Diabetic Neuropathya nerve disease with many faces
What is diabetic neuropathy?
ď‚ž The
term neuropathy encompasses a large number of diseases and disorders of the peripheral nervous system - i.e. the nerve tracts and centers outside the brain and spinal cord.
ď‚ž Diabetic
neuropathy is a specific type of disorder that only affects people who have diabetes. The excessively high sugar content in the blood damages the nerve cells, causing dysfunction and even death of nerves comes
? What types of diabetic neuropathy are there? Peripheral
diabetic polyneuropathy-
Vegetative neuropathy –
This type of neuropathy affects nerves that control organs in the body.
Radiculoplex neuropathy
It mainly affects the nerves of the thighs, buttocks. It is commonly seen in patients with type 2 diabetes.
type of neuropathy affects nerves that are responsible for moving the muscles and feeling the skin to touch.
peripheral neuropathy nerve fibers are affected, from the periphery - pull to the spinal cord - the skin, arms and legs.
Autonomic Autonomic
neuropathy occurs when there is damage to the nerves that control daily functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, sweating, bowel and bladder function, and digestion.
Causes of diabetic neuropathy The causes of diabetic neuropathy are as follows: High
blood sugar damages the nerves and impairs their ability to transmit signals, as well as weaken the capillary walls that supply oxygen and nutrients.
Inflammation Genetic
of the nerves.
factors: Some genes are prone to nerve damage.
alcohol consumption and smoking: constricts and clogs arteries and blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the legs and feet. This makes it difficult for wounds to heal and compromises the integrity of the blood vessels.
How do you recognize diabetic neuropathy? Nerve damage can be recognized in different tage: In
the case of damage to nerve fibers that transmit environmental and tactile stimuli: false sensations, tingling, itching, burning, pins and needles or numbness, reduced or changed temperature sensation
the case of damaged pain fibers: pain for no apparent reason or lack of pain sensation
organ nerves are damaged (autonomic neuropathy): cardiac arrhythmia or digestive disorders, fluctuations in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, bladder weakness, swallowing disorders or impotence
damage to motor nerves: muscle weakness, muscle wasting, paralysis, unsteady gait or stumbling
nerve fibers of the eye are affected (diabetic retinopathy), this is noticeable through visual disturbances; if the course is severe, it can even lead to blindness.
How can diabetic neuropathy be treated? There
is currently no causal treatment for diabetic neuropathy. Medical treatment consists mainly of patient education and strict control and adjustment of blood sugar in order to prevent progressive damage to the nervous system.
monitoring of blood sugar levels and blood pressure as well as a healthy lifestyle without nicotine and alcohol, which in turn can damage nerves, are essential. Depending on the symptoms, various measures can be taken to improve the quality of life of those affected:
reduction when overweight Pain management medical therapy Insoles, orthopedic shoes or splints Physiotherapy (heat or cold therapy, electrotherapy, movement therapy)
Nervexol – Natural drugs for diabetic neuropathy
Nervexol is a natural medicine that can be use for the diabetic neuropathy treatment. It has all the ayurvedic anti-aging herbs, and vitamins in it that help in increasing the body's ability to maintain physical activity and helps relieve stress, fatigue and insomnia.
Nervexol is useful for loss of sensation in the legs and periphery. It acts as a nervous tonic, increases physical and mental stamina. Also restores strength to muscles.
It is a natural remedy that stimulates endurance during physical exertion, minimizes stress manifestations, and is effective in diabetic neuropathy treatment.
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