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The Staff and Sword Ministry
March 14. 2009
ADDENDUM Reviewing the events seen in The GAP in 1987 is helpful because what he did then he is doing now. When the Beastman had the advantage he systematically crushed
his opposition and advanced like a steamroller; but when we had strong defensive positions (not easily defeated) he adopted a different tactic and strategy - he attacked from every direction all at once, he worked to overwhelm us, making it impossible to address or deal with every attack that he launched. We defeated him by exclusively looking to JESUS CHRIST and standing in CHRIST we became immoveable, and more, we advanced against his overwhelming attack and forced him back. What Beastman Obama is doing now is launching overwhelming attacks - his stimulus package of 5787 Billion was drawn up in a 1,100 page hill to which he gave us less than a few hours to read it before he forced it to a vote. Likewise, the Omnibus bill (special budget to keep the government working until September, 2009) consisted of more than 1,400 pages and was forced through in a like manner. It contained 8,500 earmarks (also called pork) which he signed without hesitation although it was one of his campaign promises to veto pork or earmarks. He is forcing "health care" through without so much as a discussion; he is pushing for education reform without having a well thought out plan (except to throw more money at education); he has reversed the policy to NOT fund stem cell research (he never saw a baby he didn't want to kill) - he was doing so many different thing so fast no one could even catch their breath or realize what was happening. There is much more going on, so much one cannot keep up with all he is initiating. Now all this is happening while he is "out of synch" and not in full control of the demon power available to him in this world (keep in mind a much greater demon power is coming to him). So this is an uncoordinated Obama that we are seeing, he lacks a significant focus at this time and he is running into resistance in many quarters, so his power base is not fully secured. Some Christians, Conservatives and Independents believe (hope) that Obama will become a one-term President, thinking that his actions will lead to that. They do not know this man nor the kind of power he has (gotten from the church in 1986). To underestimate him is going to be fatal for those who do. Obama is not going away!
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 14, 2009
THE WRATH OF ('OD On Page 12 of the January, 2009 Newsletter we presented what is given below:
(Quote) THE WRATH OF GOD "Flash Points" - "Startinicr Points December 21, 1986 ( Married in The Spirit' by R-D)
March 4, 2009
+69 da y s
+69 days
Februar y 28, 1987 ( Married before Minister)
May 12, 2009
The first days of November, 1981 Nancy-TONI and I were both called before FATHER GOD on the Mount of the Most High God who then and there `joined or married us" on the spot (Matthew 19: 6b) . I wouldn't meet Nancy-TONI until raid 1983 and would not know who she was until November of 1986. We were married first b y Richard-DANIEL on December 21, 1986 and then before a minister on February 28, 1987. The reason we refer to this event is that this is the only time reference we have of an event happening on the Mount of the Most High God to it happening in this world. The time span between these appear to be 5 years and 1 month to 5 years and 3 months (approximately). ( Unquote)
All along we have allowed a + or - 5 days to any projected date to watch because it is d .ficult to determine variables that happened in time from "In The Spirit to "In The World'.
SO, WHAT HAPPENED MARCH 4 Th )99 As news clips of both March 3" and March 4' h , 2009 show (see top of the next page), the sharp decline of the STOCK MARKET and the emerging VIRAL RESISTANCE to antibiotics was recognized as evidence of the emerging WRATH OF GOD.
The Staff and Sword Ministr /Addendum
Pace A3
March 14, 2009
THE WRATH OF GOD (Continued )
The decline in the STOCK MARKET (financial institutions and the economy) started in 2007*, since then the STOCK MARKET has lost $10 Trillion. This has fundamentally wiped out the life savings of millions of Americans where their 441 K's have turned into 101 K's, some into 00 I K's.
S&P 500 t5ss.t5 '
Flu bugs
growing RUITC4
resistant Drug stockpiles could be weakened
nit a re Change from •11-nmr 1ria
For investors, `bloodbath' reflects fear fl-(.r j t V).f
[tyAdamShell MI4rH 1,a-and ]SA TODAY NEW YORK — if there ever was a symbol of in vestors' lack of confidence in the government's ability to stem the financial crisis, it was the 17ow )ones industrials plunging belo+n 7000 Monday and closing at levels not seen since Apr il 1997. Stocks are in free fall. Investors are in panic mudr.'fhe government's numerous bailout atIempts — including its latest gambit to prop up insurer American International Group — have bailed to restore hopeAnd how low stocks must go before
Belief in markets shaken as Dow hits 12-year low and closes under 6,800 People are just terrorized and are throwing in
the towel,"
Wealth is being destroyed on Wall Stt cot at a rate not seen since the 1930s. The gauss from the Zt10Z-07 hull market are gone. A big chunk of the huge profits from the l l90s dot-corn stock boom have been wiped cut. In all, after Monday's 300-point drop to 6763, more 7,400 Dow points, or 52.3%, have Co erthandisappeared bottonung out is anyone s guess. since the Oc tober 2007 "It's a bloodbath, pure and simple," sti rig peak, the b iggest-ever point drop.ays Scott Black, president and portfolio ` •L Of all the bear markets in Dow's long manager at Delphi Management. "This is history, only the 8922, drop dur in g the d vote of n4 confidence in the Dhama aomt sj- G re at Depression was worse. slralrrm. It doesn't matter what you own. everyt Iting is going down- It is a total capeulattonPlease see COVER STORY unit page n
Market is `red' all over as • AIG reports $61.7B loss, to receive $30B, t 8 losses continue to mount • InVestors ditch stock mutual fund shares.1 B
jIA.LS By Steve 5tcntherg A r f's USA TODAY
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Evidence that flu viruses are beccmting more resistant to the drug Tarnitlu has sown deep concern among doctors who are worried that their best fir, treatment is losing its Punch. The spread of resistance also has potentially weakened a pillar of the stockpiles of drugs that will be used to combat global Flu outbreaks, doctors say. The first in-depth analysis of Tamiflu resistance during last years flit season found that about 129" of people with one of the three strains that caused the most illness, influenza A'HI NZ. were inferred with resistant viruses- One in five of last years patient} caught the strain, doctors reported hlnnday. This year. Tainifiu resis tance in that class of viruses has reached almost 1 [A . turning the tables on a drug designed to defeat resistance. 'They're the most common viruses circular tog this year." says flu expert William Schaffner of Vanderbilt [lmversny. 'There are calls curving in from all inscribe country to infectious-disease doctors and public health specialists asking them how to proceed." The evidence of growing resistance prompted
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in December in alter its treat ment recommerxtatums The CIH' now urges doctors to use Tam3flu for patients with influenza B viruses or, when the', haven't identified the fl.r t ype. with rimanladine. one of tool drugs from an n]der class of 11u hglwrtg agents. Relenza, a close cuusin ofTamiflu, is still bioadly effective, doctors say, but the drug isn't recommended for children younger than 7, those with asthma and those unable to use an oral inhaler. Doctors say the rapid spread ofTami flu resistance underscores the valor of vaccination "hat's your
*Note - It was JESUS' WORD of September 7, 2006 stating that unless the nation
was called to pray and seek His Counsel, that by May of 2007: "EVENTS WILL BEGIN TO ACCUMULATE AND SWELL INTO SERIOUS TROUBLES THAT
Page A4
The Staff and Sword Ministry/Adde ndum
March 15, 2009
State fears outbreak of disease
The event of March 314, 2009 reveals that this economic/financial disaster is virtually the emerging WRATH OF GOD, and added to it is a coming plague of disease against which medical science will be helpless - death will sweep this nation.
\\liooping cough-infected wrestlers attended ttnimament it-[.K $ 2aai^ Ara. f BY JOHN STUCK w e j Staff writer
Mare than a dozen high schoo] wrestlers and fans infected with whooping cough attended the Washington state high school wrestling tournament in Tacoma two weeks ago, and state health officials fear a large-scale outbreak of
the disease, which has now been reported across the state. Also called perrussis, the contagious disease is especially dangerous - even y deadly . - for babies ounger th an 18 months who have not completed their early childhood vaccines. The illness is relatively uncommon. There were 34 cases of whooping cough in Spokane County and 482 statewide in 2007. according Cu state Health Depart. ment statistics. Many more cases may go undiagnosed. Investigators with the Department of Health working to stop the latest outbreak have been trying to track everyone exposed to the disease. Their job
could be daunting. More than 1.000 wrestlers and 30.000 fans fi lled the 'Pacoma Dome on Feb. 20-21. Several wrestlers from Spokane have exhibited symptoms of whooping cough and were put on antibiotics. "At this point we don't know how maSee WHOOPING, A6
David Wi lkerson
Since the start of this Ministry work (1976) I recognized that David Wilkerson was receiving identical revelation to what the HOLY SPIRIT was revealing to us. Every time I received a major insight or Word from JESUS we would learn that brother Wilkerson had received something almost identical. This has continued without stop for the past 33 years.
On March 3 rd and March 4` h T set aside these newspaper articles shown here recognizing them as evidence of the emerging WRATH OF GOD we expected to see show in this time period.
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On March 8, 2009 this was posted on WorldNetDail .com: (Quote David Wilkerson)
"An earth-shattering calamity is about to happen. It is going to be so frightening, we are all going to tremble - even the godliest among us." ( Wilkerson 's vision is of fires raging through New York City) "It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles years ago." (He explains.) " There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting ineluding Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God's Wrath . In Psalm 11 it is written, "If the foundations are destroyed,
what can the righteous do?" "GOD is judging the raging sins of America and the nations. He is destroying the secular foundations." (Wilkerson urges everyone to stockpile a 30-day supply of food and other necessities to deal with the catastrophe he foresees.) "I do not know when these things will come to pass, but I know it is not far off." (Wilkerson concluded in his message.) "I have
un burdened my soul to you. Do with th e m essage as you choose."
"What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God's Wrath ."
The Last Date: MAY 12, 2009
( +I- 5 Days )
This is the closest we can come to the approximate time In This World' that is parallel to the Wrath of God which was loosed in Heaven on January 21, 2004. From here on out the Wrath of God will only grow in ferocity until the enemies of God are wholly consumed out of this world. The "secular foundations" as Wilkerson calls them, that hate JESUS, will be expunged in a Holy fire such as never seen before in
living memory.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 15, 2009
"He who knows how to overcome with GOD in prayer has heaven and earth at his disposal." C. H. Spurgeon
GOLD versus THE STOCK MARKET It has been our counsel to prefer to invest in Gold, Silver or even Platinum and to avoid and/or get out and stay out of the Stock Market. We know of one young woman who was torn between her dad's counsel to invest the money he'd given her in the Stock Market and NOT to waste it in buying Gold. She prayed and the Lord
led her to buy Gold as we counseled. Today she has made $8,000 above what she invested in Gold - the Stock Market has dropped like a rock in comparison. "Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established, believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper." (II Chronicles 20: 20) A golden opportunity investors who purchased gold six years ago have watched their fortunes rise. Change in the value goad vs. the S&P 500: 200%
USA TODAY 2/19/09
Snurc rs: BlnrnhcrK L'SA TODAY
v K.11
THE OBAMA TAX CUT AND THEN... Part of Obama's "stimulus package" is a tax cut that wil l a mount to $13 a week NOT being withheld in payroll taxes (for about 6 months). This will amount to $13.00 a week extra. One reporter living in New York commented, "A salad in this city costs $16.001„ At the same time Obama plans to impose a $1.50 federal tax per gallon of gas (also added taxes on natural gas, fuel oil, coal) in order to FORCE people to alternative
fuels or energy sources (bio-fuel, solar power, wind power, etc.) Problem is these bio-fuels do not exist in any quantity, and the other stuff is very, very expensive. No one can really afford them - but that's our problem I guess. Thanks for the wee little tax cut Obama.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 1 5, 2009
The chart below was drawn up for the Glenn Beck TV show this February, 2009. Here the paper money supply is charted from 1919 to the present time. The government started running the printing presses 24/7 in October of 2008 until by February 2009 when the paper money supply was TEN TIMES what it was in October, 2008. The Obama Administration is doubtless printing money even faster as it runs the national debt into the tens of STrillions of dollar range. They (government sources) say that, "No one knows what effect this will have in the long run. " That is a bald-faced lie, there is a long and well known history of the effect of printing paper money like it is going out of style - it is called: hyper inflation!
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As Beastman Obama spends more and more money, the printing presses will print more and more paper dollars - diluting the value of the dollar as it does. It may take a year or two years to hit with full impact, but when it does the value of the dollar will decline at a rapid pace; it will drop and drop until it literally becomes "WORTHLESS"!
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 15, 2009
THE END-GAME FOR OBAMA'S PLANS FOR AMERICA (Contd.) This February, 2009 a Red Chinese leader (Luo Ping) stated to an American diplomat: "We hate you guys! You are destroying the dollar. We hate you guys! There isn 't much we can do about it! " The Red Chinese are upset because they hold nearly one $Trillion in U.S. Government bonds, money they loaned to the U.S. As the dollar loses its value, the Red Chinese are being indirectly robbed and they know it. I recently heard a French Socialist leader's comment to an American diplomat in Paris about Obama's "Stimulus Package" - he said (in essence): "Are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing!?!" And this was a Socialist leader's comment! If you will look at the chart on Page A7 you will note that the `money supply' began to rise in the late 1960's. What happened at that time is that then-President Richard Nixon took America's dollar off the Gold standard, which meant there was nothing backing up the paper currency except our promise to the nations of the world that we would not print more paper money than we had all along. Well, President L. B. Johnson's vast socialist program and the Viet Nam war brought us to spend more money than we took in, thus the printing presses did print more paper money. What happened was gradual and probably invisible to most Americans: the price for oil rose, and the price for food and commodities increased dramatically. Consequently we experienced a high inflationary period during the President Carter Administration. The interest rates rose to 21 %, inflation was high and this resulted in Carter becoming a one term President. The value of the dollar DECLINED. For example, on January 24, 1974 1 purchased a brand new Ford Mustang with all the options for a total of $4,144.00. That same automobile today costs in the area of $34,000.00. Same car today costs $34,000 but in 1974 it cost $4,144.00 - that is inflation which
appears when the value of the dollar has declined because they are printing a bunch of paper money, more than the government should. GOLD is stable money: it cannot be inflated because the government can't print gold. My favorite example is that in the late 1800's a $25 gold coin could buy a three piece
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 15, 2009
THE END-GAME FOR OBAMA'S PLANS FOR AMERICA (Cont'd.j suit, a tie, a shirt, shoes and socks. That same $25 gold coin can buy the same thing today as it did over 100+ years ago. That tells us that the value of gold is a constant but the value of the paper dollar is not a constant, it varies depending on how much paper money the government issues,
THE STIMULUS "GAMBLE" Obama's plan is to pump hundreds of $Billions (Trillions of dollars if he could) into the nation's economy on the hope/gamble that it will stimulate the economy and produce a whole bunch of new jobs and thereby send all sorts of new tax dollars into the government's coffers. Will it work?
THE "SUGAR HIGH" I've considered the basic plan and recognize that when you pump this much money into the economic system that it will have an effect - I'd liken it to a "sugar high!" The economy will surge ahead, everyone will think its solved and Obama is the man of the hour. This is more likely to happen towards the end of his first term, thus making him a hot, re-electable President. But a "sugar high" has certain characteristics - there is a sudden surge upwards followed by a sudden "let down"; the economy will do better and then it will drop like a sack of rocks.
3% and 27% for 2009 and 2010 The $787 Billion "Stimulus Package" spends only 3% of the total sum towards the end of 2009 and none of that money is towards job creation. Something like 27% of the $787 Billion will be spent in 2010, but again, none of this aims to create jobs. The money will be spent to purchase new computers for government offices, new fuel efficient cars for the government - stuff like that. It is not until 2011 and 2012 that the bulk of the money will be spent to create jobs, mostly in public works like road building/repairs, bridge building/repairs and so on. What is interesting about that is some billions will go to California for road building, but the work force in California (300,000 workers) that does road work are all illegal aliens. It's job creations for Americans but they are not U.S. Citizens.
nti-Christian Laws Nancy-TONI heard on a TV Report (Fox News) of a study where the "Heritage
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 15, 2009
END-GAME FOR GBAMA'S PLANS FOR AMERICA (Cont'd.) ation" had a team of their- people systematically read through the 1,100 page us law (passed in to law by Congress and signed by Beastman 0bama by this Part of that "Stimulus Package" specifically forbid Christians from holding F meengs in College and University auditoriums or gymnasiums, even extending to the living quarters (dorms). One of the "Stimulus Package" items is a suns of 5600 million to be used to protect an endangered desert mouse living in the San Francisco areas. I could go on and on with a listof absurd government projects hidden in the so-cal led "Stimulus Package,"
0 13 AMA DOING" I observed this behavior in The GAP in 1987, both Bcastman did it: they REWARDED those who gave them power. The Democrats now in power are being rewarded by the Beastman who is allowing them to raid the pantry and take what ever they want. He is acting like some kind of feudal lord who is allowing his troops to loot and rape at will, to take whatever they want. Thereafter they will owe him big ti me, he will own them. A MAJOR DIPLOMATIC OFFENCE AGAINST ENGLAND British Prime Minster Gordon Brown recently visited the new President at the White House. As is normall y done, P.M. Brown gave Bcastman Obama some priceless gifts; a pen holder carved from wood from an anti-slave ship, and a wood framed certificate from another anti-slave ship. The desk in the Oval office is actually constructed from wood from the same vessel. Lastly, included was an autobiography of Winston Churchill. President Obama gave Prime Minister Brown 25 DVD's of classic movies (like ET and Psycho.) However, the British have a different system and these DVD's are useless over there, they cannot be played. Added to this, Obama cancelled a_ joint press conference with P.M. Brown and to add insult to injury, there was no State Dinner for the British Prime Minister. But it gets worse. Back in 2001. just after 9/11, the British Prime Minister of that ti me presented to the people of the United States, via President G.W. Bush, a bust of Winston Churchill as a sign of friendship and solidarity with the American people by the British people in the war on terror. Since then British troops have fought side by side with our men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan, fighting and dying alongside of our men and women.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 15, 2009
A MAJOR DIPLOMATIC OFFENCE AGAINST ENGLAND (Continued) In this meeting with Prime Minister Brown, Beastman/President Obama gave back that bust of Winston Churchill. P.M. Brown said, "Oh no, you keep it. It's a gift." Obama told him that we don't want it and gave it back. To add more insult toinjury, the British Ambassador complained to the State Department about this treatment, to which the State Department stated (in essence):
"You are nothing special, we have dealings with 190 other nations! " The British Press and British people have expressed outrage at this behavior. To treat our closest ally and friend this way is outrageous_ What's going on? One Obama Administration official offered the lame excuse that Obama is exhausted from working on the economic crisis. That does not fly - Mr. high energy Obama is tired? He is like the energizer bunny. Tired - baloney! WHAT IS GOING ON? I've thought about it and it is pretty obvious and does not take a lot of insight to know what he is doing. The Obama Administration is shutting down GITMO (prison camp for terrorists in U.S.-Owned Cuban land), has a policy of no enhanced interrogation of Islamic terrorists, has stated that the term "war on tenor" is no longer to be used and more recently the term "enemy combatant" is also no longer to be used. Obama has expressed a desire to meet with and talk to "moderate" Taliban leaders. That is like saying he wants to talk to "moderate murderers."
CONSIDER THIS .... Consider this: President/Beastman Obama's first call to a head of state was to Mahmound Abbas, leader of the Fatah party in the Palestinian territory. His first oneon-one interview as President with any news organization was with Al Arabia TV. Then Beastman Obama signed an executive presidential determination allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians loyal to Hamas terrorists to resettle in the United States at our expense. Compare this with Beastman Obama just about spitting in British Prime Minister Brown's face, the only thing he didn't do was kick him in the butt when he left the White House. The message is clear to the British, our long time allies and friends, it is "Get lost! " and to Islamic terrorists, "Welcome!"
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I'd venture a guess that most of you know little or nothing about these turn of events. I heard about the affront to British P.M. Brown on the Glenn Beck TV show, but as far as I know there was no other coverage of this on ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN or the print media.
Obama didn't do this because he didn't know better; he did this deliberately and by it he sent a message to Great Britain - "Go away and stay away. "
A time ago someone perceived that the 8` h flag to fly over occupied America would be the British flag, JESUS did tell me that I would be surprised. Well, given current events I can see this as a real possibility.
A POSSIBLE SCENARIO - Terror Attack Beastman Obama is opening America up to our deadliest enemies and sooner or later there is going to be a massive terrorist attack inside the U.S. where hundreds, thousands, possibly tens of thousands of Americans will be murdered in the process. Then Beastman Obama will change horses going from the "Black Horse"(Revelation 6: 5-6) to the "Red Horse" (Revelation 6: 3) - he will then become a war president. That would make him a shoo-in for re-election in 2012. Won't Obama be blamed for such a terrorist attack? Of course not because he will be too busy blaming former President George W. Bush for it, saying that his oppressive anti-Moslem policies brought this act of justifcd revenge on us. When 9/1 l happened President Bush could have easily pointed the finger at former Beastman/President Clinton as the culprit - indeed, rightly so. Repeated terrorist attacks by a] Qaeda on U.S. Embassies, a warship, and facilities that killed many Americans and many more innocent civilians in other nations were allowed to go on without a response. Beastman Clinton by doing nothing to deter or retaliate against
al Qaeda both emboldened and empowered them to attack us on 9/1 l . President G. W. Bush could have easily pointed the finger of blame at Beastrnan Clinton, in fact he should have, but he was too much of a gentleman to do that. Don't think for a second that Beastrnan Obama won't point the finger of blame at former President Bush when a horrific terrorist attacks hits us.
March 15, 2009 Page A13 The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum A MAJOR DIPLOMATIC OFFENCE AGAINST ENGLAND (Continued) Glenn Beck gave the address of the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. for those who would write a letter expressing our feelings as Americans that disapprove of Obama's behavior with their Prime Minister and to express our appreciation of their friendship and support in this war. If you would like to write a letter send it to: The British Embassy 3100 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008
THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT IS TOTTERING I have been led to warn for years about the dangers posed by our open border with both Mexico and Canada and the illegal alien problems posed by uncontrolled i mmigration in the U.S. going back to President Reagan, each administration from then to now have turned a blind eye to the massive problems posed by the uncontrolled influx of aliens into our nation (estimated today at 15 million strong). Although the vast majority of the American people (80%+) want the borders sealed
and the illegal problems addressed, the politicians have essentially ignored the people. This festering wound of open borders has reached critical mass to our south. in effect, with the flood of illegals has come a tidal wave of drugs into the U.S. from Mexico. As drugs flow into the U.S. the use of drugs increases and the drug cartels become more and more powerful. This in turn has empowered the drug cartels with huge sums of money and as their influence spreads and corrupts the Mexican government (no doubt reaching into the U.S. as well.) Not only has the use of drugs increased in the U.S., the drug cartels have grown so strong that they are literally taking over Mexico. Many Mexican provinces are literally run by the drug cartels the Mexican government is tottering on the verge of collapse, of being taken over lock, stock and barrel by the drug cartels.
The current President of Mexico is fighting the drug cartels and is deploying the Mexican Army to fight them in Mexican cities where the cartels are running rampant. However, many Mexican officials, even the army, are being corrupted by the moneyrich cartels.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 15, 2009
THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT IS TOTTERING (continued) Just this February, 2009 Glenn Beck on his Fox News TV show began exposing the nightmarish problems involving illegal immigration, the drug cartels and the spread of violent crime across the U.S. stemming from this flood of illegals. The News Media has been dead silent about the growing problems with the Mexican drug cartels and illegal immigration. MEXICO CITY is the capital of kidnaping world wide. The surprise is that the second city in the world with the highest number of kidnaping is PHOENIX, ,ARIZONA.
400 KIDNAPED IN PHOENIX! In 2008 some 400=- people living in Phoenix, Arizona were taken captive by Mexican drug cartels and sold back for huge sums of money. The kidnapers have hacked off victim's hands and/or feet (as proof of their intentions if not paid) and sometimes killed them after receiving payment. Most of the victims (not all) are Mexican-Americans or illegal aliens. However, as the drug cartels spread across the U.S., American citizens are likely to be targeted for kidnaping in greater numbers. Spreading Across America ? At this time the drug cartels have set-up house in 195 U.S. Cities. Local law enforcement often find themselves outgunned by the drug cartels who are armed with high-powered, sophisticated weapons.
8,000 Mexicans Murdered in 2008 The violence on the U.S./Mexico border is escalating - drug wars rage on our border and just last year over 8,000 Mexican citizens were gunned down or beheaded by the drug lords in their ongoing wars. Whole families have been murdered and some beheaded. Mexican drug lords have demanded that Mexican teachers give them their bonus money, threatening to kill the children if they don't. More than hall'the parents have taken their kids out of school for fear of what the drug lords would do to them. In one Mexican school just two miles from the U.S. border (near Laredo, Texas), the drug lords laid out the beheaded and mutilated bodies often victims in front ofthe school as testimony of'the seriousness of their threats.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 17, 2009
THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT IS TO TTERING (continued ) The drug cartels operate like terrorists. They kill people in many different ways: some have pools of acid into which they toss their victims and it is rumored that one drug lord has a pit filled with hungry lions and throws victims into the pit to be devoured, and then we have beheading which has become a norm. Some drug cartels have crossed into the U.S. and have begun to approach American teenagers to recruit them for work with the cartels to murder and do their will. How much this has spread is not known because the news media is NOT covering this behavior. Statistics are unavailable because the government is not keeping track - it is hushedup officially and by the news media. If not for Glenn Beck breaking the story and Fox News doing research all this would be unknown. It is known that 22% of the crime in Phoenix is directly connected to illegal aliens; 19% of the crime in Chicago is connected to illegal aliens. Fox News learned by various independent studies that upwards of 500,000 violent crimes were committed by illegal aliens in a ten year period in the L.S. But this is not a comprehensive report rather only very partial; just how serious it is has been concealed by the government and the news media. This next story was uncovered by Bill O'Reilly on the O'Reilly TV Factor of February 23, 2009.
DO YOU REMEMBER CHANDRA LEVY? She disappeared in Washington, D.C. some years ago and a year or so later her bones were discovered by a dog and its owner in the park the Washington, D.C. police had "thoroughly searched." Just recently an inmate in prison in California named Ingmar Gundique, a Salvadoran immigrant (illegal alien), confided in his cellmate that he had raped and murdered Chandra Levy. He had been arrested a number of times in Washington, D.C. (which is a sanctuary city) but released and was never reported to the immigration authorities (I.C.E.). He was apprehended in California a time later after raping a number of women and given a prison sentence. His confession was reported and he was sent to Washington, D.C. to face murder charges for the first degree murder of Chandra Levy.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 17, 2009
THE 1977 VISION OF INVASION What JESUS revealed to me was that Red China would find a willing ally in the Mexican government that would openly cooperate with a Red Chinese invasion of the U.S. from their territory. I saw Chinese and Mexican troops crossing our borders and sweeping over San Diego and Los Angeles. I also saw the Communist Chinese genocidal behavior killing every American and immigrant (legal and illegal) in those areas. Later, once the Chinese military had secured its position on our continent, they would begin a genocidal program, the extermination of the Mexican people. They'd literally murder every Mexican man, woman and child. The alliancebetween Mexico and China was only temporary, the land they promised the Mexican government (California, Arizona, Texas, Oregon and Colorado) was going to be Chinese. This suggests to me that the present tottering of the Mexican government is not going to stabilize - that government will eventually fall and when it does it will be taken over by something very alien, something very hostile to the U.S.
ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIME IN THE U.S. We recently received a letter fi-om Net of Prayer, Lord's General, Roger A. on the subject of M13 gangs in U.S. cities and prisons. It addresses the problem from a direct view - first hand information. Roger wrote (Quote): Roger 4 . (Quote) "Good morning Chuck, May God bless you and yours. It has been
awhile from the last time I wrote you, like 15 years or more! A lot has happened, but with the help of God, we got by. For the last 24 years, I have worked in the Dept. Of Corrections in the state of Wisconsin, most of my time in the Division of Juvenile Corrections. I also train the Adult Prison Guards and our staff in self-defense, firearms, Chemical Agents, and Professional Communications. I believe this is part of what He wants for me. This morning, while praying, I was lead to share a point of view/knowing. While working with the prison/gangland elements of our society for over 20 years, I am lead to believe the biggest threat to our Christian society, and our nation as a whole, are the gangs. This cancer has been festering for years now with very little resistance from the law enforcement or the scared citizens they intimidate. These individuals murder opposing gang members, law-abiding citizens, law enforcement officers, and each
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
March 17, 2009
Roger A. (Quote continued) other. At a very young age they are taught by their gang affiliated parent/parents to follow their gang's commandments. These commandments or laws are made up by the kings of the gang to do their bidding. With words like Love, Family, and Obedience cloaking the true meaning of these laws, they influence children to dedicate their lives to the gang. I've seen Juvenile Offenders come into the institutions here with no conscience after murdering someone. If they kill, they get promoted in the gang and draw the respect of all the gang members in their gang. We have many offenders now who were involved in drive-by killings, gang fights and murders. We had one offender at the age of 14 or 15 years, was given a gun by the older members (20-40 year old members) of his gang, and told to kill another person who was testifying against a gang member. While this witness was waiting at a bus stop, this offender walked up behind the witness and blew the witness's brains out. In our liberal society this offender was convicted and spent about a year with us before returning to his home. The gang accomplished taking out the witness, and no one went to jail but the youth for about a year. The youth was then a hero in his gang. Things like this happen all too often to be just an unusual happening. They kill each other for their jackets, they kill each other for wearing their hats on the wrong side, they kill each other for walking on the wrong turf. This cancer is not confined to just the big cities of the US, it is spreading to all cities and towns in America. These gangs are very territorial and mark their turf with graffiti/gang signs. Today almost all graffiti is gang related, someone marking their turf. We now have a very violent gang from Central America infiltrating the US. The MS/l 3 kill whole families and cut their heads off in Central America, and are coming in as illegal aliens from Mexico. These gang members don't even speak English, but do their dirty deeds, selling drugs, prostitution, strong arming, intimidating, gang banging, and murder. In Wisconsin we have one of the MS/13's headquarters in Sheboygan. There are a few of these MS/13's headquarters around our nation. This is not to say our homeland gangs are more caring than MS/13, it's just that M S/ 13 will show our homel and gangs the way: Satan's way. Living in the correctional environment, I can see the big chunks of the moral corrosion of the United States from within, and where it's coming from. When it comes to Green Pastures, we need to know that these type of individuals have NO remorse, have NO conscience, and can kill you on the spot." (Unquote)
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March 17, 2009
The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
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O bama sets date for I raq with drawa' "Let me say this as plainly as I cart: By August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end." Obama told Marines who are about to deploy by the thousands to the other war front. Afghanistan. Even so, Obama will leave the bulk of troops in place this year, contrary to hopes
By BEN FELLER Associated Press writer
CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. — President Barack Obama consigned the Iraq war to history Friday, declaring he will end combat operations within 18 months and open a new era of diplomacy in the Middle East.
Source: O a to rescind Bush abort b role o
of Democratic leaders for a speedier pullout. And after combat forces witltduiw,
:5,000 to 50.000 will stay behind for an additional year and a half of support and counterterrorism duties.
just six weeks into office,
Obama used blunt terms
see TROOPS, A5 P
More recent repo rt s indicate that Beastman Obama will have 12,000 combat troops
withdrawn from Iraq in the next 6 months.
Regulation protect_, ^ doctors who refuse to perform procedure
Added to this news of February 28, 2009 we see that he is going to reverse the Bush abortion
rule meaning doctors and nurses who refuse to
Associated Press writer
perform abo rt ions can be subject to legal action = prison.
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Oharna plans to repeal a Bush administration rule that has become a flash point in the debate over it doctor's right not to partici-
pate in abortions. The regulation, instituted in the last days of the Bush administration,
strengthened job protections for doe-
er fi let any. and Human Services
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LAST MINUTE NEWS: According to an Administration official the recession will be over by the end of this year. Hurray! Hurray! Obama worked a miracle cvcn before one penny of his emergency money was been used. Right! God bless. ,p