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The Staff and Sword Ministry
December 13, 2005
ADDENDUM TO TIE MAIN NEWSLETTER I just received a day ago a 45 page write-up by Don Palaschak, entitled: " China's Plan to Occup y the United States - A WARNING - What the Word of God revealed to me." In it Don addresses the Red Chinese plan to slaughter Americans and Canadians as well as a reflection on the genocide of Armenia and Rwanda. It is quite thorough, well written and I recotunend it to anyone interested - we will offer it at below cost (to print and mail) for $4.00 PPD. Please simpl y write it in on the enclosed RESPONSE FORM as "CHINA'S PLAN..." and add $4.00 to anything you are also ordering. Thank you and God bless. Chuck-.IOHNEL, "The great object is, that every man be arrned...Evejy one who is able may have a gun."
Patrick Henry, in the Virginia Convention on the ratification of the Constitution. RED CHINAIRUSSIA PRESSING JAPAN: An Associated Press report of Wednesday, November 9, 2005 stated: (Quote) "TOKYO - Japanese fighter jets have been scrambled 30 times to turn away Chinese planes approaching Japan's airspace in the last six months, more than twice the 13 times in the same period last year, officials said Wednesday. Another 72 scramblings were triggered by Russian planes during the April-September period this year." (Unquote)
TERRORISTS PREPARING TO ATTACK THE U.S. FROM WITHIN A night ago, while watching the O'Reilly Factor on TV, Bill O'Reilly had on his TV program two former terrorists - one a Lebanese, another a Palestinian, both trained terrorists who have (of themselves) concluded that Islamic terrorism is hate generated and pointless. The former Lebanese terrorist admitted that years ago he murdered 220 people (from other terrorist groups) back in Lebanon. Both men explained how they were being trained intensely in the United States in the basement of Mosques, Hotels, even Churches for terrorist attacks inside the United States. O'Reilly asked, "f 7y didn 't these terrorist cells attack? " The one former terrorist explained that their mission was to train for terrorist attacks in a day to come, they were preparing for a future jihad when they'd begin slaughtering Americans nationwide. These two former terrorists ( they became Christians) were scheduled to speak at a University but when the liberal professors learned what they'd speak about, they were cancelled. Both men are targets of terrorists who want to silence them pennanently, so they are in grave danger. I understand why they are waiting - the Islamic terrorists are preparing and lying in wait within the United States for the time following the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq and elsewhere — then they will begin the slaughter of Americans. If they started now, U.S. troops would stay in Iraq and finish the job. The Islamic terrorists are waiting for the
Pace 2add The Staff and Sword Ministry December 13, 2005 "peaceniks" (the cut and run crowd) to make it possible for them to attack Americans at home. [P.S. - Both terrorists have become Christians.] AIRLINE PILOT REPORTS ROCKET FIRED AT HIS AIRCRAFT: Mentioned briefly in the Fox evening news two days ago was the report of an airline pilot who stated that after taking off from Los Angeles he spotted a rocket flash by his passenger aircraft some fifty yards to his left (it missed). The typical government response was, "The pilot thought he saw a rocket - such sightings are usually figments of their imagination." On
reflection that is what the F.S.I. said when over 700 people in New York city on the ground including an airliner pilot flying nearby (also with photographic evidence) stated that they saw a rocket reach into the sky and blow up Flight 800 some years back (killing all aboard). The official government conclusion was that the fuel tank was faulty. IS HAVING A GUN A LACK OF FAITH ? : Recently I heard that a Christian made this comment and was asked to comment. Owning a gun, besides being a Constitutional Right and Duty, is not a lack of faith. Sometimes we need to think about what we hear - take this premise and carry it to what it leads to. A gun is a tool, nothing more. George Washington called guns "freedom teeth" and the early founding fathers strongly encouraged Americans to not only own arms but to be proficient in their use. If owning this tool (a gun) is a lack of faith then it follows that owning a snow shovel is also a lack of faith - we should have faith that God will shovel the snow off our sidewalk?! Well, that is the premise of"having a gun is a lack of faith" when carried to its extremity. Truth is, in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina (a foretaste of what it will be like in the full judgment) the Police Force vaporized and those who had guns fended off the marauders who avoided those who possessed guns. Those who did not own guns became victims - they were robbed, brutalized, raped, murdered. It is exactly what JESUS shewed me in the vision of 1973 those who were armed could protect themselves, those who didn't have guns became victims. Now if JESUS tells you not to have a gun - fine, do His Will. If He doesn't say that then it is best to have a gun and the option of defending yourself than having no option whatsoever. A little wisdom is needed here. MORE OF JESUS' WORD ON DISEASE: On June 16, 2003 JESUS said this (in part) "YEA, DISEASE AND PLAGUES SHALL SWEEP THIS LAND AND MANY WILL PERISH - THEY HAVE SOWN AND NOW THEY SHALL REAP. THE REAPING HAS ALREADY BEGUN BUT IT WILL NOW BECOME INTENSE AND MORE INTENSE THAN EVER SEEN BY LIVING MEN, MULTITUDES WILL FALL AND NOT RISE... THERE WILL BE A RISE OF TERRORISM - THE ENEMY WILL EXPLOIT EVERY WEAKNESS AMERICA HAS LEFT UNTOUCHED AND THE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS SHALL BECOME A DEATH SENTENCE FOR MANY, VERY MANY PEOPLE IN THIS LAND." I might note that it is politically correct from a Iiberal point of view to not have a gun. End of the November/December, 2005 Newsletter - being mailed out this Wednesday December ] 4, 2005.