritis Research UK again in 2018. When I finished the run I checked my phone and found Lainie had sent me a message telling me how proud of me she was, that message meant the world to me, after all, every parent wants to make their children proud.. Photos from CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT ARTHRITIS RESEARCH UK






Alan Robson MBE

‘Walking in the Footsteps of Jack the Ripper’ The Blade walks in the footsteps of the Ripper The usual suspects or somebody completely different? That’s the question being posed by ‘The Flashing Blade,’ Alan Robson MBE, in the first book of a new series, WALKING IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF as the Tyneside radio DJ delves deep into the psyche of serial killer, Jack the Ripper. “Who was he? How can any

man rip women to pieces and yet remain invisible in the most crowded city in the Europe? Was it the infamous masonic plot? Was it a conspiracy to protect a member of the royal family? “So many questions, so many misguided opinions and frankly a subject that is surrounded by so much spin and innuendo the truth has become inconsequential. “Do YOU prefer to wonder at the incredible disappearing act of one of humanities most sadistic butchers or, deep down, do we want to know the name of the man who was Jack the Ripper? “You will uncover the truth here and now.....” An opening to a potential masterpiece or the opening to a crazed mind, Alan Robson certainly knows how to tease people into what should be, will be, and at the same time become an interesting read. And not since the self-penned au-


tobiography ‘The Lives and Loves of a Night Owl’ in 1994, has the blade put pen to paper. Well, actually, behind the scenes, whilst travelling the world and producing his award-winning ‘Night Owls’ show on Metro Radio, the man, the myth, has meticulously researched and put together an incredible series of books as

‘Walking in the Footsteps’ he has very much been doing. In the first in the series Alan goes through each of the prime suspects individually where, oneby-one, he discusses the merits of murder to the Duke of Clarence (Prince Eddy), Dr Roslyn D’Onston, Dr William Gull, Montague Druitt, William Bury, George Chapman, Aaron Cohen, Dr Thomas Cream, Frederick Deeming, Dr Pedachenko, to name just ten, are literally dissected and put to rest. “I’ve always been intrigued by subjects like Jack the Ripper,” explained Alan. “Then, one night, whilst we were live on air, we went down there (to Whitechapel, London) and had a proper look around. “There’s definitely still something about that place, it’s like it’s stained; I got to see the autopsy photos and they were unreal, quite methodical really. “According to the police though, he (Jack) only killed the six but we all know, more so with advances in forensic medicine, then we know you have to hone your craft first.” Having been replayed live on Night Owls, the Ripper story afforded Alan and his team, one of their five New York Radio awards, one of the biggest accolades within the radio industry. The Ripper isn’t the only quirk of Robson’s as the blade has slashed his way through hunting for the Loch Ness Monster, searching for the Yeti, and trying not to get lost in the Bermuda Triangle – safe to say that never happened, he’s still very much here. Now, as the only radio presenter, nationally, to have been inducted into the National Hall of Fame, an impressive accolade for what is a regional show, Night Owls have been the number one radio show,

at that time of night, for over three decades now. There is also the small matter of two ghost hunts, one forensic and one psychic, in the known areas to which nobody has done previ-


ously which Alan and his team endured. These are described, in detail, in the book, adding extra depth and credence to it. The reason behind this was so that he could see if the outcomes matched with the theory Alan formulated and, to his surprise, and delight, the do. “I’ve never stopped writing really, even after the four earlier books and I’ve probably got about ten books written from the different things that I’ve found myself doing across different genres,” Alan continued. “Jack was the first which we did of its kind and I learnt a lot from doing it.


“You can’t be superficial doing these things though and you have to delve really deep, immerse yourself into it; you become fascinated by all the differing elements and the people looked at are horrific. “It has always been a puzzle (solving who the Ripper really is) as nobody has said who he really was and if they wouldn’t do it, then I will – to me it could only be him.”

“The famous, thick London fog was at its peak at this time as well and that’s where he hid himself. “He knew exactly what he was doing, but he had to practice and that makes you think as to where there more victims and, having spoken to forensic scientists, it’s near impossible to say that she (Mary Ann ‘Polly’ Nichols) was the first victim.” Robson’s methodical, deep research into not only these murders, but other crimes around the late 1800’s led him to a startling conclusion. Could it be true? “I’ve looked through the numerous other crimes of some potential and there was almost forty,” he added. “It’s like, could there really be so many victims? “I gave myself a seven-point gradient to work from and it became more than coincidence that a specific suspect could be around on fifteen or more occasions so I’ve

Blade. Literature by Alan Robson MBE are, in chronological order, ‘Grisly Trails & Ghostly Tales’ (March 1992), ‘Simply The Best Geordie Jokes’ (November 1992), ‘Nightmare On Your Street’ (June 1993), ‘The Lives and Loves of a Night Owl’ (August 1994), ‘Walking in the Footsteps of Jack the Ripper’ (September 2017).

given people a choice, a chance to work out for themselves, but it’s my belief that only one person could actually be Jack the Ripper.” As for who the ‘him’ is, then you’ll just have to read the first book in the series, or come to your own conclusion, either way you’ll soon be ‘Walking in the Footsteps of Jack the Ripper.’ Published by Britain’s Next Best-

seller, the first book in Alan Robson’s series, ‘Walking in the Footsteps,’ is available on kindle (plans are being for a limited print run later in the year) priced at £2.99 from September 11; Alan has also launched, courtesy of Media Arts, his brand new website which is full of audio books & files, ghost hunt photographs and everything from over 40 years of the Flashing









Newcastle Theatre Royal has been voted the North East’s ‘Most Welcoming Theatre’ for the third year in succession and is now shortlisted for ‘Most Welcoming in the UK’ as part of a major industry competition. The UK Theatre Awards are the only nationwide awards to honour achievement in regional theatre throughout the UK. Over 170 theatres of all sizes from across the country have entered the award, which is voted for entirely by the public. As North East winner, Newcastle Theatre Royal will join 11 other regional venues at the national finals in London in October where the overall winner will be great experience at the theatre, and it’s wonderful announced. to be recognised for this. Philip Bernays, Newcastle Theatre Royal chief “We are extremely grateful executive said: “To be the to everyone who has taken North East regional winner the time to vote for us, is just fantastic and we from our loyal and generous to touring really hope we can go all the audiences sponsors, way to win the UK’s Most companies, Welcoming Theatre title partners and participants. too. We have an extremely This award means a great because we are hardworking team here who deal always go that extra mile to constantly striving to raise make customers and visiting the bar in terms of the companies feel welcome customer experience – we and ensure they have a want everyone who comes

through our doors or who interacts with our staff to be made to feel well looked after and right at home.” Bill Midgley OBE, chairman of Newcastle Theatre Royal Trust said: “A huge thank you must be given to all the team at the theatre who always ensure a wonderful welcome is extended to every person who visits. To be named as the North East’s Most Welcoming Theatre once again is a very richly deserved honour.” Julian Bird, Chief Executive, UK Theatre, added: “Theatres play a vital role in communities across the UK, so it has been wonderful to see so many votes cast. This campaign brought together audiences, theatres, performers and producers and gave everyone the opportunity to celebrate their local venue.” The UK winner will be announced on Sunday 15 October at London’s Guildhall.

RAY MEARS HAS WILD ENCOUNTER AT the THEATRE ROYAL For the first time ever survivalist and bushcraft expert Ray Mears is bringing his live stage show to Newcastle Theatre Royal. Take a seat because Born to go Wild, a journey into the earth’s wildest places and a lesson in extreme survival lands for one night only on Sunday 29 October 2017. Author, photographer and the star of countless television series, the legendary Mears has been discovering the joys of exploring the wilderness since an early age. His fascination with those extreme and dangerous parts of the planet undisturbed by human activity has shaped his life and established him as a leading voice in the field. In Born to go Wild, Ray will take audiences on a figurative journey


into the most extraordinary places which he believes are vital for creativity and nurturing of the human spirit. He will give audiences a unique insight into his wilderness travels and essential survival techniques, including tales of his recent visits to Australia and the extraordinary conditions endured by indigenous wildlife. He will also explore fire, what it means to humanity and the essential role it plays in our survival. For two decades the name Ray Mears has been recognised throughout the world. He was catapulted into the public eye when he survived a helicopter crash during the filming of his first TV series in the early 90’s and then helped Northumbria police track down one of the UK’s most notorious criminals in 2010. Then

through his various television series including Tracks, World of Survival, Trips and Money Can’t Buy with Ewan McGregor he went on to inspire generations across the planet. His down to earth approach, obvious passion for his subject and the empathy and respect he shows for the natural world and its inhabitants have established him as a national treasure and a force for good. Born to go Wild is at Newcastle Theatre Royal for one night only on Sunday 29 October 2017 at 7.30pm. Tickets are £28.50 and can be purchased from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7ppm plus your phone company’s access charge) or book online at www.theatreroyal.

Deacon Blue are delighted to announce their 2018 Tour, ‘To Be Here Someday’, a celebration of 30 years of Deacon Blue and will be coming to the City Hall Wednesday 12 December 2018. The last 5 years have been something of a renaissance for the band, and a prolific surge of creativity that has spawned three new albums released in quick succession, including 2016’s studio album ‘Believers, which became their highest charting album in 23 years. ‘To Be Here Someday’ is a tour that celebrates the band’s entire career, and will see them play

some of their biggest ever shows. The tour’s title ‘To Be Here Someday’ is a line from their iconic single ‘Dignity’ and encapsulates the band’s hopes, their passion and joy in being able to share with their fans the biggest songs from throughout their career. As has become a feature of their live shows, they will present a set list that will change night by night but will always be full of classic Deacon Blue.

Tickets for Deacon Blue go on general sale at 9am Friday 29 September. Tickets can be purchased online at or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge).

Tickets will be available on Friday 29 September from 9am.


auditioned against over 15,000 hopefuls from all over the world to play the part of her idol, Whitney Houston in a new show designed to showcase her incredible legacy. The show opened to critical acclaim and has since toured the globe. A lifelong fan of the global superstar, Belinda first heard her voice at the age of 8, on her brother’s LP of Hold Me by Whitney Houston and Teddy Pendergrass. She was hooked, and this started a love affair that would last a lifetime, and would eventually lead to her starring role in the show, a dazzling spectacle of pop at its finest. This brand-new show a smashing showcase of ‘The Voice’ at her finest with over two hours of show-stopping Whitney classics including hits such as I’m Every Woman, I Wanna Dance With Somebody, How Will I Know and I Will Always Love You, this is a remarkable tribute to the pop icon featuring the National Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, multiple fabulous costume changes and an amazing team of dancers. WINNER OF BBC ONE’S ‘EVEN BETTER THAN THE REAL THING’ BELINDA DAVIDS PAYS TRIBUTE TO WHITNEY HOUSTON IN A BRAND-NEW SHOW COMING TO NEWCASTLE’S CITY HALL ON FRI 13 APR 2018. The Winner of BBC One’s primetime show ‘Even Better Than The Real Thing’. Tickets available NOW for 2018 UK concert tour, with the 30-piece National Philharmonic Concert Orchestra Belinda Davids, winner of BBC One’s ‘Even Better Than The Real


Thing’ is to star in a nationwide UK tour next year in a glittering, glamorous and glowing tribute to the Queen of Pop herself, Whitney Houston. Coming to City Hall in Newcastle on 13 April, this is a joyous celebration of her life and work; The Greatest Love Of All: The Whitney Houston Show spans the legend’s extraordinary 40-year career with a smash-hit show featuring Belinda’s flawless vocals, a 30-piece orchestra and a troupe of dancers. Crowned as the winner of BBC One’s talent search for the best tribute act in the UK, Belinda Davids is no stranger to being the best of the best. In 2012, she

The Greatest Love of All: The Whitney Houston Show plays Newcastle City Hall on Fri 13 Apr 2018 Tickets are £35.00 and can be purchased at www.theatreroyal. or from the Theatre Royal Box office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7ppm plus your phone company’s access charge).






When you think of Bare Knuckle Boxing I’m sure most people will think of travellers fighting in car parks or some of the call out videos, both of which you often see popping up on youtube and facebook. What people don’t realise is that over the last few years a company called UBBAD have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to bring BKB out of the shadows and into the mainstream.

fight defeating Cowboys Michael who was undefeated in 200 BKB fights. There have been a few occasions where Terrill was due to face current UBBAD Champion Michael “The Real Deal” Ferry on other promotions but it has yet to happen, hopefully now that they are both signed to UBBAD there’s nowhere to hide and this eagerly awaited fight won’t be far away. It will be a fan favourite fight when it happens seeing as Ferry’s fans think there is no competition left for him to face, whilst Terril’s fans think Ferry is ducking Terril because he knows that he will lose his title and has been avoiding the hard fights to keep it. With this kind of talk there can only be one outcome and that is for the fight to take place, which will be great news for neutral BKB fans.

They already have some top level fighters on their books, but in recent months they really have pulled out all of the stops with signings like North East fighter Michael Terrill, who is a Champion Kickboxer and who this year won his first ever Bare Knuckle

Another of the big name signing is former UFC fighter Melvin Guillard who is a well-known striker and a massive household name to be added to the UBBAD roster. He will be taking on the winner of the upcoming Jimmy Sweeney and Dann Henry-Welsh fight. Sweeney


We have double the fun now as we have teamed up with Cineworld Boldon and the new Cineworld Dalton Park to give you a quick run down on a few films that are coming soon and really have got us excited. Plus make sure you check out their Facebook page to keep up to date with their daily competitions and updates. Boldon and Dalton Park

Justice League Release date: 17 November 2017 Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater


enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash—it may already be too late to save the planet

from an assault of catastrophic proportions. Cast: Gal Gadot, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Ben Affleck, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller Director: Zack Snyder CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


Release date: 14 December 2017

legends in an epic adventure that unlocks age-old mysteries of the Force and shocking revelations of the past.

In Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the Skywalker saga continues as the heroes of The Force Awakens join the galactic

Cast: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, Andy Serkis, Domhnall

Star Wars: The Last Jedi


Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Gwendoline Christie, Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dern, Benicio Del Toro Director: Rian Johnson CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER


A Bad Mom’s Christmas Release date: 1 November 2017 A BAD MOMS CHRISTMAS follows our three underappreciated and overburdened moms (Amy, Kiki, and Carla) as they rebel against the challenges and


expectations of Christmas in hopes of creating a more perfect holiday for their families. And if that was hard enough, they have to do all of that while hosting and entertaining their ultimate holiday foes: their own mothers. By the end of the journey, our moms have redefined how to make the

holidays special for their families and it ends up bringing them closer to their own moms. Cast: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn Director: Jon Lucas, Scott Moore CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle Release date: 20 December 2017 In the brand new adventure Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, the tables are turned as four teenagers in detention are sucked into the world of Jumanji. When they

discover an old video game console with a game they’ve never heard of, they are immediately thrust into the game’s jungle setting, into the bodies of their avatars, played by Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart, and Karen Gillan. What they discover is that you don’t just play Jumanji –Jumanji plays you. They’ll have to

go on the most dangerous adventure of their lives, or they’ll be stuck in the game forever... Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Karen Gillan, Nick Jonas Director: Jake Kasdan CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



Pitch Perfect 3 Release date: 20 December 2017 Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson headline the returning cast of Pitch Perfect 3, the follow-up to 2015’s blockbuster hit that took the honor of highestgrossing live-action movie-

musical opening of all time. The eagerly awaited next chapter is led by series producers Paul Brooks of Gold Circle Entertainment and Max Handelman & Elizabeth Banks of Brownstone Productions. The film will be directed by Trish Sie (Step Up All In). Cast: Anna Kendrick, Rebel

Wilson, Hailee Steinfeld, Brittany Snow, Anna Camp, Alexis Knapp, Hana Mae Lee, Ester Dean, Chrissie Fit, Kelley Jakle, Shelley Regner, John Michael Higgins, Elizabeth Banks Director: Trish Sie CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TRAILER



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Tomorrow Is Coming, Tomorrow Is Lost It’s certainly been a whirlwind introduction to the hard rock scene for Newcastle-based fivepiece, Tomorrow Is Lost. After all, not many bands can lay claim to have performed at the O2 Academy Newcastle four times in the first eight months of their existence, but then this lot do have very high aspirations, and rightly so. “We want to be the next Guns N’ Roses and dream of playing on those big stages; headlining Download, Wembley Stadium, Madison Square Gardens, but it won’t change who we are and

we’ll keep ourselves grounded. “ Earlier this year, Februarytime, and after just a handful of rehearsals, Tomorrow Is Lost burst onto the music scene at the Soundwaves final at Newcastle’s O2 Academy before going on to provide support for He Is Legend, and Chris Pryke, among others; regional outings also seeing them perform at Little Buildings (Trillian’s gig never happened in the end!) and The Tavern (Blyth). Now, fronted by the youthful, elegant, and extremely talented Cass King, this emerging, up-andcoming band of rockers, managed by Dave O’Hara, consists of guitarists Joe Mac and Ryan O’Hara, bassist Adam Clements,

and drummer AJ Taylor, as they prepare to release their debut, yes debut, single, ‘Insane,’ at Jumpin’ Jacks, Newcastle, in the run-up to Halloween. “It’s more of a celebration, something a bit different and it’ll be a spectacle for which we’ve got a lot planned. Insane was always going to be the first single and was the first track we performed together so it means so much to us.” With rehearsals having taken place at Sound Inc in Blaydon, the band have already built up


weird as we’ve already done somewhere like the Academy so much, so soon, that about half the gigs we’ve done have been there and it’s getting more special every time we do it.” That opening gig, back in February, proved to be an immense, enormous catalyst for what followed as O’Hara followed the band backstage and approached them all individually, speaking to each about their respective performances, before proceeding to introduce them to (guitarist) Ryan, his son – at that point they were initially going to perform a cover of the track, Night Train but, as with before, it doesn’t really work like that within Tomorrow Is Lost. Once you’re in, you’re in, it’s a commitment to a cause heading to greatness.

not only a cult following, but can also count on a good level of support from promoters and venues, whilst behind the scenes, along with O’Hara, they have Ed Charlton as their inhouse photographer and Elliot Wain on videography duty, the pair well-versed in portraying the unique style which a band like Tomorrow Is Lost produces. “It’s strange but we realised pretty much straight away that we not only clicked, but we belonged together,” began Cass. “Yes, it was a baptism of fire (performing at Soundwaves at the O2 Academy) but it was in the best way possible and, musically, you can see the early developments, that’s what’s been exciting.”


“I only went there for that one night myself and it’s already been over six months,” continued Adam.

“All of our tacks though, they say what the music is about and we took a look at other acts, their differing influences, and to us it showed what their albums, what their story, is about. “Now though, it is kind of

“Our writing sessions are always done over Steak n’ Cheese pizzas and we’re up to around a dozen (tracks not slices that is) already that we can play with,” explained Joe amidst elements of those Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – anyone for pizza!! “The band name itself comes from a song that our old band produced (Joe and Cass previously performed together) so it’s actually a line from one of those – we needed a name and this one both looked, and

Cherry Leather, the doors open at 7pmand tickets are available for only £5 (plus online fees) from http://www.seetickets. com/event/tomorrow-is-lost/ jumpin-jacks/1137861

sounded, really good.” “Our name has given birth to the concept of, and the direction in which, the band is going in”, continued Cass. “It’s all just a part of the bigger picture. “The live shows which we do are really important to us and we believe they’re our biggest strengths.” Now, with a number of big gigs still to come this year, including supporting Black Nevada at Jumpin’ Jacks along with trips to Carlisle, Cannock, Wakefield and London to name a few, it’s fast becoming one heck of a debut year for this hard rock outfit.

there and are able to provide an element of surprise for people.” “We’re still learning even though it’s been a pretty jam-packed start for all of us but whether it’s in front of 25 people, or 50,000, we’ll keep grounded,” said Adam.

“We’ve the opportunity to play at some really good events and support some really great bands,” continued Cass.

On October 28, at Jumpin’ Jacks, Newcastle, Tomorrow Is Lost welcome you into The Asylum for the launch of their debut single, Insane.

“It’s fantastic we’re getting out








Edenthorn send powerful message After The Storm


Early September, on Suicide Awareness Day, and County Durham hard rock quartet, Edenthorn, released their latest single to coincide, ‘After the Storm’ taking awareness to a whole new level. A remix from a track on the band’s debut album, Maze, released in November 2015, After the Storm was written following the suicide of the cousin of brothers’ Kyle (lead vocals) and Mark (drums) Tague who, along with Fabia Gabrielle (vocals & bass) and Dylan Gardner (guitar), make up Edenthorn. The Tague’s aren’t the only siblings in this unique band either with Dylan and Fabia being and brother and sister for added measure with the track taking on added significance due to its timing, and the recent losses of Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington affecting many across the globe. Lead singer, Kyle, said: “Family means a lot to us and we were all affected by Christian’s (Kyle and

Mark’s cousin) suicide. “We have been toying with the idea of releasing ‘After the Storm’ as a charity single for a while but never had the facilities of platform to do so, but now, with our management signing, we have been offered the support and guidance that we needed. “ With the family bleeding through the music they produce you can feel the strength, the unique blends they create, in their rock riffs and stunning harmonies, a trait which will take them far in the industry and, with TMR Band Management pulling the chords, who knows where they’ll end up. Guitarist Dylan added: “When we decided to release the song I immediately started work on the remixed version. “The original was recorded and released back in 2015 so I felt like it needed brought up-todate a bit. “Plus, with us releasing it for such a massive cause (proceeds from sales will go to Mental Health charities), I wanted to make sure it was perfect before

its official release.” After the Storm was released alongside an accompanying, thought-provoking, music video, on September 10 which includes images of those who’ve taken their lives and were sent to Edenthorn for usage from followers both here in the UK, and across the Atlantic in the USA. “We reached out on our social media pages and asked our fans to send us pictures of their loved ones and we were inundated,” continued Kyle. “These pictures are included in the video as a tribute to all those lost to suicide, the single released just in time for Wold Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, which is the perfect time to raise awareness.” The track, which last over fiveand-a-half minutes includes lyrics in order to ascertain a greater understanding of what the band have set out to accomplish. Bassist Fabia said of this: “The aim of the video is to not only create a lasting legacy for those who have taken their own life, but to also make people aware

that suicide isn’t restricted to a certain age or type, we have photographs from men and women as young as 12 and as old as 70.” Whilst drummer Mark said: “What we really need is for people to share this video and get it out there. “If it can help only one person that is dealing with a mental illness, or even considering suicide, then it was worth it.”

The charities which are benefiting from the production and release of ‘After the Storm’ and accompanying t-shirt (available in varying guises, black or white, at £19.95 from www.edenthorn. com) will be Samaritans, Rethink Mental Illness, If U Care Share Foundation and USA-based You Matter To Me (UMTR2ME) and The You Rock Foundation. Dedicated to all those lost, families dealing with suicide bereavement and anyone

dealing with mental illness – YOU ARE NOT ALONE. That is the last message from Edenthorn. Mr Peter Mann BSc




Does Your Business Need Fire Curtains? Fire safety has been brought to the fore this year. It has always been important, but business owners and landlords are now taking it a lot more seriously. Beyond the risk to life, there is also a huge risk to property that can completely ruin a business – even if the business is well insured. There are lots of ways to protect your workplace from fires; fire curtains are one of the lesserknown fire-safety features, yet they are extremely effective, so this brief article looks at how fire curtains work and the kinds of business that could benefit from installing them. High-quality fire curtains have


saved many lives by impeding the spread of fire. They are usually made from extremely flame-retardant materials that can prevent the spread of fire for at least two hours. They are installed close to areas that have a higher-than-normal risk of fire, such as factories, shops with a lot of flammable fuel (such as books or clothes), and any workplace with a lot of electrical equipment. If you are unsure whether or not your business needs fire curtains, ask yourself if there are sources of ignition (electricity, heat, naked flames) and if there is enough fuel to help the fire spread quickly. Fire curtains are fitted to an automatic system that

activates when local firewarning systems are set off. Once activated, fire curtains can either close immediately or be set on a delayed timer. You can integrate this function into your workplace’s current automated fire alarm system. If you want to go a step beyond fire curtains, you can invest in fire shutters, which have a soldered link design that melts when exposed to a fire, making an extremely fire-resistant barrier. Local Sunderland-based company K & D Systems (www. is a fire curtain specialist with a 3-day turnaround on fire curtain installations and a proven track record. Contact their Newcastle branch on 0191 204 9070 if you’d like to learn more.




ROCK LEGENDS EXTREME RETURN TO THE UK IN DECEMBER. DAN REED NETWORK TO PERFORM AS SPECIAL GUESTS AT ALL SHOWS TICKETS ON SALE NOW FROM LIVENATION.CO.UK & TICKETMASTER.CO.UK Extreme have announced that they will be returning to the UK for a full tour. Starting at Newcastle’s O2 Academy on the 13th December the band will then head out across the nation, playing to 6 different cities before closing the tour with a show at London’s O2 Academy Brixton on the 20th De-

cember. Talking about the newly announced dates, Guitar sensation Nuno Bettencourt had the following to say “The UK has always embraced Extreme and has really understood what we were about from the beginning. We share a mutual appreciation and can’t wait to come back in December. This is going to be a special tour for us”. Grammy-nominated Extreme, one of the most successful rock acts of the late 1980s and 1990s, have sold over 10 million albums worldwide. They have released six studio albums, plus a greatest hits set and 2 live DVDs since their formation in 1985. The band had initially

described their music as ‘Funky Metal’, but it would evolve much more in the mid-90s by blending classic rock influences with postgrunge and alternative rock. Extreme’s popularity is fuelled by guitar virtuoso Nuno Bettencourt’s signature style, Gary Cherone’s resonant vocals and socially conscious lyrics, Pat Badger’s rock solid bass, and the hard hitting Kevin Figueiredo on drums. Their unwavering songcraft and diverse musical approaches have earned the band multi-platinum albums with chart topping hits and soldout tours all over the globe.


Having been tipped for success Dua Lipa who has had hits such las ‘New Rules’, ‘Be the One’ and ‘Hotter than Hell’ Dua Lipa was on top form at O2 Academy Newcastle she opened her sold out Newcastle gig with ‘Hotter than Hell’ Hotter than Hell became a worldwide hit especially in the UK this reached number 15 she was then revealed as one the of

the one to watch acts of 2016 Dua Lipa born in London to Albanian parents who fled from Pristina in Kosovo, from the age of 14 she began posting covers from artists such as Pink and Nelly Furtado at the age of 15 she moved back to London with aspirations of becoming a singer. In late 2015 Dua began working on her debut album See in Blue

again in late 2015 she released her first single ‘New Love’ which was a big success in Europe reaching Number One in Belgium It was not the sheer amount of people in O2 Academy venue that kept the temperature rising high as the current queen of British Electro pop delivered an outstanding show that was over far too quickly.


During her set Dua kept singing out her hits like ‘Blow Your Mind’, ‘No Lie’, and Scared To Be Lonely’ with perfect vocals, she came back with an encore delivering hits Genesis, Homesick and Last Dance

As well as cutting am amazing figure on stage, Dua Lipa’s very impressive voice cast a spell over the sell-out crowd With just the one album under her belt her set was always going

to be brief and well captivated but rounding things off in style with her mid-tempo anthem ‘Be The One’ and recent chart hit ‘New Rules’ she left the packed out O2 Academy wanting more.



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