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2.2 The challenge to overcome
1.2 Curitiba’s climate challenge
The average temperature in Curitiba is now 1.2ºC higher than six decades ago. The rainfall pattern has changed: strong and intense storms are more common; and there are periods of drought, as experienced in the last two years. In both cases, the population is impacted, either by inconveniences resulting from floods, the scarcity of water, or thermal discomfort.
As a counter measure, Curitiba has been progressively strengthening its environmental policy and advancing initiatives to face climate change at the local level. The establishment of the Climate Change Strategy of Curitiba provides for medium - and long- term actions for technical and scientific foundations for the proposal of the Municipal Plan for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change. The steps defined for the Municipal Climate Change Strategy were as follows:
1. Preparation of an Inventory of Absorption Sources (sinks) of the Municipality (carbon stock in green areas). 2. Preparation of an Inventory of the Municipality’s Greenhouse Gas Emission Sources. 3. Preparation of an environmental and socioeconomic vulnerability study. 4. Elaboration of the Municipal Plan for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change.
Based on the GHG emission sources inventory, in carrying out a study of vulnerabilities and risk analysis, scenarios for emission reductions in the city were modeled. Subsequently, the Municipal Plan for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change, PlanClima, was published.
Acutely aware of the urgency to fight climate change, Curitiba has embarked on firm measures to confront the phenomenon. Among these already implemented are Hortas Urbanas (urban farms); the encouragement for innovation and the creative economy, such as the innovation ecosystem Vale do Pinhão, and the environmental education grid within the Linhas do Conhecimento (Knowledge Lines) programme. Actions that contemplate the use of renewable energy also received special attention. For instance, the city has decided to invest in energy saving technologies, through the government programme Curitiba Mais Energia (Curitiba More Energy). This programme provides for the use of solar lighting in the city’s public spaces, such as bus terminals and the former deactivated landfill.