PROJECT 3L 2020 ACTIVITY PACK SCOUTING IN THE NEW NORMAL Co-Ed Activity Pack for B/G Scouts (11-16 years) and Venture Scouts (16-20 years)
©Scouting In the New Normal Version : 2020
National Headquarters Lekhnath Marg, Lainchaur Kathmandu, Nepal P.O. BOX 1037 Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +977 1 4419001 Fax: +977 1 4413369 Reproduction is authorized to the provincial offices. Credit for the source must be given.
Project 3L: Life Long Learning Project 3L provides opportunities for girls and young women to learn life skills so they are better equipped to reach their fullest potential in the changing world. The Project 3L grants are funded by the Friends of Asia Pacific WAGGGS(FAPW). Running since 2004, 3L Projects have benefitted thousands of girls and young women to date. Some of the projects generate new income for the Member Organizations as a result of project funded. Some of them bring extra income to help with the living cost of their families.
Nepal Scouts Project 3L 2020 With the declaration of Covid 19 as a Pandemic and the increasing number of cases, the schools remained closed for a long time. Large group activities of all organizations including Nepal Scouts had been halted. In such situation, Nepal Scouts had been continuing its activities through virtual platform. Few scout units of Urban and Semi urban areas were effectively conducting online sessions. A popular magazine” The Economist” recently published a report “Inclusive Internet Index 2019” which suggests that Internet use in Nepal are quite expensive as compared to that being used in other countries of the world. The data illustrates that the online activities of Nepal Scouts are in the reach of few girls and there are still many girls and young women who have been forced to stay inside the houses, deprived of internet facility, cheap internet services, enough devices, school closed and out of academic and learning environment. The pandemic and lockdown (partial and complete) have also moved some of the girls and young women into the threat of Domestic Violence. Altered lifestyles with no or less exposure to outdoor physical activities have affected the self-body images. Suicidal Cases are increasing day by day and the situation is making people hopeless and stressed. In all situations, girls and young women are highly vulnerable to harm and violation of their rights. In order to address the current issues, Nepal Scouts is implementing Project 3L 2020 entitled “Scouting for all: Any Situation, Any Where, Any How” 4
About the Activity Pack: “Scouting in the New Normal” The “Activity Pack Scouting in the New Normal” comprises of the activities based on the current issues faced by the youths as a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic. The aim of this Activity Pack is to achieve the main aim of Project 3L; to engage and attract youths in Scouting Activities. In addition, this activity pack also expects to involve scouts as well as non – scouts from every nook and corner of Nepal in scouting activities in the new normal.
How to complete the Activity Pack? Step 1: Introduce Nepal Scouts Project 3L 2020, and the activity pack to the participants. Step 2: Complete THINK/REFLECT Section: Let’s have genuine Covid 19 Talks Step 3: Complete WAGGGS Leadership Mindsets Section. Step 4: Complete at least one activity from EXPLORE section. Always remember to involve participants while choosing the issues addressed by the activity pack, they want to work on. Step 5: Complete TAKE ACTION/S Section of the respective EXPLORE/S Section.
Congratulations. You have completed the activity pack. Receive your souvenir from Nepal Scouts. 5
Icebreaking 10 and min Introduction
Introduction of the participants
Let the participants know each other through general introduction by a game called “Know your friend”. Create a Circle with all the participants. The participants are to choose a friend on their left, such that a pair is formed. Give one minute time to the pair to know each other’s personal details. Eg: Name, Hobby, Favourite things etc. Let the pair share each other’s details to the main group. For virtual platform use a game called “Stay Connected”. Create break out rooms of about 7 people. Ask the participants to form a heart shape.
Methods and Activities
At the end of the session, participants will be able to Create brave and safe space Acquire knowledge about Covid 19 Know about myths and realities of Covid 19 Gain Insights on some of the issues faced by Young People due to Covid 19
Let’s have Genuine Covid 19 Talks(90 min)
6 Materials Required
Safe and 10 Brave Space min
Event 15 Introduction min
Sharing Information about WAGGGS, APR, 3L Project and the Activity Pack Creating safe and brave space for participants
Activity Pack
Don’ts: Judge anyone based on their experience Make joke of each other which can hurt them Feel shy to speak out
Chart Paper/A4 Creating Safe and Brave Space Paper Ask participants: How can we make this group a brave and safe space to share our ideas? Gather ideas from the participants. Sum up by making a “Group Commitment” that we all will follow the actions that we have discussed. Make sure that following points are included: Dos: Respect Each Other Feel Free to share what we know Active Participation Respect Each other’s opinion and perception
Read out the details of the Activity Pack. Brief the participants on “How to complete the activity pack” Elaborate information as per requirement.
Myths and Realities
15min Brainstorming with Participants about the myths and realities of Covid 19
1. The virus attacks only old people and children and spares young people. 2. Corona virus does not survive in warm/hot weather. 3. There is no need to worry as Nepalese people have higher immunity and are exposed to many diseases than people in the western countries. 4. The virus is transmitted through pets and people should abandon their pets The following information is TRUE 1. Touching a communal bottle of sanitizer will not infect you. 2. The food items are not contaminated and will not spread the corona virus. 3. Most people who get Covid 19 recover from it. 4. Covid 19 is not transmitted through houseflies. 5. Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort DOES NOT mean you are free from COVID-19. 6. The COVID-19 virus CANNOT be spread through mosquito bites.
The following information is NOT TRUE:
Read aloud the following statements about Covid 19. Ask the participants to sit down if the statements are true/ they are the realities. Ask them to stand up if the statements are false/they are just the myths.
Covid 19
Information on
Covid 19
Avoid public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis.
Stay in touch with your doctor.
Take care of yourself. Get rest and stay hydrated.
can recover at home without medical care.
Stay home. Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness and
Belly pain, Pink eye
Diarrhea, Poor appetite, New loss of taste or smell
or vomiting
Shortness of breath, Fatigue, Headache, Muscle aches, Nausea
Fever, Nasal congestion or runny nose, Cough, Sore throat,
Symptoms of Covid 19
What shall we do if we suspect Covid 19 symptoms?
S – Use of Soap/Sanitizer
M – Use of Mask
S - Safe Distancing
Preventive Measures of Covid 19
How can we protect ourselves from Covid 19 in New
min 10 min
Also say: Covid 19 has affected almost all sectors that any young people can be associated with. It has affected the sectors like education, health, socializing opportunities of young people which can have serious impact on the growth and development of the young people.
Collect responses from participants. Sum up the responses.
Brainstorming Create groups of participants with 6-8 people. about how Covid 19 has affected Encourage the groups to have discussion on following question: Young People What are the main issues faced by Young people especially girls and women due to Covid 19?
Covid 19 and return back to school.
support if any of their friends or teachers are suspected with
Discuss with Participants on how we can provide psychological
Post Covid Accommodation
5 min Reflecting on what participants have learnt
Sum up the 5 min session
Encourage the participant to share information with family members and at least one friend in their close circle.
Influence a scout through non- scout.
What next?
Ask the participants to reflect on what they have learnt based on Reflection following questions : Corner Page What did you learn from this session? No. 4 How will you protect yourself from Covid 19? Which issue faced by the young people do you want to work on? Why do you want to work on the topic selected?
A. Shadow Pandemic B. Self- Esteem/ Body Confidence C. Handling Uncertainty D. Environment and Environmental issues
Some of the issues faced by the young people can be categorized as:
WAGGGS Leadership Mindsets (90 Min) Outcomes At the end of the session, participants will be able to: Acquire Knowledge on WAGGGS Leadership Mindsets Learn to implement the Leadership Mindsets in practical situations in life. Know about the outcomes they will develop by implementing the mindsets.
Re-creating Brave and Safe Space (2 min) Remind the participants about the Ground rules. Also remind them that the activity space is safe and brave for them.
Leadership? (3 min) Let the participants brainstorm on their personal definition of leadership. Discuss on what they have to say. According to WAGGGS, Leadership is a shared journey that empowers us to work together and bring positive change to our lives, the lives of others and our wider society.
WAGGGS Six Leadership Mindsets (5 min)
Reflective Mindset
Practicing Leadership Mindset
CONFIDENCE: •What’s the toughest challenge you’ve experienced in the past year? •How did you overcome it? •What did you learn from this challenge?
SOCIAL SKILLS, EMPATHY: •Share a time when you helped one of your classmates/ teammates/friends who was struggling. •How did you help and encourage them? •Do you think your actions helped them succeed or feel better? LIFE SKILLS: •Name a new life skill you’ve learned recently. •What did it teach you?
SOCIAL SKILLS, INCLUSIVENESS: •Have you worked or played with anyone new lately? •How did you introduce yourselves? •What did you talk about first? •What was one thing you learned about them?
Ask the participants to sit in a comfortable position and close their eyes. Let them meditate and dive deep inside their thoughts and activities based on following questions:
Methods Materials Required Reflection Corner Page No. 5
Collaborative Mindset
10 min Practicing Leading Relationships
Relate their collaborating.
Also ask them whether they could or could not form the shape? Why?
Ask the participants to form a human shape. For Eg: Reflection Hello, Scout, Love etc. Corner Page No. 5 Discuss with participants about their experience.
Care for yourself.
Hold space for learning.
Cultivate Curiosity.
Draw meaning from your past experiences and think about your behavior and its impact Explore your values and be true to them
Sum up the activity with following statements on how to practice Reflective Mindset in daily life:
PURPOSE: •When is a recent time that you’ve felt really powerful? •Did any adults in your life support your power? •How can you use your power in the future to influence your community?
10 min Practicing Leading for Innovations
10 min Practicing Leading in Context
Creative and Critical Thinking Mindset
Worldly Mindset
Tell the participants that in every context there is another aspect. You need to put on someone else’s shoes to understand the full picture of the situation and act accordingly.
Use the Reflection Corner Page No. 6 to join the dots once again such that all 9 dots are joined by 3 lines in a single stroke.
Sum up the activity with following statements on how to practice Creative and Critical Thinking Mindset in daily life: Learn from information and evidence Look out for assumptions and challenge them Encourage yourself and others to innovate Seek new ideas and be open to changing your mind
Tell the participants that sometimes you need to think out of the box in your life.
Sum up the activity with following statements on how to Reflection practice Collaborative Mindset in daily life: Corner Page Bring together different No. 5 perspectives Inspire consensus around a shared vision Listen to and learn from others Share what you know freely Contribute fully to any team or situation Reflection Use the Reflection Corner Page No. 6 to join the dots Corner Page such that all 9 dots are joined by 4 lines in a single No. 6 stroke.
Break 10 min Responsible 10 min Practicing Leading for Action Mindset Impact
Sum up the activity with following statements on how to practice Responsible Action Mindset in daily life: Mobilize energy around what needs changing, and what needs to be protected. Transform your values into action with authenticity. Practice leadership to create a world where all girls are valued and can reach their potential as responsible citizens of the world.
Projector/ Mobile for Ask the Participants to think of the issues around their sharing community that needs to be changed. Video/ Audio.
Share the informative video.
Build meaningful connections with others through inclusive opportunities for shared leadership.
Observe, ask questions and educate yourself on local conditions and perspectives.
Sum up the activity with following statements on how to Reflection practice Worldly Mindset in daily life: Corner Page No. 6 Get inside the worlds of others, understand their needs and concerns more deeply.
Gender Equality Mindset
10 min Practicing Leading for Girl’s Empowerment
Champion the value of being a girl-led movement.
Understand the impact of gender barriers and empower yourself and others to recognize and overcome them.
Take Gender into account when practicing leadership, and challenge gender stereotypes.
Sum up the activity with following statements on how to practice Gender Equality Mindset in daily life:
Projector/ Mobile for Ask the Participants to think of the inequality faced by sharing girls and young women around their community that Video/ needs to be changed. Audio.
Share the informative video.
5 min
Practicing Leadership Mindsets
Ask the participants to share how will they bring leadership mindsets into practice on the scenario.
Read out the scenario: Saloni studies in class 7. She is in her Math class doing Geometry theorems. Geometry is her favorite subject. In the middle of the class, she feels something wet in her skirt. She moves side wards on her bench. “Oh my God! What is this?” There is a blood stain on her bench. Prem sitting in the next bench sees the blood stain and starts laughing. Saloni feels really embarrassed. She does not know what to do and starts crying. Her friend Savyata tries to help her. She has recently experienced her first period. How will you practice the six leadership mindsets to help Saloni taking the place of Savyata? How can any male friend of Saloni support her to overcome the problem by practicing the leadership mindsets?
What did you learn in the session? How did it feel to learn about Leadership Mindsets? What do you want to take home from the session?
Reflection (5 min)
1. Shadow Pandemic (90 Min) Outcomes:
At the end of the session, participants will be able to: Acquire Knowledge on Shadow Pandemic Learn measures to tackle Shadow Pandemic Speak out and take action against Shadow Pandemic
Re-creating Brave and Safe Space (5 min) Remind the participants about the Ground rules. Also remind them that the activity space is safe and brave for them.
Activity (60 Min) Shadow Pandemic??? (5 min) Term to describe violence against girls and women during COVID 19 pandemic Global increase in Gender Based Violence amid of COVID 19 pandemic As most of the countries are affected by Covid 19 Pandemic and are/ were in Lockdown state. In such situation, perpetrator and survivors are more likely to share same space which elevates chances of violence. They are suffering from violence but are unable to speak out against it. They are incapable to reach out to seek help.
Factsheet (10 min) According to the recent publications of UN Women and related agencies, Globally, even before the COVID 19 pandemic began, 1 in 3 women experienced physical or sexual violence mostly by an intimate partner. Emerging data shows an increase in calls to domestic helplines in many countries since the outbreak of COVID 19. Sexual harassment and other forms of violence against women continue to occur on streets, in public spaces and online. Survivors have limited information and awareness about available 19
services and limited access to support. In the previous 12 months, 243 million girls and women (aged 15-49) across the world have been subjected to sexual or physical violence by an intimate partner, (6 April 2020). In Argentina, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States, government authorities, women’s rights activists and civil society partners have flagged increasing reports of domestic violence during the crisis, and heightened demand for emergency shelter. A 24 hours toll-free helpline run by Nepal’s National Women Commission (NWC) received 885 calls related to domestic violence from April to June, 2020. This is over twice the number of calls received within the same period prior to the lockdown (Dec 2019 – Feb 2020). Published in End Poverty South Asia blog). In Nepal, 176 cases of violence against women and girls in just 18 districts (Dhanusa, Morang, Rukum, Kailali,Dang, Bardia, Siraha, Saptari, Udaypur, Sunsari, Banke, Syangja, Baglung, Mahottari, Rautahat, Parsa, Kathmandu and Bhaktapur) since the lockdown began on 24 March up to 1 May were recorded and this is expected to raise the nationwide annual average of cases of domestic violence this year reported by WOREC (Women’s Rehabilitation Centre). WOREC data shows that the perpetrators in the 176 reported cases in 18 districts include 78 husbands, and 37 members from the family of the victims. Among the 26 cases of rape recorded during this time, two were gang rapes involving the partner and friend of the survivor. Most of the victims of violence were in the 17-25 age group, followed by women and girls aged between 26-35. There were 25 girl children below the age of 16 among the survivors. A girl on her return to home from pharmacy was abducted and raped by group in Kanchnapur. A mother in Baitadi was raped by her son amidst lockdown.
Videos related with Shadow Pandemic (Effect of COVID 19 on GBV) (UN Women- Shadow Pandemic Intro Video with Nepali Subtitle) (UN Women English)
15 min
Trusted Fingers
To identify the forms of violence that are happening and can happen during lockdown inside the house. 5 min To keep record of the trusted person in case we need to share our concerns and problems
Methods Group Discussion
Make the figure of your palm in a plane paper (Refer to Reflection Corner Page No. 9)
Materials Required Pptx. Flip Chart/ A4 paper, Markers/Pen
Reflection Corner
Write the name, relation and contact numbers of your most trusted person in each finger. Paste it in the visible place and always remember their numbers
Mapping 10 Safety min
To identify the safety place in your home
Draw the map of the area Reflection around house. Corner Page Mark the safe places No. 10 around the house (star) Mark the unsafe places around house (Circle)
Break (10 Min)
signs and codes.
pharmacy etc. And after coming out
with trusted person)
help center, ward etc.
Encourage them to note the information in the Reflection Corner Page No. 11.
For Eg:
Listening to them, respecting their
can provide in - depth support to them.
important institutions and agencies that
dignity and sharing details of some
section with the participants.
using various methodologies.
Share the information in description
10 min To support the victims and survivors
secret code with the trusted people.
Encourage the participants to share the
emojis, sentences for safe communication
from the trusted person, community
from there reaching out to seek the help (Creating secret code, multiple words,
Make a plan of escaping using different
For examples: Going groceries or
No. 11
where they are suffering from Violence.
Discuss how to we escape from place
Required Reflection
Corner Page
Create a group of 6-7 members for
from the home or confined place to seek discussion.
To find and create a method to escape
(25 min)
Loop Hole 10min
Take Action Activity
Corner Page No. 12
You can make your own.
event hash tags.
with family/ friends/ social media with the
Encourage them to share their pledge card
Take a group Picture.
Say NO to domestic Violence.
colors, pencils,
I …...........will try my best to help the
I...............will speak out against Shadow
Ask the participants to preparre the pledge Paper, pen, card with the following statements:
Preparing the pledge card.
5 min
Maiti Nepal – 01 – 4492904
– 01 – 4414745, 01 – 014411210
vice Directorate
Women, Children and Senior Citizen Ser-
TPO Nepal (Psychological Support)
Missing Children Helpline – 104
CIWIN Child helpline number – 1098
National Women’s Commission – 1145
Police Hot line – 100
Reflection (5 min) Reflection Corner Page No. 12 What did you learn in the session? How did it feel to learn about Shadow Pandemic? Why do you think it’s important to learn about shadow pandemic? What do you want to take home from the session?
2. SELF-ESTEEM/ BODY CONFIDENCE (90 Min) Outcomes At the end of the session, participants will be able to: Learn about Body Shaming. Learn to challenge Body shaming, raise self-esteem and body confidence.
Re-creating Brave and Safe Space (5 min)
Remind the participants about the Ground rules. Also remind them that the activity space is safe and brave for them.
Icebreaking: (10 min)
Go around the group and ask everyone to say their name. Announce something great about themselves that begins with the first letter of their name, along with a matching action. For example, “I am Anish and I’m amazing!” (with a star jump) or “I am Erica and I’m energetic!” (Mimes running)
What is Body Shaming? ( 2 min)
Body Shaming is the act or a practice of humiliating your own or others’ body by making inappropriate or degrading comments and criticisms on physical appearance.
Identifying Body Shaming (3 min)
When a person criticizes their own appearance through a judgement or comparison to another person. Eg: Look at my thigh, they are so unfaltering. I wish I had a biceps like you. I look like a stick. When a person criticizes or makes fun of another person’s appearance in front of them. Eg: God! You are tall. How will you get a husband with that height? You should try this fairness cream. When a person criticizes or make fun of another person’s appearance without their knowledge. Eg: That actress has gained so much weight. What a waste of talent? She should not have worn that. She has a wrong body type for that dress. This unrequested remarks and comments on our bodies shatters our self-esteem and affect our body confidence. 25
Mirror Mirror 15min
parts you have disliked.
No. 13
Corner Page
in Reflection
The template asks them to come up with at least… Three things you like about your character.
can do.
Three parts of your body that you like because of what they Corner
Mirror Sheet
14 & 15.
through Body confi-
To Raise Self Esteem Ask participants to refer to the Reflection Corner Page No. Mirror
Make them realize how often we are self- body shaming.
members of the group.
Ask them to share about what they have written among the
which they have done body shaming to others.
Also ask them to reflect back and write the instances in
in which they have done self – body shaming
Ask the participants to reflect back and write the instances
Also ask the participants to make a list of their own body
say to themselves in their daily life.
our daily life
shaming we are do-
Required Ask the participants to make a list of negative things they Reflection
ing to ourselves in
stances of self-body
To identify the in-
Self Body
The perfect
20 min
Make the participants sit in a circle and pass the cards
place them in their makeup drawer.
Encourage participants to post them on their mirror or
participants can read the comments.
At the end of the program the cards are distributed so that
ask them to read the compliments on the card.
When done the cards are collected by respective participants,
whose name is on the card.
around the circle, writing a beautiful thing about the person
Corner Page No. 15.
inside out.
Ask the participants to use the index cards in the Reflection Reflection
what it can do!
the things they like about the way their body looks and
are looking in the mirror and in particular to practice saying
Encourage participants to add more to their list while they
up with.
activities. ” – out loud using the list of features they came
“I love my hands because they help me to perform my daily
themselves and say,
sheet then asks participants to go to a mirror, to smile at
This is a great way of building confidence in yourself! The
your laugh, or the fact that you are a good friend.
strength of your legs, your curly dark hair, the sound of
ate each other both
To learn to appreci-
Three parts of your body you like the look of. For instance, you may like the shape of your arms, the
Reflection (5 min) Reflection Corner Page No. 17. What did you learn from the session? What one thing will you take forward from the workshop into your own life? What is one thing you’ve learned from this section you’d like to tell your friends?
Materials Required Let’s spread 5 min To create a powerful Come up with a powerful message to convince girls around Reflection it! message to the girls the world that the appearance ideal isn’t worth chasing and Corner Page around the world. costs too much. Write down what you’d say or capture your No. 16 message through photos or video clips. If you want to, put your message out there! Think of your favorite social media platform. How could you use this to share your message? Photoshoot 5 min To design a pledge Ask the participants to design a beautiful pledge card using Reflection card the colors and designs and write: Corner Page I Pledge to embrace imperfections. No. 16 Have a great photo shoot.
Break (10 Min) Take Action Activity (25 min)
(90 min)
5 min
I’m interested in!!
To Map the categorized interests in a Matrix Map
Matrix Mapping
10 min
To categorize the things that you are interested in.
Categorizing 5 min
To list out the things that you are interested in.
Time Description
Activity Resources
Next, the participants are to fill the matrix in the Reflection corner Page No. 19.
Reflection Corner.
List out all the things you are interested in and wanted to Reflection do. Corner Page No. 18. Share it in the group. Make the participants to Reflection categorize the list of interest on the basis of: Corner Page Priority: from most to least important No. 18. Realistic/ Practical: whether the goals are achievable or not?
Re-creating Brave and Safe Space (5 min) Remind the participants about the Ground rules. Also remind them that the activity space is safe and brave for them.
Outcomes At the end of the session, participants will be able to: Make plan for better future Utilizing time in useful and impactful manner
3.Vision to Reality
20 min
10 min
To research about the requirement to achieve their vision.
To learn to look forward and be optimistic.
Encourage the participants to decide and reach out to the People, Resources, Mentors, Team, Material, Motivation etc. that they need to meet the vision.
What do you want to change? Where do you want to see yourself after lock down? What work do you want to do? Whom do you want to meet? What are the foods you like to eat? Which are the places you like to visit? What are the fun things want to do? What steps do you want to make for financial security?
Ask the participants to reflect on the following questions. Write the answers in the “Let’s Plan” chart of Reflection Corner.
Based on the Matrix Mapping Sheet,
Reflection Corner Page No. 20.
Reflection Corner Page No. 20.
Reflection Corner Page No. 21.
Description Methods To design a Make a pledge card or commitment. pledge card Promise yourself that you will follow you the commitment that you have made.
Resources Reflection Corner Page No. 22.
Things to be notes: Be honest to yourself Be accountable DO something different. Remind the participants that now is the right time to start Reflection to work on your habits in order to bring positive changes. Corner Page No. 21.
E.g., Habits Breakdown your habits 3 things to avoid 3 things need to start to do 3 things to improve Things you need to prepare to make future plan success
List out the things to do in order to achieve the vision
Reflection Questions: (5 Min) Reflection Corner Page No. 22. 1. What did you learn from this session? 2. How will you transform one of your visions into reality? 3. Are you confident enough to fulfill your commitment?
Title Time Pledge 5min Card / Commitment
Take Action
5min Starting changes from today
To list out the things to do in order to achieve the vision.
20 min
What is Environment?? (5min) One of the broad terms and have many definitions according to different perceptions Some are: “All the living and non-living factors affecting an organism and ultimately determining its form and survival is known as environment” “All the external factors influencing the life and activity of people, plant and animals.” “All the things that surrounds us is known as Environment.” Environment is not static and tends to change continuously. What are Environmental issues? Harmful effects to Earth and its Natural systems due to the actions of humans.
Re-creating Brave and Safe Space (5 min) Remind the participants about the Ground rules. Also remind them that the activity space is safe and brave for them.
Outcomes At the end of the session, participants will be able to Acquire Knowledge on Environment. Identify and analyze the Environmental Issues Speak out and take action to protect environment.
4. Environment and Environmental Issues (90 min)
To brainstorm about the environmental issues. (Eg: Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss, Pollution, Water Scarcity, Deforestation and degradation, Invasive Species)
To identify the overall root cause, consequences and solution of the environmental issue.
Problem Tree
Google Jam board / Miro for virtual medium
Materials Required Reflection Corner Page No. 24.
Making tree and filling up the trees by following the instructions Reflection given below: Corner Page No. Root=Causes of the issue 25 for physical Trunk= Main issue we are going to discuss medium. Leaves and branches= possible consequences Sunlight and rain= solution / mitigation Thunder = obstacles Fruits and flowers= possible outcomes
Choose one environmental issue and make problem tree on it.
Group Work
What are the positive and negative effects of COVID 19 on environment? The participants are to share the conclusion of group discussion in main group.
Why girls and women are among the vulnerable group of people affected by environmental issues?
Why it is important to talk about it?
What are the emerging environmental issues at present context?
Ask the participants to carry out group discussion on based on following questions:
Divide the participants into several groups with 6-8 people.
5 min
Break 10 Min
Lens of Nature
Looking through the lens of nature
Letter to the Future Generation
Letter to the Past Generation
Materials Required 5 min Writing the letter to our past Writing letter expressing your thoughts and feelings Reflection generation showing the concerns to your past generation. Corner on how they have left the Earth Page No. for us. 26. 5 min Writing the letter to the future Write a letter to your future generation showing Reflection generation showing your apology your care, apologies, feelings and efforts to protect Corner for not being able to hand over the Mother Earth before handing it over to them. Page No. the Earth to them in perfect 27. form. Also explain your effort to make it a better place to live for them.
Imagine that you are the nature itself (e.g.: river, tree, mountain, pond, animals, bird etc.) and tell the things you wish as a nature. For e.g. I am River and I have right to flow pure without any mixture of wastage and garbage.
Take Action Activity (30 min)
Making 10 Environmental min Champion Emblem.
Commitment for protection, conservation, rehabilitation and restoration of the environment.
Letter from 5 min Writing the letter from the Natural perception of being the Entities Entities (like of Nature to the Human Beings, river, water, showing your concerns, pain and tree, animals, suffering you are facing due to birds etc.) to unfriendly human activities. human being. Sharing of 5 Min Sharing what you have written in Letters the letters.
Fill up the Environmental Champion Emblem in the Reflection Corner and share them in social media if you are comfortable.
Sharing the letters in the social media.
Exchanging the letters with each other Sending the letter to guardians or close friend
Reading out aloud in session
Write a letter from the perception of Nature to human beings to show some love and concerns towards them.
Reflection Corner Page No. 29.
Reflection Corner Page No. 28.
Awareness through drama and skit
Creating Skit/ Drama
Community Action
Awareness, speak out and taking action through your own creativity in order to protect, conserve and restore the environment.
Awareness campaign, lobbying, discussion, speak out and taking action to protect and conserve our Environment.
Making the video of drama or skit video through virtual medium
Encourage the participants too ocomplete the activities if possible. (Optional Activity)
Making Video / poem/ art/ photography and so on
Take Away Actions
Souvenir Distribution: Once the rolling of the Activity Pack is completed, please motivate the participants with the Souvenir form Nepal Scouts. Encourage them to share their learnings with their family members, friends and relatives as well.
Reflection Questions: (5 Min) Reflection Corner Page No. 30. 1. What did you learn from this session? 2. Which environmental issue/s do you think is/are impacting negatively at your own local level? 3. What will you do at your personal level to try to minimize the negative impact of environmental issue you are facing? 4. How will you convince your family members and others in your community to take some actions at their own personal level against the environmental issues?
MANDATORY! Please ensure that you follow Covid 19 Preventive Measure Protocols while rolling out the actiivites. S - Use of Soap/ Sanitizer M- Use of Mask S - Safe Distancing Consent: Please remember to make participants sign the photo consent form in the Reflection Corner. Please use the following Hashtags: #Project3L2020 #ScoutingInTheNewNormal #NepalScouts #wagggs #forherworld Taking the Activity pack further: Congratulations on rolling out the Activity Pack successfully. If you have a non – scout as a participant, please ensure that you welcome them to be the member of Nepal Scouts. Please coordinate with their School Administration and Local/ Province Scout Offices for establishing the Scout Units. Reflection Corner: The reflection corner is the implementation workbook of the Activity Pack designed for the participant Boy/ Girl Scouts and Venture Scouts. Link to the Reflection Corner: For Further Information If you have any questions or you want to know more about the activity pack, please contact Nepal Scouts via Email: We wish you an impactful and memorable rolling out event. Happy Scouting!
©Scouting In The New Normal Version 1: June 2020
National Headquarters Lekhnath Marg, Lainchaur Kathmandu, Nepal P.O. BOX 1037 Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: +977 1 4419001 Fax: +977 1 4413369