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The Nepal Scouts karnali province recently held 52nd Woodbadge Training at Ganga Maala Maa. Vi, Birendranagar, Surkhet, from Chaitra 21-27, 2079. On the first day, the participants were welcomed, and on the second day, the training was inaugurated. The inauguration was chaired by Province Coordinator Mr. Kamal Bohara, with the national flag hosted by National Leader Trainer Mr. Bijendra Dhoju and the Scouts flag hosted by Course Leader/ National Leader Trainers Mr. Shiva Bahadur Bhandari. The training team was led by Mr. Shiva Bahadur Bhandari as Course Leader,MrKamal Boharaasinchaired person. There were 18participants from 5 districts of karnali province.The training was successfully conducted.


Nepal scouts Karnali province mobilized more than 1000 volunteers during the fiscal year 2079/80. The scouts volunteers were mobilized during mask distribution campaign, during the national days, international days and local festivals. The volunteers were excited to involve in the activities conducted by scouts office.

Scouts orientation is program is conducted all over the province . Scouts teacher and staff from the province office participate in the orientation program. During the year over 40 local association were orients on scouting
Baratal Rural Municipality has organized a 1-day disaster management training. The training was provided in the presence of local coordinator Mr. Purna Baduwal, ward chairperson and other members with the help of Karnali provincial officer Narendra Bohra and Gopal Ghimire. 100 students from classes 8-11 participated in the training at Bheri Mavi Taranga. During the trainining safety major were informed during earth quake, First Aids, Fire types were informed, safety measure during fire leakage, safety measure during drawn in the water were informed.