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NE AOTY 2022 Holly Rees

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Dehd at Pop Recs

[ Holly Rees ] [ Holly Rees ]


A couple of times we had to google-map the location of our meeting up with Artist of the Year, Holly Rees – guilty-as-charged, we’ve never been to ‘The Magic Hat Café’ before (it’s on Higham Place, behind the Laing Art Gallery, and is lush). Holly, she’s been known to us for a number of years now, so it felt right when we invited her to be the AOTY for 2022 (next year’s incoming, or is it); and, she’s been busy, she’s always busy if we’re honest – expect no less than a busy Holly Rees. Mind you, the presence of a global pandemic over the better part of the past three years did hamper the local musician somewhat, but, she being who she is, changed tack over the duration, and, although playing catch-up (a little) now, is very much looking forward to what next year already has to offer. Previous interviews this past year have shown what Holly Rees has been up to in recent times, and, since we slowly eased back into some kind of normality – what is normal these days, Holly spoke about how things have changed with what she was planning on doing, to what she, and her bandmates, have been doing…. “The plan had been to make headway on the new, next EP, if we had

no gigs booked in that is,” began Holly. “Then, seemingly out of the blue, we’re getting loads of messages booking us for gigs. “In fact, the last gig, the ‘before everything changed’ gig, was supposed to be the first gig of the tour, at Independent Sunderland, so we’re looking forward to going back there. Whilst also seeing about getting other dates booked in. “In restarting though, as quite a lot of us are now, there’s been a lot of pressure within the industry, especially having lost so long (twoand-a-half-years) and it’s been difficult, but, if you work hard, then you can do something – it puts things into perspective that, especially because of an enforced break.” With the new EP having been shelved, for now at least, Holly and the band will be looking at finishing things off there over the festive season, the past few months has, very much so, been about festivals, and gigs, quite a few of them. It’s been enjoyable though, why wouldn’t it be, after all, Holly and her bandmates, Ryan and Rhys, live for the music. “We’ve been involved with some pretty cool things though,” explained Holly. “Especially with Claire Dupree, and NARC Magazine. “She’s been a great support of what we do and we’ve been on some great gigs because of it. “We’re been playing places that

we’ve not played before, like Little Buildings (Newcastle), two days after we play at Independent (Sunderland). “We’re just starting to rack up the gigs, build up some kind of momentum again, whilst also looking at other places, like London, and the South. “Next year though, I just want to go on tour with the band, around the UK; the songs which we have now, I really want to take them on the road whilst continuing to play to brand new audiences. “I’d love to be able to crack London, and Liverpool, as there’s so many places not played and we really want to do that – it’s exciting though, and, as a band, we can play in so many different ways.” And the music, after all, nobody can be a touring musician without the music. The EP has in itself been some time in the making, but, for Holly and the lads, next year, could well be the one. By that time some three years or so will have passed since everything changed. “I’m hoping that we can use the winter period to nail down this EP, to get it right, but I want to take my time with it now,” smiled Holly. “The crowd reaction has been great over the summer months, so we’ll just see how things how play out really; but it does feel like I’ve been working on this since 2020 though, and a whole lot has changed since then. “I’m pretty happy with where we are at though, as a band, and we have a pretty tight set going as well. “I think we’ve just about cracked it – Rhys, he’s always challenging himself, it’s what he’s like and I just love the way he approaches things, whilst Ryan, he’s just amazing, and basically runs everything when I’m not around; he’s a big help, a great guy, and fab musician.” Keep up-to-date with all things Holly Rees via her socials on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ hollysounds and Twitter https:// twitter.com/hollysounds; and visit her website at http://www.hollyrees.co.uk/ Also, check out her live shows, and music with a number of upcoming gigs for your musical pleasure.

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