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pk/f]Qm ;DaGwdf Asia-Pacific Regional Scout sf] cfof]hgfdf cfufdL 1 to 4 November 2024 ;Dd Hakata Excel Hotel Tokyu, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, Japan df cfof]hgf x'g] "APR ADULTS IN SCOUTING WORKSHOP -2024" df efu lng g]kfn :sfp6nfO{ lgdGq0ff k|fKt x'g cfPsf] Joxf]/f ;xif{ hfgsf/L u/fpFb5' .
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Name of Event APR Adults In Scouting Workshop-Japan 2024
Date 1 – 4 November 2024. Participants are requested to arrive by the afternoon of 31 October and may leave on the evening of 04 November Venue Hakata Excel Hotel Tokyu, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, Japan
Registration Fee US$ 350.00 per participant and Admin Charge NPR 2500 Per Person
To cover airport transfers, shared accommodation for the workshop duration (4 nights), workshop kit and souvenirs, educational tour, and meals from the dinner of 31 October to lunchtime on 04 November, western-style and featuring Japanese cuisine. Please notify us if you have any dietary restrictions using the reply slip.
Eligibility Assistant Leader Trainer and Leader Trainer of Nepal Scouts cGo yk hfgsf/Lsf] nflu g]=:sf=/f=k|=sf df saru@nepalscouts.org df ;Dks{ ug'{xf]nf . gf]6M;xefuLx'grfxg];xfos/fli6«ok|lzIfs//fli6«ok|lzIfsx?n]cf gf]cfj]bgdfqk]zub}{df;xeflutfsf] nflu5gf}6ePsf]dflgg]5}g. ;+nUgM
1. General Information [https://shorturl.at/ctux5]
2. Application Form [https://forms.gle/xvXXymxpA2Kjdmz89]
3. Online Membership Registration Portal [https://online.nepalscouts.org/dashboard
4. Online Membership Registration Process [https://bit.ly/3uWXcs8
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