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Lucy Kinsella & Isabel Monje

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Dehd at Pop Recs


Hi ladies, thanks for chatting with us, so are you both looking forward to doing this year’s panto? Lucy - Well, we were actually both saying this is both our first panto so I guess my first Panto at all, as I’ve never done a panto before. So I’m really looking forward to Yeah, just something very new. Isabel - Yeah, and I’ve only done them in COVID. So it’s gonna be very, very different. I’m really excited to do it in front of a live audience, really special. So it’s gonna be really special for both of us like our first big show. And I’m really excited to see all of the special effects because I feel like Aladdin is such a special show anyway.

How’d you feel about working with Chico as well? Lucy - Yeah, it’s been fun meeting him. Yeah, he’s a really lovely guy. So think it will be a fun time. The whole cast just seems really kind and welcoming, friendly. Yeah, so really excited. Isabel - Yeah, everyone seems to know how to have a good time. And I think it’s gonna be a really fun run.

It’s gonna be a lot of hard work to actually get the act together, are you looking forward to that part of it? Or is that just the necessary evil that has to be done?

Isabel - The rehearsals are always fun as well. It’s when everyone bonds really, isn’t it. And then, you know, when you get the show up, and on its feet, it takes a while to get into it. But rehearsals, yes, it’s hard work, and its long days. But that’s when you really, like, come together. And it’s what we’re trained to do. It’s what we love doing isn’t it, like getting the show on its feet. So it’ll be hard work, but it will be really fun as well.

What part of the panto experience are you looking forward to the most? Lucy - I think just, it’s just such fun. When I’ve ever been to see friends in Panto or whatever, just that kind of fun, like quite infectious energy. Like, when everyone’s kind of having a laugh. And I feel like you can’t really be miserable when you’ve got that kind of energy around you. So I think that will be really positive. And then I just can’t wait to like, again, like Isabel was saying, like being around other performers every day, because I’ve had that time away from it. So like, even rehearsing and the like will be quite fun in itself. Isabel - I think for me, I’m looking forward to just the children. You know, like, they really make Panto, you know, they really just believe everything, they’re like horror and their happiness, that’s going to be great, especially after COVID. You know, this is kind of the first year that everything’s like fully back to normal. So it’s gonna be so special, like seeing the kids in the audience and just seeing how happy they are and getting to interact with them. I’m really looking forward to that.

What about the people of the Northeast? How are you finding them? Lucy - Yeah, so I’m obviously only from Liverpool. So I’m not miles away. But I’ve always wanted to come to this part. So I’m buzzing to be here. Yeah. It’s quite a similar vibe. I think it’s kind of cool. Everyone seems really friendly. So I’m really looking forward to being there for those six weeks. Yeah.

Any plans, anything you want to do away from the panto or while you’re up here? Lucy - I definitely want to explore like kind of around Newcastle? Just yeah, I do want to get a good feel of being here as well as the show, so trying to fit it in at some point. Well, we’ll find the time but yeah, it’ll be good. Isabel - My best friend went to uni here in Newcastle. And she’s told me she doesn’t think I can hack a northern night out. But yeah, everyone’s definitely friendlier up here. I got a free shot of syrup in my coffee at the station. I thought that’s a good sign, of how the show’s gonna go.

So make sure you get your tickets for Aladdin, this years magical Panto at Playhouse Whitley Bay. Tickets are on sale now at https:// www.playhousewhitleybay.co.uk/ events/christmas-pantomimealaddin/ Photos from Limelight Studios. A Big Thanks to Gary Telfer from Blue Genie and David Kirkland from Playhouse for looking after us as always.

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