Nepali times #675

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27 September - 3 October 2013

20 pages

Rs 50



n any other country, a headline like ‘Murderers allowed to contest elections’ would belong in satire magazines. Not in Nepal. In fact, when the Supreme Court ruled on Monday to shelve a writ petition against allowing candidates with moral turpitude from filing their candidacies, it scarcely raised an eyebrow. There can be no other proof of the moral bankruptcy of this so-called ‘technocratic’ regime. Except for a handful of civil rights activists who picketed the Election Commission on Tuesday (left), no one seemed too bothered, least of all the international champions of democracy and the rule of law. Elections seem to be so important that we are willing to overlook war crimes, murder, torture, and plunder of the state. Nothing should distract us from that goal. Chief Justicecum-prime minister Khil Raj Regmi seems to have gotten the message and flew off to New York on Thursday, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.



FILM SEASON Kathmandu hosts two international film festivals in the coming week. Film Southasia is now in its ninth year, showcasing top documentaries from the region. Ekadeshma by Underground Talkies is showcasing 30 short Nepali and international films.

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