Best 5 Ecommerce Platforms For Small Business In 2022!

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Thepandemicyearhastaughtmanybusinessownersthat selling products online is a safer way to earn revenue than opening a physical store. It has also increased the number of regular online shoppers by manifolds. As the lockdowns occurred,peopleturnedtoeCommercefortheirdailyneeds and have stayed there since then as convenience is quite addictive. Be it any type of item, apparel, essential, healthcare, electronic, or game, every category experienced a significant rise in sales in the last two years. Sources suggest that benchmarks that were set for the next five years are already achieved as the traffic escalated dramatically! So, are you looking to get your store online or establish a new brand to capitalize on this boom? If yes, then we presume you might be looking for the right platform to begin. Stop the research, here are the 5 best eCommerce marketplaces that can fulfill all online business requirements.


#1 BigCommerce

A paid-for, ‘hosted’ eCommerce solution that enables you to build and manage your store from anywhere. It has a rangeofcustomizabletemplatesandmarketingtools.

Itisbuiltforboth,thepeoplewithfewtonowebdesignskills and the tech-savvy developers who like to tweak the HTML/CSSoftheonlinestoretomakeitlookunique.

BigCommerce boasts 60,000+ customers and 815+ employees. It is present in 150+ countries and has about 2500+agencyandtechnologypartners.Trulydependable!

The platform offers four monthly plans to sell items online, the Standard plan costing $29.95/month, the Plus plan at $79.95/month, the Pro plan at $299.95/month, and the Enterprise plan. The price of this last one depends on the numberofrequirements.

WhatAreTheAdvantage UsingBigCommerce?

sell unlimited physical or digital goods, drag-and-drop assistance, Paypal integration, blogging support, search engine optimization tools, various third-party apps, limitless staffaccounts,andprofessionalreporting.
to sell in multiple currencies, real-time shipping calculations, no transaction fees, simple to create custom fields, built in product review section, comprehensive ‘abandoned cart’ tool, cookie consent feature, and free for 15 daysaresomeofthebestprosofusingBigCommerce.
An amazing eCommerce platform to run a large business with hundreds of built-in features. It allows you to sell productsacrossmultiplemarketplacesandsocialmedia. Shopifysupportsover800,000businessesandhasacleansimple-elegant interface that makes setting up your store aneffortlessprocess.Itoffers10freethemes,tobeginwith. All of these include customizable content sections, SEO support, drop-down navigation, free updates, social media integration,freestockphotos,andaremobile-friendly. The platform presents five monthly plans to sell items online, Shopify Lite- $9/month, Basic Shopify- $29/month, Shopify $79/month, Advanced Shopify $299/month, and ShopifyPlus.Thelastplanhascustompricingthatdepends onbusinessrequirements. #2 Shopify


The Shopify eCommerce marketplace provides a powerpacked backend editor and stunning inventory system. One cansellproductsonFacebook,Instagram,Amazon,andeBay atthesametime.Moreover,itfeaturesanastonishinglibrary ofappsandover100paymentoptions. It handles protection against cyber threats quite well and provides 24/7 support, be it via calls, live chats, emails, or specialists.Thereisavideotutorialforeachandeverystepto make things easier. The 14 day free trial grants a great opportunitytotestthissublimeonlineshoppingsite.


An open-source eCommerce platform based on a PHP frameworkthatenablesuserstocontrolhowtheirwebsites function and help them create a flexible shopping cart setup. Itboastsanetworkof100,000+onlinestoreswithover$150+ billion in sales. Magento eCommerce is home to huge clientslikeNike,Landrover,Olympus,andLiverpool. This marketplace offers a variety of themes, numerous extensions, tools for marketing, catalog management, and SEOalongsidestrongsecurity.Itrequiresbasiccodingskills.

There are two plans to operate Magento. The first one is called ‘Community Edition’, which is free to download, customize,andself host.Whereas,thesecondoneiscalled ‘Enterprise Edition’ which comes with a license fee that startsat$24,000peryear.


WhatAreTheAdvantage UsingMagentoeCommerce?

This industry giant can handle up to 500,000 products and process a large number of orders simultaneously. It is a responsive mobile-friendly marketplace with a smooth checkoutprocess.

Though it may seem that the coding aspect makes it less preferable, it opens up the door to infinite opportunities. Additionally,itcanbeintegratedwithgiantslikeAmazonand eBay.ThebestthingaboutMagentoisthatithasfeatureslike smartsearchandadvancedanalytics.

The most popular eCommerce plugin for a WordPress site, WooCommerce is behind over 30% of all online shopping action.Thismarketplacesupportsdropshippingaswell.

Itcanfeeloverwhelmingatfirst,especiallyifyouarenewto online selling as there are several features to get accustomed to. Though, everything becomes simpler with time. ThiseCommerceplatformprovidesgreatflexibility,multiple customization options, efficient extensions, a built-in bloggingsystem,productsorting/rating,andgoodsecurity.

WooCommerce is available free of cost and can be turned into a robust online selling machine with a few modestly pricedextensions.Theinterfaceisquiteeasyandintuitive.

#4 WooCommerce

WhatAreTheAdvantagesOf UsingWooCommerce?

The prime unique selling point of WooCommerce is that it is built on the world’s most famous content management system. This adds hugely to the whole functionality and performance of your site. Secondly, the open-source aspect allowsyoutodevelopanexclusivewebshop!

The resourceful flexibility enables you to integrate any thirdparty software system, be it for CRM, order management, shipping optimization, or payments. WordPress has a large communityofdevelopersandtheycomeinhandywhenever youfacetechnicalissues.


A free and open-source eCommerce store that can be scaled up to fit large enterprises as well as equally support middle and small-range businesses. It is a student project that today is one of the leading marketplaces globally backingover270,000+webshops.

The key features of PrestaShop eCommerce are illimitable listings, item tracking, good SEO capabilities, out-of-stock alerts,accurateshippingestimation,emailautomation,and more. A large selection of free and paid modules helps extendstorefunctionalities. This marketplace provides complete training content at all levels to guarantee that users get the most out of all functionalities. The info filled dashboard provides a detailedviewofallth h i i lti i i completecontrol


WhatAreTheAdvantagesOf UsingPrestaShop?

Simpletoinstall,PrestaShopcanbesetupinjustafewclicks. Itisbudget friendlyaswellasuser friendly.

The visitors can easily navigate through your entire online shopeffortlessly.Thelibraryof25000+pluginsprovidesallthe toolsanownermayrequireataffordablerates.

To wrap it all up, the eCommerce busin g opportunity as the future belongs to online shopping. Get started today to reap mind-blowing rewards in the next ten years.

If you are ready, contact Netizens Technologies right away. They have got the perfect team to make your dreams come true. Their years of experience in website development will help you establish an exquisite eCommerce store with high performanceandresponsiveness.

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