NE Online Magazine Issue 52 - Lock & Gray Go To The USA

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Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird. As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

We l c o m e N o t e . F i r s t o f f, S o r r y. We a r e g u t t e d t h a t we missed our June Issue, but sadly h e a l t h i s s u e s m a d e i t i m p o s s i b l e fo r us to get the June Issue done. But we a r e m a k i n g u p fo r i t w i t h a b u m p e r August Issue which we hope you will a l l e n j o y. N o ra l s e r v i v e h a s b e e n resumed. As always, if you have something you want to see in a future issue then d o n ’ t fo r g e t t o d r o p u s a n e m a i l t o wayne. groves@neonlinemagazine. com P l u s r e m e m b e r t o fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k , Tw i t t e r & I n s t a g ra m fo r our regular updates on events and competitions. Till next time Ta ke c a r e Wa y n e


O2 Academy Newcastle/City Hall Sage Gateshead Ocean Beach Pleasure Park Quasar Elite South Shields For all queries or if you would like to feature or advertise in NE Magazine email Unless stated otherwise all competition entries should be sent to win@ Plus you can catch up with us online for news, events, blogs, competitions and more at Follow us on Facebook - www.facebook. com/pages/N-E-Online-Magazine Join us on Twitter @NEOnlineMag1 And Instagram @neonlinemagazine

CONTRIBUTORS Peter Mann BSc Inside Mann Media & PR Madhouse Media SPONSORS Playhouse Whitley Bay Cineworld Boldon The Theatre Royal Newcastle


{THIS} {ISSUE} P6 Beyond Vinyl Newcastle P14 BST Winner Cherish Barnes P20 NE AOTY 2021 Hayley McKay P26 Lock & Gray off to the USA P35 Newham Grange Farm P38 Bay Plastics Northern Alliance P46 ART - Boro Through Time P52 Cineworld Round-Up P65 Gas Angel & Just One Tree P70 Playhouse Whitley Bay P78 Curry On Comedy P82 Northern Threads P86 Save The High Street P90 Scott Michael Cavagan P94 The Lit & Phil 5


Lockdown has not stopped Beyond Vinyl owner David McGovern, if anything he has been busier than normal, though just in different ways to what he was expecting. Instead of running his record store in Newcastle, whilst he was closed he has been non-stop raising money for charity as well as helping local talent to release music and even perform once things start to open up again. David has set up several ventures that really are creating a buzz. First off is Beyond Records, the record stores very own record label which has so far released the following… David McGovern - Beautiful Girl (CD Single and digital) in aid of The Batten Disease Family Association.

This is the follow up to his debut single which he released at Christmas, only just being pipped to the top spot by a certain Liam Gallagher. Beautiful Girl was released on the 4th June 2021 and reached No.5 in the Official UK physical singles charts. Copies are still available to buy with proceeds going to The Batten Disease Family Association. product/david-mcgovernb e a u t i f u l - g i r l - c d - s i n g l e - p re order/ You can watch the music video here loklI41IY50 Another Beyond release to look out for is Surreal Prismatics - It’s Gonna Be Mine (Digital) which is due to be released on the 20th

August 2021, check out beyond socials for more info. Beyond Sessions are also back! Now that restrictions have eased and live music is allowed, David is able to bring back his Beyond Sessions (in a safe environment). These are limited ticket only intimate gigs held in-store with the chance to meet the artist afterwards and get your album signed. These mini gigs are fantastic, the kind of gig you would usually pay a small fortune for, so get your tickets ASAP! Jade Bird will be doing Beyond Sessions and signing copies of her new album “Different Kinds Of Light” (22nd August 2021) Ticket bundles:https://www. /


beyond-vinyl-records/2010164 Wandering Hearts acoustic set and album signing (Friday 13th August Evening) TBC Moonwax - Beyond Sessions 20th August 2021 7PM. Tickets for this are already limited with 80% sold h t t p s : / / w w w. s e e t i c ke t s . co m /eve nt / m o o n - wax- t h ebeyond-sessions/beyond-vinylrecords/1848554 Pale White - Beyond Sessions (TBC) They already popped instore to sign a load of pre-order vinyls and CD’s, though covid meant they had to reschedule their Beyond Sessions gig, so watch out for more news of when this will be happening. There are a few signed Vinyl and CD’s left to buy if you didn’t pre-order, but be quick as there’s only a few of each available. Sam Fender releases his 2nd album this October and its going to be the must have album of the year! Beyond Vinyl will be having another “MIDNIGHT OPENING” so you can be the 1st in the country to get hold of a copy of the album and they will be having a “RELEASE PARTY” in the evening in the run up to the release because why not?? There will also be an announcement very soon for customers that PRE ORDER A COPY OF Sam’s album from Beyond Vinyl! SO CLICK HERE TO PRE ORDER NOW !! Beyond Funny is something that has been in the pipeline for ages, bringing some great stand-up comedy to the shop with some intimate nights of comedy. Beyond Funny is in association with Cal Halberts Comedy Club. Ch££p Laughs - 1st Monday of the month (Starting 2nd August with that guy from the Viz) 6 new acts, one very funny host and 1 headliner all for £2 in advance and £3 on the door.


Tickets - Check out the Beyond Funny Facebook events for details. https://www.facebook.

com/beyondfunnyne Plus there is loads more happening in the coming months that you really do not want to miss out on so make

sure you follow Beyond Vinyl on all of their socials, or even better, pop in-store and chat with David over a cuppa and you can treat yourself to some new tunes whilst you are there.





BST Fabrics is based in South Shields and is without a doubt the go to place for all things fabric and haberdashery. They have amassed a fantastic online following over the years on social media, mainly Facebook, due to their crazy and honest facebook lives where pretty much anything could happen… and often does. They also run lots of different competitions to get their customers involved and able to show off their crafting skills, like the recent Knitted Jersey Craft Competition where BST challenged their customers to use any of the Knitted Jersey range to make something special, with the best creation netting the creator some fantastic prizes, including a feature in NE, so without further ado, let me introduce you to the WINNER of the Knitted Jersey Craft Competition…Cherish Barnes Hi Cherish, welcome to NE, can you introduce yourself to our readers? Hi, my name is Cherish, I’m a mother, crafter and space geek from London. A big congratulations to you as you are the winner of the BST Fabrics Knitted Jersey Craft Competition, how does it feel to have your creation chosen as the winner? I was blown away to find out I had won, BST fabrics have some really amazing crafters so I never expected to win.

You created a stunning outfit very reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn, was that the look you were going for? To be honest I didn’t have a solid idea, the outfit just grew in stages. It is such a great value fabric I just knew I wanted to do something that showed that value does not mean it has to look cheap. How long does it take to make an outfit like that from start to

finish, what was your process? I only get short amounts of free time so this design was made in sections over a week. The bag only took about twenty minutes and less the fifteen for the skirt. The body suit took about an hour, I traced a sleeveless bodysuit I already owned then drafted my own pattern for the sleeves. The hat was a craft experiment and in all honesty, I didn’t Know if it would work. I stretched the fabric over an old hat I had


covered in cling film and pinned it in place. I then painted it all over with fabric glue and left it to dry. I then repeated to make sure the weave was permanently moulded. I then stretched another piece of fabric over the top to hide the glue. I created the brim with a circle of heavy interfacing sandwiched between two layers of the fabric and hand sewed the two sections together. The competition was to create something using any of the Knitted Jersey range, how did you find the fabric to work with, and is it something you would use again in future projects? I am still quite new to stretch fabrics and have only worked with heavier Jersey so I was concerned how a lighter weight would handle going through the machine. I was very pleasantly surprised when it first arrived as it was very soft, drapes beautifully and has great stretch meaning no need for fastenings. I did the majority of the sewing on my overlocker and it went through smoothly with no slipping. On the normal sewing machine it didn’t stretch and distort under the presser foot which happens easily with jersey. I am very eager to use this fabric again for future products because it’s comfortable, easy to use and versatile.


What advice or tips can you give to someone that might be thinking of using that fabric for a project themselves? All stretch can be tricky to cut, the best method for this jersey is to use weights rather then pins and a rotary cutter. With all knits there’s risk of snagging so wonder clips are recommended over pins. How did you come to find out about BST Fabrics, seeing as they are based in the North East, whilst you yourself are not? Why do you use them rather than somewhere closer to home for you? I first found BST Fabrics on ebay many years ago, their prices were very competitive and it led me to look if they had a website. I was always using the same types of fabrics so I was happy to buy without being in the store to view them. A while later, I found their facebook page and I was completely hooked. The facebook lives were always so much fun and live sales were a new fun way for me to shop. Being able to see how the fabrics move and ask any

questions about them made me want to try fabrics I had never worked with before. It genuinely feels like the owners and the staff care about each and every one of their customers. They are always happy to help and even show care and support outside of business matters. As well as the website, BST are very active on social media, do you follow them on any of their group pages, if so why? At this time I only have facebook but I am a member of all of the

BST fabrics and beasties pages. What makes BST Fabrics so special is that they have built a community of wonderful, caring and talented people. We share ideas, giggle together and support each other in all aspects of life. If my confidence is low, if I need feedback on a design or just general advice I can always turn to the beasties to help me. They have helped me so many times and I can’t thank them enough. The BST Bargains page is guilty of frequently tempting me to buy new wonderful fabrics, because who can resist a bargain! The main page helps me keep up to date with what new designs are coming in and often reminds me

of things I was meaning to buy. You are a very arty and crafty person, how long have you been crafting and how did you get into it? I don’t remember when I first got into arts and crafts but I remember my first sewing project and was the start of my passion for design. At 7 years old my big sister helped me make a basic tube top and skirt using a hand held sewing machine. My aunty gave me my first experience of a real sewing machine not long after and even at that young age I just knew I would always make clothes. I have enjoyed making anything I can for as long as I can

remember, from woodwork to diamond art. I used to paint and draw a lot when I was younger but gave up on it for a long time, I restarted just a year ago after encouragement from a friend. Is it something you do for fun or is it a business for you, maybe even a bit of both? It was always my dream to have a business selling my clothes but after graduating from the London college of fashion I started working in retail management and my dream seemed to be moving further and further away. However while on maternity leave with my first son I was made redundant so I made some children’s clothes and put them on ebay in the hope of bringing in some money. Before I knew it I was getting messages asking for custom dresses and I became a full time business. Unfortunately life took a sudden change shortly after my second son was born, I became a single parent and my baby was in hospital frequently forcing me to close the business. I am now a full time carer to my additional needs children so all of my crafts are just hobbies at this time. However I have hope that in the future I will be able to design as a full time job again. Do you have any advice that you can give to someone who wants to get into crafting? Have faith in yourself and try a variety of things to see what


year old son have a keen interest in space travel and exploration which does reflect in some of my work. This joint interest allows us bonding time watching spaceX launches especially of the starship prototypes. We love building space themed Lego kits together which is the only times he can sit calmly with me.

excites you most. Even if life is busy there are things you can sit and do while watching tv and for relaxation. Don’t be scared to try something new and let your imagination run wild.

Tell us 3 random facts about yourself? I love to learn so take random courses from time to time just because I can. I am dyslexic which is probably why my interests went towards crafts. I am one of eight children and although I’m in the middle I have

When you are not crafting what do you like to do in your spare time? Raising my two children leaves very little free time but I grab any moment that I can. In the day time I will always run to my sewing machine whenever possible. In the evenings while the children sleep I am nearly always sketching or painting in front of movies. Myself and my 10



always been the baby of the family. Have you got any other projects on the go or in the pipeline? I tend to get sudden ideas and have to stop everything and make them, however I would like to continue working on sportswear designs. I also have about 6 paintings started begging to be finished. Have you ever won anything like this before, with your crafting? I have never won before, I have placed 2nd or 3rd in smaller competitions and top 10 in larger ones. However two competition pieces I have made in the past and lost were then made and sold by big companies. Although I got no recognition for my work I am proud that my designs were worthy of being replicated.





[ne 2021 artist of the Year]

[Hayley McKay] McKay continues delivering the feel-good factor, with global results Considering all in which humanity has endured for the better part of the past 18 months, a little bit of feel-good music has gone a long way to keeping us all, well, sane, throughout that time. And that is just what the beautiful, heart-warming sounds, as well as those harmonious vocals, of Darlington’s Hayley McKay, have done – not only kept people sane, but afforded the masses, of which there are many, across the globe it seems, that same heart-warming, feel-good factor. On the back of her successes the

previous year, Miss McKay would be seen to begin this one with the release of her latest offering, amidst mass acclaim, she giving us that of ‘Wild West’ – she’s now just awaiting notice to be afforded by the legendary maestro that is ‘Whispering’ Bob Harris, to put the cherry atop of the icing. And, with an increasing number of gigs booked in as we further ourselves throughout the current year, it’s been little wonder she’s beyond excited at the success in which she’s thus far accumulated. “I really think that this (Wild West) has done better than what ‘Breathe’ had,” beamed Miss McKay, portraying that beautiful

smile with which she possesses. “It’s been a constant learning curve for me, as I’m going, but I’m, understandably, really chuffed with how things have progressed so far, and I’m forever grateful for the coverage in which I’ve received.” Those gigs in which Miss McKay has had so far, well since everything has re-opened a little more to be able to do so, socially distanced of course, have afforded her the opportunity to dust the cobwebs off those delightful vocal chords. Of those outings, two were at the Forum Music Centre, Darlington, the first of which, a socially


distanced gig of her own, the second, an ‘In The Round’ where Hayley was joined by Kezia Gill and Biddy Ronelle, exciting the locals; there’s also been a session at Doctor Browns over in Middlesbrough, where she shared the bill with Beth Macari, and Jen Dixon – another, stunning, talented trio of talented musicians. Speaking of her two ‘home’ shows in Darlington, Hayley added: “I’ve had two, really great gigs here, and I’ve loved being back out on stage. “The first was with my full band line-up, including the fiddle, which was really special; it was a socially distanced gig and was a sell-out. “The other one, that was another sell out, where I organised a country ‘In The Round’ singer songwriter, showcase night. “This included myself, Biddy Ronelle and Kezia Gill, both of whom are fantastic artists, and Kezia has recently been championed by Bob Harris on BBC Radio 2; it was a great evening.”


That coverage, globally, from all quarters between that of America, to Australia, and many places between, would go on to see her reach #11 in the iTunes, top of the Banks Radio Australia charts, received airplay on BBC Big Country and BBC Introducing (of course), whilst also being named the Nova Radio North-East Track of the Week (early May 2021); that’s as well as having the video,

and interviews, on Sky TV, Fresh Country TV, and on Hot Country, among others. “That video, it was recorded at The Forum (where she’s based), with extra footage mixed into it to give somewhat of a wild western feel,” continued Hayley. “Although at the time of recording I was constantly thinking about the ABBA track, Knowing Me, Knowing You.’ “When I recorded ‘Breathe’ say, that was more of an upbeat track, based on the lockdown’s of last year, whilst ‘Wild West,’ although similar in a way, it has a more rootsy feel to it. “That’s me though, always looking at, and doing, something different, whilst trying to give my music a British feel to it, without pigeonholing myself into specific genres.” It’s a good thing Hayley mentioned Breathe(again), not only is it one of her finest offerings (they all are really), but this particular release took on a life of its own in some ways, including it having been used in a short film via a local, north-east production company, Lone Pine Pictures, in County Durham. “Yes, Breathe is featured in the recent short film, Floppy Toast with Drippy Butter by Lone Pine

Pictures,” explained Hayley. “It has won various international film festival awards and the film itself, it has a strong message giving hope, and Breathe gets played during the end credits of the film.” Whatever she’s done though, Hayley’s music has always been met with a wondrous response, understandably so, especially if you’ve been privileged enough to see her perform live. Whether that be from the fans themselves, or from those within the industry as a whole, Hayley most certainly plays to her strengths, and there’s plenty of them on show, it’s just the Bob Harris conundrum she’d love to re-solve. “He’s great; I enjoyed spending some time with him a few years ago,” Hayley says of the iconic, music aficionado. “That really would be the icing on the cake if he spun my track(s); but I’ll keep trying, you just have to really.” Alongside her singing, Hayley also runs music clubs, and teaches, all of which go hand-in-hand as she continues with her progression, her grand plan. The increase in publicity over the past year or two, has helped her exponentially, whilst she continues to go about her daily, busy life. “Releasing the singles that I have done, they’ve been really good for overall,” continued Hayley. “My following has increased, and I’m getting my music onto television, and back into the likes of Maverick Magazine. “The past few years though, they have been rather busy, in a weird sort of way. “But I wouldn’t change any of it, just turn the negatives into positives, and maybe collab’ing more, writing more, and practicing more. “It’s all about those life experiences

more than anything.” Hayley McKay already has a number of outings booked in for this year (as well as taking some for next year), to which include the following – 06.08.21 NE Volume Music Bar, Stockton (acoustic) 04.09.21 Winter Gardens, Blackpool - British Country Festival Hayley McKay mini-tour 10.11.21 Gulliver’s, Manchester

12.11.21 229 Club, London 03.12.21 The Globe Newcastle Keep up-to-date with all the goings on with Hayley McKay via her Facebook https://www. Twitter mckay_hayley and Website http:// All Tour Dates can be found via - tour-dates/ Promo photos courtesy of ‘Photography by Adam Kennedy’ and ‘Art of Noise’ and Hayley representing Stephen Connor’s ‘Feeling Versonic Podcast’ tee-shirt, in an idyllic setting….



ROMESH RANGANATHAN COMES TO THE CITY HALL FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2019 WITH A BRAND NEW SHOW TICKETS ON SALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 Romesh Ranganathan is back with a brand-new show, The Cynic’s Mixtape, and it’s his most brutally honest show yet. Fresh from The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan, A League Of Their Own and Judge Romesh, he’s putting showbiz aside to deliver a carefully-curated

selection of all the things he has found unacceptable since his last tour, including why trying to save the environment is a scam, why none of us are truly free, and his suspicion that his wife is using gluten intolerance to avoid sleeping with him. Romesh’s cynicism has become his trademark, but since being nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2013 Edinburgh Comedy Awards this deadpan humour has become one of Britain’s most respected and popular comics. Now, though, it’s time for the

Asian Provocateur to return to his stand-up roots for a while – there’s things he needs to point out, discuss and have a good moan about. Care to join him? Show drops 2019, don’t miss it. Tickets for Romesh Ranganathan are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am and are £26.50. Tickets can be purchased online at www. or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge)



Experienced women’s football duo, Gray and Lock, heading Stateside, and some Murrieta Surf Living out a dream is one thing, being able to live out your dream a second time around is something else indeed, but, for Newcastle United Women pairing, Rhiannon Gray and Courtney Lock, that is exactly what’s about to happen. Both have racked up over a decade of experience apiece whilst in their native north-east with, alongside their appearing for the Lady Magpies, Rhiannon having spent time


on Wearside with Sunderland, and Courtney on Teesside with Middlesbrough, oh, and they are both coaches with Sunderland RTC. Well, they were all of that, until now that is, as everything has suddenly changed. Following on from that mass amounts of footballing experience, the duo, come earlymid July, will find themselves Stateside (via a two week ‘break’ in Bucharest, Romania), as they head for San Diego, California. You see, they’ve been headhunted, and seconded, by that of the Mur-

rieta Surf Soccer Club, members of the Development Player League (DPL), and Elite Academy League (EAL), somewhere which has a similar set-up to that provided by our RTC’s on British shores. “It’s something we’ve always spoken about doing, and always wanted to do. “We’ve had a bit of luck about it all, but we’ve spoken to our contacts out there, and we know what I’ll all entail. “It’s similar to the way the RTC’s

are run over here, but set-up using the year in which you were born (Rhiannon will be the 2008 DPL Coach, Courtney the 2009 DPL Coach). “Dave (Parker, from Birmingham) has it all running similar, the only difference being, really, is that this will be a full-time position for

us, and we’ll be looking after two teams each.” With Rhiannon and Courtney both holding sports coaching degrees, from Northumbria University, their respective qualifications go way beyond, impressive for individuals of their youthfulness.

It makes the duo prime candidates for any coaching positions across the globe, more as they both hold the UEFA ‘B’ Licence – they’ll just have to wait a little while before working towards that UEFA ‘A.’ But then, experience does count for a lot in life, and the hands-on experience they’ll receive when on America’s west coast, that’ll be second-to-none. NEWCASTLE UNITED WOMEN, AND MANAGER BECKY LANGLEY, TOOK TO SOCIAL MEDIA ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE DUO’S PENDING DEPARTURE, SAYING @NUFCWomen: “It is with a very heavy heart that we say goodbye to @gray_rhiannon and @Courtneylock_2. These two players have given everything to the club and are two outstanding people & players. Exceptional leaders and they will be hugely missed by everyone @NUFCWomen. All the


best in America.” @BeckyLangley4: “Genuinely, gutted to see you both go. But so excited for you! The impact you have made at the club & the support you have shown me personally, I will never forget. Your professionalism, passion & hard work rushing from the RTC to training after a full day at work. Outstanding!” “We’re expected there in early-mid July (via Romania) so we’re aiming to be booked up, and all sorted,

ASAP really. “They’ve just finished trials for their respective age groups, and pre-season will be starting soon, so who knows how long we could end up being out there for. “We hope it won’t be a short-term thing so we’ll just see how it goes, and play it by ear.” Tapping into their extensive network of coaching contacts is something that, although they may not need it, can and will be utilised on occasion, and, have already received immense volumes of support, and an outpouring of love, once the news broke. Add that to the increasing support in which women’s football on the whole has garnered over recent years, then Rhiannon and Courtney are putting themselves in a n increasingly worthwhile position.


Not to mention that of Courtney’s father, Colin Lock, a regional photographer extraordinaire of the women’s game, and of Newcastle United Women, and a major assistance in getting the pieces in place for this feature. He (Colin) is definitely someone who’ll be itching to head Stateside himself, capture those early moments, if possible, of Courtney and Rhiannon, in San Diego; but he’ll have to wait a little, for now

at least. SUNDERLAND RTC, GARY MUTIMER AND JILL STACEY ALSO POSTED TRIBUTES, THE FORMER LOSING THREE TO PASTURES NEW, WHILST THE OTHERS TWO HAVE MANAGED THE PAIR DURING THEIR RESPECTIVE CAREERS @SunderlandRTC: “3 RTC legends will be leaving us at the end of the season (hopefully temporarily) we can’t begin to describe the impact these 3 incredible role models have had over the years, they will be missed but we wish them all the best in their adventures!” @gary_mutimer: “When I managed @NUFCWomen @Courtneylock_2 was a warrior both on the pitch & off! She was a pleasure watch & learn from. Her commitment to the younger players was so inspiring. Courts, you will always be a Terry Butcher to me Flexed biceps Embrace & smash your next challenge #Winner.” @JillStacey1: “A player who was always driving the standards, and looking after those around you! An amazing person on & off the pitch. All the best in your next chapter Rhi!” As for these two, it’s becoming

more and more obvious that they can’t wait to both get there, and to get started on the job at hand. “We know a bit about them (Murrieta) through social media, and from other people’s input, but we’re also aware that it’ll be different out there, in person, but that experience will also develop us as well. “Everything we’ve done already has been different, and it’s a big club; we’ve had a lot of advice, guidance, thoughts and feelings from others, and that’s great, but

it’ll be a different everything really. “There’s a lot of difference, but also some similarities, but we’ll be looking at going over there, and coming back (eventually) better.” In doing this, the duo are also heading out with a specific goal firmly in mind - the fulfilment of a passion, a dream, for when they do return to British shores. “We’re really passionate about the RTC’s, so to make them full-time, that’s the dream for us, as we really do love what we’re doing.” Courtney Lock and Rhiannon Gray’s Stateside journey can be followed via their respective Twitter’s @Courtneylock_2 https:// and @gray_rhiannon https://twitter. com/gray_rhiannon, whilst Murrieta Surf Soccer Club can be found on Facebook and Twitter @MurrietaSurf; or you can follow your photography fix via Colin Lock on Twitter @Tyneside_NUWFC




NERG is the biggest retro gaming event in the North East, held at Gateshead Stadium over the course of 2 days, this event is as big as it gets for retro gamers or just the big kids re-living their youth playing the games they used to play, after all, they don’t make them like they used to. 2017 will be the fifth year of NERG and it will be a big one. With 100 video arcade machines, 35 pinball machines and 60 consoles and computers this really is an event you do not want to miss!. The event is held over the weekend of 1st & 2nd of July. Entrance is £15 per day or £25 for the full weekend. Children aged 5-13 years can also get in for only £10 on the Sunday. All the machines are set to free play so once you pay the admission fee, it’s free gaming all day., so no need for those pockets full of change. CLICK HERE TO TICKETS ONLINE.



or you can pay on the day if the event hasn’t sold out. More details can be found at w w w.northeastretrogaming. com Machines are announced on a regular basis through the social feeds so make sure you keep checking to see what games will

be there, though with so many we are sure your favourites will be there. CLICK HERE FOR FACEBOOK For Twitter - @NERGOfficial


Hi Colin, welcome to NE, can



There’s a hive of activity drawing in the crowds at one of Middlesbrough’s best loved leisure venues. The busy workers are proving a draw for families from far and wide at Newham Grange Farm. The stars of the show are the bees hard at work in the Farm’s historic observation hive which gives visitors an up-close insight into the lives of these fascinating creatures. The unit has been installed in the recently opened Discovery Centre in partnership with the Cleveland Beekeepers Association (CBKA) which has had colonies of bees in an apiary at Newham Grange farm for a number of years. Three of the Association’s expert beekeepers are on site every Friday at 2pm to inspect the hive and chat to visitors. The hive was previously situated in the Children’s Room at the town’s Dorman Museum from the 1960s before being donated to a CBKA member in the 1990s. Restored and repaired, the hive was installed in the Discovery Centre, allowing the bees to exit the building through a hole in the wall. The observation hive was designed and built by CBKA member Brian Hateley who maintained it and several others

around Teesside, keeping honey bees as an attraction. Ian Peacock, Chair of the CBKA, said: “We often use mobile observation hives at shows to engage people and encourage them to be more bee-aware. “I’m always amazed by the number of local people whose recollections of the Dorman Museum include a reference to the observation hive. “One of hive’s current custodians actually got into beekeeping at as a result of a visit to that very hive as a child. “It’s great that it’s now found a new permanent home at Newham Grange and will continue to fascinate and delight new visitors and bring back happy memories for a great many people who will remember it down the years. “It’s an amazing opportunity for a new generation of visitors to get up close in safety to around 5,000 stinging insects. “Brian Hateley produced a booklet on observation hives which is also available from our website for a small donation.

Councillor Mieka Smiles said: “It’s so important right now that we do all we can to support insects as they’re under threat like never before. “That’s especially true for bees, so it’s vital that we do all we can to give them the habitats they need in which to thrive. “All of us can do our bit - and that’s where amazing projects like the observation hive and organisations like the CBKA come into their own. “It’s a great day out for all the family, and one that can help to make a real difference.” For more information on opening times and activities at Newham Grange Farm, visit Homepage - Newham Grange ( For information and advice on beekeeping, visit Cleveland Beekeepers Association Pics 1 & 2: Neville Thomson and Ken Grant (holding bee smoker) of the Cleveland Beekeepers Association with the observation hive at Middlesbrough’s Newham Grange Farm

“It helps keep alive the memory of a wonderful beekeeper who did a great deal for his fellow beekeepers and helped to raise public awareness.” Middlesbrough Deputy Mayor


Synth sci-fi Sapien Trace




In supporting the Musicians Against Homelessness cause, Newcastle trio, Sapien Trace, and electro synth-rock band, are continuing their upward surge in sound, beginning with the release later this month of their new single, More Than I Can Give. Fronted by Mark Dickinson the trio also features that of Alex Brand (guitar, bass) and Dan Baldwin (drums) they came about somewhat accidentally between late 2016 and early 2017, performing a couple of gigs a month ever since, that’s alongside Mark and his solo sessions, just for added awesomeness. “Yeah, myself and Alex met at a Halloween party a few years back,” explained Mark. “Then, in the February the following year, Dan joined in the fun and we’ve been performing a couple of gigs a month ever since. “At the beginning we were more a heavier metal sound though due to the musical influences on Alex. We were more into your likes of Korn etc so that was pretty much at the forefront of what we did. “Fortunately we’ve calmed the sound down a bit since then.” Quietly moving along behindthe-scenes over the past three years, releases gaining mixed reviews they have seen The Crack labelling them as being ’Sci-fi rock at its finest,’ whilst NE Volume went a little crazy when

inviting music lovers to ‘Imagine Rammstein and The Prodigy meet at a party in space with Pendulum driving,’ “The last gig we performed (with Moodbay in mid-January) was one of the best we’ve done,” Mark continued. “It was a great experience with some new people. I will admit though, it has been a little difficult at times, doing all this, although we’ve also managed to ascertain some pretty decent reviews.” Now, with their impending new single, More Than I Can Give, set for mid-February release, the lads jumped in and recorded their new offering at Blast Studios, Newcastle, ready for the launch party at Beyond Vinyl in town. “The track itself is about your unrequited love,” added Mark. “It kind of shows how you rebuff that in a nicer way and is an idea that evolved from a few people that I know have experienced these types of situation and Twitter n over the years. “Going into Blast Studios, it was such an easy day as well. One which went quite quickly. “We all had a good laugh and had some rather bizarre conversations, something which we all wanted – we even found out that our drummer, Dan, is something of a pool shark! “We’ve gone through a lot though, but that’s good and we’re already working on some new material.” Along with the single launch party on February 21, Sapien

Trace enter the Battle of the Bands competition over Ashington way on March 5, then a week later head to The Globe in Newcastle to perform the Musicians Against Homelessness gig alongside AXLS, The Floral Detectives, and Holy Braille – an eclectic mix of musicianship. Expected to be “a mashup of deep house and synthwave pop” Sapien Trace have their single launch party at Beyond Vinyl, Westgate Road, Newcastle, on February 21, check the event page via events/1886579848152288/ More Than I Can Give will be available on all platforms and you can keep up-to-date with all their usual happenings via their website https://www. and social media platforms Facebook htt p s : / / w w w.fa c e b o o k . co m / sapientracers/ and Twitter (Image credits to Kai Eden, David Wala, and Paul Murray)



The Bay Plastics Northern Alliance: a round-up, of sorts Usually a football season promises so much, even more so at grassroots level. That promise of friends, wellbeing, banter, booze, the fans, oh the fans, and of course, that of the beautiful game itself and, who knows, you might even win the league, a cup, get promoted, do the double, or even the treble, it’s what it’s all about. Then there are the external factors, those that, in all honesty, you’d never even think about and, who’d have thought that, over the past two seasons, they would be as chaotic as they have been. Last season never really finished, in fact only Hebburn Town U23s claimed any silverware, eventu-

ally, and that was after the current campaign had begun, lifting that of the Durham FA Minor Cup back in September with a 3-0 win over Middlestone Moor Masons Arms, Innocent Chirinda with a brace; now, they are still on course to defend that having once again gone through every round and are now one away from retaining the trophy – they face Shotton Colliery on 11 June at Seaham Red Star’s Seaham Town Park. The Bay Plastics Northern Alliance 2020-21 season began, in earnest, back on 2 September with games across all four of its divisions – The Bay Plastics Premier Division, Reeves Independent First Division, Team Valley Carpets Second Division, and Bluefin Sports Insurance Third Division,

all serving up plenty of action after a summer of constant uncertainty. Due to situations ongoing elsewhere, the league’s cup competitions were initially put on hold in the ‘slim hope’ that they could be played early in the New Year, whilst that of the Northumberland FA Benevolent Bowl, Northumberland Minor, and Durham Minor competitions, all started – there’s a lot of games in them Minor Cup competitions, just ask that of Blyth Rangers (Combination League) and North Shields Community Christians (Christian Fellowship League), and more after the last restart. As the Minor Cup’s were both in full-swing early on, the Benevolent Bowl began its route to the final on 3 October last year with


Alnwick Town, Blyth Town, Burradon & New Fordley, Newcastle Chemfica, Seaton Delaval, Wallington, and Cullercoats; AFC Killingworth seeing off Newcastle Blue Star the following weekend. The league would continue, unopposed really, throughout September and October, before a complete shutdown in November and some of December; an all-too brief restart was had around the festive period, the league having planned its first festive fixtures in a long-time, before being curtailed again, the season eventually stopping in early 2021. A chink of light was however opened in February/March time and, come April, the beautiful game became beautiful again, albeit without the proper presence of fans. Divisional cup competitions were put together around the country in fact, with that of the Northern Alliance doing similar for all four divisions, they seeing a round-


robin group stage; as for the Bowl, and the Minor Cup competitions, they also burst back into life. Thus ensued a couple of months of madness and mayhem. The Bowl would see an immediate return to action, with the quarter-finals, as Killingworth saw off Alnwick 3-0 (Sam Walton 3), New Fordley defeated Ponteland

3-0 (captain Joe Besford netting), Chemfica overcame a tough challenge in Blyth Town (Thomas Ions brace) and Cullercoats their tie with Seaton Delaval, the latter also progressing. Those divisional cup group matches yielded some cracking matches, and some decent-looking results, Newcastle Blue Star registering a

100% record in the Challenge Cup Group B, and Prudhoe Youth Club unbeaten in the Combination Cup Group D, both sides racking up the wins; there were also success stories from Alnwick Town and Rothbury, among others. Meanwhile, late April would see the Northumberland Minor Cup reach its fourth round stage, the afore mentioned duo of Blyth Rangers and North Shields Community Christians continuing to shock their Northern Alliance counterparts, Rangers edging a nine-goal thriller away to Willington Quay Saints as both Carling and Bushby bagged braces, and the Community Christians hit Ellington for five without reply, Parker bagging a double of his own. May kicked off with the semifinals of the Bowl taking place, as did the divisional cups, the former seeing that of Killingworth edge visitors Chemfica 4-3, Sado Djalo’s treble in vain for the ‘Fica as Sam Walton (2), Scott Bamborough and Daniel Stephenson all netted for the hosts, as for the other semi-final, New Fordley overcame their visitors Seaton Delaval 3-1 on penalties following a 1-1 draw. There’s also be a shoot-out victory in the first of the Challenge Cup

semis, Whitley Bay Reserves beating Newcastle Blue Star whilst in the Combination Cup Prudhoe’s fine form continued as they won 4-0 at Rothbury, and Cramlington United took care of Hebburn’s U23s 2-1. The Amateur Cup semis went in favour of Newcastle Independent and Cramlington Town, whilst in the Neville Cowey Cup it would be Heaton Stannington A and Cullercoats Reserves who progressed to the final; the remaining Challenge Cup tie, that went to New Fordley who won 2-1 at Blyth Town, the latter ending their tenure in the Alliance with defeat (they were elevated to the Northern League Second Division shortly after).

And so to those cup finals, they would be as exciting as they were interesting, in many ways. First up was the Third Division’s Neville Cowey Cup, it being settled by a lone effort seventeen minutes from time from Heaton Stannington A’s Kevin Carr against Cullercoats Reserves. Wilson Kneeshaw would then be the match-winner as Newcastle Independent (who also contested the NFA Minor Cup final) edged Cramlington Town by the odd-goal-in-five for the Second Division’s Amateur Cup, before a controversial ending occurred in the final of the Combination Cup between Cramlington United and Prudhoe Youth Club, the former winning 2-1 in extra-time amidst a furore of floodlight failure, a decision to carry on, and a goal in the 199th minute from United’s danger man, Andrew Anderson. (The Minor Cup finals will focus next issue) that of the Challenge Cup final, and Benevolent Bowl showpiece, the latter taking place at NFA Headquarters, Whitley Park, were contested. In the Challenge Cup final, Whitley Bay Reserves put on a strong performance to claim an impressive, 4-1 victory, over New Fordley, 17-year-old striker Evan Howard impressing with a hat-trick,


whilst a young Gazza, Cameron Gascoigne, also scored for the victors, he wrapping up proceedings with an impressive fourth nine minutes from time. New Fordley meanwhile, they finished the season empty-handed for, when contesting the final of the Bowl, not only finished the game with ten men, but were beaten 7-6 on penalties against arch-rivals Killingworth following a hard-fought, 1-1 draw; Sean McRoberts opened the scoring


for New Fordley with seventeen remaining, Daniel Stephenson equalising with a trademark freekick, from 25 yards out, eight minutes later, to send the game to penalties. With the last two finals being that of the Minor Cup competitions, the Northumberland FA, and Durham FA Minor Cup to be precise, both of whom will be looked at in the next issue, and both of which featured an Alliance outfit, Newcastle Independent in the former,

and Hebburn Town U23s the latter. As the new season is due to begin on the second Saturday in August (not long now) you can keep upto-date via their Facebook https:// Twitter Website and via their Press Officer’s site northern-alliance/ All images with express permission of David Mellstrom Photography, check out his Facebook davidmellstromphotography and Twitter photo_ and his website at https:// www.davidmellstromphotography.


NERG is the biggest retro gaming event in the North East, held at Gateshead Stadium over the course of 2 days, this event is as big as it gets for retro gamers or just the big kids re-living their youth playing the games they used to play, after all, they don’t make them like they used to. 2017 will be the fifth year of NERG and it will be a big one. With 100 video arcade machines, 35 pinball machines and 60 consoles and computers this really is an event you do not want to miss!. The event is held over the weekend of 1st & 2nd of July. Entrance is £15 per day or £25 for the full weekend. Children aged 5-13 years can also get in for only £10 on the Sunday. All the machines are set to free play so once you pay the admission fee, it’s free gaming all day., so no need for those pockets full of change. CLICK HERE TO TICKETS ONLINE.



or you can pay on the day if the event hasn’t sold out. More details can be found at w w w.northeastretrogaming. com Machines are announced on a regular basis through the social feeds so make sure you keep checking to see what games will

be there, though with so many we are sure your favourites will be there. CLICK HERE FOR FACEBOOK For Twitter - @NERGOfficial


It’s the only comedy nightEye-Eye-


ART - Boro Through Time the A66 viaduct wall close to the railway station. And Middlesbrough’s Emma Bennett will see her interpretations of Broadcasting House and the Cleveland Centre displayed.

Eye-catching art for town centre after funding boost. Several new artists’ commissions are coming to Middlesbrough thanks to a bumper Arts Council funding boost. The installations will appear in two phases with the majority positioned in the town centre. The project was initiated by Creative Factory and delivered by Navigator North, a Tees Valleybased artist-led organisation. Middlesbrough Council has received over £500,000 Arts Council funding in the past year. A proportion of the funding has been allocated towards artist commissions, which focus on a range of subjects including Middlesbrough landmarks, history and culture. Local reference points including the famous Romer Parrish toy shop and the social history of Club Bongo International feature.

Six pieces are due to be launched from the end of July with a further five due in late September. Middlesbrough Mayor Andy Preston said: “It’s great to see Arts Council funding being spent in our town. “This project also puts money in the pockets of local and national artists and in the process supports Middlesbrough’s economy. “As Covid restrictions come to an end, we’re trying all sorts of different ways to entice people into town for the benefit of local businesses. “We’re an energetic and creative town and I know these pieces will spark lots of debate.”

Later in the series, a giant heart will be illuminated from a prominent town centre building and the iconic phone boxes at the town hall will be activated with light, colour and sound. Middlesbrough Council, which has committed £25,000 of funding ringfenced for culture to the project, hopes the new commissions will complement the public poetry series in the town. Deputy Mayor Mieka Smiles, who is also Executive Member for Culture and Communities, said: “We’ve got an eye-catching and thought-provoking series of works which will be intriguing to people of all ages. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing lots of snaps of the projects on Instagram over the summer. “Art is good for people’s mental health and these pieces will be another opportunity for people to explore the town on foot. “I’m looking forward to seeing them all in the flesh.”

Among the first pieces to be installed will be ‘Boro Through Time’ by North East artist Sofia Barton. Five matchbox designs depicting aspects of the town’s culture and history will go up on

Other Arts Council England funding is being spent on outdoor shows, activities to inspire children and young people and helping venues operate in a Covidsecure fashion.


We are all in love with Rona, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier x American Bulldog who is aged 6 weeks in these photos sent in by Laura Jones. Laura contacted us when she was making this rainbow collar and lead made with our rainbow hardware and glitter cotton. When she mentioned she was making it for a puppy she was getting we just had to see for ourselves. To make your own rainbow collar and lead for any size dog you will find the glitter cotton here


You will find all of the Rainbow Neo-Chrome items here in different sizes.




We have double the fun now as we have teamed up with Cineworld Boldon and the new Cineworld Dalton Park to give you a quick run down on a few films that are coming soon and really have got us excited. Plus make sure you check out their Facebook page to keep up to date with their daily competitions and updates. Boldon and Dalton Park

The Suicide Squad 30 July 2021 Running time: 132 minutes Welcome to hell—a.k.a. Belle Reve, the prison with the highest mortality rate in the US of A. Where the worst SuperVillains are kept and where they will do anything to get out—even join the super-secret, super-shady Task Force X. Today’s do-or-die assignment? Assemble a collection of cons, including Bloodsport, Peacemaker, Captain Boomerang, Ratcatcher 2, Savant, King Shark, Blackguard, Javelin and everyone’s favorite


psycho, Harley Quinn. Then arm them heavily and drop them (literally) on the remote, enemy-infused island of Corto Maltese. Trekking through a jungle teeming with militant adversaries and guerrilla forces at every turn, the Squad is on a search-and-destroy mission with only Colonel Rick Flag on the ground to make them behave…and Amanda Waller’s government techies in their ears, tracking their every movement. And as always, one wrong move and they’re dead (whether at the hands of their opponents, a teammate, or Waller herself). If anyone’s laying down bets, the smart money is against them—all of

them. Cast: Alice Braga, Peter Capaldi, John Cena, Jai Courtney, Viola Davis, Idris Elba, Nathan Fillion, Joel Kinnaman, Michael Rooker, Sylvester Stallone, David Dastmalchian, Margot Robbie, Flula Borg, Mayling Ng, Jennifer Holland, Juan Diego Botto, Sean Gunn, Daniela Melchior, Pete Davidson, Steve Agee, Tinashe Kajese, Joaquín Cosio, Storm Reid Director: James Gunn CLICK HERE TO BOOK TICKETS AND WATCH THE TRAILER

Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.



Snake Eyes : G.I. JOE ORIGINS 18 August 2021 Running time: 120 minutes


Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins stars Henry Golding as Snake Eyes, a tenacious loner who is welcomed into an ancient Japanese clan called the Arashikage after saving the life of their heir apparent. Upon arrival in Japan, the Arashikage teach Snake Eyes the ways of the ninja warrior while also providing something he’s been longing for: a home. But, when secrets from his past are revealed, Snake Eyes’ honour and allegiance will be tested – even if that means losing the trust of those closest to him. Buy Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins movie tickets and get show times at Cineworld cinemas, on the Cineworld

mobile app or online. Discover movie trailers and find out about upcoming movies at www.cineworld. com. Visit a Cineworld cinema near you today. Cast: Iko Uwais, Úrsula Corberó,

Andrew Koji, Peter Mensah, Henry Golding, Samara Weaving Director: Robert Schwentke CLICK HERE TO BOOK TICKETS AND WATCH THE TRAILER


Free Guy 13 August 2021 Running time: 115 minutes In Twentieth Century Studios’ epic adventure-comedy ‘Free Guy,’ a bank teller who discovers he is actually a background player in an open-world video game, decides to become the


hero of his own he rewrites himself. Now in a world where there are no limits, he is determined to be the guy who saves his world his way... before it is too late. Buy Free Guy movie tickets and get show times at Cineworld cinemas, on the Cineworld mobile app or online. Discover movie trailers and find out about upcoming movies at

Visit a Cineworld cinema near you today. Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer, Taika Waititi, LilRel Howery, Joe Keery, Utkarsh Ambudkar Director: Shawn Levy CLICK HERE TO BOOK TICKETS AND WATCH THE TRAILER

Hi Chris and welcome to NE Magazine, for the few readers who must be living in a cave somewhere and don’t know who you are how about giving th em a quick l ow- down o n yourself? - Hello! Can’t help but think I’m writing your interview introduction for you here, oh well… I’m a stand-up comedian from South Shields and I’m also a bit of an actor now and then… but mainly a comedian… that might not come across as well as it should in print form, but I am. So there. At the moment it’s hard not seeing you on the TV when we switch it on as you’re everywhere, but what has been the highlight for you so far? - Not everywhere though am I? If you turn on QVC and I’m selling a frying pan, just assume you’ll find me floating face down in a river very soon. The highlight for me so far was probably being in Hebburn. Since starting comedy I always wanted to try my hand at being in a sitcom too so I was over the moon to do one with my mate and so close to my heart, and I got to work with Vic Reeves. I know you had a bit of a crazy time with fans wanting pics and autographs when you were having a few drinks in a South Shields bar recently, how are you finding this, does it put you off going out? - Not at all. Any person in that position who has been on TV or whatever and people want photos (I’m trying my best not to say celebrity here!) who pretends they hate the attention is a liar. You don’t go for a career on TV because you don’t want anyone to notice you. As long as I’m not eating or having a shit when you want a photo then it’s no problem at all… I meant, like on the toilet, not just in the middle of the dancefloor.


Have you had any weird fan requests or incidents? - Not really. The odd person will show up to a gig with my face on a T-Shirt, or bake me a cake, or send me a dead animal in the post but other than that it’s just photos and autographs. A little kid in Hebburn when we were filming asked me to sign his micro scooter… that was a bit weird.

Are there any venues on the tour that you are looking forward to playing or any you’re quite nervous about? - The Theatre Royal in Newcastle. I absolutely can’t wait. I used to watch panto there when I was a kid. I’m

As well as being a bit of a regular on Celebrity Juice, Never Mind the Buzzcocks and 8 out of 10 Cats you are now starring in the North East based sitcom Hebburn, how did that come about? - My mate and fellow comedian Jason Cook decided to write a sitcom about the town he was from, Hebburn, and he actually wrote me a little side part which he named after me. But when it came to being made the BBC asked me to read for the main character, and when I got it, Jason took the part that he’d written for me! It came about so gradually that I didn’t really realise the enormity of being lead role in a BBC2 sitcom until I saw the advert on TV. I nearly passed out. How has the response for Hebburn been so far? - Overwhelmingly positive. And we just won Best Drama at the RTS North awards too. And we’ve got a second series! You are now embarking on your biggest tour to date, how do you feel about this? - Yeah incredible! It’s an extension of my last tour, Feeling Lucky. I did 60+ dates in 2012 but the demand for tickets was so high and people enjoyed the show so much that I’m doing another 40 odd dates this year in much bigger venues. I can’t wait to get back out on the road.



Candyman 27 August 2021 Running time: 100 minutes

Cast: Colman Domingo, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Tony Todd, Teyonah Parris, Yahya AbdulMateen II


A “spiritual sequel” to the 1992 horror film ‘Candyman’ that returns to the now-gentrified Chicago neighborhood where the legend began. Buy Candyman movie tickets and get show times at Cineworld cinemas, on the Cineworld mobile app or online. Discover movie trailers and find out about upcoming movies at Visit a Cineworld cinema near you today.




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Local boiler experts Gas Angel celebrate 14 years in business by removing 308 tonnes of boiler carbon from atmosphere Local boiler experts, Gas Angel Heating, are marking 14 years of operation by planting their 1000th tree in their bid to offset boiler carbon. The family-run business, based in Newcastle and serving the wider North East, began planting trees last year after launching its Gas Angel Boiler Cover products during lockdown. Every customer who signs up to a Gas Angel boiler cover plan has two trees planted on their behalf for every year the plan is active. This month, as the company marks its 14th year in business, it plants its 1000th tree in collabora-

tion with JUST ONE Tree – a non profit initiative that removes CO2 from the atmosphere through global reforestation. With every tree removing 308kg of carbon over a 25 year period, Gas Angel’s 1000 trees will remove a whopping 308 tonnes over the next 25 years. Amy Mooney, Managing Director, Gas Angel Heating, said: “It was when my little boy came home from school one day anxious about the future of the planet after an environmental lesson that I really started to think about what we could do to play our part in reducing our carbon footprint. “Although as a sector we are looking to new technology to reduce gas emissions, most homes, including most new homes, still rely on gas boilers. We therefore wanted to find a way of offsetting gas boiler carbon and the JUST

ONE Tree initiative was the perfect way to do this.” Amanda Bronkhurst, JUST ONE TREE CEO and founder said: “Great strides are being made as homes and businesses transition towards using green and renewable energy. But the reality is most homes in the UK still rely on gas boilers. “We’re delighted that Gas Angel Heating are continuing to plant trees, which is a sign of their commitment to help mitigate the environmental impact of their products, and they’re serving as an example to other firms that it’s both easy and important to do something positive for the environment.” To find out more about Gas Angel Heating visit


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Live Theatre is back! A “green light” to Treasure Island This Summer, the Playhouse in Whitley Bay will reopen its doors to safely welcome audiences once again. With a variety of offering available, families are catered for by top North East Producers, Reece Sibbald Productions, with a tropical adventure pantomime, Treasure Island. Starring “Tucker Jenkins” himself, Todd Carty appears as the villainous pirate Long John Silver. Whilst Britain’s Got Talent impressionist, Cal Halbert, and, from the Theatre Royal Panto, Reece Sibbald, return to the Playhouse for their third year to provide hilarious comedy antics for all of the family. Completing the line-up is Whitley Bay’s own, Emma Deborah Ward, as the Magical Mermaid; the sensational Pippa Smith as Polly Perkins and international entertainer Jordan Michael Todd as the swashbuckling hero, Jim Hawkins. Producer, Reece Sibbald commented: “At last! Family entertainment is back! We’ve worked meticulously to ensure our audiences remain safe upon the return to the theatre this summer. There’s sanitiser, track and trace, safety screens, face masks – and a whole host of ad-


ditional safety measures. Treasure Island will be a two-hour adventure to tropical shores, with mermaids, pirates and plenty of surprises along the way. This is the production audiences have been waiting for. We hope audiences support their venues reopening, and we’re providing top-class family entertainment in the safest possible way, adhering to guidelines and at incredibly affordable prices. So,

don’t delay and book your trip to Treasure Island today!” Treasure Island will play for a limited run of 9 performances from Wednesday 18th – Sunday 22nd August 2021 0844 248 1588* Tickets from £14.50 *Calls costs 7p per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge



Incase you missed it - here is the cast of Reece Sibbald Productions Treasure Island showcasing Playhouse Whitley Bay safety measures prior to us reopening last week. Don’t forget there is FLASH SALE on summer panto tickets RIGHT NOW. Use code ‘LIVE’ when booking online to unlock this very special offer. Don’t delay, once they are gone, they’re gone 🧜‍♀️ 🦜 18th August - 22nd August 2021 ➡️

Playhouse are looking for casual box office staff to join their fantastic Playhouse Whitley Bay team. If you would like to be considered please forward your CV to info@ Check out our website to keep up to date wih all events and shows






Hi Chris and welcome to NE, can you introduce yourself to our readers? Hello, I am Chris Morton, I live in Newcastle upon Tyne. I am the founder of Viking Hypnotherapy and I am a qualified professional Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Performance Coach. You are the man behind Viking Hypnotherapy, but what is Viking Hynotherapy? Viking Hypnotherapys’ business motto is having “The Strength to Conquer Anything”. Wherever

you are today this is just a situation you’re in now, this is not your life, we all have the power to change our lives and I am basically your guide for this. Utilising the power of positive suggestion to bring about subconscious change to your thoughts feelings and behaviours. NLP is an approach to communication, personal development, psychotherapy and also Life Coaching.

ferent? A hypnotherapist is completely different to a hypnotist. A hypnotist is using the tool of hypnosis to induce a trance state to an audience or part of a magical stage show but they are not licensed to practice hypnotherapy. A hypnotherapist is a certified insured professional who uses hypnosis to help a client overcome mental or physical conditions.

How different is Hypnotherapy compared to a hypnotist, is it the same thing or is it completely dif-

Have these comedy hypnotist shows, where they put you under and then get you to do silly things



CURRY ON COMEDY AT THE TOWN HALL BRING YOUR NAAN… Everyone loves a curry and a good laugh, so why not combine the two at Middlesbrough Town Hall’s first ever Curry On Comedy night? Kash Patel Productions in association with Middlesbrough Mela present a fantastic evening of live stand-up comedy on Sunday, August 22 featuring some of the best Asian and Black comics on the circuit. Tez Ilyas is one of the most celebrated stars in British comedy. Famous for his role in BBC’s Man Like Mobeen and his very own The Tez O’Clock Show on Channel 4, Tez has achieved phenomenal success on stage and screen with sell-out shows all over the UK. Kane Brown is a name that has become associated with fearless and bold comedy having performed at many world-renowned

comedy venues. This fast-paced comic owns any stage and will leave comedy lovers breathless with laughter. Having already been the host with the most at Middlesbrough Mela, see the other side of Tommy Sandu as he takes to the Town Hall stage. This cheeky chap from London’s East End can’t keep away from what he calls the Middlesbrough Massive. Another TV personality is awardwinning Shazia Mirza. Listed by The Observer as one of the 50 funniest acts in British comedy, Shazia is sure to have the audience in stitches with her quick wit and dry sense of humour. Her parents however just want her to get married…

opportunity to forget about their worries and come and enjoy an evening of comedy escapism. “What better way to top off your weekend than have a few laughs whilst tucking into some delicious complimentary Indian food in a Covid-safe environment. “Curry and comedy - it’s an ideal combination for anyone!” Early Bird tickets are available from the Town Hall box office by calling 01642 729729 or online at price includes free curry and rice.

Kash Patel said: “After more than a year of lockdown measures, Curry On Comedy gives everyone an


Coinciding with International Women’s Day on March 8 the region’s Lucinda Grange (formerly of Hartlepool, now New York City) saw some of her finest work, from the project ‘Backwards and in High Heels,’ included in the


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ALL ROUND TO THE HAIRY BIKERS’ FOR A NIGHT OF COOKING CONVERSATION WITH SI KING AND DAVE MYERS TICKETS ONSALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 National Treasures Si King and Dave Myers, aka The Hairy Bikers have announced a huge nationwide tour. With their irresistible enthusiasm, An Evening With The Hairy Bikers will be an epic night of cooking and conversation. Big hearted, down-to-earth cooks with a love of good food, Si and Dave have been cooking


together for more than twenty years. They have created haute cuisine dishes with Michelinstarred chefs and travelled the world in the pursuit of great food. They’ve also explored the length and breadth of the British Isles to discover brand new recipes and create their own fresh takes on cooking classics. The stars of several hit television shows, they are the UK’s most popular cookery duo with series including The Hairy Bikers’ Mediterranean Adventure, The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Book; Best of British; The Hairy Bikers’ Mississippi Adventure; Everyday Gourmets; The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of and two major

prime time series of Mums Know Best all drawing millions of audiences. No strangers to the live arena, The Hairy Bikers performed their sell-out Big Night Out show in theatres across the UK in 2010 and completed another ambitious nationwide theatre tour in April 2013. Tickets for The Hairy Bikers are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am and can be purchased online at or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge).



North-East rocker, Scott Michael Cavagan, still aiming ‘To Be Someone’ “Music is my passion, but’s it’s also how I socialise as well.” There’s certainly no more 21st Century Love for Tyneside musician, Scott Michael Cavagan, who, this month, releases that of his third project in just three years. In 2019, Cavagan, along with a number of guest musicians, released the stunning album, ‘21st Century Love,’ whilst last year, and just after the world went a little crazy, followed up with the brilliant EP, ‘Live at Trillians’ – he, like

the rest of us, was in no way expecting what the ensuing eighteen months would bring. He’s under no illusions however, he never has been since he made a triumphant return to the musical fold after a few years away; the married, father-of-one, does however, have a list he’d love to continue ticking off, including that of a Manics dream. But first, it’s all about Cavagan’s impending offering. Yes, for the third time in a little over three years, Cavagan has a new release lined up, this being entitled ‘To Be Someone’ (released

6 August, Sapien Records); mind you, it has been in the pipeline for some time, and finished, mixed and mastered, for nearly just as long. “My last release, ‘Live at Trillians,’ was well received, but, I guess that, with everyone doing the same things (Facebook Lives, etc), it did hamper it a little bit, “began Scott. “I’d already started the next one though before the last one was released, even before all of this began taking hold. “The guitars themselves were laid down in the February of last year, then we ended up doing individ-

ual parts, one-by-one, and trackby-track. “I don’t rush things though, I can sit on my songs for a while; overall though, it was all mixed and mastered and ready to go before Christmas.” Now, and comfortably so, he’s working with an impressive, live band, a one which consists of Andy Metcalf, Phil Bell, and Brian Nicholson, with that new EP also featuring the guest vocals of the experienced, female vocalist, Jenn Cheren, Cavagan penning the following four tracks – To Be Someone, Escape The Void, Close That Door, and, I Feel Alone When I Sleep “With the last EP, I’d settled on what was a live band and that showed me that the direction I wanted to take, was the right one,” continued Scott. “It was important to a live band because, with the album (21st Century Love), it was all done with guest vocalists. “I was therefore adamant that I wanted the lads on this, which definitely adds more to it. “It’s mad though, that I’m still doing the things that I love, with friends that I’ve had for like, twenty years. “With the EP itself, in reality, I’m more of a closed person and a

family man, something which’ll always come first, but the music, although it’s not for or against anything specific, I do have that mistrust. “The title track itself say, To Be Someone, was written in the aftermath of the General Election, Brexit, Trump, all of that, and, when listening to it back, is actually in an order of the way things were happening at the time, during that period. “I’ll admit there was an ongoing, angry feel to it, but it was all relevant then, in fact it’ll never be out of date.” Now, with those three releases, in three years, once To Be Someone comes out, shows that, with ongoing return to the music industry being unpressurised, Cavagan’s focus is different no to what it was in his early twenties. Different, but in the way, the same. “I did miss the writing of songs,” admits Scott. “The reason I came back into music was to tick boxes. “In my mind though, I’m still 17-years-old, and I still want to support my favourite band – the Manic Street Preachers.”

Scott Michael Cavagan’s EP, To Be Someone, will be released on 6 August, and is accompanied by a launch night at Little Buildings (supported by Tankengine, and Dunes) – you can purchase the release on either CD, as well as on a stunning, red cassette. You can keep up-to-date with all things Scott Michael Cavagan via his Facebook and Twitter cav81; promo images courtesy of Brian Nicholson.





and introduce the audience to the principles and practice of art appreciation.

‘Paintings to see before you die’ with Andrew Graham-Dixon

Graham-Dixon is an art historian and broadcaster of high acclaim and has presented numerous landmark series on art for the BBC and other independents including Italy Unpacked (2013-15) and Secrets of the Mona Lisa (2015). He has a long history of public service in the field of the visual arts and is currently a member of the board of the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead.

Andrew Graham-Dixon, one of the leading art critics and presenters of arts television in the English-speaking world, will host a special lecture on August 5 to help raise funds for Newcastle’s oldest library, the Lit & Phil. ‘Paintings to see before you die’ is the ultimate bucket list for artlovers, a definitive guide to the must-see pieces to seek out in your lifetime. It will feature some of the world’s most celebrated, influential and iconic artworks including pictures by Manet, Géricault


and Constable. Graham-Dixon will describe why they are so meaningful to him personally

Graham-Dixon is a longstanding friend and supporter of Newcastle’s Lit & Phil and is hosting the event to help raise funds for the historic library after a turbulent year, and to signal the start of the library’s reopening celebrations in September. Established in 1793 The Literary

& Philosophical Society (or Lit & Phil for short) on Westgate Road, just yards from Central Station, is the largest independent library outside London with a collection of nearly 200,000 books. It is one of the city’s best kept secrets.

The Lit & Phil was the birthplace of the city’s universities and a hub of enlightenment for 19th century industrial pioneers. For over 200 years ideas have been exchanged here that changed the world. Joseph Swan made it the first public building in the world to be lit by electric light in 1879 and in 1815 Robert Stephenson’s father, George, demonstrated his life-saving miners’ safety lamp to the Society. Before the pandemic it had evolved to become one of Newcastle’s busiest cultural venues, but like so many in the sector, has suffered financially over the past 16 months. Graham-Dixon said: “I am a huge admirer of The Lit & Phil and the important work they do. They are a rare cultural gem in the North East and in the UK, and a major advocate of the fine arts. I always enjoy hosting events with them and look forward to renewing our partnership all the stronger in this culturally-hungry post-covid world.” Kay Easson, Librarian, said: “Andrew’s art knowledge is unsurpassed, and he is a hugely charismatic and entertaining speaker.

He has long been a friend of the Society and his events always sell out immediately. By doing this latest one virtually, we are able to reach a much larger audience, and distance will be no object. This will be very important for the members we have internationally including many in North America. “Tickets are already selling fast and we hope this will be the first of a series of new ventures together with Andrew.” The event will take place on Thursday 5 August at 6pm, via

Zoom. Tickets can be purchased via the Lit & Phil website: www. The event will be the first in a programme to mark the official full reopening of the Lit & Phil, which will also include a VIP reopening party in September hosted by its current President the presenter, comedian and actor Alexander Armstrong. The Lit & Phil is now open again to everyone, not just members. A genuine ‘hidden gem’ of the city, it is open 6 days a week and anyone is welcome to walk in, browse the historic, as well as contemporary, tomes and enjoy a coffee, or just lose themselves for a few hours amid the exquisite and intimate Georgian architecture. There are lots of ways to support the Lit & Phil and help ensure this beautiful and important Library continues to inspire minds, stimulate imaginations and confer a wealth of knowledge to young and old alike for years to come – whether by becoming a Member, sponsoring a book or simply making a donation. Visit for details.



ROMESH RANGANATHAN COMES TO THE CITY HALL FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2019 WITH A BRAND NEW SHOW TICKETS ON SALE 10AM FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2018 Romesh Ranganathan is back with a brand-new show, The Cynic’s Mixtape, and it’s his most brutally honest show yet. Fresh from The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan, A League Of Their Own and Judge Romesh, he’s putting showbiz aside to deliver a carefully-curated

selection of all the things he has found unacceptable since his last tour, including why trying to save the environment is a scam, why none of us are truly free, and his suspicion that his wife is using gluten intolerance to avoid sleeping with him. Romesh’s cynicism has become his trademark, but since being nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2013 Edinburgh Comedy Awards this deadpan humour has become one of Britain’s most respected and popular comics. Now, though, it’s time for the

Asian Provocateur to return to his stand-up roots for a while – there’s things he needs to point out, discuss and have a good moan about. Care to join him? Show drops 2019, don’t miss it. Tickets for Romesh Ranganathan are on sale Fri 28 Sep from 10am and are £26.50. Tickets can be purchased online at www. or from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 08448 11 21 21 (Calls cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge)



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