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During this year lumbini province Scouts successfully conducted Boys wood badge and girls advance Scouts training to 24 Male and 18 Female.
During the year 2079 Lumbini Province Scouts has been successfully conducted 10 BTC and 6 PTC course provincially. Where total 335 adult leaders are trained. As per the financial partforthetrainingProvincegovernment (Ministry of Social Development) and local government were supported. The main objective of the program was to form Scouts units in community schools.
Lumbini Province Scouts has successfully conducted one day provincial growth committee meeting. During the program total 12 scouts leader participated from 12 district of province. The meeting has held in Butwal were province growthcoordinatorandscoutsofficerfacilitate.Focusedtopic of the meeting were Vision 2032 of Nepal scouts, provincial scouts membership growth strategic plan, further programs and role and responsibility of local growth coordinator. The main objectives of the program was mobilize growth committee to growth scouts member as per required.
During this year conducted violence and child married against campaign in different local level and province level. especially rally, interaction program, delegation to local government. On the campaign total 1232 volunteers are mobilized.
In this year Lumbini province Scouts successfully conducted 2 days adventure camp to Rover/ Ranger and Scouts master. During the program total 60 Scouts participants were participated from 4 district Nawalarasi, Palpa, Rupandehi and Kapilbastu. The main objectives of program was to establish strong relationship among Scout leaders as well as piloting such camps in province level.
6 event on FBM has successfully conducted in this year were 264 students directly benefited. Program where held in Nawalarasi, Rupandehi, Banke and Kapillbastu. The main objectives of the FBM progrem was promote body confidence and a world free from appearnanc and anxiety.
In this year Province Scouts conducted 2 days seminar against drugs abuse were 30 leaders are trained. And those leader conducted 21 events in school level were total 1607 adolescent students are directly benefited by the campaign. To conduct anti-drugs campaign province scouts coordinate with varies partners such as Nepal Police, Lumbini Provincial Hospital, Care home etc.
During the year Lumbini province conducted plantation and sanitation program on the occasion of world environment day. In this occasion total 610 tree were planted in province level.
Province scouts conducted blood donation program in different occasion in province and local level. During the year 3 program were conducted and total 117 units blood were collected.
On the occasion of Scouts day province Scouts conducted different program in province and local level. During the occasion drawing competition, singing competition, quiz competition were conducted in local and unit level and Province scouts conducted food distribution to vulnerable people and sanitation program.
DuringthisyearprovinceScouts mobilize volunteer on traffic awareness program. With collaboration traffice police Kapilbastu, Rupandehi and Palpa total 231 volunteers mobilized to raise awareness and road safety.