Pincipais verbos ingles

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Principais Verbos em inglês INFINITIVE

to abide to arise to awake to be to bear to beat to become to befall to beget to begin to behold to bend to bet to bid to bid to bind



abode arose awoke/awa ked was/were bore beat became befell begot began beheld bent bet bade bid bound

abode arisen awoke(n)/a waked been born/borne beaten become befallen begotten begun beheld bent bet bidden bid bound


habitar; suportar surgir; elevar-se acordar; despertar

ser; estar levar; suportar; dar à luz bater; derrotar; pulsar tornar-se acontecer; suceder gerar; produzir começar; principiar ver; observar curvar(se); inclinar apostar ordenar; saudar fazer uma oferta ligar; encadernar; contratar to bite bit bitten morder; picar to bleed bled bled sangrar to blow blew blown soprar; tocar(instrumento de sopro) to break broke broken quebrar; interromper to breed bred bred criar; educar to bring brought brought trazer to broadcast broadcast broadcast emitir; radiofonizar to build built built construir to burn burnt/burne burnt/burne queimar d d to burst burst burst explodir; irromper to buy bought bought comprar to cast cast cast arremessar; atirar; calcular to catch caught caught agarrar; apanhar; pegar uma doença to chide chid chidden ralhar; censurar to choose chose chosen escolher to cleave clove/cleft cloven/cleft fender; rachar-se to cling clung clung aderir; unir-se to come came come vir; chegar; aproximar-

to cost to creep to cut to deal to dig to do to draw to dream to drink to drive to dwell to eat to fall to feed to feel to fight to find to flee to fling to fly to forbid to forgive to forget to forsake to freeze to get to give to go to grind to grow to hang to have to hear to hide to hit to hold to hurt to keep

se; acontecer cost cost custar crept crept rastejar; arrastar-se cut cut cortar dealt dealt negociar; distribuir; tratar dug dug cavar did done fazer; executar; efetuar drew drawn desenhar; puxar; arrastar dreamt/drea dreamt/drea sonhar med med drank drunk beber; embriagar-se drove driven guiar; impelir dwelt/dwell dwelt/dwell morar; residir ed ed ate eaten comer fell fallen cair fed fed alimentar-se; suprir felt felt sentir fought fought lutar; combater found found achar; encontrar fled fled fugir de; escapar flung flung arremessar-se; lanรงar flew flown voar forbade forbidden proibir forgave forgiven perdoar forgot forgotten esquecer(se) forsook forsaken abandonar; desamparar froze frozen gelar; congelar got got/gotten ganhar; obter; conseguir; adquirir gave given dar; conceder went gone ir ground ground moer; pulverizar grew grown crescer; cultivar hung hung pendurar; suspender had had ter; possuir heard heard ouvir hid hidden esconder; ocultar(se) hit hit bater held held segurar; manter; conter hurt hurt ferir kept kept guardar; manter; permanecer; ficar;

to kneel to knit to know to lay to lead to lean to leap to learn

knelt/kneele d knit knew laid led

to leave to lend to let to lie to light to lose to make to mean

leant/leaned leapt/leaped learnt/learn ed left lent let lay lit/lighted lost made meant

to meet to mow

met mowed

to overcome to pay to put to quit


to read to rid to ride

read rid rode

to ring to rise to run to saw to say to see to seek to sell to send

rang rose ran sawed said saw sought sold sent

paid put quit

continuar knelt/kneele ajoelhar-se d knit unir; ligar; tricotar known saber; conhecer laid p么r; colocar;botar(ovos) led conduzir;guiar; comandar leant/leaned apoiar(se); inclinar(se) leapt/leaped saltar; pular learnt/learn aprender ed left deixar; sair; abandonar lent emprestar let deixar; permitir lain estar deitado; jazer lit/lighted acender; iluminar lost perder made fazer; produzir; fabricar meant significar; querer dizer; pretender; intencionar met encontrar(se) mowed/mo ceifar wn overcome vencer; superar; conquistar paid pagar put p么r; colocar quit deixar; abandonar; desistir read ler rid livrar; desembara莽ar ridden cavalgar; montar; passear(de carro, bicicleta, etc) rung soar; tocar; repicar risen nascer; surgir; elevar-se run correr; administrar sawed/sawn serrar said dizer seen ver sought procurar; buscar sold vender sent enviar; remeter; expedir

to set to sew to shake to shear to shed

set sewed shook shore/shear ed shed

to shine to shoe to shoot to show

shone shod/shoed shot showed

to shrink to shut to sing to sink to sit to slay to sleep to slide to smell

shrank shut sang sank sat slew slept slid smelt/smell ed sowed

to sow to speak to speed

to spend to spill to spin to spit to split

spoke sped/speede d spelt/spelle d spent spilt/spilled spun spat split

to spread


to spring


to stand


to steal to stick to sting to stink

stole stuck stung stank/stunk

to spell

set sewed/sewn shaken shorn/shear ed shed

pôr; fixar; arrumar costurar; coser sacudir; agitar tosquiar; tosar; aparar

derramar; verter; entornar shone brilhar; reluzir shod/shoed ferrar(animal); calçar shot atirar; fuzilar; metralhar showed/sho exibir; mostrar; expor wn shrunk encolher(se); retirar(se) shut fechar; cerrar; tapar sung cantar sunk afundar; naufragar sat sentar slain matar; arruinar; destruir slept dormir slid escorregar; deslizar smelt/smell cheirar; suspeitar ed sowed/sow semear n spoken falar sped/speede apressar-se; despachar d spelt/spelle soletrar d spent passar; gastar; consumir spilt/spilled entornar; derramar spun girar; rodar; tecer spat cuspir split fender; dividir; fracionar-se spread difundir; divulgar; espalhar sprung brotar; nascer; saltar; jorrar stood ficar de pé; suster; aguentar stolen furtar; roubar stuck fincar; aderir; afixar stung picar stunk feder

to stride to strike

to string to strive to swear to sweep to swell to swim to swing to take to teach to tear to tell to think to throw to trust to tread

strode struck

cavalgar; galopar provocar ou fazer greve; brigar; golpear; dar badaladas(rel贸gio); strung strung afinar; esticar strove striven procurar; empenhar-se; competir swore sworn jurar; blasfemar swept swept varrer swelled swelled/sw inchar; inflamar ollen swam swum nadar swung swung balan莽ar took taken tomar; pegar taught taught ensinar tore torn rasgar(se); romper told told dizer; contar thought thought pensar; achar threw thrown arremessar; atirar trust trust confiar; crer trod trodden/tro pisar d understood understood entender; compreender

to understand to undertook undertake to wake woke/wake d to wear wore to weave wove to weep wept to wet wet/wetted to win won to wind wound to write wrote

stridden struck

undertaken empreender; comprometer-se woke/wake acertar; despertar d worn usar; vestir woven tecer wept chorar; lamentar-se wet/wetted umedecer; molhar won ganhar; vencer; obter wound dar corda; torcer written escrever

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