2 minute read

From fig to purple – what are Anahata Codes?


When considering how to introduce you to these beautiful Anahata Codes, I sat with them and asked, “What would you like to share in this two-step story?”


The intuited answer was Fig Flower Essence and the colour purple and these will be shared with you both as a story here and as a recording that you can access and download from my website.

Our first code, Fig Flower Essence, holds the assisting frequency of restoring and enhancing memory while balancing your male and female aspects at a cellular level. It also balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain, supporting flexibility and tolerance.

Fig Flower Essence has the ability to help you to connect with long forgotten memories and is particularly helpful with the release of hidden fears or blockages so that they can be understood and overcome. It also helps to promote greater understanding, improve your confidence, assist with telepathic ability and can be used to enhance creative visualisation techniques. On an energetic level Fig Flower Essence stimulates the throat chakra and the mental body.

This beautiful code is described more in the activation recording which will help to enable clear intention prior to completing the activation.

When providing an activation for any client or group, I always promote that you complete your own investigation into what that code means as you will see what shines for YOU instead of just the information I may provide.

What are the Anahata Codes?

They have been brought to life here in this time by Holly Hallowell (Anahata) who shares them out into the world for free for your own personal use. You can find them on the website with an instructional video clip on how to bring these codes into your world.

Everything around us vibrates at its own unique frequency. Anahata Codes are a set of channelled numbers and spaces which provide the keys to unlocking and providing access to the innate intelligence of those vibrations. They deliver access to these assisting frequencies directly into your energy field, your inner heart library, through your heart chakra.

What are the Assisting Frequencies?

Assisting Frequencies vibrate the intelligence of crystals, totem animals, trees, essential oils, meridians, and many, many more. When a code is installed, the healing qualities vibrate with your own inner library, assisting your body to shift and create balance on all levels.

I see the process this way. When we aim to intuit our codes rather than choose from our current mind space, the feeling moves us towards our journey; then the activation SHINES this area of our inner library and when the activation is fronting something we hold fearfully, I see it neutralising that kernel of fear, neutralising it into love. Leaving us with a freer mindset.

Visit https://learn.lindasimpson.com.au/ and download the activation recording. I’ll complete this lovely Anahata Code Collective next edition.

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