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Playhouse Aladdin Special - Chico

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Dehd at Pop Recs



It’s that time of the year that everyone loves, no matter your age, everyone loves panto season. It is a time where you can forget all of your troubles for a few hours and be whisked away to a magical place, where you can become a child again and enjoy the magic of it all. This year the Playhouse in Whitley Bay really have brought the magic, they have pulled out all of the stops to bring you Aladdin, with its high level production and incredible cast, who we were lucky enough to spend the day with and chat about all things panto and of course what is magic about performing here in the North east.

First off we got to have a really good candid chat with this year’s star of the show, X-Factor’s very own Chico where we asked him all about Panto and what he loves about them Oh, my God. I love them. I absolutely love them. It’s time that you get to be a kid. You get to entertain up to three generations. And everybody has a great time. And it’s magical. It’s magic. Do you know what, I think one of the things I love, from a personal level, is the fact that you become a family in that two months. Yeah, literally, everybody just becomes one family. Two, it is the expression of an art form that is so unique, and there is nothing like it in the world. It’s pure magic. It really is. It’s you transporting, like families from two years old to 80 years old, or even more, and everybody gets something out of it. And there is now not many art forms out there like that. And I think panto is unique in that sense. And I love the fact that, you know, they can come and experience the magic, but they can also go home and everybody can talk about it and feel like a kid again. Yeah. And that’s a beautiful thing.

The older one’s, remember the nostalgia through their children and through their grandchildren. You know, look, I think it’s just that time of the year, where we can all just be carefree. Believe in miracles, believe in magic, believe in the beauty of the human spirit. And it’s just beautiful to see, it really is. I mean, it’s an art form. Like some people say, you know, oh, it’s only panto. Like as in like, especially people that do, like, movies and stuff like that, and, oh, it’s only Panto, but do you know how it’s a craft that you have to learn? It isn’t about you, you have to deliver. But you have to connect with the audience to make them believe that they are the show they are part. It’s like you suck them into it, where they don’t feel like oh, there is us and there is them. They are part of the show, because the audience participation makes them feel like oh, wow, I contributed to this magic. And that’s the magic.

When I mentioned about acting snobbery and people looking down on panto the passion really came out with Chico saying… “The thing is, is the biggest stars, they say, you know, be nice to the people on the way up, you might meet them on the way down, but for me, you know, panto now has got the script, it has got the acting ability. It’s got the dancing, it’s got the singing. And it’s got some incredible Hollywood stars that have done this, you know, and it really is an art form. Like I’ve seen some big time actors that actually come on stage and they, I’m sorry to say, but actually die on that stage. Why? Because you’re not performing to a camera and catching a scene, you’re connecting to an audience. And that audience needs a synergy. It needs that energy, it needs that contactability and connectability in order for the panto to work. If the audience feel like you are divorced from them, they just won’t take to you. Because the thing is, is like because it’s children based, and with children, you can’t, you can’t fool them. You can’t fool kids. They either like you

or they don’t! But with kids, because they’re innocent, they’ve got this wonder in their eyes. They feel the energy. Yeah. And if you’re not giving that energy in a real selfless way, and it’s all about you, they feel it and you just wont translate. Chico has performed in many panto’s over the years but I wanted to know if there was any character that he really wanted to play, so this could even be an exclusive here when he replied… You know, I’ve played Aladdin. I’ve played Prince Charming. I’ve played Jack and the Beanstalk. I played pretty much all of them, but the only one I haven’t played is Abanazar, right, because I would like to play sort of a baddie? Yeah. Because I think you could have a lot of fun with that. I love playing all of these sort of magical characters, and sort of heroes. But I think next year I might step out of my comfort zone and go look, you know, I want to play a baddie. Yeah. And I think I play a bad one. And I’ll tell you why. Because to a a lot of people I’m known as a Mr. Nice Guy. And I don’t pretend, it’s not a persona. I just love people. And I love to make people happy. That’s kind of like, that’s, that’s what I live for. But when I play a baddie, it’s like, so Oh!, Oh my God. Is that…really? So he trends, it’s even more because of the perception of what you are. And when you play a baddie he’s like, wow, I didn’t expect that. And so I think, hopefully, next year, if I do one, I might just look out for him. Yeah, definitely. Because I’m gonna see as a challenge, and I always say to people, if it doesn’t scare you, it doesn’t challenge you. Yeah. Then, you know, what’s the point? You’ve got to exceed and excel and always push yourself out of your comfort zone. And if it scares you a little bit, that’s what you should do.

Well, absolutely. I mean, obviously, over the years since the X Factor, you’ve pretty much done everything, haven’t you? I mean, you’ve been in films. You’ve been on the TV, you’ve done tours, you’ve really challenged yourself…

You know, yeah, I’ve done tours, done panto, done plays. And even created a fitness brand called blockfit, which is dance, combat, hit, yoga and meditation, I’ve trained over, almost 1000 instructors, I’ve got my Hu Breath. So it’s actually a free app that you can download and use to do breath work, I’ve got meditation retreats around the world, from the Atlas Mountains, Portugal, Croatia. So you know, I actually was having this conversation with Steve Walls. And I love that guy. And we’ve known each other for about 13-14 years, actually. And we worked together. And it was actually because of him, I ended up getting this job. So I’m eternally grateful. And we were just talking about the kinds of entertainers out there. Now you’ve got some people who are brilliant. At one thing, yeah, they’re really brilliant. And as a team, we’ve been around and why we work so much is because we do. We’re like the jack of all trades, maybe the master of none. However, what we do is… special, what we do is unique in the sense of wherever you put us, if you say okay, sing, we’ll do the singing. If you say, Okay, I need you to host tonight. Can you sing and host I go? Yeah, okay. Well, do you know what? Like, could you do some choreography? Yeah. And me and Steve, were talking about this. So it’s like being able to put yourself in these different positions, by being able to deliver? Yeah, you know, whether it’s the acting, whether it’s a dance, and all that, and not many people can do that. Yeah. And I think it’s the, the gift is being able to connect with the audience and to connect with an audience it has to come from your

whole heart soul essence. Yeah. And you have to really genuinely go, I love people. And my greatest joy is to see that beautiful smile on that child, or the mom or the dad or the grandpa. And if it’s a family is even better.

I mean, I was talking to Steve today when we went to do the shoot in Newcastle. Yeah. And he said, you know, the thing about you, I’ve never ever met anyone that speaks ill of you. And I said, Steve, the same. Same goes with you. He says, Whenever your name is mentioned, they go oh, well, lovely guy or this or that? And I said to him, do you know what my greatest joy in this world, irrelevant of the fame or of the accolades that we’ve had, all the experience that are had. My greatest joy is if my name gets mentioned, someone may say that’s a good person, so to me, that’s the ultimate trophy. That’s the ultimate success, because you can have it all. But if your name is mentioned, and people speak ill of you, then what have you learned in this life? Yeah, you know, and it’s about the love we give, it’s about the gift is given to you by a higher power, whatever that power you believe it to be. Yeah, that gift back as a thank you is what you share, and the joy you spread. And this noble Master said, even a smile is a charity. Because you don’t know what a person is going through. You may think that a smile is like a lot of people, oh my God, why are they smiling at me? It doesn’t cost anything. But you don’t know what that person is going through. That smile might change the course of that person. Yeah. So I always say, Never underestimate the smallness of your action, because it could be the bigness of tomorrow. And again, talking about Steve, so you know, the way I see him, talk to people, in the way he greets people, he is forever walking around, putting smiles on people’s faces. And it’s such a beautiful thing. And I looked at him, I said, you’re really a beautiful human being! It doesn’t take much. And he’s been here for I think he said 12 years. And in the break, he goes out and takes pictures with people 20 minutes, 30 minutes out of his time, when some people probably look at him. And think why are you doing that? Well, that’s because now the 12 year old is the 20 year old, the 18 year old now is a 26 year old, and she’s brought her child to see him and she would have spoken to him. And every year they take a picture of them. For that person it’s all these beautiful things. Of course, it means a lot to a lot of people and people I know, they don’t understand that. I did a tour with the Osmonds, and I’ve become very, very good friend with them. And if you see the way they operate with their fans, it’s unbelievable. And these fans they literally follow them, follow them everywhere. Yeah. But they still go out every show. They meet them. They take pictures with them. And the way they operate with them is beautiful. Yeah. Now that’s like 50 years later. Yeah, you know, those girls needed them when they were 14, then they’re 65 and 70. And they still, what’s magical about that is they still act like they were 14 years old. It’s amazing. it’s just an incredible gift.

And we live for that. And I think we need more love in the world. Especially in the last couple of years people have gone through so much. Yeah. And no one is immune from that. Now it doesn’t matter whether you rich, though obviously the rich have got slightly better options, shall we say? But the majority of people have suffered greatly. So I think the least we can do now is to just go okay, how can I be of service? And what can I do to make someone better? Feel better? What can I what? Can I say a word to you? Can I give you a smile? Can I give you a little compliment? Can I just make your day a little bit better, and it really doesn’t take a lot, it does not take a lot. And if you can’t do it, be silent. And do not spread negativity. And I think the world now really needs us to come together without the division without the judgement, and you know, kind of live and let live and understand that, hey, none of us are gonna get out and alive. And no matter what you have in this world, if you have it, give it if you have it share it, if you got knowledge, speak about it. And if you can’t, then that’s okay. Just make sure that you know be a plus to your family, community, humanity, and you’re not a menace to society.

Because your whole attitude it’s pretty infectious as well. Well, thank you. It’s good of you to say. Positive energies. And so is negative energy and that’s why we must do away with it. And be mindful in our mind and our hearts to stay centred, and you know, become a mirror by which others can see themselves because it is infectious. Yeah. But both ways, you know?

Now we all know how amazing the North East is, as we are lucky enough to live here, so it was great to ask Chico if there was anything around about the Northeast that he was looking forward to seeing. I’m going to be spending two months here. Yeah. And I gotta say, I love it. Yeah. I mean, I’m a beach kind of person, because I live most of the time in Portugal and Croatia. So I’m all about the beach and just openness. So as soon as I arrived, I was like, This is amazing. And then they took us into that sort of dome Opera House, and that was incredible (Spanish City). The people are lovely, you know, had ice creams, the best ice creams in the country.

I mean, the best fish and chips is just for me. Like I said, I’m all about energy. And I just feel a niceness about this place. It is beautiful. And yeah, I’m not just saying it, people in London are not as friendly as the North. I mean, I’ve lived down south as well. It’s gorgeous, absolutely lovely. You know, people actually stop and say hello here. And if you say hello, they say hello back. Whereas, you know, in London, because everyone is in a rush and you’re in a rat race, and you’re just trying to get to the next bit, you’re trying to survive you you’re in constant fight or flight, you know, where his head is a little bit more relaxed and chilled. And I think that humaneness is beautiful, and I think the south could definitely learn a little bit of that, can take a little bit of that. It’s not, it’s not saying it’s just that they nicer, it’s just people forget it, nicety and goodness is in all of us. But what happens is the system makes you busy. I remember when I used to live in Crawley, which is a town next to Gatwick airport and I used to go to town for a day out and I’ve got nothing to do but just go and enjoy and up running with everybody on I’m in tubes on I’m like I said I had to check myself on five o’clock I’m exhausted, Why am I? Why am I running with everybody? Because kind of everyone is in a hurry so I think the world is going into a hurry. You know we’ve now got social media that’s made our brain well addicted, it is the biggest drug we’ve got our children, you got tik tok, its minimised people’s attentions to less than a goldfish. And now basically, we’re just…you see, the beautiful thing about panto is it makes you escape. It’s an escapism to a magical world. Which is even though it’s a make believe world, it’s still real. Yes, where as a screen of swipe this and swipe that and that’s it, and I think we’ve got to go back to you know, like back in the days of how people in communities used to sit next to a fire and tell beautiful stories. Tell old stories. You know, the grandma would tell stories, the grandpa would tell stories, and it was like a hand me down. I remember I was a goat herder in the mountains of Morocco, I didn’t see electricity until I was 11. You know, we’ll just candles and stars. And oh my god, you sit there and there’s just these riveting stories that they used to tell us that will just transport you because a kid’s imagination is so fertile so brilliant. So you know, a kid on a little broom, playing horse, as far as he’s concerned he is on a horse. We are living in through a lens and I think it’s a case of let’s forget that lens. And come on. Watch it through the lens of a beautiful innocent child. And that’s the beautiful thing about Panto.

I have to say Chico is without a doubt one of the most genuine and nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of chatting with, he really does have an infectious personality and a likeability that really will shine through when he is on stage. This year’s panto really is in safe hands, and do you know why? Because it’s Chico time!!!

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