2 minute read
Money, money, money or… patterns, patterns, patterns
Your beliefs and your patterns determine your money story! It’s that simple. If you want a different money story, you have to change your patterns.
I’ve worked in Hotel Administration and Financial Management for over 40 years, including 20 years or so as a financial controller. One of the biggest roles I had was a group financial controller, managing 17 companies with a turnover of $24 million a year.
One of the principal secrets of successful money management is being organised. Patterns are run by everyone, including business owners. I’ve seen some business owners put their head in the sand, some just ‘get another loan’ to get out of a tight spot, and some not employ enough staff to save money. Every one of those business owners was in their own egoic pattern.
I’ve run my own patterns, some well, some not so well. My father was German, and it was always “work harder”. I physically pushed myself for many years, way beyond what a ‘normal’ person would. I’ve regularly worked 60-80 hours a week in some roles and can recall hitting 110 hours a week many times. That’s just crazy!
So why do we do it? What’s it really about? It’s about self-worth.
The real choice is to live in love or fear, to own who you truly are and claim your worth in the world. My decision to work hard was because of my poor self-worth – if I work really hard I’ll prove I’m worth something!
Money is an energy. It’s about equal energy exchanges. It’s about having values and holding to them. When something turns up in front of you that challenges you or your money story, take a moment to pause and ask, “What’s this really about?” ‘Wonder’ questions help unravel the patterns and stories you’ve held onto.
If you’re disorganised around money, where else in life are you disorganised?
One of my favourite affirmations is from the Liquid Crystals ‘Citrine’ crystal, which is all about abundance. “Self-love is my measure of abundance. I love, I receive, I give…”
These days I have my own company and still help people get organised in their finances and knowing their numbers; however, I am also a coach. I help people in their relationship with themselves and others. When coaching individuals or business owners, I use a variety of modalities, including Liquid Crystals, and help them map out every step of a pattern to see how to shift them and make new choices. Miraculously, their beliefs about themselves, their relationship with themselves and others, and their money story shifts.
DEB’s job on the planet is to be a soul guide, so getting people on the right track, on the right trajectory makes her heart sing! If you want more info, email: deb@inspiringfreedom.global