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498th and 499th BTC and 365th basic scout training has been completed under the project of Nepal Scout Province Scout Office Bagmati. The training has been completed with the participation of coordinators of different schools and local municipalities within Bagmati Province. Thetrainingwhichstartedon10thofAshadhwassummoned on 15th of Ashadh. The training was conducted with the support of Provincial Sports Council located in Hetauda 6, Gauritar Rangasal in which 74 people participated. The course leaders of the training were Mr. Bailey Thapa, Mr. Janardhan Dhakal and Mr. Shiv Kumar Twayana. The training was inaugurated by Mr. Surya Bahadur Bhandari ju, Member Secretary of Provincial Sports.On the last day of the training, on the 15th of Ashadh, Mr. Lok Bahadur Bhandari, the National Coordinator of Nepal Scout administered the oath of secrecy to Mr. Rajendra Pandey Jr., Chief Minister of Bagmati Province and Mr. Ratna Prashad Dhakal, Minister of Youth and Sports of Bagmati Province. Bagmati Province Chief Minister Mr. Rajendra Pandey, Bagmati Province Sports Minister Mr. Ratna Prashad Dhakal, Nepal Scout National Coordinator Mr. Lok Bahadur Bhandari, Bagmati Province Coordinator Mr. Shivaram Aryal, Bagmati Province Sports Development Complex Member Secretary Mr. Surya Bahadur Bhandari, Bagmati The former coordinator of the province Mr. Kesh Ratna Bajracharya and other scouts were present at the program.

5 courses Woodbadge/Advance and 30 courses of BTC/PTC through out the province within the year. From 6 the Ashad 2079 to till date, Bagmati province has successfully conducted five coursed of woodbadge and advance trainings, simultaneously thirty courses of BTC/PTC training all over the province.

Nepal scouts Bagmati province had initiated the Eye camp with the collaboration of Tilganga Eye hospital. The event took place at Bethanchowk Kavre, Galchi Dhading, Tokha and Nagarjuna at Kathmandu for multiple days. For the well management of those camps coordinators form respective local level were coordinates along with province coordinator Mr. Shiva Ram Aryal. furthermore, 1475 people get benefited form the camp and 119 surgery done by Dr. Sanduk Ruit.Likewise, more than 300 scouts volunteer has been mobiized through out the camp.To accomplish this camp Mr Shivaram Aryal, coordinator of Bagmati province had coordinated with Tilganga eye hospital and with local associations of Nepal Scouts.

Every year on June 5, World Environment Day is observed across the world to raise awareness about degrading environmental conditions and to encourage people to take positive environmental actions and help create a better future. On this day, people from across the globe come together to clean up environment, plant trees, and hold marches in an effort to revive what experts say is a planet on the precipice. To commemorate the occasion, more than 200 scouts are slated to host environmentallythemed events on Sunday, part of an annual celebration.