N.Zagora, D. Šamić
Figure 1. The zoning plan and urban layout of Bascarsija. Source: (Grabrijan & Neidhardt, 1957).
Figure 2. The courtyard as transition space in the 16th century religious buildings in Sarajevo: Great Temple (Il Kal Grandi), Old Orthodox church and Gazi Husref Bey’s mosque in Sarajevo (from top to bottom). Source: Authors
Figure 3. The locations of some of the key public buildings in Sarajevo during the administration of Benjamin Kalay. Illustrated by Authors.
Figure 4. Transition of urban scales between the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman urban grid in the old town of Sarajevo. Source: Google Maps and Authors.
Figure 5. The retrospective overview of the transformation of Liberation Square / Trg oslobodjenja – Alija Izetbegovic. Top left: Historical photo of the Liberation square prior the WWII (previously known as the Ofizierkasino-Platz during the Austro-Hungarian period). Source: Internet blog - Stare fotografije Sarajeva i okoline; Centre and bottom: Liberation– Alija Izetbegovic square today. Source: Authors. Figure 6. The retrospective overview of proposals for the transformation of the former synagogue and Susan Sontag square. Top: The winning competition entry by Kovacevic and Petercic. Source: (Straus, 1998). Centre: The competition entry by Neidhardt. Source: (Grabrijan & Neidhardt, 1957). Bottom: Present-day aerial view of the site (Susan Sontag square, Sarajevo). Source: Authors.
Figure 7. Marijin dvor. Top: Master Plan model of Marijin Dvor by Juraj Neidhardt. Source: (Grabrijan & Neidhardt, 1957). Bottom: Marijn dvor aerial view. Source: Authors.
Figure 8. Skenderija. Top: Cultural and sports centre Skenderija in 1970s. Source: Historical photo archive www.skenderija.ba, Retreived on June 2020. Bottom: Aerial view of Skenderija. Source: Authors.
Figure 9. Shopping malls built from 2009 to 2014 in the downtown of Sarajevo. Top left: The Importanne Shopping Centre. Top right: The BBI Centre. Bottom left: The SCC-Sarajevo City Centre. Bottom right: Alta Shopping Centre. Source: Authors.
10. Figure 10. Distribution of green public spaces in the city of Sarajevo. Source: Authors. 11.
Figure 11. The urban profile of the streets in Sarajevo increase from east to west. Left: Kazandziluk, Bascarsija; Centre: Kralja Tvrtka street, Marijin dvor. Right: Zmaja od Bosne boulevard. Source: Authors.
12. Figure 12. Distribution of civic and communal open public spaces in the city of Sarajevo. Source: Authors. 13. Figure 13. Aerial photos of Alipasino Polje in 2002 (top) and today (centre, bottom), indicating the loss and conversion of communal spaces into construction sites, parking areas, illegally used public spaces and undefined spaces. Source: Google Maps. 14. Figure 14. Emerging from continuous fragmentation of open public spaces, the parking areas in the downtown indicate the status of automobile-dominated city of Sarajevo. Source: Authors. 15. Figure 15. Distribution of public interiors and third places in the city of Sarajevo. Source: Authors.