Nepali times #699

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21 - 27 March 2014

20 pages

Rs 50


High and dry T

his year’s World Water Day on Saturday 22 March has the theme water and energy. In Nepal the two are inextricably linked. The country’s failure to harness hydropower has led to a crippling dependency on unaffordable

petroleum imports. Alternatives are available, but the economy is hopelessly addicted to fossil fuels. Despite its population growth, Nepal has the most abundant supply of water per capita in the world. But if there is one glaring example of mismanagement and EDITORIAL PAGE plain stupidity on the part of successive governments since 1990, then it is how we have squandered our water resources.



FLOUR POWER Improving the efficiency of traditional water mills may hold the key to rural electrification and mechanisation of agriculture processing.

PAGE 16-17


There is no end in sight to Kathmandu Valley’s water shortage. Better start harvesting water.

PAGE 16-17

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