Courses Available
How to Choose
Compulsory Core Courses
5 - 10
Option Courses
11 - 36
How to complete your Options online
New GCSE Grading Structure
Contents by Option Courses
Business CNAT
Business GCSE
Child Development CNC
Computer Science GCSE
Construction WJEC Level 1 / 2 Award
Dance (Performing Arts) BTEC
Digital Information Technology BTEC
Drama GCSE
Engineering BTEC
Fashion and Textiles GCSE
Fine Art GCSE
Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE
French GCSE
Geography GCSE
German GCSE
Graphic Design GCSE
History GCSE
Music GCSE
Photography GCSE
Product Design GCSE
Religious Studies GCSE
Separate Sciences (Biology / Chemistry / Physics) GCSE
Sociology GCSE
Spanish GCSE
Sport BTEC
Travel and Tourism BTEC
Vocational Skills ASDAN
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 1
Courses Available The purpose of this booklet is to help you to make some important decisions about the courses you wish to take when in Years 10 and 11. It is very important that you make good decisions which will support any future career aspirations you may have. Do you wish to be a doctor, builder, lawyer or chef? Whatever you wish to be, the decisions you will make are crucial. The subjects you choose will lead to qualifications at either entry level, level one or level two; you may then go on to study at sixth form, in which case you will be working at level two or three. By giving qualifications a level, you will be able to plan your future more easily. To help you understand this system, please look at the table below: Examples of Entry Level Qualifications
Examples of Level One Qualifications
Examples of Level Two Qualifications
Certificate of Achievement
GCSE (Grades 1-4)
GCSE (Grades 4-9)
A Levels
Vocational Skills
BTEC Level 1
BTEC Level 2
BTEC Level 3
CNC Level 1
CNC Level 2
Examples of Level Three Qualifications
This system is designed to allow you to compare the value, to employers and universities, of different types of In the on-line booklet, each course carries a statement as to its level, together with an indication of the method of assessment on the course. The description also details the amount of coursework that will be assessed on the course and an outline of what will be covered in lessons over the two years of the
Core Subjects and Options Courses All students take the compulsory Core Subjects of English, Maths and Combined Science, and will follow a course in Physical Education. The core curriculum also covers a program of Personal, Social, Careers, Citizenship, Enterprise and Health Education. In addition to this, you will choose 4 other subjects – one from each option block and indicate a reserve subject. All students must take either History or Geography and it is strongly recommended that students expected to achieve a level 5 or above in English and Maths at GCSE should also choose a Modern Language. Choosing the best blend of courses is not easy and the information in the ‘How to Choose’ section of the booklet is designed to help you. When choosing your options please listen carefully to the advice given by everyone and talk to your subject teachers. Other people who are able to give advice are:
Mrs J Tyrrell Mr J Dathan Miss L Jolley
Your Head of House Your House Progress Learning Mentor Your Tutor
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 2
How to Choose We hope there are courses in the list which you are interested in. The tricky part is identifying the right blend of courses for you. You will probably be aware where your own strengths lie in terms of how well you perform in written examinations compared to how well you perform when you are working on long term projects or tasks. You need to take this into account when deciding on appropriate courses; you will need to read the detailed description on the appropriate pages and also speak to the relevant Heads of Department. It is now time to try and pick some courses. This is not a process that should be rushed and you need to research your courses thoroughly before making a final selection. Some careers may be closed to you if you have not taken the right blend of courses; you must also avoid courses in which you are not likely to succeed. Neston High Sixth Form have produced a useful set of Career Pathways leaflets which identify subjects which you would need to take to apply for courses post 18, you may wish to look at these leaflets for reference. These can be found at:
The Options Evening on Thursday 13th December is intended to 'kick-start' this process. You should also consider these questions: Which subjects do I like? Which subjects am I good at? What are the demands of the course? It is essential that you have listened to all the information you have been given and also ensure that you have consulted your subject teachers and discussed possible choices with your Parents. In order to be considered by some subjects you may well need to: attend a taster session or audition complete an assessment complete a number of aptitude tasks produce a portfolio attend an informal interview A failure to meet the course requirement will mean that you will not be considered for that course, unless you can demonstrate there are extenuating circumstances.
Do attend talks offered by staff to introduce new subjects for you.
These will be announced in assemblies or by subject departments. Some departments will be having taster sessions during their lessons.
Take your choices seriously.
Once options have been allocated, you may only change under exceptional circumstances. We will give you all the help you need. Remember, if in doubt ask.
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Finding your way around this booklet In this booklet you will find all of the subjects available to you
(You have to study these subjects)
You need to choose 4 subjects. 1 from each option block on page 38 along with 1 reserve subject.
GCSE English Language GCSE English Literature GCSE Mathematics Combined Science: Trilogy PE Core Personal Development
Reserve Subject When you are choosing your options online at please also indicate 1 reserve subject.
Helping you make your choices This key highlights the various skills and types of activity you are likely to need for this subject.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
Business CNAT Business Child Development CNC (Cambridge National Certificate) Computer Science Construction WJEC Level 1 / 2 BTEC Dance BTEC Digital Information Technology BTEC Drama Engineering BTEC Product Design Fashion & Textiles Fine Art Design Food Prep & Nutrition French Geography German Graphic Design History Music PE Photography Product Design Religious Studies Separate Sciences Sociology Spanish Sport/PE BTEC Travel & Tourism BTEC Vocational Skills ASDAN
To qualify for the English Baccalaureate you must choose a Humanities subject (History or Geography) and Modern Foreign Language subject (French, German, Spanish)
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WHAT DOES THE COURSE OFFER ME? AQA Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in English Language This specification will enable students of all abilities to develop the skills they need to read, understand and analyse a wide range of different texts covering the 19th, 20th and 21st century time periods as well as to write clearly, coherently and accurately using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures. A course that will help students develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they will need for further study, work and everyday life including:
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? Critical reading and comprehension Summary and synthesis Evaluation of a writer’s choice of vocabulary,
form, grammatical and structural features Comparing texts Producing clear and coherent text Writing for impact Presenting information and ideas Responding to spoken language Expressing ideas
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? (100% External Examination) Paper 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing The aim of this paper is to engage students in a creative text and inspire them to write creatively themselves. (Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes - 80 marks - 50% of GCSE) Paper 2: Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives The aim of this paper is to develop students’ insights into how writers have particular viewpoints and perspectives on issues or themes that are important to the way we think and live our lives. (Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes - 80 marks - 50% of GCSE) Non-examination assessment The aim of the assessment is to allow students to demonstrate their speaking and listening skills by: Giving a presentation in a formal context; Responding appropriately to questions and to feedback, asking questions themselves to elicit clarification; using spoken Standard English.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
In front of others
Head of English: Mr P Pearson
BEYOND GCSE English Language is a core subject in the National Curriculum. It can, therefore, be studied at a higher level as a subject in its own right. The school offers extremely popular courses in A-Level English Literature and English Language. A qualification in English continues to be demanded in all walks of life, and skills acquired in this subject can be put to positive use in almost all areas of employment.
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Head of English: Mr P Pearson
AQA GCSE Level 1/Level 2 (9-1) in English Literature
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? (100% External Examination)
This GCSE English Literature course is a two year, linear course. Students will sit two external exams in Year 11 on: Shakespeare and the Nineteenth Century Novel Modern Texts, Pre-prepared and Unseen Poetry Paper 1: Shakespeare and the Nineteenth Century Novel
40% of the total GCSE 1 hour 45 minute external exam
Paper 2: Modern Text and Pre-prepared and Unseen Poetry
60% of the total GCSE 2 hours 15 minute external exam All assessments are closed book: any stimulus materials required will be provided as part of the assessment.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
In front of others
Students study a wide range of poetry as part of the English Literature course, studying poets as modern and contemporary as Carol Ann Duffy, our current Poet Laureate, to the sonnets of Shakespeare. In preparation for the examinations, students will study a novel and a play, along with an anthology of poetry. They are encouraged to study a range of poetry in order to ensure they have the skills necessary to analyse an unseen poem in their examination.
Reading a wide range of classic literature fluently Reading in depth, critically and evaluatively Developing the habit of reading widely and often Writing accurately, effectively and analytically using a wide vocabulary, including the grammatical terminology and other literary and linguistic terms
BEYOND GCSE English Literature is a core subject in the National Curriculum. It can, therefore, be studied at a higher level as a subject in its own right. The school offers extremely popular courses in A-Level English Literature and English Literature This qualification is highly valued by Higher Education institutions and employers alike and skills acquired in this subject can be put to positive use in almost all areas of employment.
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Head of Mathematics: Miss S Barton
OCR Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Mathematics Foundation Tier Grades:
1 to 5
Higher Tier Grades:
4 to 9
(100% External Examination)
This GCSE is a linear qualification with all assessments taken at the end of the course.
Students will develop knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts, and work on interlinking topics from the six strands on Maths at GCSE; number, algebra, geometry, statistics and probability.
Students are now examined in 3 papers each lasting 1.5 hours and worth 100 marks each, the second paper being non-calculator.
The new GCSE has increased content at both Foundation and Higher tier. The foundation tier now includes some topics that traditionally were above a grade C such as trigonometry and factorising to solve quadratic equations. The higher tier now includes topics that were previously only studied at AS-Level such as solving quadratic inequalities and finding the equation of a tangent.
Sets 1, 2 & 3 will sit the higher tier exam Sets 4 will be supported to sit the higher tier exam if appropriate Sets 5 & 6 will sit the foundation tier exam
In addition there is now an increased quantity of questions that require application of knowledge in problem solving questions. These often involving real life scenarios or use links between different areas of maths.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE Mathematics underpins the global economy at every level so A Levels and Higher Education courses have become increasingly mathematical. Mathematics is a core subject in the National Curriculum which can be studied at a higher level in its own right. The school offers extremely popular courses in A-Level Mathematics. This qualification is highly valued by Higher Education and employers alike and there is an extensive range of jobs where a mathematical background is desirable including management, engineering, psychology and statistical analysts.
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Head of Science : Mrs S Westoby
AQA Level 1/Level 2 GCSE’s (9-1) in Combined Science
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? (100% External Examination)
This is a double GCSE course which is equivalent to two GCSEs.
There are six exams: two Biology, two Chemistry and two Physics. Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas via multiple choice, structured, closed short answer, and open response questions.
Paper 1 (Foundation and Higher Tier) Biology - Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection and response; and Bioenergetics. Chemistry - Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes; and Energy changes. Physics - Energy; Electricity; Particle model of matter; and Atomic structure. Paper 2 (Foundation and Higher Tier) Biology - Homeostasis and responses; Inheritance, variation and evolution; and Ecology. Chemistry - The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis; Chemistry in the atmosphere; and using resources. Physics - Forces; Waves; and Magnetism and Electromagnetism.
Through a wide range of activities, students are enabled Recognise the impact of science and technology on everyday Take informed personal decisions about issues that involve Understand the key points of media reports, and reflect on the included (or omitted) from these reports and other sources of
There are also 21 practical’s which will be integrated into day to day teaching.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE Science is a core subject in the National Curriculum. It gives students a good knowledge of science and provides a firm foundation for further study. A qualification in Science continues to be highly desirable to employers.
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Head of PE: Miss D O’Hare
Non examination
WHAT DOES THE COURSE OFFER ME? Within Core PE you will have the opportunity to develop your leadership skills through various roles such as coach, manager and official
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? This is not an examination course
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? Students will be allowed a certain degree of choice, from a wide range of activities. These include:
Aerobics Athletics Badminton Basketball Cricket Fitness Training Hockey Netball Rounders Softball Tennis Trampolining Dance
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE PE is a core subject in the National Curriculum. The skills learnt here work well with both A Level PE and a BTEC National qualification. A qualification in Physical Education continues to be a vital tool for all walks of life, and skills acquired in this subject can be put to positive use in almost all areas of employment. In addition to this the transferrable skills learnt through PE and sport such as decision making and independent thinking are also useful in any career paths.
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Head of PD : Miss L Jolley
Personal Development is delivered via a number of themes with the following aims:
Careers: to raise awareness of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses allowing them to make informed careers choices and to prepare them effectively for the job application
This is not an examination course Students will also follow a programme covering topics such as safety at work, e-safety including cyber bullying, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, and road These themes are delivered in Personal Development lessons with the tutor once a week, and in Breakout Time, in which the students are engaged in a series of collaborative activities on one of these themes.
Work Experience: to give students an insight into the demands of working life by providing them with first hand experience of real-life working contexts Citizenship: to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need for effective and democratic participation in society. It helps students to become informed, critical, active citizens who have the confidence and conviction to work collaboratively, take action and try to make a difference in their communities and the wider world Enterprise: to encourage students to use the world's resources of land, labour and capital in an enterprising way. This includes looking at enterprise in: the traditional business sense, the social context and in the context of the students' own lives at home and in Health: to give support and provide vital information on issues such as drugs, alcohol and tobacco misuse, sex and relationship education, and healthy
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE Our programme aims to equip students with the skills, knowledge and understanding to take their place as global citizens.
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Head of Art: Mr M Dolan
AQA GCSE (9-1) in Fine Art Opportunities to work with professional artists are offered in the form of a weekend residential at the Conway Centre. Visits to galleries and drawing on location are also features of the course.
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? 60% Coursework 40% External Examination 60% Coursework- This consists of 2 or 3 Art projects carried out during Year 10 and the start of Year 11.
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? This course focuses on developing skills in a wide range of both traditional drawing / painting media and digital technology. In addition students can also develop their projects by combining the above with printmaking and 3 dimensional studies. Students have the opportunity to study a number of different artists/designers and research influential design Students will study areas of both natural and man-made environments through observational recording and research in order to develop their technical and creative skills. An analytical approach is encouraged, followed by compositional work, with a growing emphasis on the development of the student's ideas and an individual interpretation of the tasks and themes Examples of Fine Art Projects could include: Decorative projects, the Art of other Cultures, Vintage Circus, Architecture, Anatomy, Landscape, Natural Forms.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
40% Controlled Test- A practical examination is set half way through Year 11. Students will select one from a range of questions set by the AQA, and then be given a minimum of 4 school weeks to research and develop your ideas. Students will then have 10 hours in which to produce their final
N.B. - There is no written examination on this Students who wish to apply for one of the options offered by the Department of Art Applied Design must have shown a history of commitment to the Art and Design offered at KS3. This would be demonstrated by attitude and approach to work excellent homework
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE This course has a progression path which could lead to A Levels delivered through the Art and Applied Design Department. Art courses may appeal to students considering careers such as Artist, Fashion or Textile Designer, Product design, Architect or Graphic Designer.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 11
Head of Art: Mr M Dolan
AQA GCSE (9-1) in Art and Design / Graphics
Coursework will consist of 2/3 design projects carried out during Year 10 and the start of Year 11. (60%) The external examination will consist of a practical examination set during the 5th term. (40%) Students will select one of the examination questions set by the AQA, and then be given at least 4 school weeks to research and develop their ideas. Students will then have 10 hours in which to produce their final piece of work. N.B. There is no written examination on this course. Students who wish to apply for one of the options offered by the Department of Art Applied Design must have shown a history of commitment to the Art and Design offered at KS3. This would be demonstrated by attitude and approach to work excellent homework
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
This courses focuses on designing and making using both traditional graphical media and digital technology. Students should have some drawing skills to be successful. The projects undertaken require you to research various artists and designers, and how graphics has been used to communicate ideas and products effectively. You will be taught how to research, how to present information, how to develop ideas and how to effectively realise outcomes in a range of media. Outcomes could include: Advertising posters and promotional materials for particular products, services or groups Illustration for specific publications Typography and packaging design for specific products e.g. CD Covers/ skateboard designs Interior/ exterior design for a specific client
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE This course has a progression path which could lead to A Levels delivered through the Art and Applied Design Department. Art courses may appeal to students considering careers such as Artist, Fashion or Textile Designer, Product design, Architect or Graphic Designer.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 12
Head of Art: Mr M Dolan
AQA GCSE (9-1) in Art and Design / Product Design 60% Controlled Assessment 40% External Examination
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? The main emphasis of this course is to enable students to design and make their own experimental 3D Products. The course is designed to allow students to develop creative and intellectual, as well as technical skills. Students will study and gain an understanding of styles and traditions, including European and nonEuropean Design. They will become aware of the relationship between form and function, and work to design briefs where appropriate. Many 3D techniques will be explored and they will work mainly using card, wood, metals and The design project students will create is Lighting inspired by a chosen artist Students are expected to make a contribution of ÂŁ10.00 towards the materials consumed throughout the course.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
Component 1 (portfolio 60% Coursework) Students develop responses to initial starting points, project briefs or specified tasks and realise intentions informed by research, the development and refinement of ideas and meaningful engagement with selected sources. Responses will include evidence of drawing for different purposes and needs and written annotation.
Component 2 (40% externallt set assignment) Students respond to a starting point provided by AQA. This response provides evidence of the student’s ability to work independently within specific time constraints, realise intentions that are personal and meaningful and explicitly address the requirements of all four assessment objectives, and then be given at least 4 school weeks to research and develop their ideas. Students will then have 10 hours in which to produce their final piece of work. Students who wish to apply for one of the options offered by the Department of Art Applied Design must have shown a history of commitment to the Art and Design offered at KS3. This would be demonstrated by attitude and approach to work excellent homework
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE This course has a progression path which could lead to A Levels delivered through the Art and Applied Design Department. Art courses may appeal to students considering careers such as Artist, Fashion or Textile Designer, Product design, Architect or Graphic Designer.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 13
Head of Art: Mr M Dolan
AQA GCSE (9-1) in Art and Design / Textile Design Opportunities to work with professional artists are offered in the form of a residential at the Conway Centre and workshops in the studio of artist Jennifer
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? 60% Coursework 40% External Examination (Practical) 60% Coursework This consists of 2 or 3 design projects carried out during Year 10 and the start of Year 11. 40% External Examination A practical exam is set half way through Year 11. Students will select one of the examination questions set by the AQA, and then be given at least 4 school weeks to research and develop their ideas. Students will then have 10 hours in which to produce their final piece of work. Students who wish to apply for one of the options offered by the Department of Art Applied Design must have shown a history of commitment to the Art and Design offered at KS3. This would be demonstrated by attitude and approach to work excellent homework
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? The course enables students to design and make their own experimental garments, accessories and individual handmade textile pieces. The course is designed to allow students to develop an understanding of the work of contemporary and traditional designers, artists and craft makers. Students will explore textile techniques and styles from a variety of cultures. Students will develop an awareness of shape, colour, pattern, and They will become aware of the relationship between form and function, and work to design briefs where appropriate. Many textile techniques will be explored such as printing, batik, embroidery, fabric manipulation and particular design style; decorative hangings developed from a study of a particular culture; garments for a specific occasion.
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE This course has a progression path which could lead to A Levels delivered through the Art and Applied Design Department. Textile GCSE may appeal to students considering careers such as Textile Designer, Costume Theatre designer or Fashion Designer etc.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 14
Head of Art: Mr M Dolan
WHAT DOES THE COURSE OFFER ME? AQA GCSE (9-1) in Art and Design / Photography
60% Controlled Assessment 40% External Examination
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? Students will be introduced to a variety of experiences exploring a range of photographic media, techniques and processes. They should be made aware of both traditional and new technologies. Students will explore relevant images, artefacts and resources relating to Photography and a wider range of art and design. This should be integral to the investigating and making process. Their responses to these examples must be shown through practical and critical activities which demonstrate the students understanding of different genres and
60% Coursework This consists of 2 or 3 design projects carried out during the first 4 terms. 40% External Examination This consists of a practical examination set during the 5th term. Students will select one of the examination questions set by AQA and then be given at least 4 school weeks to research and develop your ideas. You will then have 10 hours in which to produce your final piece of work. N.B. There is no written examination on this
Portraiture Landscape photography (working from the urban, rural and / or costal environment) Still life photography, working from objects or from the natural
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
Candidates wishing to gain a place on the course will need to produce a portfolio of photographs of a range of subjects. Candidates will have an informal interview with teaching staff to gauge their suitability for the course. Further details about this are available from Mr Storey.
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE This course has a progression path which could lead to A Levels delivered through the Art and Applied Design Department. A qualification in Photography could be of interest to student who would like to pursue careers in sectors such as Sports Photography, Magazine Photography or Forensic Photography.
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CONSTRUCTION Vocational Award
Head of Art: Mr M Dolan
WJEC Level 1 /2 Vocational Award in Constructing the Built Environment (Equivalent to 1 GCSE grade 9—4)
There is no graded coursework on this course.
Assessment is by the way of on-line and internal controlled assessments each graded—pass, merit or distinction. Students who wish to apply for one of the options offered by the Department of Art Applied Design must have shown a history of commitment to the Art and Design offered at KS3. This would be demonstrated by attitude and approach to work excellent homework
Students are engaged in developing an understanding of the skills required to prepare for and construct domestic housing renovation, refurbishment and improvement projects. They will learn about health and safety in construction and develop a range of key practical skills in joinery, plumbing installation, tiling and and Students will work on tasks related to the following three Unit 1- Safety and security in construction Unit 2- Practical construction skills Unit 3- Planning construction projects Students may wish to consider this course as a vocational alternative to the more art/design based Product Design course. Examples of projects undertaken include: Basic furniture Preparing & painting various material surfaces Electrical & plumbing circuit installation
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE This is a recognised vocational qualification, which supports learning on entry to pre-apprenticeship programs in the construction industry.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 16
Head of Art: Mr M Dolan
BTEC Tech Award in Engineering Level 1 / 2
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? You should consider taking this course if you are practical person who has a good foundation knowledge within Maths and Physics as this is a multi-disciplinary course which focuses heavily on content that is taught within the sciences and maths. Furthermore you should have a desire to want to learn new sk ills using compute r -aid ed de sign (C AD) and you are interested in Higher Education or career relating to Students also need to appreciate however that all theoretical aspects of the course must be completed in order to gain the
As a school we are extremely fortunate to have well equipped workshops where Engineering students have the opportunity to experience metal fabrication, machining on lathes and milling machine. Example of practical projects undertaken throughout the course a 3D printed product involving a range of different CAD/CAM operations We ask for a contribution of ÂŁ12.50 to cover the cost of materials over the two years where students will be able to take all practicals they make home for use in interviews etc. Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
70% Coursework 30% External Examination
There are core units and optional units within this course. One of the core units is externally assessed. A summative unit grade for the other units can be awarded as a pass, merit or distinction. Component 1: Exploring Engineering Sectors and Design Applications- Learners will explore the links between the various engineering sectors and the role of design in the production of engineered products through written and practical elements. Component 2: Investigating an engineered productLearners will investigate the selection of materials, proprietary components, making processes and disassembly of a given engineered product. They will plan, reproduce (practical), inspect and test (CAD) a single component. Component 3: Responding to an engineering brief- External Examination Students will have to take an Engineering aptitude test based on Maths, Sciences and comprehension this will take place once students have given in their choices around February/March. Due to health and safety and class sizes there are 36 places on the course, with 2 classes running per year.
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE BTEC Tech Award are highly respected by employers and will continue to be an integral part of the apprenticeship framework providing the technical certificate element. This course develops the underpinning skills and knowledge learners will need to enter many vocations within the engineering industry—or as a stepping stone into an apprenticeship or higher education.
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Head of Business: Mrs K Pritchard
WJEC GCSE Level 1 / Level 2 in Business (9-1)
100% examination
In Business Studies you will study different the different types of businesses, learning how they operate within the UK's mixed economic system. This will involve looking at the location of industry, finance, human resources management, the legal structure of organisations, production methods and
Component 1: Business Dynamics (2 hour written examination) – 62.5% of qualification Component 2: Business Considerations (1.5 hour written examination) - 37.5% of qualification Students should have strong English and Maths. They should be able to write fluently. They will produce a mini assignment to assess their suitability, once they have made their initial choices.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
For anyone considering setting up and running their own business, this course is an foundation to learning what is involved, the problems businesses face and what makes business Students studying this course are expected to take an interest in world events by the news, current affairs programmes and reading a quality newspaper on a regular They should enjoy undertaking research, be confident communicators and have numeracy skills. This course develops the knowledge and business theory, rather practical
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE Whatever you do in your future career, most people will work for some kind of business. Even schools, The National Health Service and the military are organised in a business like way in today’s economic climate. Therefore, this course is relevant to all types of future careers.
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Head of Business: Mrs K Pritchard
OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Enterprise and Marketing
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? If a student is not fond of taking exams and finds the pressure causes under-performance, a Cambridge National consists of a number of units for which a student will present evidence, based on real-life work and studies. This means students can demonstrate skills and knowledge through a practical situation rather than under exam conditions. The level 2 course is an alternative route to a GCSE rather than an easier or less demanding option. This qualification will equip you for a career in a wide range of industries as studying the world of Business underpins more or less any job you might have in the future – from starting your own enterprise to working for a charitable organisation. As a mainly practical course, it will also develop the following: The ability to select, organise, interpret and use information from a variety of sources The ability to transfer skills from one topic to another The ability to apply business theory to real and simulated business situations
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? 50% Coursework 50% External Examination Enterprise and marketing concepts (exam) Students explore the techniques businesses use to understand their market and develop products, investigate what makes a product viable and understand how businesses attract and retain customers. Design a business proposal (internally assessed coursework) Students are presented with a business challenge from which they create a researched and costed business proposal. They will carry out market research, present data, use idea generation tools, seek and act on feedback, and cost their proposals. In their work on this unit they will develop their self-assessment, collaborative working, creativity, numeracy, research and evaluative skills. Market and pitch a business proposal (internally assessed coursework) Students prepare for and pitch the business proposal that they developed in the previous unit. They develop a brand identity and investigate how best to promote their product and then plan, practice and finally deliver their pitch. Afterwards they review both their performance and their business proposal. This will help develop their analysis and self-evaluative skills as well as those relating to selfpresentation.
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE Cambridge National qualifications are vocational and work-related courses, designed to accommodate the needs of employers and allow students to progress to further and higher education. Cambridge Nationals are recognised by a large number of companies across a wide range of industries. As well as being developed in partnership with industry representatives (so all employer and student needs are met), many professional bodies offer successful Cambridge National students exemptions for their own accredited qualifications.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 19
Head of Drama: Mrs J Richardson
AQA GCSE Level 1 / Level 2 in Drama (9-1)
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? 30% Practical Work 70% Written Coursework and Examination
Component 1 (Written Paper- 40%) A Study of a Set Text – knowledge applied to questions based on ideas for the performance of extracts from ‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Miller – scripts allowed into exam. B Study of a live theatre production seen. Component 2 (Devised Practical Work- 40%) Teacher assessed, but externally moderated. This work will include: Devised Thematic Work - Practical pieces based on varied stimuli such as photos, poems, film clips, text extracts, on a specific theme: past ones ‘Innocence & Experience’, ‘Conflict’. Physical Theatre strategies are used where practitioners are looked at to develop skills and alternative methods of working. Workshops lead developed performances for assessment. Practical work is worth 10% of the overall GCSE. The Devising Logs based on the are worth 30% of the overall
You will be exploring different styles, conventions, methods and elements of Drama in order to structure your own work. You will work in groups on exploring a variety of texts and stimuli in order to plan and perform your own pieces of Drama. You will work in groups throughout the course and you will be assessed on your ability to respond to develop and explore them, to perform with skill and to evaluate work done or seen. You will have the option of performing solo or in a duo at key points in the course too. You will go on theatre trips, attend workshops and take part in performance projects with practitioners in order to develop your own practical skills.
Component 3 Set Text (Practical Exam - 20%) Rehearsed performances of 2 extracts from texts as finished pieces for assessment: past ones include ‘Too Much Punch for Judy’, ‘Find Me’. Work is assessed by a visiting examiner from the Exam Board in the Spring of Year 11 where all the practical work will be assessed live on designated Practical exam days. Practical Skill Options You will approach all the Practical Projects as either: an Actor as a Set Designer, Costume Designer, Mask Designer, Puppet Designer, Lighting or Sound Technician.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
In front of others
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE GCSE Drama is a solid foundation for A Level Drama and it teaches invaluable skills such as creativity and confidence which are transferable to any chosen career pathway.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 20
Head of Home Economics: Mr M Dolan
OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Child Development
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? Unit 1 - Students will learn the essential knowledge and understanding for Child Development, covering reproduction, parental responsibility, antenatal care, birth, post- natal checks, care, conditions for development, childhood illnesses and safety. Unit 2 – Students will gain knowledge and an understanding of the factors to be considered when choosing appropriate equipment to meet all of these needs. They will also gain knowledge of nutrition and hygiene practices and will be given the opportunity to evaluate dietary choices. Unit 3 – Students will gain knowledge of, and skills in, developing activities which help developmental milestones in children up the age of five. This unit will include researching, planning, carrying out activities with children, as well as an understanding of the benefits of play in Child Development.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? The course consists of three units: one examined and two internally assessed and externally moderated, comprising 50% for the exam and 25% for the other two units. Written paper (1hr 15 mins) 50% Three Short tasks – 25% Understand the equipment and nutritional needs of children from birth to 5 Study task – 25% Understand the development of a child from birth to 5 years As students have to study a young child, it is important that they are able to observe a child of their choice between the age of 1 and 5 years old.
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE Child Development is suitable for students considering a career in nursing, teaching and the caring professions involving young children. It would be a valuable basis for studying Cambridge Technical Level 3 Health and Social Care at Neston.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 21
Head of Home Economics: Mr M Dolan
WJEC Eduqas Level 1/2 GCSE (9-1) in Food Preparation HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? 50% Examination 50% Controlled Assessment
The course consists of: Written examination: 1 hour 45 minutes 50% of qualification. Assessment 1: 8 hours (15% of the qualification) Assessment 2: Assessment 2 1/2 hours (35% of qualification)
The WJEC GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition equips learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating. It encourages learners to cook, enables them to make informed decisions about food and nutrition and allows them to acquire knowledge in order to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life.
The Food Preparation assessment, students will prepare, cook and present a menu which assesses their knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking and presentation of food.
Component 1: Principles of Food Preparation and Nutrition Section A: questions based on stimulus material. (Images and data relating to food) Section B: structured, short and extended response questions to assess content related to food preparation and nutrition. Component 2: Food preparation and Nutrition in Action is internally assessed and externally moderated, The Food Investigation will assess the learner’s knowledge, practical skills and understanding in relation to scientific principles underlying the preparation and cooking of food.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE As well as giving students vital life skills, this course may be interesting to students who wish to go on to higher education or prepare them for undertaking an apprenticeship in the food and catering industries.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 22
Head of Humanities: Miss J Duggan
Edexcel GCSE (9-1) in Geography
100% External Examination
Unit 1 Hazards Developments Global urbanisation
You will be tested upon your Knowledge of Geography issues and concepts – in all exam units Decision Making Skills – unit 3 Fieldwork skills – mainly in Unit 2
Unit 2 Coasts Rivers UK Urban areas
Fieldwork will no longer be assessed by a written submitted piece of coursework. Fieldwork skills will be assessed within an exam. It is a compulsory requirement by the exam board that all students complete the fieldwork trips and projects organised for the unit 2 exam.
Unit 3 Forests under threat Biomes and Biosphere Energy Resources There will be 2 compulsory fieldwork trips
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE Geography is an excellent foundation for A-Level Geography and as a Humanities subject it can lead to a wide range of careers. As an A-Level it gives access to most degree subjects and employers and universities value Geography for the generic skills it teaches students. Geography may appeal to a wide range of careers including Environmental Consultant, Weather Analyst, Planning and Business Development. YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 23
Head of Humanities: Miss J Duggan
Edexcel GCSE (9-1) in History
100% External Examination Paper 1: Thematic study and historic environment Written examination: 1 hour and 15 minutes 30% of the qualification 52 marks (16 for the historic environment, 36 for the thematic study) Paper 2: Period study and British depth study Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes 40% of the qualification 64 marks (32 for the period study and 32 for the British depth study) Paper 3: Modern depth study Written examination: 1 hour and 20 minutes 30% of the qualification: 52 marks
Thematic study and historic environment Students take one of the following options Crime and Punishment in Britain c1000 to the present Whitechapel, c1870-1900:crime, policing and the inner city Period study and British depth study Students will study the following British depth study: The Reigns of King Richard 1 and King John, 1189—1216 Students also study the following period: Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941—91 Modern depth study The USA, 1954—75: conflict at home and abroad
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE History GCSE is an excellent foundation for A Level History. It is an academic subject that is highly respected at colleges and universities and students develop transferrable skills such as independent research, analysis and evaluation which benefit them for the future. Students may be interested in History for career paths including media, journalism, administration, the police and politics.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 24
Head of Humanities: Miss J Duggan
AQA Level 1 / 2 GCSE (9-1) in Religious Studies
100% External Examination
This course comprises two components. Within these components students will consider religious and atheist (non-religious) responses to issues of philosophy, faith, life and ethics, including the reasons for different responses and the arguments that transpire. Components One & Two: Students will explore secular and religious responses to the following topics: Key beliefs & practices. What do Christians and Muslims believe? Why? How do these beliefs affect life? Why? Reasons for and against belief in God (including the problem of evil) Other key issues and challenges raised by religious beliefs studied Relationships (including attitudes to homosexuality, marriage & civil partnership, contraception, gender equality and other examples of prejudice, discrimination and oppression) How beliefs and attitudes are reflected in different practices & lifestyles people undertake Atheist and religious arguments for the origins of the universe (including Big Bang Theory, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution & Intelligent Design) Animal Rights Environmental issues
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
Two external exams (1hour 45 mins each); Abortion & Unwanted Pregnancies Euthanasia & Suicide Crime & Punishment (Including causes of crime, aims of punishment, treatment of criminals, human rights, torture and the use of the death sentence) War, violence, terrorism & pacifism (including questions around the possession and use of weapons of mass destruction) Wealth, Poverty and Social Justice – Issues & Responses (including attitudes to rich and poor in British society and the wider world, the struggle for social justice and the fight against oppression).
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE Religious Education GCSE teaches valuable transferrable skills such as analytical and critical thinking which can be used in a wide range of future opportunities. In addition to this students gain an appreciation of how religion, philosophy and ethics play a part in our culture.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 25
Head of Humanities: Miss J Duggan
AQA GCSE (9-1) in Sociology
100% External Examination PaperModular 1: Thematic study and historic environment Two examinations each worth Written examination: 1 hour and 15 minutes 30%* of1 the Unit hourqualification 45 52 marks (16 for the historic environment, 36 for the thematic study) Students will complete a selection of short answer and extended essaystudy questions on each of the Paper 2: Period and British depth study Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes Unit hour 45 40%*2: of1 the qualification The sociology of the crime and deviance social 64 marks (32 for period study andand 32 for the British stratification depth study) Students will complete a selection of short answer and Paper 3: Modern depth study extended essay questions onand each the key topics. Written examination: 1 hour 20of minutes 30%* of the qualification: 52 marks As this subject is very literacy based students should be aware that a high standard of English is advised for those who wish to take the course.
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
Sociology means the study of society. It involves discussing the ways in which social institutions and structures operate, examining various theoretical perspectives and trying to answer a wide variety of questions that people commonly ask, such as: There are seven core aspects which will be covered over the course The sociological approach Social structures, social processes and social issues Families Education Crime and Deviance Social stratification Sociological research methods Students should have shown themselves to be Key Stage 4 ready through their assessments in Humanities subjects throughout year 9. In addition, students should have proven that by the end of Key Stage 3 they are independent learners with an exemplary study record across the key stage.
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE A Sociology GCSE is an excellent foundation for A Level Sociology. Many universities and further education colleges value Sociology for the generic skills it teaches students. Sociology may appeal to students who are interested in social work, criminal justice, business, nursing, education and media.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 26
Head of Humanities: Miss J Duggan
First Award
Pearson BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Travel and Tourism
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? Unit 1: The UK Travel and Tourism Sector – This unit covers the main types of travel, travel organisations, importance of tourism for countries’ economies and the role of Unit 2: UK Travel and Tourism Destinations – Know UK travel and tourism destinations, different attractions and plan a visit
25% External Examination 75% Controlled Assessment L2 Distinction* broadly equivalent to 8 at GCSE L2 Distinction broadly equivalent to 7 at GCSE L2 Merit broadly equivalent to 6 at GCSE L2 Pass broadly equivalent to 4 at GCSE
Unit 3: International Travel and Tourism Destinations – Know the major international travel and tourism destinations, different types of travel and holiday and planning an international trip Unit 4: Factors Affecting Worldwide Travel and Tourism – Investigate how issues such as climate, worldwide time, visa’s, global issues such as health and hazards affect tourism
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE BTECs provide a more practical, real-world approach to learning alongside a theoretical background, to give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment. BTECs also provide career development opportunities for those already in work. They can be taken as well as, or instead of, GCSEs and Advanced GCEs in schools and colleges
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 27
Head of ICT: Mr P Reilly
OCR GCSE (9-1) in Computer Science
100%External Examination and Programming Project 100% Examination Two1:written comprise the end of the Paper Thematicpapers study and historicatenvironment course. The practical Written examination: 1 hour programming and 15 minutes project is a controlled assessment but does not contribute 30%* of the qualification towards the course mark. The programming project 52 marks (16 for the historic environment, 36 for the is externally assessed. thematic study) Students will use the skills they have developed at Paper Period 3study Britishtheir depthknowledge study Key 2:Stage to and inform and Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes understanding of how Computer Systems work. The 40%* of theprogramming qualification project will take 20 hours. The practical of for thethe twoperiod written will and be covered inBritish lessons 64content marks (32 study 32 for the and through depth study) extensive homework tasks. The practical programming skills will be developed in year 10 before attempting the controlled assessment project Paper 3: Modern depth study in year 11. Written examination: 1 hour and 20 minutes 30%* of the qualification: 52 marks
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
This course is suitable for motivated students who have a keen interest in The course is comprised of three units. Unit 1 is a written paper on computer systems. Unit 2 is a written paper on Computational thinking, algorithms and programming. Unit 3 . This unit involves the use of a variety of computing software and require students to analyse, design, implement and test solutions. This will not contribute towards a student’s final mark.
take the OCR Computer Science A Level.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 28
Head of ICT: Mr P Reilly
Pearson BTEC Level 1 / Level 2 Tech Award in Digital Information Technology
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? Students will be taught about all the component elements and will undertake practical exam preparation tasks in lessons. Students will be tested on their understanding in a controlled assessment. The BTEC Tech Award is a replacement for the GCSE ICT qualification. It will allow students to develop an understanding of how ICT is used in our modern world. It will provide a hands-on course to give students an understanding of what the ICT sector involves and will develop their skills and confidence to take the next step in their career or education. The course explores the role IT plays in business and the world around us. The structure of the course allows students to develop and evidence their understanding of digital literacy.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? 40% Practical Examination 60% Controlled Assessment The course is comprised of three mandatory components. Component 1 - Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques – Internally assessed assignment - 30% Component 2 – Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data - Internally assessed assignment - 30% Component 3 – Effective Digital Working Practices – Written examination (1 hour 30 minutes) - 40%
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE Learners with improved computer skills enjoy an enriched educational experience and are better prepared for life, work and further learning. BTEC Awards are respected by employers and higher education providers.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 29
Head of MFL: Mr A Weston
AQA Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) French, German, Spanish
Paper 1: Listening Written exam: 35 minutes (Foundation Tier - 40 Marks), 45 minutes (Higher Tier – 50 marks) 25% of GCSE
GCSE French/German/Spanish has a Foundation Tier (grades 1–5) and a Higher Tier (grades 4–9). Students must take all four question papers at the same tier. All question papers must be taken in the same series.
Paper 2: Speaking Non-exam assessment 7–9 minutes (Foundation Tier) + preparation time 10–12 minutes (Higher Tier) + preparation time 60 marks (for each of Foundation Tier and Higher Tier) 25% of GCSE
Paper 1: Listening - Understanding and responding to different types of spoken language Paper 2: Speaking - Communicating and interacting effectively in speech for a variety of purposes
Paper 3: Reading Written exam: 45 minutes (Foundation Tier – 60 marks), 1 hour (Higher Tier - 60 marks) 25% of GCSE
Paper 3: Reading - Understanding and responding to different types of written language Paper 4: Writing - Communicating effectively in writing for a variety of purposes
Paper 4: Writing Written exam: 1 hour (Foundation Tier – 50 marks), 1 hour 15 minutes (Higher Tier – 60 marks) 25% of GCSE
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE A Modern Foreign Languages GCSE can lead to continued studies at A Level and universities offer a wide range of language courses often in conjunction with other disciplines such as law or business . People with language skills are highly thought of and language qualifications are valued by employers.
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Head of Music: Mr A Griffith
AQA Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Music
WHAT DOES THE COURSE INVOLVE? lessons in Years 10 and 11 consist of a mixture of practical, theory, and written work. Students will be expected to learn an instrument or sing to a reasonable standard, and to take part in musical activities in The course is split into three components skills, performance skills listening/understanding Students should attain a minimum grade 4 in music by the end of Year 9 and should play a musical instrument and, or be prepared to have lessons on that instrument in or outside school. This is required to be successful in the practical element of the course which is 30% of the total overall marks.
60% Controlled Assessment 40% External Examination Component 1:
1 hour 30 minutes
The paper is split into two sections. Section A contains questions linked to unfamiliar musical excerpts and Section B contains questions on the study pieces in Western Classical Tradition 1650-1910, Popular Music, traditional Music and Western Classical Tradition from 1910. Component 2:
Students will perform two different pieces. One will be a solo performance and the second an ensemble performance. The performance should last no longer than 4 minutes. Performances will be recorded for assessment Component 3:
Students are required to compose two pieces of. One composition brief will be set by the exam board half way through the course. The other composition is free choice. This may be in any style or genre of the candidate's choosing. Method of Assessment
Students will complete an examination for Component 1 at the end of Year 11. Component 2 Performances will be internally marked and then moderated by the examiner. Component 3 compositions will be internally marked and then moderated by the examiner.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE A music qualification lays sound foundations for further study or a musical career. In addition to this transferrable skills such as confidence, creativity and critical analysis are developed are valued by employers and further education providers alike.
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Head of PE: Miss D. O’Hare
AQA Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Physical Education
External Examinations (60%) - 2 Papers (78 marks each)
This course gives students an opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of sporting principles, in order to prepare them for A level PE and a career in sport. You will need :
The human body and movement in physical activity and
sport. Applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis, physical training and use of data. Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport. Sports psychology, socio-cultural influences, health, fitness and well-being and use of data.
Practical Performance (30%) Students will be assessed in 3 practical areas as a performer. Sports must be a split of both individual and team based activities from the specification list. For each activity students will be assessed in: A) Skills (10 marks per activity) B) Full context (15 marks per activity)
A keen interest in the theoretical components of sport and exercise. Be competent in exam based subjects. An excellent sports performer in at least 2 activities. Aspirations to study Sport at A Level and University. Be grade 4 and above at KS3 PE Be participating in a team or individual sport outside of school Be higher or middle strand for Science and English with a grade of 4 and above
Analyse and Evaluate Performance (10%) Written Coursework
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE GCSE Physical Education and the skills learnt can be studied at a higher level as an A Level or BTEC Level 3 after GCSE. In addition to this, the skills developed such as decision making and independent thinking can be used in all walks of life and future careers. Students who are interested in careers in sport science, physio therapy, personal training and sports coaching may be interested in taking GCSE PE.
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Head of PE: Miss D O’Hare
WHAT DOES THE COURSE OFFER ME? BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Sport
75% Coursework 25% External Assessment The Edexcel BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Sport has been designed to provide an engaging and stimulating introduction to the world of sport. The qualification builds on learning from Key Stage 3 for those who may wish to explore a vocational route throughout Key Stage 4. Students will cover the following topics on both practical and classroom situations over the course of two years: Fitness for Sport and Exercise Practical Sports Performance Training for Personal Fitness Leading Sports Activities
Students will complete coursework for 3 of the 4 Units and an online external exam based on Fitness for Sport and Exercise.
Students failing to achieve a Level 2 pass may be able to achieve a pass at Level 1 equivalent to a grade 3-4 and below.
The Level 2 First Award in Sport will provide students with a nationally recognised vocational qualification which could prepare them for a career in the sports sector or to progress to further qualifications such as the Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Sport that is available in the Sixth Form at Neston High School. Why choose BTEC PE? I have a keen interest in sport and wish to develop my knowledge and understanding further I prefer to work on small assignments throughout the 2 years rather than one large exam in year 11 I like learning in a practical environment
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE BTEC Awards are respected by employers and higher education providers. The practical skills learnt and developed whilst studying for a sport BTEC are valued by employers and can be a sound foundation for further study or sports industry apprenticeships.
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Head of PE: Miss D O’Hare
BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Performing Arts (Dance)
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? 30% External Assessment 70% Internal Assessment
Component 1 – Exploring different Dance styles – Internally Assessed - you will develop your understanding of Dance by examining practitioners’ work and the processes used to create performance. You will explore different professional dance pieces from the following styles: Urban Dance, Contemporary and Jazz. The assessment will involve taking part in practical workshops, written assignments and creating presentations.
The course has been designed primarily for those who may wish to explore a vocational route throughout Key Stage 4. It features both practical and theoretical assessments and is assessed externally via controlled assessments and internally via coursework and performance. The course is made up of three components that introduce you to the skills needed to get work in the industry and create and perform pieces as part of a company.
Component 2 - Developing Skills and Techniques in Dance – Internally Assessed –you will develop your performing arts skills and techniques through the reproduction of dance repertoire. You will take part in dance classes that will be focused on a variety of styles within Contemporary, Jazz and Urban. The assessment will involve taking part in performances, keep a written log of your progress for each style and how you conduct yourself within lessons. Component 3 - Performing to a Brief – Externally Assessed you will be given the opportunity to work as part of a group to create a workshop performance in response to a given brief and stimulus from the exam board. This can be based on a variety of dance styles and will be a creative collaboration between the teacher and students. The assessment will involve performances within a showcase and written assignments.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
You should be able to demonstrate a commitment to learning dance and be able to demonstrate good technical abilities and dance performance skills. You should have strong literacy skills and be able to demonstrate you can work well as part of a team.
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE BTEC Dance provides a well rounded foundation for further study and provides practical transferrable skills that can benefit students in future career paths. Students get a hands on taste of the performing arts sector.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 34
Head of Science: Mrs S Westoby
AQA Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Biology, Chemistry, Physics
(This as a 3 GCSE route) 100% External Examination
Two exams: 1 hour 45 minutes each (each worth 50%) for EACH subject. Questions are a mixture of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response.
GCSE Biology, Physics and Chemistry provide an opportunity for developing understanding of scientific explanations, understanding of science works, and the study of elements of applied science with relevance to professional
Paper 1
Paper 2
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
Topics 1-4: Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection & Response; and Bioenergetics
Topics 1-4: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table; Bonding, Structure and the properties of Matter; Quantitative Chemistry, Chemical Changes; and Energy Changes
Topics 1-4: Energy; Electricity; Particle Model of Matter; and Atomic Structure.
Topics 5-7: Homeostasis & Response; Inheritance, Variation and Evolution; and Ecology
Topics 5-7: The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change; Organic Chemistry; Chemical Analysis; Chemistry of the Atmosphere; and Using Resources.
Topics 5-7: Forces; Waves; Magnetism and Electromagnetism; and Space Physics
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE Triple sciences can lead to further study and A Levels are offered at Neston High School in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Science qualifications are well respected and can lead to a wide range of future careers such as Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Biochemical and Engineering.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 35
of Geography: HeadHead of Vocational Skills: Mrs F Nisbet Miss J Duggan
ASDAN Level 1 & 2 Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE)
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? 100% course work
The course comprises of 12 modules, each of which is divided into three sections. Each section should take 10 hours to complete and is worth one credit. Students will need 12 credits to gain the Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE).
This Vocational Skills Programme is a nationally recognised qualification which offers imaginative ways of accrediting young people’s activities. It promotes and allows a wide range of personal qualities, abilities and achievements as well as introducing them to new activities and challenges.
Communication Citizenship and Community Sport and Leisure Independent Living The Environment Vocational Preparation Health and Fitness Work related Learning and Enterprise Science and Technology International Links Expressive Arts Beliefs and Values
Whilst there are no minimum requirements for this course, places are limited and each application will be discussed and considered before places are allocated.
Please note for students opting for Vocational Skills— this counts as 2 choices.
Extended Writing
Using ICT
Short Written Tasks
Using Numbers
In front of others
Creativity & Design
Performing Activities
Working With my Hands
BEYOND GCSE BEYOND GCSE This course benefits students who may wish to go on to further studying or apprenticeships and need to develop skills in keys areas and who are seeking to develop greater independence and confidence.
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 36
CAREERS INFORMATION Personal advisers from Mploy work closely with staff and students to provide advice for the future. Careers education is delivered as part of the personal development programme in Years 10 and 11. Students can also talk to their tutor about booking an appointment with the Careers Advisor. We are also in the process of registering all students for U-Explore online system. This is the UK’s leading careers guidance portal for schools and colleges allow students to set up personal profiles in order to make better and more informed choices about their career path.
THE OPTIONS PROCESS The Option Timeline Options booklet available on-line Options Information Evening Careers Fair Year 9 Parents' Evening Departmental talks to Online Option Form completed
Thursday 13th December Thursday 13th December Thursday 10th January Thursday 17th January On-going Thursday 31st January
Completing your Options online All students will be able to complete their option choices online by Thursday 31 st January at: https:// This link will be available on our website under: Parents/Year 9 Options.
Further Information Please note that we always strive to ensure that every student is successfully enrolled on their chosen courses. Typically over 95% of students are allocated to their chosen subject combinations, however, we cannot guarantee that all choice combinations will be possible; if this were to be the case, we will discuss this with you. YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 37
Options Your options need to be submitted online by Friday 31st January at: Yr9Options2019
Option Block A
Option Block B
Geography GCSE
Computer Science GCSE
History GCSE
Engineering BTEC Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE Fine Art GCSE German GCSE History GCSE Music GCSE PE GCSE Product Design GCSE Separate Sciences GCSE Sociology GCSE Spanish GCSE Sport BTEC Vocational *counts as 2 option choices
Option Block C
Option Block D
Business CNAT
Business CNAT
Business GCSE
Child Development CNC
Computer Science GCSE
Construction WJEC Vocational Award
Construction WJEC Vocational Award
Digital Information Technology BTEC
Dance BTEC
Drama GCSE
Engineering BTEC
Fine Art GCSE
Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE
French GCSE
French GCSE
Graphic Design GCSE
Geography GCSE
German GCSE
Separate Sciences GCSE
Graphic Design GCSE
Sociology GCSE
Photography GCSE
Spanish GCSE
Religious Studies GCSE
Sport BTEC
Spanish GCSE
Textiles GCSE
Vocational *counts as 2 option choices
Travel and Tourism BTEC
It is strongly recommended that students expected to achieve a level 5 or above in English and Maths at GCSE should also choose a Language. YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 38
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 39
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 40
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 41
YEAR 9 OPTIONS 2019-2021 | Page 42
Headteacher: Mr Dool Neston High School, Raby Park Road, Neston, Cheshire. CH64 9NH Tel: 0151 336 3902