Year 11 Learning Programme 2015-16 Option Subjects

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Key Stage 4 Learning Programmes

Year 11 2015-2016 Booklet 2

Dear Parent / Carer This booklet has been produced with YOU in mind. Many parents tell us that they really want to help their children get the most out of school by supporting them in their studies. The intention is that, by referring to this booklet, you can see at a glance just what it is that your child is studying in school – this includes:  what is being covered in lessons at any time of the year in all their subjects – the work is typically broken down into half-termly units  what your child should gain from their experiences – including “Ask your son or daughter if they can….” sections  details of homework  how they will be assessed at the end of each unit of work The aim of providing the information contained in this booklet is to help you to help your child. We hope that you find the information of benefit and would welcome any feedback on any aspect. Please email or make contact via telephone on 0151 336 3902 NB: a few regular abbreviations found here include: KS4= Key Stage 4 (Years 10 to 11) AFL= Assessment for Learning; VLE= Virtual Learning Environment (our own, web-based resource base) APP=Assessing Pupils’ Progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School


Art & Applied Design Business Dance Drama Geography History Catering Child Development Health and Social Care ICT & Computing

......................................................................... 4 ....................................................................... 11 ....................................................................... 17 ....................................................................... 20 ....................................................................... 23 ....................................................................... 29 ....................................................................... 35 ....................................................................... 40 ....................................................................... 45 ....................................................................... 49

Modern Foreign Languages French ..................................................................... 60 German ..................................................................... 65 Spanish ..................................................................... 71 Music Personal Development Physical Education Ethics & Philosophy Sociology

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....................................................................... 76 ....................................................................... 81 ....................................................................... 82 ....................................................................... 88 ....................................................................... 92

Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ART AND DESIGN – FINE ART Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Students will develop independent work related to their final examination project – worth 40% of their final grade. The examination will begin during the third week in January. Students will have 6 weeks to prepare their ideas / research, and then have 10 hours in which to realise their final design / image. Description of lessons: 1. Students will select one of 6 possible questions set by the AQA examination board. 2. They will then research topics related to their chosen question. 3. They will develop a range of design sheets looking at selected artists, designers or cultures. 4. They will expose their selected question using appropriate media using both primary and secondary sources. 5. Finally having developed their ideas they will produce a final outcome. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

Describe some of the key features of the Artist, designer or culture requested in the examination question. Explain how they have developed a series of design sheets, and how this has been influenced by their research. Outline their ideas regarding the development of their final design / image and the media to be used.

Homework: Independent research into related artists, designers or cultures. Development of additional design sheets using relevant media. Assessment: On-going, in class teacher assessment as work progresses. Review every 3 weeks with summative assessment and grading at the end of the project  AO1 – Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding  AO2 – Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes  AO3 – Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms  AO4 – present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written and other elements.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ART AND DESIGN – GRAPHICS Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Students will develop independent work related to their final examination project – worth 40% of their final grade. The examination will begin during the third week in January. Students will have 6 weeks to prepare their ideas / research, and then have 10 hours in which to realise their final design / image. Description of lessons: 6. Students will select one of 6 possible questions set by the AQA examination board. 7. They will then research topics related to their chosen question. 8. They will develop a range of design sheets looking at selected artists, designers or cultures. 9. They will expose their selected question using appropriate media using both primary and secondary sources. 10. Finally having developed their ideas they will produce a final outcome. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

Describe some of the key features of the Artist, designer or culture requested in the examination question. Explain how they have developed a series of design sheets, and how this has been influenced by their research. Outline their ideas regarding the development of their final design / image and the media to be used.

Homework:  

Independent research into related artists, designers or cultures. Development of additional design sheets using relevant media.

Assessment: On-going, in class teacher assessment as work progresses. Review every 3 weeks with summative assessment and grading at the end of the project  AO1 – Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding  AO2 – Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes  AO3 – Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms  AO4 – present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written and other elements.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ART AND DESIGN – PRODUCT DESIGN Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Students will develop independent work related to their final examination project – worth 40% of their final grade. The examination will begin during the third week in January. Students will have 6 weeks to prepare their ideas / research, and then have 10 hours in which to realise their final design / image. Description of lessons: 11. Students will select one of 6 possible questions set by the AQA examination board. 12. They will then research topics related to their chosen question. 13. They will develop a range of design sheets looking at selected artists, designers or cultures. 14. They will expose their selected question using appropriate media using both primary and secondary sources. 15. Finally having developed their ideas they will produce a final outcome. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

Describe some of the key features of the Artist, designer or culture requested in the examination question. Explain how they have developed a series of design sheets, and how this has been influenced by their research. Outline their ideas regarding the development of their final design / image and the media to be used.

Homework:  

Independent research into related artists, designers or cultures. Development of additional design sheets using relevant media.

Assessment: On-going, in class teacher assessment as work progresses. Review every 3 weeks with summative assessment and grading at the end of the project  AO1 – Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding.  AO2 – Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes.  AO3 – Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms.  AO4 – present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written and other elements.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ART AND DESIGN – TEXTILES Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Students will develop independent work related to their final examination project – worth 40% of their final grade. The examination will begin during the third week in January. Students will have 6 weeks to prepare their ideas / research, and then have 10 hours in which to realise their final design / image. Description of lessons: 16. Students will select one of 6 possible questions set by the AQA examination board. 17. They will then research topics related to their chosen question. 18. They will develop a range of design sheets looking at selected artists, designers or cultures. 19. They will expose their selected question using appropriate media using both primary and secondary sources. 20. Finally having developed their ideas they will produce a final outcome. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

Describe some of the key features of the Artist, designer or culture requested in the examination question. Explain how they have developed a series of design sheets, and how this has been influenced by their research. Outline their ideas regarding the development of their final design / image and the media to be used.

Homework:  

Independent research into related artists, designers or cultures. Development of additional design sheets using relevant media.

Assessment: On-going, in class teacher assessment as work progresses. Review every 3 weeks with summative assessment and grading at the end of the project    

AO1 – Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding. AO2 – Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes. AO3 – Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms. AO4 – present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written and other elements.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ART AND DESIGN - TEXTILES Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: PATTERN AND COLOUR Students will take the work of Beatrice Milhazes as a starting point for the design and production of a skirt. The work will be influenced by strong geometric patterns and botanical forms. Description of lessons: Tasks:  Introduction to the artist Beatriz Milhazes. Discuss content, context, process, form and mood.  Draw and simplify botanical forms from first hand observation, and from secondary resources; evaluate in relation to the artist’s work.  Create layered paper composition using patterned and coloured papers and fine liner. (Experiment with acrylic/plastic technique used by artist).  Develop sections into textile samples. Experiment with techniques such as appliqué/bonding/cutwork, freehand machine embroidery, hand embroidery/embellishment, printing and dying. Refine and develop.  Design and create final textile outcome.  Reflect on and evaluate own and others work. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …     

Describe some of the techniques and media they have used to develop accurate observational drawings. Identify features in the work of Beatriz Milhazes and use specialist vocabulary to describe and analyse her work. Explain how their own work has been influenced by the artists they have studied. Describe some of the textile processes and materials they have used to develop their ideas. Explain the process of printing onto and dying fabric.

Homework:       

Research artists and theme. Collect visual resources from first and second hand observation. Prepare backgrounds for compositional sheets. Develop designs for textile outcome. Collect materials and resources to develop own piece. Document work in sketchbook and annotate as it develops. Reflect upon progress and consider future development.

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Neston High School

Assessment: On-going, in class teacher assessment as work progresses. Review at end of half term with summative assessment and grading at end of project.  AO1 Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding.  AO2 Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes.  AO3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms.  AO4 Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements.

Key Stage 4 Subject: ENGINEERING Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Level 2 Extended Certificate in Engineering Students will develop a range of key skills and a depth of knowledge about the Engineering industry within the 6 units studied; Three units in Year 10 and a further two at year 11. Year 10 UNIT 2: Interpreting Engineering Information. UNIT 8: Selecting Engineering Materials. UNIT 18: Engineering Marking Out. Year 11 UNIT 1: Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering. UNIT 17: Fabrication Techniques and Sheet Metal Work.

Description of lessons: Tasks:  Research given topics from a range of sources.  Research of case studies related to H&S.  Independent learning tasks related to tools, materials and processes.  Unit booklets worked through to ensure depth of understanding for all Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria.  Questions/worksheets to reinforce understanding. Page 9 of 98

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Neston High School

 Writing reports to explain a particular process.  Preparing power point presentations.  Preparing Tool box talks.  Practical skill development tasks. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Describe some of the practical skills and techniques they are learning.  Identify features of individual materials and use specialist vocabulary to describe these.  Identify key skills and the equipment to successfully work with particular materials.  Explain how their own work is progressing and what challenges they are having to overcome.  Discuss some of their ideas about careers within engineering.  Explain how what they are learning will be of future benefit. Homework: Regular homework is an integral part of this course. Students are expected to take responsibility for meeting assessment deadlines and making improvements to their work in order to achieve the prescribed Pass, Merit or Distinction. Assessment: On-going, in class teacher assessment as work progresses. Regular teacher reviews and feedback with guidance on what is required to achieve success. All units are internally assessed based on the achievements of specified learning outcomes. A summative unit grade can be awarded as a pass, merit or distinction.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GCSE BUSINESS STUDIES (WJEC) Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topics/Module: Motivation theory/Leadership styles The role of money Changes in the use of ICT Environmental responsibility Description of lessons:    

How management can achieve motivation through effective leadership. Differences between a wage and a salary/interpretation of a payslip/different methods of making payments. Awareness of how development of ICT has changed the workplace. How businesses and consumers are responding to pressure for greater environmental responsibility.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

Explain different leadership styles and their effect on motivation; the effect of the development of ICT on business; why it is important to consider ethical issues. Define specialist terms related to the above e.g. democratic leadership; time rates, piece rates, CAD/CAM, pressure groups. Discuss and describe the above related to current affairs.

Homework:    

questions/worksheets to test knowledge and understanding of topics to keep up to date with current affairs relating to business by listening to the news and reading the newspaper to learn business vocabulary related to the topics covered case studies to develop application of knowledge, analysis and evaluation skills

Assessment:  

case studies exam questions – topic focussed

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GCSE BUSINESS STUDIES (WJEC) Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module:      

Business Finance and control Business plans Cash flow Gross and net profit Balance sheets Profit and loss accounts

Description of lessons:      

Selecting and justifying appropriate sources of finance for the business. Know how a business plan functions as a tool for decision making and securing financial backing. Interpret cash flow forecasts and explain how they aid decision making. Use profit and loss accounts. Use balance sheets. Use of profit and loss accounts and balance sheets to critically appraise business performance.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  

Define and Explain key terms such as net profit, gross profit, fixed costs, current assets, liabilities etc. Describe and discuss the above in relation to current affairs.

Homework:    

questions/worksheets to test knowledge and understanding of topics to keep up to date with current affairs relating to business by listening to the news and reading the newspaper to learn business vocabulary related to the topics covered case studies to develop application of knowledge, analysis and evaluation skills

Assessment:  

case studies exam questions – topic focussed

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: BUSINESS BTEC LEVEL II Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Unit 4 People in organisations Description of lessons: 1 2 3 4 5

Job roles and functions in an organisation Comparisons of job roles Different structures in organisations Producing a CV Researching job descriptions and person specifications

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they…        

Know what a manager does. Know what a director, supervisor or assistant does. Know what a hierarchical/flat and matrix structure is. Know the problems and issues faced by large organisation structures. Have created a CV and know what should be included in one. Know what details are contained in a job description and person specification. Have practiced writing a letter of application for a job provided for them. Are aware of where they are on the student tracker.

Homework:    

Questions on job roles and structures. Completion of CV. Researched job roles. Researched job descriptions and person specifications.

Assessment: P1 P2 P3

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Describe the main job roles in an organisation. Identify different organisational structures used within business organisations. Produce a basic job description and personal specification for a specific job.

Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: BUSINESS BTEC LEVEL II Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Unit 4 People in organisations Description of lessons: 1 2 3

Interview preparation The importance of effective recruitment Personal skills audit

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they…     

Know what to do and not do in an interview. Are aware of how business organisations recruit staff. Are aware of the work of the Human Resources Department. Has completed a personal skills audit. Are aware of where they are on the student tracker.

Homework:    

Preparing interview questions. Practicing interview techniques. Research on recruitment in businesses. Questions on human resources.

Assessment: P4 Complete an application and interview for a specific job. P5 Match current knowledge and skills to possible job opportunities using appropriate sources of information and advice.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: BUSINESS BTEC LEVEL II Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Unit 4 People in organisations Description of lessons: 1 2 3

Researching career development Preparing a career development plan Extension work for merit and distinction criteria

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they…   

Know what a career development plan is. If they have produced their own career development plan. Are aware of where they are on the student tracker.

Homework:   

Completion of career development plan. Extension tasks to hit merit and distinction criteria. Extension tasks to improve grades achieved in previous units.

Assessment: P6 produce a personal career development plan. M1Compare the main job roles and functions in two organisations and explain how they may differ in different organisational structures. M2 Produce a detailed and relevant job description and person specification for a specific job. D1 analyse the relationship between job roles, functions and an organisation’s structure, using appropriate examples. D2 Analyse how effective recruitment contributes to an organisation’s success.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: BUSINESS BTEC LEVEL II Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Completion of outstanding work for units 1,2 and 4 Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they…   

Have hit all the pass criteria for all units on the course Have attempted the merit and distinction criteria on all units of the course Have a full folder of evidence which is in good order

Homework: 

Individualised tasks and activities that are needed to provide the evidence for students to achieve their target level on this course.

Assessment: 

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Internal and external verification of folder evidence.

Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: DANCE Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Contemporary Dance/choreography/performance Description of lessons: Students will take part in regular classes and workshops that that will cover contemporary dance techniques and performance and choreographic skills including:         

Continued development of Contemporary Dance technique Structure solo composition Exploring the use of different stimulus Creating group choreography Identifying strengths and areas for improvement Choreographic Principles within Contemporary Dance Exploring Professional Dance Works Performing Contemporary Dance Understanding key vocabulary

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …     

Create group choreography based on a chosen stimulus use choreographic skills to create phrases of contemporary movement Selecting appropriate use of Accompaniment discuss, analyse and identify key features of professional works Perform contemporary dance pieces based on professional works

Homework:   

practical based tasks – creating and refining movements research tasks – Movements/styles/music or accompaniment, images/pictures written tasks – Notating dance/stickmen diagrams/worksheets/posters

Assessment:   

continual assessment of students’ skills in performance and creative work observe pupils’ understanding of different contemporary techniques peer & self-assessment and target setting

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: DANCE Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Choreography/Performance/Written analysis Description of lessons:  Performing for an audience  Discovering what makes a good performance  Technical skills in performance  Expressive skills in performance  Performance in group dances  Choreographing group dance  Structuring Dances  Choosing appropriate accompaniment  Written analysis of professional works  Motif writing Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Identify Expressive and performance skills  Identify technical skills  Recognise different structures in dance  Choreograph a group piece that portrays artistic intent  Discuss costume/lighting/physical setting of professional works  Describe a motif using words and diagrams Homework:  practical based tasks – rehearsing & refining movements  written tasks – Notating dance/stickmen diagrams to aid with movement memory  written tasks- keeping a log book to record information and progress  written tasks-completing worksheets/practices exam questions Assessment:  continual assessment of students’ skills in performance and creative work  observe pupils’ developing understanding of contemporary dance genre  peer assessment and target setting  baseline assessments throughout the term to enable effective target setting

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: DANCE Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Performance/Choreography/Dance Appreciation Description of lessons:  Performing for an audience  Discovering what makes a good performance  Technical skills in performance  Expressive skills in performance  Performance in group dances  Choreographing group dance  Structuring Dances  Choosing appropriate accompaniment  Written analysis of professional works  Motif writing Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Identify Expressive and performance skills  Identify technical skills  Recognise different structures in dance  Choreograph a group piece that portrays artistic intent  Discuss costume/lighting/physical setting of professional works  Describe a motif using words and diagrams Homework:  practical based tasks – rehearsing & refining movements  written tasks – Notating dance/stickmen diagrams to aid with movement memory  written tasks- keeping a log book to record information and progress  written tasks-completing worksheets/practices exam questions Assessment:    

continual assessment of students’ skills in performance and creative work observe pupils’ developing understanding of contemporary dance genre peer assessment and target setting baseline assessments throughout the term to enable effective target setting

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: DRAMA Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Whole Term

Topic/Module: Unit 2 (Option 1 Devising) – ‘ Outsiders’ 30% of the Course (Practical Performance) and 20% written Exam on it in May Description of lessons: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14

Practical introduction to Acting methods / especially Stanislavski. Reminder of key styles / practitioners from last year Introduction to Unit & Workshop 1 - Bullying Workshops 2 & 3 & 4 - Plea (Immigration) Molly / Old Man (Old age / Loneliness / illness Artaud techniques Workshop 5 – ‘Find Me ‘ / Shutter Island – mental illness / violence Taboo. Start of devising process Devising with support Devising with support Rehearsing / staging final performances Rehearsing / working on feedback on final pieces Preparation for feedback evenings Performances for feedback Performances filmed – practical marks moderated / awarded Preparation for written Exam Mock Exams Feedback given / targets set / Set Texts given out for next examined Unit

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

Discuss the Drama they have taken part in Give examples of their own contributions Give examples of effective work by others

Homework: Research on the key areas given in each workshop To keep notes throughout the process To complete preparatory research / exercises as given out Structure notes into a revision aid – keep their file up to date Assessment: By teachers to AQA GCSE criteria for Unit 2 Devising Performance – Teacher notes, DVD evidence of performances as moderated by Exam Board– mark with supporting evidence from teacher out of 60 – students to complete mock exam – mark out of 40 – kept for revision for Summer.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: DRAMA Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Whole Term

Topic/Module: Unit 2 (Option 2 Acting of Text) 30% on Practical Performance – marked with a Visiting Moderator (forms basis of notes for Paper 1 Section B – 20% written exam in May) Metamorphosis by Berkoff Description of lessons: Week 15 Introduction / revision of Berkoff Focus on style, background, plot summary, watching DVD/footage Practical explorations of ‘Total Theatre’ Week 16 Workshop 1 & 2 – key activities on Extract 1 & 2 Week 17 Workshop 3 & 4 Key activities on Extract 3 & 4. Week 18 Workshop 5 & 6 – key activities on Extract 5 & 6, Week 19 Groupings / scripts for each group given out – start prep for final pieces Week 20 Rehearsing / staging Week 21 Rehearsing / staging Week 22 Rehearsing / staging Week 23 Preparation for feedback evenings / final performances for Moderator Week 24 Feedback evenings / final preparations Week 25 Performances for visiting moderator Week 26 Start Exam preparation after practical exam over Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …    

Discuss the play they are studying Pinpoint key themes / skills / the style Give some facts about the playwright Rehearse some lines / extracts from the play

Homework: Research on text / style Learning lines / preparation for practicals Responding to feedback Keeping notes for revision Mock Exam prep

Assessment: Self Peer Teacher Moderated by Exam Board – sample live, rest filmed. Notes from the teacher, DVDs of both Practicals sent off with Centre Marks after moderation. Exam practice notes marked.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: DRAMA Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half Up to Exam in May

Topic/Module: Unit 1 Written Exam Paper Sections A & B

Description of lessons: Week 27 Week 28 Week 29 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32

Reviewing Devising Unit / looking at exemplar Practicing Exam Papers Feedback on Mock papers Reviewing Set Text Unit / looking at exemplar Practicing Exam papers Feedback on Exam papers / Final Exam preparation

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Show their notes  Show their Revision File  Go through their plans for the Exams  Homework: To keep notes up to date Research the play studied / Devising Unit Follow templates / exemplar Plan / structure their notes in readiness Respond to feedback on their practice exam papers GCSE Bitesize revision Assessment: Written by teacher on work / notes / exemplar / rough drafts / practice exam responses To GCSE Mark scheme – Mark out of 40 (Section A) Mark out of 40 (Section B)

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GCSE GEOGRAPHY Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Researching Geography. / Controlled Assessment. [25% of total GCSE grade] Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6. Week 7.

Preparation for Fieldwork. Preparation for Fieldwork. Fieldwork & Start of write up. Write up. Write up. Write up. Write up.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …      

Explain the title and key questions of their C.A. Describe what they will be finding out while on fieldwork. Describe how they must write up their C.A. Show you their Low Control C.A elements. Describe what they will be required to do in the High Control elements. Show you their completed C.A.

Home works; Pre field work planning. Low Control writing up of C.A. Preparation for High Control element of the C.A. Assessment: Completion of the C.A to include; planning, methods of data collection, data presentation, analysis and conclusions and evaluation.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GCSE GEOGRAPHY Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: DYNAMIC PLANET Restless Earth Description of lessons: Week 8. Week 9. Week 10. Week 11. Week 12. Week 13.

The Internal Structure of the Earth. The Crustal Plates & Plate Boundaries. The causes of Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions. How Earthquakes and Volcanoes affect people in MEDCs. How Earthquakes and Volcanoes affect people in LEDCs. Earthquake and Volcano prediction, warning and evacuation in MEDCs &LEDCs. Week 14. Human response and relief in one named tectonic event. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …      

Name the different layers of the Earth. Explain how plates move and create 3 different plate boundaries. Describe the causes of Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions. Explain how people are affected socially, economically & environmentally by tectonic events in MEDCs & LEDCs. Compare prediction, warning & evacuation procedures in MEDCs & LEDCs. Describe using a named example, how people responded short & long term.

Homework:    

Draw diagrams. Research case studies. Learn Key words. Do practice questions.

Assessment: End of unit test question.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GCSE GEOGRAPHY Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: DYNAMIC PLANET Battle for the Biosphere. Description of lessons: Week 15. Identify & map the world’s major biomes. Week 16. How temperature & precipitation affect biomes. Week 17. How biomes provide services & goods for people. Week 18. How people affect biosphere destruction. Week 19. Indirect biosphere destruction by Climate Change. Week 20. Global Conservation methods. Week 21. Local conservation methods. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …      

Name & locate the major biomes. Explain why biomes differ around the globe. List biome services & goods. Give examples using a named case study of how people cause biosphere destruction. Describe how rising temperatures are affecting the biosphere. Give examples of Global & local ways of saving species & habitats.

Homework:    

Drawing maps & diagrams. Researching case studies. Learning Key words. Answering practice questions.

Assessment: End of unit questions.


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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GCSE GEOGRAPHY Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: DYNAMIC EARTH Climate and Change. Description of lessons: Week 22. Identify the natural causes of Climate Change. Week 23. Use graphs to examine past Climate Changes & their impacts. Week 24. Consider the role of human activity in enhancing Climate Change. Week 25. How Climate Change affects the UK economically, socially and environmentally. Week 26. How Climate Change affects a named LEDC economically, socially and environmentally. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …     

Describe the natural causes of Climate Change. Describe previous Climate Change events & their impacts. Evaluate the role of people in enhancing Climate Change. Identify the varied impacts of Climate Change in the UK. Identify the varied impacts of Climate Change on a named LEDC.

Homework;     

Mapping and drawing. Interpreting data. Researching case studies. Learning key terms. Answering practice questions.

Assessment; End of unit questions.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GCSE GEOGRAPHY Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: DYNAMIC EARTH Water World Description of lessons: Week 27. Revise the Hydrological Cycle as a system and how it is affected by Climate Change & river pollution. Week 28. Investigate the impacts of unreliable & insufficient water on people in a named vulnerable area. Week 29. Examine how people disrupt water supplies by e.g. over abstraction & deforestation. Week 30. Study the costs & benefits of a named large scale water management project. Week 31. Study the costs & benefits of a small scale water management project in an LEDC. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …     

Describe the Hydrological cycle and how it is affected by Climate Change & river pollution. Name a water vulnerable area and describe its problems. Explain the ways in which people can disrupt water systems. Name a large scale water management project & evaluate its costs and benefits. Name a small scale water management project & evaluate its costs and benefits.

Homework:    

Drawing and mapping. Researching case studies. Learning key words. Answering practice questions.

Assessment: End of unit questions

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GCSE GEOGRAPHY Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: DYNAMIC EARTH Coastal Change and Conflict Oceans on the Edge Description of lessons: Week 32. Examine the processes both natural & human changing named coasts. Week 33. Study both Hard & Soft coastal management options on named coasts. Week 34. Investigate how marine ecosystems can be degraded. Week 35. How can marine ecosystems be sustainably managed. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …    

Describe the processes which have changed named coasts; both natural & human. Evaluate the successes of Hard & Soft coastal management options on named coasts. Describe how marine ecosystems can be degraded, at global & local scales with named examples. Evaluate the successes of sustainable management schemes using named examples.

Homework:    

Mapping and drawing. Researching case studies. Learning key words & terms. Practice questions.

Assessment: End of units practice questions.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: HISTORY Unit 2: Twentieth Century Depth Studies: USA, The Roaring Twenties and the New Deal 1919-1941 Year: Term: Half Term: Year 11 Autumn 1st half Spring 2nd half Summer  Topic/ module: USA 1919-1941  In this topic students will study: the reasons for prosperity in the USA in the 1920’s  Groups which lost out in the 1920’s  The strengths and weaknesses of the US economy  The effects of the Depression on the American people  Attempts by the US government to tackle the depression  Description of lessons:  The American political system  Impact of WW1 on America- positive or negative?  Why was there an economic boom in the 1920’s?  What was the impact of mass production?  How did the stock market become accessible to everyone?  Why did the old industries suffer?  How did changes in entertainment impact American society?  Did the role of women change dramatically in 1920’s USA?  Racism and intolerance  Was Prohibition a mistake?  Why did the Wall Street Crash take place? What was the impact?  How serious were the effects of the Depression?  Hoover’s reaction  Roosevelt and the hundred days  The Second New Deal  Opposition to the New Deal  Roosevelt or WW2?  Outcomes:    

     

Describe key events / course content covered in lessons Interpret historical sources, explaining their value to historians and highlighting any limitations by referring to the content of source, purpose of source and supporting their views with their own knowledge. Explain the importance / significance of key events leading to causation Make links and connections between events in order to make informed conclusions / judgements. Explain their current working level and suggest targets for their next exam practice question

Homework: Various written tasks (describing key events) Analysis and evaluation of historical sources. Exam practice questions / peer assessment of exemplar answers All students have been issued with a textbook- they will be expected to complete a reading homework per week.  Students are also encouraged to develop their independent learning skills by researching key themes/ content.  Website activities- for example  Thorough revision of key course content in preparation for end of unit exam practice questions. Assessment: Exam practice questions Assessment: Exam practice questions

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: HISTORY Unit 2: Twentieth Century Depth Studies: The USA and Vietnam - Failure Abroad and at Home, 1964 -1975 Year: Year 11

  

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: The USA and Vietnam - Failure Abroad and at Home, 1964 -1975 Key issues: How effective were guerrilla tactics during the Vietnam War? How did the coverage of the Vietnam War in the USA lead to demands for peace? Why were the US actions to end the Vietnam War unsuccessful?

Description of lessons:   

The theory of guerrilla warfare and how it was suited to conflict in Vietnam. The range of guerrilla tactics used by the NVA and the Vietcong. The different tactics used by the US and their relative effectiveness; Hearts and Minds, search and destroy the use of technology by the US; Operation Rolling Thunder, Agent Orange and napalm.  Case study; The My Lai Massacre as an example of search and destroy tactics.  The range and impact of media coverage of the Vietnam War including reporting of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, My Lai, Tet Offensive, and evacuation of Saigon.  The range and impact of media coverage of the Vietnam War including Kent State University protest, peace movement and Fulbright hearings.  The organisation and impact of the Peace Movement between 1968 and 1973. The reaction to the My Lai massacre and the subsequent trial of Lieutenant Calley, the day of the Kent State University protest and its impact, the growing reaction to the war as illustrated by the Fulbright hearing, 1971.  The Tet Offensive and its military and political impact on morale in Vietnam and in the USA.  The purpose and initial impact of the US attacks on The North, Laos and Cambodia, 19701972.  The negotiating at the Paris Peace Conference and the US decision to withdraw.  Withdrawal with honour - Vietnamisation.  The final defeat for the South with the fall of Saigon, 1975. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … (linked to key Assessment Objectives)  Describe key events / course content covered in lessons  Interpret historical sources, explaining their value to historians and highlighting any limitations by referring to the content of source, purpose of source and supporting their views with their own knowledge.  Explain the importance / significance of key events leading to causation  Make links and connections between events in order to make informed conclusions / judgements.  Explain their current working level and suggest targets for their next exam practice question.

Homework:  Various written tasks (describing key events)  Analysis and evaluation of historical sources.  Exam practice questions / peer assessment of exemplar answers  All students have been issued with a textbook- they will be expected to complete a reading homework per week.  Students are also encouraged to develop their independent learning skills by researching key themes/ content.  Website activities- for example  Thorough revision of key course content in preparation for end of unit exam practice questions. Assessment: Exam practice questions.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: HISTORY Unit 3: Controlled Assessment Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Britain at War: Trench Warfare The War at Sea Description of lessons:     

Controlled Assessment 1 Medium Control – task release: Historical diary -Source analysis and evaluation Preparation – students plan their Controlled Assessment response High control – task taking (students complete their Controlled Assessment task under examination conditions for 2 hours)

    

Controlled Assessment 2 Medium Control – task release: Historical diary -Source analysis and evaluation Preparation – students plan their Controlled Assessment response High control – task taking (students complete their Controlled Assessment 2 task under examination conditions for 3 hours)

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … (linked to key Assessment Objectives)    

Explain their action plan for Year 11. Describe key events / course content covered in lessons. Make judgements on the utility of sources. Interpret historical sources, explaining their value to historians and highlighting any limitations by referring to the content of source, purpose of source and supporting their views with their own knowledge.

Homework:  Research  Source analysis and evaluation tasks (Please be aware that due to Exam Board regulations, Controlled Assessment tasks must be completed in school)

Assessment: Controlled Assessment Task 1 (12.5% of final GCSE grade)

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: HISTORY Unit 3: Controlled Assessment Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Britain at War: The War at Sea Description of lessons:  Controlled Assessment 2  High control – task taking (students complete their Controlled Assessment 2 task under examination conditions for 3 hours) Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … (linked to key Assessment Objectives)  Explain their action plan for Year 11.  Describe key events / course content covered in lessons.  Make judgements on the utility of sources.  Interpret historical sources, explaining their value to historians and highlighting any limitations by referring to the content of source, purpose of source and supporting their views with their own knowledge.  Homework:  Research  Source analysis and evaluation tasks (Please be aware that due to Exam Board regulations, Controlled Assessment tasks must be completed in school)       

Various written tasks (describing key events) Analysis and evaluation of historical sources. Exam practice questions / peer assessment of exemplar answers All students have been issued with a textbook- they will be expected to complete one reading homework per week. Students are also encouraged to develop their independent learning skills by researching key themes/ content. Website activities- for example Thorough revision of key course content in preparation for end of unit exam practice questions.

Assessment: Controlled Assessment Task 2 (12.5% of final GCSE grade)

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: HISTORY Unit 2: Twentieth Century Depth Studies: Exam preparation Year: Term: Half Term: Year 11 Autumn 1st half Spring 2nd half Summer Topic/Module: Revision Key issue: Review of key content and greater awareness of assessment objectives. Description of lessons:  

Revision of the key course content- various active learning revision techniques Exam practice questions- peer assessment tasks, self assessment tasks

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … (linked to key Assessment Objectives)  Describe key events / course content covered in lessons  Interpret historical sources, explaining their value to historians and highlighting any limitations by referring to the content of source, purpose of source and supporting their views with their own knowledge.  Explain the importance / significance of key events leading to causation  Make links and connections between events in order to make informed conclusions / judgements.  Explain the assessment requirements for Unit 2: Section A and B.  Suggest targets for their GCSE external exam.  Homework:  Exam practice questions / peer assessment of exemplar answers  All students have been issued with a textbook- they will be expected to Re read through key content in order to assist with their revision.  Students are also encouraged to develop their independent learning skills by researching key themes/ content.  Website activities- for example  Thorough revision of key course content in preparation for end of unit exam.  Assessment: Mock exam Exam practice questions (focus – key issues). GCSE Unit 2 – external exam June 2013.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: HISTORY Unit 2: Twentieth Century Depth Studies Year: Term: Year 11 Autumn Spring Summer Topic/Module:

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Unit 2: Twentieth Century Depth Studies

Description of lessons: 

Study leave – revision of key course content in preparation for GCSE exam.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they are confident that they know how they can achieve their Aspirational / TMG.

Homework:  

Revision of key course content Exam practice questions

Assessment: GCSE Unit 2 – external exam June 2015 Source evaluation practice question.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: CATERING Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Commodities Meat and Poultry Description of lessons: Week 1.

Introduction to Year 11 Theory Methods of cooking Demonstration jointing a chicken

Week 2.

Theory cuts of meat/chicken Practical Steamed Roulade Chicken Demonstration Cream sauce accompaniments

Week 3.

Multicultural cuisine menus dietary needs and dishes Practical Chicken Kashmiri Demonstration unleavened breads and accompaniments

Week 4.

Theory Revisit Portion control Demonstration Dessert

Week 5.

Theory buying and storing meat Practical 2 course meal using meat Vegetable accompaniments

Week 6

Writing evaluations Target setting Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …      

name different methods of cooking explain how to joint and cook various chicken pieces describe how to make chapattis explain what to look for when buying and how to store various cuts of meat describe various methods of portion control say what important points should be written in evaluations

Homework:     

complete a chart to describe the different methods of cooking and suitability for meat explain how different cuts of meat require different preparation and why find out using recipe books and the internet a dish using meat as the main ingredient collect a variety of different menus complete a time plan for a dessert

Assessment:   

graded work practical outcomes practical skills

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: CATERING Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Commodities Fish and Accompaniments Description of lessons: Week 6.

Types of fish How to bone, fillet and cook different types of fish

Week 7.

Theory buying and storing fish Practical cooking with fish

Week 8.

Importance of Record keeping and Communication Menu Planning using the 4 W’s

Week 9.

Menus to suit specific needs Understanding Costing and Profitability

Food hygiene physical and chemical contamination Week 10.

Introduction to Task 2 Controlled Assessment

Week 6

Task 2 Controlled Assessment Research

Week 7

Task 2 Controlled Assessment Research

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …      

name 2 white fish and 2 oily fish show you how to skin a piece of fish explain 3 different methods of communication used in the catering industry describe how to adapt a recipe to make it suitable for vegetarian explain what they need to complete for Task 2 discuss the research they need to collect for their controlled assessment

Homework:    

information on Types of Fish buying and storage work sheet complete chart showing different methods of communication and their uses role play booking a restaurant, and a customer complaining about their food research

Assessment:   

evaluations practical outcomes research and individual tasks

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: CATERING Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Preparation for Practical Examination Task 2. Description of lessons: Week 11.

Research chosen topic

Week 12.

Practical research

Week 13.


Week 14.

Practical research taste testing

Week 15.

Research focus on meal choice

Week 56.

Practical Demonstrations

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …      

name 3 areas they have researched on their chosen topic discuss with you their practical outcomes further discuss their 3 areas of chosen research use sensory words to describe new and unusual tastes confidently discuss the 2 course meal choice they have made describe a new skill they are planning to use

Homework:   

independent research practice cookery skills and techniques at home develop sensory analysis vocabulary

Assessment: 

40% GCSE Grade

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject CATERING Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Theory and Practical Controlled Assessment Task 2 Description of lessons: Week 16.

Theory Research chosen task

Week 17.

Research chosen task

Week 18.

Research chosen task

Week 19.

Use research to inform planning of ideas

Week 20.

Use research to inform planning of ideas

Week 21.

Choose several dishes to trial

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …      

explain what they have to do for Task 2 discuss the research they need to collect explain how they intend to use their research to help develop the task describe how the research will help them to produce certain dishes name 2 higher level skills they are choosing to use describe the changes needed to fit the task

Homework:      

Collect menus from a variety of different restaurants. Explain how. What. Calculate the cost per portion of a dessert using fresh fruit and a pasta dish. List as many cheeses as you can under the following headings Hard, Soft, Blue. Describe six different ways of using cheese in cooking.

Assessment:   

grades for work evaluations of dishes final outcomes

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: CATERING Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Revision of all Topic Areas Description of lessons: Week 1

The Industry – Job roles - Types of service food and drink

Week 2

Health and Safety – Personal and Food Hygiene - Legislation

Week 3

Food Preparation – Methods of Cooking - Presenting Food - Culinary Terms

Week 4

Nutrition – Healthy Eating - Special Diets - Menu Planning

Week 5

Costing and Portion Control Special Equipment

Week 6

Communication and Record Keeping Environmental Considerations Food Packaging Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …          

Name three job roles and their duties in the kitchen. Describe what the important points are when using silver service. Give 3 examples of food hygiene and 3 examples of personal hygiene. Quote the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Name and show you 3 ways of chopping vegetables using culinary terms. Explain the different diets of a coeliac and a lactose intolerant. Describe 3 ways to maintain portion control. Discuss why record keeping is important and the different methods of communication. List 5 areas considering environmental considerations and issues. Describe 3 essential criteria needed for takeaway packaging used for e.g. curry, pizza.  Say what the advantages and disadvantages are for different packaging types. Homework: 

revise all areas independently

Assessment: 

test papers

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: CHILD DEVELOPMENT Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Contraception, preparing for parenthood, pregnancy and childbirth Child Study: Controlled Assessment Description of lessons: Week 22. Week 23. Week 24. Week 25. Week 26. Week 27. Week 28.

Controlled Assessment / Male and female reproductive system Contraception / STI Controlled Assessment / Reproduction Genetics / Pregnancy: signs and symptoms Controlled Assessment / Pre-conceptual care Life before birth Life before birth

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

identify methods of contraception and how they work discuss how a child develops inside the uterus explain the signs and symptoms of pregnancy

Homework:    

completing visit 1 of child study research for child study producing a leaflet advising on a healthy pregnancy revision of topics covered

Assessment:  

controlled assessment leaflet advising on a health pregnancy

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: CHILD DEVELOPMENT Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Child Study – Controlled Assessment Antenatal care Signs and stages of labour Postnatal care The newborn baby Description of lessons: Week 29. Week 30. Week 31. Week 32. Week 33. Week 34. Week 35. Week 36.

Controlled assessment / Antenatal care Role of health practitioners / labour and birth Controlled assessment / labour and birth Pain relief / formalities after birth Controlled assessment / Postnatal care The newborn baby Controlled assessment / premature babies Impact of a new baby on the family

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …    

Identify the health practitioners involved in pregnancy and postnatal care and the roles they play. Explain the different methods of pain relief and their advantages and disadvantages. Discuss the importance of antenatal care and how it cares for the expectant mother and her unborn child. List a number of ways a new baby might make an impact on other family members e.g. siblings.

Homework:      

completing observations 2 and 3 with the child they are studying for their child study researching for child study completing risk assessments and inventories for their child study premature baby/special care baby unit assignment key words / glossary revision

Assessment:   

controlled assessment premature baby/special care baby unit assignment mock exam

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: CHILD DEVELOPMENT Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Child Study – controlled assessment Breast and bottle feeding / weaning Care and treatment of a sick child Environmental factors affecting health Child care provision Description of lessons: Week 37. Week 38. Week 39. Week 40. Week 41. Week 42.

Controlled assessment / the crying child Breast and bottle feeding / weaning Controlled assessment / feeding a young child The unwell child – care and treatment (including hospitalisation) Controlled assessment / factors affecting health Child care provision

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …    

identify the benefits of breast feeding advise a parent of a child who is refusing to eat the food they cook explain why a baby may cry and how to overcome it discuss the child care options to parents and their advantages and disadvantages

Homework:     

complete visit 4 for child study complete final pieces of research produce a factsheet advising expectant mothers of the benefits of breastfeeding research: child care facilities in your area government guidelines on weaning

Assessment:    

controlled assessment factsheet for expectant mothers research task past exam paper

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: CHILD DEVELOPMENT Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: The Early Year Foundation Stage Sure Start and Book Start Children with special needs Technology and play Factors affecting development Description of lessons: Week 43. Week 44. Week 45. Week 46. Week 47.

Early Year Foundation Stage Sure Start and Book Start programmes Effective use of technology in supporting play Factors affecting growth: gross and fine motor skills Revision and test

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …     

Explain the aims of the EYFS and the areas of development it promotes. Discuss who sure start and book start programmes are aimed at and what they involve. Describe how the use of technology can support a child’s development through play. Outline what factors can affect a child’s growth. Explain the difference between gross motor and fine motor skills, giving examples of each.

Homework:   

Research examples of different types of technology toys used to support a child’s development. Investigate and report the history behind Book Start and what the aims are of the scheme. Revision.

Assessment:   

group task: technology presentation report on Book Start past exam papers

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: CHILD DEVELOPMENT Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Revision, Exam preparation Description of lessons: Week 48. Week 49. Week 50. Week 51. Week 52. Week 53.

Examination/revision techniques. Structure of CD exam papers. Revision Revision: families, pregnancy and child birth Revision: Feeding and nutrition. Past paper practice Revision: PIES Revision: PIES. Past paper practice Revision:

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …    

Discuss revision styles and techniques which they have developed. Explain the structure and format of Child Development exam papers. Outline the areas of PIES, explaining what each areas is. Discuss the importance of milestones.

Any revision you can support your daughter with over this period would be greatly appreciated. Homework: 

revision for a forthcoming exam

Assessment:  

in class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback grades from past paper practice

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: BTEC HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Unit 10: P1 Identify the key elements of health and social care services Unit 1: P1 Identify different forms of communication M1 Describe the different forms of communication Description of lessons: Week 54. Week 55. Week 56. Week 57. Week 58. Week 59. Week 60.

Statutory and Private care / Different forms of communication (one-to-one and groups) Voluntary and informal care / Different ways of communication (verbal and non-verbal) Different health and social care settings / Factors which affect communication Primary and secondary health care / the communication cycle Tertiary care / Barriers to communication and overcoming them Assessment 1(unit 10): PowerPoint presentation / Assignment 1(unit1): Research communication methods and their environments Assessment 1(unit 10): PowerPoint presentation / Assignment 1(unit1): Research communication methods and their environments

Week 61. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … Unit 10  Distinguish the difference between statutory, private, voluntary and informal care, giving examples.  Explain primary and secondary health and social care settings.  Describe tertiary care. Unit 1  Identify a range of communication methods.  Give examples of how these communication methods could be used in a range of health and social care environments.  Understand what barriers can affect communication and how to overcome them. Homework: Unit 10  Research and investigate a range of health and social care settings in the local area.  Give examples of how a range of settings are funded.  Complete PowerPoint presentation for assignment 1. Unit 1  Research and investigate what forms of communication are used in a range of health and social care settings.  Research into sign language as an alternative form of communication.  Scenario task: identify the barriers and suggest how they may be overcome. Assessment:  unit 10: Assignment 1 – Pass  unit 1: Assignment 1 – Pass and Merit

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: BTEC HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Unit 10: P3, M2 & D1 Partnerships in Health and Social Care Unit 1: P3, M2 & D1 Take part in one-to-one interaction Description of lessons: Week 62. Week 63. Week 64. Week 65. Week 66. Week 67.

Multi-disciplinary working and inter-agency working / Active listening skills Service forums and sector liaison / Body language Why work together – teamwork / Role plays and scenarios A holistic approach / Proximity Assignment 3: produce a report / Assignment 3a: one-to-one interaction Assignment 3: produce a report / Assignment 3a: one-to-one interaction

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … Unit 10    Unit 1   

Explain why it is important that agencies work together. Describe the importance of team work in health and social care. Discuss the value of individual plans. Explain what active listening skills are and give examples. Understand the use of appropriate language skills in conversations. Describe how body language can be misinterpreted.

Homework: Unit 10    Unit 1  

Research how agencies work together producing a case study. Produce a fact sheet on the importance of teamwork. Produce a report for assignment 3 – research gathering. Think of a one-to-one scenario you have been in and identify how effective the communication was. Group task – produce a range of role plays showing a variety of communication skills both effective and non-effective.

Assessment:  

unit 10: Assignment 3 – Pass, Merit and Distinction unit 1: Assignment 3a – Pass, Merit and Distinction

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: BTEC HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Unit 10: P4, M3 & D2 Job roles and requirements Unit 1: P4, M2 Take part in group interaction Description of lessons: Week 68. Week 69. Week 70. Week 71. Week 72.

Appearance, attitude and empathy / Group settings in Health and Social care environments and how communication is delivered Ability to work with others / independent enquirer and reflective learning Competence and qualifications / Scenarios of group interactions and how communication between the group can break down Principles of good practice / The importance of listening and interpersonal skills in group communication Nurses and social workers / Introduction to Assignment 3b – Group Interaction

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … Unit 10  Discuss the skills required to work in health and social care environments.  Explain the principles of good practice in health and social care.  Explain the personal qualities, skills and qualifications required to be a nurse or social worker. Unit 1  Understand the importance of listening skills in a group setting.  Explain where group communication would be used in the health and social care environment.  Discuss how the communication cycle can break down in a group environment. Homework: Unit 10    Unit 1 

Research and give example of incompetence in health or social care. Describe what you think is a positive attitude towards work. Case study task.

Research and give examples of group interactions within the health and social care environment.  Record examples of personal experience of group interactions.  Create a role play situation for a group interaction scenario. Assessment:  

unit 10: Assignment 4 – Pass, Merit and Distinction unit 1 : Assignment 3b – Pass, Merit and Distinction

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: BTEC HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Unit 10: P4, M3 & D2 Job roles and requirements Unit 1: P4, M2, D1 Take part in effective group interaction Description of lessons: Week 73. Week 74. Week 75. Week 76. Week 77. Week 78.

Care assistants and support workers / How written communication can be used effectively in group interactions Physiotherapists / Barriers to group interactions and ways to overcome them Developing the workforce /Identifying what strengths and weaknesses there are within group interactions Assignment 4: Produce an information pack / Assignment 3b – Take part in group interaction Assignment 4: Produce an information pack / Assignment 3b – Take part in group interaction Assignment 4: Produce an information pack / Evaluation of performance in group interaction

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … Unit 10  Explain the personal qualities, skills and qualifications required to be a care assistant, support worker or physiotherapist.  Describe how they might develop a workforce. Unit 1  Explain and understand the differences between one to one and group interactions.  Effectively evaluate their own performance in group interactions. Homework: Unit 10   Unit 1  

Research the qualifications required for several health and social care roles. Research information which could be included in their information packs. Produce a role play scenario for a group interaction. Record personal experiences of group interactions.

Assessment:  

unit 10: Assignment 4 – Pass, Merit and Distinction unit 1: Assignment 3b – Pass, Merit and Distinction

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Unit 4 – Web Project WJEC ICT GCSE: Preparation for unit 4 controlled test Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Investigation of course specification and assessment criteria Research controlled test topic using the internet. Learning how to organise files and folders Comparison of two existing and contrasting websites week 1 Comparison of two existing and contrasting websites week 2 Design of six page website, stating purpose and audience Design of six page website, including navigation and layout features

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …    

explain how many units the course consists of discuss the requirements of the controlled test describe the features of web design state their GCSE target grade

Homework: Worksheets on the following   

Organisations and ICT: Schools Organisations and ICT: Police Organisations and ICT: Hospitals

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: WJEC ICT GCSE: Preparation for Unit 4 controlled test WJEC ICT GCSE: Unit 4 controlled test Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Practice task of how to create an effective template for a website Controlled test: Creating a template for a website including navigation Practice tasks of how to create original graphical images week 1 Practice tasks of how to create original graphical images week 2 Controlled test task on creating original graphical images Controlled test task: complete and improve tasks attempted

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

explain the purpose of a navigation bar discuss the layout of their website define: fill tools, brush tools, text tools, distortion tools, cropping tools, cloning and transparency tools

Homework: Worksheets on the following   

Organisations and ICT: Libraries Organisations and ICT: Cinemas Organisations and ICT: Banks

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: WJEC ICT GCSE: Preparation for Unit 4 controlled test WJEC ICT GCSE: Unit 4 controlled test Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Practice Animation tasks Practice Animation tasks Controlled test: Animation task and storyboarding Controlled test: Animated banner Additional techniques practice week 1 Additional techniques practice week 2

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

discuss the features of a good animation explain how the number of frames effects the quality of the animation define: onion skinning, tweening, rotoscoping, grouping, backdrops and looping

Homework: Worksheets on the following   

Organisations and ICT: Supermarkets Organisations and ICT: Airports Stock control systems

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: WJEC ICT GCSE: Unit 4 controlled test Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Writing an evaluation of all tasks completed Writing an evaluation of all tasks completed Final amendments of controlled test Submission of controlled test Revision of all elements covered by specification Revision of all elements covered by specification

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

describe what they have done during the project explain how the controlled test is assessed discuss how they will know if they have been successful in the test

Homework: Worksheets on the following   

ticket booking systems control: data logging and sensors political and ethical impact of ICT technology

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: WJEC ICT GCSE: Revision for units 1 and 3 written examinations Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Paper 1 past papers revision Paper 2 past papers revision Paper 1 past papers revision Paper 2 past papers revision Paper 1 past papers revision Paper 2 past papers revision

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …   

describe the specification requirements for paper 1 describe the specification requirements for paper 2 discuss their attainment in mock tests

Homework: Worksheets on the following 

all previously covered topics for paper 1 and paper 2

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT - OCR Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: OCR Nationals Level 2: Unit 1 Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Students will revisit Unit 1 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 1 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 1 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 1 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 1 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 1 to complete or improve tasks

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …    

state their current level of attainment on Unit 1 (working towards a Pass, Pass, Merit or Distinction) discuss the documents they have created for unit 1 explain how they could improve their level of attainment inform you of how many after school support sessions they have attended

Homework: Worksheets on the following 

attend at least one support session per week at lunch or after school to complete or improve coursework

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT - OCR Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: OCR Nationals Level 2: Unit 2 Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Students will revisit Unit 2 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 2 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 2 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 2 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 2 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 2 to complete or improve tasks

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …    

state their current level of attainment on Unit 2 (working towards a Pass, Pass, Merit or Distinction) discuss the content of the website they have made for unit 2 explain how they could improve their level of attainment inform you of how many after school support sessions they have attended

Homework: Worksheets on the following 

attend at least one support session per week at lunch or after school to complete or improve coursework

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT - OCR Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: OCR Nationals Level 2: Unit 21 Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Students will revisit Unit 21 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 21 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 21 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 21 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 21 to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit Unit 21 to complete or improve tasks

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …    

state their current level of attainment on Unit 1 (working towards a Pass, Pass, Merit or Distinction) discuss the navigation bar, buttons and advertising banner they have made explain how they could improve their level of attainment inform you of how many after school support sessions they have attended

Homework: Worksheets on the following 

attend at least one support session per week at lunch or after school to complete or improve coursework

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT – OCR Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: OCR Nationals Level 2: Units 1, 2 and 21 Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … 

explain if they have attained their target grade

Homework: Worksheets on the following 

attend at least one support session at lunch or after school to complete or improve coursework

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT - OCR Year: Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: OCR Nationals Level 2: Units 1, 2 and 21 Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … 

explain if they have attained their target grade

Homework: Worksheets on the following 

attend at least one support session at lunch or after school to complete or improve coursework

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ICT - OCR Year: Year 10

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: OCR Nationals Level 2: Units 1, 2 and 21 Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks Students will revisit all Units to complete or improve tasks

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … 

explain if they have attained their target grade

Homework: Worksheets on the following 

attend at least one support session at lunch or after school to complete or improve coursework

Assessment:     

all students will have a target level observation of students in lesson questioning during lessons completed tasks/worksheets during lessons and homework students will use the assessment criteria to monitor their own progress

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: FRENCH Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Work and Education – School and future plans

Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

To revise school subjects and opinions from Key stage 3 To be able to give a description of school To understand the French school system To be able to describe different types of school stress To describe how you would improve the school Current and future jobs – Introduce key vocabulary and language structures

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …     

name school subjects in French say a variety of opinion phrases describe the differences between the English and French school systems give key verbs relating to school show you online resources used in lessons to compliment learning

Homework:       

a vocabulary learning task a worksheet/language task to complete an independent learning/research task ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites) a summative independent written task revision for a forthcoming exam preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment

Assessment:       

in class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback observation of students in class student assessment in AfL & own target setting assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task with GCSE guidance grades departmental progress monitoring whole school Academic review formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: FRENCH Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Work and Education: Current and Future Jobs

Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

To recognise Job titles, places of work and be able to discuss career plans To be able to describe a part time job To be able to describe their year 10 work experience To be able to discuss their options after school / college To be able to discuss working life Planning and preparation of controlled assessment in January.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …       

tell you various types of jobs and places of work give a description of a part time job give a description of their year 10 work experience give key verbs relating to options after school and working life show you online resources used in lessons to compliment learning explain the controlled assessment task and success criteria show you the AQA web site with exam board guidance

Homework:       

a vocabulary learning task a worksheet/language task to complete an independent learning/research task ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites) a summative independent written task revision for a forthcoming exam preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment

Assessment:       

in class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback observation of students in class student assessment in AfL & own target setting assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task with GCSE guidance grades departmental progress monitoring whole school Academic review formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: FRENCH Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Home and Environment: Home and Local area

Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Controlled Assessment planning and preparation Complete Controlled Assessment (Writing) To recognise and describe special occasions and festivals in France To recognise Rooms and furniture To describe your daily routine To describe the chores you do to help at home

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …     

name a number of rooms in French name a number of items of furniture in French show you some web sites related to occasions/festivals in France give you a description of their daily routine give you a description of how they help at home

Homework:       

a vocabulary learning task a worksheet/language task to complete an independent learning/research task ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites) a summative independent written task revision for a forthcoming exam preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment

Assessment:       

in class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback observation of students in class student assessment in AfL & own target setting assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task with GCSE guidance grades departmental progress monitoring whole school Academic review formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: FRENCH Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Home and Environment : Environment

Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Revise Local area from Key stage 3 Describe their town including facilities, descriptions and comparatives Describe how they are environmentally friendly Understand and describe global environmental issues Describe what they will do in the future to help protect the environment Controlled assessment planning and preparation

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …      

give you a description of your town in French describe how they are environmentally friendly describe what they will do in the future to help protect the environment show you online resources used in lessons to compliment learning explain the controlled assessment task and success criteria show you the AQA web site with exam board guidance

Homework:       

a vocabulary learning task a worksheet/language task to complete an independent learning/research task ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites) a summative independent written task revision for a forthcoming exam preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment

Assessment:       

in class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback observation of students in class student assessment in AfL & own target setting assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task with GCSE guidance grades departmental progress monitoring whole school Academic review formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: FRENCH Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Controlled Assessment, Revision, Exam preparation

Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6.

Complete Controlled Assessment (Speaking) Revision of tenses and vocabulary Techniques for the listening and reading exams Past paper practice Past paper practice Past paper practice

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …     

write a list of key vocabulary for each topic learned in year 10 and year 11 explain the key tenses to you tell you techniques to help them in the upcoming exams show you some online resources they have been using to revise show you past papers they have completed in class

Homework:    

an independent learning/research task ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites) revision for a forthcoming exam preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment

Assessment:    

in class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback observation of students in class formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments grades from past paper practice

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GERMAN Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Work and Education – School and future plans

Description of lessons: Week 7. Week 8. Week 9. Week 10. Week 11. Week 12.

To revise school subjects and opinions from Key stage 3 To be able to give a description of school To understand the German school system To be able to describe different types of school stress To describe how you would improve the school Current and future jobs – Introduce key vocabulary and language structures

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …     

name school subjects in German say a variety of opinion phrases describe the differences between the English and German school systems give key verbs relating to school show you online resources used in lessons to compliment learning

Homework:       

a vocabulary learning task a worksheet/language task to complete an independent learning/research task ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites) a summative independent written task revision for a forthcoming exam preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment

Assessment:       

in class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback observation of students in class student assessment in AfL & own target setting assessment of homework tasks and summative homework task with GCSE guidance grades departmental progress monitoring whole school Academic review formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GERMAN Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Work and Education – School and future plans Description of lessons: Week 79. To revise school subjects and opinions from Key stage 3. Week 80. To be able to give a description of school. Week 81. To understand the German school system. Week 82. To be able to describe different types of school stress. Week 83. To describe how you would improve the school. Week 84. Current and future jobs – Introduce key vocabulary and language structures. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Name school subjects in German.  Say a variety of opinion phrases.  Describe the differences between the English and German school systems.  Give key verbs relating to school.  Show you online resources used in lessons to compliment learning. Homework:  A vocabulary learning task.  A worksheet/language task to complete.  An independent learning/research task.  ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites).  A summative independent written task.  Revision for a forthcoming exam.  Preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment. Assessment:  In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback.  Observation of students in class.  Student assessment in AfL & own target setting.  Assessment of home work tasks and summative homework task with GCSE guidance grades.  Departmental progress monitoring.  Whole school Academic review.  Formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments.

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GERMAN Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Work and Education: Current and Future Jobs Description of lessons: Week 85. To recognise Job titles, places of work and be able to discuss career plans Week 86. To be able to describe a part time job Week 87. To be able to describe their year 10 work experience Week 88. To be able to discuss their options after school / college Week 89. To be able to discuss working life Week 90. Planning and preparation of controlled assessment in January. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Tell you various types of jobs and places of work  Give a description of a part time job  Give a description of their year 10 work experience  Give key verbs relating to options after school and working life  Show you online resources used in lessons to compliment learning  Explain the controlled assessment task and success criteria  Show you the AQA web site with exam board guidance Homework:  A vocabulary learning task.  A worksheet/language task to complete.  An independent learning/research task.  ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites)  A summative independent written task.  Revision for a forthcoming exam  Preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment Assessment:  In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback  Observation of students in class  Student assessment in AfL & own target setting  Assessment of home work tasks and summative homework task with GCSE guidance grades  Departmental progress monitoring  Whole school Academic review  Formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments

Page 67 of 98

Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GERMAN Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Home and Environment: Home and Local area Description of lessons: Week 91. Controlled Assessment planning and preparation Week 92. Complete Controlled Assessment (Writing) Week 93. To recognise and describe special occasions and festivals in Germany Week 94. To recognise Rooms and furniture Week 95. To describe your daily routine Week 96. To describe the chores you do to help at home Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Name a number of rooms in German  Name a number of items of furniture in German  Show you some web sites related to occasions/festivals in Germany  Give you a description of their daily routine  Give you a description of how they help at home Homework:  A vocabulary learning task.  A worksheet/language task to complete.  An independent learning/research task.  ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites)  A summative independent written task.  Revision for a forthcoming exam  Preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment Assessment:  In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback  Observation of students in class  Student assessment in AfL & own target setting  Assessment of home work tasks and summative homework task with GCSE guidance grades  Departmental progress monitoring  Whole school Academic review  Formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GERMAN Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer Topic/Module: Home and Environment : Environment

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Description of lessons: Week 97. Revise Local area from Key stage 3 Week 98. Describe their town including facilities, descriptions and comparatives Week 99. Describe how they are environmentally friendly Week 100. Understand and describe global environmental issues Week 101. Describe what they will do in the future to help protect the environment Week 102. Controlled assessment planning and preparation Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Give you a description of your town in German  Describe how they are environmentally friendly  Describe what they will do in the future to help protect the environment  Show you online resources used in lessons to compliment learning  Explain the controlled assessment task and success criteria  Show you the AQA web site with exam board guidance Homework:  A vocabulary learning task.  A worksheet/language task to complete.  An independent learning/research task.  ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites)  A summative independent written task.  Revision for a forthcoming exam  Preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment Assessment:  In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback  Observation of students in class  Student assessment in AfL & own target setting  Assessment of home work tasks and summative homework task with GCSE guidance grades  Departmental progress monitoring  Whole school Academic review  Formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments

Page 69 of 98

Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: GERMAN Year: 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Controlled Assessment, Revision, Exam preparation Description of lessons: Week 103. Complete Controlled Assessment (Speaking) Week 104. Revision of tenses and vocabulary Week 105. Techniques for the listening and reading exams Week 106. Past paper practice Week 107. Past paper practice Week 108. Past paper practice Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … a. Write a list of key vocabulary for each topic learned in year 10 and year 11 b. Explain the key tenses to you c. Tell you techniques to help them in the upcoming exams d. Show you some online resources they have been using to revise e. Show you past papers they have completed in class Homework:  An independent learning/research task.  ICT tasks (in Kerboodle/ linguascope/GCSE Bitesize or other recommended MFL web sites)  Revision for a forthcoming exam  Preparation for a forthcoming controlled assessment Assessment:  In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback  Observation of students in class  Formal assessment in Speaking and Writing controlled assessments  Grades from past paper practice

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Key Stage 4 Subject: SPANISH Year: Year 11 Year 10 Topic/Module:

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Transport/ Travel Description of lessons: Week 109. To be able to use directions to reach places in town Week 110. To be able to understand facilities in a train station and buy tickets Week 111. To be able to describe methods of transport with opinion Week 112. To be able to understand an account of an accident Week 113. To be able to describe a range of problems related to an accident Week 114. To recognise and use all of this complex vocabulary in a narrative account Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Recount all directions and places in town  Book train tickets, ask questions related to train travel  Describe their opinions on various methods of transport  Give an account of an accident with a variety of tenses and connectives Homework:  Learn topic specific vocabulary (vocabulary tests every fortnight)  Complete language consolidation tasks (work sheet)/short written exercise  Write a summative description on an aspect/all aspects  Consolidation/revision tasks  Complete two extended pieces of writing on TRANSPORT and ACCIDENT Assessment:  In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback  Observation of students in class  Student assessment in AfL & own target setting  Assessment of home work tasks and summative homework tasks in weeks 3 and 6 with GCSE grades  Departmental progress monitoring  Whole school Academic review

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Key Stage 4 Subject: SPANISH Year: Year 11 Year 10 Topic/Module:

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Body parts/ lost property Description of lessons: Week 115. To know all body parts in full and describe what is hurting Week 116. To be able to describe symptoms and medicines Week 117. To be able to talk about complaints in a hotel Week 118. To be able to describe lost property using the object pronoun Week 119. To create a story of a disastrous day using a range of tenses and vocabulary Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they…  Know at least 12 body parts  Can describe an illness and recommend a solution  Know how to make complaints  Can use ‘it’ and ‘them’ properly in a range of sentences  Write a detailed 300+ word essay with sophisticated language Homework:  Learn topic specific vocabulary  Complete language consolidation tasks (work sheet)/short written exercise  Write a summative description  Consolidation/revision tasks  Complete one major written assessment Assessment:  In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback  Observation of students in class  Student assessment in AfL & own target setting  Assessment of home work tasks and summative homework tasks  Departmental progress monitoring  Whole school Academic review

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: SPANISH Year: Year 11 Year 10 Topic/Module:

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Personal descriptions and relationships, jobs and careers Description of lessons: Week 120. To be able to use a wide range of character adjectives with the verb ‘SER’ Week 121. To be able to discuss family and teenage/ family issues in a mature fashion Week 122. To be able to use describe the issue of drug use in society Week 123. To be able to understand and use an extensive range of jobs and careers Week 124. Understand the conditional tense in full Week 125. Understand the future tense in full and make future plans Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Know at least 20 jobs in Spanish and 15 adjectives to describe them  Know at least 10 new expressions to describe their personal life  Describe what the consequences of drug taking are  Use the conditional and future tense  Describe a friend’s personality with extended detail  Speak at reasonable length and spontaneously when asked about any of the above topic areas Homework:  Learn topic specific vocabulary  Complete language consolidation tasks (work sheet)/short written exercise  Write a summative description  Consolidation/revision tasks  Exam vocabulary and grammatical revision Assessment:  In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback  Observation of students in class  Student assessment in AfL & own target setting  Assessment of home work tasks and summative homework tasks

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: SPANISH Year: Year 11 Year 10

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Home/ Environment Description of lessons: Week 126. To be able to describe where you live at higher GCSE level Week 127. To discuss the environment and environmental issues Week 128. To apply a mature analysis of the environmental problems in your area Week 129. To begin preparation for GCSE speaking assessment on where you live/ environment Week 130. To develop responses for GCSE speaking assessment and suitable technique Week 131. To understand and apply the theory of a successful speaking assessment Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Mention 5 environmental problems and solutions  Describe their area in extended sentences  Describe the facets of a successful speaking exam  By term end, speak fluently for 5 minutes on this topic area  Combine 3 different time frames in their spoken work Homework:  Learn topic specific vocabulary  Complete language consolidation tasks (work sheet)/short written exercise  Consolidation/revision tasks  Complete extended piece for speaking exam Assessment:  In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback  Observation of students in class  Student assessment in AfL & own target setting  Monitoring and feedback leading up to speaking exam

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: SPANISH Year: Year 11 Year 10

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Revision, exam preparation Description of lessons: Week 132. Final preparations for the speaking exam Week 133. Revision of tenses/ vocabulary Week 134. Techniques for the listening and reading exam Week 135. Past paper practice Week 136. Past paper practice Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

Homework:  Complete language consolidation tasks  Complete several past papers  Use online revision materials and guides

Assessment:  In class teacher assessment of student performance/feedback  Observation of students in class  Student assessment in AfL & own target setting  Assessment of home work tasks and summative homework  Mock grades from past papers

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: MUSIC Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Composition of the chosen area of study for unit 4 : Composing Music

Description of lessons: Week 1 and 2. Introduction to task and individual choice of style of music to be composed for the unit. Try to identify a stimulus. Week 3 and 4. Listen to and discuss/analysis of the set style and preparation for individual work. Week 5 and 6.Compose a piece of music in the chosen style on either Logic or Sibelius. Week 7 and 8.Develop a piece of music in the chosen style. Week 9 and 10. Develop a piece of music in the chosen style. Week 11 and 12. Peer and self-Assessment of the Composition. What can be done next? Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  

Compose identify elements, instruments and devices used in the chosen style. Discuss a suitable structure for the composition.

Homework:   

Learn key terms for chosen style of music. Learn notations to help develop composition. Use own time on to complete composition for a performance.

Assessment: This Unit will be assessed through the compositions produced on the Macintosh Computers.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: MUSIC Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Composition of the chosen area of study for unit 4 : Composing Music Description of lessons: Week 1. Listen to and set action points to develop composition further. Week 2. Develop a piece of music in the chosen style on either Logic or Sibelius. Week 3. Develop a piece of music in the chosen style on either Logic or Sibelius. Week 4. Develop a piece of music in the chosen style. Week 5. Develop a piece of music in the chosen style. Week 6. Peer and self-Assessment of the Composition. Complete the composition. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  

Compose identify elements, instruments and devices used in the chosen style. Discuss a suitable structure for the composition

Homework:   

Learn key terms for chosen style of music. Learn notations to help develop composition. Use own time on to complete composition for a performance.

Assessment: This Unit will be assessed through the compositions produced on the Macintosh Computers.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: MUSIC Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: AQA Syllabus Three Strands: World Music Description of Lessons: Week 1 and 2. Music from the Caribbean. Pupils will be introduced to music from the Caribbean with focus on Calypso, Steel bands and salsa. Week 3 and 4. Recap on features of music learned about in last lesson. Identify each type by listening. Introduce Reggae music and the importance of the off-beat. Listen to examples and discuss the music pointing out simple use of harmonies and instrument timbres. Week 5 and 6. Perform an extract of music from a Reggae song demonstrating an understanding of some key characteristics such as call-and-response, off-beats and instrument timbres. Week 7 and 8. Music from Africa. Pupils will learn about African choral and popular music and will learn about the key features of these styles of music including call-and-response, polyrhythmic textures, harmonic textures and improvisation. Week 9 and 10. Pupils will learn about African drumming and some African instruments. Perform a traditional African song demonstrating an understanding of some key characteristics such as call-and-response, polyrhythm accompaniments and homophony. Week 11 and 12. Music from India. Pupils will learn about the musical traditions of India and about some Indian instruments. Week 13 and 14: Pupils will learn about rag and tala, raga performances and about bhangra. In groups, pupils will create an improvised performance using a rag and tala. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  

Identify instruments used in music from the Caribbean, Africa and India. Recognise and identify key features of each of the three world music they have studied. Homework:   

Research information on the musical styles and characteristics of Bob Marley. Revise key musical characteristics of each World music. Listen to other examples of these three world music.

Assessment:  

Ren Rec listening tasks. Testing knowledge on key musical characteristics at the start or end of lessons.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: MUSIC Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Structure and Form Description of lessons: Week 1 and 2. Introduction to Structure and form. Binary, Ternary and Call and Response forms Week 3 and 4. Rondo, Theme and variations and Arch shape forms. Week 5 and 6. Sonata from. Week 7 and 8. Minuet and trio, Strophic, through composed, da capo aria and cyclic form. Week 9 and 10. Popular Song forms and Ground Bass Week 11 and 12. Exam style questions on this area of study. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  

Identify the various forms of music. Know the key terms and devices to this area of study.

Homework:   

Listen to music which uses different forms and structures. Learn key terms for various tests. Research various forms and structures in detail.

Assessment: This Unit will be assessed through a variety of listening tests and activities and some exam based questions.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: MUSIC Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Timbre and Dynamics Description of lessons: Week 1 and 2. What is Meant by Timbre Week 3 and 4. The use of Technology Week 5 and 6. Instrumental Techniques Week 7 and 8. Vocal Techniques Week 9 and 10. Dynamics Week 11 and 12. Exam style test on this area of study Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  

Identify the various forms of music. Know the key terms and devices to this area of study.

Homework:   

Listen to music which uses different forms and structures. Learn key terms for various tests. Research various textures and dynamics in detail.

Assessment: This Unit will be assessed through a variety of listening tests and activities and some exam based questions.

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Key Stage 4 Subject: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT The learning programmes for Personal Development cover a wide range of issues that directly impact upon young people as they begin to take their place in society. The following is an outline of the topics covered in Year 11 Topic/Modules covered: Study Skills

Autumn 1st half term

Mental health

Autumn 2nd half term

How do governments work

Spring 1st half term

Future Destinations/ Career planning

Spring 2nd half term

Sex and the Media

Summer 1st half term

Delivery Work covered includes discussions, role plays activities, IT work, research Content      

how to recognise their own skills and attributes how to find write a CV developing a range of revision techniques implementing memory techniques preparing for interviews recognising skills for the work place

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can…..    

discuss skills employers want apply for further education/training revise successfully present their skills on paper through CVs and personal statements

Assessment: Discussion, informal observations, skills acquired, opinions expressed

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: PE- GCSE Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Making informed decisions about getting involved in a lifetime of healthy physical activities that suit their needs Description of lessons: Week 137. Week 138. Week 139. Week 140. Week 141. Week 142. Week 143. Week 144. Week 145. Week 146. Week 147. Week 148. Week 149. Week 150. Week 151.

National Curriculum requirements The healthy schools programme and PSHE. PESSCL PESSY Healthy eating Physical Activity Policy Extra-curricular opportunities and provision

Emotional health and wellbeing Leisure Time

Fairness and personal and social responsibility Social groupings

Roles – provision, choice and pathway opportunities Accredited courses and qualifications Cross-curricular possibilities Assessment

Peers – positive and negative effects of peer pressure on participation Family – positive and negative effects of family pressure on participation Gender – positive and negative effects of gender on participation in sport including wider sporting opportunities and involvement in management and officials’ roles Ethnicity – awareness and appreciation of their own and other cultures in relation to physical activities

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … a. b. c.


e. f. g. h. i. j.

Know the National Curriculum requirements for PE in schools Know how the healthy schools programme and PSHE is applied in schools and the benefits for children in physical education. Know the strands of PESSCL- Specialist Sports Colleges, gifted and talented programme, Step into Sport and the TOP LINK programme, school and club links, swimming and coaching. Know the strands of PESSYP- New sporting opportunities, the ‘5 hour offer’, increased coaching opportunities, national networks of school sport, range of sporting activities, Young Ambassadors, National Talent Orientation Camp, The National Sport Week. Be able to identify the difference between each policy. Know how a Balanced diet improves the balance of good health, Know what is included in the Whole School Food Policy and the Standards and requirements for school lunch. Know what is Physical Activity Policy and how the Structured two hours physical activity takes place in schools Be able to explain the range of extra-curricular activities available in school and in the area. Know how the Attitudes of staff (both positive and negative) and experience of staff influencing the range and type of provision made

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k. l.

m. n.


p. q. r.

s. t. u. v. w.

Know the extent and quality of facilities available – challenges where facilities are limited and the range of opportunities for well-resourced schools Know how outside visits to other sporting providers, specialist facilities and specific activity providers (such as ice rinks, ten pin bowling or dry ski slopes) increase participation and performance. Know how links to local sports clubs/providers for a range of activities and different types of provision such as health clubs, golf clubs etc. increase participation. Know how student’s Emotional health and wellbeing are catered for in schools. Particular focus on vulnerable individuals and other groups. How the school Bullying policies help to protect students, the benefits of rewards and a strong pastoral system. Know how Opportunities available in leisure time, be able to give reasons for increased leisure time, Explain the growth in the leisure industry (public and private sector) to provide for this greater need. Know different Providers and users, local authority provision specifically targeting particular ‘user groups’ and making concessions and allowances for them. Be able to explain the concept of etiquette and fairness, be able to give examples of where this is expected to take place within different sports Be able to link with rules, adherence to the rules and spirit of the game, including responding positively to the officials in charge (teachers/coaches, etc.) that could affect safety. Know the different types of social groups and how they affect participation. Know and be able to give examples of different roles in sport. Be able to explain different exam based courses and accredited PE/Sport courses. Be able to make cross- curricular links with other subjects. Know the differences between professional, semi- professional and amateur performers and the loopholes involved for amateur performers.

Homework: Out of lessons, at home students will be expected to complete at least 1 piece of written homework:  Questions/worksheets to test knowledge/understanding of a topic  Research for work which will be done in the following lessons  Writing up evaluations of work already completed  ICT tasks  Revision for forthcoming assessments.  an independent learning task Assessment: 

End of term assessments

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: PE- GCSE Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: International and other factors Description of lessons: Week 1 The media Week 2 Sponsorship Week 3 Different types of Competitions Week 4 International sport and events Week 5 Role models in Sport Week 6 Health, safety and the well-being of others Week 7 Rules relating to sport and equipment Week 8 Science and ICT in Sport Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  How the media helps to give an understanding of performance and participation.  Know the different types of media including eg informative, educational (e.g. coaching series or documentaries), instructive and entertainment  Director’s/writer’s influence on what might be seen or said.  Know the advantages and disadvantages to the sponsor, the performer and the sport/activity  Be able to explain the ease of obtaining sponsorship at various levels and at different profile levels of sport. Examples of acceptable and unacceptable types of sponsorship.  Know the different types of competitions and examples from different sports.  Know the advantages and disadvantages of hosting major international sporting competitions or events such as the Olympic Games and other high profile events.  Know the importance of role models in setting participation trends or shaping attitudes and the effects of this on growth/declining popularity.  Be able to explain the need for correct equipment, clothing, footwear, correct technique and carrying equipment  Know the link between following rules and safety.  Be able to give examples of technological innovations eg the video official, ‘Cyclops’ at Wimbledon, ‘Hawkeye’ at cricket matches  Know how technology can be used in performance analysis  Be able to explain how ICT is used to record and analyse performance; to track involvement and improvement; linking with other curriculum areas Homework: Out of lessons, at home pupils are encouraged to:  Questions/worksheets to test knowledge/understanding of a topic  Research for work which will be done in the following lessons  Writing up evaluations of work already completed  ICT tasks  Revision for forthcoming assessments.  an independent learning task Assessment:  End of term assessments

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: PE- GCSE Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Written Controlled Assessment

Description of lessons: Week 1 Identify top sporting performance and 2 strengths within the performance Week 2 Analysing excellent technique Week 3 Identifying 2 weaknesses in a sporting performance Week 4 Analysing weaker techniques Week 5 Corrective measures to improve weaknesses Week 6 Completion of controlled assessments Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … Produce a written account of their top sporting performance. This work will contain a detailed account of their strengths with technical analysis of their performance. It will also include weaknesses to their performance that is explained in detail. They will also state corrective measures to improve their weaknesses. Homework: Out of lessons, at home pupils are encouraged to:  Analysis of sporting performance  Research on excellent technique  Planning practices to improve poor performances. Assessment: 

Controlled Assessment marked out of 10

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: BTEC SPORT Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Training for Personal Fitness Description of lessons: Week 1. Week 2. Week 3. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6. Week 7. Week 8. Week 9. Week 10. Week 11. Week 12. Week 13. Week 14.

Learning aim A: Design a personal fitness training programme Smart targets and goals of programme FITT principle, training zones Principles of training Assessment 1 Learning aim B: Exercise adherence factors Factors preventing training Solutions Assessment 2 Learning aim C: Performance of the programme Learning aim D: Review of performance Strengths of programme Areas of improvement Recommendations on how to improve

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can…    

Know how to design a personal fitness training programme Know about exercise adherence factors and strategies for continued training success Implement a self-designed personal fitness training programme to achieve own goals and objectives. Review a personal fitness-training programme

Homework:     

Work sheets Extension tasks from lessons Research work Case studies Final Assessment work

Assessment: 

Assessment booklets, Power Points and training diary

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: BTEC SPORT Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Leading Sporting Activities Description of lessons: Week 1 Attributes of a leader Week 2 Attributes of a leader Week 3 Effective leadership Week 4 Effective leadership Week 5 Responsibilities of a leader Week 6 Professional conduct Week 7 Assessment 1 Week 8 Overview of practical sessions Week 9 Planning Week 10 Objectives of session Week 11 Observation and review of sessions including checklists Week 12 Assessment 2 Week 13 Analysis of session: Strengths Week 14 Analysis of session: Areas of improvement Week 15 Targets Week 16 Development plan Week 17 Assessment 3 Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …  Explain the attributes required for, and responsibilities of, sports leadership  Undertake the planning and leading of sports activities  Review the planning and leading of sports activities Homework:     

Work sheets Extension tasks from lessons Research work Case studies Final Assessment work

Assessment: 

Assessment booklets, ICT footage

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ETHICS & PHILOSOPHY OPTION BLOCK N Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Religious Attitudes to Elderly & Death (Euthanasia) Description of lessons:

1. 2. 3. 4.

How do the concepts of the sanctity and quality of life relate to elderly people? What issues are faced by the elderly? (inc. role within the family, ageism & health) How should we care for the elderly? Who is responsible for that care? What should be done when an elderly person is critically ill? When should we continue life using artificial means? (life support) How do we decide when to turn off life support? 5. What is euthanasia? What is UK law on euthanasia? 6. Why might we consider euthanasia? Should people have the right to choose euthanasia as a right of self-determination? 7. What are active & passive euthanasia? Euthanasia as a contemporary issue. 8. What are religious & Humanist views on euthanasia? Why? 9. What are the alternatives to euthanasia? Why so some people see these as a better option? 10. How do religious & non-religious groups approach death & ideas of what happens after death? 11&12. Preparation and assessment. Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … 

Describe what is meant by key terms such as sanctity of life, euthanasia, active & passive euthanasia, etc.  Explain the links between quality of life, sanctity of life and attitudes to the care of the elderly & euthanasia.  Explain the issues raised by life as an elderly person, especially related to role in the family/society, healthcare, etc.  Explain the general arguments for and against euthanasia, giving reasons.  Analyse & evaluate these arguments, using evidence to justify different views.  Summarize Christian and Humanist teachings on euthanasia & the care of the elderly, with reasons.  Apply these teachings to key case studies. Homework:      

Family research: What issues are faced by the elderly in UK society? VLE Forum on who should take responsibility for care of the elderly Short written report on euthanasia & UK/International Law. Debate preparation: ‘This house believes the UK Government should legalise euthanasia.’ Political postcards – Roman Catholic, Methodist & Humanists on the euthanasia debate. Enhance preparation for GCSE practice question.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: ETHICS & PHILOSOPHY OPTION BLOCK N Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Religious Attitudes to matters of life (Medical Ethics)

Description of lessons:             

What are cloning, stem cell research, embryology, etc? What issues are raised by the above medical technologies? How is the concept of sanctity of life related to these technologies? How do religious & Humanist groups respond to these technologies? Why? Other key issues – transplant surgery, blood transfusions & experiments On humans. What is Fertility Treatment? What methods of Fertility Treatment are available? What are the implications of artificial methods of reproduction for those who take part and for the children produced? Are children a right or a blessing? If a right, for whom? What are religious & Humanist attitudes to Fertility Treatment? Why? Case studies: How can we apply our knowledge to actual situations? 11&12. Preparation and assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …         

Describe all key medical ethical techniques studied. Explain the key ethical issues raised by these techniques & apply the concept of sanctity of life to these issues. Explain religious & non-religious responses to these techniques, giving reasons. Evaluate these responses, giving their own reasons. Explain issues surrounding infertility & fertility treatment. Explain Religious & non-religious attitudes to Fertility Treatment. Analyse & evaluate these responses. Explain their own views, giving reasons/using evidence. Apply key approaches to case studies, again giving reasons & justifying with evidence.

Homework:     

Key terms research. Letter to the Editor! Religious views on stem cell research. Research – Religious attitudes to fertility treatment. VLE debate – where do you stand on fertility treatment? Why? Case study preparation. What does my character think about medical ethical issues? Why?  Enhance preparation for GCSE practice question. Assessment:  

Ongoing teacher assessment of participation/key work produced. End of Module GCSE graded exam questions.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: OPTION BLOCK D ETHICS & PHILOSOPHY Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 2nd half 1st half

Topic/Module: Religious Attitudes to Crime & Punishment Description of lessons:           

What are the key religious & non-religious ideas surrounding law and order? What are concepts of right and wrong, conscience, duty and responsibility? Where do these concepts come from? What are the causes of crime? (including social, environmental and psychological explanations) What are the different types of crimes? (including against the person, property and the state and religious offences) What are the aims of punishment? (protection, retribution, deterrence, reformation, vindication and reparation) How can different forms of punishment achieve the aims of punishment? (including: the handling of young offenders, the effects of imprisonment, the meaning and implications of life imprisonment, issues arising out of parole and early release) What do Christians and Humanists say about crime & punishment? Why? Is the death penalty (capital punishment) ever appropriate? Why/Why not? What are the alternatives to prison? (including electronic tagging, probation, fines and community service and the debate about prison reform). Case studies – how can we effectively deal with the issue of crime in the community? 11&12. Preparation and assessment

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …        

Describe the key ideas set around law & order. Explain the different types of crime and recognised causes of crime. Explain the 6 key aims of punishment. Analyse & evaluate the ways different types of punishment might meet the 6 aims of punishment. Analyse & evaluate the arguments surrounding capital punishment. Explain modern alternatives to prison and how they might satisfy the 6 aims of punishment. Summarize Christian and Humanist teachings on crime & punishment. Apply the above teachings to specific case studies.

Homework:  Research on statistics connected with crime & punishment in the UK.  Research on the impact of crime on individuals and the community.  VLE Forum on the effectiveness of prison in dealing with crime.  Letter to the editor! Capital Punishment.  Case study preparation. Assessment:  

Ongoing teacher assessment of participation/key work produced. End of Module GCSE graded exam questions.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: OPTION BLOCK D ETHICS & PHILOSOPHY Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half (run-up to exams)

Topic/Module: Revision programme: Exam mid-May to June Description of lessons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

What are the key success criteria for GCSE Religious Studies? Unit 2 topic 1: Animal Rights – key note revision Practice GCSE question & peer marking Unit 2 Topic 2: Environment – key note revision Practice GCSE question & peer marking Unit 2 Topic 4 Religion & Early life (Abortion) key note revision Practice GCSE question & peer marking Unit 2 Topic 5 Religion, War & Pacifism - key note revision Unit 2 Mock Exam Unit 3 topic 1: Fertility Treatment – key note revision Practice GCSE question & peer marking Unit 3 Topic 2: Euthanasia – key note revision Practice GCSE question & peer marking Unit 2 Topic 4 Crime & Punishment key note revision Practice GCSE question & peer marking Unit 2 Topic 5 Poverty & Wealth in the UK - key note revision Unit 3 Mock Exam

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … 

Explain the structure of the AQA GCSE exam paper (Syllabus A Unit 8 and Syllabus B Units 2 & 3)  Explain the success criteria for answering all question types effectively.  Analyse questions so as to recognise the key demands required.  Explain different revision techniques practised and analyse their personal effectiveness.  Clearly explain the subject matter contained within the 8 modules studied for the Syllabus B Unit 2 & 3 exams & the 6 for Syllabus A Unit 8.  Effectively demonstrate their ability to answer the different types of question posed using practice questions supplied.  Show you their revision materials are organised in an effective manner.  Show you their completed revision planner and their practice assessment score sheets.  Explain to you how they have improved their assessment scores over the revision programme and their targets for further improvement. Homework:  Key revision on a fortnightly basis until 5 weeks before the exam.  Nightly revision once the ‘5 weeks to go the exam’ date is passed.  Ongoing organisation of folder/revision work.  Further creation/augmentation of revision materials created.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: SOCIOLOGY – UNIT 2 Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Crime & Deviance Key content: What are the differing factors to be considered when examining involvement in crime; what does contemporary research tell us about criminal and deviant behaviour? Mass Media Key content: What is the mass media and who has control of it? Description of lessons:          

Recap of key concepts linked to the topic / how society deals with issues of social order & social control. What social factors are linked to involvement in crime? Gender / location / age. What social factors are linked to involvement in crime? Ethnicity / social class. What does research tell us about crime / people’s perceptions of crime? Case studies – how do we / should we deal with crime in society? Exam techniques / practice exam question in timed conditions. What are the mass media? How do we use them in our everyday lives? How has the media changed over time / how is it an agent of social change? Are individuals passive or can they respond to the media? What is hyper reality? Who owns the mass media? Why does it matter who has ownership & control? Competing sociological theories.

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … (linked to key Assessment Objectives)  Show knowledge and understanding of social structures, processes and issues.  Apply knowledge and understanding to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.  Select, interpret, analyse and evaluate information from different sources.  Write extended answers which address ‘how far’ sociologists would agree / disagree with a range of statements.  Explain their current working level and suggest targets for their next exam practice question. Homework:      

Various written tasks (explaining key concepts / relating them to their own experiences / evaluating theoretical perspectives). Analysis and evaluation of sources of evidence – e.g. examining how the media portrays certain news stories / investigating the phone hacking scandals. Exam practice questions / peer assessment of exemplar answers. Research tasks into contemporary issues – e.g. using or Students are also encouraged to develop their independent learning skills by researching key themes/ content, e.g. by watching news/ current affairs programmes. Thorough revision of key course content in preparation for completing exam practice questions.

Assessment: Exam practice question; extended writing tasks; short answer questions.

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Neston High School

Key Stage 4 Subject: SOCIOLOGY – UNIT 2 Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Mass Media Key content: How do the media influence society / how does it promote stereotypes? Power Key content: What is power / who has it / how is it exercised in society? Description of lessons:             

Do the media promote propaganda / what is political spin? How do the media act as an agency of socialisation? What is mass culture / how do families use the media in different ways? How can the media portray stereotypes of groups? Gender & class stereotypes. How can the media portray stereotypes of groups? Ethnicity & age stereotypes. How can the media contribute to moral panics / deviancy amplification? What is the impact of technological change on the media? What does research suggest about the media in contemporary society? Exam techniques / practice exam question in timed conditions. What is power / what are the differing types & sources of power? What is democracy / how democratic is Britain / what are the threats to democracy? What are the key political institutions / how do differing theories explain them? How involved are individuals in the political process / why might people not get involved?

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … (linked to key Assessment Objectives)  Show knowledge and understanding of social structures, processes and issues.  Apply knowledge and understanding to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.  Select, interpret, analyse and evaluate information from different sources.  Write extended answers which address ‘how far’ sociologists would agree / disagree with a range of statements.  Explain their current working level and suggest targets for their next exam practice question. Homework:      

Various written tasks (explaining key concepts / relating them to their own experiences / evaluating theoretical perspectives). Analysis and evaluation of sources of evidence – e.g. examining how the media portrays certain news stories / researching media stereotypes. Exam practice questions / peer assessment of exemplar answers. Research tasks into contemporary issues – e.g. using or Students are also encouraged to develop their independent learning skills by researching key themes/ content, e.g. by watching news/ current affairs programmes. Thorough revision of key course content in preparation for completing exam practice questions.

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Neston High School

Assessment: Exam practice question; extended writing tasks; short answer questions.

Key Stage 4 Subject: SOCIOLOGY – UNIT 2 Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Power Key content: What factors affect political participation / what is social reform / how has poverty been tackled / how effective are pressure groups / who has power in everyday settings? Description of lessons:      

Why are governments concerned with levels of political participation / why do riots occur? What factors affect voting behaviour / what is the evidence for dealignment? What is social reform / why was there a post-war consensus? Why has the welfare state come under attack / how has it been reformed? Differing theories of poverty & welfare. How do families, charities and voluntary organisations contribute to the welfare needs of members of society? What are the roles of pressure and interest groups? Do they help spread power evenly in society? Who is in control in the home and the community? Who is in control in the workplace or school? What does evidence tell us about those in power - is there a British elite? Exam techniques / practice exam question in timed conditions.

     Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can …

(linked to key Assessment Objectives)  Show knowledge and understanding of social structures, processes and issues.  Apply knowledge and understanding to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.  Select, interpret, analyse and evaluate information from different sources.  Write extended answers which address ‘how far’ sociologists would agree / disagree with a range of statements.  Explain their current working level and suggest targets for their next exam practice question. Homework:    

Various written tasks (explaining key concepts / relating them to their own experiences). Analysis and evaluation of sources of evidence – e.g. examining how the media portrays certain news stories. Exam practice questions / peer assessment of exemplar answers. Research tasks into contemporary issues – e.g. using or

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 

Students are also encouraged to develop their independent learning skills by researching key themes/ content, e.g. by watching news/ current affairs programmes. Thorough revision of key course content in preparation for completing exam practice questions.

Assessment Exam practice question; extended writing tasks, short answer questions.

Key Stage 4 Subject: SOCIOLOGY – UNIT 2 Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Social Inequality Key content: What is stratification / how do life chances vary across social groups / what are the barriers to achievement / how is wealth distributed in Britain? Description of lessons:          

What is social stratification / how does society turn differences into inequalities / how did slavery and caste ‘rank’ people? What are the characteristics of social class? How is class measured? Is Britain meritocratic? Differing theories of social class. What are life chances? Why are they distributed unequally? Does social class still matter to people? How does it affect lifestyle? What are the barriers to achievement? Gender issues. What are the barriers to achievement? Ethnicity / racism issues. How have governments attempted to remove barriers to achievement? How is wealth and income distributed in Britain today? How does a family’s wealth affect their children’s opportunities? How and why has the class structure of Britain changed over the past century?

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … (linked to key Assessment Objectives)  Show knowledge and understanding of social structures, processes and issues.  Apply knowledge and understanding to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.  Select, interpret, analyse and evaluate information from different sources.  Write extended answers which address ‘how far’ sociologists would agree / disagree with a range of statements.  Explain their current working level and suggest targets for their next exam practice question.

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Neston High School

Homework:      

Various written tasks (explaining key concepts / relating them to their own experiences / evaluating theoretical perspectives). Exam practice questions / peer assessment of exemplar answers. Research tasks into contemporary issues – e.g. using or Interview differing generations of their own family to compare experiences / meanings of social class. Students are also encouraged to develop their independent learning skills by researching key themes/ content, e.g. by watching news/ current affairs programmes. Thorough revision of key course content in preparation for completing exam practice questions.

Assessment: Extended writing tasks; shorter exam style ‘identify and explain’ questions.

Key Stage 4 Subject: SOCIOLOGY – UNIT 2/ UNIT 1 REVISION Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Social Inequality Key content: What does it mean to be poor in Britain today / is social mobility possible or is there a cycle of deprivation? Studying Society Key content: revising key concepts, theories, issues, research methods. Education Key content: revising key concepts, theories, issues, contemporary trends. Description of lessons:      

What is poverty? How is it defined and measured? What is the experience of poverty? How do members of society view the poor? Ideas of the ‘deserving’ poor vs. the ‘underclass’. What does research suggest about the possibilities for social mobility? Mock examination – full exam paper during a double lesson. Revision of key content from Topic 1 – Studying Society (see Year 10 Autumn term information). Revision of key content from Topic 2 – Education (see Year 10 Autumn / Spring term information).

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … (linked to key Assessment Objectives)  Show knowledge and understanding of social structures, processes and issues.  Apply knowledge and understanding to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.  Select, interpret, analyse and evaluate information from different sources.  Write extended answers which address ‘how far’ sociologists would agree / disagree with a range of statements.  Explain their current working level and suggest targets for their mock exam.

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Neston High School

Homework: 

Various written tasks (explaining key concepts / relating them to their own experiences).  Exam practice questions / peer assessment of exemplar answers.  Research tasks into contemporary issues – e.g. using  Students are also encouraged to develop their independent learning skills by researching key themes/ content, e.g. by watching news/ current affairs programmes.  Thorough revision of key course content in preparation for completing Mock Examination. Assessment: Mock exam.

Key Stage 4 Subject: SOCIOLOGY – UNIT 1/ UNIT 2 REVISION Year: Year 10 Year 11

Term: Autumn Spring Summer

Half Term: 1st half 2nd half

Topic/Module: Families Key content: revising key concepts, theories, issues, contemporary trends. Crime and Deviance / Mass Media / Power / Social Inequality Key content: revising key concepts, theories, issues, contemporary trends. Description of lessons:  

revision of key content from Topic 3 – Families (see Year 10 Spring term information) revision of key content from Topics 4 - 7 – Crime and Deviance; Mass Media; Power; Social Inequality (see Year 10 Summer term / Year 11 Autumn - Spring term information)

Outcomes: Ask your son or daughter if they can … (linked to key Assessment Objectives)  show knowledge and understanding of social structures, processes and issues  apply knowledge and understanding to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts  select, interpret, analyse and evaluate information from different sources  write extended answers which address ‘how far’ sociologists would agree / disagree with a range of statements  explain their current working level and suggest targets for their external exam in June Homework:  various written tasks (explaining key concepts / relating them to their own experiences)  exam practice questions / peer assessment of exemplar answers  students are also encouraged to develop their independent learning skills by researching key themes/ content, e.g. by watching news/ current affairs programmes  thorough revision of key course content in preparation for completing external examination in June Assessment: GCSE Units 1 and 2 – external exam June 2014.

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Neston High School

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Unitised Scheme of Work

Neston High School

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