The Youth Exchangers // A Serious European Game

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THe Youth Exchangers A Serious European Game #BadgeAlert

Develop competences, become The Youth Exchanger!

Youth Exchanger Description: I participated in the international Youth Exchange project ‘Active Citizenship: NGO + Political Participation + Media’ during 21-28 July 2015 in Lithuania. This Youth Exchanges offered opportunities for groups of young people from Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Italy, Slovenia and Poland to meet and learn about each other’s cultures. This Youth Exchange focused around the themes active citizenship, NGOs, political participation and media. During this activity I developed my foreign languages, intercultural and learning competences by actively engaging into programme activities and informal time.

Criteria: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Participate in at least of 80% of programme activities Complete minimum required learning missions Collect minimum required points Unlock minimum required badges Reflect learning experiences with peer participants and group exchange leaders

Game Missions Complete missions to unlock The Youth Exchanger's status. Missions count individually, however they may need to be completed together with the other game players. In order to complete game missions you will need to show your skills and superpowers.

Game Rewards


Badges show your learning and achievements. Collect them on your profile and later use on social networks and CV! They will guide you through your learning process and will contribute to the Youthpass Certificate. Every badge have special missions. Complete missions - show evidence - collect points. Missions will help you track your learning progress.

THe Youth Exchangers

min. 450 points min. 4 badges

100 points

100 points

100 points

Bonus: 200 points

120 points

120 points

150 points


A Serious European Game

Mission card Complete min. 4 missions to unlock this badge

20 pts.

Speak shared language when being together with foreigners

20 pts.

Learn at least few phrases in other language(s)

20 pts. 20 pts. 20 pts.

When needed, help others by explaining specific words or phrases in foreign language(s) Try out own ways for improving in foreign language(s) Discuss language learning experiences with peer participants and group leader

TONGUE TWISTER 100 points I became more confident in communicating in English as a result of participation in the international Youth Exchange project. During project I showed curiosity and efforts to learn basics of other language(s). I also supported others in helping to learn basics in foreign language(s).

Mission card Complete min. 4 missions to unlock this badge

20 pts.

During 3 meals sit next to different people at the dining table

20 pts.

Learn about the daily life of at other participants from other countries

20 pts.

Identify several things in common with participants from abroad

20 pts.

Share about own culture by explaining real-life situations or examples to others

20 pts.

Try out own ways in exploring cultural diversity in a group

Culture curious 100 points I showed curiosity in learning about other cultures during international Youth Exchange project. I developed further my intercultural competence as a result of interaction with participants from other countries and backgrounds.

Mission card Complete min. 4 missions to unlock this badge

20 pts.

Help others in need to solve their issues or overcome challenges

20 pts.

Do something good or pleasant for the other members of the group

20 pts.

If bored, take initiative to make something interesting and fun with others

20 pts. Try out own ways to contribute to better well-being of the group

20 pts. During reflection time discuss with

others what works for taking initiative

PROACTIVE 100 points I took initiative to contribute to common well being of others during the international Youth Exchange project. During programme activities and informal time I showed positive attitude towards other people.

Mission card Complete min. 4 missions to unlock this badge

20 pts.

Document learning experiences every day in any suitable way

30 pts.

Talk about learning experiences during reflection activities

30 pts.

Observe learning progress of others and tell them what noticed

out own ways for improving in 20 pts. Try planning and concluding learning Think and note how to use learning

20 pts. experience after exchange

REFLECTIVE LEARNER 120 points I put efforts to reflect my personal learning progress during international youth exchange project. I was sharing my learning insights and conclusions with others during reflection activities in the programme. I became better at accepting feedback and support others in their learning.

Mission card Complete min. 3 missions to unlock this badge

30 pts. 30 pts. 30 pts. 30 pts.

Document at least 1 activity of the programme in any media format Communicate at least 3 times about the exchange on social media using dedicated hashtag(s) Collect feedback of other participants about their experience and results from the exchange Contribute with the material to the final report of this project

EXCHANGE REPORTER 120 points I contributed to documentation and reporting of the international Youth Exchange project. My tasks included recording selected activities of the programme, preparing media material and communicating outcomes.

Mission card Complete all steps to unlock this badge

Step 1

Prepare thematic educational activity for a group of at least 5 people

Step 2

Implement educational activity which lasts at least 1 hour

Step 3

Evaluate and conclude activity results with participants

Step 4

Reflect your role and achievements as facilitator

ACTIVITY LEADER 150 points I took responsibility to prepare and facilitate the educational activity during the international Youth Exchange project. My tasks included preparation and planning of the activity, facilitation of the group learning process, evaluation and conclusion of the activity results.

Bonus Mission card Complete min. 5 missions to unlock this badge

30 pts.

Explore organisations represented by exchange groups.

50 pts.

With a team of 6 participants create campaign to promote youth representation.

30 pts.

Implement campaign actions reaching at least 5 locals in Vilnius.

50 pts.

Create media advertising to communicate message of active participation.

20 pts.

Explore people’s reactions and find new ways of how to reach different audiences.

10 pts.

“Like“ more than 80% posts on project’s event in Facebook.

10 pts.

Use hashtags while posting your media messages online.

Active Citizen 200 points I explored themes of active citizenship and political participation during the youth exchange activities. I developed my media competences by being part of the team who created and implemented offline and online advertising campaign for youth participation. During the presentation time I learned about non-governmental organisations represented by exchange groups.

Group Exchange Leader Description: I was a group leader during the international Youth Exchange project Active Citizenship: NGO + Political Participation + Media’ during 21-28 July 2015 in Lithuania.


This Youth Exchanges offered opportunities for groups of young people from Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Italy, Slovenia and Poland to meet and learn about each other’s cultures.

This Youth Exchange focused around the themes active citizenship, NGOs, political participation and media. During this activity my role was to support young participants to develop their foreign languages, intercultural and learning competences through actively engaging them into the programme activities. I contributed to the programme activities and project teamwork.

★ ★ ★ ★

Prepare project participants for the programme Participate in the teamwork of project organisers Contribute to the programme activities Support participants’ non-formal learning and reflection Take care of logistic matters of the project Document and promote project activities and results



Recruit 2 other members of the group to become your allies.

Your group leader will be your mentor.

Name: ………………………..

Name: ………………………..

Name: ...............................

Mentor will support you in your missions however will not do them instead of you:)

They will help you to accomplish missions and be there for you to observe your learning progress They will cooperate with you in overcoming challenges and fighting your enemies

The task of the mentor is to help you to recognise your learning and super powers

Enemies The Time is your worst enemy in this game. It is always running, you can’t stop it, you can’t turn it back, you can’t borrow it, you can’t give it away. The only way you can win in this game is by using The Time for your advantage. Obviously, The Time has few evil friends which will work against you. To mention few, Laziness, Tiredness, Passivity, Ignorance,...

Game tools

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Activity log Various media Team meetings Other…

May the learning force be with you!


THe Youth Exchangers Join the game, #BadgeAlert

Attributions Badge images are designed by Target by Arthur Shlain from Microphone by Bemnet from Diamond by Shamus Griffin from Hand by Stephen Borengasser from Magnifying Glass by Jamie Wilson from List by Jamison Wieser from Light Bulb by Ian Mawle from Mouth by Roger Castillejo Olan from Global Community by Aaron K. Kim from Campaign by PJ Souders from

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