2021 Minnesota's Best

Page 1

T o p Club ar  B ar ket & ouse  Wings/ se & Su and y Sh S upper he n alia n M rant & B Coffe eh u rewh ou It Chicken Pub  C a s B ’s t g e s ’s a  t k e in n t e r’s - Aut k s a s c mpan y  R o a L s l s u n il s le e m r u o h B u T r M t C K n h t B d t n r is e o s ter Foo ou se Ir st auran M inn stauran Pa ul Ba izz a Gre t Birch’s Bad Roo offe e H uisine  a  St. talian Re gon  P ndian Re C ter Spo I in I a C a t r  w a n   D g y a e C in h r y y a e h On-t iner  ir l Brew C ompan ur ant M ek Wine ge and t xic ano & o use  aus age icke y’s D n Resta ante Me Hoppy G arlos Cre S ub G eor M a r y P k ic C r r u u x e y e a z  e t r c w e M s in r e e g a r D in in aR G rill  lis  Br ts Kram el  W ts Brew s  Spo itage  oca C hic inne apo Bar and y + Hot s & F rie ges/Bra Fat P an ant Mer t r ’s M r e r a t le n t p s u n il a t a p e u a r t e h a c is P u S r M s e it ta bo rD cy Lucy ar Food rench R He ll’s K dly Res alit y La r Club  antileve en  Ju irtual Re ouse  B ’s Sup pe Cafe  F ily-Fr ien h dy Ma ry c t V o H e it y m o K 5 is a a lo M r e u F in H T B . S  RE st nC dar J.D c Cafe  i Cu isine ht Spot Nort hea um M an olis B ar a ffee S hop iterranea h ig p p S o d T o N a C e h e e im e d S e D t n M d n a a kery a wn Min ar  D ouse  t Sawat ra l Food Fis h & C es  Te s ch Ba Downto nt a nd B Anchor e Steak H ic Waffl estau ran l  Cultu d e r a  r il R h u r o im ’s i a T r y t a G N P lb x s s y r e h ’s F . 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Come visit today and see why we’re Voted Best! We pay top prices for old and rare numismatic coins, gold and silver bullion, paper currency, gold and silver jewelry, silver atware, foreign coins and select collectibles


VOTED BEST GOLD & RARE COINS Truman Company has over 40 years of experience in the industry and we're devoted to helping our customers learn more about numismatics and grow their wealth. We buy & sell old, rare, numismatic coins, gold & silver bullion, paper currency, scrap gold & silver jewelry, fo foreign coins and select collectibles. Visit our Coin Shop in Roseville, MN, no appointment needed, or go online and complete our free quote form!

The best of Minnesota is all right here! Welcome! We are thrilled to bring you our inaugural edition of Minnesota’s Best. It represents the culmination of a year-long effort to discover and celebrate the businesses and places we love most — as voted by you, our readers, who know Minnesota best.

As Minnesota’s largest and most-trusted media company, we set out to deliver a “best of” program that would help support Minnesota businesses. These difficult times have taken a toll on local businesses and we wanted to do something that would give them more visibility. Our goal was to do this on a scale not previously seen in our state. Judging by the contents of this magazine, we think you will find Minnesota’s Best the new gold standard for discovering all the amazing businesses that make Minnesota such a great place to live, work and play. Minnesota’s Best had over 5,700 businesses, organizations, and individuals competing to be named in the top three spots of 300+ categories. Categories included: • Entertainment • Eat & Drink • Health & Wellness

• Education • Home & Garden

• Legal services • Real Estate

During our voting, more than 525,000 votes were cast, an amazing reader response in our first year and a testament to how customers, fans, and friends feel about their favorite local businesses and the pride they have for Minnesota. We encourage you to explore our winners and visit as many as possible as we continue to get back to life as normal. There were many worthy businesses that were nominated but did not place and we encourage you to support not just our winners but all local businesses. As we slowly emerge from these challenging times, let’s celebrate the perseverance of our local business owners and their employees. Congratulations to all those who won. Thank you to all our advertisers for their support and to all those who cast a vote. We cannot wait to see you again in 2022 for another incredible year of Minnesota’s Best.

Paul Kasbohm Star Tribune Chief Revenue Officer

#MNBEST Star Tribune 650 3rd Avenue South, Suite 1300 Minneapolis, MN 55488 612-673-4000 StarTribune.com Chief Revenue Officer Paul Kasbohm Director, Sales Mike Moore Program Manager Bekah Peavey

494 State Street, Suite 350 Salem, OR 97301 President Bill Cummings Senior Vice President Neil Potter Vice President of Creative Cory Bergman Content written by NERUS Staff Minnesota’s Best | VOLUME 1 is published as an advertising feature and is distributed to Sunday subscribers of the Star Tribune along with other select locations. This is not a function of or product from the newsroom. To be included in future publications, or to reach our audience, please contact your sales representative, or call 612-673-4000. Winners and ranking were based on independent voting and is not an endorsement by and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Star Tribune, NERUS Strategies, LLC or any parent companies. ©2021 Star Tribune & NERUS Strategies, LLC. Minnesota’s Best and the unique logo are registered trademarks of the Star Tribune and may only be used with express, written permission. Content found in this book may not be repurposed or used in any way without express written permission. Minnesota’s Best and VotedMinnesotasBest.com are powered by BestofPrograms.com.

The best of Minnesota is all right here!


Welcome! We are thrilled to bring you our inaugural edition of Minnesota’s Best. It represents the culmination of a year-long effort to discover and celebrate the businesses and places we love most — as voted by you, our readers, who know Minnesota best.

As Minnesota’s largest and most-trusted media company, we set out to deliver a “best of” program that would help support Minnesota businesses. These difficult times have taken a toll on local businesses and we wanted to do something that would give them more visibility. Our goal was to do this on a scale not previously seen in our state. Judging by the contents of this magazine, we think you will find Minnesota’s Best the new gold standard for discovering all the amazing businesses that make Minnesota such a great place to live, work and play.

#MNBEST Star Tribune 650 3rd Avenue South, Suite 1300 Minneapolis, MN 55488 612-673-4000 StarTribune.com


Chief Revenue Officer Paul Kasbohm

Minnesota’s Best had over 5,700 businesses, organizations, and individuals competing to be named in the top three spots of 300+ categories. Categories included: • Entertainment • Eat & Drink • Health & Wellness

• Education • Home & Garden

We encourage you to explore our winners and visit as many as possible as we continue to get back to life as normal. There were many worthy businesses that were nominated but did not place and we encourage you to support not just our winners but all local businesses. As we slowly emerge from these challenging times, let’s celebrate the perseverance of our local business owners and their employees. Congratulations to all those who won. Thank you to all our advertisers for their support and to all those who cast a vote. We cannot wait to see you again in 2022 for another incredible year of Minnesota’s Best.

Paul Kasbohm Star Tribune Chief Revenue Officer

Director, Sales Mike Moore Program Manager Bekah Peavey

• Legal services • Real Estate

During our voting, more than 525,000 votes were cast, an amazing reader response in our first year and a testament to how customers, fans, and friends feel about their favorite local businesses and the pride they have for Minnesota.


22 494 State Street, Suite 350 Salem, OR 97301 President Bill Cummings


Senior Vice President Neil Potter Vice President of Creative Cory Bergman Content written by NERUS Staff Minnesota’s Best | VOLUME 1 is published as an advertising feature and is distributed to Sunday subscribers of the Agriculture. ................................................5 Star Tribune along with other select locations. This is not a function of&orFitness.......................................8 product from the newsroom. To be included in Beauty future publications, or to reach our audience, please contact Discover Minnesota.or............................... 16 your sales representative, call 612-673-4000. Winners and ranking were............................................. based on independent voting and is 22 not an Eat & Drink. endorsement by and may not necessarily reflect the opinions Education................................................ 44 of the Star Tribune, NERUS Strategies, LLC or any parent Entertainment........................................ 48LLC. companies. ©2021 Star Tribune & NERUS Strategies, Minnesota’s&Best and the unique logo are registered trademarks Health Wellness.................................. 51 of the Star Tribune and may only be used with express, written Home & Content Garden. ..................................... 69 permission. found in this book may not be repurposed or used in any way without express written permission. Law. .......................................................... 88 Minnesota’s Best and VotedMinnesotasBest.com are powered by Minnesota Fun. . ...................................... 92 BestofPrograms.com.

Motors....................................................105 Real Estate.............................................. 111 Services..................................................120 Shopping.................................................131


PROUD TO BE ONE OF MINNESOTA’S BEST FOR 2021! Compeer Financial® is dedicated to providing financial services, insights and expertise to enrich agriculture and rural America. Our world-class team is empowered to embrace innovation, collaborate and see the potential in our clients’ plans. We value partnerships built on trust and respect, and are grateful to help our clients turn their hopes and dreams into plans and reality. See why our clients trust us to make their goals possible. COMPEER.COM

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Compeer Financial, ACA is an Equal Credit Opportunity Lender and Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. © 2021 All rights reserved.





e r u t l u c i gr A AG CONSULTING



Compeer Financial Multiple Locations compeer.com

Stearns Bank Multiple Locations 800-320-7262 stearnsbank.com

Compeer Financial Multiple Locations compeer.com

Compeer Financial offers business services for easier and more convenient management of day-to-day operations for local farmers. They can help with short-term and long-term business planning. Compeer Financial’s specialists work with experts across the nation to increase their knowledge base on a number of different industries including dairy, swine, grain, and renewable energy.

Farming and agribusiness are at the heart of Stearns Bank. Its reputation has been built by helping farmers finance their growing operations. Services include FSA Loans, USDA Rural Development, and equipment financing for all farming and agricultural needs. For an equipment loan, building project, agricultural loan, or other banking needs, rely on the experienced team of ag lenders at Stearns Bank.

Compeer Financial is a member-owned, farm credit cooperative working with rural communities. They provide loans, leases, risk management, and other financial services throughout Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. With 1,300 dedicated team members, they offer personalized service regardless of the size of the farm, the type of crop grown, or the livestock raised.

New Horizon Farms Multiple Locations 800-906-7447 newhorizonfarms.com

Compeer Financial Multiple Locations compeer.com

Bremer Bank Multiple Locations bremer.com

Land Stewardship Project Multiple Locations landstewardshipproject.org

United Community Bank Multiple Locations ucbankmn.com

Insurance Brokers of Minnesota 3351 Round Lake Blvd NW Anoka • 877-323-3314 insurancebrokersmn.com






Spike’s Feed, Seed & Pet Supply Multiple Locations spikesfeed.com

SEMA Equipment Multiple Locations semaequip.com

Spike’s Feed, Seed, & Pet Supply is a destination for pet owners, farmers, and homeowners. Customers stock up on feed, seed, garden supplies, fresh plants, and more. Each store is a staple of the communities they serve. Customers can choose feed and seed sourced from national brands, local partners, and their historic mill in Delano. Employees are experts that customers have come to rely on.

SEMA Equipment is a multi-location John Deere dealership in southeastern Minnesota. SEMA shares the same core values that John Deere was built on — integrity, quality, commitment, and innovation. SEMA is dedicated to providing an outstanding customer experience. Whether you are intending to cultivate, transform, or maintain land, SEMA has equipment that will exceed expectations.

Hubbard Feeds Multiple Locations hubbardfeeds.com

C & B Operations Multiple Locations deerequipment.com

Mile Four 1620 Central Ave NE #155A Minneapolis milefour.com

Minnesota Equipment Multiple Locations minnesotaequipment.com


Central Livestock Association Multiple Locations centrallivestock.com


Caledonia Northfield Plainview


Central Livestock Association is a non-profit dedicated to helping its customers with a variety of agricultural services including fair livestock auctions for buyers and sellers, producing market reports, and scheduling auctions. Cattle, horse, goat, and swine producers have come to rely on Central Livestock Association for its competitive bidding system and convenient market locations. If at any time a customer has a question, on-site staff will be happy to assist. Pipestone Livestock Auction Market 1500 7th Street SE Pipestone • 507-825-3306 pipestonelivestock.com Haas Livestock 28701 Rochester Blvd Cannon Falls • 507-263-3125 haaslivestock.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM


Mages Land Company & Auction Service Multiple Locations magesland.com In business since January of 1990, Mages Land Company & Auction Service continues to provide the best agents and auctioneers in the industry. They know how to sell properties of all kinds, including farmland, residential, hobby farms, and commercial real estate. With over 150 years of combined experience, Mages is the best for buyers and sellers. Mages gives clients the most options to achieve their top sales price by selling private treaty or auction, live, online or simulcast. Henslin Auctions 320-365-4120 henslinauctions.com Fragodt Auction & Real Estate 94 Washington Ave Milan • 320-734-4408 fragodtauction.com


Twin City Seed Company twincityseed.com Twin City Seed Company understands that the needs of customers vary, and that time is often of the essence, so they pride themselves on providing exactly what customers need as quickly as possible. They offer custom blending, custom packaging and labels, and both certified and uncertified mixes. In addition to a variety of turf grass mixes, Twin City Seed Company offers custom pasture mixes, deer plot mixes, and cover crops. Albert Lea Seed 1414 W Main St Albert Lea • 800-352-5247 alseed.com Dahlman Seed Company 73504 200th St Dassel • 800-289-7333 dahlmanseed.com STARTRIBUNE.COM

Thank You for Voting Us Best Land & Auction Company!

Mages Land Co is a full-service Real Estate Brokerage & Auction Company. We give our clients the most options to achieve top sales price by selling private treaty or auction, live, online or simulcast. In business since January of 1990, Mages Land Company and Auction Service agents and auctioneers are the best in the industry for knowing how to properly sell properties of all kinds, including farm land, residential, hobby farms, and commercial real estate. With over 150 years of combined experience, this is best for both the sellers and the buyers. Mages Land Co works with buyers who are looking for every type of property, We work with over 1,000+ active farmland investors.

Our “hobby farm” buyers list is also quite impressive. Each category, no matter what it is, homes, hunting land, farm machinery, vehicles, antiques etc., we have an extensive list of ready and eager buyers.

(507) 276-7002 magesland.com 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST | AGRICULTURE | PAGE 7


s s e n t & i y F t u a e





Movement Studio 4445 Nathan Ln N Ste D Plymouth movementstudio.live

FELLAS Haberdashery and Salon 1804 St. Clair Ave St. Paul • 651-219-4971 fellassalon.com

Spalon Montage Multiple Locations 952-915-2900 spalon.com

Movement Studio is a hybrid fitness studio that combines virtual and in-person classes. Participants can be 1,000 miles away or right down the road from Movement Studio and connect with others who are participating in the same workouts in-studio. Members (and those looking to participate ala carte) can choose from a variety of classes including yoga, strength, low impact, cycle and more.

FELLAS is a one-stop shop for men — focusing not only on grooming, but also on clothing, accessories, and gifts. FELLAS’ goal is to ensure that men of all backgrounds, ages and lifestyles are confident in their style, even if they do not know what their style should be. FELLAS helps bring their style to life and bring to life the person they are inside.

Spalon Montage weaves spa and salon solutions into one soothing, seamless appointment. Spalon is dedicated to serving a client’s mind, body, and soul, and spends time educating stylists so that cuts and colors are legendary. With three Twin Cities locations in Edina, Chanhassen, and Woodbury, Spalon offers beauty packages led by professionals who are passionate and masters of their craft. At Spalon, they want to help you feel great and look great, for life.

Performance Ready performancereadymn.com

Wilson’s Image Barbers & Stylists 2124 W Broadway Ave Minneapolis • 763-245-8922 wilsonsimage.com

FoxFace Studios 541 Ohio St St. Paul • 651-321-0852 foxface-studios.com

Pro Fitness Training 7116 Shady Oak Rd Eden Prairie • 952-942-7227 profitnessmn.com

James Irving Grooming Room 1608 W Lake St Minneapolis • 612-822-4323 jamesirvinghair.com

Salon Ultimo 783 Radio Dr #109 Woodbury • 651-738-5904 salonultimo.com




Drybar Multiple Locations drybarshops.com At Drybar, the philosophy is simple — focus on one thing and be the best at it. For this hair salon, that is blowouts. With the focus simply on performing blowouts — no cuts, no color — Drybar is the gold standard in blow dry bars. They focus on the experience in providing clients a place to relax, recharge, and leave with all the confidence a great hair day can bring. In just 45 minutes, Drybar clients have their hair washed, blown dry and styled for the day. Sudz Salon 2400 Hennepin Ave S Minneapolis • 612-377-3010 sudzsalonmpls.com The Wow Bar Multiple Locations 612-334-3333 thewowbar.com


The Beauty Lounge Minneapolis 3501 Hennepin Ave S Minneapolis • 612-227-9363 mplsbeautylounge.com The Beauty Lounge Minneapolis is the Twin Cities multicultural hair destination. The staff welcomes all hair types and textures. The Beauty Lounge provides services such as lessons in braiding, as well as color treatments, texturizing hair, natural hairstyling, and more. Owner Melissa Taylor expresses that the salon is dedicated to giving people of all hair backgrounds a place to feel welcomed. Get Gorgeous Salon & Spa 878 Selby Ave St. Paul • 651-291-8997 getgorgeoussalon.com The Braid Factory 4600 Chicago Ave Minneapolis • 612-824-2243 braidfactorymn.com STARTRIBUNE.COM





SPA & TANNING 763.923.7000



Spalon Montage Multiple Locations 952-915-2900 spalon.com

Movement Studio 4445 Nathan Ln N Ste D Plymouth movementstudio.live

Create a strong facial foundation at Spalon Montage, which offers several kinds of facials, including anti-aging, clarifying, sea-soothing, and even teen options. The salon also offers cleansings, exfoliations, impurity extractions, customized masks, and massages. With three Twin Cities locations in Edina, Chanhassen, and Woodbury, Spalon offers facial packages led by professionals who are passionate and masters of their craft.

Increasing your fitness and connecting with others is all part of the plan at Movement Studio. This hybrid fitness studio combines virtual and in-person classes. Sign up and participate in the studio, at home, or even on the road. Participants can be 1,000 miles away or right down the road from Movement Studio and connect with others. Workouts can be done via live streaming, on demand, at the studio, or by joining the studio’s unique outdoor events.

The Refinery Skin Clinic 13903 Aldrich Ave S Burnsville • 952-479-0603 therefineryskinclinic.com

F45 Training Multiple Locations f45training.com

Shayla Boger Skin Therapy 4316 Upton Ave S #209 Minneapolis • 612-267-2710 shaylaboger.com

Pro Fitness Training 7116 Shady Oak Rd Eden Prairie • 952-942-7227 profitnessmn.com


Permanent Choice Multiple Locations 952-898-1111 permanentchoice.com Permanent Choice was founded in 1991, providing electrolysis hair removal at a single location. Permanent Choice has grown to multiple Minnesota locations and offers clients one treatment at a time, one payment at a time. Having many technicians who are former clients themselves, Permanent Choice provides a true level of compassion, understanding, and care.

Milan Laser Hair Removal Multiple Locations 833-667-2967 milanlaser.com Brow Chic Multiple Locations browchic.com PAGE 10 | BEAUTY & FITNESS | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST


Minnesota’s Top Hair Removal Specialist FOR NEARLY 30 YEARS!







Thank you for voting us Best

BEAUTY SALON Nedia Salon & Spa 13540 Wayzata Blvd Minnetonka • 763-544-9126 thenedia.com

Spalon Montage Multiple Locations 952-915-2900 spalon.com

Nedia Salon & Spa’s hair loss salon features the largest and highest quality human and synthetic hairpieces and wigs in the five-state area. With more than 100 years of experience combined, Nedia’s hair loss specialists provide multiple solutions for all types of hair thinning and hair loss. Nedia Salon & Spa offers complimentary consultations with hair loss specialists, in a luxury, soundproof and private suite for customer comfort.

Spalon Montage is the expert when it comes to transforming, maintaining, strengthening and styling your hair. Spalon believes when your cut is tailored to your lifestyle, you will look legendary. With highly educated stylists at all three Twin Cities locations in Edina, Chanhassen and Woodbury, they can make your vision a reality. Spalon Montage wants to help customers feel great and look great, for life.

Hair Restoration Institute of Minnesota Bloomington • 612-588-4247 myhairlossclinic.com

Defy Hair 3014 Hennepin Ave S #101 Minneapolis • 763-645-7446 defyhairmpls.com

Shapiro Medical Group 5270 W 84th St #500 Minneapolis • 952-926-0000 shapiromedical.com

Nedia Salon & Spa 13540 Wayzata Blvd Minnetonka • 763-544-9126 thenedia.com



Spalon Montage Multiple Locations 952-915-2900 spalon.com Spalon Montage matches customers with a nail technician who can make their vision a reality. Nail techs can work with artificial nails or natural nails, offering gel and acrylic enhancements, polishing services, luxury manicures, and more. They offer several variations of pedicures as well — from an express soak and polish to a longer luxury soak with a hydrating foot mask.

Nail Ninja 4815 Minnetonka Blvd St. Louis Park nailninjampls.com

Voted Best Waxing

Bombshell Beauty Lab 2211 11th Ave #110 St. Paul • 612-615-9699 bombshellbeautylabmn.com







Spalon Montage Multiple Locations 952-915-2900 spalon.com

Endless Glow by Lola 2520 Hennepin Ave S Minneapolis endlessglowbylola.com

Movement Studio 4445 Nathan Ln N Ste D Plymouth movementstudio.live

During the professional therapeutic services sessions at Spalon Montage, customers are the staff’s top priority. The salon can take away the pressures of the day with massages, hot-stone therapy, reflexology, body polishing, and body wraps. Choose from traditional massage, couples massage (at the Edina and Chanhassen locations only), or a prenatal massage. There is a spa service for everyone at Spalon Montage.

Endless Glow by Lola is the Twin Cities premier airbrush experts — offering a safe, affordable, and convenient alternative to UV tanning. The salon’s technique and solution have been perfected to ensure a natural and even tan every time. Endless Glow by Lola’s goal is to help customers reach their beauty goals in the healthiest way possible.

Movement Studio combines virtual and in-person classes to make members feel like they are part of a group as they embark on their fitness journey. Participants can be 1,000 miles away or right down the road from Movement Studio and can connect with others who are doing the same workouts. Workouts offered include cardio, kickboxing, yoga, foam rolling, and more.

The Refinery Skin Clinic 13903 Aldrich Ave S Burnsville • 952-479-0603 therefineryskinclinic.com

goGLOW Multiple Locations goglow.co

Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping 1170 S Riverfront Dr Mankato • 507-380-9624 fxbmankato.com

Spavia Day Spa 11732 Elm Creek Blvd Maple Grove • 763-923-7000 spaviadayspa.com

Spavia Day Spa 11732 Elm Creek Blvd Maple Grove • 763-923-7000 spaviadayspa.com

Pro Fitness Training 7116 Shady Oak Rd Eden Prairie • 952-942-7227 profitnessmn.com




Visit any of our locally owned Twin Cities locations



Spalon Montage Multiple Locations 952-915-2900 spalon.com Keep skin looking healthy and soft with a waxing at Spalon Montage. Because waxing experts use techniques that involve lower wax temperatures, clients leave with smooth, healthy skin without discomfort for an overall enjoyable experience.Spalon Montage offers waxing services such as brow shaping, upper lip waxing, nostril clean-up, cheek waxing, underarm, bikini, back, and chest waxing.


The Wax Den 2401 Fairview Ave N Roseville • 612-405-7999 thewaxdenmn.com Black Onyx Wax Studio 2801 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-399-6549 blackonyxwaxstudio.com PAGE 14 | BEAUTY & FITNESS | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST



Livea Weight Control Centers Multiple Locations 855-465-4832 livea.com



Livea Weight Loss Control Center is not just another weight loss plan. They offer personalized, doctor-recommended weight loss programs that are embraced by everyday people pursuing overall well-being. Livea Weight Control Center has 10 area locations, each with committed professionals equipped to offer counsel on healthy weight loss plans that get results.

Profile by Sanford Multiple Locations profileplan.com Allina Health Weight Management Clinic 763-236-0940 allinahealth.org/healthyweight


Yoga Sanctuary 100 W 46th St Minneapolis • 612-567-9642 yogasanctuarympls.com Yoga Sanctuary is a non-profit, holistic studio offering a place of respite for body, mind, and spirit in South Minneapolis. The instructors teach safe, fun relational yoga every day, to every body. Yoga Sanctuary has in-studio, livestream, and outdoor classes, and is excited to now offer an on-demand video library with all of the studio’s favorite and compassionate teachers.

The Yoga Center Retreat 4212 Park Glen Rd St. Louis Park • 952-295-4246 theyogacenterretreat.com The Yoga Room 4153 Thomas Ave N Minneapolis • 612-310-8683 northsidecenter.net STARTRIBUNE.COM

Liveaacomm Callltodayyforraafreee consultationnn nnnnnnGoLiveaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



a t o r s e e v n o n c i s i M D Sponsored by




A.G. Thomson House 2617 E 3rd St Duluth • 218-724-3464 thomsonhouse.biz

Tettegouche State Park 5702 Hwy 61 Silver Bay • 218-353-8800 dnr.state.mn.us

22 Northmen Brewing Company 6693 County Rd 34 NW Alexandria • 320-846-5443 22northmen.com

A.G. Thomson House is a private paradise located on two acres of pristine grounds. It is conveniently located close to the best dining and shopping the beautiful North Shore has to offer. Guests can choose from seven different rooms where they can take in the history of his 1909 colonial home. The breakfast menu changes daily, as they offer a multi-course breakfast served in-room or the dining room.

Come to Tettegouche State Park and experience the best of the North Shore. Visit the spectacular overlooks at Shovel Point, the rocky, steep cliffs and inland bluffs, the High Falls of the Baptism River, and the historic Tettegouche Camp where visitors can stay the night. In addition to traditional tent camping, there is is cabin lodging for those who prefer a little less “roughing it.”

22 Northmen Brewing Company is located inside a longhouse designed to create a 14th-century Viking-styled communal experience. The brewery offers a vast selection of beer and wood-fired pizzas. Steps away from the brewery, there are three outdoor patios, an outdoor bar, bocce-ball courts, and garden chess sets available for visitors to use during the summer months.

Turning Waters B&B & Brewery 136 Bridge Ave Wabasha • 651-564-1568 turningwatersbandb.com

Itasca State Park 36750 Main Park Drive Park Rapids • 218-699-7251 dnr.state.mn.us/state_parks

Chankaska Creek Ranch, Winery, & Distillery Kasota • 507-931-0089 chankaskawines.com

The Covington Inn 100 Harriet Island Rd St. Paul • 651-292-1411 covingtoninn.com

Voyageurs National Park 360 Minnesota 11 East International Falls • 218-283-6600 nps.gov/voya

Stillwater, MN 651-351-1717 discoverstillwater.com






Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 3675 Arboretum Dr Chaska • 612-624-2200 arb.umn.edu

Ludlow’s Island Resort 8166 Ludlow Rd Cook • 877-583-5697 ludlowsresort.com

A non-profit member of the University of Minnesota community, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum was founded in 1958. In addition to professionally maintained gardens, displays, and model landscapes, they have introduced 34 varieties of trees, shrubs, and ornamental grasses. Twenty-eight apple and 11 grape varieties are also grown through the arboretum’s world-class fruit breeding program.

At Ludlow’s Island Resort, parents are free to relax and enjoy their vacation, knowing the kids are safe and having the time of their lives. A northwoods-themed children’s program kicks off each week with a s’mores roast, giving kids the chance to meet and make friends right away. Kids that have been coming to Ludlow’s for years can be heard making sure their new friends sign up for the scavenger hunt and making plans to spend a night on the resort’s small camping island.

Minnesota State Fair 1265 Snelling Ave N St. Paul • 651-288-4400 mnstatefair.org

Grand View Lodge Spa & Golf Resort 23521 Nokomis Ave Nisswa • 218-963-2234 grandviewlodge.com

National Eagle Center 50 Pembroke Ave S Wabasha • 651-565-4989 nationaleaglecenter.org

Kavanaugh’s Sylvan Lake Resort 1685 Kavanaugh Dr Brainerd • 800-562-7061 kavanaughs.com


Ludlow’s Island Resort 8167 Ludlow Rd Cook • 877-583-5698 ludlowsresort.com Ludlow’s Island Resort sets themselves apart with their great attention to detail. As they only host one group at a time on their private island, guests can be confident they will have the full attention of the staff. The secluded northwoods setting offers all the comforts of home without any of the interruption. Whether enjoying a fresh-prepared dinner, fishing with a world-class guide, or enjoying a cabin’s wood-burning fireplace, guests can relax and recharge.

Trusted and Experienced Estate Planning Lawyers

Bluefin Bay on Lake Superior 7192 MN-61 Tofte • 218-663-7296 bluefinbay.com The Inn on Lake Superior 350 Canal Park Dr Duluth • 218-726-1111 innonlakesuperior.com STARTRIBUNE.COM


Estate Law

(952) 443-6560 JohnsonLawGroupPA.com 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST | DISCOVER MINNESOTA | PAGE 17



Voted Best Outdoor Education & Nonprofit! Thank You For Your Support!

Twin Cities Center 1650 Carroll Ave. St. Paul, MN

Homeplace Wilderness Basecamp 1007 Spruce Rd. Ely, MN

Cantilever Distillery + Hotel 2078 Spruce St Ranier • 218-540-1932 cantileverdistillery.com

Ludlow’s Island Resort 8168 Ludlow Rd Cook • 877-583-5699 ludlowsresort.com

Cantilever Distillery + Hotel combines the stunning scenery of the North Shore with a luxurious hotel experience. Enjoy sunsets or the Northern Lights over the US-Canada border, and step back in time with the hotel’s newly constructed building that was inspired by the Cantilever Bridge — it was used for importing contraband during Prohibition. The hotel combines industrial elements with high-end decoration, bathrooms, and bedding.

Handcrafted by the Ludlow family, each of the 23 cabins sits at the water’s edge under a canopy of birch and pine. Each cabin is unique, and renovations strike the delicate balance between maintaining the historic nature of the resort while incorporating modern amenities, including WiFi and air conditioning. Each cabin is fully furnished with bedding and bath linens, paper products, soaps and detergents, charcoal grills and dishwashers, and a well-stocked kitchen.

Water Street Inn 101 Water St S Stillwater • 651-439-6000 waterstreetinn.us

Grand View Lodge Spa & Golf Resort 23521 Nokomias Ave Nisswa • 866-801-2951 grandviewlodge.com

Pier B Resort Hotel 800 W Railroad St Duluth • 218-481-8888 pierbresort.com

Grand Superior Lodge 2826 MN-61 Two Harbors • 800-627-9565 odysseyresorts.com/grand-superior


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Family Law

612.206.3755 EXT.1077 310 S 4th Ave. STE 5010, Minneapolis

www.sekulafamilylaw.com PAGE 18 | DISCOVER MINNESOTA | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST

BHSI (Behavioral Health Services) is a family of outpatient mental health clinics located throughout the Twin Cities metro.

Mental Health Clinic

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Split Rock Lighthouse 3713 Split Rock Lighthouse Rd Two Harbors • 218-226-6372 mnhs.org/splitrock Split Rock Lighthouse has been attracting visitors since the 1920s, and for good reason. Located on a 130-foot cliff on the rocky coast of Lake Superior, it is an intact 1910 light station that guided ships across the waters of Lake Superior. Today, Split Rock Lighthouse is a Minnesota state historic site and a National Historic Landmark. Surrounded by Split Rock Lighthouse State Park, it is a destination that visitors can enjoy year round. Gooseberry Falls State Park 3206 Hwy 61 E Two Harbors • 218-595-7100 dnr.state.mn.us Palmer House Hotel & Restaurant 500 Sinclair Lewis Ave Sauk Centre • 320-351-9100 thepalmerhousehotel.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM



Ludlow’s Island Resort 8169 Ludlow Rd Cook • 877-583-5700 ludlowsresort.com

Minnesota Zoo 13000 Zoo Blvd Apple Valley • 952-431-9200 mnzoo.org

Almost half of Ludlow’s 23 cabins welcome pets. Each pet-friendly cabin offers private access to the lake, ample space between neighboring cabins, and abundant opportunity for hiking and exploring. Your pet is their guest too, and they cannot wait to meet them. The housekeeping staff are happy to provide any items to help pets feel at home, including food and water dishes, toys, or blankets.

Experience the wonder of nature at the Minnesota Zoo – with nearly 5,000 individual animals represented by nearly 500 different species from around the world. This world-class destination, located just minutes from the Twin Cities and teeming with nature, is a must-see for visiting friends and family. Minnesota Zoo is a year-round destination providing a window into the natural world.

Edgewater Hotel & Waterpark 2400 London Rd Duluth • 218-728-3601 duluthwaterpark.com

Duluth, MN visitduluth.com

Grand Superior Lodge 2826 MN-61 Two Harbors • 800-627-9565 odysseyresorts.com/grand-superior

Chanhassen Dinner Theatres 501 W 78th St Chanhassen • 952-934-1525 chanhassendt.com

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Furniture Store/Home Furnishings

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(651) 330-1425 541 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, MN


The Water Street Inn is a distinctive and romantic 61-room Historic Stillwater MN Hotel located on the St. Croix River in Downtown Stillwater, Minnesota. Ludlow’s Island Resort 8170 Ludlow Rd Cook • 877-583-5701 ludlowsresort.com Few resorts can boast nearly 100 years of family ownership and operation, but the Ludlow family has been welcoming guests to Lake Vermilion for four generations. Those decades have been spent perfecting the northwoods vacation and building a reputation for unparalleled guest service. From their well-spaced cabins to daily firewood delivery, no detail is overlooked. Ludlow’s Island is a full-service resort, offering water taxi service, rental boats, a bait and tackle shop, and more.

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Hiawatha Beach Resort 10904 Steamboat Loop NW Walker • 218-547-1510 hiawathabeach.com Grand View Lodge Spa & Golf Resort 23521 Nokomias Ave Nisswa • 218-963-2234 grandviewlodge.com STARTRIBUNE.COM

101 Water St South Stillwater MN waterstreetinn.us | 651-439-6000

Family Law & Law Firm

stommeslawoffice.com 15 8th Ave N St Cloud




The Largest Soda Shop In the World!

Over 1,000 different Sodas

1950’s Style Soda Fountain


A.G. Thomson House 2617 E 3rd St Duluth • 218-724-3464 thomsonhouse.biz

Minnesota Zoo 13000 Zoo Blvd Apple Valley • 952-431-9200 mnzoo.org

“Romantic getaway” is written all over the A.G. Thomson House. This bed and breakfast sits in restful privacy on two acres of well-manicured grounds amid towering pines in Duluth’s Historic Congdon Mansion District. A.G. Thomson House is ideally positioned just minutes from all of the amenities of the North Shore. Guests can choose from seven well-appointed, spacious, and comfortable guest rooms.

Each year, after a long Minnesota winter, spring fills the air at the Minnesota Zoo. During this season enjoy the cutest celebration around with Farm Babies. As you wander out to see the little ones, enjoy all the returning wildlife and natural beauty along the Zoo’s outdoor trails. With hundreds of species of animals, worldwide conservation efforts, and acres of scenic beauty, the Minnesota Zoo is a resource to connect people, animals, and the natural world.

Turning Waters B&B & Brewery 136 Bridge Ave Wabasha • 651-564-1568 turningwatersbandb.com

National Eagle Center 50 Pembroke Ave S Wabasha • 651-565-4989 nationaleaglecenter.org

The Covington Inn 100 Harriet Island Rd St. Paul • 651-292-1411 covingtoninn.com

Stillwater, MN 651-351-1717 discoverstillwater.com

�ank you for voting us Best!


Old Fashioned Candy Minnesota Zoo 13000 Zoo Blvd Apple Valley • 952-431-9200 mnzoo.org

Puzzles & Games Blue Sun Super-Shop

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1625 County Hwy 10 Spring Lake Park, MN 55432

Vacation Rentals & Property Management Company


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Escape the Confines of a Hotel 612.216.5511 | MINNESTAY.COM

Soak in the sun and summer fun at the Minnesota Zoo. Whether visitors watch Kenai the brown bear take a dip in his pool or head under the waves to see African penguins glide through the water, the Minnesota Zoo has something for everyone. With miles of trails, outdoor playgrounds, and more, visitors can make summer memories that will last far beyond the season.

Carlos Creek Winery 6693 County Rd 34 NW Alexandria • 320-846-5443 carloscreekwinery.com Duluth, MN visitduluth.com

3628 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55409 VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM



Thank you Minnesota for voting us Best!

Glensheen Mansion 3300 London Rd Duluth • 218-726-8910 glensheen.org

Minnestay 3629 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis • 612-216-5512 minnestay.com

Glensheen Mansion offers a rare chance for guests to fully immerse themselves in history. Admire Glensheen’s famous rooms, explore the 12-acre lakeside estate, and enjoy this unforgettable mansion on a self-guided tour. After surveying the mansion, take a stroll on the well-groomed Glensheen grounds. The grounds admission gives guests access to walk Glensheen’s Lake Superior shore in Duluth.

If you plan on spending time in Minnesota for a vacation, corporate travel, or any other reason, Minnestay should be your go-to when it comes time to find a place to stay. You will find the very best rentals, including city condos, luxury estates, and lake cabins. In order to optimize their services, they have focused on providing incredible amenities, helpful customer service, and a comfortable platform that is easy to learn and easy to use.

Kerfoot Canopy Tour 30200 Scenic Byway Rd Henderson • 952-243-2383 kerfootcanopytour.com

Larsmont Cottages on Lake Superior 596 Larsmont Way Two Harbors • 866-687-5634 odysseyresorts.com/larsmont-cottages

National Eagle Center 50 Pembroke Ave S Wabasha • 651-565-4989 nationaleaglecenter.org

Breezy Point Resort 9252 Breezy Point Dr Breezy point • 800-432-3777 breezypointresort.com

Appliance Store ®

2841 Highway 10 NE, Mounds View Serving the Twin Cities and surrounding area

Steves-Appliances.com | 763-786-4700


Lutsen, MN lutsen.com


Lutsen embodies Minnesota’s “Up North” tradition with towering mountains, lots of snowfall, the expansive wilderness of Superior National Forest, and the breathtaking beauty of the North Shore. Skiers and snowboarders revel in the variety of terrain at the Midwest’s largest resort while Nordic skiers, snowshoers, and snowmobilers choose from an endless array of groomed trails and backcountry adventures. Lutsen is Minnesota’s winter playground. Saint Paul Winter Carnival 75 W 5th St St. Paul • 651-223-7400 wintercarnival.com Spirit Mountain 9500 Spirit Mountain Pl Duluth • 800-642-6377 spiritmt.com STARTRIBUNE.COM




k n i r D & at


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St. Paul Bagelry Multiple Locations stpaulbagelry.com

Hanisch Bakery and Coffee Shop 410 W 3rd St Red Wing • 651-388-1589 hanischbakery.com

Peppers & Fries 3900 E Lake St Minneapolis • 612-353-6730 peppersandfries.com

The delicious, New York-style bagels at St. Paul Bagelry are second-to-none. St. Paul Bagelry produces more than 3,000 bagels everyday, all from scratch. Get them in-store or at a local market or co-op. At St. Paul Bagelry, their mission is to always keep their “hands in the dough.”

Hanisch Bakery and Coffee Shop is a full-line, scratch-made bakery that focuses on great bakery items, community, and making memories through delicious treats. The bakers have more than a century of combined experience, and it shows in the pride they put into bakery items especially their delicious doughnuts. With more than 75 kinds of doughnuts, Hanisch Bakery has one of the best selections with the highest quality.

Scratch-made American favorites and time-tested family recipes are the secret behind the delicious burgers, burritos, hot dogs, and sandwiches at Peppers & Fries. Founded with a goal to be a neighborhood sports bar and grill connected to the community, they are one of the few family-friendly sports bars around. Peppers & Fries guests can also enjoy the big game on one of their 16 HDTVs.

Bruegger’s Bagels Multiple Locations brueggers.com

Eileen’s Colossal Cookies 6880 Boudin St NE #185 Prior Lake • 952-226-2253 eileenscookies.com

Uptown Bar & Grill 203 5th St N Waverly • 763-658-4838 facebook.com/uptownbarwaverly

Rise Bagel Co. 530 N 3rd St Minneapolis • 612-354-3349 risebagel.com

Love You Cookie Multiple Locations loveyoucookie.com

Boondox Bar & Grille 9100 Park Ave NE Otsego • 763-367-6790 boondoxbarandgrille.com





Smoke 115 SW Railway St Lonsdale • 507-744-4318 mnsmokellc.com

Alloy Brewing Company 2700 Coon Rapids Blvd NW Coon Rapids • 763-432-0939 alloybrewingcompany.com

With Smoke, Andrew and Lisa Rasmussen brought a one-of-a-kind dining experience to their hometown of Lonsdale. Smoke combines top-notch BBQ and unique drinks to create something truly special. Smoke can also cater social events, corporate events, weddings and more.

At Alloy Brewing Company, they believe there is a beer out there for everyone. The taproom was designed with an industrial vibe, with garage doors that open to the large, dog-friendly patio on warmer days. Alloy has a full range of beers from cream ales to stouts and porters, and crowd favorites like the Laser Lips Kettle Sours and the Earthshake Milkshake IPA series. They also have craft hard soda, hard seltzer lines, and have started to dabble in frozen beer smoothies.

Gouda Q 709 Green Ave SE Minnetrista • 763-482-1199 facebook.com/goudaq

22 Northmen Brewing Company 6693 County Rd 34 NW Alexandria • 320-846-5443 22northmen.com

The Fabled Rooster 520 N 4th St Minneapolis • 612-470-4820 thefabledrooster.com

Fat Pants Brewing 8335 Crystal View Rd Eden Prairie • 952-658-6987 fatpantsbrewing.com



Hell’s Kitchen Minneapolis 80 S 9th St Minneapolis • 612-332-4700 hellskitcheninc.com

Area 57 CoffeeCafe 125 Main St Wanamingo • 507-824-2969 area57coffeecafe.com

When it comes to Bloody Marys, most fall into one of two camps: “Bigger is Better” or “K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Silly).” At Hell’s Kitchen, they ask “why not both?” Their 35-foot-long, crystal-lined build-your-own Bloody Mary Bar (filled to the brim with meats, cheeses, veggies, and over 200 hot sauces) may get all the attention, but it is their commitment to a high-quality cocktail that keeps people coming back and bringing their friends and family.

Area 57 CoffeeCafe prides themselves on their French toast, home-made scones with signature Devonshire cream, cinnamon and caramel rolls, and omelettes made to order. They keep breakfast clean and simple by hand cracking eggs, sourcing vegetables locally, baking artisan scones, muffins, and rolls every morning, and providing a consistently great breakfast experience for guests each and every day. Area 57 is a family-owned and operated business.

Ole Piper Inn 1416 93rd Ln NE Blaine • 763-780-7100 olepiperinn.com

Mom’s Place 500 Custer St South Haven • 320-236-7559 facebook.com/momsplace

The Front Porch Bar And Grill 100 N Sheppard St Kellogg • 507-767-3368 thefrontporch-kellogg.com

The Hen & The Hog 5262 Kyler Ave NE #111 Albertville • 763-276-1744 thehenandthehog.com





Hoppy Girl Brewing 136 Bridge Ave Wabasha • 651-564-1568 hoppygirlbrewing.com

The Hen & The Hog 5262 Kyler Ave NE #111 Albertville • 763-276-1744 thehenandthehog.com

Hoppy Girl Brewing is a small-batch brewery with big flavor profiles. The brewery is on the premises of Turning Waters B&B, making it the only Minnesota brewery with a bed and breakfast. Hoppy Girl has a huge patio with plenty of outdoor seating to enjoy one of their own beers brewed on a three-barrel system or one of the guest taps on site. Located in downtown Wabasha, the brewery is walkable wherever the adventure leads you.

The Hen & The Hog is an all-day eatery serving scratch-made, elevated comfort food in a warm, inviting, and friendly atmosphere. Their balance of staple dishes and unique items sets them apart, and they take great pride in the brunch they serve. Offerings include biscuits & gravy, Eggs Benedict, pancakes, breakfast sandwiches, crepes, and more.

Alloy Brewing Company 2700 Coon Rapids Blvd NW Coon Rapids • 763-432-0939 alloybrewingcompany.com

Lake Elmo Inn 3442 Lake Elmo Ave N Lake Elmo • 651-777-8495 lakeelmoinn.com

22 Northmen Brewing Company 6693 County Rd 34 NW Alexandria • 320-846-5443 22northmen.com

The Social House 4897 Miller Trunk Hwy #100 Hermantown • 218-727-8519 thesocialhousemn.com





J. Selby’s 169 N Victoria St St. Paul • 651-222-3263 jselbys.com

Candyland Multiple Locations candylandstore.com

J. Selby’s is an inclusive and welcoming space where everyone can enjoy plant-based meals that are familiar, sustainable, and ethical. J. Selby’s serves plant-based comfort foods, such as burgers and wraps made with meat and cheese substitutes, as well as vegetable-based dishes, such as stir-fries and salads. They also offer a large variety of delectable baked goods and soft serve, all of which are always dairy and egg-free.

Candyland will mark 90 years of business in 2022. Since 1932, the mission has been not to change, but to add and progress over the decades. The real and quality ingredients they use in their products, combined with exceptional customer service, make up the winning recipe for the sweetest experience for their customers. Their four shoppes in Minnesota carry hundreds of treats sure to please any palate.

Lindey’s Prime Steak House 3600 Snelling Ave N Arden Hills • 651-633-9813 theplaceforsteak.com

Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store 20430 Johnson Memorial Dr Jordan minnesotaslargestcandystore.business.site

Peppers & Fries 3900 E Lake St Minneapolis • 612-353-6730 peppersandfries.com

Aunt Belle’s Confectionary 110 Main Ave S Park Rapids • 218-732-7019 auntbelles.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM



J. Selby’s 169 N Victoria St St. Paul • 651-222-3263 jselbys.com

Bad Rooster Food Truck 952-855-8282 badrooster.com

J. Selby’s is an inclusive and welcoming space where everyone can enjoy plant-based meals that are familiar, sustainable, and ethical. J. Selby’s serves plant-based comfort foods, such as burgers and wraps made with meat and cheese substitutes, as well as vegetable-based dishes, such as stir-fries and salads. J. Selby’s is set on offering great food, in a great setting, prepared by great people who deliver everything with a sense of true hospitality.

Bad Rooster has a full kitchen on wheels and chefs on staff to serve fresh, cooked-to-order food. The food truck is a perfect option for catering events, neighborhoods, and corporate functions. Bad Rooster is owned by Soulaire Allerai and her family, who take having fun very seriously. All of their food uses humane practices, with no preservatives or fillers. They partner with local farms, hand cut and toss the chicken themselves, and make everything from scratch.

Area 57 CoffeeCafe 125 Main St Wanamingo • 507-824-2969 area57coffeecafe.com

Old Southern BBQ Multiple Locations oldsouthernbbq.com

The Hen & The Hog 5262 Kyler Ave NE #111 Albertville • 763-276-1744 thehenandthehog.com

Lake Elmo Inn 3442 Lake Elmo Ave N Lake Elmo • 651-777-8495 lakeelmoinn.com



Rusty Taco Multiple Locations rustytaco.com

Surdyk’s 303 E Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-379-3232 surdyks.com

Grab a seat and enjoy fresh tacos and an ice-cold margarita at Rusty Taco. It is a fast-casual taco concept featuring street-style tacos, all made from scratch. Diners enjoy handmade tacos, breakfast tacos, desserts, nachos, and more. Rusty Taco uses fresh ingredients to craft their many handmade street taco options. Choose from favorites such as the Baja Shrimp Taco, Picadillo Taco, Rusty Taco, Roasted Pork Taco, Fried Chicken Taco, Beef Fajita Taco, and more.

Surdyk’s is a family-owned business where owners and staff invite customers to shop with them, talk to their expert staff, and visit their newly renovated Cheese Shop. The award-winning Cheese Shop, features over 150 varieties of cheese, perfect for making that spectacular charcuterie board for a dinner party. Surdyk’s also has an impressive selection of wine, spirits, beer, and cigars.

What’s the Scoop? Multiple Locations whatsthescoop.biz

France 44 4351 France Ave S Minneapolis • 612-925-3252 france44.com

Lions Tap 16180 Flying Cloud Dr Eden Prairie • 952-934-5299 lionstap.com

St. Paul Cheese Shop 1573 Grand Ave St. Paul • 651-698-3391 stpaulcheeseshop.com




14871 Granada Ave Apple Valley, MN

(612) 314-5148 KumarMessMPLS.com

Thank You


The Nicollet Diner 1428 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis • 612-399-6258 thenicolletdiner.com

Bad Rooster Food Truck 952-855-8282 badrooster.com

Breakfast is available all day at Nicollet Diner. Customers can also choose from burgers, fries, malts, and more. For a drink, there is espresso, smoothies, tea, and craft cocktails. Menu items include their Chicken & Waffles, which features a golden fried chicken breast set atop a house made waffle, served with a warm side of sweet and savory red eye gravy.

Bad Rooster Food Truck makes their more than 13 sauces from scratch, providing a variety of flavors and heat levels. Their specialty “Cluck Sauce” goes well with tenders and waffle fries, or one can choose from traditional ranch or blue cheese. Bad Rooster is owned by Soulaire Allerai and her tight knit family, who take having fun very seriously. All of their food uses humane practices, with no preservatives or fillers. Bad Rooster also makes every item from scratch.

Stray Dog Restaurant & Bar 401 E Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-378-2855 straydogmpls.com

Fat Pants Brewing 8335 Crystal View Rd Eden Prairie • 952-658-6987 fatpantsbrewing.com

Revival Multiple Locations revivalrestaurants.com

Nashville Coop 300 Snelling Ave S St. Paul • 651-330-6737 nashvillecoop.com



We are sincerely humbled and honored by your choosing Morelli's for both Awards



VERO ITALIANO Since 1915 535 Tedesco Street, Saint Paul | 651.774.5961

www.morellismarket.com PAGE 26 | EAT & DRINK | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST

Rainbow Chinese Restaurant and Bar Minneapolis • 612-870-7084 rainbowrestaurant.com

Duluth Cider 2307 W Superior St Duluth • 218-464-1111 duluthcider.com

Chef and owner of Rainbow Chinese Restaurant and Bar Tammy Wong’s passion for Chinese cuisine comes through in every dish. Diners enjoy a great atmosphere, while their taste buds come alive. Choose from Sesame Chicken, Pineapple & Basil Chicken, Crispy Tiger Beef, Double Sauteed Pork, Honey Walnut Shrimp, or a number of vegetarian dishes. Rainbow Chinese uses fresh and local ingredients while making all of their sauces in-house.

Duluth Cider brings together traditional and modern cider making techniques to create a truly unique product that expands perceptions of what cider can be. This international award-winning cider is produced on the shores of Lake Superior in a restored historic Duluth building that once served as the stables for the US Postal Service horses. Duluth Cider quickly gained traction after opening in 2018 by earning two gold medals at the US Open Cider Championship (2019, 2020).

Tea House Chinese Restaurant 2425 University Ave SE Minneapolis • 612-331-8866 teahouseumn.com

Sociable Cider Werks 1500 Fillmore St NE Minneapolis • 612-758-0105 sociablecider.com

Fong’s Restaurant & Bar 4770 Pleasant St SE Prior Lake • 952-447-3664 fongspriorlake.net

Number 12 Cider 614 N 5th St Minneapolis • 612-345-4488 number12cider.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM



Cantilever Distillery + Hotel 2078 Spruce St Ranier • 218-540-1932 cantileverdistillery.com

Area 57 CoffeeCafe 125 Main St Wanamingo • 507-824-2969 area57coffeecafe.com

Cantilever Distillery + Hotel sits in the heart of Ranier and brings back the history, the passion, and the excitement of a bygone era to offer you amazing spirits that are hand-distilled using the finest Minnesota ingredients and water from the Canadian Shield. Neat or mixed, you will enjoy amazing distilled spirits made in the on-premise distillery. Take a tour of the distilling process, enjoy a hand-crafted cocktail, gourmet food, and make unforgettable memories.

Area 57 CoffeeCafe’s coffee and espresso beans are custom roasted in small batches by a local roaster with over 50 years of roasting experience. They pride themselves on simple, well-crafted coffee and espresso drinks made by experienced baristas. Great care is taken with every drink to provide guests with a great coffee experience every time they visit. Area 57 CoffeeCafe is a family owned and operated business that has been serving Southeast Minnesota since 2003.

Nucky’s Speakeasy 300 E Main St Anoka nuckysspeakeasy.com

Caribou Coffee Multiple Locations cariboucoffee.com

Tattersall Distilling 1620 Central Ave NE #150 Minneapolis • 612-584-4152 tattersalldistilling.com

BlueNose Coffee 20700 Chippendale Ave W Farmington • 651-333-9398 bluenosecoffee.com


Irish Blessings Coffeehouse 120 Oak Ave N Maple Lake • 320-963-2633 irishblessingscoffeehouse.com Open seven days a week, Irish Blessings Coffeehouse offers indoor and outdoor seating. Enjoy coffee, tea, espresso, homemade pastries, breakfast and lunch. The coffeehouse also sells wine, sangria, and locally brewed beer. Current owners Natalie and Chris McClory bought Irish Blessings in 2009. In early 2011, they moved it into its current home; a historic 100-year-old house in small town Maple Lake. The house has a large wraparound deck and a wonderful backyard. Area 57 CoffeeCafe 125 Main St Wanamingo • 507-824-2969 area57coffeecafe.com SK Coffee 550 Vandalia St St. Paul • 651-329-4564 skcoffeeplease.com STARTRIBUNE.COM



T-Rex Cookie Multiple Locations 612-345-5815 trexcookie.com

Thank you Minnesota for voting us Best!

Tina Rexing opened T-Rex Cookie in 2015. They now serve mouth-watering cookies at two locations. T-Rex Cookie options include Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate Chip, Caramel Oreo, Peanut Butter, and even the 5 Pound T-Rex Cookie that can feed up to 20 people, or one very hungry person. Sweet tooths can also find T-Rex Cookie Dough in select retail locations throughout the Twin Cities area. Love You Cookie Multiple Locations loveyoucookie.com Eileen’s Colossal Cookies 6880 Boudin St NE #185 Prior Lake • 952-226-2253 eileenscookies.com


Cantilever Distillery + Hotel 2078 Spruce St Ranier • 218-540-1932 cantileverdistillery.com

Lorem Ipsum


COOKIES trexcookie.com | contact@trexcookie.com 525 Diffley Road Eagan, MN, US 55123 Ridgedale Mall: 12401 Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55305 PAGE 28 | EAT & DRINK | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST

Cantilever Distillery + Hotel brings back the history, passion, and excitement of a bygone era to offer amazing spirits that are hand-distilled using the finest ingredients. Talented local craftsmanship results in a cocktail menu that will not disappoint. Try a Jalapeño Passionfruit Ginrita made with Cantilever Juniperus Gin. Your palate will be delighted with a hint of blueberry, juniper, cinnamon, bright citrus flavors, cardamom, a hint of smoke, black tea, passionfruit, and jalapeño. Erté & The Peacock Lounge 323 13th Ave NE Minneapolis • 612-623-4211 ertedining.com Tattersall Distilling 1620 Central Ave NE #150 Minneapolis • 612-584-4152 tattersalldistilling.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM




Mediterranean Cruise Café 12500 Nicollet Ave Burnsville • 952-641-6222 medcruisecafe.com

Nadia Cakes Multiple Locations nadiacakes.com

J. Selby’s 169 N Victoria St St. Paul • 651-222-3263 jselbys.com

Mediterranean Cruise Café is not just a restaurant, it is an experience that includes great food and unique belly dancing entertainment. The owners have a strong Mediterranean heritage and have created many original delicacies. On the dinner menu on Fridays and Saturdays, diners can have fresh meats cooked over charcoal. The options include Filet Mignon, Turkish Chicken Thighs, Lamb Chops, Prime Ribeye, and Salmon. Fire Roasted Kabobs are also a menu favorite.

Nadia Cakes was founded in 2007 out of owner Abby Jimenez’s home kitchen. The first location opened in California and two more locations were opened in Minnesota after the family relocated. Nadia Cakes has been featured on TLC’s show Fabulous Cakes and have won multiple Food Network competitions including Cupcake Wars and Holiday Baking Championship. Nadia Cakes carries over 200 flavors including keto, vegan, and gluten free options.

J. Selby’s is a welcoming space where everyone can enjoy plant-based meals that are familiar, sustainable, and ethical. J. Selby’s serves comfort foods, such as burgers and wraps made with meat and cheese substitutes. Going to a restaurant is an opportunity to indulge, and they are committed to providing a dining experience that feels indulgent, but sustainably so. Food waste is composted, and they use a large variety of compostable goods, including to-go boxes.

Pimento Jamaican Kitchen Multiple Locations 612-345-5637 pimentokitchen.com

Kneady Lady Bakery Farmington • 651-336-2612 kneadyladybakery.com

Lindey’s Prime Steak House 3600 Snelling Ave N Arden Hills • 651-633-9813 theplaceforsteak.com

Afro Deli & Grill Multiple Locations afrodeli.com

Sid’s Sweets facebook.com/sidssweets

The Hen & The Hog 5262 Kyler Ave NE #111 Albertville • 763-276-1744 thehenandthehog.com


REM5 Virtual Reality Laboratory 4950 W 35th St St. Louis Park • 952-855-7592 rem5vr.com REM5 Virtual Reality Laboratory puts couples into a fun and novel experience where they can learn together and then compete for the high score. They also have shareable food and a wide selection of drinks to complete the date. Many of their experiences are multiplayer and allow both people to play at the same time, either cooperatively, or against each other. Wager who will get the highest score, or get the perfect photo for social media, making your date night perfect. Carlos Creek Winery 6693 County Rd 34 NW Alexandria • 320-846-5443 carloscreekwinery.com Boondox Bar & Grille 9100 Park Ave NE Otsego • 763-367-6790 boondoxbarandgrille.com STARTRIBUNE.COM

Casual Restaurant Coffee House Family Friendly Restaurant Sandwiches

Breakfast Coffee Smoothies


Thank You For Voting Us Best in 8 Categories!

125 Main Street • Wanamingo, MN 507-824-2969 | area57coffeecafe.com 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST | EAT & DRINK | PAGE 29


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for Voting Us Best!



614 N 5th St, Minneapolis, MN

Morelli’s Market 535 Tedesco St St. Paul • 651-774-5961 morellismarket.com

What’s the Scoop? Multiple Locations whatsthescoop.biz

If Morelli’s is one thing, it is unique. They have liquor, meat, and Italian grocery departments all under one roof. As more big box stores and chains spring up, and that personal relationship between customer and retailer is lost, Morelli’s looks and feels that much more unique. Whether it is the charm of the old building, an employee calling a customer by name, or one of the meat cutters customizing steaks, Morelli’s is truly an experience all to itself.

With 40 flavors to choose from, What’s the Scoop? leaves every sweet tooth satisfied. They serve delicious hard scoop old fashioned ice cream from their original downtown Buffalo and new St. Michael shops. With allergen-friendly and gluten-free options, What’s the Scoop? has something to make sure every member of your family can enjoy high quality ice cream at a fair price.

Kramarczuk Sausage Company 215 E Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-379-3018 kramarczuks.com

Eileen’s Colossal Cookies 6880 Boudin St NE #185 Prior Lake • 952-226-2253 eileenscookies.com

Von Hanson’s Meats Multiple Locations vonhansons.com

Area 57 CoffeeCafe 125 Main St Wanamingo • 507-824-2969 area57coffeecafe.com



Mandarin Kitchen 8766 Lyndale Ave S Bloomington • 952-884-5356 mandarinkitchenminneapolis.com

Mickey’s Diner 36 7th St W St. Paul • 651-222-5633 mickeysdiningcar.com

Mandarin Kitchen is a simple, bustling eatery known for its weekend dim sum spread and extensive menu of Cantonese dishes. With great options ranging from fried wontons to steamed dumplings to chicken with ginger and pineapple, Mandarin Kitchen has something for everyone. Dishes are served promptly, warm, and carefully prepared to every diner as staff are friendly and attentive. Mandarin Kitchen is a great option for authentic dim sum.

Mickey’s Diner is a St. Paul landmark and national historical location serving Minnesota for more than 80 years. One of the first dining cars built in Art Deco style, it has appeared in numerous TV shows and movies, including Man V. Food, Unwrapped, The Mighty Ducks, and Jingle all the Way. This third-generation-run eatery serves delicious breakfast all day, and many of their foods are made from their pre-war recipes.


Yangtze Restaurant 5625 Wayzata Blvd St. Louis Park • 952-541-9469 yangtzemn.com

Mom’s Place 500 Custer St South Haven • 320-236-7559 facebook.com/momsplace


Pagoda 1417 4th St SE Minneapolis • 612-447-5537 pagodadinkytown.com

Keys Cafe & Bakery Multiple Locations keyscafe.com


Hot Dogs

Burger & Lucy Burger

3900 E Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55406 PAGE 30 | EAT & DRINK | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST




Cantilever Distillery + Hotel 2078 Spruce St Ranier • 218-540-1932 cantileverdistillery.com

Hanisch Bakery and Coffee Shop 410 W 3rd St Red Wing • 651-388-1589 hanischbakery.com

Cantilever Distillery + Hotel brings back the history, passion, and excitement of a bygone era to offer amazing spirits that are hand-distilled using the finest Minnesota ingredients and water from the Canadian Shield. Nestled into the rocky shoreline sits the village of Ranier, once the epicenter of smuggling spirits during the 1920s. None of this could have been possible without the Historic Cantilever Bridge, the conduit that connected Canada to the United States.

Hanisch Bakery and Coffee Shop is a full-line, scratch-made bakery that focuses on great bakery items, community support, and making memories through delicious bakery items. The bakers have more than a century of combined experience, and it shows in the pride they put into bakery items - especially their delicious doughnuts. With more than 75 kinds of doughnuts, Hanisch Bakery has one of the best selections with the highest quality.

Vikre Distillery 525 Lake Ave S #102 Duluth • 218-481-7401 vikredistillery.com

Amish Annie Donuts Andover • 651-505-3636 amishannie.com

Du Nord Craft Spirits 2610 E 32nd St Minneapolis • 612-799-9166 dunordcraftspirits.com

Glam Doll Donuts Multiple Locations glamdolldonuts.com



Grateful to be voted the Gold Medal Winner

2505 University Ave W Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-644-9770 www.handimedical.com

ank You


J.D. Hoyt’s Supper Club 301 N Washington Ave Minneapolis • 612-338-1560 jdhoyts.com

J.D. Hoyt’s Supper Club 301 N Washington Ave Minneapolis • 612-338-1560 jdhoyts.com

J.D. Hoyt’s Supper Club is a popular bar and steakhouse located in Downtown Minneapolis. It offers a variety of delicious fire-grilled dishes, perfectly paired with a craft cocktail or wine. Diners can sip cocktails over-looking the beautiful Minneapolis skyline from the patio. J.D. Hoyt’s Supper Club’s 100% hardwood burning charcoal grill makes all the difference, bringing out the delicious flavor in every dish.

J.D. Hoyt’s Supper Club is a popular Downtown Minneapolis restaurant with an extensive menu of fire-grilled delights and a full bar. Diners can sip cocktails and dine out, over-looking the beautiful Minneapolis skyline from the patio. Entrees are prepared on their custom-designed 100% hardwood burning charcoal grill. Menu items include hickory-smoked entrees, fresh seafood, pasta, chicken, and sandwich platters.

Monte Carlo 219 3rd Ave N Minneapolis • 612-333-5900 montecarlomn.com

Monte Carlo 219 3rd Ave N Minneapolis • 612-333-5900 montecarlomn.com

Hewing Hotel 300 N Washington Ave Minneapolis • 651-468-0400 hewinghotel.com

Umbra Minneapolis 708 3rd St S Minneapolis • 612-540-7323 umbrampls.com


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Eggroll Queen Music Cafe 1579 Hamline Ave N Falcon Heights • 651-644-9959 eggrollqueen1.com

Fat Pants Brewing 8335 Crystal View Rd Eden Prairie • 952-658-6987 fatpantsbrewing.com

Vann Restaurant 4016 Shoreline Dr Spring Park • 952-381-9042 vannrestaurant.com

Eggroll Queen Music Cafe is known for their delicious jumbo egg rolls. The egg rolls are thoroughly packed with tasty ingredients, making them the perfect snack or meal. These definitely are not just run-of-the-mill egg rolls. They are crispy and stuffed with a uniform filling making for consistent bites.

Fat Pants Brewing is a family-friendly brewery and tap room with a full service kitchen and an atmosphere that inspires conversations between patrons. Fat Pants Brewing started in a garage with a homebrew kit, but it has expanded to a brewery with a full kitchen producing a variety of options from street foods to NOLA inspired cuisine. The menu consists of a broad variety of handhelds, pizzas, and apps for the entire family to enjoy.

Vann, pronounced “von” and Norwegian for “water,” is located on Lake Minnetonka. Local chef Erik Skaar returned to the western suburbs of Minneapolis after perfecting his cooking skills in some of the country’s best kitchens. The name pays homage to Erik’s Norwegian roots and his love of fish, seafood, and waterfowl. Ingredients are fresh daily, and so is the menu. By design, offerings are limited to a single page, typically three starters, three entrees, and two desserts.

Rainbow Chinese Restaurant and Bar 2739 Nicollet Ave S Minneapolis • 612-870-7084 rainbowrestaurant.com

Area 57 CoffeeCafe 125 Main St Wanamingo • 507-824-2969 area57coffeecafe.com

Mancini’s Char House 531 7th St W St. Paul • 651-224-7345 mancinis.com

Sawatdee Thai Cuisine Multiple Locations sawatdee.com

Boondox Bar & Grille 9100 Park Ave NE Otsego • 763-367-6790 boondoxbarandgrille.com

Manny’s Steakhouse 825 S Marquette Ave Minneapolis • 612-339-9900 mannyssteakhouse.com




Great dining, great service, & great music, its got it all!

Thank you for voting us best!

VOTED BEST Craft Cocktails Happy Hour & Minneapolis Restaurant ERTEDINING.COM | (612) 623-4211 Located In e Heart of NE Minneapolis 323 13th Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN PAGE 32 | EAT & DRINK | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST

The Anchor Fish & Chips 302 13th Ave NE Minneapolis • 612-676-1300 theanchorfishandchips.com

Bad Rooster Food Truck 952-855-8282 badrooster.com

At The Anchor Fish & Chips, guests will find authentic tasting fish and chips, just as they would in Ireland. They are comprised of fresh Alaskan cod cooked in beef tallow, hand cut chips, and homemade tartar. The Anchor is locally owned with the friendliest staff. Two of the three owners hail from Ireland where the tastes of their childhood have ended up in The Anchor’s recipes. Their neighbors are their greatest supporters who have become loyal patrons.

Bad Rooster Food Truck prides themselves in working to build community through food trucks. Bad Rooster is owned by Soulaire Allerai and her tight knit family, who take having fun very seriously. They hand cut and toss the chicken themselves. All of their maple syrup, honey, and buns for sandwiches are from Minnesota-based businesses. The Bad Rooster family is passionate about the community and their customers.

Fat Pants Brewing 8335 Crystal View Rd Eden Prairie • 952-658-6987 fatpantsbrewing.com

Happy Hut 320-493-2897 happyhutmn.com

Mom’s Place 500 Custer St South Haven • 320-236-7559 facebook.com/momsplace

Amish Annie Donuts Andover • 651-505-3636 amishannie.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM




Meritage 410 St. Peter St St. Paul • 651-222-5670 meritage-stpaul.com

What’s the Scoop? 18 Division St E Buffalo • 763-777-9166 whatsthescoop.biz

Auntie M’s Paynesville • 320-403-1141 auntiemgf.com

The fine-dining restaurant Meritage, located in the heart of St. Paul, spotlights classic cuisine rich in French history and tradition. The menu features many customer favorites, and the food is always fresh from local farmers and other suppliers. Choose from amusements such as the Billi Bi Saffron-Mussel soup or try the Teeny Tiny Tuna Tartare Taco. Move onto Littleneck Clams on the Half Shell, then sample one of the salads, such as the White & Green Asparagus Salad.

With 40 flavors to choose from, What’s the Scoop? leaves every sweet tooth satisfied. They serve delicious hard scoop old fashioned ice cream from their original downtown Buffalo and new St. Michael shops. With allergen-friendly and gluten-free options, What’s the Scoop? has something to make sure every member of your family can enjoy high quality ice cream at a fair price.

Auntie M’s is serving up gluten-free treats right from their wheels. The food truck is Celiac owned and operated, and the first and only Gluten-Free Food Service certified food truck in the country. Auntie M’s serves gluten-free fair food — corn dogs, cheese curds, onion rings, and funnel cakes. The food truck can be found around Minnesota at breweries, farms, and events. Those craving gluten-free treats can check out Auntie M’s website for their upcoming locations.

Salut Bar Americain Multiple Locations salutbaramericain.com

Honey & Mackie’s 16725 County Rd 24 #106 Plymouth • 763-225-6682 honeyandmackies.shopsettings.com

Olivia’s Organic Café 11849 Millpond Ave Burnsville • 952-346-8800 oliviasorganiccafe.com

Saint Genevieve 5003 Bryant Ave S Minneapolis • 612-353-4843 stgmpls.com

Bebe Zito Ice Cream 704 W 22nd St Minneapolis bebezitomn.com

Sift Gluten Free 4557 Bloomington Ave Minneapolis • 612-503-5300 siftglutenfree.com


Boca Chica Restaurante Mexicano & Cantina St. Paul • 651-222-8499 bocachicarestaurant.com Boca Chica Restaurante Mexicano & Cantina has served the flavorful, authentic cuisine of Mexico since 1964. It was then that Guillermo and Gloria Frias opened their restaurant that seated only 28 patrons. Today, Boca Chica seats 215 patrons. Happy hour is Monday through Friday from 2pm to 5pm, and guests can choose from specials on both appetizers and drinks. Chips and dips, nachos, and quesadilla deals align with the perfect rail drinks, house wine, or tap beer. Erté & The Peacock Lounge 323 13th Ave NE Minneapolis • 612-623-4211 ertedining.com Broken Clock Brewing 3134 California St NE #108 Minneapolis • 612-440-4570 brokenclockbrew.com STARTRIBUNE.COM





Uncle Franky’s Multiple Locations unclefrankys.com

Kumar’s 14871 Granada Ave Apple Valley • 612-314-5148 kumarmessmpls.com

Cossetta’s Italian Market & Pizzeria 211 7th St W St. Paul • 651-222-3476 cossettas.com

With the tastes of Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia, Uncle Franky’s serves up award-winning food featuring some of the country’s favorite flavors. Uncle Franky’s is located in Northeast Minneapolis in the middle of the Arts District, and in Blaine inside the Northtown Mall. Diners can order from the Damn Good Dogs menu which includes the Uncle Franky Dog, Coney Island Chili Dog, Chicago Dog, Wall Street Dog, and more.

Customers at Kumar’s love the authentic South Indian cuisine, which is served on a banana leaf. Experience the traditions of India’s mess halls and enjoy curries, rice, and more. With Kumar’s menu, people will often find names they cannot pronounce, and that is a good thing. They want to introduce guests to the original, unapologetically authentic Indian food from the rustic and earthy cuisine of the distant, sun-drenched, ocean-lapped peninsula.

When you come to Cossetta’s Italian Market & Pizzeria it is more than just the food, it is an Italian experience with homemade authentic Italian products and old world charm. Cossetta’s is known for its award-winning pizza, homemade sauces, handmade Italian sausages, and welcoming staff. Cossetta’s is a 110 year-old fourth-generation family-owned Italian Pizzeria & Eatery.

Peppers & Fries 3900 E Lake St Minneapolis • 612-353-6730 peppersandfries.com

Taste of India 5617 Wayzata Blvd St. Louis Park • 952-541-4865 tasteofindia-online.com

Giuseppe’s Italian Ristorante Multiple Locations giuseppesnewbrighton.com

The Wienery 414 Cedar Ave S Minneapolis • 612-333-5798 wienery.com

Himalayan Restaurant 2910 E Lake St Minneapolis • 612-332-0880 himalayanmomo.com

Bar La Grassa 800 Washington Ave N Minneapolis • 612-333-3837 barlagrassa.com




Sakura Restaurant & Bar 350 St. Peter St St. Paul • 651-224-0185 sakurastpaul.com

Matt’s Bar & Grill 3500 Cedar Ave Minneapolis • 612-722-7072 mattsbar.com

Mickey’s Diner 36 7th St W 651-222-5634 mickeysdiningcar.com

For over 30 years, Sakura Restaurant & Bar has been serving up traditional Japanese cuisine for all to enjoy. Whether it is a night out with a large group, celebrating a birthday, or just out for a casual date night, Sakura Restaurant & Bar has the sushi, entrées, and atmosphere to provide an authentic Japanese experience. Entrée options include sukiyaki, chicken katsu, beef teriyaki, and more.

Matt’s Bar & Grill, now a Minneapolis landmark, has been serving fresh burgers for 67 years. Shortly after opening, a customer asked for two hamburger patties with a slice of cheese in the middle. Upon biting into this new, molten hot burger, he exclaimed “Now that’s a Jucy Lucy!” and a legend was born. The burgers, cooked to order and never frozen, have been served to generations of families and newbies alike. Each Lucy is handmade with molten hot cheese.

Mickey’s Diner is a St. Paul landmark and national historical location that has served Minnesota for over 80 years. The eatery serves delicious breakfast all day, and many of their foods are made from their pre-war recipes. Mickey’s is open 24-hours a day. One of the first dining cars built in Art Deco style, it has appeared in numerous TV shows and movies — including Man V. Food, Unwrapped, The Mighty Ducks, and Jingle all the Way.

Kyatchi Multiple Locations kyatchi.com

Crooked Pint Ale House 501 Washington Ave S Minneapolis • 612-877-6900 crookedpint.com

The Nicollet Diner 1428 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis • 612-399-6258 thenicolletdiner.com

Kado no Mise 33 N 1st Ave Minneapolis • 612-338-1515 kadonomise.com

Peppers & Fries 3900 E Lake St Minneapolis • 612-353-6730 peppersandfries.com

Nightingale 2551 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis • 612-354-7060 nightingalempls.com






Cantilever Distillery + Hotel 2078 Spruce St Ranier • 218-540-1932 cantileverdistillery.com

Boca Chica Restaurante Mexicano & Cantina St. Paul • 651-222-8499 bocachicarestaurant.com

Bayside Tap & Steakhouse 1516 Old W Main St Red Wing • 651-388-1616 baysidetapandsteakhouse.com

Cantilever Distillery + Hotel brings back the history, passion, and excitement of a bygone era to offer amazing spirits that are hand-distilled using the finest Minnesota ingredients and water from the Canadian Shield. Cantilever Bourbon, local maple syrup aged in old Cantilever bourbon barrels, house made bitters, a crystal-clear block of ice and twist of orange produces their signature old fashioned cocktail.

The classic margarita at Boca Chica Restaurante is always a crowd favorite. But their menu is also constantly evolving, introducing new modern, infused varieties, too. Boca Chica has served the flavorful, authentic cuisine of Mexico since 1964. It was then that Guillermo and Gloria Frias opened the doors to their restaurant that seated 28 patrons. Today, Boca Chica seats 215 patrons.

Bayside Tap & Steakhouse offers a selection of over 50 different martini choices. From the traditional shaken-not-stirred, extra-dry dirty martini to the delicious salted caramel dessert favorite, Bayside has guests covered when it comes to martinis. Add a seat on the rooftop deck overlooking the Mississippi River, along with their popular 16oz ribeye steak and jumbo shrimp dinner, and it all adds up to a wonderful dining experience.

Lindey’s Prime Steak House 3600 Snelling Ave N Arden Hills • 651-633-9813 theplaceforsteak.com

Tinto Kitchen 4959 Penn Ave S Minneapolis • 612-354-2130 tintokitchen.com

Du Nord Craft Spirits 2610 E 32nd St Minneapolis • 612-799-9166 dunordcraftspirits.com

Du Nord Craft Spirits 2610 E 32nd St Minneapolis • 612-799-9166 dunordcraftspirits.com

El Burrito Mercado 175 Cesar Chavez St St. Paul • 651-227-2192 elburritostp.com

Monte Carlo 219 3rd Ave N Minneapolis • 612-333-5900 montecarlomn.com




Med Box Grill 600 Market St #160 Chanhassen • 612-842-1350 medboxgrill.com

Maya Cuisine Multiple Locations mayacuisinemn.com

Whitey’s Old Town Saloon Multiple Locations whiteyssaloon.com

Med Box Grill prepares dishes from scratch using their ancestors’ old recipes. They use quality ingredients and enjoy bringing Mediterranean flavors to Minnesotans with a Turkish twist. Med Box Grill started as a food truck in 2017 with two owners, Semih and Tuncay. They opened their first brick and mortar location in 2020. Semih comes from a family of bakers and entrepreneurs. His family has been in the baking business in his hometown of Ankara, Turkey since 1948.

First opening in Northeast Minneapolis in 2012, Maya Cuisine now operates at three different locations in the Twin Cities. Fresh tortillas made daily are the secret to their delicious burritos, tacos, quesadillas, and more. Diners can choose from a variety of protein options, as well as veggie dishes. Fresh juices are the perfect compliment to a meal at Maya Cuisine.

Whitey’s Old Town Saloon has operated in Northeast Minneapolis for more than 25 years. Diners can enjoy live music along with delicious food, craft drinks, and local beer. Open until midnight, Whitey’s is perfect for late nights. Or stop by on the weekends for some breakfast.

Beirut Restaurant 1385 S Robert St West St Paul • 651-457-4886 beirutrestaurantanddeli.com

Boca Chica Restaurante Mexicano & Cantina St. Paul • 651-222-8499 bocachicarestaurant.com

Tailgate Sports Cafe 6050 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis • 612-861-5600 tailgatesportscafe.com

Mediterranean Cruise Cafe 12500 Nicollet Ave Burnsville • 952-641-6223 medcruisecafe.com

El Burrito Mercado 175 Cesar Chavez St St. Paul • 651-227-2192 elburritostp.com

Monte Carlo 219 3rd Ave N Minneapolis • 612-333-5900 montecarlomn.com






Maya Cuisine Multiple Locations mayacuisinemn.com

The Hen & The Hog 5262 Kyler Ave NE #111 Albertville • 763-276-1744 thehenandthehog.com

Birch’s on the Lake Brewhouse & Supperclub Long Lake • 952-473-7373 birchsonthelake.com

First opening in Northeast Minneapolis in 2012, Maya Cuisine now operates at three different locations in the Twin Cities, including their Downtown Minneapolis restaurant. Fresh tortillas made daily are the secret to their delicious burritos, tacos, quesadillas, and more. Diners can choose from a variety of protein options, as well as veggie dishes. Fresh juices are the perfect compliment to a meal at Maya Cuisine.

The Hen & The Hog prepares scratch made, elevated comfort food paired with top-notch service in an inviting atmosphere. The restaurant is owned and operated by four industry veterans who saw a need in their hometown community for a family-friendly, upscale casual restaurant. Since opening in 2019, The Hen & The Hog has thrived with community support.

Birch’s on the Lake Brewhouse & Supperclub is the perfect place to soak in that wonderful lake view. Diners can enjoy delicious food out on Long Lake. The menu and atmosphere at Birch’s on the Lake is perfect for any customer. Dress up or dress down, and enjoy delicious, locally sourced food for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Erté & The Peacock Lounge 323 13th Ave NE Minneapolis • 612-623-4211 ertedining.com

Gather Kitchen 200 Central Ave Buffalo • 763-267-7440 facebook.com/gatherkitchenmn

Lord Fletcher’s Old Lake Lodge 3746 Sunset Dr Spring Park • 952-471-8513 lordfletchers.com

Old Southern BBQ Multiple Locations oldsouthernbbq.com

Table for 7 414 Beltrami Ave NW Bemidji • 218-444-2586 table-for-7.square.site

Vann Restaurant 4016 Shoreline Dr Spring Park • 952-381-9042 vannrestaurant.com




The Original Pancake House Multiple Locations ophmn.com

Carlos Creek Winery 6693 County Rd 34 NW Alexandria • 320-846-5443 carloscreekwinery.com

Green Mill Restaurant & Bar Multiple Locations greenmill.com

Pancakes from The Original Pancake House are different. Batters are all carefully prepped and blended by hand, with only the finest ingredients, exactly as they were always intended. The famous 49er Flapjacks are thin, huge, and chewy-gooey. Other pancake options include blueberry pancakes, pecan pancakes, banana pancakes, potato pancakes, Swedish pancakes, and more.

Carlos Creek Winery has over 190 acres of wild flower fields, vineyard, and landscaped visitor experiences. They are not just a winery, but a brewery and wood-fired pizza kitchen. They have multiple outdoor patios along with their outdoor bar, Jack’s Public House, serving both wine and beer. Carlos Creek strives to be Minnesota’s most memorable craft beverage experience while being good stewards of the earth and focusing on sustainability.

Green Mill Restaurant & Bar makes their pizza dough fresh every single day in-house and offers four different crust styles. They shred mozzarella cheese and cut up veggies fresh each day to ensure the highest quality. Because Green Mill recipes are so exclusive, all components of their pizza are unique including the dough, sauce, sausage, and more. The legendary Green Mill deep dish pizza is a must-try for all visitors.

Keys Cafe & Bakery Multiple Locations keyscafe.com

Alloy Brewing Company 2700 Coon Rapids Blvd NW Coon Rapids • 763-432-0939 alloybrewingcompany.com

Pizza Luce Multiple Locations pizzaluce.com

Hell’s Kitchen Minneapolis 80 S 9th St Minneapolis • 612-332-4700 hellskitcheninc.com

Boondox Bar & Grille 9100 Park Ave NE Otsego • 763-367-6790 boondoxbarandgrille.com

Pizzeria Lola 5557 Xerxes Ave S Minneapolis • 612-424-8338 pizzerialola.com






Lindey’s Prime Steak House 3600 Snelling Ave N Arden Hills • 651-633-9813 theplaceforsteak.com

George and the Dragon 813 W 50th St Minneapolis • 612-208-1047 ganddpub.com

Salad Girl saladgirl.com

When a power lunch is called for, there is no better place than Lindey’s Prime Steak House. The decor is casual and inviting with cedar walls and a large stone fireplace. Lindey’s also offers plenty of privacy, which is perfect when diners want to have a conversation. The menu makes for a power lunch, featuring steak and chicken sandwiches, build your own options and others.

George and the Dragon is modeled after an English pub. Back in the day, the pub was more than a place to get a beer. It was also a gathering place for the community, a place for a traveler to get a room for the night, and of course the place to enjoy a delicious home cooked meal. George and the Dragon continues to grow, becoming a gathering place in the hearts of the people in the community.

Salad Girl crafts the finest and freshest cold blended organic salad dressings, marinades, and dips. Salad Girl’s organic dressings are on the refrigerated produce shelves of over 400 Midwest stores including Kowalski’s Market, Lunds & Byerlys, Hy-Vee, and more. Salad Girl has 11 unique varieties crafted with the finest, freshest organic ingredients. Dressings are organic, dairy-free, gluten-free, certified kosher, and non-GMO.

Gather Kitchen 200 Central Ave Buffalo • 763-267-7440 facebook.com/gatherkitchenmn

Merlins Rest Pub 3601 E Lake St Minneapolis • 612-216-2419 merlinsrest.com

Crisp & Green Multiple Locations crispandgreen.com

Hell’s Kitchen Minneapolis 80 S 9th St Minneapolis • 612-332-4700 hellskitcheninc.com

Crooked Pint Ale House 501 Washington Ave S Minneapolis • 612-877-6900 crookedpint.com

Ole Piper Inn 1416 93rd Ln NE Blaine • 763-780-7100 olepiperinn.com




Bad Rooster Food Truck 952-855-8282 badrooster.com

Kramarczuk Sausage Company 215 E Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-379-3018 kramarczuks.com

Smack Shack Multiple Locations smack-shack.com

All sandwiches at Bad Rooster Food Truck are massive, hand-breaded and hand-cut. They offer grilled options and gluten-free buns as well. Their signature sandwich, “The Mother Clucker,” is always a crowd pleaser. Chicken is hand-breaded, sauces made from scratch, and they pride themselves on making clucking good comfort food, served with love.

Imagine the smell of fresh baked bread, pastries, and smoked sausages. That is what guests find at Kramarczuk Sausage Company. Sausages are created with quality ingredients and traditional recipes. For 60 years Kramarczuk’s has represented the quality and taste of Eastern European foods in Minneapolis and beyond. Every sausage, every loaf of bread, and every piroshky is made by hand from scratch, with quality ingredients sourced locally whenever possible.

Founded in 2010 in a downtown Minneapolis parking lot, Smack Shack is a taste of the coasts. With fresh lobster that can rival any coastal city, Smack Shack currently serves three locations. They are also committed to sustainable seafood, so customers can feel good about their delicious meal, too.

Area 57 CoffeeCafe 125 Main St Wanamingo • 507-824-2969 area57coffeecafe.com

Von Hanson’s Meats Multiple Locations vonhansons.com

Northern Waters Smokehaus 394 Lake Ave S #106 Duluth • 218-724-7307 northernwaterssmokehaus.com

Russell’s Traveling Kitchen 952-406-0707 russellstravelingkitchen.com

Waldmann Brewery 445 Smith Ave St. Paul • 651-222-1857 waldmannbrewery.com

Coastal Seafoods Multiple Locations coastalseafoods.com






Afro Deli & Grill Multiple Locations afrodeli.com

Area 57 CoffeeCafe 125 Main St Wanamingo • 507-824-2969 area57coffeecafe.com

Soul Bowl 520 N 4th St #202 Minneapolis • 612-567-7044 soulbowlmn.com

Afro Deli offers a delicious African-Mediterranean-American fusion menu in a fun and friendly environment. The atmosphere at Afro Deli includes lively music and a variety of patrons who come together to create a community feel.

All of Area 57 smoothies are made with 100% real fruit and hand blended in a variety of refreshing flavors. Their signature smoothies have become a fan favorite since 2003, and will be sure to satisfy cravings anytime of the year. Area 57 CoffeeCafe is a family owned and operated business proudly serving Southeast Minnesota. Throughout their 18 years, they have created a welcoming gathering place for patrons, and have become a cornerstone for the community.

Soul Bowl is all about serving up soul food made-to-order. Sure, there are signature dishes like the chicken and waffles, but it is the build your own Soul Bowl that has folks lining up and staying in line. The customization of the traditional soul food genre is aromatically comforting. Choose a base, add vegetables, and do not forget a drizzle of sauce. Bowls are served with cornbread. Patrons can stay vegan with the mastermind vegan mac & cheese or grilled corn.

The Brothers Deli 50 S 6th St Minneapolis • 612-341-8007 thebrothersdeli.com

Jamba Multiple Locations jamba.com

Revival Multiple Locations revivalrestaurants.com

Andrea Pizza Multiple Locations andreapizza.com

Waffle Bar Desserts & Tea Multiple Locations wafflebarmn.com

Wendy’s House of Soul 1825 Glenwood Ave Minneapolis • 612-800-4535 youvebeensouled.com




Peppers & Fries 3900 E Lake St Minneapolis • 612-353-6730 peppersandfries.com

Brunson’s Pub 956 Payne Ave St. Paul • 651-447-2483 brunsonspub.com

J. Selby’s 169 N Victoria St St. Paul • 651-222-3263 jselbys.com

Scratch-made American favorites and time-tested family recipes are the secret behind the delicious burgers, burritos, hot dogs, and sandwiches at Peppers & Fries. Founded with a goal to be a neighborhood sports bar and grill connected to the community, they are one of the few family-friendly sports bars around. Peppers & Fries guests can also enjoy the big game on one of their 16 HDTVs.

Brunson’s Pub opened four years ago with the goal to serve the local neighborhood and community. They aim to pay homage to Payne Avenue and the people who make it a great place. Customers love to come and enjoy delicious food and drink along with great company.

J. Selby’s is an inclusive and welcoming space where everyone can enjoy plant-based meals that are familiar, sustainable, and ethical. J. Selby’s serves plant-based comfort foods, such as burgers and wraps made with meat and cheese substitutes, as well as vegetable-based dishes, such as stir-fries and salads. They also offer a large variety of delectable baked goods and soft serve, all of which are always dairy- and egg-free.

Darby’s Pub and Grill 315 5th Ave N Minneapolis • 612-746-5064 darbysmpls.com

Sweeney’s Saloon 96 N Dale St St. Paul • 651-221-9157 sweeneyssaloon.com

Boca Chica Restaurante Mexicano & Cantina St. Paul • 651-222-8499 bocachicarestaurant.com

Brit’s Pub 1110 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis • 612-332-3908 britspub.com

Mancini’s Char House 532 7th St W St. Paul • 651-224-7346 mancinis.com

Cossetta’s Italian Market & Pizzeria 211 7th St W St. Paul • 651-222-3476 cossettas.com






Lindey’s Prime Steak House 3600 Snelling Ave N Arden Hills • 651-633-9813 theplaceforsteak.com With its welcoming stone fireplace and inviting cedar paneling, it is easy to feel at home at Lindey’s Prime Steak House. Steak is what is for dinner or lunch at this “home.” It is what Lindey’s has been doing well, or medium rare, for more than 60 years. Get a mouth-watering steak cooked to order at Lindey’s and pair it with a side of mushrooms. Steaks are served family style with a unique side, the pickled watermelon rind. Dinners also are accompanied by salad and bread. Mancini’s Char House 533 7th St W St. Paul • 651-224-7347 mancinis.com Manny’s Steakhouse 826 S Marquette Ave Minneapolis • 612-339-9901 mannyssteakhouse.com


Anton’s Restaurant 2001 Frontage Rd N Waite Park • 320-253-3611 antonsrestaurant.com



If a casual atmosphere, tasty food, and reasonable prices are appealing, head to Anton’s Restaurant in Waite Park. Situated on the Sauk River, this restaurant with a view specializes in satisfying steaks, award-winning ribs, and giant buttery popovers. These light popovers go well with entrees such the herb-crusted Moonshine sirloin, which is served with a bourbon-horseradish sauce and caramelized onions over mashed potatoes. Mancini’s Char House 534 7th St W St. Paul • 651-224-7348 mancinis.com J.D. Hoyt’s Supper Club 301 N Washington Ave Minneapolis • 612-338-1560 jdhoyts.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM




Sakura Restaurant & Bar 350 St. Peter St St. Paul • 651-224-0185 sakurastpaul.com

Boca Chica Restaurante Mexicano & Cantina St. Paul • 651-222-8499 bocachicarestaurant.com

Alloy Brewing Company 2700 Coon Rapids Blvd NW Coon Rapids • 763-432-0939 alloybrewingcompany.com

For over 30 years, Sakura Restaurant & Bar has had a great presence in the Twin Cities offering sushi and other traditional Japanese dishes. From classic rolls like the Philadelphia roll to more adventurous options like the Dancing Eel roll, Sakura offers something for every palate, including non-sushi options. Dine-in, takeout, and curbside service is available.

Do not settle for tacos on Tuesday, have them any day of the week at Boca Chica Restaurante Mexicano & Cantina. Traditional tacos include a choice of shredded beef, chipotle seasoned chicken, marinated pork, shredded pork, grilled cactus onion, or spicy sausage. Specialty taco options also abound with the Crisp Taco, Soft Taco, Deep Fried Flour Taco, and more. Guests of Boca also have 13 different margaritas to complement any taco order.

At Alloy Brewing Company, they believe there is a beer for everyone. The taproom was designed with an industrial vibe, featuring garage doors that open to the large, dog-friendly patio on warmer days. Alloy has a full range of beers from cream ales to stouts and porters, and crowd favorites like the Laser Lips Kettle Sours and the Earthshake Milkshake IPA series. They also have craft hard soda, hard seltzer lines, and have started to dabble in frozen beer smoothies.

Wakame Sushi & Asian Bistro 3070 Excelsior Blvd Minneapolis • 612-886-2484 wakamebistro.com

El Camino Taco Deli Multiple Locations elcaminotacodeli.com

Number 12 Cider 614 N 5th St Minneapolis • 612-345-4488 number12cider.com

Kyoto Sushi Multiple Locations kyotosushimn.com

Tacos Tacos Tacos 107 E Superior St Duluth • 218-464-4944 taqueriamn.com

Utepils Brewing 225 Thomas Ave N Minneapolis • 612-249-7800 utepilsbrewing.com




Northeast Tea House 224 E Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-321-8215 northeastteahouse.com

Sawatdee Thai Cuisine Multiple Locations sawatdee.com

Blue Door Pub Multiple Locations thebdp.com

Northeast Tea House has created a beautiful and soothing environment to serve as a refuge from daily stress. In addition to being the only shop in the country to mill fresh matcha in-store, the tea house offers over 40 unusual and authentic Asian teas. These can be enjoyed gongfu style in the tea house, by the cup to go, or by loose leaf to prepare at home. Northeast Tea also offers a variety of mochi and delicious home-baked sweets.

Sawatdee opened its doors in 1983 as the pioneer Thai restaurant in the five-state area. Today, there are five locations open for dining. One look at Sawatdee’s menu is enough to make one’s mouth water. Popular menu items include pad thai, Supenn’s fresh spring rolls and wontons. Sawatdee makes fresh Thai dining easy, offering dine-in and take-out options with online ordering.

Blue Door Pub offers a heaping basket of tater tots which can be tossed in any of their wing sauces or rubs, but why stop there? Try one of the two offerings of Totchos. Choose the Nacho Totchos for tots served up with queso, lettuce, tomato, red onion, crema, and the option to add beef or chicken. Those feeling more daring will try the Hella Totchos featuring queso, mojo pulled pork, corn salsa, cilantro-lime sauce, cotija cheese, lettuce, and onion.

Treats Multiple Locations treatsmn.com

On’s Kitchen Thai Cuisine 1613 University Ave W St. Paul • 651-330-9664 onskitchen.com

Crooked Pint Ale House 501 Washington Ave S Minneapolis • 612-877-6900 crookedpint.com

TeaSource Multiple Locations 651-788-9971 teasource.com

Nong’s Thai Cuisine 2520 Hillsboro Ave N Golden Valley • 763-404-8190 nongsthaicuisine.com

Lucky’s 13 Pub Multiple Locations luckys13pub.com






J. Selby’s 169 N Victoria St St. Paul • 651-222-3263 jselbys.com

J. Selby’s 169 N Victoria St St. Paul • 651-222-3263 jselbys.com

Que Viet Village House 2211 Johnson St NE Minneapolis • 612-781-4744 quevietmn.com

J. Selby’s is a welcoming space where everyone can enjoy plant-based meals that are familiar, sustainable and ethical. J. Selby’s serves plant-based comfort foods, such as burgers and wraps made with meat and cheese substitutes. J. Shelby’s aims to build a sense of inclusivity with their foods, serving everyone who wants to make the choice to eat plants.

At J. Selby’s, they intentionally refer to their food as plant-based. J. Selby’s hopes to offer a dining experience that, although entirely plant-based, feels familiar. With those who are veg-curious in mind, J. Selby’s serves plant-based comfort foods, such as burgers and wraps made with meat and cheese substitutes.

Que Viet Village House has been a favorite spot for authentic Vietnamese food in Minneapolis since 1980. Although the restaurant is known far and wide for its enormous egg rolls on-a-stick at the Minneapolis State Fair, it proves its Vietnamese chops with other equally delicious dishes including chicken bean thread soup, garlic nuoc mam wings, and pho – get it with ribeye steak or vegetables. Vegetarians can try the tofu and potatoes.

Trio Plant-Based 610 W Lake St Minneapolis • 612-326-1326 trioplant-based.com

Trio Plant-Based 610 W Lake St Minneapolis • 612-326-1326 trioplant-based.com

Lotus Restaurant 113 W Grant St Minneapolis • 612-870-1218 lotusdtmsp.com

The Herbivorous Butcher 507 1st Ave NE Minneapolis • 612-208-0992 theherbivorousbutcher.com

The Herbivorous Butcher 507 1st Ave NE Minneapolis • 612-208-0992 theherbivorousbutcher.com

iPho by Saigon 704 University Ave W St. Paul • 651-225-8751 iphomn.com



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Utepils Brewing 225 Thomas Ave N Minneapolis • 612-249-7800 utepilsbrewing.com

Nordic Waffles nordicwaffles.com

Utepils Brewing’s 18,000 square foot site features great views on the banks of Bassett Creek, an iconic taproom, relaxing outdoor beer garden, and a full-scale craft brewery unlike any other in the area. They serve delicious, true to style beers made with Gleenwood Spring Water right on site. Customers enjoy beautiful views in the amazing year-round beer garden.

Nordic Waffles was founded in 2016 with a mission to revolutionize how Americans experience waffles. From their company-owned locations at Potluck Food Hall and the Minnesota State Fair, to foodservice partners and grocers’ freezers across the US, the #wafflelution movement is growing every day.

Bayside Tap & Steakhouse 1516 Old W Main St Red Wing • 651-388-1616 baysidetapandsteakhouse.com

The Buzz Coffee & Cafe Multiple Locations buzzcoffeeandcafe.com

Birch’s on the Lake Brewhouse & Supperclub Long Lake • 952-473-7373 birchsonthelake.com

Waffle Bar Desserts & Tea Multiple Locations wafflebarmn.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM


UnWined Up North 31 3rd St NE Grand Rapids • 218-999-9234 unwinedupnorthmn.com UnWined Up North is a small and quaint wine bar in Grand Rapids featuring Minnesota wines, tap beers and fresh house-made food. They work exclusively with Minnesota wineries to allow people to wine taste across the state from one location. They also offer a gluten-free and vegan menu.

Kings 46 Wine Bar 46 Birch Ave S Maple Lake • 320-401-1401 kings46winebar.com The Vine Room 756 Mainstreet Hopkins • 952-300-3534 vineroom.co


Carlos Creek Winery 6693 County Rd 34 NW Alexandria • 320-846-5443 carloscreekwinery.com Carlos Creek Winery is located at Bold North Cellars in the heart of the beautiful Alexandria lake country. It is also Minnesota’s first federally designated viticultural area. The owners of Carlos Creek Winery believe that wine should be welcoming, fun, and most importantly, really, really good. Wine flights are available every day, with many different options to choose from and a souvenir wine is glass included. Chankaska Creek Ranch, Winery, & Distillery Kasota • 507-931-0089 chankaskawines.com Fountain Hill Winery & Vineyard 731 County Rd 30 SE Delano fhwandvineyard.com STARTRIBUNE.COM


n o i t a c u Ed ADULT LEARNING



Cooks of Crocus Hill Multiple Locations cooksofcrocushill.com

Visitation School 2455 Visitation Dr Mendota Heights • 651-683-1700 visitation.net

Chatfield Elementary School 205 Union St NE Chatfield • 507-867-4521 chatfieldschools.com

Cooks of Crocus Hill offers fully immersive environments for cooking enthusiasts and eaters alike. For nearly 50 years, Cooks has been the Twin Cities go-to resource anyone looking to get their hands dirty in the kitchen. There are virtual classes, like a recent 90-minute online session about making jams and jellies, and participatory events such as a recent Night Out in the North Loop at Birria Taco.

Visitation School knows parents want the best for their young children. They want to start them off in a Catholic day care that is welcoming and rich in its learning experiences. The pre-kindergarten childcare prepares students not just for school, but for life. Developmentally appropriate activities are designed to nurture each child’s unique being. There are two gyms, a theater, an outdoor field, and an outdoor classroom all built for unstructured large-motor play.

Chatfield Elementary School has around 450 students in its K-6 program, who excel in the areas of academics, arts, and athletics. The school emphasizes an inclusive, welcoming environment for all students. The 50-acre campus also boasts plenty of beautiful green spaces.

Dakota County Technical College 1300 145th St E Rosemount • 651-423-8300 dctc.edu

Montessori Renaissance Academy 1333 5th Ave S Anoka • 763-323-0741 anokamontessori.org

Visitation School 2455 Visitation Dr Mendota Heights • 651-683-1700 visitation.net

Academy of Whole Learning 3500 Williston Rd Minnetonka • 952-737-6900 academyofwholelearning.org

Turtle Tales 1409 W Jefferson Ave St. Paul • 651-690-0341 turtletales.skallys.com

St. Alphonsus Catholic School 7031 Halifax Ave N Brooklyn Center • 763-561-5101 stalsmnschool.org




Minnesota State University Mankato mankato.mnsu.edu Minnesota State University, Mankato has a 153-year history of helping students pursue big ideas through real-world thinking. Their focus is on student support, welcoming diversity, and providing hands-on experiences. The campus offers all the amenities of a larger university while providing the support of a smaller school. With more than 130 undergraduate programs and 85 graduate areas of study, students will have what they need to be successful. Dakota County Technical College 1300 145th St E Rosemount • 651-423-8300 dctc.edu University of Minnesota Minneapolis • 612-625-5000 twin-cities.umn.edu


Saint Thomas Academy 949 Mendota Heights Rd Mendota Heights • 651-454-4570 cadets.com

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#MavFam for voting us the



The faculty and staff at Saint Thomas Academy help educate boys into men of character. The Academy tailors curricula and programs to the unique needs and cognitive and behavioral development of boys. The dedicated faculty members, 92% of whom have advanced degrees, have long tenure. Saint Thomas Academy also gives students ample opportunities to pursue a variety of interests outside the classroom. Holy Family Catholic 8101 Kochia Ln Victoria • 952-443-4659 hfchs.org Cretin-Derham Hall High School 550 S Albert St St. Paul • 651-690-2443 cretin-derhamhall.org STARTRIBUNE.COM

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Eagle Heights Spanish Immersion 13400 Staring Lake Pkwy Eden Prairie • 952-975-7700 edenpr.org

St. Alphonsus Catholic School 7031 Halifax Ave N Brooklyn Center • 763-561-5101 stalsmnschool.org

Minnesota Zoo 13000 Zoo Blvd Apple Valley • 952-431-9200 mnzoo.org

Knowing a second language and understanding another culture is a crucial skill in today’s global society. Starting in kindergarten, students at Eagle Heights Spanish Immersion School will receive both an education in an award-winning school district and the Spanish language skills they need to thrive.

St. Alphonsus Catholic School is a Christ-centered school where the Catholic faith is taught in the classroom every day. Faculty and staff are committed to honoring all with dignity and compassion, empowering leadership through service, and igniting the spiritual life of all students. They discover and value the strengths of all students and challenge them to achieve full potential as lifelong learners.

The Minnesota Zoo is the largest environmental education center in the state. From field trips to camps to STEM programming, the Minnesota Zoo offers a connection to nature and the greater world around us. Let the Zoo be your resource for curiosity. Minnesota Zoo is a year-round destination. With hundreds of species, conservation efforts, and acres of scenic beauty, the Zoo is connects people, animals, and the natural world.

Yinghua Academy 1616 Buchanan St NE Minneapolis • 612-788-9095 yinghuaacademy.org

Visitation School 2455 Visitation Dr Mendota Heights • 651-683-1700 visitation.net

Voyageur Outward Bound School Multiple Locations 218-491-6801 vobs.org

Casa de Corazón Multiple Locations casaearlylearning.com

Central Middle School 8025 School Rd Eden Prairie • 952-975-7300 edenpr.org

Dodge Nature Center Multiple Locations 651-455-4531 dodgenaturecenter.org


St. Alphonsus Catholic School 7031 Halifax Ave N Brooklyn Center • 763-561-5101 stalsmnschool.org Faithful Beginnings at St. Alphonsus Catholic School is one of the leading half and full day pre-school programs in Brooklyn Center. All of their classes are taught or overseen by the school’s director, who has a Minnesota teaching license. St. Alphonsus Catholic School’s program is licensed and accredited through NAEYC and they are also a 4-Star Parent Aware Program.

Blooming Willows Preschool 5731 Bloomington Ave Minneapolis Montessori Renaissance Academy 1333 5th Ave S Anoka • 763-323-0741 anokamontessori.org PAGE 46 | EDUCATION | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST





Saint Thomas Academy 949 Mendota Heights Rd Mendota Heights • 651-454-4570 cadets.com

Concordia Language Villages 800-222-4750 concordialanguagevillages.org

Prime Digital Academy 301 S 4th Ave #577 Minneapolis • 952-222-8108 primeacademy.io

The faculty and staff at Saint Thomas Academy help educate boys into men of character. The Academy tailors curricula and programs to the unique needs and cognitive and behavioral development of boys. The dedicated faculty members, 92% of whom have advanced degrees, have long tenure. Saint Thomas Academy also gives students ample opportunities to pursue a variety of interests outside the classroom.

Campers can feel like they are traveling to a whole new country at Concordia Language Villages — right down to a stamp on their passport. Campers of all language proficiencies are welcome. Phones and electronic devices are checked at the door, so campers can fully immerse themselves in the experience.

Prime Digital Academy aims to “humanize technology.” Students become problem-solvers with the proper tools to start an exciting career in the tech industry. Guest speakers, alumni programming, and more supplement what is learned in the classroom.

Visitation School 2455 Visitation Dr Mendota Heights • 651-683-1700 visitation.net

Stages Theatre Company 1111 Mainstreet Hopkins • 952-979-1111 stagestheatre.org

Dakota County Technical College 1300 145th St E Rosemount • 651-423-8300 dctc.edu

Mounds Park Academy 2051 Larpenteur Ave E St. Paul • 651-777-2555 moundsparkacademy.org

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Apple Valley • 952-432-6351 sotv.org

Slam Academy 1121 NE Jackson St #142 Minneapolis • 612-293-7526 slamacademy.com


Mathnasium of St. Paul 649 Snelling Ave S St. Paul • 651-698-6284 mathnasium.com Mathnasium of St. Paul helps students in grades second through senior year of high school learn math in an approachable way that works for them. No matter a student’s starting point, Mathnasium’s methods can help them achieve their goals and go further. The Mathnasium Method has been used for a decade at more than 1,000 centers in the U.S. and Canada.

Minnesota Reading Corps 2400 Park Ave Minneapolis • 612-206-3030 readingandmath.org Breakthrough Twin Cities 2051 Larpenteur Ave E St. Paul • 651-748-5504 breakthroughtwincities.org STARTRIBUNE.COM



stages theater co jun 22


t n e m n i a t r e t En



Grandma’s Marathon 351 Canal Park Dr Duluth • 218-727-0947 grandmasmarathon.com

Minnesota Orchestra 1111 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis • 612-371-5656 minnesotaorchestra.org

Basilica Block Party 88 N 17th St Minneapolis • 612-317-3428 basilicablockparty.org

A world-class event with small town charm, Grandma’s Marathon combines a fast, point-to-point race course and superior organization with outstanding community support to create a truly unique event. There were just 150 participants when it first started in 1977, but organizers knew they had discovered something special. Grandma’s Marathon weekend now draws more than 20,000 participants each June.

The Grammy Award-winning Minnesota Orchestra ranks among America’s top symphonic ensembles. Founded in 1903 and led since 2003 by Music Director Osmo Vänskä, it has a history of acclaimed performances around the world. In a typical season, the Orchestra presents about 175 programs, most at Orchestra Hall, its home in downtown Minneapolis. Built in 1974, and renovated in 2014, Orchestra Hall is known for its modern design and acoustical brilliance.

Basilica Block Party offers a unique festival experience on the grounds of a historic landmark. Located near the heart of Downtown Minneapolis, festival-goers enjoy spectacular views of the city skyline and Basilica, three different stages, and plenty of local food and beverage vendor options. Proceeds from the event fund the continued renovation of the Basilica and the St. Vincent de Paul outreach program to serve those most in need.

Canterbury Park 110 Canterbury Rd Shakopee • 952-445-7223 canterburypark.com

Ballet Co.Laboratory 276 E Lafayette Frontage Rd St. Paul • 651-313-5967 balletcolaboratory.org

The Hook and Ladder Theater & Lounge Minneapolis • 612-345-7166 thehookmpls.com

Brainerd International Raceway 5523 Birchdale RD Brainerd • 866-444-4455 birmn.com

Art-A-Whirl 1500 Jackson St NE #499 Minneapolis • 612-788-1679 nemaa.org/art-a-whirl

Gilette Children’s Specialty Healthcare Charity Golf Tournament North Oaks gillettechildrens.org






Stevie Ray’s Comedy Cabaret 501 W 78th St Chanhassen • 952-500-9230 stevierays.org

First Avenue 701 N 1st Ave Minneapolis • 612-338-8388 first-avenue.com

REM5 Virtual Reality Laboratory 4950 W 35th St St. Louis Park • 952-855-7592 rem5vr.com

Stevie Ray’s Comedy Cabaret has been a Twin Cities favorite for nearly 30 years. Stevie performed his first show at the age of nine and has been making people laugh ever since. Stevie Ray’s unique style of improv comedy includes jokes, sketches, and music so there is something for everyone in your party.

Locally-owned live music rooms are crucial to First Avenue and the community. First Avenue is one of the longest-running, independently owned and operated venues in the United States. The venue promotes artistic expression from diverse voices old and new. It offers artists a stage and a mic and fans a place to gather.

A corporate event at REM5 Virtual Reality Laboratory is unlike any other event. They mix beer, pizza, and fun with high-end VR to create an atmosphere that brings teams together in a whole new way. REM5 was created to bring premium virtual reality to consumers, businesses, and students. Every aspect of REM5 is built upon a passion for knocking down existing accessibility barriers and allowing everyone a chance to play, explore, learn, and create in VR.

Acme Comedy Co. 708 N 1st St Minneapolis • 612-338-6393 acmecomedycompany.com

Minnesota Music Cafe 501 Payne Ave St. Paul • 651-776-4699 minnesotamusiccafe.com

Chankaska Creek Ranch, Winery, & Distillery Kasota • 507-931-0089 chankaskawines.com

HUGE Improv Theater 3037 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis • 612-412-4843 hugetheater.com

The Parkway Theater 4814 Chicago Ave Minneapolis • 612-822-8080 theparkwaytheater.com

Chanhassen Dinner Theatres 501 W 78th St Chanhassen • 952-934-1547 chanhassendt.com



Gay 90’s 408 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-333-7755 gay90s.com

Stages Theatre Company 1111 Mainstreet Hopkins • 952-979-1111 stagestheatre.org

Home of La Femme, a well-known drag show, the Gay 90’s offers six themed bars, three dance floors and a full kitchen offering bar food. Open Wednesday through Sunday, the Gay 90’s is host to a variety of events including drag shows, karaoke, male dancers, foam parties and more. At the Gay 90’s, all are welcome.

Founded in 1984, Stages Theatre Company (STC) has grown to become the second-largest nonprofit theatre for young audiences in Minnesota. STC engages diverse youth from the community with themes relevant to their lives and involves them in creating inspiring works in a professional setting. Creating exceptional experiences for young people makes the STC experience unique.

The Saloon 830 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-332-0835 saloonmn.com

Chanhassen Dinner Theatres 501 W 78th St Chanhassen • 952-934-1525 chanhassendt.com

Black Hart of Saint Paul 1415 University Ave W St. Paul • 651-528-8028 blackhartstp.com

Guthrie Theater 818 S 2nd St MInneapolis • 612-225-6000 guthrietheater.org


Thank You for Voting Stages Theatre Company Minnesota’s Best Theatre Venue!

UP NEXT: NOV 19 thru DEC 27, 2021




Minnesota Wild 199 W Kellogg Blvd St. Paul • 651-265-4800 wild.com

The Parkway Theater 4814 Chicago Ave Minneapolis • 612-822-8080 theparkwaytheater.com

Entertaining Minnesotans and visitors alike since 2000 at the Xcel Energy Center, the Minnesota Wild remain a hot ticket in town. They play 82 regular-season games October through April. When not on the ice, the Wild participate in many community outreach programs including Wild About Education and Wild for a Day.

When someone goes to see a movie at The Parkway Theater, it is more of a movie party than a movie theater. The Parkway Theater plays classic movies from the 70s, 80s, and 90s, giving viewers a chance to re-experience their favorites on the big screen while also enjoying pre-movie events. Events include themed live music, trivia, costume contests, poetry slams, themed cocktails, and other great surprises.

Minnesota Twins 1 Twins Way Minneapolis • 612-338-9467 mntwins.com

Riverview Theater 3800 42nd Ave S Minneapolis • 612-729-7369 riverviewtheater.com

Minnesota Vikings 401 Chicago Ave Minneapolis • 612-777-8700 vikings.com

Heights Theater 3951 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights • 763-789-4992 heightstheater.com





Chanhassen Dinner Theatres 501 W 78th St Chanhassen • 952-934-1525 chanhassendt.com

22 Northmen Brewing Company 6693 County Rd 34 NW Alexandria • 320-846-5443 22northmen.com

Enjoy a dinner and entertainment at Chanhassen Dinner Theatres. They have a wide variety of shows and performances. Their talented artistic directors, musicians, actors, chefs, and waitstaff are motivated to help guests make lasting memories and celebrate their most special moments. No matter what is being celebrated, guests can count on the team at Chanhassen Dinner Theatre to be truly unique and entertaining.

22 Northmen Brewing Company is a lager-centric, Viking-inspired craft brewery located in the heart of Minnesota Lake Country. Known for their clean, flavorful craft lagers, adventurous ales and original blends, 22 Northmen Brewing Company offers something for everyone to sip on. To round-out the experience, three patios, an outdoor bar, wood fired pizza and an on-site food truck are available for visitors to enjoy.

Stages Theatre Company 1111 Mainstreet Hopkins • 952-979-1111 stagestheatre.org

Ineffable Brewing Company 1905 County Rd 42 W #100 Burnsville • 952-500-9348 ineffablebrewing.com

Northern Starz Children’s Theatre Company Ramsey • 612-326-6158 northernstarz.org

Trivia Mafia Multiple Locations triviamafia.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM


s s e n & l l h e t l W a e


Sponsored by



Allergy and Asthma Center of Minnesota Multiple Locations allergymn.com

Sacred Vibes Healing 4930 W 35th St St. Louis Park • 320-310-9706 sacredvibehealing.com

Monarch Healthcare Management Multiple Locations 507-625-8741 monarchmn.com

Patients struggling with allergies should look no further than the the Allergy and Asthma Center of Minnesota. The team is dedicated to identifying and treating a range of conditions, including environmental allergies, asthma, food allergies, contact dermatitis, drug allergies and more.

Sacred Vibes Healing aims to help people become engaged in treatment and develop a better understanding and connection with their bodies. Each treatment provided is individualized to what the body needs and best resonates with. This holistic mindset is what sets treatments at Sacred Vibes Healing apart from the standard Western Medicine approach. Services are offered in a safe and soothing one-on-one setting.

Monarch Healthcare Management was created to change the way healthcare is delivered to an aging population. Starting in Mankato in 2015, Monarch Healthcare Management has grown to over 40 locations throughout Minnesota, keeping the same commitment to quality for all their residents. Monarch Healthcare Management is a Minnesota based provider offering residents a unique experience with outstanding customer service.

Allergy & Asthma Specialists, P.A. Multiple Locations allergy-asthma-docs.com

Freedom Farm Therapeutic Riding Center Waverly • 952-955-2505 freedomfarmmn.org

Oak Meadows Senior Living 8131 4th St N Oakdale • 651-578-0676 oak-meadows.org

St. Paul Allergy & Asthma Multiple Locations 651-698-0386 stpaulallergy.com

AcuHaus Acupuncture Medspa 1611 Wayzata Blvd W Long Lake • 952-222-8158 acuhaus.com

Mount Olivet Rolling Acres Multiple Locations 952-474-5974 mtolivetrollingacres.org




prairiedental.com | 952.903.5000 6608 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie


Mayo Clinic Multiple Locations mayoclinic.org

Chiro For Moms 600 Twelve Oaks Center Dr #640 Wayzata • 952-378-1085 chiroformoms.com

At Mayo Clinic, patients will find one of the best, most collaborative, and innovative cancer teams in the world. They will stand by their patients’ sides, take time to get the diagnosis right, and ensure patients get the care they need. Mayo Clinic cancer experts are trained and experienced in using the latest and most effective cancer treatments.

Chiro For Moms treats all women and children, not just moms. They are a nurturing clinic that has play spaces for kids so women can enjoy their appointment. Treatments start with warm stones, then muscle work with each adjustment to allow patients to relax.

Minnesota Oncology Multiple Locations mnoncology.com

West End Chiropractic & Wellness 1660 Hwy 100 S #146 St. Louis Park • 952-500-8477 westendchiromn.com

Virginia Piper Cancer Institute 800 E 28th St Minneapolis • 612-863-0200 allinahealth.org

ChiroFit Health & Wellness 7118 Shady Oak Rd Eden Prairie • 952-943-2404 chirofithealth.com


VOTED MINNESOTA’S BEST IN THREE CATEGORIES! Thank you for honoring Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital! We are humbled and grateful to our wonderful community for your support this year, and every year. Thank you for trusting EBCH with your care—and your family’s health. 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST GOLD AWARDS FOR: • BEST HOSPITAL • BEST MEDICAL PRACTICE • BEST PHYSICAL THERAPY


Prairie Dental Group 6608 Flying Cloud Dr Eden Prairie • 952-903-5000 prairiedental.com Prairie Dental Group is committed to taking care of patients and their family’s smiles for years to come. This includes cosmetic dentistry needs such as Invisalign, veneers, and teeth whitening services. The staff strives to put patients at ease by providing them with personalized care and a positive experience. It all starts with scheduling, as Prairie Dental is open early and late so patients’ oral health will not have to take a back seat to other time commitments. The Gorman Center for Fine Dentistry 700 Village Center Dr #100 North Oaks • 651-483-5134 drstevegorman.com Linden Hills Dentistry 4289 Sheridan Ave S Minneapolis • 612-922-6164 lindenhillsdentistry.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM


Edina Plastic Surgery 6525 France Ave S #300 Edina • 612-688-3177 edinaplasticsurgery.com Edina Plastic Surgery transforms lives by giving their patients newfound confidence. They have a team of nearly 50 employees to care for patients, with an on-site surgery center and med spa. They take an all-inclusive approach with facelift surgeries, bundling in skincare products, hybrid fractional laser treatments and broad band light therapy.

Renew Facial Plastic Surgery 7300 France Ave S #410 Edina • 952-227-3639 renewfacialplasticsurgery.com Gryskiewicz Twin Cities Cosmetic Surgery Multiple Locations tcplasticsurgery.com


Park Dental Multiple Locations parkdental.com Park Dental is the largest dental provider in the state of Minnesota with 52 practices in the Twin Cities, greater Minnesota, and western Wisconsin. They strive to offer patients of all ages the convenience, personalized care, and technology for a superior dental experience. The many convenient locations, flexible hours, and online scheduling make it easier for patients to get the care they need. Prairie Dental Group 6608 Flying Cloud Dr Eden Prairie • 952-903-5000 prairiedental.com West Lake Dental Center 3033 Excelsior Blvd #310 Minneapolis • 612-926-9000 westlakedentalmn.com STARTRIBUNE.COM



North Metro Dermatology 400 Village Center Dr #200 North Oaks • 651-789-9800 northmetroderm.com



Thank you for voting us Best


Using the best technologies, North Metro Dermatology tailors treatment plans for patients to improve skin health and appearance. With a welcoming and knowledgeable support staff, North Metro looks forward to doing what they do best — putting the patient first. They provide treatments for conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails. Doctors evaluate and treat a variety of conditions including acne, vitiligo, melasma and others. Crutchfield Dermatology 1185 Town Centre Dr #101 Eagan • 651-304-6756 cosmeticdermatologistseagan.com Tareen Dermatology Multiple Locations 651-633-6883 tareendermatology.com


Mohiba Tareen, MD Tareen Dermatology 651-633-6883 tareendermatology.com Tareen Dermatology opened in 2011 with a small 1,500 square foot office and two employees. This female-owned business, owned by Dr. Mohiba Tareen, now has three locations and 80 employees at its new 20,000 square foot flagship office in Roseville. Additionally, the office in Faribault will have a new, state-of-the-art cosmetic suite opening this summer.

Ahsan M. Bhatti, MD, FACP Bhatti Gastroenterology Consultants Multiple Locations bhattigi.com



Brian Idelkope, MD Fairview Health Services Edina • 855-324-7843 fairview.org VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM



nurturing a community of confident, healthy women

clinicsofia.com Huxley Optical Multiple Locations huxleyeyewear.com

North Suburban Eye Specialists Multiple Locations 763-421-7420 nseyespecialists.com

Huxley Optical takes pride in offering the best client care for all optical needs in the Twin Cities. Their tight-knit staff of six people serve three convenient locations and always put patients and their family’s eye care needs above all else. Huxley Optical develops exclusive products in house, from custom wide-view progressive lenses to specialty tinted lenses.

North Suburban Eye Specialists is a physician-owned practice that has built a reputation upon exceptional patient care for the last 30 years. They believe that great medical care depends not only on using the best technology, but also on building strong patient relationships. North Suburban Eye Specialists takes the time to educate patients about their care and procedures and look after them as if they were their own family members.

North Suburban Eye Specialists Multiple Locations 763-421-7420 nseyespecialists.com

Edina Eye Physicians & Surgeons Multiple Locations edinaeye.com

InVision Distinctive Eyewear 3340 Galleria Edina • 952-920-5458 invision-optical.com

Minnesota Eye Consultants Multiple Locations 800-393-8639 mneye.com


Jewelia Wagner MD Amy Hammers MD Erin Stevens MD David Clay MD Pam Jordi MD Staci Biegner MD Jennifer Knapp WHCNP Sarah Brock PA-C

Clinic Sofia EDINA

Clinic Sofia MAPLE GROVE

6545 France Avenue South 15679 Grove Circle North Edina, MN 55435 Maple Grove, MN 55369 P//



Babies come from better science, better doctors and higher success rates. Congratulations to CCRM’s Dr. April Batcheller, fertility expert!

Clinic Sofia OBGYN Multiple Locations 952-922-7600 clinicsofia.com Clinic Sofia has created a nurturing and welcoming environment that caters to the distinct needs of women. The team offers a variety of fertility treatments to help patients on their path to parenthood. From testing to treatment options, Clinic Sophia works with couples or individuals struggling with infertility at any stage of their journey.

CCRM Fertility Minneapolis 6565 France Ave S #400 Edina • 952-225-1630 ccrmivf.com Midwest Center For Reproductive Health Maple Grove • 763-494-7700 mcrh.com STARTRIBUNE.COM

Dr. April Batcheller founded CCRM Minneapolis with Dr. William Schoolcraft in 2015. She is board-certified in both reproductive endocrinology and infertility and obstetrics and gynecology. CCRM Fertility Minneapolis offers its patients best-in-class patient care, a full suite of fertility services, innovative technology, and cutting-edge labs. CCRM’s proprietary approach has resulted in patient outcomes that far exceed the industry average for live births. Learn more or schedule your consultation today at www.ccrmivf.com/minneapolis.

Dr. April Batcheller 6565 France Ave. South Suite 400 Edina, MN 55435 P: (952) 225-1630


LOCAL GI EXPERTS - Hepatitis C Treatment - Crohn's Disease - Colonoscopy - Endoscopic Ultrasound - Liver Disease - Bariatric Surgery Su

COMING 2022 New Edina Surgery Center / Clinic


MNGI Digestive Health Multiple Locations 612-871-1145 mngi.com MNGI Digestive Health is a nationally recognized leader in gastroenterology diagnosis and care. The Twin Cities-based physician practice specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of adult and pediatric digestive system disorders. The gastroenterologists have expertise in all aspects of gastrointestinal care. Today, MNGI Digestive Health is one of the largest and most respected independent specialty practices in the United States. Bhatti Gastroenterology Consultants Multiple Locations 952-368-3800 bhattigi.com M Health Fairview Multiple Locations 855-324-7843 mhealthfairview.org


Thank you for voting us Best Gastroenterologist & Doctor

Hearing of America provides comprehensive hearing evaluation, tinnitus assessment, and treatment solutions tailored to each patient’s specific needs. Patients not only enjoy better hearing with the most current technologies, but also experience exceptional care at a nationally recognized AudigyCertifiedTM practice. The elite service is provided by Dr. Jerry Zhou, who has a PhD in Hearing Science and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering.

VISIT A LOCATION NEAR YOU CHASKA CLINIC 1457 White Oak Dr., Chaska EDINA CLINIC 6600 France Ave S. STE 660, Edina SHAKOPEE CLINIC 1515 St. Francis Ave #250, Shakopee BHATTI WEIGHT LOSS & SCULPT 1463 White Oak Dr., Chaska

Bhatti Surgery Center 1447 White Oak Dr., Chaska

Hearing of America 1075 Hadley Ave N #107 Oakdale • 651-393-6640 hearingofamerica.com

America’s Best Hearing Multiple Locations americasbesthearing.com

Schedule an appointment:



Amy Swain Hearing Centers 2150 2nd St SW #130 Rochester • 507-322-4241 amyswainhearingcenters.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM


THANK YOU FOR VOTING US BEST Our Lady of Peace 2076 St. Anthony Ave St. Paul • 651-789-5030 ourladyofpeacemn.org Our Lady of Peace was first opened in 1941 to care for terminal cancer patients without the means for treatment. Today, they serve any adult patient regardless of income or religion. The staff provides care both at the 21-bed residential home or wherever the patient calls home.

AccentCare Fairview Multiple Locations accentcare.com

Recovery/Treatment Center

Healthpartners Hospice and Palliative Care Minneapolis • 952-883-6877 healthpartners.com



952.546.5657 | QuitWithBreathe.com

The faster, easier, more effective way to quit smoking, vaping, chew or nicotine gum addictions

Watch Me.

Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital Ely • 218-365-3271 ebch.org Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital has provided quality care to patients for over 60 years. They pride themselves on their patient-centered care. Located in a small town, the team is quite literally taking care of their neighbors, friends, and family, and they do not take that responsibility lightly. The community hospital’s specialty provider-based clinic offers a multitude of services for all patients without having to travel long distances. Mayo Clinic Multiple Locations mayoclinic.org Pipestone County Medical Center & Family Clinic Avera Pipestone • 507-825-5811 pipestonehealth.org STARTRIBUNE.COM

Thank you for voting us

Best Orthopedic Surgeon Trusted Leaders in:

Orthopedics / Scoliosis / Injury Care / Clubfoot / Cerebral Palsy 215 Radio Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125 Make an appoinment: (612) 596-6105




Nice Healthcare 763-412-1993 nice.healthcare Nice Healthcare is a direct primary care clinic that offers same-day in-home visits to patients with 550+ medications, 35 labs, virtual physical therapy, and imaging services available for no additional cost. Nice Healthcare is creating the future of primary care. With Nice, patients do not have to leave the house when they are feeling sick or leave work to take their children to a doctor. Home Instead Multiple Locations 888-850-6056 homeinstead.com/minnesota CareAparent 2042 Wooddale Dr #200 Woodbury • 651-702-4663 careaparent.com


Skin Artisans at Edina Plastic Surgery Edina • 952-234-8414 skinartisans.com

Voted Silver Best In-Home Care

Skin Artisans at Edina Plastic Surgery is the preeminent clinic for providing complete aesthetic care. Their licensed professional providers receive ongoing, advanced training and are part of Edina Plastic Surgery, with 4 Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons who practice and collaborate with their team onsite. The innovative doctors and leaders at Edina Plastic Surgery launched Skin Artisans back in 1991, before medspas were popular. The Refinery Skin Clinic 13903 Aldrich Ave S Burnsville • 952-479-0603 therefineryskinclinic.com Rejuvenation by Minnesota Women’s Care 651-600-3035 rejuvenation.mnwcare.com



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    




Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital Ely • 218-365-8793 ebch.org

Handi Medical Supply 2505 University Ave W St. Paul • 651-644-9770 handimedical.com

Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital is pleased to bring specialty care to rural Northeastern Minnesota. The hospital was founded over 60 years ago and has continually offered local healthcare to the communities they serve. The community hospital’s specialty provider-based clinic offers a multitude of services for all patients without having to travel long distances. This includes general surgery, orthopaedics, urology, podiatry, and more.

Handi Medical Supply is a family-owned home medical equipment and supply provider that has become a trusted resource in the community. Founded in 1988, the company prides itself in being a compassionate and dependable provider of medical supplies and equipment. Today, they have two locations and 120 team members to continue that mission.

Nice Healthcare 763-412-1993 nice.healthcare

Corner Home Medical Multiple Locations 763-535-5335 cornerhm.com

Neighborhood HealthSource Multiple Locations 612-588-9411 neighborhoodhealthsource.org

Liberty Oxygen and Medical Equipment Multiple Locations libertyoxygen.com

Thank You For Voting Us Minnesota’s BEST Medical Supply! 12 Retail Locations Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm 763-535-5335






Oak Meadows Senior Living 8131 4th St N Oakdale • 651-578-0676 oak-meadows.org

Minnesota Urology Multiple Locations mnurology.com

Oak Meadows Senior Living is a not-for-profit senior living community located in beautiful Oakdale. From a stunning campus to a dedicated staff, they are committed to providing excellent care, engaging activities, and a strong sense of community. Oak Meadows partners with Ebenezer, a licensed home health care agency that provides 24/7 home health care services. Like Oak Meadows, Ebenezer believes in senior community as a key element of overall health.

As the largest independent urology practice in the Upper Midwest, Minnesota Urology offers top-of-the-line care to both men and women. With 52 physicians and advanced practice providers, the practice is able to provide individualized care for a range of complex urological conditions. Minnesota Urology is also leading the way with the most innovative technologies and therapies in the field.

Emerald Crest Memory Care Multiple Locations 952-908-2215 emeraldcrest.com

M Health Fairview Multiple Locations 855-324-7844 mhealthfairview.org

New Perspective Senior Living Multiple Locations 866-986-0215 npseniorliving.com

Mayo Clinic Men’s Health Center Multiple Locations mayoclinic.org


Thanks for voting

best gastroenterologist.

MNGI as BHSI Multiple Locations bhsiclinics.com When people visit a Behavioral Health Services (BHSI) clinic they can expect compassionate and individualized attention from highly qualified professionals. BHSI’s psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, physician assistants, and advance practice nurses are committed to offering high quality outpatient mental health care. Depending on what is needed, BHSI provides psychotherapy, family therapy, parenting consultation, and more. Ellie Family Services 1150 Montreal Ave #107 St. Paul • 651-313-8080 elliefamilyservices.com Peak Behavioral Health 2864 Middle St #100 Little Canada • 651-493-2055 peakbehavioralhealthmn.com STARTRIBUNE.COM

Dentistry for Children & Adolescents Creating Healthy Teeth & Happy Smiles Since 1968!


MNGI is proud to be named Minnesota’s Best. Reach out to us for award-winning digestive care and colon cancer screening.

612-871-1145 or mngi.com

Thank you for voting us

BEST PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY We welcome patients from infancy through the age of 18 in Burnsville, Edina, and Minnetonka! 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST | HEALTH & WELLNESS | PAGE 61


Monarch Healthcare Management Multiple Locations 507-625-8741 monarchmn.com Monarch Healthcare Management is a Minnesota-based provider paving the way in how care is provided for the sick and aging adult population. Starting in Mankato in 2015, they have grown to over 40 locations throughout Minnesota, keeping the same commitment to all aspects of their resident’s care. Monarch Healthcare Management is “Where Care and Customer Service Come Together.” Galtier, a Villa Center 445 Galtier St St. Paul • 651-224-1848 galtiervhc.com Good Samaritan Society Multiple Locations good-sam.com


The Dental Specialists Multiple Locations thedentalspecialists.com

Skilled Nursing Locations 21 in Greater Minnesota/Wisconsin 11 in Twin Cities Metro Find a Location Near You!



The Dental Specialists offer patients advanced dental treatment in six different specialties: orthodontics, oral surgery, pediatric dentistry, endodontics, periodontics, and prosthodontics. No other specialty dental group offers the collaborative multi-specialty care under one roof and in multiple locations like The Dental Specialists. It is a combination of quality care and convenience that goes unmatched in the Twin Cities. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical Consultants 952-841-9676 omscmn.com Minnesota Dental Surgery & Implant Center Bloomington • 952-715-6262 mndentalsurgery.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM


The Dental Specialists Multiple Locations thedentalspecialists.com Patients at The Dental Specialists get the results they are looking for. The orthodontics team works with children, adolescents, and adults to bring them their best smile. State-of-the-art technology, such as Invisalign, is used to correct spacing, overbites or underbites, crooked teeth, and more. The Dental Specialists are sure to bring a friendly, personalized care to each and every patient. Family Orthodontics 5804 Excelsior Blvd St. Louis Park • 952-922-7117 familyorthomn.com Lakes Orthodontics 1668 Cope Ave E Maplewood • 651-777-7300 lakesorthodonticsmn.com


St. Cloud Orthopedics Multiple Locations 320-259-4100 stcloudorthopedics.com St. Cloud Orthopedics offers both surgical and non-surgical treatments for every bone and joint in the body. With 20 orthopedic specialists and a team of sports medicine doctors and physical therapists, St. Cloud Orthopedics is well-equipped to treat a range of conditions and ensure speedy recoveries.

Twin Cities Orthopedics Multiple Locations 952-512-5625 tcomn.com Shriners Children’s Twin Cities 215 Radio Dr Woodbury • 612-596-6105 shrinerstwincities.org STARTRIBUNE.COM







Twin Cities Pain Clinic Multiple Locations 952-209-7654 twincitiespainclinic.com

Dentistry for Children & Adolescents Multiple Locations childrensdent.com

South Lake Pediatrics Multiple Locations 952-401-8300 southlakepediatrics.com

With four clinics, a robust telemedicine program, and two outpatient surgery centers, the patients at Twin Cities Pain Clinic can expect streamlined access to treatment and unparalleled continuity of care. From conservative approaches like medication management and physical therapy to the most advanced implantable stimulators and pumps, their providers specialize in a wide range of therapy options to treat almost any patient suffering from a pain condition.

Dentistry for Children & Adolescents has been committed to providing children with the highest standard of pediatric dental care since 1968. Their professionally trained pediatric dentists, along with their team, do all they can to make all children’s dental experiences as pleasant as possible. Dentistry for Children believes that with good oral home care, routine dental visits, and preventive procedures, children can grow up cavity-free.

South Lake Pediatrics’ mission is to provide high-quality health care services to children and families in the western suburbs of Minneapolis. Their guiding philosophy is simple: to put themselves in patients’ shoes and to treat patients as they would like to be treated. South Lake Pediatrics revolves around busy families, offering same-day, evening, and weekend appointments and a centralized scheduling system to quickly find an appointment.

Nura Pain Clinics Multiple Locations 763-537-6000 nuraclinics.com

Prairie Dental Group 6608 Flying Cloud Dr Eden Prairie • 952-333-4148 prairiedental.com

Southdale Pediatric Associates Multiple Locations 952-278-7000 southdalepeds.com

iSpine Pain Physicians Multiple Locations ispinepainphysicians.com

The Dental Specialists Multiple Locations thedentalspecialists.com

Children’s Minnesota Multiple Locations childrensmn.org



Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital Ely • 218-365-8755 ebch.org

Health Foundations Birth Center + Women’s Health Clinic Multiple Locations health-foundations.com

The Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital Rehabilitation Department is a multidisciplinary team composed of both physical therapy and occupational therapy services. The licensed therapists offer quality care through state-of-the-art treatment techniques for patients of all ages. Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital has provided quality care to patients for over 60 years.

Expecting parents know they will be taken care of when they give birth at Health Foundations Birth Center + Women’s Health Clinic. The team will guide parents through every step of the process, including chiropractic care, acupuncture, prenatal yoga, nutritional counseling, childbirth education, and lactation support. Parents spend their Health Foundations visit in a luxurious, relaxing environment.

Revolution Performance Physical Therapy St. Louis Park • 952-373-1264 revolutionperformancept.com

Roots Community Birth Center 1901 44th Ave N Minneapolis • 612-338-2784 rootsbirthcenter.com

Odom Health & Wellness 10653 Wayzata Blvd #200 Minnetonka • 952-224-1919 odomhealthandwellness.com

Maple Grove Hospital 9875 Hospital Dr Maple Grove • 763-581-1000 northmemorial.com





Breathe - Freedom from Nicotine 13911 Ridgedale Dr #180 Minnetonka • 952-546-5657 quitwithbreathe.com

Edina Plastic Surgery 6525 France Ave S #300 Edina • 612-688-3177 edinaplasticsurgery.com

Breathe - Freedom from Nicotine has been helping people quit nicotine for more than 14 years, with more than 10,000 clients in Minnesota and western Wisconsin. With pain-free, drug-free techniques, most clients report cravings go away very quickly and they have few, if any, withdrawal symptoms.

Edina Plastic Surgery transforms lives by giving their patients newfound confidence. They have a team of nearly 50 employees to care for patients, with an on-site surgery center. Whether it is a protruding bump on the bridge or a prominent projection of the nasal tip, a rhinoplasty from a skilled surgeon at Edina Plastic Surgery can make all the difference for their patients.

Pride Institute 14400 Martin Dr Eden Prairie • 952-900-4325 pride-institute.com

Gryskiewicz Twin Cities Cosmetic Surgery Multiple Locations tcplasticsurgery.com

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation 15251 Pleasant Valley Rd Center City • 866-872-0537 hazeldenbettyford.org

Renew Facial Plastic Surgery 7300 France Ave S #410 Edina • 952-227-3639 renewfacialplasticsurgery.com


Minnetonka Pediatric Therapy Center Multiple Locations minnetonkatherapy.com Minnetonka Pediatric Therapy Center was founded in 2007 with the goal of being a place where top therapists work together to help children learn skills to live their best life. The Speech Department provides assessments and treatment for speech, language, and articulation disorders.

Twin Cities Speech Therapy 815-988-8475 twincitiesspeechtherapy.com Sora Pediatric Therapy Multiple Locations 763-755-4275 soratherapy.com PAGE 66 | HEALTH & WELLNESS | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST





Revolution Performance Physical Therapy St. Louis Park • 952-373-1264 revolutionperformancept.com

Twin Cities Surgery Center 7211 Ohms Ln Edina • 952-204-3500 twincitiessurgerycenter.com

Allina Health Multiple Locations 800-390-5864 allinahealth.org/urgentcare

Revolution Performance Physical Therapy is a unique facility that offers physical therapy, wellness, and performance-based programs to help people live pain free and return to the activities they enjoy. They offer one-hour one-on-one sessions with licensed physical therapists that have diverse educational backgrounds and experience working with people of all ages and abilities.

Twin Cities Surgery Center uses the most advanced technologies and techniques to provide patients with exceptional service and unparalleled continuity of care. The center is a 9,205 square foot, state-of-the-art, AAAHC-accredited outpatient surgery facility that opened in 2016. Twin Cities Surgery Center participates with most insurance plans and offers transportation services to and from procedure appointments.

From fixing fractures to fighting the flu, Allina Health is there for people seven days a week. Most Allina Health urgent care locations are open late, including weekends and most holidays, providing convenient and affordable walk-in care. The public can check wait times and hold spots in line until their arrival with On My Way. When patients cannot get to a location, virtual urgent care is also available to treat many medical conditions. No appointments are needed.

EastWest Acupuncture 675 Water St #3 Excelsior • 612-965-5227 eastwest-acu.com

M Health Fairview Multiple Locations 855-324-7845 mhealthfairview.org

M Health Fairview Multiple Locations 855-324-7846 mhealthfairview.org

St. Cloud Orthopedics 1901 Connecticut Ave S Sartell • 320-259-4100 stcloudorthopedics.com

St. Cloud Surgical Center 1526 Northway Dr St. Cloud • 800-349-7272 stcsurgicalcenter.com

Twin Cities Orthopedics Multiple Locations 952-512-5625 tcomn.com


Clinic Sofia OBGYN Multiple Locations 952-922-7600 clinicsofia.com Clinic Sophia OBGYN provides care for a range of women’s health issues. Patients who are looking to become pregnant can find options including lab work, medication, and intrauterine insemination. Clinic Sophia OBGYN also offers gynecology services to help address a wide variety of conditions. Patients and caregivers can work together to determine the best treatment.

Minnesota Women’s Care Multiple Locations 651-600-3035 mnwcare.com Health Foundations Birth Center + Women’s Health Clinic Multiple Locations health-foundations.com STARTRIBUNE.COM


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Mountain Duct Cleaning 1530 Valders Ave N Golden Valley • 612-219-9297 mountainductcleaning.com

Steve’s Appliances 2841 Hwy 10 NE Mounds View • 763-786-4700 steves-appliances.com

Engstrom Wood Products 13325 Commerce Blvd Rogers • 763-494-8855 engstromwoodproducts.com

Mountain Duct Cleaning adheres to the highest standard of cleaning procedures in the industry. Duct and dryer vent cleaning are not just some of the services they offer, it is all they do. Mountain Duct Cleaning has been providing high quality air duct cleaning and dryer vent cleaning services in Minnesota and Western Wisconsin since early 1998. They are a second-generation family-owned company and Nationally Certified Air System Cleaning Specialists.

Steve’s Appliances was founded in 1956 and remains a family-owned and -operated business, specializing in the service and sales of major appliances. Customers continue to choose Steve’s Appliances time and again for their guaranteed low prices, wide variety of brands, experienced professionals, and knowledgeable sales staff. Steve’s carries all of the major brands including Whirlpool, GE, KitchenAid, and more.

With over 50 years of experience, Engstrom Wood Products’ team of talented craftspeople and professionals has been providing solutions for residential contractors, designers, and commercial contractors alike. They listen carefully and ask the right questions to ensure they fully understand every project that comes through the doors. With a clear goal in mind, Engstrom then sets about creating exceptional cabinetry and countertop solutions that work for the client.

Gray Duct Technologies 6100 McColl Dr #124 Savage • 952-486-0079 grayducttechnologies.com

Warners’ Stellian Appliance Multiple Locations warnersstellian.com

Cabinetpak Kitchens 18601 76th Ave W #109 Edmonds • 206-635-7380 cabinetpaksea.com

Metro Duct Cleaners 7630 145th St W #112 Apple Valley • 651-252-4654 mnducts.com

PJ’S Appliance Outlet Multiple Locations pjsapplianceoutlet.com

Ultimate Woodworking 1725 191st St Holland • 507-215-4826 ultimateww.com





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American Rug Laundry Multiple Locations 612-721-3333 americanruglaundry.com

Abbott Paint & Carpet Multiple Locations abbottpaint.com

Through careful planning and investing, American Rug Laundry’s cleaning equipment is technologically advanced and environmentally sound. American Rug Laundry is proud to meet the needs of the widest possible array of customers, some of whom even remember accompanying grandparents who brought in rugs. Generations of rug owners know that cleaning, maintaining, and conserving rugs is one of the wisest ways to extend the life of their rugs.

Abbott Paint & Carpet was founded in 1945 by Howard (Mike) Abbott Jr., father to seven children, including the four proud sons who now run the day-to-day operations: Kevin, Steve, Tim and Dave. At Abbott Paint & Carpet, they strive to continually improve their products and services. They recognize and respect the partnerships they have with customers, suppliers, employees, and the communities in which they serve.

Ungerman 14000 21st Ave N Plymouth • 612-263-6017 ungerman.net

Hamernick’s Interior Solutions Multiple Locations hamernicks.com

Zerorez 5310 W 23rd St #100 St. Louis Park • 952-937-6739 zerorezminnesota.com

Rustads Design Center 619 6th Ave SW Pipestone • 507-562-3567 rustadsdesigncenter.com


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Ungerman 14000 21st Ave N Plymouth • 612-263-6017 ungerman.net Ungerman provides clients with high quality, dependable services. They carefully manage costs and timelines, whether for emergency cleanup services or general restoration services. They provide accurate estimates, clear communication, and complete their work efficiently with minimal disruption. Through this process, Ungerman builds a solid relationship between their staff, the customer, and the insurance company.

Save Money. Save The Planet. Start With Solar.

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Alison’s Cleaning 612-710-1429 alisonscleaning.com Two Bettys Green Cleaning Service 3258 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis • 612-720-8768 twobettysclean.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM



PHI Decks 3500 Vicksburg Ln N #302 Plymouth • 612-399-6744 phiminnesota.com

MN Dock & Lift 2915 133rd St W Shakopee • 952-303-1090 mndockandlift.com

As specialized deck builders, PHI Decks is constantly researching new techniques and products to bring their clients the most attractive, cost-efficient, and innovative projects possible. The PHI Team has installed tens of thousands of square feet of decking along with custom porches across the metro. PHI Decks aims to help customers create a space for loved ones to gather while creating added value to their home.

MN Dock & Lift offers products and services to meet all needs of lakeshore owners. To make lakeshore living effortless, MN Dock & Lift offers dock and lift spring installation and fall removal, storm recovery services, maintenance and transportation. Specializing in the South and West Metro areas, MN Dock & Lift services properties on numerous lakes including Prior, Cedar, Christmas and more.

dREamodel Inc. 508 Prior Ave N St. Paul • 651-493-1066 dreamodel.com

Vermilion Property Services 218-290-0966 vermilionps.com

UglyDeck.com 952-736-3308 uglydeck.com

Dock & Lift Service 4567 Morehouse Dr Pequot Lakes • 218-330-9293 dockandliftservice.com


Midwest Fence and Manufacturing Company South St. Paul • 651-451-2222 midwestfence.com

Sota Electric has over 15 years of experience in commercial, residential, and industrial electrical. With the expertise to handle all electrical needs, Sota Electric builds long-lasting relationships on honesty, integrity, and pride of workmanship. As an owner-operated business Sota Electric always delivers on promises made to customers. Customer service is a top priority and they set themselves apart by taking time to listen to customers and provide them with quality work.

Midwest Fence and Manufacturing Company has been a family-owned business since 1947. They build fences that stand the test of time, and do so at a fair price. They have a wide selection available to view at their showroom year round. Midwest Fence is a member of the American Fence Association and is licensed, bonded, and insured.

Twin City Heating and Air 763-757-4678 twincityheatingandair.com

Dakota Unlimited 15953 Biscayne Ave Rosemount • 651-423-3995 dakotaunlimited.com


Whatever your style, you’ll find everything from traditional to contemporary…and everything in-between.


Sota Electric 11670 Laramie Ln Belle Plaine • 952-233-7383 sotaelectric.com

Norske Electric Multiple Locations 952-443-4113 norskeelectric.com

Show off your home in the best possible light.

Town & Country Fence 8511 Xylon Ave N Brooklyn Park • 763-425-5050 tcfence.com

Trust the lighting experts! More than 100 lighting lines Ceiling fans • Lamps Outdoor lighting • Furniture Home accents • Gifts

lighting & home 7123 France Ave. S. • Edina, MN 55435 P (952) 926-5007 • F (952) 926-5013







Fireplace 911 1735 Sheridan Ave W St. Paul • 651-308-4200 fireplace911.net

Becker Furniture Multiple Locations beckerfurniture.com

Servicing the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin, Fireplace 911 is focused on offering fireplace services that result in the highest level of customer satisfaction. The team has over 20 years of expert experience in the fireplace industry repairing, servicing, and installing all major brands of gas fireplaces. Fireplace 911 specializes in gas fireplace diagnosis, repair, tune-up service, preventative maintenance, and the installation of preferred upgrades.

Becker Furniture has the best furniture selection and in stock inventory in Minnesota. They offer ‘Minnesota’s Guaranteed Lowest Prices’ on everything they sell plus free garage drop shipping within their local delivery zone. Becker Furniture has been Minnesota’s go-to furniture store for over 40 years. With seven great locations and one amazing outlet store, customers are sure to find what they are looking for at a great price.

Condor Fireplace & Stone 8282 Arthur St NE Spring Lake Park • 763-786-2341 condorfireplace.com

Frizzell Furniture Gallery Multiple Locations frizzellfurniture.com

Fireside Hearth & Home Multiple Locations fireside.com

Aesthetic Home 541 Selby Ave St. Paul • 651-330-1425 aesthetichomemn.com

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All Seasons Garage Door 14161 Basalt St NW Ramsey • 763-755-0210 allseasonsgaragedoor.com

Sailer’s Greenhouse Multiple Locations sailersgreenhouse.com

All Seasons Garage Door takes on the jobs others will not. No job is too big or too small. Their team is second to none and enjoys taking care of their customers. All Seasons is a family owned, third generation company that prides itself on quality work and going the extra mile for customers. They also pride themselves on giving back to the community in various ways, including their Open Door Grant. All Seasons services and installs both residential doors and commercial doors.

Each season, Sailer’s Greenhouse strives to bring elegant beauty to customers’ homes and gardens. One of their biggest draws is their large container planters that sell out quickly each spring. Sailer’s specializes in massive hanging baskets, containers, and other unique combinations. They also offer workshops each season to help their customers discover their own creativity with their hand-planted selection.

Reliable Garage Door Multiple Locations 612-808-0725 reliablegaragedoor.com

Gertens Garden Center & Nursery 5500 Blaine Ave E Inver Grove Heights • 651-450-1501 gertens.com

Twin City Garage Door Multiple Locations twincitygaragedoor.com

Bachman’s Floral, Gift & Garden Multiple Locations 866-222-4626 bachmans.com


SMC Construction 8465 Plaza Blvd NE Spring Lake Park • 763-300-5519 smcmn.com At SMC Construction, they take ownership of their projects, giving clients the confidence and security of a single point contact. They ensure that everything goes right, from start to finish. SMC has been providing construction services in the Twin Cities for over 10 years. They focus on roofing, siding, and windows for exterior jobs and kitchen and bathrooms for interior. Repeat customers trust and support SMC with their projects and projects of their friends and family. Ungerman 14000 21st Ave N Plymouth • 612-263-6017 ungerman.net MDS Remodeling 824 Lake St E Wayzata • 952-209-1582 mdsremodeling.com STARTRIBUNE.COM


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Hoffman Weber Construction 2155 Old Hwy 8 NW New Brighton • 763-280-7771 hwconstruction.com





Homeowners trust Hoffman Weber Construction with their projects, including gutter installation. Hoffman Weber Construction provides residential and commercial property owners with an unparalleled, positive remodeling experience. With 20 years of experience installing gutters, Hoffman Weber offers expert advice about proper downspout placement, downspout size, and gutter leaf protection products Sela Gutter Connection 3400 48th Ave N Brooklyn Center • 952-929-9128 selagutterconnection.com There are many reasons why greater Minneapolis homeowners choose Sela Gutter Connection when they’re ready to protect their greatest investment, but the main draw has to be that it’s a one-stop shop. Sela does it all. When a homeowner wants to protect a home from leaf build-up and debris, Sela Gutter Connection can help with the installation of LeafX gutter guards. If a homeowner is looking to upgrade a home’s exterior, Sela Gutter has durable siding options and professional installation available. If a home needs new windows and doors, count on Sela Gutters to find the right fit for every budget. Steve the Window Guy 150 W 88th St #205 Bloomington • 612-866-2888 stevethewindowguy.com



Frattallone’s Ace Hardware Multiple Locations frattallones.com Frattallone’s Ace Hardware has been serving the Twin Cities area since 1975. There are 22 stores to better serve customers. The stores are built upon individual service, practical advice, and great product selection. Each store has more than 35,000 different items in stock so customers can find what they need with each visit. Most Frattallone’s employees have years of experience, making them well qualified to assist customers with the right solutions. Welna Hardware 2438 Bloomington Ave Minneapolis • 612-729-3526 acehardware.com Settergren Ace Hardware 2813 W 43rd St Minneapolis • 612-920-2813 acehardware.com

Proud to be #1!


Heat & Air Company

Apollo Heating & Air Conditioning 1167 Viking Dr E Maplewood • 651-770-0603 callapollo.com Apollo Heating & Air Conditioning is proud to be known for its long-term relationships built on quality and trust. Their employees focus on excellent customer service and providing the best experience possible every day, on every job. Apollo has been a family-owned business since 1980. Apollo truly is dedicated to not only serving their customers but also their communities. They support local business associations, chambers, parades, school sporting events, and more.

651.770.0603 CallApollo.com 1167 Viking Dr E Maplewood PAGE 76 | HOME & GARDEN | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST

Twin City Heating and Air 763-757-4678 twincityheatingandair.com Aquarius Home Services Multiple Locations 888-890-6155 aquariushomeservices.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM




Rooms With Style 952-567-1124 roomswithstyle.com

We Design. We Supply. We Remodel.

Rooms With Style works a bit differently than some interior design firms. They are not tied to a certain product line, wholesaler or distributor and work with the client’s style and budget. From small one-room projects to large renovations, Rooms With Style can assist with room layout, selection of materials and furniture, and accessory shopping. They help homeowners achieve the home that brings them joy when they walk in the door. Talla Skogmo Interior Design 5100 Edina Industrial Blvd #200 Edina • 952-746-2007 tallaskogmo.com Martha O’Hara Interiors 9950 Wayzata Blvd St. Louis Park • 952-908-3150 oharainteriors.com


McDonough Landscaping 651-755-7901 mcdonoughlandscapingmn.com

VOTED BEST REMODELER Let Us Help You With Your Kitchen & Bath Design. Start Your Project Today. 612-823-0022 | info@satoreekb.com | satoreekb.com PAGE 78 | HOME & GARDEN | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST

McDonough Landscaping is a design-build landscape construction company serving the Twin Cities metro since 2003. They excel in a wide range of residential landscape projects from small front yard plantings to large outdoor living spaces. Their goal is to provide customers with sustainable and high quality landscape design and installation, while providing creative solutions and the highest level of customer service from quote to completion. Mickman Brothers 14630 Hwy 65 NE Ham Lake • 763-413-3000 mickman.com Gertens Garden Center & Nursery 5500 Blaine Ave E Inver Grove Heights • 651-450-1501 gertens.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM


Rainbow Treecare 952-922-3810 rainbowtreelawnpest.com Rainbow is locally owned and has served the Twin Cities metro since 1976. Rainbow Treecare is a nationally recognized team of tree health professionals handling every type of tree care issue including pruning, removal, emerald ash borer and consulting. They are committed to their clients and provide uncompromising quality in all they do.

McDonough Landscaping 651-755-7902 mcdonoughlandscapingmn.com Mickman Brothers 14631 Hwy 65 NE Ham Lake • 763-413-3001 mickman.com


Filament Lighting & Home 7123 France Ave S Edina • 952-926-5007 filamentlighting.com Filament Lighting & Home is dedicated to helping people discover the excitement and possibilities of fine lighting. Filament has been open since 1998, and currently has a showroom in Edina. They are also available for in-home consultations for Twin Cities metro homeowners. Their sales staff are all Certified Lighting Specialists, and are also ready to assist the do-it-yourself homeowner in bringing their vision to life. Creative Lighting 1728 Concordia Ave St. Paul • 651-240-4022 creative-lighting.com Southern Lights 12550 W Frontage Rd Burnsville • 952-686-6059 southernlightsinc.com STARTRIBUNE.COM




Becker Mattress Multiple Locations beckerfurnitureworld.com

Mosquito Shield 763-251-6000 moshield.com

Craving a better night’s sleep? At Becker Mattress, the certified sleep specialists can find anyone the perfect mattress with their state-of-the-art Mattress Match System. While laying on Becker’s exclusive high-tech bed, the Mattress Match System uses pressure mapping technology to find the best mattress suited for the preferred sleeping position and body composition of mattress shoppers.

Mosquito Shield is proud to offer the best mosquito control service on the market. They use their own proprietary blends and offer services that will transform a backyard into the peaceful place a family has always dreamed of. Technicians assess the property, and then use a three-pronged approach to kill mosquitos, cover your mosquito-attracting CO2 and keep them away from your property.

Original Mattress Factory Multiple Locations 866-841-1421 originalmattress.com

Rainbow Pest Experts 11571 K-Tel Dr Minnetonka • 952-252-0585 rainbowpestexperts.com

The Bedding Group 752 30th Ave SE Minneapolis • 800-899-5645 thebeddinggroup.com

Rove Pest Control Multiple Locations 651-321-5958 rovepestcontrol.com


Becker Furniture Multiple Locations beckerfurniture.com Becker has the best selection and in stock inventory in Minnesota. This includes great outdooring living options such as dining sets, dining tables, bar stools, sectionals and more. They offer ‘Minnesota’s Guaranteed Lowest Prices’ on everything they sell plus free garage drop shipping within their local delivery zone. A stop at Becker Furniture can help transform backyards into a true oasis.

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Gertens Garden Center & Nursery 5500 Blaine Ave E Inver Grove Heights • 651-450-1501 gertens.com Outdoor Excapes 2345 Daniels St Long Lake • 952-926-6899 outdoorexcapes.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM


Hirshfield’s Multiple Locations hirshfields.com It’s no contest, it is the fine folks behind the paint counter that make Hirshfield’s the best paint store in town. They really know paint. Hirshfield’s has the absolute best paint color selection anywhere — mixed in the finest paint brands like Benjamin Moore, Farrow & Ball, Magnolia Home and Hirshfield’s own paints, made right here in Minnesota. Customers get all the attention they deserve and friendly, knowledgeable advice for great results. Abbott Paint & Carpet Multiple Locations abbottpaint.com Sherwin-Williams Multiple Locations sherwin-williams.com


M. Carlson Painting 3496 Shoreline Dr Wayzata • 952-933-9968 mcarlsonpainting.com Since 2001, M. Carlson Painting has been helping take the stress out of remodeling. This family-owned business provides interior and exterior painting in residential, multi-housing, and commercial settings. They also do staining and glazing, as well as water and fire damage restoration. M. Carlson Painting has built their business almost solely from recommendations of enthusiastic and loyal clients. ProPainters 612-388-4549 propaintersmn.com Roell Painting Company 7301 Penn Ave S Minneapolis • 763-559-5296 roellpainting.com STARTRIBUNE.COM



Aquarius Home Services Multiple Locations 888-890-6155 aquariushomeservices.com Aquarius Home Services provides installation, maintenance programs, and emergency services to plumbing customers through the Twin Cities metro. Setting them apart is their take on pricing — instead of charging by the hour, they charge a flat fee by the service provided. They pride themselves on their superior service. It is all about respect for the customers, their time, and their home with attention to the details. Tonka Plumbing, Heating & Cooling 952-472-9200 tonkaplumbing.com Paul Bunyan Plumbing & Drains 5720 International Pkwy New Hope • 952-209-9329 paulbunyanplumbing.com


Valley Pools & Spas Multiple Locations valleypools.com With over 47 years of experience, Valley Pools & Spas is a family-owned and -operated pool and hot tub business. Recognized as a leader in the pool and hot tub industry, they have received many awards for integrity, customer satisfaction, and quality work. Valley Pools researches every product they sell, and only align with well-respected manufacturers. Hard work and long-time service of their employees and loyalty from customers, keeps Valley Pools thriving. Performance Pool & Spa 2405 Annapolis Ln #280 Plymouth • 763-270-1180 performancepools.com Ament Spas & Pools 2245 Roosevelt Rd St. Cloud • 320-252-0130 amentspas.com PAGE 82 | HOME & GARDEN | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST



Satoree Kitchen & Bath 5806 W 36th St Ste B St. Louis Park • 612-823-0022 satoreekb.com Satoree Kitchen & Bath is a woman-owned design, supply, and remodeling company. They believe good, smart design is an important element of every project, no matter the budget. Satoree’s team of experienced professionals tailor each project to the client’s personal tastes and lifestyle. Satoree Kitchen & Bath sources tiles, laminates, appliances, and any other accent or feature it will take to bring a concept into reality. SMC Construction 8465 Plaza Blvd NE Spring Lake Park • 763-400-0251 smcmn.com Sela Roofing & Remodeling 4100 Excelsior Blvd St. Louis Park • 612-924-1644 selaroofing.com


Sela Roofing & Remodeling 4100 Excelsior Blvd St. Louis Park • 612-924-1644 selaroofing.com Sela Roofing & Remodeling’s commitment is to serve the needs of customers with quality workmanship and materials, professional integrity, exceptional service, and maximum value. Since 1982, Sela has built their name, business and reputation honoring this commitment. Now, more than 30 years later, Sela is the leading roofing, siding, windows, and gutter contractor throughout the Twin Cities area with more than 150,000 satisfied customers. Midwest Roofing Siding & Windows 3543 88th Ave NE #300 Circle Pines • 763-427-9696 midwestplus.com Ungerman 14000 21st Ave N Plymouth • 612-263-6017 ungerman.net STARTRIBUNE.COM


7634000251 | SMCMN.COM 8465 PLAZA BLVD NE. SPRING LAKE PARK, MN 55432

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GOLD BEST General Contractor

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BRONZE BEST Roofing Company


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Hoffman Weber Construction 2155 Old Hwy 8 NW New Brighton • 763-280-7771 hwconstruction.com Hoffman Weber Construction’s team of roofing experts provide top-notch workmanship to ensure a quality roof. Using their proven process, they ensure your property is protected from damage. That’s why they install new shingles with nails; it yields a superior result. In the end a Hoffman Weber project manager inspects the installation to make sure it meets their standards.

Sela Roofing & Remodeling 4100 Excelsior Blvd St. Louis Park • 612-924-1644 selaroofing.com Whether it’s a residential or commercial roofing project, Sela Roofing and Remodeling is known for getting the job done on time and on budget using only quality materials. Serving the greater Minneapolis area for more than three decades, Sela Roofing is trusted in the community for safely replacing roofing and paying close attention to small details many workers might overlook. Sela is licensed, bonded, and insured. They offer the best warranties in the industry and have their own financing available. They install roofs year round (yes, roofs can be replaced in the winter).

SMC Construction 8465 Plaza Blvd NE Spring Lake Park • 763-300-5519 smcmn.com






Tollefson Lawn Service 701 9th St SW Pipestone • 605-864-9808

Everlight Solar 7369 Hwy 13 W Savage • 833-786-4387 everlightsolar.com

Aquarius Home Services Multiple Locations 888-890-6155 aquariushomeservices.com

Tollefson Lawn Service was started in 2003 as a landscaping business in South Dakota. They quickly incorporated snow removal into the business in the winter of 2003/2004. In 2008, the business moved to Minnesota primarily as a lawn service company but added snow removal services again in 2017. Tollefson Lawn Service provides excellent customer service and communication allowing them to meet the customers’ needs and desires while being flexible.

Everlight Solar will do the heavy lifting so their customers can start saving money and the planet. The Everlight Solar team enables households to own their power instead of renting it from the power company. They believe that going solar should be headache and hassle-free. That is why they supply the solar panels and take care of all the installation, at no upfront cost. It is a cleaner and safer alternative so that we can all feel good about energy again.

Aquarius Home Services is the local expert in water filtration, water softeners, iron and odor removal systems and more. They believe in helping customers obtain clean, reliable water for their home. With every in-home quote, Aquarius Home Services offers a free water analysis to examine any contaminants and recommend options to improve taste and quality.

Dean Bjorkstrand Landscaping 5508 Clinton Ave Minneapolis • 612-861-3919 deanbjorkstrand.com

Cedar Creek Energy 10361 Jamestown St NE Blaine • 763-432-5261 cedarcreekenergy.com

Water Doctors Water Treatment Company Minneapolis • 763-535-1800 waterdrs.com

JLS Lawn Service & Snow Removal 6315 White Dr Prior Lake • 612-251-3546 jls-lawnsnow.com

All Energy Solar 1264 Energy Ln St. Paul • 800-620-3370 allenergysolar.com

Finken 320-228-4293 ilovemywater.com




Hoffman Weber Construction 2155 Old Hwy 8 NW New Brighton • 763-280-7771 hwconstruction.com

Hirshfield’s 4450 N Lyndale Ave Minneapolis • 612-522-6621 hirshfields.com

With over 20 years’ experience in the exterior remodeling industry, Hoffman Weber can help reduce energy bills and improve the look of a home with new modern and insulated windows. They have installed both new construction and replacement windows in thousands of homes across the country. They are a leader in the industry, installing a variety of window types including casement, double-hung, and patio doors.

Combining a passion for color and design with keen knowledge of the latest trends, Hirshfield’s Window Fashions Designers take the time to learn all about their customers, their needs and their family’s lifestyle. From custom draperies, valances and side panels to Hunter Douglas blinds, shades and shutters, customers can count on Hirshfield’s experienced team to help find the perfect solution for every window.

SMC Construction 8465 Plaza Blvd NE Spring Lake Park • 763-300-5519 smcmn.com

Aero Drapery & Blind Multiple Locations 651-383-1908 aerodraperyandblind.com

Sela Roofing & Remodeling 4100 Excelsior Blvd St. Louis Park • 612-924-1644 selaroofing.com

Budget Blinds Multiple Locations budgetblinds.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM

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Prescott Pearson & Tande 443 Old Hwy 8 NW #208 New Brighton • 651-633-2757 prescottpearson.com

Lucēre Legal 310 S 4th Ave #5010 Minneapolis • 612-206-3701 lucerelegal.com

Bassford Remele 100 S 5th St #1500 Minneapolis • 612-333-3000 bassford.com

With more than 70,000 bankruptcy petitions under their belt, Prescott Pearson & Tande know experience matters. In fact, clients will find some of the state’s most experienced bankruptcy attorneys at Prescott Pearson & Tande. With a sole focus on bankruptcy, clients know they are taken care of, no matter how bad their situation.

Kimberly Hanlon and Sommer Spector Angstman founded Lucēre Legal with the mission of shifting law firm culture and creating a collaborative environment. Attorneys at Lucēre Legal strive to help clients navigate the legal process, providing education and guidance along the way. The team also emphasizes a healthy workplace culture where employees can find the flexibility to be successful both personally and professionally.

Bassford Remele has been in the legal business for more than 135 years. With a sole focus on civil litigations, attorneys at Bassford Remele know the ins and outs of a complex legal landscape. Bassford Remele also values its place in the community, with a number of partnerships with local organizations, such as the Volunteer Lawyers Network and Standpoint.

Dudley & Smith 101 5th St E #2602 St. Paul • 651-291-1717 dudleyandsmith.com

Ballard Spahr 80 S 8th St Minneapolis • 612-371-3211 ballardspahr.com

Messick Law 1801 Wooddale Dr #205 Woodbury • 651-505-0086 messicklaw.com

Walker & Walker Law Offices Multiple Locations 612-824-4357 bankruptcytruth.com

Messick Law 1800 Wooddale Dr #205 Woodbury • 651-505-0085 messicklaw.com

Burns & Hansen 8401 Wayzata Blvd #300 Minneapolis • 952-564-6262 patrickburnslaw.com




Stommes Law Office 15 8th Ave N St. Cloud • 320-281-5900 stommeslawoffice.com Stommes Law Office offers flat fee representation. No two clients or cases can be treated exactly alike. When Stommes Law Office takes a case, they work directly with clients to not only learn more about the client and their unique situation, but also work to develop a customized legal strategy that is specifically tailored to meet their needs. Their goal is always to give the client the best chance to achieve their goals and reach a satisfying result. Village Lawyer 1001 Johnson Pkwy Ste B1 St. Paul • 651-955-2372 Meshbesher & Spence 1616 Park Ave Minneapolis • 612-339-9121 meshbesher.com


Schromen Law 600 Marshall Ave St. Paul • 651-571-2515 schromenlaw.com Schromen Law is committed to providing knowledgeable, compassionate service to their clients, whether they are looking for help with wills, healthcare directives, prenuptial agreements, and more. Schromen Law goes above and beyond to help clients be comfortable, even providing access to Mabel the therapy dog to help clients feel more at ease during the process. Lucēre Legal 310 S 4th Ave #5010 Minneapolis • 612-206-3701 lucerelegal.com Johnson Law Group Multiple Locations 952-443-6560 johnsonlawgrouppa.com STARTRIBUNE.COM



Halunen Law 80 S 8th St #1650 Minneapolis • 612-605-4098 halunenlaw.com Halunen Law has a reputation for fiercely and successfully representing employees who face sexual harassment and abuse, wrongful termination, discrimination, retaliation, misclassification, and other unlawful workplace actions. When an employee has experienced illegal treatment in the workplace, Halunen’s experienced employment attorneys bring dedicated, exceptional expertise, and a determined will to get their clients justice. Bertelson Law Office 333 N Washington Ave #402 Minneapolis • 612-278-9832 bertelsonlaw.com Madia Law 323 N Washington Ave #200 Minneapolis • 612-349-2729 madialaw.com


Sekula Law Offices 310 S 4th Ave #5010 Minneapolis • 612-206-3755 sekulafamilylaw.com Amanda Mason-Sekula founded Sekula Law with a desire to merge her business experience and legal education and a goal of helping families when they are most in need. Sekula Law’s service areas include divorce, custody, parenting time, spousal maintenance and child support, property division, division of retirement benefits, and domestic violence.

Stommes Law Office 15 8th Ave N St. Cloud • 320-738-1386 stommeslawoffice.com Village Lawyer 1001 Johnson Pkwy Ste B1 St. Paul • 651-955-2372 PAGE 90 | LAW | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST



Village Lawyer 1001 Johnson Pkwy Ste B1 St. Paul • 651-955-2372

Halunen Law 80 S 8th St #1650 Minneapolis • 612-605-4098 halunenlaw.com

Village Lawyer strives to help their clients obtain the results they seek and deserve regarding any type of Immigration battle. Staff are professional and prompt when returning calls and messages. With legal expertise and strategies, Village Lawyer will strive for the best results for every client. Village Lawyer also takes on divorce, family and criminal law cases.

Halunen Law is a bold voice in employment, personal injury, and whistleblower cases. Their attorneys are strategic, collaborative, passionate and results-driven. They will fight to achieve the best results possible and are determined each day to help clients find their voice and get the compensation they deserve. As a 100% contingency firm, there is no cost to the clients unless they win.

Chaudhary Law Office 310 4th Ave S #5010 Minneapolis • 612-206-3721 chaudlaw.com

Stommes Law Office 15 8th Ave N St. Cloud • 320-738-1386 stommeslawoffice.com

Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota 450 Syndicate St N #200 St. Paul • 651-641-1011 ilcm.org

Bassford Remele 100 South 5th St #1500 Minneapolis • 612-333-3000 bassford.com



SiebenCarey Personal Injury Law Multiple Locations 800-474-4487 knowyourrights.com

Halunen Law’s personal injury team understands the trauma injury can bring. They bring decades of experience litigating and winning personal injury cases, including car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, catastrophic and railroad injuries, and wrongful death. The team understands how to protect clients’ interests against insurance companies, and they fight until their clients get the compensation they deserve. Clients pay nothing unless they win.

SiebenCarey Personal Injury Law has helped more than 65,000 victims and families of auto accidents, medical malpractice, and work injuries for over 65 years. The practice is one of the most respected personal injury law firms in Minnesota. Their Know Your Rights tradition means they have the backs of injured workers and not big businesses.

Meshbesher & Spence 1616 Park Ave Minneapolis • 612-339-9122 meshbesher.com

Aafedt Forde Gray Monson & Hager 920 2nd Ave S #1400 Minneapolis • 612-339-8965 aafedt.com

SiebenCarey Personal Injury Law Multiple Locations 800-474-4487 knowyourrights.com

Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law Multiple Locations 763-421-8226 mottazsiskinjurylaw.com



Halunen Law 80 S 8th St #1650 Minneapolis • 612-605-4098 halunenlaw.com



Voted Best Estate Law

600 Marshall Avenue, Saint Paul, MN

SchromenLaw.com | 651.571.2515 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST | LAW | PAGE 91


n u F a t o s ne



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Pine Tree Apple Orchard 450 Apple Orchard Rd White Bear Lake • 651-429-7202 pinetreeappleorchard.com

Valleyfair 1 Valleyfair Dr Shakopee • 952-445-7600 valleyfair.com

Everett & Charlie 2720 W 43rd St Minneapolis • 612-444-8706 everettandcharlie.com

Pine Tree Apple Orchard’s 300 acres are the perfect place to spend an afternoon apple picking. The orchard is also part of the Minnesota Grown Program and Minnesota Apple Growers Association. Apple varieties grown include Duchess, Whitney Crab, First Kiss, Paula Red, Beacon, Zestar, Sweetango, and more. The orchard also produces apple cider and bakes a variety of special apple treats in their bakery.

With more than 75 rides and attractions, Valleyfair is the amusement park where Twin Cities families come to play. Adventure awaits the whole family, from towering roller coasters to Planet Snoopy. Soak City Waterpark features thousands of gallons of awesome family fun. Valleyfair is the place where the fun never ends.

Everett & Charlie is where “art meets experience.” The gallery is all about being a place where artists and art lovers can gather, learn about art, and tell stories. At Everett & Charlie, customers can find paintings, glass, pottery, sculpture, and so much more.

Aamodt’s Apple Farm 6428 Manning Ave N Stillwater • 651-439-3127 aamodtsapplefarm.com

Bunker Beach Water Park 701 County Pkwy A Coon Rapids • 763-324-3310 bunkerbeach.com

Minneapolis Institute of Art 2400 3rd Ave S Minneapolis • 888-642-2787 new.artsmia.org

Apple Jack Orchards 4875 37th St SE Delano • 763-972-6673 applejackorchards.com

Edgewater Hotel & Waterpark 2400 London Rd Duluth • 218-728-3601 duluthwaterpark.com

Pig’s Eye Pottery 1163 7th St W St. Paul • 612-804-1708 pigseyepots.com




Beer Dabbler 360 Toronto St St. Paul • 651-528-8752 beerdabbler.com Beer Dabbler festivals are a place for beer lovers from all over to gather, enjoy great craft beer, and make friends. Beer Dabbler is a go-to place for brewery news, limited edition brews and more. The festivals feature live music, sample exhibits, and more that really build a sense of community.

All Pints North 350 Harbor Dr Duluth mncraftbrew.org Minnesota Craft Beer Festival minnesotacraftbeerfestival.com



Wayzata Bay Charter Cruises 4 Water St Excelsior • 952-451-9001 wayzatabaycharters.com Enjoy the stunning views of Lake Minnetonka with Wayzata Bay Charter Cruises. A leisurely cruise around the lake will feature views of parks, yacht clubs and multi-million dollar homes. Fabulous food, entertainment, and spectacular views make any day spent on the lake special. With over 25 years of cruising Lake Minnetonka under their belt, Wayzata Bay Charter Cruises will give an unforgettable experience. Vista Fleet 323 Harbor Dr Duluth • 218-722-6218 vistafleet.com Paradise Charter Cruises and Minneapolis Queen 952-474-8058 twincitiescruises.com STARTRIBUNE.COM

Treasure Island Resort & Casino is Minnesota’s destination for gaming fun. Our spacious resort offers action-packed excitement with rows of slot, video poker and video keno machines, table games and bingo, various dining options, a luxurious hotel and more. We can’t wait to see you at The Island!

T I c a s i n o . c o m | 1 - 8 0 0 -2 2 2 -707 7 © 2021 Treasure Island Resort & Casino



Boat Rental 135 Lakeview Avenue, Excelsior, MN


(952) 401-3880




Bay to Bay Boat Club 135 Lakeview Ave Excelsior • 952-401-3880 baytobayboatclub.com

Bole-Mor Lanes Bar & Grill 102 7th Ave SE Pipestone • 507-562-2531 bolemorlanes.com

Bay to Bay Boat Club first opened 21 years ago with a goal of providing a new boat club model. Members enjoy a total package: a large fleet of boats, many amenities, and personalized attention and service. From catering and captain options to water toys for families, everything one needs for an unforgettable summer on the water is available at Bay to Bay Boat Club.

Bole-Mor Lanes Bar & Grill is a ten lane center in Pipestone. They have two employees and an owner with passion and determination. Current owner, Taya, has bowled at Bole-Mor Lanes since she was in kindergarten, then worked there in high school. She took over as owner at the young age of 19 to save it from being torn down. Bole-Mor offers open bowling, party packages, private party rentals, as well as bowling league opportunities.

Your Boat Club 10 S 5th St #110 Minneapolis • 612-208-1800 yourboatclub.com

Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St. Louis Park • 952-929-6810 parktavern.net

Red Wing Marina 918 Levee Rd Red Wing • 651-388-8995 redwingmarina.com

Sun Ray Lanes 2245 Hudson Rd St. Paul • 651-735-3222 tripleshift.com/sun-ray-lanes

Voted Minnesota’s Best Best Annual Sports Event/Races & Best Casino


Mystic Lake 2400 Mystic Lake Blvd Prior Lake • 800-262-7799 mysticlake.com


Minnesota’s best bet is Mystic Lake, the premier gaming facility in the Midwest. Mystic Lake continually creates unique entertainment experiences for guests. In addition to a 150,000-foot gaming floor, Mystic Lake offers luxurious hotel and spa accommodations, headline performers in the Mystic Showroom, and The Meadows at Mystic Lake championship golf course. Three lively bars and seven distinctive restaurants also cater to every taste. Treasure Island Resort & Casino 5734 Sturgeon Lake Rd Welch • 800-222-7077 ticasino.com Canterbury Park 110 Canterbury Rd Shakopee • 952-445-7223 canterburypark.com STARTRIBUNE.COM

Pet Store


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REM5 Virtual Reality Laboratory 4950 W 35th St St. Louis Park • 952-855-7592 rem5vr.com

Ballet Co.Laboratory 276 E Lafayette Frontage Rd St. Paul • 651-313-5967 balletcolaboratory.org

REM5 Virtual Reality Laboratory is the perfect place for any kid to celebrate their birthday. Parties can rent a VR pod and choose from a variety of experiences. They also offer lots of tasty food and drink options. Parents who tag along can even enjoy 50% off beer and wine during parties.

No matter if one is a veteran dancer or slipping on their first pair of ballet shoes to discover something new, Ballet Co.Laboratory is an artistic home for everyone. Instruction at The School of Ballet Co.Laboratory is led by fourteen of the finest faculty members in the Twin Cities. They are trained in ballet, modern, contemporary, strength/conditioning, Progressing Ballet Technique, yoga, pilates, and classical jazz.

Urban Air Adventure Park 10 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids • 763-244-1701 urbanaircoonrapids.com

Cinema Ballroom 1560 St Clair Ave St. Paul • 651-699-5910 cinemaballroom.com

Como Park Zoo & Conservatory 1225 Estabrook Dr St. Paul • 651-487-8201 comozooconservatory.org

Zenon Dance School 528 Hennepin Ave #430 Minneapolis • 612-338-1101 zenondance.org


Escape Room Alexandria 115 8th Ave E Alexandria • 320-808-0440 escapealexandria.com

Any Way You Carve It Lutsen Is Your Favorite Recognized Memory Care experts in the Twin Cities for over 20 years. Emerald Crest by Cassia has four convenient locations in the Twin Cities. Burnsville, Minnetonka, Shakopee & Victoria








Escape Room Alexandria offers three or four adventure escape games for customers to choose from. The only escape room between Fargo and St. Cloud, this family-owned business strives to provide an unforgettable experience for all guests. Escape Room Alexandria creates real-life escape adventure games for friends or strangers to experience a new type of interactive entertainment. Escape MSP 701 Decatur Ave N Minneapolis • 612-424-3845 escapemsp.com Trapped Puzzle Rooms Multiple Locations trappedpuzzlerooms.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM



Pinehaven Farm 28186 Kettle River Blvd Wyoming • 651-462-1704 pinehavenfarm.com

Minnesota Zoo 13000 Zoo Blvd Apple Valley • 952-431-9200 mnzoo.org

Pinehaven Farm is so much more than just a pumpkin patch. They have more than 30 attractions including a five-acre corn maze, sky-high slides, the mighty pumpkin cannon, and new child size zip lines. Visitors can pick 25 different varieties of pumpkins for only $5 each. Pinehaven Farm is open on select days from the end of September through October 31st.

Minnesota Zoo is a year-round destination that provides a window into the natural world. With hundreds of species of animals, worldwide conservation efforts, and acres of scenic beauty, the Zoo is a resource to connect people, animals, and the natural world to save wildlife. Minnesota Zoo is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and an institutional member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 3676 Arboretum Dr Chaska • 612-624-2201 arb.umn.edu

Como Park Zoo & Conservatory 1225 Estabrook Dr St. Paul • 651-487-8201 comozooconservatory.org

Minnesota Zoo 13000 Zoo Blvd Apple Valley • 952-431-9200 mnzoo.org

Blue Sun Soda Shop Multiple Locations bluesunsodashop.com


REM5 Virtual Reality Laboratory 4950 W 35th St St. Louis Park • 952-855-7592 rem5vr.com REM5 Virtual Reality Laboratory is an experience unlike any other. Visitors can rent out a VR pod and choose from a wide variety of world-class VR experiences, making it a perfect activity to do with friends and family. Visitors can also enjoy a range of different food and drink options.

Urban Air Adventure Park 10 Coon Rapids Blvd Coon Rapids • 763-244-1701 urbanaircoonrapids.com Minnesota Children’s Museum 10 7th St W St. Paul • 651-225-6000 mcm.org STARTRIBUNE.COM

Thank You For Voting Us BEST!

Pet Friendly Hotel/Lodging Aquatic Facility/Waterpark

(218) 728-3601 DuluthWaterpark.com 2400 London Road | Duluth, MN









Minnesota State Fair 1266 Snelling Ave N St. Paul • 651-288-4401 mnstatefair.org

Wil Neururer Guide Service 5006 Minnesota Hwy 84 Longville • 218-232-0484 longvilleguide.com

Minnesota State Fair is one of the largest and best-attended expositions in North America, attracting 2 million visitors annually. In addition to being a showcase for Minnesota’s finest agriculture, art, and industry, the fair features hundreds of entertainment options. These include music all around the fairgrounds, educational exhibits, hands-on experiences, more than 60 carnival rides, thousands of competitions, 11 nights of Grandstand shows, and much more.

Wil Neururer Guide Service wants to ensure guests have a fantastic fishing adventure. Wil is a general manager of the One Stop Fishing Guide Service in Longville, which includes some of the most experienced guides in the area. They work hard to ensure a safe and rewarding experience that the entire family can enjoy. Trips can accomodate groups from 2 to 20. All ages and all experience levels are welcome, and everything needed to catch fish is included.

Minnesota Blue Grass Minneapolis • 651-456-8919 minnesotabluegrass.org

Lake of the Woods Tourism 930 Main St W Baudette • 218-634-1174 lakeofthewoodsmn.com

Minnesota Renaissance Festival 3525 145th St W Shakopee • 952-445-7361 renaissancefest.com

Dick Beardsley Fishing Guide Service 218-556-7172 lakebemidjibandb.com


Unlocking Your Beauty and Confidence with Cosmetic Dentistry and Total Health!

The Royal Club 11455 20th St N Lake Elmo • 651-505-9073 royalclubmn.com Poised to become the St. Croix River Valley’s next great public golf community, The Royal Club offers people the vibrant, active, and connected lifestyle they have been dreaming of. In addition to a championship-caliber golf course, The Royal Club offers luxury residences, world-class amenities, and state-of-the-art facilities, all built into scenic woodlands that have been preserved for decades. The Royal Club is a premier golf facility with more than 130 members that is also open to the public. Ridges at Sand Creek 21775 Ridges Dr Jordan • 952-492-2644 ridgesatsandcreek.com Golden Eagle Golf Club 16146 W Eagle Lake Rd Fifty Lakes • 218-763-4653 golfgoldeneagle.com










Tettegouche State Park 5702 Hwy 61 Silver Bay • 218-353-8800 dnr.state.mn.us

Bentleyville Tour of Lights 700 Railroad St Duluth • 218-740-3535 bentleyvilleusa.org

Can Can Wonderland 755 Prior Ave N #004 St. Paul • 651-925-2261 cancanwonderland.com

Tettegouche State Park is a great place to get a sense of the North Shore: the spectacular overlooks at Shovel Point; rocky, steep cliffs and inland bluffs; the cascading 60 ft. High Falls of the Baptism River; the historic Tettegouche Camp where visitors can stay the night. This is a hiker’s paradise with miles of trails that overlook the Sawtooth Mountains and wind down to inland lakes that are accessible only by foot. The park is also known for rock climbing opportunities.

Bentleyville Tour of Lights is America’s largest, free, walk-through light show. Visitors can enjoy free hot cocoa, roasted marshmallows, and freshly popped popcorn while strolling under more than four million lights on the shore of Lake Superior. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be there to listen to holiday wishes from children young and old. Visitors are encouraged to bring new unwrapped toys or nonperishable food items for the Salvation Army.

Can Can Wonderland is bigger than mini golf. They are proud to be the first arts-based public benefit corporation in Minnesota. That means with every putt, boozy milkshake, ping pong battle, and mini donut devoured, Can Can Wonderland is able to give back and economically support the artist community they love. Located in an old canning factory, they have created the best mini-golf with the help from architects, visual artists, fabricators, and engineers.

Mesabi Trail 111 Station 44 Rd Eveleth • 877-637-2241 mesabitrail.com

Glensheen Mansion 3300 London Rd Duluth • 218-726-8910 glensheen.org

Big Stone Mini Golf 7110 Country Rd 110 W Minnetrista • 952-472-9292 bigstoneminigolf.com

Voyageurs National Park 360 Minnesota 11 E International Falls • 218-283-6600 nps.gov/voya

Sever’s Festivals seversfestivals.com

Lilli Putt 1349 Coon Rapids Blvd NW Coon Rapids • 763-755-1450 lilliputt.net


Headwaters Science Center 413 Beltrami Ave NW Bemidji • 218-444-4472 hscbemidji.org Headwaters Science Center is a hands-on science museum featuring exhibits, live animals, and a unique gift shop. The center serves children, adults, and education organizations by providing engaging science and technology exhibits and programs. The exhibit floor is 7,500 square feet, helping to inspire scientific discovery and love of learning for all. Science Museum of Minnesota 120 W Kellogg Blvd St. Paul • 651-221-9444 smm.org Minneapolis Institute of Art 2401 3rd Ave S Minneapolis • 888-642-2788 new.artsmia.org STARTRIBUNE.COM

Where fun takes flight Welcome to the ultimate indoor adventure park! With attractions that cater to any level of adventurer, there’s something fun for everyone. Here your mini warriors can conquer obstacles, show gravity who’s boss, and have a blast seven days a week.

UrbanAirCoonRapids.com 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST | MINNESOTA FUN | PAGE 101


Three Rivers Park District 3000 Xenium Ln N Plymouth • 763-559-9000 threeriversparks.org Three Rivers Park District has over 27,000 acres of parks and trails to explore. These are places where people can get away from it all and let their worries fall by the wayside. Visitors can explore miles of trails and enjoy stunning scenery along the way. From archery ranges to horseback riding trails, there is something for everyone to enjoy within the Three Rivers Park District. Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 3677 Arboretum Dr Chaska • 612-624-2202 arb.umn.edu Tettegouche State Park 5702 Hwy 61 Silver Bay • 218-353-8800 dnr.state.mn.us


Modist Brewing Company 505 N 3rd St Minneapolis • 612-454-0258 modistbrewing.com Modist Brewing Company is a taproom and production brewery in the North Loop neighborhood. Modist pushes the limits of what is possible in the craft brewing world, always experimenting with new ingredients and techniques. Best of all, furry friends are welcome at Modist and help contribute to a fun and friendly atmosphere. Modist pushes past traditional brewing by embracing creativity and unconstrained experimentation. Vikre Distillery 525 Lake Ave S #102 Duluth • 218-481-7401 vikredistillery.com Madden’s Resort 11266 Pine Beach Peninsula Brainerd maddens.com PAGE 102 | MINNESOTA FUN | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST





Feed My Starving Children Multiple Locations fmsc.org

Pinehaven Farm 28186 Kettle River Blvd Wyoming • 651-462-1704 pinehavenfarm.com

Lutsen Mountains 467 Ski Hill Rd Lutsen • 216-663-7281 lutsen.com

Whether volunteering or donating, there are many ways to get involved with Feed My Starving Children. Millions of children die every year from preventable causes such as pneumonia and undernutrition. Working with their distribution partners, Feed My Starving Children focuses on establishing a presence in the communities they serve. They provide meals that meet the needs of children to help them grow and thrive.

Pinehaven Farm plants 25 varieties of pumpkins on the farm each year that visitors can pick and take home for only $5 each. They also have over 30 attractions including a five-acre corn maze, sky-high slides, the mighty pumpkin cannon, and new child size zip lines. Pinehaven Farm is open on select days from the end of September through October 31st.

Located on the north coast of Lake Superior, Lutsen Mountains is the Midwest’s largest ski resort providing four interconnected mountains, 95 runs, and an 825’ vertical rise. Lifts include a Magic Carpet for beginners, six chairlifts including a high-speed, 6-place, express chair, and the Midwest’s only gondola. Lutsen Mountains offers Minnesotans big-mountain skiing and tubing that is close to home.

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Apple Valley • 952-432-6351 sotv.org

Dehns Pumpkins 17270 125th Ave N Dayton • 612-387-7866 dehnspumpkins.com

Welch Village Ski Area 26685 County Rd 7 Blvd Welch • 651-258-4567 welchvillage.com

Bridging 201 W 87th St Bloomington • 952-888-1105 bridging.org

Lendt’s Pumpkin Patch 6903 Wyoming Trail Wyoming • 651-462-1516 lendtspumpkins.com

Afton Alps 6600 Peller Ave S Hastings • 651-436-5245 aftonalps.com


Lutsen Mountains 467 Ski Hill Rd Lutsen • 216-663-7282 lutsen.com Lutsen Mountains brings great skiing and tubing to Minnesotans. Located on the north coast of Lake Superior, Lutsen Mountains is the Midwest’s largest ski resort providing four interconnected mountains, 95 runs, and an 825’ vertical rise. Lifts include a Magic Carpet for beginners, six chairlifts including a high-speed, 6-place, express chair, and the Midwest’s only gondola.

Buck Hill 15400 Buck Hill Rd Burnsville • 952-435-7174 buckhill.com Afton Alps 6600 Peller Ave S Hastings • 651-436-5245 aftonalps.com STARTRIBUNE.COM


Thank You For Voting Us as Minnesota’s Best New Car Dealership, Used Car Dealership, Service Center, Body Shop and Customer Service!

www.lutherauto.com PAGE 104 | MINNESOTA FUN | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST



Beans Greenwood Marina June 28 10:30 am

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Luther Automotive Group Multiple Locations lutherauto.com

Luther Automotive Group Multiple Locations lutherauto.com

Luther Automotive Group Multiple Locations lutherauto.com

Luther Automotive Group is a trusted name in collision and auto glass repair. Their collision department works on vehicles with minor scratches to major repairs. Factory-certified repair technicians are experts at restoring vehicles to showroom ready condition. Luther Automotive has a strong manufacturer affiliation that affords clients the peace-of-mind that only certified professionals will repair the vehicles. Every repair is backed by a limited lifetime warranty.

At Luther Automotive Group, customers will find a great selection of new cars for sale. Finance experts can help customers get the right loan or lease for them and make the process easy and fast. Customers can rest assured when they buy from Luther thanks to a professional team of technicians for all repair and maintenance needs.

At Luther, customers will find a solid selection of carefully inspected pre-owned vehicles. Luther Automotive Group makes buying a used car as easy as possible. From clearly marked prices, online options, and helpful finance experts to help with any paperwork, customers have peace of mind when they choose Luther.

Automotive Concepts 2731 Nevada Ave N New Hope • 763-333-2198 ac-mn.com

Coon Rapids Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Coon Rapids • 763-421-8000 coonrapidschrysler.net

Saxon Auto Group Multiple Locations saxonautogroup.com

BLVD Autoworks 2801 Kenzie Terrace St. Anthony • 612-255-5026 blvdautoworks.com

Saxon Auto Group Multiple Locations saxonautogroup.com

Cornerstone Auto Group Multiple Locations cornerstoneauto.com




Top Notch Tint 19509 Boston St NW Elk River • 763-229-9575 topnotchtintmn.com Top Notch Tint was founded by James Purtle, who had always had a passion for the window film business. The company has grown quickly, adding team members to accommodate demand and growth. The company now offers automotive tinting, residential film, commercial window film for heat and glare, and even security film to help prevent against forced entry.

Bings 4351 Chicago Ave Minneapolis • 612-391-8336 bings.online Automotive Concepts 2731 Nevada Ave N New Hope • 763-333-2198 ac-mn.com


Thank You For Voting Us as Minnesota’s Best New Car Dealership, Used Car Dealership, Service Center, Body Shop and Customer Service!


Luther Automotive Group Multiple Locations lutherauto.com Luther Automotive’s technicians will always get the job done right, from tire rotation, parts replacement, and any other maintenance needs. Luther Automotive has an exceptional service center at each of their locations. The staff prides themselves on having both excellent auto services and customer relationships. These are state-of-the-art facilities where highly trained technicians do their best work. Turbo Tim’s Anything Automotive 2823 Central Ave NE Minneapolis • 612-208-8461 turbotims.com Victory Auto Service and Glass Multiple Locations victoryautoservice.com



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Dan’s Southside Marine is a highly recommended boat dealer, and has one of the largest boat inventories in Minnesota. We have been one of Minnesota’s largest boat dealers for almost 50+ years and are conveniently located in the Twin City area. Our factory trained technicians are also available to service your boat. We fix all makes and models of boats and motors. We also offer parts and accessories from floats and oars to trailers and lis.

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Dan’s Southside Marine 1900 W 98th St Bloomington • 952-881-0077 danssouthsidemarine.com

Soapy Joe’s Car Wash 1340 W 7th St St. Paul • 651-493-1304 soapyjoesmn.com

Dan’s Southside Marine has one of the largest boat inventories in all of Minnesota, including new and used boats to fit any budget. The staff will help customers find the perfect boat. Dan’s Southside Marine carries some of the best boat brands in the industry including Alumnacraft, Avalon, Berkshire, and others. Dan’s factory trained technicians are also available to service most makes and models of boats, motors, and trailers.

Soapy Joes takes pride in the customer service and attention they give to each and every car. Staff are passionate about customers receiving the very best car wash as they love to see all customers leave with a smile. There are several options for exterior and interior cleaning services at the Soapy Joe’s Car Spa. They offer monthly unlimited car wash memberships, gift cards, and special wash packages.

Miller Marine 380 33rd Ave S St. Cloud • 320-407-1900 millermarine.com

Paradise Car Wash & Detail Center Multiple Locations paradisecarwash.com

Resort Marine & Services 6866 Y Frontage Rd NW Walker • 877-834-6526 resortmarine.com

WaterWerks Car Wash Multiple Locations waterwerkscarwash.com



Paradise Car Wash & Detail Center Multiple Locations paradisecarwash.com

Bean’s Greenwood Marina 21945 Minnetonka Blvd Excelsior • 952-474-7942 greenwoodmarina.com

Clean facilities, great customer service, and friendly employees are the hallmark for Paradise Car Wash & Detail Center. Paradise has eight locations serving the Twin Cities area and offer everything from a basic exterior wash to a complete detail job inside and out. Customers can enjoy complimentary coffee and popcorn while the Paradise professionals clean their vehicle.

Nestled in St. Alban’s Bay, Bean’s Greenwood Marina is a family-owned facility on Lake Minnetonka nearing 50 years of operation. It is the only marina on the lake providing covered slips, along with the largest gas dock, all in a no-wake zone. Having staff who truly care about the reputation of the business keeps the bar set high. They are excited to implement new elements to the business without compromising on what has made them a premier marina.

Bings 4351 Chicago Ave Minneapolis • 612-391-8336 bings.online

Tonka Bay Marina 220 Tonka Bay Rd Tonka Bay • 952-474-0292 tonkabaymarina.com

Youngstedts Tire & Auto Service 4711 Shady Oak Rd Hopkins • 952-933-4305 youngstedts.com

Knotty Oar Marina 15862 Eagle Creek Ave NE Prior Lake • 952-447-4300 knottyoarmarina.com



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Moon Motorsports 3613 Chelsea Rd W Monticello • 763-295-2920 moonmotorsports.com

Lakes Area Powersports 8322 MN-371 NW Walker • 218-547-1558 lakesareapowersports.com

In their 50th year of business, Moon Motorsports is dedicated to everything great about the riding experience. From side-by-sides, and ATVs, motorcycles and snowmobiles, customers can find it all at Moon Motorsports. With Honda, Polaris, Yamaha, Can-Am, BMW, Triumph, Ducati, KTM, and Ski-Doo, they have all the top brands under one roof.

Lakes Area Powersports is Northern Minnesota’s go-to place for powersport vehicles all year long. With snowmobiles in the winter and ATVs, side-by-sides, watercrafts and pontoons in the summer, there is always something to get customers into the great outdoors at Lakes Area Powersports. They also have a vast array of clothing and accessories and lawn and garden equipment from Toro and STIHL.

Wild Prairie Harley-Davidson 12480 Plaza Dr Eden Prairie • 952-698-5000 wildprairiehd.com

Moon Motorsports 3613 Chelsea Rd W Monticello • 763-295-2920 moonmotorsports.com

Bison Thunder Motorcycle 2967 Hudson Rd St. Paul • 651-228-7620 bisonthundermotorcycle.com

Cannon Power Sports 31633 64th Ave Cannon Falls • 507-263-4532 cannonpower.com




Thank you for voting us Best Real Estate Team Brambillas RV 550 Valley Park Dr S Shakopee • 800-445-2612 brambillasinc.com

Discount Tire Multiple Locations discounttire.com

Brambillas RV offers a range of new and pre-owned recreational vehicles, all of which are ready for adventure. The friendly staff can assist with financing, service and other needs. Customers always know they will be taken care of at Brambillas RV so they can focus on getting out on the road.

Discount Tire is here to handle any and all wheel and tire needs in Minnesota. Customers are able to get an air-check and inspection anytime, free of charge. Their service bays and on-site experts can handle everything from wheel and tire installation, rotation, balancing, and more. Customers have the option to wait in the lounge while their vehicle gets repaired, enjoying complimentary Wi-Fi, or return later in the day to pick up their vehicle.

PleasureLand RV Center Multiple Locations pleasurelandrv.com

Norm’s Tire Sales 2767 Long Lake Rd Roseville • 651-483-4591 normstire.com

Hilltop Camper & RV Multiple Locations hilltopcamper.com

Tires Plus Multiple Locations tiresplus.com

Buy, Sell, Invest

651-428-1998 SuccessHomeTeam.com Licensed in Minnesota & Wisconsin PAGE 110 | MOTORS | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST


e t a t s E l a e R Sponsored by




Mill & Main 501 SE Main St Minneapolis • 612-255-6156 millandmain.com

RE/MAX Results Multiple Locations 952-829-2900 results.net

The Carlyle Condos 100 3rd Ave S Minneapolis • 952-277-2700 minneapolisluxurycondoliving.com

Nestled along the Mississippi River at the foot of the Stone Arch Bridge and across the street from Father Hennepin Park, Mill & Main offers luxury apartments with unrivaled amenities. Residents enjoy sophisticated apartment living within one of the few historic districts in Minneapolis. Sweeping views of the Mississippi River, cobblestone streets with open air sidewalk cafes and restaurants, and Mississippi River trails are just out the front door.

RE/MAX Results strives to provide commercial clients with the best support services in management, technology, marketing, training, facilities, and more. RE/MAX Results is part of the world’s most productive real estate network, and a leader in the commercial and investment arenas. Whatever the property and whatever the transaction, RE/MAX Results delivers a level of awareness, trust, and confidence that competitors do not.

The Carlyle Condos are located in downtown Minneapolis along the riverfront in the Mill District. The Art Deco-inspired building reaches 39 stories in height and is one of the more recent architectural gems of the city. It houses some of the most prestigious luxury condominiums in Minneapolis. The Carlyle Condos presents unparalleled downtown and Mississippi riverfront views, plus inclusive amenities and urban conveniences.

Aria 3200 Southdale Cir Edina • 952-234-9472 ariaedina.com

Avison Young 800 Nicollet Mall #730 Minneapolis • 612-913-5640 avisonyoung.us

The Legacy Condominiums 1240 2nd St S Minneapolis • 763-245-4067 thelegacyminneapolis.com

610 West Apartments 6717 Oak Grove Pkwy Brooklyn Park • 763-703-1615 610west.com

Granite City Real Estate 3900 Roosevelt Rd #125 St. Cloud • 320-253-0003 gcremn.com

La Rive Condos 110 Bank St SE Minneapolis • 952-277-2700 drgmpls.com





Homes by Tradition 16972 Brandtjen Farm Dr Lakeville • 952-322-8700 homesbytradition.com

Marigold Home Inspections 9405 Holly St NW Ste J Coon Rapids • 763-567-2181 marigoldhomeinspections.com

Homes by Tradition was founded in 2005 and is a leading custom home builder and remodeler in the Twin Cities. Their team has been given numerous awards for design excellence, quality, innovation and customer service. Homes by Tradition also partners with the best contractors and suppliers in the industry.

Founded in 2018 with a single inspector, Marigold Home Inspections has grown exponentially because relationships are core to who they are. Marigold is committed to being there for customers, always answering questions and making sure they have all the information about their home’s condition. The Marigold team provides a great customer experience, from convenient online scheduling to home inspectors that are friendly, knowledgeable, and thorough.

Eternity Homes 425 3rd St Farmington • 651-460-3043 eternityhomesllc.com

Structure Tech Home Inspections 952-915-6466 structuretech.com

MA Peterson 6161 Wooddale Ave Edina • 952-925-9455 mapeterson.com

Honest Home Inspection 5201 Eden Ave #300 Edina • 612-314-3121 honesthomemn.com



Wings Financial Credit Union Multiple Locations 800-692-2274 wingsfinancial.com

NAVIGATE YOUR CAREER At Endeavor Air, we are proud to build a company culture where employees can soar.

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Wings Financial brings something new to the mortgage process: flexibility. With a wide range of fixed and adjustable-rate options, Wings offers the choices, experience, and support to help customers finance or refinance homes. At the end of the day, it is not about fitting a member into a mortgage, it is about fitting the right mortgage to a member. Wings is a not-for-profit financial institution where members are also owners. Summit Mortgage Multiple Locations summit-mortgage.com Genisys Credit Union Multiple Locations genisyscu.org VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM





Rooms With Style 952-567-1124 roomswithstyle.com

Homes by Tradition 16972 Brandtjen Farm Dr Lakeville • 952-322-8700 homesbytradition.com

Rooms With Style has been in the home staging industry for 16 years. The stagers at Rooms With Style work closely with each homeowner to help them achieve the best results when selling their home. They offer many services to assist sellers, from walk-through consultations to a full warehouse of furniture and accessories. Each stage, whether for a vacant or newly constructed home, is customized specifically for that home.

Homes by Tradition has a passion and dedication to excellence in craftsmanship and getting the job done right. Working with the best contractors, Homes by Tradition can offer customers a streamlined design-build process. The end result is a dream home that meets and exceeds customer expectations.

Set To Show 4000 Winnetka Ave N #200 New Hope • 952-224-2131 settoshow.com

GreenHalo Builds 610 Main St N #111 Stillwater • 612-327-4457 greenhalobuilds.com

Five Star Stagings, Home Staging & Design Brooklyn Park • 763-350-1767 fivestarstagings.com

Creative Homes Multiple Locations creativehci.com


Affordable | Simple Pricing & Setup | Trusted

Thank you for voting us Best


Homes by Tradition 16972 Brandtjen Farm Dr Lakeville • 952-322-8700 homesbytradition.com Homes by Tradition knows what goes into building a quality, luxury home that will last a lifetime. Their talented team will cater to each customer’s personalized style to create something truly unique. And Homes by Tradition prides itself in making that process as easy and streamlined as possible for its customers.

We are a small, family owned business committed to providing the best customer service and value we can.


City Homes 3918 Sunnyside Rd Edina • 612-217-2853 cityhomesllc.com Robert Thomas Homes 16972 Brandtjen Farm Dr Lakeville • 612-247-3188 robertthomashomes.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM




RE/MAX Results Multiple Locations 952-829-2900 results.net RE/MAX Results offers luxury home expertise to home buyers and sellers in Minnesota. The associates are specially trained and experienced in both marketing luxury homes and finding the perfect homes for their top clients. From the Twin Ports in Duluth and Superior, all the way to Rochester, RE/MAX Results associates are top in their markets in luxury home sales.

Fazendin Realtors 15550 Wayzata Blvd Wayzata • 952-473-7000 fazhomes.com Edina Realty Multiple Locations edinarealty.com


Minnestay 3628 Nicollet Ave Minneapolis • 612-216-5511 minnestay.com Whether spending time in Minnesota for a vacation or corporate travel, Minnestay is the go-to vacation rental company for visitors. When it comes to premier rentals, including city condos, luxury estates, and lake cabins, Minnestay helps customers find the very best. Minnestay focuses on providing incredible amenities, helpful customer service, and a booking platform that is easy to learn and use. Guardian Property Management 708 Cleveland Ave SW #160 New Brighton • 651-287-2011 guardianprop.com Gassen Companies 6438 City W Pkwy Eden Prairie • 952-922-5575 gassen.com PAGE 116 | REAL ESTATE | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST



AWA R D W I N N I N G RE/MAX Results Multiple Locations 952-829-2900 results.net For over 30 years, RE/MAX Results has been leading the way with the best producing sales executives in the country. RE/MAX Results is committed to selecting the most capable people in real estate, providing the most streamlined process, and upholding the highest standards of professionalism in the industry. RE/MAX Results operates out of the Twin Cities, Duluth, Superior, St. Cloud, and Rochester.



Edina Realty Multiple Locations edinarealty.com Counselor Realty Multiple Locations 612-405-8404 counselorrealty.com


Success Home Team Keller Williams Select Apple Valley • 651-428-1998 successhometeam.com Since they were founded in 2006, Success Home Team’s mission has remained the same: to provide an elite customer experience. Over the years, this team has helped thousands of clients, and they continue to be dedicated to serving and helping people buy, sell, and invest in real estate. Success Home Team will work to ensure a smooth, seamless transaction from start to finish.

Thank you to everyone that voted for us in the Minnesota’s Best list! We will continue to serve our clients and the community through our award winning Results Experience. See what we can do for you. RESULTS.NET | RESULTSMORTGAGE.COM RESULTSTITLE.NET | RESULTSFOUNDATION.NET

Huerkamp Home Group Keller Williams Preferred Realty Burnsville • 952-746-9696 kellerwilliamspreferredrealty.com A Good Life Group RE/MAX Results Multiple Locations agoodlifegroup.com STARTRIBUNE.COM

Results Mortgage, LLC (NMLS ID 1458830). Results Mortgage, LLC is a Delaware Limited Liability Company. Equal Opportunity Lender. Each office independently owned & operated. 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST | REAL ESTATE | PAGE 117



763-772-8011 | lizfagenhomegroup.com

Residential Real Estate Agent

Marcy Wengler Edina Realty 651-238-7434 marcywengler.com

Zvago Multiple Locations 952-206-2006 zvagoliving.com

Buying and selling a home is one of the single most important transactions in someone’s life, which is why people trust Marcy Wengler of Edina Realty. By identifying clients’ goals, Marcy can help guide them through both the personal and business side of the transaction. She makes the buying and selling process user-friendly, whether a client is buying their first home, selling a luxury property, downsizing from a 100-year old Victorian, or looking for a modern loft.

Seniors can own a beautiful home without the hassle of maintenance at a Zvago cooperative community. At Zvago, neighbors share a lifestyle with loved amenities. Residents are able to live in different properties and building styles that Zvago has to offer. Some can even personalize their new home. Zvago is the welcoming and warm environment where active people 62 and better enjoy life together.

Liz Fagen Home Group RE/MAX Results 763-772-8011 results.net

Presbyterian Homes & Services Multiple Locations 651-631-6100 preshomes.org

Colin Simpson Fazendin Realtors Wayzata • 612-578-0885 fazhomes.com

Ecumen Multiple Locations 651-383-8906 ecumen.org


Results Title Multiple Locations 952-829-2930 resultstitle.net Results Title was founded to help sales executives and their clients have a smooth transaction, from open house to closing. With an average of over 15 years of experience among their staff, Results Title prides itself on employing only the highest quality staff and closing agents. Results Title’s goal is to be the leading land title and real estate settlement service provider in Richfield and throughout the state of Minnesota. Title Choice 6337 Penn Ave S Minneapolis • 612-888-0431 twincitiestitle.com Edina Realty Title Multiple Locations edinarealty.com PAGE 118 | REAL ESTATE | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST





FURR life 6/28 6pm

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Abdo Eick & Meyers Multiple Locations aemcpas.com

Secondhand Hounds 5959 Baker Rd #390 Minnetonka • 952-322-7643 secondhandhounds.org

Charles Stinson Architects 18304 Minnetonka Blvd Deephaven • 952-473-9503 charlesrstinson.com

Abdo, Eick & Meyers promises to go beyond the numbers and create a welcoming and helpful environment for their clients. Under Managing Partner Steve McDonald’s leadership, the Minneapolis area CPA firm delivers creative, one-of-a-kind business bookkeeping solutions to help individuals, businesses, and organizations solve their challenges. Abdo, Eick, & Meyers works hard for those who matter most: clients, employees, family, and community.

Secondhand Hounds is a nonprofit animal rescue focused on making a positive impact on the lives of dogs, cats and other critters in the community. Since the founding in 2009, the volunteers and staff have helped more than 22,000 animals in need of new and foster homes. The organization provides safe shelter, proper veterinary care, and daily necessities for animals at risk, while working hard to find each a permanent, loving home.

Charles Stinson Architects is an award-winning firm producing modern architecture composed by an experienced team of professionals. With the ability to serve clients locally and nationally, they offer both architecture and interior design services. The firm started in Florida 40 years ago by Minnesota native, Charles Stinson. Returning to Minnesota 35 years ago, the business grew to a team of 10 that has completed over 150 high-end custom homes in the Twin Cities area.

Sota Bookkeeping sotabookkeeping.com

Animal Humane Society Multiple Locations animalhumanesociety.org

ADS Designs 208 2nd Ave N Sauk Rapids • 320-248-5580 adsdesignsmn.com

Smith Schafer & Associates CPAs Multiple Locations smithschafer.com

Paws + Claws Rescue & Resort 2949 MN-371 Hackensack • 218-675-7297 pawsandclawsrr.org

Shelter Architecture 1229 Tyler St NE Minneapolis • 612-870-4081 shelterarchitecture.com




Stearns Bank Multiple Locations stearnsbank.com Stearns Bank continuously sets the bar high through teamwork, sense of urgency, ambitious hard work and a tenacious pursuit of excellence. At Stearns Bank, financial stability pairs with genuine relationship-centered services and tools. Stearns Bank is focused on helping their local and national customers reach and exceed their goals in life, business, or both.

Frandsen Bank & Trust Multiple Locations frandsenbank.com Lake Area Bank Multiple Locations lakeareabank.com


SPIRE Credit Union Multiple Locations 651-215-3500 myspire.com SPIRE Credit Union is driven by Midwestern values of hard work, honesty, responsibility, kindness, respect and equality. The core value at SPIRE is “We Care.” They are more than a financial institution — they want to be a partner in life. Whether members are just starting out in life, own their business or are close to retirement, SPIRE Credit Union would like to be your total financial solution.


Wings Financial Credit Union Multiple Locations 800-692-2274 wingsfinancial.com Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union Multiple Locations affinityplus.org STARTRIBUNE.COM



Mulberrys Garment Care Multiple Locations mulberryscleaners.com Mulberrys Garment Care offers more than just award-winning laundry service. They also have experts to alter, tailor, and repair your clothing. Their stores are conveniently located and open 7 days a week. Their staff helps make sure clients’ clothing looks custom-tailored for that perfect fit. From a simple hem job to a formal gown, Mulberrys wants to be your tailoring and alterations choice. Tailors On Blake 5706 W 36th St St. Louis Park • 952-933-6585 tailor-minneapolis.com Samantha Rei Crossland 2010 E Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-405-7734 samantharei.com


Luther Automotive Group Multiple Locations lutherauto.com Luther Automotive Group’s commitment to customers continues well beyond the date of purchase. Luther Automotive has a professional team of technicians on hand with the skills and equipment to handle all manner of maintenance and repairs, as well as a full stock of authentic parts. Head over to a Luther Automotive location today for quality vehicles, a friendly team, and professional service every step of the way. Spalon Montage Multiple Locations 952-915-2900 spalon.com SPIRE Credit Union Multiple Locations 651-215-3500 myspire.com PAGE 122 | SERVICES | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST



Mulberrys Garment Care Multiple Locations mulberryscleaners.com Mulberrys Garment Care believes that dry cleaning and laundry should be a craft, not a commodity. Everything done is focused on creating a truly unique dry cleaning and laundry experience. The expert dry cleaners use a blend of modern, green cleaning technologies, and old-world craftsmanship to ensure that their customers’ dry cleaning and laundry is returned in pristine condition. Do Good Diapers 2808 N Washington Ave Minneapolis • 612-990-2183 dogooddiapers.com St Croix Cleaners 5843 Neal Ave N Stillwater • 651-351-1656 stcroixcleaners.com


Bellagala 255 6th St E St. Paul • 651-227-1202 bellagala.com Bellagala’s mission is to give clients the most convenient wedding planning experience on the planet. They understand how time consuming and stressful wedding planning can be. Bellagala has curated a team of the best vendors in the Twin Cities for eight essential wedding services and three incredible venues, each with different styles to meet everyone’s unique vision.

Availed Wedding & Event Planning 612-440-2729 availedevents.com Hunt Wright Design Co. Minneapolis • 612-801-0768 huntwrightdesignco.com STARTRIBUNE.COM

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Bachman’s Floral, Gift & Garden Multiple Locations 612-861-7311 bachmans.com At Bachman’s Floral, Gift & Garden, shop beautifully arranged flowers to send to someone special or to just enjoy at home. Floral arrangements are designed by Bachman’s for many occasions, including weddings, sympathy, birthdays, prom, and more. All arrangements are artistically designed to bring beauty to life.

A. Johnson & Sons Florist 1738 Grand Ave St. Paul • 651-698-6000 jflorist.com


Candlelight Floral & Gifts 850 E Lake St Wayzata • 952-473-2564 candlelightfloral.com


Gardening Store/Nursery Hartquist Funeral & Cremation Services Multiple Locations hartquistfuneral.com Hartquist Funeral & Cremation Services is here to serve families and their loved ones during one of life’s most difficult times. Hartquist cares about the families served and are committed to providing personalized, professional, and compassionate services. At Hartquist Funeral & Cremation Services, one will find a caring staff, strong grief support, and customized services.

Washburn-McReavy Funeral Chapels Multiple Locations 612-377-2203 washburn-mcreavy.com David Lee Funeral Home 1220 Wayzata Blvd E Wayzata • 952-473-5577 davidleefuneralhome.com PAGE 124 | SERVICES | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST





Michelle Cheeseman State Farm Insurance Agent Pipestone • 507-825-5414 michellecheeseman.com

Hemgren Family Insurance 15219 Bluebird St NW Andover • 763-208-6196 hemgrenfamilyinsurance.com

The Pack Up Artist 651-442-9501 thepackupartist.com

Michelle Cheeseman of State Farm Insurance, runs a unique agency focused on relationships. In 2009, Cheeseman’s family moved to Pipestone where she opened her agency in full force, ready to serve the community. Being a good neighbor is more than just meeting the insurance and financial needs of customers, it is also meeting the needs of the community. The agency assisted their local library in receiving a $25K State Farm Neighborhood Assist Grant in 2017.

Hemgren Family Insurance is a local, woman-owned and managed business, offering bilingual services and zero brokerage fees. At Hemgren Family Inusrance, the staff works hard for their clients, not for a carrier. They will shop through multiple carriers on their clients’ behalf, making sure that they are receiving the best plan at the best price. Hemgren opened their doors as an independent brokerage in 2019 to offer comprehensive services to clients of all needs.

Starting as a one-woman operation in 2015 assisting family and friends with downsizing and packing tasks, The Pack Up Artist has grown to a team of over 15 energetic, tenacious, and compassionate employees. They specialize in helping clients across the metro and outlying areas with packing, junk removal, downsizing, and organizational services. The Pack Up Artist’s priorities include service without judgement while reducing the stress of clients.

Dan Reichert State Farm Insurance Agent Arden Hills • 651-765-1362 danreichert.com

Anchor Insurance Agency 3131 Fernbrook Ln N Plymouth • 763-473-4090 anchorins.com

Junk Genius 4514 Nokomis Ave Minneapolis • 612-444-5865 markets.junkgenius.com

Michele Castellano Alloy Insurance Agency Sartell • 763-694-9933 alloyinsured.com

Alloy Insurance Agency Multiple Locations alloyinsured.com

1-800-GOT-JUNK? 800-468-5865 1800gotjunk.com



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Tumble Fresh Coin Laundry Multiple Locations tumblefreshlaundry.com

Metcalf Moving & Storage Multiple Locations metcalfmoving.com

The clean, bright and inviting Tumble Fresh Coin Laundromats spoil customers. Tumble Fresh provides a luxury laundry day experience at competitive prices. Customers can get in, get out, and get back to their life. Tumble Fresh delivers a welcoming, spacious, comfortable environment with free internet access, community tables, and ample parking. They also offer credit card and app based payment technology, enhanced video security, a generous vending area, and more.

Metcalf Moving & Storage provides local and long-distance moving services for homes of all sizes, from studio apartments to large estates, since 1919. Metcalf goes beyond residential services and offers both commercial moving and warehousing and storage. Whether embarking on a local or long-distance move, Metcalf has you covered.

Champlin’s Best Laundromat 500 Jefferson Hwy N Champlin • 612-986-6454 champlinlaundromat.com

The Pack Up Artist 651-442-9501 thepackupartist.com

Bev’s Coin Laundry 3944 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis

College Muscle Movers 720 Prior Ave N St. Paul • 651-917-4108 collegemusclemovers.com


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Results Foundation 1200 W 78th St Eden Prairie • 952-942-4730 resultsfoundation.net

The Furington 18021 Langford Blvd Jordan • 952-492-5056 furingtonpup.com

The Results Foundation was established in 2015 by RE/MAX Results with the purpose of giving back to the communities in which they work and live. They partner with local housing, education and community organizations throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin to build a strong foundation for all.

Located on 30 acres of family land, The Furington is a newly renovated 7,000 square foot facility that includes indoor and outdoor turf runs with pools, play sets, and a pup lounge with leather couches for relaxation. The Furington’s daycare service is a great option for dogs to play all day long. At The Furington, every employee has a true passion for furry friends. They offer doggy daycare, boarding, training, and grooming.

Help At Your Door 8441 Wayzata Blvd #160 Golden Valley • 651-642-1892 helpatyourdoor.org

City Paws Pet Club Multiple Locations 612-324-7297 citypawspetclub.com

Voyageur Outward Bound School 1650 Carroll Ave St. Paul • 651-292-1062 vobs.org

Downtown Dogs 821 2nd Ave N Minneapolis • 612-374-3647 dtdogs.com





FurrLife Grooming Salon 101 Central Ave Osseo • 763-438-7239 furrlifegrooming.com

Carina Photographics 550 Vandalia St #214 St. Paul • 612-220-8227 carinaphotographics.com

Furrlife Grooming Salon is a family-owned and operated business specializing in enjoyable and customized grooming services for all dogs, large and small. They believe every dog deserves to be groomed from the inside out and each client is treated like family. Furrlife even offers canine massage therapy services to bring dogs’ wellbeing to a whole new level.

Carina Photographics is a portrait and wedding photography studio founded by Joanna Carina in 2011. Joanna is a visual storyteller who crafts authentic photographs of people and their relationships. She loves providing a transformational photography experience to each and every one of her clients. She works closely with her clients to create portraits that speak to them, their relationships and loved ones.

Dog’s Day Out 216 Colfax Ave N Minneapolis • 612-255-3425 dogsdaympls.com

Angela Divine Photography 77 13th Ave NE Minneapolis • 612-978-1085 angeladivinephotography.com

City Paws Pet Club Multiple Locations 612-324-7297 citypawspetclub.com

Minneapolis Headshots 12301 Whitewater Dr #105 Minnetonka • 612-234-2714 minneapolisheadshots.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM






Brown Box Tees 5708 Upper 147th St W #104 Apple Valley • 952-595-6100 brownboxtees.com

Award Staffing Multiple Locations awardstaffing.com

North Star Mini Storage Multiple Locations northstarministorage.com

Brown Box Tees is always looking for the newest apparel decoration styles and trends to bring customers. In the past year, they have launched two new decoration techniques; Prism Ink and Wet Reveal Ink, that will blow customers away. Style matters. Comfort matters. Quality matters. Communication matters. Brown Box Tees truly cares about their customers and their craft as custom screen-printing designers.

Award Staffing’s role is to fulfill gainful employment by serving both businesses and job seekers alike. They specialize in an all-encompassing approach that exclusively supports the Twin Cities metro. They provide clients with unsurpassed service, and associates with a clear career path, all while serving the communities in which they work. Award Staffing is the future finders.

North Star Mini Storage was one of the first self-storage facilities in the Twin Cities and have been in business for over 42 years. They offer some of the finest self-storage sites in the metro area. North Star started as a woman-owned business in 1978 and have grown to eight Twin Cities locations. At their Forest Lake location, they have included outdoor storage for RV’s, boats, and campers. With decades of experience, their customers are well taken care of.

Twin City Tees 938 6th St E St. Paul • 651-645-1800 twincitytees.com

PrideStaff 4634 85th Ave N Brooklyn Park • 763-999-4390 pridestaff.com/minneapolisnorth

Public Storage Multiple Locations publicstorage.com

Monkey in a Dryer 1121 Jackson St NE #131 Minneapolis • 612-236-4511 monkeyinadryer.com

Randstad Multiple Locations randstadusa.com

Extra Space Storage Multiple Locations extraspace.com

Find the location nearest you

Thanks for voting us best Tattoo/Piercing Shop ALMOSTFAMOUSPIERCING.COM PAGE 128 | SERVICES | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST



Almost Famous Body Piercing Multiple Locations almostfamouspiercing.com

Jefferson Lines Multiple Locations jeffersonlines.com

Almost Famous Body Piercing provides an inclusive environment where everyone who walks through their doors feels welcomed and comfortable. They consistently carry the largest selection of body jewelry and aftercare products in the area, so they have a little something for everyone. Their team of exceptional people continues to grow as their company progresses and they proudly invite you to shop (and get pierced!) with them.

Jefferson Lines has provided bus services since 1919. They pride themselves in safe, reliable, affordable, and convenient transportation. Jefferson Lines believes that this caliber of travel should be available to everyone, which is why their routes have been connecting people and places across the 14-state network and beyond for 100 years and counting. Passengers find motorcoaches in big cities, rural communities, college campuses, and everywhere in between.

Merci Tattoo 2836 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis • 612-615-9358 mercitattoo.com

Hailey’s Hideaway 526 5th Ave SE Pipestone • 507-820-0846 facebook.com/haileyshideawayllc

Canvas Tattoo Studio Multiple Locations thecanvastattoostudio.com

Sun Country Airlines suncountry.com




Golden Veterinary Care 1131A Wayzata Blvd E Wayzata • 952-767-0746 goldenvetcare.com

Walter’s Recycling & Refuse 2830 101st Ave NE Blaine • 763-780-8464 waltersrecycling.com

Golden Veterinary Care believes in providing a safe, informative, and collaborative veterinary experience. The staff has always strived to make clients feel comfortable with their decisions regarding their pets and educate them on the latest and most relevant medicine. It all occurs in a setting designed to put both pets and their parents at ease. From puppy and kitten care to challenging internal medicine and orthopedic care, the staff delivers the best in veterinary care.

Walter’s Recycling & Refuse is locally owned and operated and has been in business for 33 years. They are relentlessly committed to safe, simple, and reliable service. Walter’s is the only provider in the state that provides a free cart cleaning service to customers. As an additional asset to the communities they serve, Walter’s has a recycling center in Blaine. The center is open to the general public and provides a place to dispose of almost all types of waste and recycling.

Maplebrook Pet Care Center 2811 White Bear Ave Maplewood • 651-788-9006 maplebrookpet.com

Waste Management Twin Cities Recycling Minneapolis • 952-388-0750 wm.com

Animal Emergency & Referral Center of Minnesota Multiple Locations aercmn.com

Aspen Waste Systems 2951 Weeks Ave SE Minneapolis • 612-884-8000 aspenwaste.com

Voted Best Waste Disposal/Recycling

(763) 780-8464

2830 101st Avenue NE, Blaine, MN



SPIRE Credit Union Multiple Locations 651-641-2298 myspire.com SPIRE Credit Union wealth management advisors work to identify financial goals and implement an individualized financial program for all investment customers. Their advisors review portfolio performance while recommending adjustments to products and services to give customers the strongest financial future possible. SPIRE offers appointments in-person and over the phone to assist customers throughout the Twin Cities area and beyond. Genisys Credit Union Multiple Locations genisyscu.org Wings Financial Credit Union Multiple Locations 800-692-2274 wingsfinancial.com STARTRIBUNE.COM

THANK YOU for voting!

Best Florist

850 East Lake Street Wayzata, MN • (952) 473-2564

CandlelightFloral.com 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST | SERVICES | PAGE 129


Oxsome Web Services 7760 France Ave Bloomington • 612-940-6108 oxsome.com Oxsome Web Services builds great websites, but also helps clients achieve more business, while automating many tasks. Oxsome’s expertise in technology combined with their passion to help people level-up their business and surpass their competition is what sets them apart. Oxsome Web Services builds relationships with clients through trust and results. Businesses give Oxsome the keys and they take care of it all. Honeybee Creative Company 612-314-6482 honeybeecreativeco.com Iceberg Web Design Multiple Locations icebergwebdesign.com


Chankaska Creek Ranch, Winery, & Distillery Kasota • 507-931-0089 chankaskawines.com Chankaska Creek Ranch, Winery, & Distillery provides the perfect setting for that special day. The wedding venue has two stunning reception spaces, the outdoor tented Chankaska Creekside or the indoor Event Center. Ceremony locations include Creekside, Forest, or Court —all beautiful and unique in their own right. Event staff at Chankaska Creek Ranch, Winery & Distillery know how to execute a storybook wedding for their clients. Union Depot 214 4th St E St. Paul • 651-202-2700 uniondepot.org Green Acres Event Center 14150 Pioneer Trail Eden Prairie • 952-942-5220 greenacreseventcenter.com PAGE 130 | SERVICES | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST







Old River Valley Antique Mall 204 S Main St Stewartville • 507-533-0094 oldrivervalleyantiquemall.com

The Hub Bike Co-op Multiple Locations thehubbikecoop.org

FELLAS Haberdashery and Salon 1804 St. Clair Ave St. Paul • 651-219-4971 fellassalon.com

Thirty antique dealers sell unique, quality antiques under one roof at Old River Valley Antique Mall in Stewartville. The individual dealers fill every nook and cranny inside this 7,000 square foot store with goodies sure to catch every collector’s eye. Old River Valley Antique Mall has aisles and aisles of furniture, jewelry, memorabilia and trinkets of all kinds. The vast selection makes this antique mall a must-stop for locals and visitors alike.

The Hub Bike Co-op carries all types of bikes for all types of people. Whether it is a commuter bike, or a brand new feather-light carbon race machine, they want rides to be safe, fun, and reliable. Staff members are passionate and knowledgeable about anything from vintage and classic bikes to the latest and greatest in cycling technology. They provide repair services as well as new and used sales of bicycles, accessories, and apparel.

FELLAS Haberdashery and Salon is a one stop shop for men focusing not just on grooming, but also on clothing, accessories, and gifts. Employees ask questions about their client’s lifestyles so they can truly understand and identify their needs. Their number one goal is and always will be the needs of their clients. FELLAS Haberdashery and Salon is a place where long-term relationships are formed and where everyone can feel part of the FELLAS family.

Hunt & Gather 4944 Xerxes Ave S Minneapolis • 612-455-0250 huntandgatherantiques.com

Jonny Rock Bikes 8890 Excelsior Blvd Hopkins • 952-594-5333 jonnyrockbikes.com

Wixon Jewelers 9955 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis • 952-881-8862 wixonjewelers.com

Missouri Mouse Antiques 1750 Selby Ave St. Paul • 651-642-1938

Erik’s Bike Shop Multiple Locations eriksbikeshop.com

Bellaluna Boutique 11300 Minnetonka Mills Rd Minnetonka • 952-938-0800 giftsforspirit.com






952-892-7699 1715 COUNTY RD 42 W, BURNSVILLE, MN 55306


Effie’s Bridal Trunk 1715 County Rd 42 W Burnsville • 952-892-7699 effiesbridaltrunk.com

Von Hanson’s Meats Multiple Locations vonhansons.com

Since 2014, Effie’s Bridal Trunk has been a staple in the bridal industry. The store has over 1,000 dresses in stock. Effie’s is proud to have assisted in creating that perfect bridal moment for more than 10,000 brides. Effie’s Bridal Trunk creates an elegant, sophisticated, fashionable, and welcoming enviroment for brides-to-be.

Von Hanson’s Meats delivers the personalized full service of an old-fashioned butcher shop to Minnesotans. It is a friendly environment where the difference is in the quality and large selection of meats including beef, chicken, pork and deli meats. Von Hanson’s Meats also supplies great recipes to their customers with menu ideas such as Crock Pot Beef Tips, Buffalo Chicken Dip, and T-Bone Steaks with Parmesan Grilled Vegetables.

Wedding Shoppe 1196 Grand Ave St. Paul • 651-298-1144 weddingshoppeinc.com

Illetschko’s Meats and Smokehouse 101 Richmond St E South St Paul • 651-455-4333 illetschkos.com

Flutter Bridal Co. 43 SE Main St #141 Minneapolis • 612-216-1926 flutterbridalco.com

Mackenthun’s Fine Foods Multiple Locations mackenthuns.com


Teeny Bee Boutique 1560 Selby Ave St. Paul • 612-644-2540 shopteenybee.com Teeny Bee Boutique knows you want the best for your baby, so they scour the globe for the very best merchandise for babies and children — including toys, books, and clothing from smaller and lesser-known brands. They offer a great environment for moms and babies to hang out, and swap stories and ideas about parenting.

Just Between Friends Woodbury 4125 Radio Dr Woodbury • 651-321-3969 woodbury.jbfsale.com Pacifier Multiple Locations pacifierkids.com PAGE 132 | SHOPPING | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST



Arc’s Value Village Thrift Store & Donation Center Multiple Locations arcsvaluevillage.org Arc’s Value Village Thrift Store & Donation Center funds programs and services that benefit children and adults with developmental disabilities. Their three thrift stores generate significant funding for The Arc’s programs and services. Shoppers will find clean and beautiful stores. Arc’s Value Village is made possible by generous donations from individuals and businesses, which are then sorted and sold to customers. Assistance League Thrift Shop 6416 Penn Ave S Minneapolis • 612-866-2135 assistanceleague.org Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota 553 Fariview Ave N St. Paul • 651-379-5800 goodwilleasterseals.org


Spectacle Shoppe Multiple Locations spectacleshoppe.com To best serve customers, Spectacle Shoppe has certified opticians and over 12,000 frames in stock. They offer same day service with in house labs at their three locations. With the Spectacle Shoppe’s wide selection of frame styles from the world’s leading designers, customers are sure to find the perfect spectacles to fit their mood, style, and personality. Spectacle Shoppe has been the Twin Cities go-to for designer glasses and vintage frames since 1977. InVision Distinctive Eyewear Multiple Locations invision-optical.com Huxley Optical Multiple Locations huxleyeyewear.com STARTRIBUNE.COM


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Joe’s Sporting Goods 33 E County Rd B St. Paul • 651-209-7800 joessportinggoods.com

The Truman Company 2585 Hamline Ave N Ste E Roseville • 651-582-3865 trumanrc.com

The experts at Joe’s Sporting Goods are committed to delivering quality products for any fishing adventure. Joe’s Sporting Goods is a family-owned outdoor sporting goods company founded in 1930. At Joe’s, they offer a wide variety of outdoor gear for fishing, hunting, camping, and skiing. The knowledgeable staff assists customers with any of their outdoor sporting goods needs.

The Truman Company buys and sells silver, gold, and rare coins. They pay the highest prices through fair, honest, and transparent transactions. Truman employees take the time to make the customer an itemized list of buy prices, all while making the process comfortable, easy, quick, and painless. With over 40 years experience in precious metals and rare coins, customers are sure to have a fair, professional experience.

Thorne Bros Custom Rod & Tackle 10091 Central Ave NE Blaine • 763-572-3782 thornebros.com

Wixon Jewelers 9955 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis • 952-881-8862 wixonjewelers.com

Ely Outfitting Company 529 E Sheridan St Ely • 218-343-7951 elyoutfittingcompany.com

American Rare Coin & Collectibles 7900 Xerxes Ave S #140 Bloomington • 952-830-1400 coinsonline.com



OUR MISSION: Save Animal Lives Educate Youth Complete Families Located in Hackensack, MN

2nd Swing Golf Multiple Locations 2ndswing.com 2nd Swing Golf provide the best possible experience for golfers through excellent customer service, the largest selection of new and pre-swung golf clubs, award-winning custom fitting services, and the highest trade-in values. Their goal is to exceed customer expectations every time. The staff is constantly completing new training and certification courses to provide customers with unmatched knowledge in the golf industry.

Thank you for voting us BRONZE BEST ANIMAL NONPROFIT

pawsandclawsrr.org | 218-675-PAWS (7297) PAGE 134 | SHOPPING | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST

Golf Galaxy Multiple Locations golfgalaxy.com PGA TOUR Superstore 12380 Wayzata Blvd Minnetonka • 763-489-5410 pgatoursuperstore.com VOTEDMINNESOTASBEST.COM



for old and rare numismatic coins, gold and silver bullion, paper currency, gold and silver jewelry, silver atware, foreign coins and select collectibles

VOTED BEST GOLD & RARE COINS Truman Company has over 40 years of experience in the industry and we're devoted to helping our customers learn more about numismatics and grow their wealth. We buy & sell old, rare, numismatic coins, gold & silver bullion, paper currency, scrap gold & silver je jewelry, foreign coins and select collectibles. Visit our Coin Shop in Roseville, MN, no appointment needed, or go to trumanrc.com and complete our free quote form! STARTRIBUNE.COM





Hy-Vee Multiple Locations hy-vee.com Hy-Vee pushes beyond the traditional grocery boundaries, offering in-store restaurants, DSW shoe departments, nail salons, clothing departments, its own media platforms and more. Hy-Vee is known for quality, variety, convenience, healthy lifestyles, culinary expertise, and superior customer service. Hy-Vee is a proud sponsor of the Minnesota Vikings, Minnesota Wild, Minnesota Timberwolves and the Minnesota Lynx. Be sure to check out HyVee’s Aisles Online feature, which lets people shop for groceries, flowers, baked goods and more from the comfort of home. Sign up for the Hy-Vee Fuel Saver + PERKS card and start saving on gasoline at participating gas stations. It’s secure and free to join. It even has an app — so you can get your discount even if you forget your card. Hy-Vee offers free delivery, 2-hour express pick-up, additional rewards, and exclusive monthly perks to its Hy-Vee Plus Members.

Lunds & Byerlys Multiple Locations lundsandbyerlys.com Valley Natural Foods 13750 County Rd 11 Burnsville • 952-891-1212 valleynaturalfoods.com






Wixon Jewelers 9955 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis • 952-881-8862 wixonjewelers.com

Cooks of Crocus Hill Multiple Locations cooksofcrocushill.com

Morelli’s Market 535 Tedesco St St. Paul • 651-774-5961 morellismarket.com

Started by Dan Wixon in 1988, Wixon Jewelers is proud to be celebrating over 30 years in business. In a short amount of time, they have grown into one of the largest single-location jewelers in the country. Wixon is often mistaken as a multi-generation store because of the size and how fast they have grown. Wixon attributes their success to the commitment of delivering unforgettable experiences. Wixon provides an unmatched level of service, quality, and expertise.

Established in St. Paul in 1973 by Martha Kaemmer, Cooks of Crocus Hill began first as a retail store, then became a “cooking school with a store attached.” For nearly 50 years, Cooks has been the Twin Cities go-to resource for all things culinary. From knives, to cookware, to sun ripened tomatoes, to classes and events, Cooks of Crocus Hill has a wonderful history of finding what is next for anyone interested in all things food.

If Morelli’s is one thing, it is unique. They have liquor, meat, and Italian grocery departments all under one roof with no separation. As more big box stores and chains spring up, the personal relationship between retailer and customer is what makes Morelli’s feel that much more special. Whether it is the charm of the old building, an employee calling a customer by name, or one of the meat cutters customizing steaks, Morelli’s offers a truly unique experience.

R.F. Moeller Jeweler Multiple Locations 888-290-9345 rfmoeller.com

Spice Your Life 614 W 54th St Minneapolis • 952-412-4340 spiceyourlife.us

Total Wine & More Multiple Locations totalwine.com

Continental Diamond 1600 Utica Ave S #130 Minneapolis • 612-824-4445 continentaldiamond.com

Kitchen Window 3001 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-824-4417 kitchenwindow.com

Liquor Boy Wine and Spirits 5620 Cedar Lake Rd St. Louis Park • 952-512-2200 liquor-boy.com



VOTED MINNESOTA’S BEST Mall of America 60 E Broadway Bloomington • 952-883-8800 mallofamerica.com

FELLAS Haberdashery and Salon 1804 St. Clair Ave St. Paul • 651-219-4971 fellassalon.com

Since opening its doors in 1992, Mall of America has revolutionized the shopping experience of tens of millions of visitors a year. A leader in retail, entertainment, and attractions, Mall of America is one of the top tourist destinations in the country and is known all around the world. Mall of America hosts more than 400 events a year, ranging from concerts to celebrity appearances and fashion shows. Each year, 40 million people from around the world visit the mall.

FELLAS is a one stop shop for men focusing not just on grooming, but also on clothing, accessories, and gifts. Employees ask questions about their client’s lifestyles so they can truly understand and identify their needs. Their number-one goal is and always will be the needs of their clients. That is a shared philosophy among all staff members. FELLAS is a place where long-term relationships are formed and where everyone will feel part of the family.


Rosedale Center 1595 Hwy 36 W #10 Roseville • 651-638-3553 rosedalecenter.com

Milbern Clothing Co 1685 University Ave W St. Paul • 651-645-2922 milbern.com

651-219-4941 | VIGGUITARSHOP.COM

Galleria 3510 W 69th St Edina • 952-925-4321 galleriaedina.com

Hubert White 747 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis • 612-339-9200 hubertwhite.com






Twin Cities Drum Collective 1618 Central Ave NE #148 Minneapolis • 651-455-4040 tcdrumcollective.com

Innovative Office Solutions Multiple Locations innovativeos.com

Paddle North Multiple Locations 651-560-2038 paddlenorth.com

Their onsite drum building, a full-service shop, and a focus on community sets Twin Cities Drum Collective apart. Their flagship brands TC Drums and 651 are played by Dave King of The Bad Plus, and a fast-growing number of drummers who love drums built with Minnesota components. It’s not just top-notch drums and a carefully curated shop that makes them special, it is also the atmosphere that welcomes drummers of all styles and abilities.

Innovative Office Solutions is a progressive, woman-owned provider of office productivity solutions. With a full portfolio including office products, furniture and design services, facility and breakroom supplies, print and graphic design, and promotional products and technology solutions, Innovative is more than just their name, it’s their culture. The organization has grown from 21 employees to over 300 team members across the Midwest.

Paddle North was established in 2014 with the mission of building a sustainable brand that celebrated Midwest lake life, while simultaneously offering an exceptional customer experience. They have expanded from one line of paddle boards to an array of water products, including kayaks, utility docks, foam lake floats, wake surf boards, and more. Paddle North’s hope is to continue inspiring people to spend more time outside.

Vig Guitars 595 Snelling Ave N St. Paul • 651-219-4941 vigguitarshop.com

Podany’s Office Furniture 5105 Parkdale Dr St. Louis Park • 952-541-9785 podanys.com

Midwest Mountaineering 309 Cedar Ave S Minneapolis • 612-339-3433 midwestmtn.com

Groth Music Company 8056 Nicollet Ave Bloomington • 952-884-4772 grothmusic.com

SOS Office Furniture 3391 Labore Rd Vadnais Heights • 651-644-6494 sosofficefurniture.com

Hoigaard’s 5425 Excelsior Blvd St. Louis Park • 952-929-1351 hoigaards.com


Chuck & Don’s Pet Food & Supplies Multiple Locations chuckanddons.com Chuck & Don’s Pet Food & Supplies is more than just a simple pet store, it is a pet wellness store. The staff — which includes nutritionists, groomers, and behaviorists — are experts dedicated to holistic pet wellness. Customers will find everything neeeded under one roof. Natural food, healthy treats, supplies, and grooming are available. They also offer a comprehensive loyalty program that rewards pet owners for the way they care for their pets. Purrniture Cat Furniture 2242 University Ave W St. Paul • 651-642-1946 purrniture.com Bone Marche 3777 Park Center Blvd Minneapolis • 952-929-2019 lundsandbyerlys.com STARTRIBUNE.COM



FELLAS Haberdashery and Salon 1804 St. Clair Ave St. Paul • 651-219-4971 fellassalon.com FELLAS Haberdashery and Salon is a one stop shop for men focusing not just on grooming, but also on clothing, accessories, and gifts. Employees ask questions about their client’s lifestyles so they can truly understand and identify their needs. FELLAS Haberdashery and Salon is a place where long-term relationships are formed and where everyone can feel part of the FELLAS family. Wixon Jewelers 9955 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis • 952-881-8862 wixonjewelers.com Cooks of Crocus Hill Multiple Locations cooksofcrocushill.com


Coastal Seafoods Multiple Locations coastalseafoods.com Coastal Seafoods provides quality fish and seafood — in fact, they supply it to more than 200 restaurants and co-ops in the Midwest. Coastal flies in fish and seafood six days per week, enabling the shop to always have a variety of more than 50 kinds of the freshest fish. Seafood lovers will find snapper, oysters, clams, salmon, tuna, lobster, crab, and more.

Morey’s Seafood Markets Multiple Locations 800-548-9630 moreysmarkets.com Lunds & Byerlys Multiple Locations lundsandbyerlys.com PAGE 140 | SHOPPING | 2021 MINNESOTA’S BEST



Down in the Valley Multiple Locations downinthevalley.com Down in the Valley prides themselves on the variety of music and titles you will find in their racks. Their team has over 45 years of combined record store and record label experience. Whether it is rock or jazz, punk or metal, funk or hip hop, and everything in between, their entire staff loves helping people find the music they’re seeking and sharing the physical media experience with everyone. Electric Fetus 2000 S 4th Ave Minneapolis • 612-870-9300 electricfetus.com Mill City Sound 812 Mainstreet Hopkins • 952-456-6547 millcitysound.com


Peterson Shoes 209 E Main St Anoka • 763-421-3433 petersonshoes.com Peterson Shoes is known throughout Anoka and the surrounding northwest Minneapolis suburbs as the go-to destination for their knowledge, quality, comfort, and service in footwear. Their experts listen deeply to customer’s needs and help them solve foot discomfort they are experiencing. Every footwear consultant is trained to provide a complete measurement of each customer’s feet and find the footwear to best suit their needs. Schuler Shoes Multiple Locations schulershoes.com Leo Footwear 1554 Selby Ave St. Paul leofootwearstpaul.com STARTRIBUNE.COM





Joe’s Sporting Goods 33 E County Rd B St. Paul • 651-209-7800 joessportinggoods.com

Perfect Ash 9080 Buchanan Trail Inner Grove Heights • 651-340-8416 perfectash.com

National Camera Exchange 9300 Olson Memorial Hwy Golden Valley • 763-546-6831 natcam.com

The outdoor experts at Joe’s Sporting Goods are committed to delivering quality products that are perfectly suited for any adventure. Every team member at Joe’s is an expert in their department. From ski fittings to selecting the right fishing rod, their experts know the sport and know how to set their customers up with exactly what is needed to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest.

Perfect Ash has provided cigar aficionados with a space to satisfy their passion since 1973. Customers are amazed by their expansive, walk-in humidor. It is loaded with premium and boutique cigars, many of which can be sampled. They offer one of the largest selections of cigars in the Twin Cities and are constantly adding new varieties. Stop in and enjoy a cigar in their humidor or large tobacco bar.

Family-owned and operated for over 100 years, National Camera Exchange provides expert customer service along with the largest selection of photo and video products in the Midwest. Whether one is an amateur or a professional photographer, they can count on the experienced staff at National Camera Exchange to provide unparalleled, personalized service. National Camera Exchange also offers educational opportunities to help capture, create, and inspire.

Erik’s Bike Shop Multiple Locations eriksbikeshop.com

Smokeshop II 929 Wildwood Rd White Bear Lake • 651-773-8220

Northland Visions 861 E Hennepin Ave Minneapolis • 612-872-0390 northlandvisions.com

Fitzharris Ski, Bike And Outdoor 105 7th Ave S St. Cloud • 320-251-2844 fitzharrismn.com

Super Smokedale Oakdale Multiple Locations smokedaletobacco.com

Coccinella 4946 France Ave S Edina • 952-479-7015 coccinellastore.com




Paddle North Multiple Locations 651-560-2038 paddlenorth.com

Legacy Toys Multiple Locations legacytoys.com

boréal 2276 Como Ave St. Paul • 651-560-9900 shop.boreal.life

Paddle North was established in 2014 with the mission of building a sustainable brand that celebrated Midwest lake life. They have expanded from one line of paddle boards to an array of water products, including kayaks, utility docks, foam lake floats, wake surf boards, and other outdoor water gear. Paddle North’s hope is to continue inspiring people to spend more time in the great outdoors.

The purpose of Legacy Toys is to help foster kids that explore and use their imagination, rather than grow up immersed in video games and a virtual world. The staff at Legacy Toys encourages creative play throughout the entire store and hope that everyone joins in. Legacy Toys educates and encourages creative play to future generations.

Boreal offers artistic, Nordic-inspired gifts, clothing, stationary, jewelry, toys and jigsaw puzzles. The experience continues upstairs in their Art Loft, where each month they feature a showing from a new local artist. Boreal is available for shopping online, during walk-in hours, and even by private appointment for a unique shopping experience.

Bill’s Gun Shop & Range Robbinsdale 4080 W Broadway Ave Robbinsdale • 763-533-9594 billsgs.com

kiddywampus Multiple Locations kiddywampus.shoplightspeed.com

Fashion Fruit Boutique 1470 Yankee Doodle Rd Eagan • 651-478-1102 fashionfruitboutique.com

SCHEELS Multiple Locations scheels.com

Hub Hobby Center Multiple Locations hubhobby.com

Requisite North Loop 211 Washington Ave N Minneapolis • 612-259-7387 facebook.com/requisitenorthloop



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Abbott Paint & Carpet........................................................................................................................................81 Aesthetic Home..................................................................................................................................................19 Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union..................................................................................................................122 Alloy Brewing Company.................................................................................................................................... 25 Almost Famous Body Piercing........................................................................................................................ 128 American Rug Laundry...................................................................................................................................... 76 Apollo Heating & Air Conditioning.................................................................................................................. 76 Aquarius Home Services.................................................................................................................................. 114 Area 57 CoffeeCafe........................................................................................................................................... 29 Bachman’s Floral, Gift and Garden................................................................................................................ 124 Bassford Remele................................................................................................................................................89 Bay to Bay Boat Club..........................................................................................................................................94 Bean’s Greenwood Marina.............................................................................................................................. 109 Becker Furniture..................................................................................................................................Inside Back Bertelson Law......................................................................................................................................................91 Bhatti Gastroenterology Consultants.............................................................................................................. 56 BHSI......................................................................................................................................................................18 Black Onyx Wax Studio......................................................................................................................................13 Blue Sun Soda Shop...........................................................................................................................................20 Breathe Freedom from Nicotine....................................................................................................................... 57 Bridging...............................................................................................................................................................98 Candlelight Floral & Gifts................................................................................................................................ 129 Candyland........................................................................................................................................................... 25 Canterbury Park................................................................................................................................................. 95 Cantilever Bridge Distillery............................................................................................................................... 24 CareAparent....................................................................................................................................................... 57 Carlos Creek Winery / 22 Northmen Brewing Co.......................................................................................... 43 Casa de Corazón................................................................................................................................................... 2 CCRM Fertility Minneapolis.............................................................................................................................. 55 Cedar Creek Energy........................................................................................................................................... 87 Chankaska Creek Ranch, Winery, & Distillery............................................................................................. 130 Charles Stinson Architects..............................................................................................................................123 Clinic Sofia OBGYN............................................................................................................................................ 55 Compeer Financial............................................................................................................................................... 4 Concordia Language Villages...........................................................................................................................46 Corner Home Medical.......................................................................................................................................60 Counselor Realty............................................................................................................................................... 112 Dan’s Southside Marine.................................................................................................................................. 108 Dentistry for Children & Adolescents..............................................................................................................61 Do Good Diaper Service...................................................................................................................................126 Dodge Nature Center........................................................................................................................................98 Down in the Valley............................................................................................................................................110 Drybar................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Eagle Heights Spanish Immersion................................................................................................................... 47 Ecumen / Zvago................................................................................................................................................ 119 Edgewater Hotel & Waterpark......................................................................................................................... 97 Effie’s Bridal Trunk............................................................................................................................................132 Eileen’s Cookies.................................................................................................................................................. 23 El Camino Taco Deli........................................................................................................................................... 27 Ely-Bloomenson Community Hospital............................................................................................................. 52 Emerald Crest Memory Care............................................................................................................................96 Endeavor Air...................................................................................................................................................... 112 Erté & The Peacock Lounge.............................................................................................................................. 32 Everett & Charlie................................................................................................................................................96 Everlight Solar....................................................................................................................................................70 F45 Training........................................................................................................................................................ 10 Fazendin Realtors.............................................................................................................................................. 112 Feed My Starving Children.............................................................................................................................. 103 FELLAS Haberdashery and Salon......................................................................................................................21 Filament Lighting & Home.................................................................................................................................71 Finken.................................................................................................................................................................. 73 Frandsen Bank & Trust..................................................................................................................................... 121 Guardian Property Management.................................................................................................................... 116 Halunen Law.......................................................................................................................................................90 Handi Medical Supply........................................................................................................................................31 Hanisch Bakery.................................................................................................................................................. 23 Hearing of America............................................................................................................................................ 55 Heather’s Pies....................................................................................................................................................42 Hirschfield’s................................................................................................................................................. 80, 86 Home Instead..................................................................................................................................................... 58 Homes by Tradition.......................................................................................................................................... 115 Honey & Mackie’s.............................................................................................................................................. 33 Hy-Vee................................................................................................................................................................136 Irish Blessings Coffeehouse.............................................................................................................................. 27 J. Selby’s.............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Jefferson Lines..................................................................................................................................................127 Johnson Law Group............................................................................................................................................17 Kumar’s............................................................................................................................................................... 26 Lake Area Bank..................................................................................................................................................125 Lindey’s...............................................................................................................................................................40 Livea Weight Control Centers...........................................................................................................................15 Liz Fagen Home Group - RE/MAX Results..................................................................................................... 118 Lucēre Legal....................................................................................................................................................... 114 Lunds & Byerlys................................................................................................................................................ 140

Luther Automotive...................................................................................................................................104, 106 Lutsen Mountains..............................................................................................................................................96 M. Carlson Painting...........................................................................................................................................80 Mages Land Company & Auction Service........................................................................................................ 7 Mall of America................................................................................................................................................ 134 MDS Remodeling...............................................................................................................................................70 Metro Duct Cleaners........................................................................................................................................ 114 Midwest Roofing, Siding & Windows..............................................................................................................68 Minnesota Orchestra........................................................................................................................................ 93 Minnesota State University, Mankato.............................................................................................................45 Minnesota Wild..................................................................................................................................................50 Minnestay...........................................................................................................................................................20 MNGI Digestive Health......................................................................................................................................61 Monarch Healthcare Management.................................................................................................................. 62 Morelli’s Market................................................................................................................................................. 26 Mosquito Shield................................................................................................................................................. 72 Mountain Duct Cleaning................................................................................................................................... 72 National Camera Exchange................................................................................................................................21 Nedia Hairloss Salon & Spa...............................................................................................................................12 North Metro Dermatology................................................................................................................................54 North Star Mini Storage...................................................................................................................................126 Northland Visions............................................................................................................................................. 141 Number 12 Cider................................................................................................................................................30 Nura Pain Clinics................................................................................................................................................ 65 Oak Meadows Senior Living............................................................................................................................. 97 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical Consultants......................................................................................................60 Our Lady of Peace.............................................................................................................................................. 97 Park Dental......................................................................................................................................................... 53 Paws + Claws Rescue & Resort....................................................................................................................... 134 Peppers & Fries..................................................................................................................................................30 Permanent Choice............................................................................................................................................... 11 Pizza Luce........................................................................................................................................................... 39 PJ’s Appliance..................................................................................................................................................... 72 Prairie Dental Group.......................................................................................................................................... 52 Pride Institute.....................................................................................................................................................66 Profile by Sanford................................................................................................................................................14 Purrniture Cat Furniture.................................................................................................................................... 95 Rainbow Treecare.............................................................................................................................................. 79 RE/MAX Results............................................................................................................................................... 117 Resort Marine and Service................................................................................................................................ 95 Salon Ultimo........................................................................................................................................................13 Schromen Law.....................................................................................................................................................91 Science Museum of Minnesota......................................................................................................................100 Sekula Law Offices..............................................................................................................................................18 Sela Gutter Connection..................................................................................................................................... 74 Sela Roofing and Remodeling...........................................................................................................................84 SEMA Equipment................................................................................................................................................. 6 Shriner’s Hospital.............................................................................................................................................. 57 SMC Construction.............................................................................................................................................. 83 Soapy Joe’s Car Wash..................................................................................................................................... 109 Spalon Montage..................................................................................................................................................61 Spavia Maple Grove........................................................................................................................................... 10 Spectacle Shoppe..............................................................................................................................................133 Spice Your Life...................................................................................................................................................139 Spike’s & Houles................................................................................................................................................... 6 SPIRE Credit Union............................................................................................................................. Back Cover St. Croix Casinos................................................................................................................................................99 St. Cloud Orthopedics.......................................................................................................................................66 Stages Theatre Company..................................................................................................................................49 Standard Heating & Air Conditioning.............................................................................................................. 77 Steve’s Appliances..............................................................................................................................................21 Stommes Law Office...........................................................................................................................................19 Success Home Team.........................................................................................................................................110 Summit Mortgage Corporation................................................................................................................. 73, 113 T-Rex Cookie Company..................................................................................................................................... 28 TCM EastWest Acupuncture............................................................................................................................ 67 The Dental Specialists....................................................................................................................................... 63 The Gorman Center...........................................................................................................................................98 The Inn on Lake Superior...................................................................................................................................17 The Refinery Skin Clinic.................................................................................................................................... 59 The Truman Company............................................................................................................... Inside Front, 135 Three Rivers Park District............................................................................................................................... 102 Treasure Island Resort and Casino.................................................................................................................. 93 Twin Cities Pain Clinic.......................................................................................................................................64 Uptown Bar & Grill..............................................................................................................................................31 Urban Air Adventure Park...............................................................................................................................101 Valley Natural Foods.........................................................................................................................................132 Valley Pools & Spas............................................................................................................................................ 82 Vig Guitars.........................................................................................................................................................138 Voyageur Outward Bound School.....................................................................................................................18 Walter’s Recycling & Refuse........................................................................................................................... 129 Water Street Inn..................................................................................................................................................19 Wings Financial Credit Union.......................................................................................................................... 118

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