NE Online Magazine Issue 55 - Return Of The Screen-Con

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Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird. As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

We l c o m e N o t e . We ’ v e h a d s t o r m s a n d a l l k i n d s o f c ra z y n e w s , b u t i t ’s g r e a t t o s e e things starting to get back to normal, e v e n i f i t i s s l o w l y. T h e r e t u r n o f e v e n t s l i ke S c r e e n - C o n m e a n s w e c a n f i n a l l y p l a n a n d s t a r t l o o k i n g fo r w a r d to things to come, at long last. As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then d o n ’ t fo r g e t t o d r o p u s a n e m a i l t o wayne. groves@neonlinemagazine. com P l u s r e m e m b e r t o fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k , Tw i t t e r & I n s t a g ra m fo r our regular updates on events and competitions. Till next time Ta ke c a r e Wa y n e


O2 Academy Newcastle/City Hall Sage Gateshead Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@ Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine Join us on Twitter @NEOnlineMag1 And Instagram @neonlinemagazine

CONTRIBUTORS Peter Mann BSc Inside Mann Media & PR Madhouse Media SPONSORS Playhouse Whitley Bay Cineworld Boldon The Theatre Royal Newcastle


{THIS} {ISSUE} P6 Unsubtle Skulls P14 Fallen Mafia P20 NE AOTY 2022 Holly Rees P28 Glenn Tilbrook P34 Peter Mann P44 The Return Of Screen-Con P56 Cineworld Round-Up P68 Rag “N” Bone Man P72 Playhouse Whitley Bay P76 The Showhawk Duo P80 Syteria P86 Northern Threads P90 Save The High Street P94 Dorman Museum 5


“We will become the heartbeat of Washington, and then beyond,” those are the words of former Northern League footballer, Richie ‘Paco’ Paxton. At that time, we, Richie and myself, were headed over Washington, where Richie holds down one of a couple of jobs, this being with the good people of ‘Unsubtle Skulls.’

health and awareness and all that’s encompassed (check out their website for some great content – www.unsubtleskulls. com), and had a very interesting, informative chat with both Richie, and Gordon Crockett.

Along with Graeme Alexander, the Glaswegian behind the creation of ‘Unsubtle Skulls’ after suffering with his own demons, demons that nearly came with the ultimate cost, his life; the duo, of Alexander and Crockett,

Richie and I, we go back a number of years, near two decades in fact we’ve known each other, back to when he was starting his nonleague journey, at my hometown club, Esh Winning. Little did I know then, even over the ensuing decades, until late 2019, the demons in which he carried within; it was to be those demons that eventually led him to where he finds himself now, and would lead to us meeting up earlier this month. At the ‘Unsubtle Skulls’ premises, a clothing range founded to aid with mental


have been acquainted for several years now. “I wanted to get involved from the very beginning, and could see the potential in this project,” began Gordon. “That first lockdown (early 2019), that played in our favour, especially as everyone was sat at home, on social media, for a good twelve hours a day.

“Because of that alone we managed to get some decent exposure from the start.” Baby Skull, and the ‘Unsubtle Skulls’ creation came to the fore and, with the ability to create almost anything, whilst listening to their ever-increasing audience, their strong clientbase. All of those designs, those portrayed by the character

known as Baby Skull, inclusive of depression, ant-bullying, autism, down syndrome, remembrance, just talk, to name just a few, are for both educational purposes, and to aid with creating awareness. “We tell our story at the very beginning, in order to ensure that they get it right when relaying it,” continued Gordon. “Society, as a whole though, it’s afraid of difference, afraid of a fear of the unknown. “But it’s all about inclusion and bringing people together.” With more, much more to come, in that Baby Skull range, and everything the brand encompasses, there’s currently a stellar, 24 different designs on offer. Those designs relate to, as mentioned previously, mental health, and awareness, and the differing correlations connected to that specific area, with the brand’s mission statement looking to “encourage positive conversation, increase awareness, reduce stigma.”


If you’ve not guessed though, from both reading this, the images, or even from visiting the website (you should), then the common denominator throughout is the presence of Baby Skull, and a future of bringing the character to life via long-term animations, in order to help portray a hugely positive image. “It’s





intervention, and bringing Baby Skull to life in the younger generations,” concluded Gordon.

Keep up-to-date with all things ‘Unsubtle Skulls’ via their socials Facebook https://www. Twitter UnsubtleSkulls (check them on TikTok also) whilst their informative, easy on the eye website, can be viewed via (Phot credit - Peter Mann)

“Credit where credit is due though, with Graeme’s idea. “It’s been a case of no qualifications, positive credibility, and the creation of a vision, wanting to give back, being professional, and advising people along the way.” From the ‘Unsubtle Skull’s clothing range, 10% from all purchases is donated to charitable organisations, with over £8,000 already having been donated.







It’s not easy this music lark, and it’s been made even harder the past few years with all that has been going on around the world. However, as we all begin to emerge on the other side, and start to witness what could be a ‘new normal,’ it’s certainly a case of, as you were, for the region’s musicians, well, with some new music in tow that is – just ask five-piece heavy rockers, Fallen Mafia. That five-piece, it’s recently seen a change in membership with guitarist Ruth Cranston, formerly of Scream of Sirens, joining the ranks, the line-up now being the following, talented, musicians - Hannah Cowan (Vocals), Chris Johnson (Guitar/Backing Vocals), Ruth Cranston (Guitar/Backing Vocals), Duncan Emmerson (Bass/Backing Vocals), and Adas Cowan (Drums/Backing Vocals) Here at N E Online, we got the chance to fire some questions at the northern rockers, primarily Chris Johnson and Hannah

Cowan, here’s what they had to say…. Over a decade on the music scene now, guessing it’s got a little harder because of covid, but, as a rock band, how have you found it, more in regards your progression? Chris Johnson (CJ) - It has been a very interesting journey. We have naturally evolved and developed as musicians over the years which is evident in the music that we are creating now. I’d like to think that we have learnt from our experiences in the past and it has made us better for it. Covid has been tough, but it has allowed us to learn an awful lot. I think the biggest take away is that it has helped us rekindle the appreciation and passion that we have for playing live music. Our first gig back was genuinely emotional. Fallen Mafia’s debut album, how was the recording process and reception, and how have releases since compared?

CJ - The recording was spread out over a year and started when we were just a quartet, so it was great to hear the songs develop once we became a five-piece. The release process was a huge learning curve for us. We hadn’t released anything on that kind of scale before. We held the release party at the O2 Academy, Newcastle and had a great night! Then along came Covid and put a stop to pretty much everything apart from writing. Like a little flame flickering in the night akin to a Charles Dickens scene, new music started to grow. Working in between various lockdowns and restrictions we managed to get back into the studio to record and release our most successful track to date, Stars. I felt that we learnt more about ourselves as musicians in that one song than we did in the entire back catalogue. We’ve since taken that knowledge and applied it into the songs that we’ve written and plan to release this year.


Who knows, they may be even more popular than Stars. You’ve gigged plenty in the past decade, what have been highlights, and why? CJ - That’s a hard one as we have had some fantastic opportunities over the years! We’ve played in front of some amazing audiences all over the UK and in Europe too! For me, getting to share the same stage as one of my all-time favourite bands was a particular highlight. Even if they didn’t see us play, knowing that they likely saw our name on the


poster is amazing! One of the best ones, from an atmosphere perspective, was a show we played in Trillians in October 2021. Hearing people singing back your songs is always spectacular, but this was just off the charts! It’s so amazing to know that you have influenced someone with your music. Hannah Cowan (HC) - Stonedead Festival, Winterstorm Festival, Crashdiet tour, playing with Michael Monroe & turisas, a really fun photo shoot to welcome Ruth, Duncan’s

homemade Christmas pudding vodka that led to a beautiful palm tree being ordered haha. I might as well stick some personality in there. (New music withstanding) the past two years has been a manic, how have you found working your way through the mire of 2020/2021? CJ - I’m not going to lie; it has been horrendous at its worst but amazing at the same time. Not being able to meet up for extended periods of time put some serious strains on our friendships and desire to work together. There are lots of different pressures that come with being in a band that all happen in the background. They can usually be resolved when we get together at rehearsals or at gigs but when that isn’t an option, things can become very strained. Thankfully we were able to get through to the other side and still wanted to continue together. HC - It has been difficult to feel motivated at times having not been able to gig for a lot of it. I had a writer’s block at times too, but I’m pleased to be back on stage again.

This year will see firstly, a couple of new singles, being released into the world. What’s thoughts on the two tracks? CJ - I’m sure that all bands say this, but these are some of our best tracks yet! I feel that we are writing more maturely and are taking things that we have learnt during previous recording sessions, to a new level. The production is top notch and I get goose-bumps listening back to the tracks. That’s got to be a good thing! Secondly, and as a five-piece, you’ve witnessed a recent change with Stephen Hope replaced by Ruth Cranston (Hi Ruth) - early days but what’s thoughts on the changes, and moving forward? CJ - It’s always going to be difficult when members leave bands, especially when they are great mates. We spend an awful lot of time together on the road and waiting backstage so it’s a big deal when they leave. Stephen has taught me an awful lot and has helped me to develop myself as a musician. Ruth is a great guitarist too and brings a new dynamic to the band with her playing style. I’m excited and confident that this will result in some amazing music being written. Ruth Cranston (RC) - I’m really excited to be the new guitarist for Fallen Mafia. It’s still early days but everything seems to gel very well together in the practice room, and we all get along really well! I’ve got a fair bit to do to get “gig-ready” but there’s still so much going on behind the scenes in preparation for new music releases and the future of the band. It’s a really cool time to be a part of Fallen Mafia. I just can’t wait to get writing and gigging together and see where the next few years takes us. What does the next decade hold for the band, hopes and dreams? CJ - Now that is the million-pound question. We’d love to have a crystal ball to see where the road will take us. Our band goal is to have a top 40 album and have a 5-year plan working us towards that. If we don’t achieve it within that timeline then we’ll take the learnings and reapply them

to the next 5-years. We want to have fun along the way and will make sure that we don’t get too bogged down to the point that we lose the enjoyment of playing. HC - Albums, tours, and big stages! And there you have it, it’s already ben a fun, long, interesting, insane journey, and they for one are ready for the next chapter of the journey, which begins with the release of a new single, on 11 February, they bringing forth

‘Broken,’ oh, and they’ve got some gigs they’re starting to announce and promote across their social platforms – be sure to check them out. Keep up-to-date with all things Fallen Mafia via their socials on Facebook https://www. and Twitter FallenMafia and via the website (Photo credits - Gigs: Steve Lyth; Promo: Darklight Device)




[ne 2022 artist of the Year]

[ Holly Rees ] I couldn’t even say how I came across this delightful songbird, she just appeared in my musical life about four years ago, and I’ve loved both her music, and what she represents, her demeanour, ever since; so, to have Holly Rees as the 22 NE Online Magazine Artist of the Year, is fantastic. Highly regarded among her peers, both at home and abroad, we’ll certainly be running a feature later this year about her Canadian adventures – we know she had fun, but we’ll go behind the scenes there for sure, Holly, and her music, hits, literally, every chord.

Compared to the likes of Laura Marling and Courtney Barnett, and with a debut track, ‘Ilex,’ back in 2017, being backed by BBC Radio 6 Music DJ, Tom Robinson, it’s been a rollercoaster ride for this lovely musician. “I was listening to a girl from the North East the other day, Holly Rees, and her track ‘Toast’ and it floored me. It was so brave and created by someone who was really, truly, being themselves. Don’t believe anyone who tells you there is no future in music. There is. All you have to be is good.” - Tom

Robinson, BBC 6 Music Even her support gigs since she burst onto the scene have excited, not only her, but her everincreasing following, naming the like od Coco and the Butterfield, the regions own Sam Lavery (now a Capital FM DJ) and Hannah Trigwell, among them. Following the release of her sophomore EP, ‘Slow Down,’ in mid-2018, something that would peak at #6 in the iTunes chart, that stock continued to rise, and she’s since followed it up with further releases in EP format.


After touring with Matt Dunbar in late 2018, she proceeded to release ‘Stick Around,’ before jumping into full-band, indie-rock mode, bringing with it the release of ‘Text Me When You Get There,’ before storming across Canada in 2019. “Holly Rees’ songs ache in all the right ways—she’s an unreasonably gifted singer/songwriter...” - Stereo Embers Magazine With 2019 seeing her on the other side of the world for the most part, 2020 would see her, and others, come off-stage as the world itself was plunged into chaos, thus cutting up what was scheduled to be a full-band tour for this ubertalented musician. It was during this time that she would pour all of her effort into what is now her ‘Lost Songs’ EP, a surprise release at the end of 2021 to which she said of it: “Here are the lost songs - songs


I’ve written over the past three years that have fallen down the gaps.

“I never really intended these sad, soft songs to see the light of day, but, coming towards the end of another year, I thought it might be nice to share them now, as a gentle, winter gift before we draw a line under the year and start fresh in 2022. “As some of you know, I’ve had to shield for a lot of the past two years, which is where this project started, in isolation. “Every part of this project I’ve done by myself - writing, playing, recording, mixing, mastering, even the artwork - and I’m really proud of that. “I hope that, in listening, you might find some of the joy, peace, or escape that I found in making it. “We’ll be back in 2022 with our regularly scheduled noise and nonsense - full band releases, and shows that I can’t wait to share with you, but until then I hope these ‘Lost Songs’ wrap you up and keep you warm.

“Curl up with your headphones and a mug of something nice, and feel some things with me.” It is certainly something you can do, with any of Holly Rees’ music, all the year round – curl up, and drift away. If that wasn’t enough, Holly has actually begun the New Year with yet another release – if you’ve not gathered yet, we think she’s going for it this year, putting the previous two years firmly in her rear view mirror! This month begun with Holly releasing her new single, ‘English Bay’ to the masses, maintaining the momentum, and reception,

she received from her ‘Lost Songs’ release, this coming with a rocking, full-band sound and is said to be “a gritty indie-rock track that marries skilled storytelling with honest feeling. “A song written whilst Rees was on tour in Canada in 2019, ‘English Bay’ couples Rees’ brand of self-aware witty lyricism with the energy and drive of her live band shows.” Unsurprising to those who actually know here, that snippet of Holly having down her won artwork for her latest releases, is not a surprise whatsoever, she, after all, is also a dab hand in the world of art, as can be seen via her website, which

takes links to both her art, and her music, and can be viewed via Keep up-to-date with all things Holly Rees via her socials on Facebook hollysounds and Twitter https:// (Photo credit - Jon Ruben Robinson, Keavey Gamwell & Will Gorman)


[ne 2022 artist of the Year]




ROMESH RANGANATHAN COMES TO THE CITY HALL FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2019 WITH A BRAND NEW SHOW TICKETS ON SALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 Romesh Ranganathan is back with a brand-new show, The Cynic’s Mixtape, and it’s his most brutally honest show yet. Fresh from The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan, A League Of Their Own and Judge Romesh, he’s putting showbiz aside to deliver a carefully-curated

selection of all the things he has found unacceptable since his last tour, including why trying to save the environment is a scam, why none of us are truly free, and his suspicion that his wife is using gluten intolerance to avoid sleeping with him. Romesh’s cynicism has become his trademark, but since being nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2013 Edinburgh Comedy Awards this deadpan humour has become one of Britain’s most respected and popular comics. Now, though, it’s time for the

Asian Provocateur to return to his stand-up roots for a while – there’s things he needs to point out, discuss and have a good moan about. Care to join him? Show drops 2019, don’t miss it. Tickets for Romesh Ranganathan are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am and are £26.50. Tickets can be purchased online at www. or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge)




Beginning later this month, Glenn Tilbrook, he of Squeeze fame, heads out on a UK tour which will see him take in some eighteen dates between February 25 and March 26, with plenty of opportunities for the regions music lovers to catch him. Stockton, York, and Whitley Bay, will all put on performances by one of pop music’s finest, and most cherished singer-songwriter/ guitarists with him appearing at Arc Stockton on March 12, York’s Crescent the following night, before a trip to the Whitley Bay Playhouse the following weekend (March 18). As an endearing, live performer, Tilbrook would be seen to answer

an ad from fellow Squeeze artist, Chris Difford, more than four decades ago, he looking for likeminded individuals to form said band, and they’ve not looked back. The continuing work ethic of one who has never been far from the action since Squeeze made their recording bow with the EP, ‘Packet Of Three,’ back in 1977. Those humble, three tracks, would be seen to lead to such enduring pop classics as ‘Take Me I’m Yours,’ ‘Cool For Cats,’ ‘Up The Junction,’ ‘Another Nail In My Heart,’ ‘Tempted,’ ‘Labelled With Love,’ ‘Black Coffee In Bed,’ ‘Hourglass.’ We could talk for hours, we really could. On top of those many, pop clas-

sics, there’s also been landmark albums like ‘Argybargy,’ (1980) ‘East Side Story’ (1981) and ‘Some Fantastic Place’ (1993). Although not a permanent one, the temporary demise of Squeeze, back in 1998, would bear witness to Glenn embarking upon a solo career that would spawn the albums ‘The Incomplete Glenn Tilbrook’ (2001) and ‘Transatlantic Ping-Pong’ (2004). It was to be music that would be seen to showcase someone who is an ever-maturing, song-writing talent. Tilbrook’s acoustic offering, ‘Happy Ending’ (2014) is said to be his most personal piece of work to date; a series of evocative portraits


of time, people and places, that included writing and vocal contributions by his own children Leon and Wesley. In addition to his children, Tilbrook also has the addition of some ‘old’ friends, artists like Simon Hanson (Fluffers/ Squeeze drummer) and Dennis Greaves (Nine Below Zero/The Co-operative). Anyone who has been lucky to witness Glenn Tilbrook, live on stage, can certainly attest to the properness of his doings, as it were. He’ll arrive armed with ready wit, raucous vibes and a shed-load of grin-inducing, great songs; there’s few musicians able to connect with their audience on such an immediate and warm level. The ever-burgeoning festival circuit is frequently enriched by Tilbrook, the troubadour, whether he is seen to be leafing through that plentiful, back-catalogue of


Squeeze, or dashing off a number of the many, impromptu, audience requests, songs that range from Jimi Hendrix through to Tony Orlando & Dawn, and all points in-between. Running from February 25 to March 26, Glenn Tilbrook’s spring ’22 tour will take in the following venues/dates – Basingstoke, The Haymarket (Fri, Feb 25); Gloucester, Guildhall (Sat, Feb 26); Exeter, Phoenix (Sun, Feb 27); Nuneaton, Queen’s Hall (Thurs, Mar 3)); Stamford, Corn Exchange (Fri, Mar 4); Chester, Live Rooms (Sat, Mar 5); Ilkley, King’s Hall (Thurs, Mar 10); Holmfirth, Picturedrome (Thurs, Mar 11); Stockton, Arc (Sat, Mar 12); York, Crescent (Sun, Mar 13); Lincoln, New Theatre Royal (Weds, Mar 16); Southport, Atkinson (Thurs, Mar 17); Whitley Bay, Playhouse (Fri, Mar 18); Castleton, The Devil’s Arse Cavern (Sat, Mar 19); Winchester, Theatre

Royal (Weds, Mar 23); Bury St Edmunds, The Apex (Thurs, Mar 24); Wolverhampton/Bilston, The Robin 2 (Fri, Mar 25); Bury, The Met (Sat, Mar 26) Glenn Tilbrook tour tickets are available from - https://www. Glenn-Tilbrook.htm Keep up-to-date with all things Glenn Tilbrook via his website and socials over at website http:// Facebook Glenn-Tilbrook-51414747045/ and on Twitter glenntilbrook (Images courtesy of MP Promotions)


Hi Colin, welcome to NE, can


David here from Beyond. So I’ve just found out that my Charity Single (in aid of the Batten Disease Family Association) which is A double A-side “Stay The Same” & “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” With Santa Ste has been announced as one of 11 official contenders in the race to the Christmas No1 in the top 100 Official UK Charts this year along side Ed Sheeran & Elton John, Adele, Abba and Gary Barlow! The Single is out now digitally and on limited edition CD this week. The more steams, downloads and CD’s purchased the better! Getting into the top 40 will be hard enough never mind number 1!

It would be amazing if we could get the single into the main charts this year and raise awareness of Batten Disease which is a terminal illness in very young children. If I could ask you all a massive favour and if you wouldn’t mind over the next few weeks streaming, downloading and buying a copy of the CD so we can get this into the charts. Its a bit of fun but for a serious cause and why shouldn’t the Christmas Charts have something different for a change? Could you imagine a Geordie Record store owner getting a Christmas No1!!! Totally overwhelmed with the support from everyone so far and from the Official UK Charts.

All profits will go to the charity... CD available from: or www. Click HERE to Stream Also i’m excited to announce the Now or Whenever in-store run for release week in January: Fred, Jed, a guitar, keyboard, albums, signatures, selfies, questions, answers, hopes, regrets. And an exclusive splatter vinyl if that’s your thing. Pre order now to get a free ticket to Spector’s performance at Beyond Vinyl on 10th January 2022: https://beyondvinyl.


Hi Peter, so it is time to turn the tables, instead of you interviewing people to appear in NE, it’s now your turn to be interviewed, so can you introduce yourself to our readers? Now then Wayne, firstly, thank you for this, greatly appreciated mate and I’m looking forward to catching up again properly, soon. So, we’re playing a game of musical tables now are we, and it’s my turn to take the spotlight, a rarity I know. Basically, I’m a forty-something, freelance journalist and author from County Durham, a pit mining village called Esh Winning to be precise, and I’ve been writing for this fine publication for some five years now – believe me, it feels like longer….


For the last several years you have been responsible for some of the content featured in this very magazine, as well as magazines,

press and websites all over the UK (and even further afield), so what is it that you do? I write, and, honestly, it’s something I’ve been doing for most of my life really, and from a rather young age, but now, for the past

decade really, I’ve been building myself up, running PR campaigns for individuals, groups, collectives, on both a regional, and national level, occasionally even further afield. I work primarily in the sports, music and entertainment sectors, but I’ll always look at anything really, and if I can do it, I will do it. So who do you help and how do they get it? I guess in recent times, pre-covid anyway, I’ve been primarily working with musicians, on both a local and national level (although working with Jade Byrne on her Pricks tours has been a massive highlight), but, as I’ve mentioned, anything will be considered. You’d be surprised as to how much work goes on behind the scenes, it can be very time consuming, and it’s far from an easy ‘gig’ – however, say you’ve a local musician going on tour around our fair

country, then they obviously need to sell tickets for shows. It’s all well and good having a decent sized fan-base on social me-

dia, but you also need to tap into the local audience for each gig, and that’s where I’ll come in; providing press releases, interviews,

features for differing newspapers, magazines, blogs, radio stations. I’ll always say when opening communication with artists in regards the amount of time afforded me, a couple of weeks will be very difficult to drum up any kind of interest, but three months or more, then let’s go! As well as your Media and PR work, you are also an author, how did that all come about? I ‘blame’ my brother, Michael, for it all really; the year after he passed away (from a heroin overdose) I started writing to aid in staving off any depressive tendencies, and to occupy my mind. I may have three books published, and my first international one due in the late spring, but, prior to all that, I’ve two, unpublished, footballing history books, which, for one reason or another, have not seen the light of day (I’ve been tempted to upload snippets onto my website).


just as interesting and intriguing. So how did a local lad from Durham become friends with an American legend like Jackie? I was just lucky I guess, the same as I was with legendary music manager, Vicky Hamilton; there was a lot of chance involved, perseverance, patience…. I’d messaged Jackie though, initially, back in 2014, about a television show she’d been involved with (The Contender) which, at the time, was heading towards an anniversary. Since then, and although minimal, over the next few years, we kept in touch, and then, midway through 2018, we began chatting and I opened up the possibility of my writing her ‘ultimate biography’ as she put it, and it’s just gone from there really. That year after my brother departed I began researching and writing the history of my hometown club entitled, ‘A Passion for Home,’ then, whilst I was at Teesside University (BSc Hons Sport & Exercise Psychology) I began working on my second, about a specific period in the history of a Tyneside club, that is called ‘Rising from the Ashes.’ So, in theory, this is really my sixth book. The reason you are being interviewed is because you are just finishing off your latest book, what can you tell us about this project? Anything you want now that the official announcement was finally made back in January. For the past three years plus, everyone has known that I’ve been writing a book, but I’ve just been using the hashtag #jackiesstory throughout. What is #jackiesstory? Well, it is the official biography of an American music-turned-boxing journal-


ist, turned boxing manager, Jackie Kallen (The First Lady of Boxing) and it covers her 75 plus years, the future of the Kallen name, and her ancestral past, which in itself is

What has it been like writing her biography? It has been intense, insane, wonderful, tiring, inspirational, heart-

breaking – I’ve probably been through a multitude of emotions. When you start, to how you eventually finish, it can be two, completely different scenarios and that is how it’s proved to be with this. Yes, it’s taken a little longer than I’d expected, hoped it would, but it has most definitely been worth it, and I’ve loved every second of it. How do you go about writing someone’s life story, give us a quick rundown of the process you take? You need a lot of patience, from the off, and it will test your mind, your abilities, but everyone is different as well, in how they’d approach such a project. My previous release was a local biography which I guess, in a way, set me up nicely for penning Jackie’s. Fortunately I had a template if you will, in which to work from as she’d penned her own memoirs, ‘Between the Ropes’ that was released a decade ago, but I still had plenty in which to do myself. There’s been a lot of research, all the way through, from start to finish, lots of interviewing, both with Jackie, and in getting the thoughts of others, then there was the ancestral research I embarked upon, something which is very timeconsuming and also requires a lot of luck more than anything – just be wary of the many pitfalls you’ll encounter, and be sure to check, double-check, and check again. So what can you tell us about the book, why should people buy a copy? What can I say about ‘Against the Odds,’ because that’s what Jackie’s life has been, with a mixture of success, and heartache, along the way. Jackie, basically, is a Jewish lady born in Detroit, Michigan, to a

family of Eastern European origin; as a music journalist she interviewed everyone from the Beatles to the Stones, Presley to Sinatra, and so, so many more. From there she’d become a sports journalist, and with it, for a decade, the publicist of the world famous Kronk Gym, alongside the legendary duo of Emanuel Stew-

ard, and Thomas ‘The Hit Man’ Hearns (Hearns has even provided the foreword to the biography). That work, with the Kronk, gave her the ‘boxing bug’ and she would soon become a manager herself, famed for, in 1991, leading James ‘Lights Out’ Toney, to world championship glory; even now, in the 2020s, Jackie is showing no signs of slowing down, is forever trying something new, and is still managing fighters. If that alone doesn’t tempt you into purchasing a copy, then it’s just because I did it, and you should always help the little people – go on, I’ll be forever grateful! You did a book launch for previous books, will this be any different? I’m hoping, although it’ll take some doing, that the book launch for ‘Against the Odds’ will actually be book launches, and I’m going to be shouting from the rooftops for as much support as possible. With my previous releases, the


launch themselves were held at the Nine Bar, at St. James’ Park, in Newcastle; with this however, Jackie is hoping to be able to come to England for the very first time so, in theory, I’d love to be able to push for two, north-east dates (Durham and Newcastle), one in say Liverpool, and another in London. Jackie will also be looking at doing a few other things around her time in the country including gym visits, and giving motivational talks. So we’ll just have to see what transpires really. Has writing this been harder or easier because of lockdown? To be honest, the writing has been really mixed what with everything going on covid-wise, and my own health issues, but it has also af-


forded me time to do more with it than I expected. When I began this project the date in mind for publication was supposed to be last spring, around the time of Jackie’s 75th birthday, and what would have been her beloved mother, Marjorie’s, hundredth, however, you have to make do with whatever hand you’re dealt, and you just get on with it. Lockdown has been tough on everyone, yours has definitely been a game of two halves. You started it on such a positive with your Couch to 5k, but injury hampered it and it has been a struggle since. Are things finally starting to pick up for you again? In a word, and I have to be honest with myself more than anything, the answer is a firm, flat, no.

There’s times I think, sometimes feel, that it is, but it really isn’t, again though, I just get on with it. Work wise you were flying before lockdown, are things getting back to normal for you now or is it a new kind of normal with things changed forever? It is whatever you make it to be when moving forward, the past couple of years have been tough, for everyone, and, although things are starting to pick up again, it’s slow. Personally though, I’ve not been to a gig for around two years now and, although I’ve had many an opportunity to, in myself, I’ve just got things going on. Over the years you have interviewed a fair few people, includ-

ing some well-known names, but who has been the worst person to interview and why? I can’t name names but there was an actor, literally the year before covid and lockdowns, a six-decade veteran of film, television, and stage, who, when we finally spoke, cut the interview to ten minutes at best, gave the shortest possible answers, and, when I asked about photographs for the feature, he told me to “write to my agent and they’ll send a signed one” –it’s safe to say, the three page feature he was promised, never happened. If you could interview anyone, who would it be and why? That’s the easiest answer, Sheridan Smith. Why, because she’s an amazing actor, fantastic musician, and has a back-story to boot. Sheridan is somebody I’ve admired for a number of years, whose career I’ve followed with interest from early on, and, to be honest, it’s true what they’re saying about her, and I’ve said for some time – she is, very much, a national treasure. When you are not hard at work, what do you like to do with your free time? I enjoy reading and have a varied collection of books and magazines, I also enjoy watching films, documentaries, and comedy shows, especially Michael McIntyre and Russell Howard. I also like art; I used to draw a lot when I was younger and I’ve been thinking about going back there, moving forward, that and learning some foreign languages. You will know this one is coming, tell us three random facts about yourself? Just the three, is that it, hahaha….

Okay then, a) I have an increasing collection of specific magazines – World Soccer (every issue since the summer of ’93), Commando comics, and, in recent years, every issue of Fantasy Figures International; b) although I’ve a varied taste in music, with rock music featuring heavily, I’ve been a fan of rap/hip-hop music since the nineties and followed the legendary Wu-Tang Clan since their formative years; and c) although it took a number of years to pick up from what my grandfather started (Peter Newman, (passed away in 2010), I am, slowly, researching

my family history. So what can people expect from you in 2022? I’m striving to get back to somewhere near where I was before all this chaos began a couple of years ago; the year prior to that saw signs of a great future, stars aligning in my favour for once. Moving forward, you could say I’m talking to people about the next book (and open to offers and ideas), that and I’m heavily involved with ‘the Nottingham Sport’ website so, alongside editor Danny Peacock, I’d like to help


push that to be the best that it can be. Other than that, get my health back on track, continue doing what I do best, and just see what happens. How can people order your books? There’s a specific section on my website (https://insidemannmedia., contacting my publisher Britain’s Next Bestseller/Live It Publishing ( , or just send me a message/email for a chat.


And of course how can they follow you and keep up to date with everything? Well, of course I’m in all of the usual place – website (, Facebook pages (Media https:// and Author https://www., Twitter ( and Instagram ( Both my website and my media page have actually been running for over a decade now – mad that, isn’t it!! In addition, if anyone wants to talk journalism, book ideas, then feel free to email me via Is there anything you would like to add? Just a few thankyou’s really; primarily to Jackie Kallen for trusting me, and allowing me to write her ‘ultimate biography;’ to those who’ve been there and supported me, and the journey; and to ‘Rambo,’ not only for this feature, but for your loyal support and friendship. To those who doubted, sneered, frowned, held me back, here’s ‘Against the Odds’ – I told you so!!

Book images are of those already available, Jackie Kallen’s memoirs, ‘Between the Ropes,’ and the three offerings by author, Peter Mann, ‘The Interviews: Volume One,’ ‘The Trip of a Lifetime,’ and ‘Cruising to Glory.’ Jackie Kallen is photographed with Sylvester Stallone and Sugar Ray Leonard, Frank Sinatra, and Kiss; Peter Mann is photographed with publisher David McCaffrey (first book launch), and with Stephen & Anne Lambert (EGH Radio)




After quite a rough few years, it was welcome news to hear about the return of a North East Icon… the Return of Screen-Con!!!! Now it’s been a few years since the last Screen-Con, but it’s safe to say, it has been missed. No other local conventions come close to

matching it in the calibre of its special guests from film and tv and more, the quality of its on stage entertainment and of course the amount of fantastic traders selling everything from those retro toys to modern art, even the infamous charity tombola. Most of all though, we can’t wait to see so

many amazing geeks all gathered together under one roof having the time of their lives. From those in costume to the young kids experiencing Screen-Con for the very first time, it is safe to say the excitement is building.

Screen-Con returns to the Parks Sports Centre in North Shields on Saturday the 11th June for what will be an amazing day, though they have only just started making announcements and we know there will be lots more to come, so make sure you are following them on facebook


Star Wars is well represented already with the first two guest

announcements as we see Animatronic Designer, Puppeteer &

Performer Tim Rose joining Brian Muir, one of the most respected sculptors and artists in the film industry. Tim is best known for playing the role of Admiral Ackbar in the third Star Wars film, Return of the Jedi, a role which he played again in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Last Jedi. In addition, he also puppeteered the characters of Sy Snootles and Salacious Crumb in Return of the Jed. Brian sculpted the now infamous Darth Vader. He also sculpted the Storm Trooper armour, Death Star Droid, CZ 3 and finishing work on C3PO. For entertainment, “Who you gonna call?” The GHOSTBUSTERS TRAINING ACADEMY of course! They will be live on stage with Al and Keith teaching you the difference between a Slimer and a Muncher, talk you through Tobins Spirit Guide and all the essential Ghostbusting


name for himself by working for various Actors, global brands, small businesses and private projects including art & photography portraitures for the likes of actors Richard O’ Brien, Angela Bettis & writer Joanne Harris. Bryan Talbot commissioned him to create the cover & several pages for Alice in Sunderland. From then on he’s worked on art & logos for CHERUBS. Colour flats for DC Comics Superman. Created video trailers for David Lloyds ACESWEEKLY and Bryan Talbots’ GRANDVILLE, as well as colouring for a number of graphic novel books in Dark Horse’s GRANDVILLE series.


The ringmaster for the show will be of course be Markus, who has been the host of Screen-Con since the beginning, but this time he is joined by his better half Simon. Collectively, they make The Geeky Gays, who you can hear get their geek on each Sunday from 2pm on GlitterBeam, an LGBTQ+ radio station found online and on DAB here in the North East. Step into the world of Doctor Who (with photo ops galore) by our Life Size TARDIS and Daleks...but please try not to get


exterminated. R2-D2 will also be patrolling the convention floor and interacting with guests, which is so funny to see and also a brilliant photo opportunity and lots of fun guaranteed.

It will also be great to see the return of Screen-Con legend Jordan Smith, who is an artist, graphic designer, photographer and illustrator from Sunderland. Who in 2000, started his own company, DARKVIEW, and established a

Asylum Tattoo Studio are an amazing local business who are really making a big name for themselves, with an array of amazing artists and a leaning for everything geeky and great. Darren and the team will be showcasing some of their work and what’s more, bringing along an ARMY of lifesize Gremlins! Check out Asylum Studios here : https://www.facebook. com/100224415051780/

Artistic Ninjitsu will also be there with Artist Ed Curran showing

of some of his props, armours, as well as doing some live 3d printing, demos and stage presentations plus live prop painting. With several months to go until Screen-Con we know there will be even more announcements to be made and we super excited for it. NE will of course be there running the now infamous charity tombola so make sure you stop by and see if you will be a winner. So the only thing left to do is to tell you to get your tickets now before they sell out, because you just know this one will be a sell out! Tickets available now (for early 10am entry) from















NER 51

We are all in love with Rona, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier x American Bulldog who is aged 6 weeks in these photos sent in by Laura Jones. Laura contacted us when she was making this rainbow collar and lead made with our rainbow hardware and glitter cotton. When she mentioned she was making it for a puppy she was getting we just had to see for ourselves. To make your own rainbow collar and lead for any size dog you will find the glitter cotton here


You will find all of the Rainbow Neo-Chrome items here in different sizes.




We have double the fun now as we have teamed up with Cineworld Boldon and the new Cineworld Dalton Park to give you a quick run down on a few films that are coming soon and really have got us excited. Plus make sure you check out their Facebook page to keep up to date with their daily competitions and updates. Boldon and Dalton Park

The Batman 04 March 2022 Running time: 176 minutes From Warner Bros. Pictures comes Matt Reeves’ “The Batman,” starring Robert Pattinson in the dual role of Gotham City’s vigilante detective and his alter ego, reclusive billionaire Bruce Wayne. Starring alongside Pattinson (“Tenet,” “The Lighthouse”) as Gotham’s famous and infamous cast of characters are Zoë Kravitz (“Big Little Lies,” “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald”) as Selina Kyle; Paul Dano (“Love &


Mercy,” “12 Years a Slave”) as Edward Nashton; Jeffrey Wright (“No Time to Die,” “Westworld”) as the GCPD’s James Gordon; John Turturro (the “Transformers” films, “The Plot Against America”) as Carmine Falcone; Peter Sarsgaard (“The Magnificent Seven,” “Interrogation”) as Gotham D.A. Gil Colson; Jayme Lawson (“Farewell Amor”) as mayoral candidate Bella Reál; with Andy Serkis (the “Planet of the Apes” films, “Black Panther”) as Alfred; and Colin Farrell (“The Gentlemen,” “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”) as Oswald Cobblepot. Reeves (“The Planet of the Apes” franchise) directed from a screenplay by

Reeves & Peter Craig, based on characters from DC. Batman was created by Bob Kane with Bill Finger. Dylan Clark (the “Planet of the Apes” films) and Reeves produced the film, with Michael E. Uslan, Walter Hamada, Chantal Nong Vo and Simon Emanuel serving as executive producers. Cast: Paul Dano, Colin Farrell, Robert Pattinson, Peter Sarsgaard, Andy Serkis, John Turturro, Jeffrey Wright, Zoe Kravitz, Jayme Lawson Director: Matt Reeves CLICK HERE TO BOOK TICKETS AND WATCH THE TRAILER

Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.



Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre 18 March 2022 Running time: 120 minutes In the film, super spy Orson Fortune (Jason Statham) must track down and stop the sale of a deadly new weapons technology wielded by billionaire arms broker Greg Simmonds (Hugh Grant). Reluctantly teamed with some of the world’s best operatives (Aubrey Plaza, Cary Elwes, Bugzy Malone), Fortune and his crew recruit Hollywood’s biggest movie star Danny Francesco (Josh Hartnett) to help them on their globe-trotting undercover mission to save the world. Buy Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre film tickets and get show times at Cineworld cinemas, on the Cineworld mobile app or online. Discover film trailers

and find out about upcoming films at Visit a Cineworld cinema near you today.

Aubrey Plaza, Jason Statham, Bugzy Malone Director: Guy Ritchie

Cast: Cary Elwes, Hugh Grant,



Morbius 01 April 2022 Running time: 130 minutes One of Marvel’s most compelling and conflicted characters comes to the big screen as Oscar® winner Jared Leto transforms into the enigmatic antihero, Michael Morbius. Dangerously ill with a rare blood disorder, and determined to save others suffering his same fate, Dr. Morbius attempts a desperate gamble. What at first appears to be a radical success, a darkness inside him is unleashed and transforms this healer into a hunter. Cast: Tyrese Gibson, Jared


Harris, Jared Leto, Adria Arjona, Matt Smith, Al Madrigal Director: Daniel Espinosa


Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.



Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore 08 April 2022 Running time: 150 minutes

Cast: Dan Fogler, Jude Law, Mads Mikkelsen, Ezra Miller, Eddie Redmayne, Alison Sudol, Callum Turner, Katherine Waterston, Jessica Williams


Professor Albus Dumbledore knows the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald is moving to seize control of the wizarding world. Unable to stop him alone, he entrusts Magizoologist Newt Scamander to lead an intrepid team of wizards, witches, and one brave Muggle baker on a dangerous mission, where they encounter old and new beasts and clash with Grindelwald’s growing legion of followers. But with the stakes so high, how long can Dumbledore remain on the sidelines?




Unlimited Card Love Cinema. Join the club from £9.99 a month. You will receive... Preferential Discounts Unlimited members get 10% off all food and drink bought in-cinema at any time of day, every day!* Plus, you’ll also receive discounts for all nonfilm screenings such as Live Opera in HD, Live National Theatre, Live sport in 3D and live gigs etc. (All discounts subject to terms) Get access to Exclusive advance screenings

As an Unlimited member, you can be among the first to see great movies at our special screenings. Just keep an eye on our Unlimited newsletter for your invitation. Discounted Meals & Shopping Unlimited members benefit from exclusive deals set up by their local cinema*. These offers vary from cinema to cinema, but are a great way to save pennies. (All deals are subject to terms) *Until further notice

Watch as many films as you like Are you mad about movies? Feed your fascination by watching as many films as you like at Cineworld every month from just £17.90. There’s literally no limit to the number of times you can visit! Apply for your card now at www.unlimitedcineworld. com/uk/pages/apply. aspx?step=1 using promo code RAF-63KG-29XM-00SB31WU.




Rag’n’Bone Man announces NEWCASTLE Racecourse show taking place on Sunday 26th June 2022! “One of the albums of 2021” Sunday Times Culture “Fused with jangly electric guitar lines, the uplifting ‘All You Ever Wanted’ finds Graham taking on a classic rock-influenced sound as he reminisces about the places he grew up in.” - NME “’Life By Misadventure’ is magnificent and packed with surprises.” - Sunday Times Culture “ The best thing about All You Ever Wanted is its nostalgic quality both in its sound and message - of days gone by and reminiscing of lost youth - that makes it feel instantly timeless.” - Official Charts Following on from the release from long-awaited second album ‘Life By Misadventure’, his first full-length since the ground-


breaking and award winning 2017 debut ‘Human’, Rag’n’Bone Man is back and announces a show at Newcastle Racecourse on Sunday 26th June 2022. His 2017 landmark debut ‘Human’ was a phenomenal success; a 4x platinum album which shot to #1 week of release in the UK, became the fastest-selling album by a male artist for the entire decade and earned him BRIT and Ivor Novello Awards. If that’s a hard act to follow, Rag’n’Bone Man tore up the rulebook and went to Nashville to write and record what would become ‘Life By Misadventure’, returning to the UK just before the pandemic first erupted. While a dose of heavy blues and soul lives within some of these new tunes, the majority of this new album finds Rag’n’Bone Man taking a huge step forward as an artist, a songwriter, and a singer capable of showcasing tremendous warmth and real emotion with every

breath. The bulk of the album was produced and recorded by Grammy Award-winning producer and multi-instrumentalist Mike Elizondo (Eminem, 50 Cent, Fiona Apple, Alanis Morissette) at his studio just outside Nashville. ‘Life By Misadventure’ is the perfect tonic for these times. An album of depth and soul, about growing up and moving forward. Enjoy the trip. Rag’n’Bone Man promises a superb night of entertainment. Be sure to get your tickets for a perfect Summer’s evening, a gig not to be missed. Tickets for the Rag’n’Bone Man – Newcastle Racecourse – June 2022 show are available from: www. Gates open from 6.00pm Ticket Price - £38.50




Forthcoming events for all the family! Dinosaur Adventure Live : Monday 11th April 2022 If your kids enjoyed our Animal Antics event earlier today then you will love what else we have in store on Monday 11th April 2022.


Horrible Histories Live : 20th-21st April 2022 Bringing history to life in their very own crazy and funny way.

as they discover the wonderful world around us! Expect mischief, music and plenty of surprises as they set sail in their big red boat.

Twirlywoos Live : 24th-25th May 2022 Join Great BigHoo, Toodloo, Chickedy, Chick and their friends

Tickets on sale now for all three shows, so get yours now before they sell out!






Acoustic pioneers THE SHOWHAWK DUO have announced their upcoming UK tour, set to take place between April and May of 2022. Young British guitarists Mikhail Asanovic and Jake Wright, together known as The Showhawk Duo, have dazzled audiences worldwide with their spectacular approach to playing the guitar. With a style that has broken down barriers between acoustic and electronic music, the group are spearheads of the UK music scene, and have been tipped as visionaries for their unique playing skills. Whether playing old-school trance classics or modern funky house, their live

show knows no boundaries, leaving anyone who listens amazed by their range. Mik is a classical guitarist at heart, having studied at Manchester’s RNCM, whereas Jake is an electric junkie playing in rock and metal bands while growing up. Mik’s classical foundation shines through in the music with Jake’s raw percussive approach always keeping the crowd moving. When combined, they create a truly unique and impressive act, that have caught the attention of industry giants. The group have been featured everywhere from BBC Radio 1 to the main stage at Glastonbury and regularly play

sold-out venues. However, a truly career defining moment was when they The O2 Forum during their previous tour, where they received rave reviews. Now, the group will return to the stage as they embark on their upcoming tour, set to take place between April and May of 2022. Once again bringing their district flair, and unmatchable style to the UK masses, these live dates won’t be your typical acoustic night- instead, the duo will bring energy that is sure to set the crowd alight and cement The Showhawk Duo as industry talents that are just too good to miss.






In containing an indelible mixture of North-East, Yorkshire, and some Buenos Aires, Argentina, those mighty rockers, Syteria, are readying themselves to start going places again. After all, they were all going places, until the past couple of years struck, and slowed everything right down to a snail’s pace, and then some. Geographically though, these rockers consist of Steph Dawson (North Tyneside), Jackie Chambers (Pudsey), and the siblings Julia and Pablo Calvo (Sheffield, via Buenos Aires); although the siblings themselves have spent some time back home in their native South America, the two ladies back home, Chambers and Dawson, have continued to fly the Syteria flag. Flying for the flag for when things

do return to some kind of normality. In Chambers though, the legendary musician having been part of that four decade strong, iconic, all-female heavy metal band, Girlschool, for the past two decades herself, ‘Jax,; certainly knows

the lay of the land. Bassist Steph Dawson isn’t an unknown on the music scene either, she picking up a few tricks of the trade from her time with the north-east’s former, all-girl trio, Scream of Sirens, whilst also holding a BA Hons in Music degree



from Newcastle University, and a BTEC National Diploma in Music Practice. “When we got together, Julia, she was already living here,” began Jax. “One thing soon led to another, and I just really loved her vocals, then we found Keira (Syteria’s former bassist), and, after a previous drummer, we finally settled on Julia’s brother, Pablo, who is so good, and he sings as well. “I wanted some harmonies, and what they bring, Julia and Pablo, it’s something which they’ve had since they were what, three, maybe four-years-old – it’s truly amazing.” A couple of releases later, their momentum has known no bounds, bringing them blazing towards the start of 2020 – yes, just as everything, everywhere, was preparing to change. Syteria would release their debut EP, ‘Wake UP,; in 2016, followed by their debut album, ‘Rant-o-Bot, a year later, it being nominated for several awards and lead them to release the 12-track masterpiece, ‘Reflection.’

An insane mixture of sound containing both of Syteria’s bass players, Keira, and Steph, it’s that specific fact which Steph wants to change, In her favour, on the bands’ next album. “There’s actually been a really good transition if I’m honest, from the Sirens, to Syteria,” continued Steph. “Granted, being in this band has made me think differently, it’s been more challenging, but it’s

also been rather fun at the same time. “When I first heard Syteria’s music, I was literally blown away; it’s my ideal kind of music. “Obviously, there was a gap between Sirens and Syteria, but everything though, it was going so good, and then the last two years happened.” Those past two years, that of 2020 and 2021, have seen the Syteria quartet, like numerous others

within the music industry, dip in and out of gigging, when time, and other situation, have allowed. It is the touring of albums however that have mattered most and, upon ‘reflection,’ they’re now more than ready to go again, and sooner rather than later. “We’ve been looking into maybe some support tours, but it’s still a little difficult everywhere,” added Jax. “It’s certainly been a combination

of a guessing game, with everything going on, and striking it lucky at the same time. “We’d literally released an album in the February of 2020, had performed a few gigs, then we ended up having to cancel pretty much everything. “We couldn’t really plan much though, and that also hits the fans as well.” In putting their best foot forward, hardworking, and taking no short-

cuts, Steph though, like everyone else, is certainly raring to go. With gigs to the dozen already pencilled into that Syteria diary, including a March trip to Whitby, and an October visit to Blackpool, among others, Syterians have plenty to look forward to, and enjoy. “I’m just hoping everything starts going more smoothly again, moving forward,” concluded Steph. “We’re really looking forward to getting back into the studio and, for me, I want to work on a full album. “Hopefully we’ll do that whilst being able to get back to some kind of normal.” Keep up-to-date with all things Syteria via their socials, Facebook and Twitter https://twitter. com/SyteriaBand, whilst their website can be viewed via https:// (Phot credit - Adam Kennedy & Nisha Revill)




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Animal lovers are in for a real treat this February half term at the Dorman Museum with a host of family-friendly, animal-themed events available throughout the week. Fans of the virtual reality (VR) ride from Christmas will be thrilled that it is making a welcome return with a brand new theme. The VR Jungle Ride will fly riders over a jungle river to look for magical crystals to save the day!

Tickets for the ride are £4 per person or £14 for a group of four. For those who prefer a slower pace, children aged five to 11 can join the Yoga Explorers Amazing Animals special with Yoga Emma. A fun and mindful activity, the workshop includes learning animal-themed Yoga poses through stories, songs and games. Tickets are £10 per child and advance booking is essential. Visitors throughout the school holiday week can also participate in daily events and activities on offer. Artist Suzie Devey will be in the Dresser Gallery on Sunday, Feb-

ruary 19 making decoupage bird mobiles and sharing fascinating facts about the Christopher Dresser Owl Service design. Wow! Said the Owl author Tim Hopgood will host family craft workshops on Tuesday, February 22 to help families create artworks based on his famous storybook. There is also the opportunity to enjoy the Wow! Said the Owl exhibition that includes colourful and sensory fun and play for little ones and storytime from an animatronic owl. Kirkleatham Owl Centre and Animal Story will both be at the museum on Thursday, February

24 for an Animal Extravaganza day. The owl centre will be introducing their owls to visitors who can learn all about the amazing birds, while Animal Story will have a whole host of creatures available for children to handle. Featuring “slimy, slithery, cute and cuddly animals”, there will definitely be an opportunity to touch and learn more about all the different creatures and their habitats. Artist Griselda Goldsbrough will lead a session of family crafts on Friday, February 25 featuring the opportunity to design bright and colourful owl and wildlife-themed creations. Tees Valley Wildlife Trust will bring the week to a close with a Wild about Nature Roadshow on Sunday, February 27. The road-

show will have more information about local wildlife, and more fascinating facts about owls. Families can also see some of the museum’s owl specimens up close and participate in wild-themed crafts. A Museum Owl Trail will also be available each day to all visitors from the museum welcome desk. £1 per trail, children and families can solve the clues to help return missing baby owls to their owl mums and dads. Councillor Stephen Hill, Middlesbrough Council’s Executive member for Culture & Communities, said: “Children have been working hard at school since being back at Christmas and they’ll be looking forward to a well-earned break. “The Dorman Museum has some brilliant events on offer and many of them for free or at low cost, making them accessible to families across the Tees Valley. “We look forward to seeing lots of children and families enjoying the animal events and the museum buzzing with all the activity!” The Dorman Museum is open

daily, Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am to 4pm. General entry to the museum is free. The VR Jungle Ride runs from February 19-27 and is £4 per person or £14 for a group of four. Tickets are available via www. Yoga Explorers Amazing Animals special is on Wednesday February, 23 from 1pm to 3.30pm. Tickets are £10 per child. Advance booking is essential and tickets are available from www.ticketsource. Animal Story and the Museum Owl Trail have a small charge of £1 per person. Spaces can be reserved at the museum welcome desk upon arrival. All other February half-term events are free. Please check with the museum welcome desk upon arrival for availability and to reserve a free space. Discover more family fun and events at







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