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4.9 Neighbourhoods’ perceptions about mobility, energy and waste
There are two types or recyclable collectors, one of which consists of private vehicle owners. Individuals in this category carry their recyclables in carts attached to their vehicles. Most collectors though, which form the other group, hand pull their carts (see Figure 17) along roads. Such methods increase the risk of road accidents; endangers the cart operators, who must also contend with the weather and hazardous working conditions.
4.9 Economic Aspects
Regarding the challenges for the economy, attention should also be paid to the distribution of activities and occupation of individuals by sector of the economy. In 2019, most businesses in Curitiba accounted for 34 per cent of the service sector. Likewise, for the influence and for Vale do Pinhão, services represented 36 per cent and 35 per cent of activities, respectively. That is so, where it is possible to identify that most service establishments were related to accommodation and food (18 per cent); administrative activities (18 per cent); and professional, scientific and technical activities (16 per cent).
In Vila Torres, only 17 per cent of the establishments were classified as services. In this territory, most records fall under autonomous activities, such as waiters, parcel deliveries, taxi drivers, bricklayers, manicurists and pedicurists. Consequently, the other segments were less representative, with the exception of industries and activities related to water, sewage, electricity, and gas. It is also worth mentioning industrial activities, since most corresponded to activities related to civil construction.