NE Online Magazine Issue 60 - Chris Gee Photography

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3 3 Welcome Note. Can you believe it’s our final issue of 2022, and what a year it has been! Our biggest highlight has to be celebrating 10 years of NE, which we couldn’t have done without you. We hope you all have an amazing Christmas and we wish you all the best for the New Year…see you in 2023! As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then don’t forget to drop us an email to wayne.groves@neonlinemagazine. com Plus remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for our regular updates on events and competitions. Till next time Take care Wayne EDITOR & DESIGNER Wayne Groves CONTRIBUTORS Peter Mann BSc Inside Mann Media & PR Madhouse Media SPONSORS Playhouse Whitley Bay Cineworld Boldon The Theatre Royal Newcastle O2 City Hall Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@ Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine Join us on Twitter @NEOnlineMag1 And Instagram @neonlinemagazine
5 P6 - David McGovern P12 - Kris Barras Band P18 - George Lamb Family and Friends P24 - NE AOTY 2022 Holly Rees P32 - Chris Gee Photography P46 - Cineworld 25th Anniversary & Round-Up P60 - Babybird at The Cluny P64 - Playhouse Whitley Bay P70 - Darlington Hippodrome Round-Up P76 - Northern Threads P80 - Four Quarters Newcastle P84 - Holding Absence at Independent P88 - Live at the Cathedral P92 - Tyne Theatre & Opera House Round-Up P98 - GeordieStreet P102 - Step into Xmas {THIS} {ISSUE}

Hi David and welcome back to NE, can you give our readers a quick introduction for those that may not have seen your previous feature?

I’m David McGovern and I own the record store Beyond Vinyl and Record Label Beyond Records. I have been releasing singles in aid of the Batten Disease Family Association since Christmas 2020.

You have just released another Christmas single, This One’s For The Children (feat. The Batten Community, Children’s Choir), tell us a bit more about the song and how it all came about?

Since I released my 1st single in 2020 to help raise awareness of Batten Disease I have been looking at ways to get the children from the Batten community involved with a single. The pandemic and the fact they are spread across the country hasn’t made it easy.

A few months ago before I started recording the single I spoke to Liz from the BDFA about how I wanted to involve the children with this single and ways that we could achieve this.

I come to the conclusion that the only way we could do this was to ask the parents to record the children singing into a mobile

phone and recording them that way.

How did you find it working with The Batten Community, Children’s Choir?

It was really fun & challenging. They recorded their parts at home with a mobile phone so it was a case of trying to get them all to line up with each other. All the children did brilliantly and I’m so proud of them all.

So who do we have in the choir? Well we have Jessica, Nicole & Louis Rich, Finley, Arther & Harrison Dodkin, George Hadman, Ava Hartigan, Abia


The single is yet another song you have recorded and released in aid of The Batten Disease Family Association, why does this charity mean so much to you and why should people get behind it? Batten Disease is such a cruel disease. The children are healthy when born & after a couple of years they start to become ill and eventually lose their eye sight, have seizures, lose all motor functions and ultimately lose their life.

It’s not very well known & is quite rare, but people really need to know about this awful disease and what signs to watch out for.

This song is another New Kids On The Block cover, along with previous single Valentine Girl and Stay The Same was by Joey McIntyre from NKOTB, so what’s with the whole NKOTB thing you have going on?

It was never the intention to record 3 NKOTB tracks it just kind of happened. We were trying to think of songs that would be good to cover but also have a message behind the song. New Kids On The Block were massive when I was growing up in the late ‘80’s & early 90’s & seeing them & hearing their

music set me on a path to becoming a pop star so their music stuck with me, more than I had thought.

It’s only took me 30 odd years to give this singing a go!

Musically what is next, is there anything in the pipeline?

Next year we are going to work on song writing & some original music so watch this space.

For next Christmas we are wanting to involve the children more in the song and have a couple of them record some


If you could work with anyone musically, who would it be and why?

I’m going to have to say the guys from NKOTB & East 17 now aren’t I. It would be great to work with the guys one day because they had such an influence on me growing up.

It would be amazing to record something with Sam Fender in the future. He’s a local artist and he’s doing amazing so why not.

Elizabeth Liddle is another local artist I would love to work with at some point. I had better hurry up though as she is destined for big things.

You have several songs under your belt now, what has been your proudest moment with it all?

There’s been so many moments but it has to be how proud I am of all the children that feature on the single. They are amazing, having them sing on the track and seeing how much joy it’s bringing them is priceless.

How can people follow you and keep up to date with the shop and your music?

You can follow Beyond Vinyl & myself on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram by searching “Beyond Vinyl” & David McGovern

Kisbee-Brown, Darcey Gildert & Harry Houghton.

How can people get a copy of the song?

Buy a copy of our CD single now & the Batten Disease Family Association get double the amount as part of the campaign. Any donation we make to the BDFA via the BIG GIVE from midday today until the 6th December is matched by the Big Give so the charity get £8 per CD and you only pay £4!! Win Win....

CLICK HERE TO BUY THE CD product/david-mcgovernbatten-community-childrenschoir-tbc-cds/

Plus please watch this heartwarming video featuring the children, their siblings and cousins and please buy, download and stream the track via the link below hyperfollow/davidmcgovern/ this-ones-for-the-childrenfeat-the-batten-communitychildrens-choir-3?fbclid=IwAR2Y OV4r8T6ww4YPC3k8qn94brdLK rYjZ4JIEdFVUBBVcdtcGF9iJ0ErM


We are aiming for a top 40 position in the official chart and need everyone’s help to do it! Please help these incredible children to be heard and raise awareness of this devastating condition.

For more info on the BDFA check out their website at http://www.


There’s a big year ahead for rock giants, ‘Kris Barras Band,’ as they set themselves for a mammoth, 25+ date, UK tour, including, on 13 February, the night before Valentines, a show at the Riverside Newcastle.

Beginning in Tavistock, on 21 January, the quartet, consisting of Barras (vocals/guitar), Josiah Manning (rhythm guitar/vocals), Billy Hamnmett (drums), Kelpie Mackenzie (bass guitar), will be travelling around England, and Scotland, taking in places like Barnsley and Bristol, Wolverhampton and Glasgow, Nottingham and Norwich, before finishing, in London, on 25 February.

It’ll be a long run of shows, plenty of travelling, and plenty of noise from a band that only came to fruition in the mid-2010s, with a self-titled EP, followed by, in 2016, the debut album, ‘Lucky 13,’ for lead vocalist Kris however, it’s been a dream that has been festering since childhood.

Even if there was a decade-long spell in the then underground world, formative years, of the MMA/Cage Fighting world, between 2004 and 2014.

“When I started out, my music style was rooted in Blues, Southern Rock music,” began Kris.

“But, with each of the albums we’ve released, the sound and

style, it’s certainly got heavier, and heavier, just like the music in which I listen to.

“It’s nice to be able to branch out though, and, with the rock style, you can spread your wings quite a bit, and do so much more with it.

“The fighting though, it (MMA/ Cage) was still in its early days, and was very much an underground sport back then.

“I’d also done some martial arts when I was younger, throughout my childhood and teenage years before going on to being offered lots of opportunities, so I just rolled with it; I was fighting in places like Las Vegas, and Thailand, whilst setting up a gym


as well.

“I was still doing some music though, and, having stopped competing after the fight in Thailand, in August 2014, following a decade in the sport, injuries were taking their toll.

“So I just stopped fighting, and started writing songs properly, with the aim of performing a few gigs, maybe to a hundred or so people.”

How things change, and quickly. For Kris, and the band, performing in front a few hundred fans, at local pubs and clubs, soon snowballed into bigger venues, support slots, and touring both with big names, and in their own right.

A further three albums have been added to the back catalogue since that 2016 debut, and, although like the rest of the world, were pushed back before global indifferences, the KBB name remained strong and true.

Coming out of the darkness (they’ve supported the band of the same name, The Darkness, at Shepherd Bush Empire, among others), coincided with the release of their latest offering, adding Death Valley Paradise to that of ‘The Divine & Dirty’ (2018) and ‘Light It Up’ (2019). “We’ve been quite lucky really, especially when coming out of covid, and the lockdowns,”

admitted Kris.

“We were on one of the first tours (with Black Stone Cherry, in late 2021, including the Royal Albert Hall), so we do class ourselves as being fortunate, in a way.

“The momentum prior though, it just stopped us in our tracks, but it also afforded myself time to just sit down and write (30+) songs; I wouldn’t have had the time otherwise.

“We’ve also been really fortunate to have performed some really greats shows though (there’s been Beth Hart, Joanne Shaw Taylor, GUN, John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers, its endless). “The Thunder gig (at Wembley

Arena), they were the first, proper band in which I saw live, so that, for me, was something special; also, performing at Download Festival, that was something else and, although I don’t have a ‘bucket list,’ I just like to take things as they come really.”

As for the album, and said tour in the New Year, more than twenty dates, in a matter of months, at the start of the year; the two coincide with each other, even though the album itself, was released back in March of this year, the band letting things move through the motions.

“That album, Death Valley Paradise, it was definitely one


of the smoothest we’ve done, in terms of putting it together,” added Kris.

“We went away, in one, solid block, to Worcester, with the sole job of just doing the album, bouncing ideas off each other, talking about it on an evening, and it was just great, good to be able to have just that kind of focus.

“Whilst the reception for it, that has been really good, and it’s been great performing, and seeing people singing along with it.

“Next year’s tour, that was booked pretty quickly after the main tour for the album really, but with this new one, we decided to do more regional venues, hence the number of places (performing at).

“There’s a few places, yes, we’ve been there before, but there are also some places which are relatively new to us.

“Having Planet Rock’s Winters End (5 February, Trecco Bay) on there, as a headline act, that’s a cool thing for me, and we’re really looking forward to it.

“I just love playing though, playing anywhere, and writing songs but there’s no firm plans for later in the year, yet, although it would be good to get back out to Europe again though, as well headlining some festivals.

“I’m just happy doing what I’m doing, and being part of what is a great, rock world.”

Keep up-to-date with all things Kris Barras via their socials

on Facebook https://www. and Twitter KrisBarrasBand and their website

at https://www.krisbarrasband. com/ Image credits - John McMurtrie


“I’ve been blown away, knocked for six, at the response to the album (Family & Friends) and I honestly never thought it would do so well.”

As musicians go, north-east Blues stalwart, George Lamb, is both up there, and worked, with the best of them, having held his place in the industry since the Seventies.

In the ensuing decades, and whilst working with numerous musi cians, Lamb had done everything but one thing, release a solo al bum; the recent release of ‘Family & Friends’ has changed all of that,

and then some.

From ‘Southbound’ in the Sev enties, to the present day with ‘George Sholvin and the Radars,’ Tyneside-born, Wearsider, Lamb, thought he’d seen and done it all though, especially having worked with, and performed alongside, the like of Keith Emerson, Jimmy Nail, Saxon, and the Eurythmics, to name a few.

Even just a few years ago, in 2018, ‘George Sholvin and the Radars’ released the acclaimed album, ‘Nothing to Lose;’ but even through all of that success,

he’s also bore witness to departing friends, and venues, along the way. The latter being, in part, respon sible, for ‘Family & Friends,’ it springing to life during an era of global changes (2020-22).

“I’m at a pensionable age now hav ing reached 66 just a few months ago,” began George.

“But, I’ve been playing, and writ ing music, and I’ve been in bands, since my childhood really.

“Surprisingly though, I’d never ac tually released a solo album, until now, because, during covid, and those early lockdowns, I found


myself going a bit overboard, hav ing bought myself a little record ing set-up, and I ended up laying down more than fifty tracks.

“But never in a million years did I think I’d do something like this, and I just wanted to, honestly, record some new music and, be cause a few good, close friends of mine passed away last year, whilst following on from a few glasses of red wine one night, I was just sat there thinking, why not.

“With this album though, I ended up having to be quite ruthless really, so I’ve now probably got enough for a ‘Family & Friends II.’ “Knocking the tracks down, and having done so much work on it anyway, I then thought about get ting, as the album title suggests, family and friends involved, so I sent out a load of messages, not expecting much of a reply – they all came back, surprisingly (to me at least) agreeing to do it.”

Those eighteen, yes eighteen, fel low musicians, close family and friends, who joined George on his ‘Family & Friends’ album, are that of - Don Airey, Archie Brown, Jim Bullock, Phil Caffrey, Dave Ditch burn, Dean James, Veronica Kelly, Helen Moran, Moira Lamb, John Lamb, Philip Lamb, George Pallas, Shannon Pearl Powell, George Shovlin, Terry Slesser, Dave Smith,

Paul Wilson, Emma Wilson.

With a north-east connection right across the board, even the album artwork photography was taken by local, esteemed gig pho tographer in Christine Moore. “Christine (Moore) suggested to me recently that I’d actually chron icled some of the musical greats from the region down the years,” continued the Sunderland-based blues musician.

“I never thought of it that way

though, but there’s artists from Tyne, Tees, and Wear on there.

“Musicians like George Sholvin, who is an inductee in the Blues Hall of Fame; Don Airey, from Sunderland, has played with some of the greats; Dean James, George Pallas, Dave Smith, they all get into The Palace; Archie Brown, he’s an orchestral musical wizard; Phil Airey is just great all-round; and Emma Wilson, she’s also an award winner from Teesside; and not forgetting my own siblings (eldest of six) as well, who are also really great singers.”

Over the years though, and having already mentioned Lamb hav ing been singing the blues since the Seventies, how does the artist himself see things; are there any highlights among what is seem ingly a lot of highs.

“I’ve worked with some great people though,” admitted the Jesmond-born artist.

“There’s been people like Jimmy Nail, and Dave Stewart (Euryth mics), but all of it, the whole career really, has been somewhat


enjoyable and rather fun, whether I’m working with, or supporting, other artists.

“If I had to choose though, then I’d say meeting Steve Cropper (Booker T & the M.G’s and the Blues Brothers) was the highlight

for me, he’s a living legend.”

“As for the band, now (with Sholvin), we tend to just do the festivals, and play some blues clubs around the country, so we’ll continue doing that.

“We’ve got gigs already booked in for next year, at home, and abroad, so it’s looking good so far – we’ll always do what we can though, keep on performing, writing, and the sort.

“This album though, it’s all just something that I’ve wanted to do, and to get it out of my system re ally.”

For anything related to George Lamb and his blues music, visit his website via https://georgelamb and check out his sounds via his YouTube channel at georgelamb4649


[ne 2022 artist of the Year] [ne 2022 artist of the Year]

It’s the end of the year, and with it means just one thing, the last piece with the 2022 NE Online Magazine ‘Artist of the Year,’ the delightful, musical angel that is, Holly Rees.

And what better way to finish, than to chat about the season, well, the time of year, we’re now in, because, as that iconic phrase says, every year, for as long as I can remember “IT’S CHRIST MAAAAAAAAS.”

Well, before we talk about some festivities, there’s been the small matter of a recent gate-crashing, at one of Allan Scorer’s recent shows at Little Buildings, in that there Newcastle – all fun and games mind you, nothing illegal or any thing like that.

But music lovers in attendance, well they got much, much more



than they bargained for. “HaHa! Yeah, our last show was a bit daft,” laughed Holly, heartily, looking back at that recent night in Newcastle.

“So, Allan asked me if I’d step in as a solo, acoustic opener, for a touring Canadian band called HotKid, as their original support had pulled out last minute. “Ryan, being the absolute legend that he is, came down with a cajon to join me and play an acoustic duo set, and because we got the gig like the day before, this was going to be a totally unrehearsed set.

“We played a couple of tunes, and then Jesse (HotKid’s guitarist) jumps up onstage and sits behind the drum kit, someone handed Ryan a bass guitar, and we just had an absolute blast.

“It was all absolutely stupid, and Jesse was just amazing, especially being able to keep up with our nonsense songs having never heard them, but it was just so

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much fun, pure DIY, collaborative joy.”

That, in itself, added a little light into Holly’s life, a light that, in herself, had been waning a little of late. But, being the creative sort she is, continues to make do the best she can and, an occasion like this, just shows as much. “To be brutally honest with you, I’ve been struggling a bit recently,”

admitted Holly.

“There’s so much I want to do and things are hard at the minute.

“There’s a cost of living crisis, tory Britain gets bleaker every day, its cold, and it’s dark, and everyone is having a tough time.

“Being creative seems to be the bottom of the list when it’s a strug gle just to survive.

“But for me at least, that gig was exactly what I didn’t know I needed.

“Sometimes I think you need to remember why it is you do what you do, and why you’re making music.

“And remember the joy of it, the connection of it, that beauty in connecting with strangers through making noise.

“I say it all the time, but I think sometimes you lose sight of what it really means - live music is incredible, and does something special I haven’t found in anything else.”

So, amidst all the madness, and a little darkness as well it seems –don’t worry, she’s fine, we all have a waver at times, we chatted to Holly, and Ryan, and asked them a few, Christmassy titbits.


HOLLY: My favourite festive tune; I’m going to cheat and say two‘Last Christmas’ by Wham! Just because it is a TUNE, and I have so much love for George Michael; what a guy, what a songwriter. We actually released our own cover of this during the ‘Lockdown Christ mas of 2020,’ testament to how much I love that song. There’s a re ally daft, Ryan Easter Egg (Easter, at Christmas, hmmmm) at the end if you listen closely.

My second has to be ‘River,’ by Joni Mitchell because it’s beautiful. I have two gigs left this year, both solo acoustic, stripped back and cosy (10 December supporting Martha Hill, Cumberland Arms,


Newcastle; and 11 December sup porting This Little Bird, The Ship Isis, Sunderland), and I “might” do my own cover of River in those sets.

RYAN: All the best Christmas things, music, films, TV are always really dark to me. You can think of every great bit of Christmas media and it’s either about a broken-down relationship, loneli ness, financial ruin, death, or just straight up ghosts (he has a point to be honest).

That’s why my favourite Christmas song is ‘Wonderful Christmas time’ by Paul McCartney which is contrary to the above. Some might argue it’s about witchcraft, but eve ryone really knows it’s really about that phat synth intro. Also big shout out to the version of ‘Merry Xmas Everybody’ by Slade that you can find on YouTube where they’ve replaced every lyric with ‘are you hanging up your stock ings on your wall’. (Holly agrees with this last one - and also adds the video where it’s just “you bet ter watch out” repeated over and over)


HOLLY: My favourite Christmas film - this is a tricky one! I’m a massive sop (she actually is) so probably ‘The Holiday’ (lush film) or ‘Love Actually;’ ‘The Muppet Christmas Carol’ also needs a shout-out too, because it’s the best retelling of the classic Dickens story and also because it’s become a family tradition in the Rees household to yell “Oh for God’s sake Holly he’s a felt frog” when I inevitably start balling at Tiny Tim (he’s the best felt frog, ever)

RYAN: As with music, all the best films are dark, but my personal favourite is the ‘Santa Clause’ starring Tim Allen. It starts with a broken relationship, then a casual

bit of manslaughter, then Scott Calvin gets literally cursed, before it descends into the kind of body horror that would make Cronen berg squirm.

AND NEXT YEAR, HOLLY? “I’m really excited about next year. This one has felt like finding our feet again post-covid, really finding our live sound and getting our live set of new songs down and tight. “We’ve played a bunch of new places - getting on the road with the guys is something I’ve been wanting for ages so getting down to Manchester for the What She Said Club show was amazing, and gave us a little taste of what’s to come.

“We had such a lush reaction to ‘English Bay’, our only release this year, and our only headline show

back in February.

“We’ve been in the studio, and now it’s full steam ahead to get those new songs ready for release. “I’m really excited for next year, I feel like we’ve spent this year building the foundations for our new sound and I can’t wait to share these songs now and get them out in the world.

“Second only to getting the new music out, top of my list next year is hitting the road and getting our live show to as many new cities as we can.

“The dream would be snagging a touring support gig, opening for a band we can learn from, but what ever happens I know we’re going to give next year our all to get out there.

“Sometimes it feels a bit impos


sible, but then the guys, or my partner, will remind me I some how managed to book a whole Canadian tour a few years ago, so we can do this.”

And what about Ryan, he’s been alongside Holly and her madness, on, and off-stage, so, to finish this year with a bang, what’s his thoughts on performing with the little songbird, and looking ahead to what 2023 may have to offer.

“Holly’s an absolute dream to be in a band with”, confessed Ryan (perhaps under duress, we’ll never know lol).

“I think that the three of us make a really great team and Holly is obviously a really talented song writer, whilst Rhys brings a lot of the great musical and structural ideas for the songs to the table.

“I like to think I bring the non

sense to the group, and I love a bit of admin as well so I’m usually the one who takes the reigns of all the behind the scenes stuff when Holly is away building houses in France as she’s known to do.

“That big tower they’ve got over there, Holly knocked that together after we had a weekend in Black pool (hehe), so, if you ever get a chance to visit, take a closer look, it’s made entirely out of candy rock.

“This next year though, it should be really special though, we’ve got some big plans we’ve been sitting on for a while, and as long as she doesn’t disappear off to Canada again (she wants to) and we don’t end up in the midst of another panny-d (we won’t), then 2023 is going to be huge. We’ll see you there.”

Keep up-to-date with all the mad ness, silliness, downright fun that is Holly Rees, via her socials on Facebook https://www.facebook. com/hollysounds and Twitter and visit her website at http://

Image credits – Adam Littlemore, Andrew Aitch, and Blindface


Hi Chris and welcome to NE, it’s great to finally get you in the mag azine for a feature, so how about starting things off by introducing yourself to our readers?

Hi Wayne, my pleasure. Well my name is Chris Gee, 37 from Dur ham. I’m originally a Jarrow lad but the last 7 years I’ve been resid ing in Durham. I’m a serving Staff Sergeant in the Royal Regiment of Artillery and that has been my job for the last 20 years. I’m also a very keen wildlife photographer in my spare time and dad to 2 amaz ing children, so a busy man.

Before we start, I have to thank you for your many years of ser vice, can you tell our readers a bit about your time serving your country?

That’s very kind mate and I ap preciate the kind gesture. As I said in the introduction, I have been serving for 20 years in the Royal Artillery. My role is in the surveil lance department and my service has seen me deploy to a variety of countries (both good and not so good). I have deployed 3 times to Iraq, twice to Afghanistan, a United Nations tour of Cyprus

For the last few years you have been involved with the remem brance services at the Stadium of Light, being a soldier and a Sun derland fan, how does it feel to be on the pitch representing both your country and your team?

To be honest it’s the highlight of the year. This year (2022) was the fifth time I have had the honour of representing the military for the club I support and love. Walking

and various training exercises in Germany, Belize, Canada, France and the USA.

out in front of 38,000 fans this year was spine tingling. I was filled with pride, honour and sombre ness as I marched out to the centre circle. The reflection on why we

were there quickly hits when the last post plays. I remember in my younger days always wanting to be the soldier who marched out for remembrance and now I am that person!

In a very distinguished career, what has been the highlight or highlights for you? There’s too many to choose from to pick just one. A few highlights would be meeting Her Majesty the Queen on 2 occasions and mak ing her laugh. Remembrance at Sunderland AFC, meeting presi dent Obama during his state visit, seeing a lot of places around the world and meeting some great people from lots of backgrounds and cultures. This maybe not a highlight but one of my biggest things I have to pinch myself at is my medals. They are the one thing that represents your service and

shows the wider public what you have actually achieved. They are my most treasured possession.

In recent years you have made quite the impact with your stun ning photos, so how did you get

started in photography?

My photography started whilst I was on my first tour of Afghani stan in 2010. I bought my first proper DSLR camera and taught myself how to use it. I was taking a lot of photos of aviation and trying to capture expressions of people both military and civilian.

What was your aim when first starting out?

I would say just to learn the skills and see if I had the natural eye for photography. It actually helped my mental state and motivation, especially whilst on tour, but as I got more experienced I set myself more targets and aims.

They say never to work with ani mals, yet that is exactly what you do, what are the biggest challenges you have found?

Well for the last 4 years I’ve been

a wildlife photographer and I actually, much prefer working with animals than people. The biggest challenges are learning the routines and gaining the trust of the animal(s) that you’re photo graphing but most importantly not disturbing them and thinking of the animals welfare. Nature is not predictable or sticks to timings like us, sometimes nothing shows at all. Another challenge is other photographers, wildlife photogra phy seems to be very cliquey and competitive so now I mostly go out on my own.

What advice would you give to anyone that is interested in pho tography?

Firstly it’s an expensive but re warding hobby. Don’t break the bank to get all the gear and not use it. Secondly pick a discipline (landscapes, wildlife, people,


weddings etc) and get the gear to suit the discipline. Do your re search, be flexible and always be ready for no shows, adjustments and learning curves.

If you could photograph any ani mal anywhere in the world, what would it be and why? Well, my fav animals to photo graph in the UK are owls (all 5 species), kingfishers and foxes. The one animal I would love to photograph is the Harpy Eagle. They live in Central/ South Amer ica and Indonesia. One of the big gest eagles in the world and talons the same size as a bears, I would love to photograph a Harpy Eagle hunt. They prey on monkeys in the canopy and seeing that would be impressive.

Is it purely wildlife photography you are interested in or would you like to shoot in other fields too? Currently yes. I’ve done all the other fields and even photo

graphed 5 weddings but wildlife is my passion. My love for animals has found this field my favourite. I

have also joined the RSPB, Dur ham Wildlife Trust and a member of the Army Ornithological Soci ety. Depending on what season it is depends on what animals I’m looking to photograph. I also try to keep my other photography skills fresh as I’ve done a few mili tary portraits and group shots.

When you are not busy behind the lens what do you like to get up to? Firstly it’s family. I love being a dad to my two children. They are my world. Especially with Christ mas approaching. As I said earlier I have a Sunderland season ticket so I love match days (although not the result on occasions), I love F1 and I’ve been to at least one race a season, including the Dutch GP this year which was the best at mosphere I’ve experienced to date.

Tell us 3 random facts about your self?

Well firstly you will remember the first one very well.


I have died twice on the side of the road after a cycling accident in 2014.

I’m like a human colouring book. I am covered in a lot of tattoos.

I have been locked inside Wemb ley arena due to a power cut when the PDC darts had the premier league final there so me and my mate played darts on a practice board and Phil (the Power) Tay lor walked in and joined us for a game of round the world.

Where can people follow you and keep up to date with what you are doing?

I have a few social media accounts both personal and photography Instagram - @chris_gee_wild life_phot22


Vero - @chris_gee_wildlife

Facebook – Chris Gee

Twitter - @Gee7128

Can people buy your images, if so how?

Yes they can, I’ve been doing a couple of Christmas fairs recently and my images, calendars etc

make great presents. People can get images by messaging direct on any social media platform. They come in all different sizes with framed or unframed and I have calendars, cups and coasters too.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Yes, although I have given a couple of pointers about new starters to photography. If anyone has any questions or queries then please do get in touch via my social me dia accounts and I will do my best to help.

Secondly, Merry Christmas to you and your readers. Also a big thank you to yourself for this opportu nity. Thank you to my family for their continuous support.

Thank you for taking the time to talk with us and we look forward to catching up with you soon.


25th Anniversary

Cineworld Boldon recently cel ebrated its 25th Anniversary with a week of celebrations and giveaways as well as showing some classic films from the year that the

cinema opened. The celebrations finished with a special red carpet VIP screening of Men In Black on the 20th October with a guest list of employees past and present

along with special guests who have been involved with the cinema in one way or another over the years.

As always NE were there with


our friends from A.R.C. and the North East Avengers, two cos tuming groups who have helped with many previous film launches including Star Wars and Marvel. A big thanks has to go to James Brown from A.R.C. who has been one of the main costumers doing events there for the last 10+ years, plus Dennis Hewitt who featured as an Agent in MIB International and brought his Agent down for the screening of the original MIB, much to the delight of the guests.

After a recent meeting with Gen eral Manager Gemma Crisp, we have put our heads together to come up with some big ideas to bring the fun back to Cineworld with a whole host of events com ing your way in 2023, so watch this space!

Though expect a few surprises this Christmas too, including Christ mas screenings of Elf (15/12/22 &

22/12/22) and The Polar Express (19/12/22), so make sure you book your tickets.

We have double the fun now as we have teamed up with
to give you a
run down on a few
that are
and really have got us
Plus make sure you check out their
page to keep up to date with their daily competitions and updates.
Violent Night 02 December 2022 Running time: 112 minutes A group of mercenaries attack the estate of a wealthy family on Christmas Eve, and Santa must save Christmas. Cast: Beverly D’Angelo, Cam Gigandet, David Harbour, John Leguizamo, Alex Hassell, Alexis Louder, Edi Patterson Director: Tommy Wirkola CLICK HERE TO BOOK TICKETS AND WATCH THE TRAILER
Cineworld Boldon
the new Cineworld Dalton Park
coming soon
Dalton Park

Avatar: The Way Of Water 16 December 2022

Running time: 192 minutes Set more than a decade after the events of the first film, AVATAR 2 begins to tell the story of the Sully family (Jake, Neytiri, and their kids), the trouble that follows them, the lengths they go to keep each other safe, the battles they fight to stay alive and the tragedies they endure.

Cast: Cliff Curtis, Edie Falco, Stephen Lang, Giovanni Ribisi, Zoe Saldana, David Thewlis, Sigourney Weaver, Kate Winslet, Sam Worthington, Oona Chaplin,


I Wanna Dance With Somebody 26 December 2022

Running time: 120 minutes The joyous, emotional and

heart-breaking celebration of the life and music of Whitney Houston, the greatest female R&B pop vocalist of all time. Tracking her journey from obscurity to musical super stardom



Stanley Tucci, Naomi Ackie, Clarke Peters, Ashton Sanders, Tamara Tunie, Nafessa Williams Director: Kasi Lemmons

Babylon 20 January 2023

Running time: 189 minutes

From Damien Chazelle, BABYLON is an original epic set in 1920s Los Angeles led by Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie and Diego Calva, with an ensemble cast including Jovan Adepo, Li Jun Li and Jean Smart. A tale of outsized ambition and outrageous excess, it traces the rise and fall of multiple characters during an era of unbridled decadence and depravity in early Hollywood.

Cast: Lukas Haas, Tobey Maguire, Max Minghella, Brad Pitt, Eric Roberts, Jean Smart, Ethan Suplee, Phoebe Tonkin, Olivia Wilde, Jovan Adepo, Margot Robbie, Katherine Waterston, Rory Scovel, Flea , Olivia Hamilton, Li Jun Li, Diego Calva, P.J. Byrne, Samara Weaving


Director: Damien Chazelle

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Johnny Depp’s way into Babybird was through the band’s eight top 40 hit “Bad Old Man”, a track that made him go onto play guitar on two albums and make a million dollar video for the song “Unlove able”.

The video touches on all sorts of darkness — incorporating all the things that make a short promo tional film virtually unplayable on mainstream platforms. But that was never the point.

The point is that Babybird’s writer and singer Stephen Jones has never done anything for commer cial ends. He’s not that clever. Any success or fame he got crept up and stabbed him in the back, but luckily with a kid’s rubber knife and merely agitated him into do ing something way more interest ing.

To tickle out different reactions and emotions from the listener. Using dark matter, or a sweet sourness to stop listeners in their tracks. All laid on a bed of what hopefully is always extremely catchy music.

He still writes as he always has, since those Babybird lo-fi albums of 1995-6, continuing to work on his 150th album release in just 10 years. Going upstairs into the smallest bedroom of his house, or studio as his family laughingly like to call it, Jones is at home with just one laptop, a few barely fully

strung guitars and a piano. With his headphones on, all that can be heard is Jones tippy-tapping annoyingly on a plastic two octave keyboard.

“Bad Old Man” was basically writ ten like that too: as a demo, then blown up by the band. It is possi bly Stephen Jones’ favourite song, especially live.

Praised at the time of its 1998 release by Melody Maker, Time Out and Smash Hits, it was Jones’ greatest pleasure that the track got into the top 40, with lines like “he

drowned his stepson in the duck pond” and “he hid razorblades in the ice cream” making it even more subversive than “You’re Gor geous”.

Now, Babybird is bringing “Bad Old Man” back to UK audiences with a string of UK tour dates this Winter. Kicking off in Southamp ton on 30 November, the tour will see stops across the country as the pioneers of critical pop bring their charming wit and innovative sound to audiences across the na tion. Tickets on sale here.


Direct from the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations at Windsor Castle ‘As seen on ITV’, Feel the immense power and thunderous rhythms as Irish Dance and Mod ern Tap combine to soar into the 21st century. Emerald Storm is a tale of love, rivalry and turmoil.

Co-written and co-choreographed by world renowned tap dancer and Hollywood actor ADAM GARCIA.

As a two time Olivier Award nom inee, Adam will bring his world class skills to evolve and develop the show further as co-writer and co-choreographer.

On joining the team Adam said “Emerald Storm has been on my radar for a few years now. I am really excited about what we can achieve together and can’t wait to take this show to the next level”.

We’re so supremely thrilled and can’t wait for the future of this special show.

This is a dance show not to be



You can come and watch Emerald Storm at Playhouse Whitley Bay on Thursday 28th September 2023 https://www.playhousewhitleybay.

Sunday February12th2023


After a critically acclaimed season at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe, Seabright Productions are delight ed to present the highly anticipat ed UK & Ireland Tour of Brendan Murphy’s brand new show – Buffy Revamped.

Coming hot on the heels of Mur phy’s last show, Friend (The One with Gunther), which recently won the award for Best Play in the World Wide Comedy Awards, the award-winning success (Dark chat Awards 2022: Best Comedy Performer and Best One-Person Show) of Buffy Revamped has confirmed him as one of the coun try’s most talented young writer/ performers with both critics and audiences.

In this fast-paced new produc tion we bring you the entire 144 episodes of the hit 90s TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as told through the eyes of the one person who knows it inside out… Spike.

Funny, satirical and bursting with 90s pop-culture references, it’s the perfect parody for Buffy aficiona dos and those who never enrolled at Sunnydale High alike.

Brendan Murphy is a London based actor, improviser and co median. He has toured extensively across the US and Canada as part of the Olivier Award nominated Potted Potter.

An experienced improviser, Brendan is a member of BBC Ra

dio One’s BattleActs! and has been a guest player for Second City and Monkey Toast Players. He is co-writer of the satirical comedy podcast NonCensored with Rosie Holt, and the upcoming musical comedy The Last Library with Oliver Izod.

Buffy Revamped is at Darlington Hippodrome on Wednesday 25 January. To book call the Box Of fice on 01325 405405 or visit www.

Photo Credit: Alexa Viscius



Tilted Wig (Murder, Margaret, and Me; Lady Chatterley’s Lover; The Picture of Dorian Gray) have announced the cast of their tour of Around the World in 80 Days, in collaboration with York Theatre Royal, adapted and directed by Ju liet Forster (Cinderella, York Thea tre Royal; The York Radio Mystery Plays, BBC Radio and York Thea tre Royal). Circus meets theatre in Around the World in 80 Days, a brand-new adaptation of Jules Verne’s iconic story, set to tour the UK from February - July 2023. Each member of the cast will multi-roll as a rag-tag band of travelling circus performers that embark on a daring mission to recreate Phileas Fogg’s race around the world. Alex Phelps (As

You Like It, Shakespeare’s Globe/ CBeebies; When Darkness Falls, Park Theatre/UK Tour; Hamlet, Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre) will be playing the determined Ring master, Phileas Fogg. Taking on the role of the Acrobat, Nellie Bly, is actor and puppeteer Katriona Brown (There’s a Rang-Tan in My Bedroom and Other Stories, Little Angel Theatre; Chum-o-logues, Southwark Playhouse).

Genevieve Sabherwal (My Grandma’s a Walrus, Southwark Playhouse; Speed Dial, Pleasance; Spooky Ship, Bristol Old Vic) will be performing as the Aouda, The Trick Rider. Wilson Benedito (50 Ways to Kill Your Lover, Amazon; Alan Carr’s New Year Specstacu lar, Channel 4) provides comedic relief as The Clown, Passepartout. Rounding off the cast as the sharpwitted Knife Thrower, Detective Fix, is Eddie Mann (Rocketman, Paramount; Macbeth, Three Inch Fools; Back to The Future, Secret


Juliet Forster, creative director of The York Theatre Royal and direc tor of Around the World in 80 Days, comments, “I was amazed that we generally know more about Jules Verne’s fictional char acters than we do about the real woman, Nellie Bly, who set the record for circumnavigating the globe in 1889 (and did the journey in less time…) I knew I had to tell her story. I found that this ap proach allowed interesting themes to emerge around whose stories get told, whose stories dominate and who should stand aside to give space to the untold ones.”

Jules Verne’s original characters are transformed in Forster’s adap tation, embracing different modes of transport as they journey across the globe. Audiences can join the Ringmaster, the Acrobat, the Clown, the Trick Rider, and the Knife Thrower on their frantic


race to travel Around the World in 80 Days.

Tilted Wig Productions was formed in 2017 by Katherine Senior and Matthew Parish, who have over fifteen years of experi ence producing and touring plays throughout the UK, taking over 20

productions out on the road. Their shows now tour around some of the biggest theatres in the UK, yet their original ethos has always re mained the same: whether Titled Wig is producing a classic play or a vibrant new adaptation, they always aim to inspire a bright and innovative creative team to take

their stories UK-wide.

Around The World in 80 Days runs at Darlington Hippodrome from Tuesday 21 to Saturday 25 March 2023. For more informa tion or to book visit www.darling or call the Box Office on 01325 405405

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Hypnotherapy, but what is Viking Hynotherapy?

Viking Hypnotherapys’ business motto is having “The Strength to Conquer Anything”. Wherever

you are today this is just a situ ation you’re in now, this is not your life, we all have the power to change our lives and I am basically your guide for this. Utilising the power of positive suggestion to bring about subconscious change to your thoughts feelings and behaviours. NLP is an approach to communication, personal devel opment, psychotherapy and also Life Coaching.

How different is Hypnotherapy compared to a hypnotist, is it the same thing or is it completely dif

physical conditions.

Have these comedy hypnotist shows, where they put you under and then get you to do silly things


Retro arcade bar ‘Four Quarters’ to launch in Newcastle, bringing throwback favourites and a unique entertainment offer to Tyneside

Retro -style gaming bar to launch on Newcastle city centre’s Dean Street

Rare/vintage restored arcade games, classic consoles, themed events, pizza, on-theme cocktails, craft beer and private parties

After huge success across London and Bristol, retro arcade bar Four Quarters is heading up North to bring both Geordie natives and toon tourists their new favourite hotspot. Described as the UK’s original and best arcade bar, Four Quarters are continuing their expansion from venues in Peck ham, Bristol, Hackney Wick and Elephant Park.

Four Quarters Elephant Park, cur rently their biggest site

The hugely popular retro gam ing venue has confirmed a new Dean Street location, with plans to move into the basement and lower ground floor of the former restau rant, Gershwin’s.

Four Quarters - named after the fact that 1.50 gets you four Ameri can quarters to feed into their machines - boasts a varied collec tion of vintage arcade games from the 1970s to the mid-2000s. Visi tors can enjoy themselves on the lovingly restored machines, from throwback favourites such as PacMan to the more modern likes of Time Crisis 2. There are also com fy booths with various old school consoles, from the Megadrive, N64, to the beloved PS2. After working up an appetite, guests can also enjoy a range of pizza, classic and themed cocktails, and local craft beer.

To level up this unique experience, Four Quarters promises a jampacked schedule of live events, including but not limited to film screenings and a pop culture quiz. With something for everyone, the new venue plans to claim the title of the coolest spot on Newcastle’s block.

Four Quarters plans to open its doors in late November and visitors will be able to feed their quarters into retro machines 7 days a week.

Ahead of its Dean Street opening,

Four Quarters in Hackney Wick

Four Quarters co-founder Fran cois Kitching commented: “We’re immensely proud to be opening our latest Four Quarters location in my hometown and on a street that has been important to me for as long as I can remember. Dean Street was part of my old stomp ing grounds, where rave culture record stores carried me through my formative years.

“While the opening has been a long and involved process, we have worked closely with all of the city’s stakeholders to make sure that everyone is happy, especially our future FQ community. We love Newcastle and I’ve missed

Newcastle, so we couldn’t be more excited to bring Four Quarters ‘arcade bar’ to the toon!” Fellow-co founder Marc Jones, added: “The goal was always not to be just a ‘London brand’. We want Four Quarters to be a key part of the nightlife scene that thrives across the country, includ ing cities other than London”.

Whether you’re planning for a wild night out on the toon, just having a casual evening with friends or fancy an intense highscore gaming battle, Four Quarters provides one-of-a-kind experi ences alongside a wide selection of

food, drinks and arcade games.

This latest addition to Newcastle’s renowned night life has a lot to live up to, but Four Quarters is expected to top the city’s leader board in no time.

To be the first to find out info about Newcastle’s hottest new original arcade bar Four Quarters, head to:

Newsletter sign-up: https:// Instagram: https://www. castle/



Post-hardcore four-pieceHOLDING ABSENCE - have announced a show in Sunderland next January.

Landing at the city’s Independent venue on 24 January 2023, the show comes fresh off the back of an extensive year of worldwide touring for the band, including a recent US run with Silverstein and The Amity Affliction, an Australian tour with Void of Vision and a stretch of EU dates.

Speaking about the upcoming show, Holding Absence say:

“Our bands roots were initially planted by playing in grassroots venues far and wide across the UK, and as we reach the end of our TGMOML cycle, we thought now was a better time than ever to go back to some of those venues, towns and cities.

After a long 2022 spent touring the world, the “Live & In Monochrome” tour is our way of being able to play some older songs to our oldest fans (or newer fans that missed us back at

the start), before making a headstart on LP3. We can’t wait!”

Having released their split EP ‘The Lost & The Longing’ with Alpha Wolf back in August, the band have also impressed audiences with relentless sets at Download and 2000 Trees festivals and a performance at the Heavy Music Awards 2022, where they were nominated in three categories.

After initially forming in 2015, Holding Absence have released two studio albums and two EPs and toured non-stop around the globe. Signing to SharpTone Records in 2017, the band released their self-titled debut album in 2019, receiving praise from the likes of Kerrang!, Dead Press and Loudwire, with the latter naming it one of the 50 best rock albums of the year.

Spending the next year playing support slots with the likes of Being As An Ocean, Counterparts and Sleeping With Sirens, as well as playing some of their biggest UK headline shows to date, the

band released their second LP ‘The Greatest Mistake of My Life’ in 2021. Dubbed the fifth best rock/metal album of 2021 in Kerrang!’s yearly round-up, the album saw Holding Absence praised as “taking a cue from My Chemical Romance but adding in some extra grit and real-world drama” by Loudwire.

Hitting the road again in 2023 with new music in tow, shake off the January blues with the band’s deafening live set in Sunderland in the new year.

Pink Dot Presents Holding Absence

@ Independent, Sunderland

Tuesday 24th January

Doors 7:00pm / 10:30 pm

Tickets: £15+STBF



LIVE AT THE CATHEDRAL 2023 are delighted to announce The Hoosiers as their headline act on Friday 22nd September and the sensational Natalie Imbruglia on Saturday 23rd September 2023 performing at Durham Cathedral next year.

The Hoosiers

The multi-platinum success of The Hoosiers 2007 debut album, “The

Trick to Life”, and singles such as “Worried About Ray” and “Good bye Mr. A”, raised huge expecta tions for its follow-up, not least at The Hoosiers’ record label. The prophetically titled “The Illusion of Safety” was, all the band agree, a troubled project from the start. Irwin suggests, “The word ‘hit’ is substituted for ‘good’. There’s an art to writing under those conditions, but it wasn’t one that worked for us. It exacts a toll on too many writers. You give up too much if you do that.” Such a negative experience of the creative process – the odd laugh aside – would have done for many bands, and there was indeed a

period where The Hoosiers went their separate ways. “I remem ber getting to this point,” says Al, “where I said, ‘I need some space from this’. I think we all knew it. We needed to forget about it for a while.”

“The News From Nowhere”, released in 2014, was an astonish ing return to form. “Doing it on our own terms,” says Irwin, “and actually having a proper say in it, felt wonderful. We had nothing to lose, but a lot to prove.”

Shattering their previous run of an album every three to four years, 2015’s “The Secret Service” – only a year after their third album –reveals a band hitting their stride


through a purple patch; improving as they discover they have more to say than ever.

Tension, creativity, democracy, arguments, time apart, coming back together, and then songs. Lots of them. Gone is the selfconsciousness of the dog days around their second album; gone, too, the self-doubt. In their place is a deeply rooted – and hard-won – confidence, and a determination to lock back into the freedom and joy of the early days.

Natalie Imbruglia

Natalie Jane Imbruglia is an Aus tralian singer and actress. In the early 1990s, she played Beth Bren nan in the Australian soap opera, Neighbours. Three years after leaving the programme, she began a singing career with her charttopping cover of Ednaswap’s song “Torn”. Her debut album, Left of the Middle (1997), sold seven mil lion copies worldwide. Imbrug lia’s five subsequent albums have combined sales of three million copies worldwide, and her acco

lades include eight ARIA Awards, two Brit Awards, one Billboard Music Award, and three Grammy nominations.

Imbruglia has appeared in several films, including the 2003 release Johnny English and the 2009

Australian indie film Closed for Winter. She has modelled for sev eral brands, such as L’Oreal, Gap, and Kailis.

Amongst other philanthropic work, Imbruglia served as a longtime spokesperson for Vir gin Unite and campaigns to raise awareness of obstetric fistula.

In June 2021, Imbruglia an nounced on that her single “Build It Better” would be released. It serves as the first single from her sixth studio album Firebird, which was released in September 2021. This album represents a return to music after a six-year hiatus during which she says she experienced “writer’s block.” She also won the third series of The Masked Singer UK as “Panda.”

October 2022 saw Natalie back on tour celebrating 25 years of debut album ‘Left of The Middle’.

Tickets for both shows are on-sale now available from - https://liveat or from the Box Office No: 0844 888 9991


The Epic 80’s Singalong! NOTH ING BEATS THE 1980s! NOTH ING! From Prince, Madonna, & George Michael…To Bon Jovi, Whitney, & Journey… the 80s had it covered when it came to EPIC pop hits. And now, it’s time for YOU and Choir!Choir!Choir! to take a journey through the 80’s as they lead and YOU SING!

Choir!Choir!Choir! is a show where the crowd is the star. Every show, Nobu Adilman and Dav

eed Goldman create something electric with the audience – it’s comedy, it’s interactive, and it’s all about the audience. There are no auditions – Show up and they’ll have you singing in harmony in no time! It is a night that sparks into something so much greater than the sum of its parts. People shout, strangers meet + dance, and everyone SINGS!

Founded in 2011, Choir!Choir!Choir! has amassed a dedicated and passionate com munity of singers and a thriving international fan base on YouTube amassing millions of views on their videos. They are heading to Newcastle

as part of a nationwide UK tour. Theatre Director Jo Johnson com mented: “We are overjoyed that Choir!Choir!Choir! will be joining us in Newcastle to sing and dance together with audiences at the Epic 80s Singalong! It’ll be such a fun event and we can’t wait.”

Tickets are priced at £21 and can be bought from: www.tynetheatre To check out more recently an nounced shows, head over the Tyne Theatre & Opera House website: https://www.tynetheatre

Choir!Choir!Choir! head to New castle with their Epic 80s Singa long Sunday 23rd April 2023

Thursday 9th November 2023

What makes you, you? Is there a part deep inside of you that no one understands? Have you found your tribe or are you a unique hu man being? Or is it more compli cated than that?

In the last few decades, a combina tion of individualism, the internet and the culture war has, for many of us, brought our feelings about our own and other people’s iden tity to the fore.

Grayson Perry, white, male, het erosexual, able bodied, English, southerner, baby boomer and member of the establishment takes a mischievous look at the nature of identity in his new show that will make you laugh, shudder, and reassess who you really are.

The Turner Prize winning artist has established himself as a talent ed art and cultural commentator over the past two decades.

Theatre Director Jo Johnson com mented: “Grayson Perry is an ex ceptional talent and we’re thrilled to be hosting his Newcastle leg of his new show… all about you!

Funny and interesting, we’re sure audiences will have a great time at this show and we’re really excited.”

Tickets are priced at £26 - £43 and can be bought from: https://www. events/grayson-perry-a-show-allabout-you/

To check out more recently an nounced shows, head over the Tyne Theatre & Opera House website: https://www.tynetheatre Please note this show is strictly 16+

Grayson Perry brings new show A Show All About You to the Tyne Theatre

Tim Vine to stop off at Tyne Thea tre and Opera House with new show ‘Breeeep!’

Thursday 18th May 2023

Tim Vine returns with his brand new stand-up show Breeeep!, prompting The Times newspaper to ask: “Is there a more ludicrous comedian in Britain than Tim Vine?”.

Expect a mountain of nonsense. One-liners, stupid things, crazy songs, and wobbly props (plus utter drivel). Tim’s like the man ager of a sweet shop where all the sweets are replaced by jokes, and he serves them in a random order. So it’s like a sweet shop where the manager just throws sweets at you. Enjoy the foolishness and laugh your slip-ons off.

‘A symphony of silly’ ***** (The

Times). ‘An absolute marvel’ ***** (The Scotsman)

Tim Vine was the winner of Dave’s Best Joke of the Fringe twice. He starred in The Tim Vine Chat Show (BBC Radio 4) and has made numerous TV appear ances, including Tim Vine Trav els Through Time (BBC One), Taskmaster (Dave), Countdown (Channel 4), Not Going Out (BBC One), The Sketch Show (ITV), Blandings (BBC One), Football Genius (ITV) and Whittle (Chan nel 5). His vast wealth of material has been preserved in books such as The Biggest Ever Tim Vine Joke Book and The Tim Vine Bumper Book of Silliness.

Tim’s six stand-up DVDs include his most recent ridiculous offering Sunset Milk Idiot. He has also rec reated moments from 20 different

episodes of Columbo in his online project Recreating Columbo, and has recently finished touring as Plastic Elvis, his Elvis tribute act. But with Breeeep!, Tim’s back to what he does best: telling silly jokes, singing daft songs, and wav ing mad props akimbo.

SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT: Please remember to breathe be tween laughs.

Theatre Director Jo Johnson com mented: “We’re very excited for Tim Vine to stop off here in New castle during his new tour, and to welcome him back to our beauti ful venue. He adds to an amazing comedy programme we have lined up for audiences in 2023!”

Tickets are priced at £26 and can be bought from: https://www. events/tim-vine-breeeep/


GeordieStreet App launches Christmas campaign

Christmas shoppers in Newcas tle Gateshead are being given a helpful boost with the launch of a campaign offering festive dis counts and deals.

Businesses across the city and fur ther afield are being encouraged to sign up to the GeordieStreet App and be part of a special Christmas discount campaign, joining more than 250 businesses who have already signed up.

The app was launched earlier this year by Newcastle Gateshead Initi ative (NGI) as part of the WeAre Newcastle campaign funded through Newcastle City Council, aimed at supporting the city’s high streets and neighbourhoods.

NGI has now launched a dedi cated Christmas GeordieStreet campaign with app developer Bubltown, to promote the app and festive offers to residents over the next four weeks.

The App is free for businesses to sign up, once part of the App they can share any festive deals and can continue to add discounts throughout the year.

The exclusive GeordieStreet App Christmas deals include: 15% off at UpsideDown Presents in New castle; 10% off at the Baltic Shop; lunch for just £6 at The Head of Steam, Quayside as well as free delivery options at The Grainger Market Delivery Ltd.

The App will add further savings for shoppers, who can already take

advantage of the local retailers on offer at Newcastle’s Christmas Markets, which this year include stalls in Old Eldon Square as well as the Monument and Grainger Street. The Grainger Market will also be open 7-days-a-week in December giving shoppers even more choice.

Sarah Green, chief executive at NGI said: “If you’re planning a Christmas shopping trip in New castleGateshead the GeordieStreet App is your must-have accessory for discounts across the city.

“With more than 3,500 downloads from consumers already, this free app will allow our businesses to share their offers with thousands of potential new customers at a time when the extra business is vital.


“We have some amazing inde pendent retailers in Newcastle Gateshead and the launch of the campaign comes in time for Small Business Saturday (Dec 3), which encourages consumers to shop local, and further demonstrates

our commitment to supporting the growth of our retail sector and neighbourhoods”.

To sign up to the App go to join. All offers must be valid until December 31st.

If you’re a customer you can view the deals at https://promotion. from Thurs Dec 1 and download the app from your app store.


A magical Christmas tree-buying experience is coming to the North East

Trees are provided by leading UK cultivator Galloway Woodlands

A unique Christmas tree-buying experience is coming to two loca tions in the North East this No vember.

Step into Xmas will bring an extensive selection of Nordmann Fir trees to the Metro Centre in Gateshead and Manor Walks in Cramlington from Thursday 24 November through to Wednesday 21 December.

The wide selection of trees will range from 4ft to a whopping 8ft and will come in a range of shapes and widths, so you’re bound to find the perfect fit for your home.

Each tree is given a fun, Christ mas-themed name so you may be taking home a Mariah or Elton this year.

Designed to entertain the en tire family, the experience is the perfect way to kick off the festive season. Expect to be greeted with a warm welcome and a compli

mentary hot chocolate to keep your hands toasty as you browse the beautiful selection of trees. A range of decorations and stands will also be available to buy to put the finishing touches on your evergreen.

In a bid to give something back this Christmas, Step into Xmas is


partnering with Metro Radio and Cash For Kids’ Mission Christmas Campaign. For every tree sold, £2.00 will be donated to Cash For Kids which will provide gifts to children across the North East who are at risk of waking up to no presents on Christmas day.

The much-loved Steve and Karen Breakfast Show on Metro Radio will also be supporting the cause by giving away dozens of free trees to its listeners through the festive season.

Metro Radio Breakfast show presenter Steve Furnell com mented: “Karen and I love the run in to Christmas on the show. The Christmas songs always get us go ing, and every morning we get to hear how excited our listeners are for the big day arriving.

To be partnering up with Step Into Xmas this year is the fairy on top of the tree. Just by contacting the show and chatting with us on air you could be winning one of their luxury real trees and have it deliv ered to your home.

It is also great to see them sup porting our charity Cash For Kids, with much needed donations going towards the Mission Christ mas campaign.”

Each Step into Xmas tree has been grown with care and expertise by leading Christmas tree supplier Galloway Woodlands. The freedraining soils and 1000ft altitudes beside the shores of Lochinvar in Dumfries and Galloway offer the perfect conditions for the popular Christmas tree variety and are cut late in the season to provide maxi mum freshness so your tree will last the entire festive season.

“All our real Christmas trees are

cultivated by hand and grown at an altitude of over 1000 feet,” said a spokesperson from Galloway Woodland. “In this we believe our Christmas trees grow slower and consequently produce excellent trees suitable for the UK.”

The Step into Xmas Christmas tree-buying experience will be open from 24 November to 21 December at Metro Centre, Gates head, and Manor Walks, Cram lington.


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