Neston High School
Table of Contents Vision ……………………………………. Page 3
Ethos and Values ……………………….. Page 4 Safeguarding ……………………………. Page 6 Strategic Priority 1 To raise attainment and standards to outstanding …….Page
Strategic Priority 2 To ensure that the school remains financially viable ……Page 11
Strategic Priority 3 To develop pupils to their maximum potential ……..…Page
Strategic Priority 4 Supporting staff to the highest standard of professional development and well being ……………….…….. Page
Strategic Priority 5 Ensuring successful transition at all stages in a student’s life …………………………………………. Page
Vision The vision of the governors of Neston High School is that we are the outstanding, inclusive, 11-18 comprehensive school of first choice for all students from the local community. We aim to develop confident learners with the skills to take ownership of their learning, who are proud of their achievements and are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Ethos and Values We want our school to provide educational opportunities in a stimulating, creative, supportive and challenging environment.
We want students to be equipped with the skills and qualities needed to meet the opportunities, demands and challenges of life in the 21st Century, within a changing world of work and employment.
In providing these educational opportunities our school operates according to a clear set of values, identified by students, embraced by governors and understood by the whole community. Pride and Courage are guiding principles that underpin the values that we are about as a community within “Team Neston.�
Pride represents:
Safeguarding has the highest possible profile across all aspects of school life. We believe in a school that helps all students, regardless of background, achieve academic excellence and successful pathways to adult life. This school fosters a belief that all students have talent and that we will nurture this social, creative, sporting and academic talent whilst developing self-confidence and determination.
We believe in a school where every student and every parent really matters within and beyond our community and where mutual respect is strong.
Our school encourages close partnership with parents, to achieve the best learning and support for all students, engaging everyone effectively, to maximise student achievement.
As a school we promote the key British and school values within Pride and Courage of tolerance, democracy, diversity, inclusion and respect for the rule of law.
We will develop a range of personal, social, spiritual and moral qualities and skills leading to well-rounded citizens.
This ethos will be delivered by inspirational teaching and learning along with high quality tutoring, mentoring and guidance. We believe in an inclusive curriculum that provides challenge and enrichment for every student. We want our school to foster a love for learning at every level, to track progress and celebrate collective and individual success. We expect a school that makes sure students understand and appreciate the value of education.
Strategic Priority 1: To raise attainment and standards to outstanding The strategic priority to be developed and overseen by the Curriculum Committee.
Key Performance Indicators: A) A figure for 5A* to C % including English and Maths at GCSE level in 2016 (66%) and 2017 (68%). (45% grade 5 and above in English and Maths). B) A figure for Progess 8 - 0.2 (2017). C) Value added figure for KS5 “A� level courses - 0.05 (2017).
D) Value added figure for KS5 vocational courses - 0.55 (2017). Definitions 5A*-C Widely recognised as 5 good passes. Progress 8 Is the average difference between student performance in 8 subjects (English, Maths, Ebac and other subjects accepted by DFE for this measure), compared to their expected performance based on Key Stage 2 indicators. Value Added This is the difference between their actual performance and predicted grades.
Strategic Priority 2: To ensure that the school remains financially viable The strategic priority to be developed and overseen by the Finance Committee
Key Performance Indicators: A) An agreed surplus % range at end of the financial year (3% - 5%). B) Agreed maximum % value of budget on teaching staff - (see proposed budget). C) Agreed maximum % value of budget on non-teaching staff - (see proposed budget). D) Agreed maximum % of budget on supply staff - (see proposed budget).
Strategic Priority 3: To develop pupils to their maximum potential The strategic priority to be developed and overseen by the Liaison Committee.
Key Performance Indicators: A) Minimum attendance (95.5%) and maximum persistent absence (4.7%) figures. (definition changing) B) Improving personal qualities, skills and attributes stated in the Vision and Ethos, evidenced in targeted perception surveys and involvement in the following personal development opportunities. - Duke of Edinburgh Awards: 50% Bronze, 25% Silver, 25% Gold. 160 students. - 160 students completed passport to Neston by age 11 - John Muir Award for 70% of KS3.
Strategic Priority 4: Supporting staff to the highest standard of professional development and well-being.
The strategic priority to be developed and overseen by the Personnel Committee. Key Performance Indicators: A) Surveys of staff - eliminating weaknesses. B) Maintaining staff absence levels - below 2 days per year per member of staff. Note: Kirkland Rowland Survey is the brand name for the survey tool used to gather information from students, parents and staff.
Strategic Priority 5: Ensuring successful transition at all stages in a student’s life. The strategic priority to be developed and overseen by the Liaison Committee and linked to the Curriculum committee .
Key Performance Indicators: A) Pupil Premium impact – Curriculum committee. Progress 8 matches peers for Maths and English. B) Destination data for year 11 and year 13 – Liaison Committee. 0%
NEET and 95%+ sustained in education, employment and training.
Pupil Premium This refers to students who receive extra funding as a result of low income, children in care or parent in military services. NEET - refers to school leavers who are not in education, employment or training.
Strategic Priority 5 continued: C) High satisfaction rates for transition from year 6 to 7 and KS3 to KS4 - Liaison Committee. 100% satisfaction on surveys.
D) High admission rates to the school in year 7 and year 12. 270 in year 7 and 60% of year 11 in year 12. E) % of pupils from our feeder and partner schools. Increased percentages for partner schools. F) 95-100% of parents recommended Neston High School on survey.
Neston High School, Raby Park Road, Neston, Cheshire, CH64 9NH Tel: 0151 336 6959 Fax: 0151 353 0408 Email: www. Headteacher: Mr Steven Dool MEd NPQH Deputy Headteachers: Mrs R Hudson MSc NPQH Mr C Randerson BEd