YOUR 3-BIN SYSTEM We’re excited that rural properties in Penrith City will join the 55,0000 households using the 3-bin waste service in July 2019. The 3-bin service reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill and improves recycling rates while maintaining low domestic waste charges (the fees you pay).
What does this mean?
On the 3-bin system you have a weekly green-lid bin for all your food and garden organics. That means you need to sort your waste with all food and garden waste going in the green-lid bin, and significantly reducing the amount of waste going into your red-lid bin, and into landfill. The green-lid bin goes out every week while the yellow-lid recycling bin and red-lid residual garbage bin goes out on alternate weeks.
Choosing the right bins
There are a range of service options you can choose to make sure you have the right size bins for your needs. If you are leasing your property, please consider your tenants’ needs when selecting. We recommend the Sustainable service - this is the cheapest option and should provide ample capacity once you’re using the green-lid bin.
Why is this good for me?
Penrith is a recognised leader in sustainable waste management, particularly in household organic waste recycling. Council is committed to actively supporting our community to reduce waste sent to landfill through reducing, reusing, recycling and generally disposing of waste responsibly. The 3-bin Food Organics, Garden Organics (FOGO) system is one of the best ways we can reach those goals. It’s good for the environment and also helps keep the waste cost in your rates down. If you have any questions, please contact Council’s Waste Services team on 4732 7777 and our friendly staff will help you with your request.
The green compostable bags are supplied by Penrith Council for the Green-lid organics bin. They are specially designed and have been tested to break down during the six week composting process.
how do i use them?
Food and other organic waste can be collected in the bag, tied off and put into the green-lid organics bin. Council’s kitchen tidy bin can assist with food scrap collection. If you would like a kitchen tidy bin, they are available for purchase from Council offices in Penrith or St Marys at a cost of $11*. Alternatively, you can use the bags to line a container of your own choosing.
how often are they delivered?
Green compostable bags are delivered free of charge to every household with the 3-Bin Waste Service four times a year.
how do i get more?
If you need more bags, you can collect extras from the Penrith or St Marys Office, or at the Council Libraries, located at Penrith, St Marys and St Clair. Alternatively, bulkier or excess food waste can also be wrapped in newspaper, or placed loosely in the green lid organics bin.
can i use other bags?
No. Please do not use other bags, even if they are advertised as biodegradable or compostable as they may not meet the standards required by our composting facility. The use of any other types of bags will be treated as contamination and will be disposed of in landfill.
do the bags expire?
These bags will last at least 12 months if stored correctly. Please store the bags in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent bags from breaking down prematurely.
CHOOSE THE RIGHT BINS Council offers a number of services and bin options to suit every household.
We recommend the Sustainable service - this is the cheapest option and should provide ample capacity once you’re using the green-lid bin.
Choosing is easy Call us on 4732 7777 and one of our Waste Services team will help you.