2 minute read

Food as medicine for dogs


The Chinese proverb, “you become what you eat” is also true when it comes to feeding our animal friends.


Pet foods that are full of harmful pesticides, preservatives, food colouring, and chemicals, have been associated with disease. If you want your fluffy friend to have a shiny healthier coat, with sweeter breath and stools, then make them a wholesome diet.

If your pet has particular problems, then there are nutritional treatment guides that you can follow. Below are some suggested recipes. Wherever possible buy organic foods.

For overweight dogs substitute brown rice for potatoes and for white rice.

Old Dog Bones diet – Arthritis

Step 1 – make the broth – into a large pot place:

12 cups of water

2 cups of oxtails

2 cups of pork soft rib bones

1 cup diced celery

1 tsp ginger powder

4 tbsp fresh basil

6 cloves of garlic

Bring to the boil and cook on low heat overnight or for 10+ hours. Remove the bones and discard, leaving the gel and soft cartilage into the stew. DO NOT FEED COOKED BONES!

Step 2 – add the following:

½ cup rice

2 cups carrots

1 cup beets

4 cups greens (chard, beet greens, spinach, broccoli etc)

3 cups of sweet potatoes, diced

Enough water to cover

1 cup of liver or heart muscle

Bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and cook until the rice is done. Store in the refrigerator. Add five tablespoons of cod liver/flax oil once cooled.

Treatment for the Skin

1 stalk of Chinese broccoli – gai lan

1 carrot

1 cup Shiitake dried mushroom

3 cloves garlic

5 tbsp flax/fish menhaden oil

2 cups chicken broth (no MSG)

1 tbsp seaweed, daikon or spirulina

Slice veggies into pieces, bring chicken broth to a boil, add garlic and mushrooms. Reduce heat and add veggies, steam until soft and tender, serve over rice. Add ½ teaspoon cod liver/flax oil blend for a 20kg dog size, prior to serving.

This is especially good for dogs with skin problems, liver problems and old age.

Diet to assist urine incontinence

In a large pot with adequate water boil up:

4 cups watercress

1 cup parsley (Italian)

6 cloves garlic

1 cup celery

2 cups Azuki beans

½ cup green onions

½ tsp ginger powder

½ cup dried Shiitake mushrooms

1 cup pearl barley

1 cup green beans

2 cups cabbage

2 cups soup bones

Beef, pork, lamb or kidney

Fresh sea salt or spirulina or missing link

Add ¼ to 1 cup to your regular dog food.


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