2 minute read
Emotional happiness around money
Most of us are conditioned to yearn for money. However, I believe it’s emotional happiness and freedom we desire.
Being an Emotional Stress Expert for over 25 years, I’ve found that most people are stressed and confused about money. And I’ve witnessed many times that whether you have millions or hundreds in your bank account makes no difference to your level of happiness.
Whether we admit it or not, when we’re honest with ourselves, it’s happiness, love, connection, ease, freedom and peace that we desire in our lives, from the perspective of our inner being. Yet most of us are conditioned to strive for money – lots of it – and believe we must work hard to get it.
Taking time to be, reflect, have fun, discover who we are and enjoy this planet on a day-to-day basis can take second or last place, especially in family life.
Here are four things that can help you feel emotional happiness around money:
1. Take the time to learn how to manage day-to-day money. In my opinion, this is a must for consistent, long-term emotional happiness. Be present with your incomings and outgoings. We have all been programmed to believe that consumption makes us feel great, and more money is what we need. Updating that program to self-awareness makes me feel great, and inner connection is what I need, will transform your life and home. Independently educate yourself with money (I find The Barefoot Investor an excellent teacher).
2. Money and your mindset – learn about your past family ‘emotional patterns’ about money. Understand this as much as you can. Clear and update them where necessary. What was easy for them, and what seemed demanding or stressful? What were their fears and triumphs with money, spending and saving? This can let you know a lot about yourself and your conditioned money patterns.
3. Craft and create new beliefs about receiving money easily and effortlessly – without having to work, unless you love to! Every time you get stuck with money and feel like there is no way forward, especially with debt, ask yourself this question, “What do I need to believe here to experience something different?” Then take some time in nature to be. Your higher-self and heart will gift insight and intuition on what this is for you, each and every time!
4. Develop a consciousness around your spending – one that aligns to your values. Give thought to our planet, the people who made your desired product or service, and the genuine love you feel for that spending. Transform consumerism into spending money on becoming emotionally happy in yourself and home. Explore your inner world and discover who you are and what you truly love.
Emotional happiness in yourself and your home is modern wealth. It’s always going to trump working hard and having a lot of money.